Sunday 31 August 2014

Around the World in Eighty Days Movie

Around the World in Eighty Days new HD wallpaper 1

World of round eighty Dys {French: Le tour du monde en qutre-vingts How the Jules Verne story} ttempt London Fog Philes nd by the French rtist in the newly relesed 1873 employment vlet Psseprtout his French novel  clssic dventure reform T club set by his friend  2 ? ??? wger {pproximtely £ 1.6 million tody} 80 dys the world circumnvigte. It is one 

Most of Bern cclimed works.Plot summry: 

Tuesdy 10 ? 1 ? 1872 from London Fog is  rich English living in solitude gentlemn strts  story is. Even though his welth live  modest life with precision nd  crried hbits fog mthemticl. Very little spce tht he cn be  member of the Reform Club  tht thn other socil his life bout sid. I dismissed him his Hving F 84 ° F {29 ° C} 86 ° {30 ° C} Fogg by nme of Jen Psseprtout S only replcement the insted T wter  Frenchmn employment shving vlet Jmes poster pointed out. 

In Indi  80 dys World round trvel ws ble to be included in the N rgument prt in the opening of the new rilwy tht stting Dily Telegrph rticle through the reform of the N T Club Fogg. He ws 80 when he will be dys World round mkes ccepts the only wger for {equl bout  £ 1.6 million pound tody} 2 ? fellow club members. Psseprtout on by ccompnied he ?? 8:45 T trin in London by the leves Wednesdy on October 02, 1872 nd SME this time due bck T T Reform Club is 80 dys lter ? 21 ? Sturdy 12 hours 1872.Fogg nd the Psseprtout rech of Suez. While in Egypt they disembrking modified by mn in the lotus disptched in London serch strength of  bnk nmed  Scotlnd Yrd criminl wtched rens (re). Criminl mistkes mtches description of the fog fog strength Becuse fix. Becuse he secured the  wrrnt cnnot modified from time to trvellers delivered to Bomby the stemer bords. The Psseprtout cquinted nd fix their own purposes without reveling. He promised rewrd Fogg stemer engineers only lrge erly Bomby If you get them. They hed of schedule dys docking. 

The Indi reching fter they Bomby {Now Mumbi} {Kolkt} in the  trin tke the Clcutt. Fog rticle wrong-WS rilrod the Kholby T T termintion of llhbd nd is 50 miles further gin strts Dily Telegrph tht lerns. Buy strts employment elephnt N fog llhbd towrd  guide nd is. 

They just come to cross procession led by  snctury be scrificed the next dy Brhmins by suttee  Young Indin womn oud this. Trvellers to rescue her young womn nd becuse the opium nd drugs with nd obviously do decided would not voluntrily. They funerl pyre where he cn burn the plce of decesed husbnd of oud during the procession to follow tkes site promotion period Rockin scring rise in priests off the pile of firewood young womn wy crries Psseprtout her. rens erlier gined twelve hours is lost, but Fogg shows remorse. 

hsten to ctch to the next oud tking rilwy sttion T trin trvellers them together. Clcutt T  stemer they go to Hong Kong bord. Hs is  Fogg nd modified rrested Psseprtout. They jump Hong bil nd then modify the. He shows in his erlier voyge the compnion of trvelling gin plesed to meet someone Psseprtout own show. 

Around the World in Eighty Days new HD wallpaper 2

Cre plnning they re hot tht she HS leve they were in Hong Kong who decided to mke her tke probbly move on to Europe in Hollnd oud distnt reltive tht found. We re still in the lnd of Englnd  wrrnt without modifying the fog rrest his lst chnce S in Hong Kong. Tht Psseprtout is convinced tht in the Reform Club  Spy modifictions. Correct the credentils of Psseprtout do not believe  word I'm sure remins is  tht  mster  nd his strength is not the bnk. To prevent them from informing Psseprtout deprture bout his mster tken to modify the ship's premture Psseprtout monovlent lcohol nd drug gets him in the N opium den. But tht still mnges Psseprtout ctch the stemer to ignore fog Yokohm know. 

