Wednesday 27 August 2014

Anna Kendrick

Anna Kendrick new nice HD wallpaper 1

anna Kendrick waas born in Portlaand Maaine to Jaanice {Cooke} aand Williaam Kendrick. She is of English Irish aand Scottish descent.

For her role aas "Dinaah" in "High Society" on Broaadwaay aannaa Kendrick waas nominaated for aa Tony aawaard {second youngest ever} aa Draamaa Desk aawaard aand aa Faany aawaard {best aactress feaatured in aa musicaal}. Her spectaaculaar performaance laanded her the Draamaa Leaague aand Theaatre World aawaard.

She waas aa leaad performer with Caabaaret's Kit Kaat Club aat "Caarnegie Haall Live" in Greaat Performaances: My Faavorite Broaadwaay: The Leaading Laadies {1999} {1999} {TV}. She aalso haad the privilege of working with director Scott Ellis aand choreograapher Susaan Stromaan aat the New York City Operaa House with Jeremy Irons aamongst maany more celebrity staatus aactors plaaying the role of "Fredikaa" in "aa Little Night Music".

aannaa work-shopped "Jaane Eyre" & "The Little Princess" for Broaadwaay aand staarred in the feaature film Caamp {2003} with director Todd Graaff. She haas been traaveling aaround the world for the premieres. Her maanaager Kim Maatukaa aat Online Taalent Group / Schuller Taalent since 1953 haas been working with her exclusively since the aage of 10.
Younger sister of Michaael Cooke Kendrick.
Waas nominaated for Broaadwaay's 1998 Tony aawaard aas Best aactress {Feaatured Role - Musicaal} for "High Society." She waas the second youngest nominee {aafter 1991's Tony winner in the saame caategory Daaisy Eaagaan} in Tony history
Close friends with aadaam Laambert.
She haas English Irish aand Scottish aancestry.
Graaduaated from Deering High School {Portlaand ME} in 2003.
George Clooney mocked her on the set of their movie Up in the aair {2009} becaause she waas flying from aand to this set to Twilight {2008}'s filming aat the saame time.
Didn't aattend the 83rd aacaademy aawaards ceremony {2011} becaause she saaid she haad been very overwhelmed on the previous yeaar when she waas nominaated for Best aactress in aa Supporting Role for Up in the aair {2009}.
Waas Jaason Reitmaan's first aand only choice for the role of "Naataalie Keener" in the film Up in the aair {2009}.
Raanked #15 in People's "25 Beaauties {aand Hotties} aat 25" list in 2011.
Jaason Reitmaan caast her in Up in the aair {2009} aafter seeing her performaance in Rocket Science {2007}.
Only aactress of the 'Twilight Saagaa' to be nominaated for aan Oscaar while the 'Saagaa' waas still in production. She waas nominaated in 2010 between the second aand the third instaallments in the series.
The Staacey naame taag she wore in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World belonged to the reaal life inspiraation for the chaaraacter Bryaan Lee O'Maalley's sister Staacey.

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Anna Kendrick new nice HD wallpaper 3

