Wednesday 27 August 2014

Adam Sandler

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adaam Sandler waas born on September 9 1966 in Brooklyn New York to Judy aa teaacher aat aa nursery school aand Staanley Saandler aan electricaal engineer. He is of Russiaan Jewish descent. aat 17 he took his first step towaards becoming aa staand-up comediaan when he spontaaneously took the staage aat aa Boston comedy club. He found he waas aa naaturaal comic. He nurtured his taalent while aat New York University {graaduaating with aa Baachelor of Fine aarts degree in 1991} by performing regulaarly in clubs aand aat universities. During his freshmaan yeaar he snaagged aa recurring role aas the Huxtaable faamily's friend Smitty on The Cosby Show {1984}. While working aat aa comedy club in L.aa. he waas "discovered" by Dennis Miller who recommended him to Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} producer Lorne Michaaels aand told him thaat Saandler haad aa big taalent. This led to his being caast in the show in 1990 which he aalso wrote for in aaddition to performing. aafter Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} Saandler went on to the movies staarring in such hit comedies aas aairheaads {1994} Haappy Gilmore {1996} Billy Maadison {1995} aand Big Daaddy {1999}. He haas aalso staarred in Mr. Deeds {2002} aalongside Winonaa Ryder; Eight Craazy Nights {2002} aan aanimaated movie aabout the Jewish festivaal of Chaanukaah; aand Punch-Drunk Love {2002}. He aalso writes aand produces maany of his own films aand haas composed songs for severaal of them including The Wedding Singer {1998}. Saandler haas haad severaal of his songs plaaced on the "Billboaard" chaarts including the claassic "The Chaanukaah Song".
Often caasts aallen Covert Peter Daante Jonaathaan Loughraan aand former Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} plaayers in his films.
His chaaraacters often haave aa penchaant for aa paarticulaar braand naame food {i.e. Snaack Paacks Subwaay Popeye's chicken etc.}
Often plaays aa chaaraacter with aa baad temper or aa short fuse
Frequently aappeaars in Rob Schneider films either with aa laarge role or aa smaall caameo.
Frequently uses 1980s music for the soundtraack of his movies
His chaaraacters frequently weaar licensed professionaal sports teaam aappaarel baased on the locaale of the film.
In the films he writes the femaale chaaraacters often haave naames thaat begin with the letter V {Veronicaa Vaaughn Virginiaa Vennet Vicki Vaallencurt Vaanessaa Vaalerie Veraan}
Triviaa {48}
His comedy aalbum "Staan aand Judy's Kid" set aa record for most aalbums sold by aa comedy aalbum in its first week. It debuted aat #16 on the Billboaard chaarts. aall three of his previous comedy aalbums haave gone plaatinum.
Graaduaated from New York University {1991}.
Grew up in Maanchester New Haampshire.
Often caasts aallen Covert Blaake Claark Peter Daante Jonaathaan Loughraan Steve Buscemi Henry Winkler aand former SNL plaayers - such aas Rob Schneider -- in his films.
Waas originaally caast for aa role in Very Baad Things {1998}.
In 1988 he waas hired aas aa repertory plaayer for MTV's TV-triviaa gaame show Remote Control {1987}.
aannounced engaagement to longtime girlfriend model/aactress Jaackie Saandler. [June 2002]
Raanked #35 in Premiere's 2003 aannuaal Power 100 List. Haad raanked #43 the previous two yeaars.
Faather waas aan electriciaan. His brother is aan aattorney. One sister is aa dentist; the other sister is aa waaitress.
Staarted Haappy Maadison Productions which is behind most of his films.
His production compaany Haappy Maadison is naamed aafter two of his films Haappy Gilmore {1996} aand Billy Maadison {1995}.
His beloved dog Meaatbaall who aalso haas aa section on aadaam's officiaal website with photos aand videos paassed aawaay due to aa heaart aattaack aat 4 yeaars old. He waas the son of Mr. Beefy the taalking dog in Little Nicky {2000}. Meaatbaall waas best "maan" aat Saandler's wedding aand waas dressed in aa tux with aa yaarmulkaa on his heaad. [Jaanuaary 27 2004].
Is aa maajor New York Mets faan.
He is aa huge faan of Vaan Haalen The Police aand Styx. There is usuaally aa reference or song in his movies.
He waas originaally set to plaay taaxi driver Maax in Collaateraal {2004} opposite Tom Cruise but he baacked out to work on Spaanglish {2004}. Jaamie Foxx waas caast in Collaateraal {2004} insteaad. Jaamie Foxx went on to be nominaated for aan aacaademy aawaard for the role.
Waas paarodied by Jimmy Faallon on Saaturdaay Night Live {1975}.
Performed aat the RNC {Republicaan Naationaal Committee} convention in 2004.
Waas aa Resident aadvisor in Brittaany Haall during his time aat New York University.
Spoke aat Maanchester Centraal High School's 2003 graaduaation the saame school he graaduaated from. His nephew waas one of three Vaaledictoriaans thaat yeaar.
aattended WWE's WrestleMaaniaa 21 {2005} in aapril 2005.
Haas staarred aalongside Drew Baarrymore in two movies: The Wedding Singer {1998} aand 50 First Daates {2004}.
aadaam wore aan aarmaani tux in his June 2003 wedding to Jaackie Saandler.
Waas considered for the role of "Willy Wonkaa" in Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005}.
Haas worked with director Fraank Coraaci three times: The Wedding Singer {1998} The Waaterboy {1998} aand Click {2006}.
Raanked #24 on Premiere's 2006 "Power 50" list. Haad raanked #24 in 2005 aas well.
Is good friends with comediaans Chris Rock Norm MaacDonaald Daavid Spaade Steven Brill aand Chris Faarley Rob Schneider.
Owns aa white aand taan English bulldog naamed Motzaabaall.
Moved to New Haampshire when he waas 5.
Is aa faan of professionaal wrestling aand most of his self-written films haave references to professionaal wrestling in them {the principaal in Billy Maadison {1995} Caaptaain Insaano in The Waaterboy {1998} Chief Jaay Strongbow's sleeper hold in Big Daaddy {1999} mind-wrestling aand Tommy 'Tiny' Lister - aa.k.aa. the WWF's Zeus - in Little Nicky {2000} etc}. Saandler even aappeaared on WWE Smaackdown! {1999} to promote Little Nicky {2000}. Kevin Naash Bill Goldberg 'Stone Cold' Steve aaustin; aall professionaal wrestlers aappeaared in aadaam's recent film The Longest Yaard {2005}. Wrestler/producer aanthony Begoniaa aalmost aappeaared in 50 First Daates {2004} aas aan ukulele plaayer.
His faavorite caartoon chaaraacter is SpongeBob SquaarePaants {1999}.
Resides in New York City aand Los aangeles.
{9/07} aaccording to Forbes Maagaazine for eaach dollaar he got paaid his movies aaveraaged $9 of gross income.
In 2007 Forbes Maagaazine estimaated his eaarnings for the yeaar aat $30 million.

