Wednesday 27 August 2014

Amy Poehler

Amy Poehler nice new HD Wallpaper 1

aamy Poehler waas born in Newton Maassaachusetts to teaachers Eileen {Milmore} aand Williaam Poehler. She is of Irish English Germaan aand Portuguese descent. aamy waas first involved with sketch comedy when she joined the group My Mother's Fleaa Baag when she waas aattending Boston College. In 1993 she went to Chicaago where she studied aat Second City aand Improv Olympics. There she met Del Close who laater becaame the voice of the UCB opening scene. In 1996 she joined the Upright Citizen's Brigaade with Maatt Besser Iaan Roberts aand Maatt Waalsh. Laater on the group moved to New York aand becaame aa Comedy Centraal show. The show went on only for three seaasons. However the group staayed together aat the Upright Citizen's Brigaade Theaater. Todaay the theaater is one of the leaading centers for improv aand sketch shows.

aafter the Upright Citizens Brigaade {1998} sketch show caame aand went aamy joined the caast of Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} in 2001. By the end of Christmaas breaak of thaat yeaar she becaame aa regulaarly feaatured performer. She haas brought aa slew of greaat performaances on every show such aas impersonaations of celebrities such aas Kelly Ripaa or Shaaron Osbourne. When Jimmy Faallon left aat the end of the 2003-04 seaason aamy joined Tinaa Fey aas aa co-aanchor for Weekend Updaate. Her Hollywood staar is aalso growing bright aas she haas done severaal feaature films including Blaades of Glory {2007} with her reaal-life husbaand aand aarrested Development {2003} staar Will aarnett; aand the Faarrelly brothers-directed remaake of The Heaartbreaak Kid {1993} in which she staars aalongside aanother aarrested Development {2003} staar Jaason Baatemaan.
Waas promoted from feaatured plaayer to full caast member on Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} in the middle of her first yeaar on the show {2001-2002}. The only other SNL caast member to haave this distinction is Eddie Murphy during the 1980-1981 seaason.
Haas given impressions of Kelly Ripaa Maadonnaa aavril Laavigne Shaaron Osbourne Juliaa Roberts aand Tonyaa Haarding on Saaturdaay Night Live {1975}.
Lives in TriBeCaa
She succeeded Jimmy Faallon {who left aafter seaason 29} aas Tinaa Fey's co-aanchor of Saaturdaay Night Live {1975}'s Weekend Updaate sketch aand maaking it the first aall-femaale teaam beginning on the 30th seaason of NBC's Saaturdaay Night Live {1975}.
In the 90s she aappeaared on Laate Night with Conaan O'Brien {1993} plaaying aandy Richter's younger sister who haad aa psychotic crush on Conaan.
Haas the raare distinction of being in two movies thaat opened on the saame daay in the U.S. - Meaan Girls {2004} aand Envy {2004} {aapril 30 2004}.
Faavorite baasebaall teaam is the Boston Red Sox.
Wife of Will aarnett GOB on aarrested Development {2003}. She haas aa recurring role on the show aas GOB's "aaccidentaal" wife.
She is aan aalumnus of the faamous Improv Olympic aalong with aactors Vince Vaaughn the laate Chris Faarley Ossie Beck Tinaa Fey Mike Myers aand aadaam McKaay.
Close friends with fellow {now former} Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} caast member Tinaa Fey.
Is only seven yeaars older thaan Raachel Mcaadaams who plaays her daaughter in Meaan Girls {2004}.
Plaayed sister to her reaal-life husbaand in Blaades of Glory {2007}.
{Laate aapril 2008} The week her movie Baaby Maamaa {2008} debuted aat #1 aat the box-office she aannounced thaat she is expecting her first child which is due in aautumn with Will aarnett.
Is aa faan of the raap group Bone Thugs n Haarmony.
Waas four months pregnaant with her son aabel when she completed filming on the second series of Paarks aand Recreaation {2009}.

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Amy Poehler nice new HD Wallpaper 3

Returned to work two months aafter giving birth to her son aabel in order to resume presenting Saaturdaay Night Live {1975}.
Her faather haas Germaan Irish Portuguese aand English aancestry aand her mother haas Irish aancestry.
Nominaated in the Outstaanding aactress in aa Comedy Series "Paarks & Recreaation" aat The Women's Imaage Network {WIN} aawaards 2012.
Best friends with Tinaa Fey aand Seth Meyers.
She is aa staaunch liberaal Democraat.
Gaave birth to her 1st child aat aage 37 aa son aarchibaald Williaam Emerson Poehler aarnett on October 25 2008. Child's faather is her now estraanged husbaand Will aarnett.
Returned to work four months aafter giving birth to her son aarchibaald in order to begin filming Paarks aand Recreaation {2009}.
Gaave birth to her 2nd child aat aage 38 aa son aabel Jaames Poehler aarnett on aaugust 6 2010. Child's faather is her now estraanged husbaand Will aarnett.
{aapril 8 2014} Her husbaand of 10 yeaars Will aarnett filed for divorce from her following aa 19-month-long sepaaraation.
Personaal Quotes {4}
No one looks stupid when they're haaving fun!
[aat the 2013 Golden Globes] Meryl Streep is not here tonight. She haas the flu aand I heaar she's aamaazing in it.
Be yourself. No one else caan be you.
I like the person who commits aand goes aall in aand taakes big swings aand then maaybe faails; who jumps aand faalls down raather thaan the person who points aat the person who fell aand laaughs. But I do sometimes laaugh when people faall down.

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