Tuesday 9 September 2014

Zoe Saldana


June 19, 2011 1978 was Joe Dana Sal Sal Aridio Asalia myself in Rio and Dana was born in New Jersey Passaic. She was raised in Queens, New York. She moved to the Dominican Republic to live for the next 07 years with her ​​family when she was 10 years old. While living in the Dominican Republic has found an interest in performance dance and Joey she learned ballet as well as other dance forms popular ECOS Espacio de Danza Dance Academy to start her training. Not only was her training is also a precursor of luck for the start of her professional acting career proved an excellent outlet for the enthusiastic and energetic youngster offer. I love her to dance stronger interest in the performance of the following, if Joey plays with her ​​family at the age of 17 to move back to the United States. 

Began to perform as a troupe of face to put on plays in the target in order to provide a positive message for youth dealing with substance abuse and sex-themed issue, she said. Not know that making a difference in the lives of young people like myself she was a source of pride for the show as well as valuable experience for her. Joey New York Youth Theatre also help land the first big-screen role, she's in her Eva Rodriguez talented ballet dancer and stuck largely to do with the face during extreme recruitment and talent agency and her dance training years before her acting experience and with the film Center Stage (2000). After starting the main actors are able to engage with industry officials and blockbusters actress and she has very little experience acts as a young professional talent and speed decision a few years ago, Joey is her professional career. 



Joey held his major film production, but has gained the respect and praise from industry insiders such as Jerry Brooks and Steven Spielberg and actor, as well as hayimeo / Tom Hanks, Ashton Kutcher Bernie Mac Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, including actress Kirsten Dunst. According to many of her co-star producer and director is not limited to young stars in the incredible range of her involvement in challenging projects with a strong focus and target a wide range of topics and specializes in steel determines the character of this sky. She is just growing every day or her comments and ask the person actually shining rich friendship and respect is earned and used for the apparent ease. Born star.

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