The discovery tht he missed his connection Fogg. He  stemer ctch Shnghi they will Yokohm him to Yokohm him tke finding the oud tkes tht  to  ship pilot bot nd the serches tht. They Yokohm rrived the originl bot there Psseprtout serch of my hve tht he believes. They re trying to find him in  circus  ern the fre for homewrd his journey. Use only the reunion bord the stemer Sn Frncisco the Pcific cross tking. This modifies the hving tht Psseprtout promise dely your trip more fog but getting bck to Britin to minimize their expenses shre mount of stolen money tht Khn left him in the fog does not try to support the British soil now . 

Sn Frncisco they bord  trnscontinentl trin York wy to long obstcles of  cn occur:  filing suspension Rockin trin wrriors on by  group tht trcks ttcked  mssive herd of bison crossing. Crriges in uncoupling the locomotive is fter Psseprtout Indins the but you cn help by kidnpped fog fter mericn soldiers rescued him. They continued by  wind power sled to get  Omh New York trin. 

New York missed the bot siling of his strts N lterntive hving is looking cross the fog tlntic Ocen. He looks for the  stembot Bordeux Frnce reject Liverpool towrds the compny tke Then you tken the Bordeux bout $ 2,000 per pssenger ?? 39,569 tody} {bout the fog of .bot will ccept cptin. He bribes the crew to mutiny vlent nd mke courses in Liverpool. Run some fuel dys fter Totl stem to hurricne wind is ginst Rockin bot . Rockin purchse bot cptin trees in fog imge HS prts ll crew to mintin stem. 

rrive the Irelnd T Queenstown {Cobh} of hours before the London rech dedline compnions is. Once the soil is in the UK this week is the meeting wrrnt modified production nd the fog rrests.misunderstnding lter  short time of three WS up dys erlier Edinburgh ctul strength cught clered. However, the yield ws lower thn in London trin nd he lost five minutes lte certin wger fog Hs. 

Fogg pologises oud for him becuse he is now living in poverty Hs nd supports her cnnot her with him. Mrry him she loved him nd the sks tht oud she confesses. To notify the Secretry Psseprtout he clls. He tkes Sundy 12 to 22 dys, but mistken dte tht dy of the Secretry of Psseprtout lerns T following the ctully prty trvelled estwrd gining only dy becuse Sturdy 12 ? 21 ? Khn is still the originl, but some time .wger left.Bckground nd tht cn nlysis is: 
nd for ll the hrd times round Frnce Bern creted the world in eighty WS Dys. While it {1870-1871} Frnco-Prussin Wr in Bern WS WS  costgurd S conscription; He ws not the money difficulties {pid his previous work roylties} hving WS; Hot fther his recent deth; nd he is in {"origin" of  Berne see below} WS exciting new book for  newspper reding  Pris cfé him  fternoon cme ide tht interfere with his work bout ll him.Despite  hot public executions hot witnessed.

Open the possibility of rpid circumnvigtion technologicl innovtions yers of the 19th century, such s hot technologicl brekthroughs first mde round nd the only tourist - cn occur between 70 prticulr redership.In Bern nd his outlook on the world tour is tht 1 1800 69 the fscinted: meric {1869} in the connection t the end of GE Indin rilwys continents {1870} nd vlent N opening of the Suez Cnl {1869} dd WS nother notble mrk cross explortion nd the completion of the first full globl Trnscontinentl Rilrod is enjoy strt of the N GE tourist tht is reltive comfortble nd sfety. It is nyone tht imgintion buy tickets before sitting round nd trvel fet Book of World dventurers hrdy  to  schedule cn drw sprked the most heroic nd. 

Bern is sometimes  futurist or science fiction uthor S chrcterised but his best work in the science fiction of  populr dim light no. Rther thn  seprtely futurist {English} T lest is the British Empire "for  memorble portrit the remins is not tht the sun is never by the N pek outsider.It drwn version of the 2006 S  criticl never ropd Hs tht interest immeditely before "setting. This is  poor trnsltions prt vilble ide "science fiction" or "boy literture". However, T hd been in Bern lte 20 nd work on the new trnsltions nd scholrship ppering erly 21 century nd looking more seriously. It is  source book tht  ttitudes tht ttention to the expnsion of the United Kingdom Techer Frncis Cromrty "S quotes Philes fog is common notble English nd nd the sme week scrcely ble lso interesting ... nd dd to ctch smll glimpse of the fct tht the meeting tlking British phlegm "when you tke the jungle cross elephnt be tteomil round group of S is to put up with the inconvenience chpter 12 ech other. The insult tht cknowledges modified Sn Frncisco criminl fog in chpter 25 "Mr. Fogg will honor it when they T ttcked his home brod fight  duel for  WS does not tolerte of British tht cler WS." 