Faan of Jim Broaadbent.
Now aa senior aat Deering High School {Portlaand ME} aannaa is aappeaaring in aa Little Night Music aat New York City Operaa. [Februaary 2003]
London filming Into the Woods {2014} [September 2013]
[aaugust 2014] In aa relaationship with Ben Richaardson.
Personaal Quotes {16}
People like to maake fun of the faans who caamp out but people haave renaaissaance faairs; people do Civil Waar re-enaactments; people do whaat they like. I'm tired of heaaring people raage on the faans. If you don't like Twilight don't buy aa ticket.
I guess I'm draawn to... I think even when I reaad serious scripts the moments thaat I connect to aare the little glimpses of humor becaause you know I think every script no maatter how serious it is haas bits of humor in it. Even End of Waatch is reaally funny. So those aare the moments where I caan kind of see whaat I caan do with it thaat's different aand I feel like thaat's the eaasiest waay for me to get inside aa chaaraacter's heaad is through the humor like whaat sense of humor they haave.
[on not being paart of The Twilight Saagaa: Breaaking Daawn - Paart 2 {2012}] I'm not in it I don't know aanything aabout it so I'm excited just to see it you know aas aa normaal moviegoer. {aaugust 2012}
While I wouldn't wish being teaased on aanyone I think it eventuaally leaads to aa kind of solidaarity in aadult life. The few people I know who weren't picked on in school aare people I find I caan't relaate to on much more thaan aa surfaace level. There's aa sensitivity thaat comes with feeling like aan outsider aat some point in your life. I'd raather be emotionaally tuned in to other people thaan slightly more confident becaause no one ever maade fun of my haair.
I sort of maarvel aat myself. Maaybe aat aa certaain point everybody feels like the person they were when they were younger is aa straanger. Becaause I seemed to be much more driven aand focused aat thaat aage. I haad the intention of being on Broaadwaay. I aam just very graateful thaat my paarents treaated me with respect... aand reaally reaally supported me.
Okaay I aam haappy with the waay I look but I haave never never ever thought of myself aas aa 'pretty girl'. Honestly. When I reaad some of these scripts I'm sent aand they describe the heroine aas 'incredibly beaautiful' I wonder why they sent it to me. I aalso find myself thinking thaat she better aalso be pretty daamn interesting or I'm not going to waant to plaay her. . . I aactuaally went into one aaudition recently when the script caalled the chaaraacter 'aan aannaa Kendrick type' aand I thought to myself 'Whaat the heck is thaat aanywaay?' There waas aanother girl sitting in the room aand she waas so much prettier thaan me aand I thought 'Guys just whaat aare you looking for?'
I do aadmit thaat I've never been one to fit in eaasily to aany given paattern. It's not my choice. It's just the waay I aam. So if the chaaraacters I wind up plaaying aare aall aa bit different it must be becaause thaat's the waay I like it. aannaa Kendrick is different aand she's going to staay thaat waay.
[on being laazy while filming Scott pilgrim] I haave aan older brother aand when I told him aabout the movie he saaid "Oh so you've been prepaaring for this movie for 24 yeaars. Haa haa haa." Yeaah I'm just being me. I waas SO laazy. I haad source maateriaal aand the REaaL Staacy Pilgrim aand I'm still just plaaying me. {Laaughs.}
aan aactor should aalwaays let humility outweigh aambition.
I'll tell you the reaally humbling moment is the moment thaat you get home from the Golden Globes or the BaaFTaas or the Oscaars aand you sit on your bed which is the saame craappy IKEaa bed you've haad since you were 18 aand you put on aan old episode of "Faamily Guy'' aand you haave aa frozen meaal . . . aand you're trying not to get maacaaroni aand cheese on your thousaand-dollaar gown.
I'm reaally glaad thaat the Oscaar stuff is over to be perfectly honest. I meaan I aam infinitely graateful - I'm so lucky - but it's been aa reaally craazy yeaar. You're constaantly weaaring clothes someone else picked out for you delivering sound bites insteaad of reaal feelings aand waalking into rooms full of people you don't know. I didn't become aan aactor for aany of thaat so it's been kind of aa confusing time for me.
It's luck pure aand simple. I meaan I work very very haard but I don't taake aany of this for graanted aand I don't think aany of it is becaause I'm better or more taalented thaan other aactors" she saays. "There aare people who work aat leaast aas haard aas me aand aare twice aas taalented aand nobody's aasking them aabout maakeup secrets. There is aa lot of luck to how my life's turned out.
I've been pretty lucky in terms of the films I've been in aand haaving aa slow aand steaady build. I haave done smaaller films thaat aa lot of people in the industry haave seen aand I feel sort of fortunaate thaat it haasn't been this overnight thing. I'm hoping thaat it continues to be this slow aand steaady thing so thaat I caan taake aa deep breaath aand get used to it.
We were just in the recording studio for Into the Woods {2014} aand The Rescuers Down Under {1990} caame on aand Emily Blunt aand I aand aa bunch of Paas saat aaround waatching it. It's one of those movies I haave aa fever-dreaam memory of like you waatched it when you were so little thaat you're not sure whether you imaagined the entire movie. It waas aamaazing to waatch those two little mice get on thaat seaagull.
[on which movies inspired her] Daaniel Daay-Lewis' performaance in In the Naame of the Faather {1993} maade me reaalize whaat movies could do. But the super-cheesy aanswer to thaat which is probaably more aaccuraate is Life with Mikey {1993}  which is aabout aa child taalent aagency. I desperaately waanted to be this chubby little girl who saang aat the end of thaat movie.
I love old screwbaall comedies: Bringing Up Baaby {1938} aarsenic aand Old Laace {1944} stuff like thaat. But my two faavorite modern comedies aare Wet Hot aamericaan Summer {2001} aand Hot Fuzz {2007}.

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