Sunday 31 August 2014

Braveheart Movie

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Brvehert is  1925 silent film western directed by ln Hle Sr. nd strring Rod L Rocque. The story focuses on members of  tribe of Indins who re being intimidted by the owners of  cnning compny seeking to violte the trety protecting the tribe's fishing grounds.

 project by Cecil B. DeMille initilly it is nmed "Stronghert" fter  ply written by his brother Willim C. deMille circ 1904 nd produced on Brodwy in 1905 s his first mjor success. film hd been developed in 1914 from it.However s the success of the ply continued  remke of the film ws undertken. Nipo T. Stronghert erly in his work in Hollywood with Ntive mericn topics ws sked to rewrite the movie nd he included elements referring to the Ykim Ntion nd hd the hero succeed in preserving Indin fishing rights  topic of some recent interest. The originl movie ws 30 min long. nd the revised movie ws 71 min.However s the project nered completion nother "Stronghert" took to film -  cnine str.Subsequently the DeMille film ws retitled nd relesed s Brvehert. Nipo T. Stronghert plyed  roll in the film plying  Medicine Mn nd collborting on the screenply. news story covering the work is echoed  couple plces - New York nd Cliforni.Sometimes dvertising for performnce-lectures of Nipo Stronghert from then on would hve him in Indin costume s well s  scene from the movie where he ws dressed in norml ttire.

Nipo Stronghert ws ble to include Indins not dressed up in Indin costumes nd succeeding in redressing wrongs done to them - however much the led role ws still  white mn in Indin costume.

One scholr sid:

The court sequence is hevily nd multiply textulized… conveying legl rguments nd judgements tht refer to treties.… the judge's decision prses the mening of the trety text itself: "We hve exmined the Federl trety with the Indins nd find tht it gives them the right to fish where nd when they plese without limittion by Stte tx or privte ownership.

 restortion of Brvehert ws done by the "Wshington Film Preservtion Project" nd the film shown t  Ykm Ntion Ntive mericn Film Festivl in 2006 nd 2007.Jonn Herne {25 Jnury 2013}. Ntive Recognition: Indigenous Cinem nd the Western. SUNY Press. pp. 78 107. ISBN 978-1-4384-4399-7.

Braveheart nice new HD wallpaper 2

Braveheart nice new HD wallpaper 3

Lori Lynn Muntz {My 2006}. Representing Indins: The Melodrm of Ntive Citizenship in United Sttes Populr Culture of the 1920s {Thesis}. Deprtment of English University of Iow. p. 265. ISBN 978-0-542-79588-6. UMI3225654. Retrieved ugust 26 2014.

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