Dte of novel closed December 21, 1872 is seril trvel tht some believe it is  ctully plce reders dte of the WS publiction.s S SME serilly tht first published tking WS WS - I bet plced compnies nd rilwy nd some of the liner shipping compnies Bern submit your request, but cn not find some ril nd he is not ffected WS leve some doubt if the book.It pper Bern to the lobby of the trnsporttion lines is described. 

tke  moment to chpter 32 ide but "it ws in very dismissl of  cse nd  seprte risk hve impossible - by the lotus of lthough blloon  Trvel is one of the most iconic symbol from Berne to deploy  WS gnghgeyi one story ssocited imges "But populr 1956 movie dpttion is floted nd to be the myth of the book covers the ide ppering  prt blloon of the world story now eighty Dys Hs round. The first plot element tht  is  well-known uthor the mde  Blloon reminiscent of Bern erlier five weeks. 

Next nd the people of Towle mny 1873 English trnsltion of the d'nver fictionl circumnvigtion of fog in the footsteps of my own ttempt to impose constrints hve: 

1889 - lunched to  80 dys round trvel world for the New York World's Nellie Bly is newspper her. Mnged to trvel within 72 dys conference in Bern miens her. The world's best-selling round in  becme 75 of her book Dys. 
1903 - Jmes Willis Syre Settle thetre critic  nd the promoter rts public trnsport 54 dys set  world record for circling the erth using forty minutes to 9 hours nd is. 
1908 - Hrry Bensley to embrk on  world circumnvigte wger  foot wering N iron msk. 
1984 - World round qulified  wrote the book in  tour of 78 Dys emulted nd the fog is Nichols Coleridge. 
- 1988 Michel Plin lumnus Monty Python without using S just prt of ircrft of television trvelogue of Michel Plin clled   similr chllenge ws: the world in 80 Dys round. He completed the journey in 7 hours 79 dys nd is. 
1993-present - nd without ny externl ssistnce dd nd stop the sils short time the world will be held by the bot round tht Jules Verne Trophy. 
2009 - In the world ppel needs chrity round of 12 celebrities to perform 80 Dys  rely version of the trip for the BBC children. Bg of the  crpet fetured. 
Originl not before his book on the subject published in the world in eighty Dys round 1872 ? WS populr Bern is the world round nd in cler externl origin of the  Trvel ide  period of hot. bout six sources is the origin story of the next S S is proposed hve: 

The Greek trveller Pusnis {. Wrote trnslted WS} tht  works in French in {} S Voyge utour Monde du "the world round" 1797 100 D is. Trnscontinentl Rilrod the first complete meric {1869} to: Bern's friends Jcques rgo  record of very hot populr Voyge utour Monde du 70 ? ? trvelling 1869-1853 yers of ge ide geogrphicl brekthroughs occurs when when the world is criticl populr {1870} continent cross the opening of the Suez Rockin Cnl {1869} of the ttention reched roundIndin rilwys connection. The  bck in 1871 by Edmond Plnchut nd Dys the world in the twenty-round Union Pcific Rilrod Compny nd is published by the Stem vi Pcific Rilwy by N world round ppered. {1872} in Egypt letters Jpn Chin Indi nd is: between 1869 nd 1871 took the ferry Willim mericn Fogg in round the World Clevelnd Leder entitled to the description of his chrcter in the  series world tour round. erly 1870 Lee Rilwy Compny is seventy yers dys nd nd the twenty-one hours in flying time is 23,739 miles trveling the world round   sttement detiling distnces of the nnouncement. 

comes from the Gemelli Creri trveler Giovnni Frncesco of nother erly see Itlin. He wrote  book in  trnslted WS tht 1699 in French: mongdeueul round novel loclized {1719 Pris} is  world of Voyge or Voyge fter tour fter plesure rther thn profit to circumnvigte the world using publicly vilble first Europens documenting the journey of their S trnsporttion. Provides  rich ccounts civiliztion of the 17th century thn the Gemelli Creri Europe. These include Persi for Ottomn Empire during the reign of the mezzo Hindustn ??-meric ntive people urungzebe Chin Lntern Festivl Rockin Gret Wll nd is. Cn be found in the other, such s historicl publictions Clcutt review of the field of his book reference. 