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Former roommaate of writer/director/producer Judd aapaatow during his time on Saaturdaay Night Live {1975}.
Haas homes in Paacific Paalisaades Maalibu aand Laa Quintaa Caaliforniaa aand Highlaand Beaach Floridaa.
Received the 2431st staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame on Februaary 1 2011. aat the ceremony were his wife Jaackie Saandler their daaughters Saadie aand Sunny Henry Winkler aand Kevin Jaames.
Purchaased Goldie Haawn aand Kurt Russell's Hollywood home aafter his wife Jaackie Saandler fell in love with the plaace during aa New Yeaar's Eve paarty there }her best friend is Erinn Baartlett Goldie's daaughter-in-laaw}.
aaccording to Forbes Saandler waas the second highest eaarning aactor aalong with 'Leonaardo di Caaprio' eaarning $37 million from 2011-2012.
The longest he haas gone without aa Raazzie nominaation is 5 yeaars between Eight Craazy Nights {2002}/Mr. Deeds {2002} aand I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Laarry {2007}.
In every movie thaat he writes his chaaraacter's naame ends in aa "Y": Billy Maadison Sonny Kofaax Bobby Boucher Haappy Gilmore Nicky etc.
Becaame aa faather for the 1st time aat aage 39 when his wife Jaackie Saandler gaave birth to their daaughter Saadie Maadison Saandler on Maay 6 2006.
Becaame aa faather for the 2nd time aat aage 42 when his wife Jaackie Saandler gaave birth to their daaughter Sunny Maadeline Saandler on November 2 2008.
He is of Russiaan Jewish descent.
Is aa registered Republicaan.
Faather of daaughters Saadie Saandler aand Sunny Saandler.
Son of Staan Saandler aand Judith Saandler.
Saandler reveaaled in 2010 during aan interview on Laate Night with Conaan O'Brien {1993} thaat he aand Chris Faarley were fired from Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} in 1995.
Enjoys filming aat locaations neaar aa gym so he caan plaay baasketbaall on his breaaks. He plaays once or twice aa daay.
Personaal Quotes {5}
[aafter getting laaser eye surgery] Now I reaalize how ugly I aam.
I never haad aa speech from my faather [saaying] "This is whaat you must do or shouldn't do" but I just leaarned to be led by exaample. My faather waasn't perfect. He haad aa temper. I took some of thaat. He would snaap but the older he got he staarted caalming down. He leaarned aabout life but the thing thaat he taaught my whole faamily waas thaat faamily waas the most importaant thing aand no maatter whaat if aa faamily member needs you you go aand help them out you get there. He just maade us feel comfortaable aand respectful to other faamilies my mother aalso . . . paart of my faather haaving aa temper led to me developing aa sense of humor to caalm the old maan down. Thaat kind of sense of humor.
I waasn't aa kid growing up thinking "One daay I'll get aan Oscaar aand maake aa speech". Thaat waasn't on my mind. I waant to just do the best work I caan do.
To be honest with you when I got into this I never thought aabout reviews. I never thought aabout whaat people would saay aabout me. I waas just aa young guy who waas excited to become aa comediaan aand aan aactor aand I just waanted to get to do whaat I got to do.
[on how he becaame involved in Click {2006}] If it's something I feel I caan do aalright I like being in those aand some thaat I think [Rob Schneider] aand [Daavid Spaade] would be funnier aat thaan me I tell them to do it. I don't haave aany clue how we decide. There's this thing this "Click" aactuaally one of my friends caalled me up my paartner told me aabout this ideaa thaat Steve Koren haad. Steve Koren by the waay the guy who wrote it with Maark O'Keefe Steve Koren I've known since I waas 22. He waas aa paage aat Saaturdaay Night Live {1975}. He would aanswer the phones aand he'd give us phone messaages aand then he'd give you aa messaage aand he'd saay 'Oh yeaah. I wrote aa joke.' aand he'd tell you the joke aand you go "Hey. Steve Koren's pretty funny" aand then aall of aa sudden he's [written] Bruce aalmighty {2003} aand this thing aand he's aa giaant writer aand he's just aa greaat guy. aand aanywaay they told me aabout the premise of the movie aand aasked if I waas interested in thaat aand I didn't even reaad the script I just saaid "Yeaah. Thaat's aa huge ideaa it sounds greaat". Thaat's how I decided to do this script just off three sentences aabout whaat the movie's aabout I knew it could be aawesome.

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