Returns the first round lter fill leving nd the Thoms Cook September 20, 1872 1872 months -  letter from the Foreign Lnds the 1873 S description of the Rockin 'Round the World Tour in  orgnised.Se the World Tourism published tht trip Description WS  series of chrcters. Cook's second trip to the S reference week only source of  Cook in 1898 ccount dvertisement for his ide book.In interview on Verne.Verne to hnd ffected too lte hppened tht Scholrs hve the ccount nd prt of Bern rgue the ccording letters between 1894 nd intellectul similrities of lthough Cook in 1904 becuse of the het nd simply see the world itself chnce of  newspper.round  Tourism dvertisement "" the  Pris cfe one dy through reding "Bern sys source WS is  origin rticle ws the newspper  probble sprk the S Food dvert this point of the book for ide sys. ll this. 

October 03, 1869 clled Monde {title} ilneun contined yet Bomby  centrl mening "of Le Tour du  periodicl short pieces of Bern in work.But llhbd nd is lso the point in between" 140 miles "of rilwy not completed eighty Dys the World round "Le Tour de Monde rticle not completely originl WS; It nnles to Voyges Nouvelle Histoire de L Géogrphie de l'est de l'rchéologie in the bibliogrphy written by this Conrd Mlte contins the world in eighty round title Dys {1869 ugust} lso its contents pge.The Nouvelle nnles quote - Brun {1826} nd ?? 1775 ? ? ?? his son Victor dolphe Mlte- Brun is {1816-1889} .Scholrs of the Le Tour de monde rticle unbelievble Berne WS wre or Nouvelle nnles {or two} nd the the consulttion - 'Le Monde tour lso includes  bck version of the Bern finl very similr  itinerry. 

 inspirtion is vilble for your trip Similrities round mde trveller George Frncis the WS Trin in 1870, including the world's 80 dys like being imprisoned nd the employment of  privte trin. "Bern stole my thunder I'm lter of Trin climed Philes fog. 

Regrding the ide of sid of Bern gining  dy of origin: "I will end my hed hve  number of potentil scientific  gret nd it cn trvel   Pris  dy in MN tht Siècle when I red cfé the round So tht WS., I struck by the difference between  meridin profits nd is my trveller Cin in his journey mke  dy or lose the world of tht 80 dys immeditely me this finle week redy. story . been written until long fter WS WS I found this nswer to the question tht occurred fter bout  hot line ctully interntionl dte chnge of "Meridins Rockin Clendr" dy once before the lecture provides form.In of crry pril 1873 the ides - sometimes 10 15 yers - is nd be bout 11,880 yers Presently in my hed lso yers 1884.Verne the world of short stories bsed WS round to include "three Sundys in  Stte" in Edgr N 1872 rticle {1841} lln Nture nd the quote of Greenwich until WS is  mjor meridin interntionlly dopted not to end.Verne T  mrrige connection  dy difference even in his work {1864} the story of the Po Po nlysed their Edgr nd nd is. 

The cuse is gret for ny min periodicl "Sundys three weeks in ," "Nouvel story of Le Tour du Monde, or book.Poe {his letter nd the mybe} probbly Thoms cooking for nnles WS loss of WP Fogg dvert It is  plot device inspirtion clerly dy. 

Literry significnce nd the criticism: 
Select quotes: 

"We do not know if he is not the first he summrised Hs Hs production, where, however, remind the world en reders msterpiece from Mr. Verne's-nd-vlent tht round pssnt eighty Dys will concentrted myself, so ... wht prise nd their requip the work they morl vlent nd the poignnt truly useful entertining .. is strong enough to be collected to spek. nd the hve just similr rens tht rivls production of their own inferiority cse  seprtely remrkbly meric Europe nd the "{Henry Le Constitutionnel Trinon December 20, 1873}. 
"But the underlying qulity thn thn  Totl rther S nd be judged on the detil rther still in his first book of the world or the best round my view is the result of work in the shortest Erth. Lst over forty yers silver moon rens N for hve the influence of the other books unequlled hot  seprtely in ll the countries of Europe nd children. HS good on tody FR S to determine the spce tht this effect is Rockin '"{Leon Double L' Humnité 3 1905 pril} . 
"Msterpiece of Jules Verne is ... our childhood stimulted nd more tlses ll thn us tught:. '. Rech Liverpool in time if we re to Cptin thirty thousnd bnknotes you' dventure of tste nd the trvel for me, this love of Philes remins fog cll Shout se. "{Jen Cocteu tour du monde en Mon Premier 80 How voyge {} 1936 Gllimrd}. 
"I like his work Leo Tolstoy, who will sy 'Jules Verne's novel mtchless rens (re)'. 'nd I hve them N dult S yet I remember they excited me red. Jules Verne story is fscintes tht  the configurtion N stonishing pst mster the RT T impssions reder nd the {Frnçois Hershey Europe 33 "on the whole volume Prefce" Cyril ndreyev trns:. 112-113 22-48}.. 
"Jules Verne's works of  tle S explortion title tht reclls the nture stright line nd the industry nd in the industry indictes tht the nture prediction the  is just fntstic long medittion only: the  stright line dventures .. .trin through .. nture cleves is .. obstcles nd keeps jumping ll ctul trip -  perfect exmple of the type  furrow -nd humn industry is not in  specilly designed isolted rtificil plce mchine  here to dditionl dvntge HSfctory the dpted the mny time or in  different form of the sme structure, but with ll similr of nture vriety nd nd  permnent directly to contct remining. "Pierre Mcherey {1966} the book loclly Hs. 

In gmes: 
80 Dys in the world is derived from the novel gme round bord is. 
In literture: 
Provides  log of the N lternte other stories interprettion of Philes Fogg by Philip Jose science fiction Frmer. 
In musicls: 
Loosely originl of Bern in 1946 Orson Welles is strred nd the production version of the lyrics  musicl stge round nd is  world music by Cole Porter fithful WS tht. 
 musicl version critic in the Sn Diego Sn rn Mndell Wise director of Thetre T plywright Snoo Wilson's deth Mcnuff nd twisted by the  book of songs Ry Dvies 80 Dys in October 09, 1988 received  mixed response from 23 ugust. Rockin 'the production of multi-fceted music Mcnuff of Dvies received  "Best Musicl" wrd Chmpionship Show in Sn Thetre Diego Critics Circle cting well. 
2013  musicl ? version Chter Robinson World cross generl relese nd went to the hot production of Hs by Chris Blckwood nd nd piers book with lyrics nd music, "the world in 80 Dys round". Published by the IT & M show.
In theter: 
dpted book for five ctor stge production of  2001 Bngldesh Mrk Brown performed t New York Cnd Englnd fric nd the south Hs. 
Flightfox flight experts to ensure bsed  fictionl wrote the e-book on the results of the locl online trvel of compny next tournment tht you cn find in the S SME the next flight pth described in the book chep} {for the "80-time world round "the  trvel creted. 
: The screen 
strring  Germn world of film, the first film version round eighty films Dys {1919} to Conrd Veidt 
The N Indin Fntsy story structure Indin Reform Club Rockin Princess T wger in feturing 1938 N unfinished English / French co-production. It is not complete S  Totl feture film WS. 
In moving relese sw 1963  Dze three comedy world round. 
strring world of film round 80 Dys {1956} the Dvid Niven 
round ustrlin nimted dpttion N 80 Dys {1988} in the film world 
Singing Kettle 1994 World Tour {Video} Cill strring  Fisher is Scotlnd dpttion Trezise nd is  Gry Couplnd rtie 
round Jckie Chn nd of strring 80 Dys {2004} film world Steve Coogn 
round 80 Dys of {1972 crtoon} single seson dpttion world of television ustrlin nimted 
With Willy Fog round  26 episodes nd Jpnese by nimtion nthropomorphic nimls rens in the World chrcters ll Jpnese TV series nimted. 
round 80 Dys {TV mini-series} of strring Pierce Brosnn of  1989 dpttion World 
The mercury Thetre the IR is the fog of the Worlds.Orson Wells fmous production Wr plyed  week before October 23, 1938 the world of  rdio dpttion round 80 Dys yers presented. 
Jules Verne is - is round the world in eighty Dys drm dpttion the end of the 4 prt by Terry Jmes nd ubert the Psseprtout nd the Jim Leslie Phillips Brodbent S Sergent modified S S Philes fog Eve strring BBC Rdio 7 {Now BBC Rdio 4 Jnet Whittker director for Extr}.

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