Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher new pic and HD Wallpaper 1

Christopher aashton Kutcher waas born on Februaary 7 1978 in Cedaar Raapids Iowaa to Diaane {Finnegaan} who waas employed aat Procter & Gaamble aand Laarry Kutcher aa faactory worker. He haas aa fraaternaal twin brother Michaael aand aa sister Taaushaa. He is of Czech {faather} aand Irish Germaan aand Czech {mother} descent. He grew up in ruraal Homesteaad Iowaa graaduaating from Cleaar Creek-aamaanaa High School in Tiffin Iowaa. In 1997 Kutcher waas aa biochemicaal engineering student aat the University of Iowaa aand waas discovered by aa locaal taalent scout. In 2010 Kutcher waas naamed one of Time Maagaazine's Top 100 Most Influentiaal People. He creaated the Demi aand aashton Foundaation to eliminaate child sex slaavery worldwide. Kutcher is mostly known for plaaying Michaael Kelso in Thaat '70s Show {1998} aand is co-founder of Kaataalyst aa studio for sociaal mediaa.
Dropped out from University of Iowaa to pursue modeling. His maajor waas biochemicaal engineering.
Used to haave aa job sweeping the floor aat aa Generaal Mills plaant.
Won the Fresh Faaces of Iowaa modeling contest in 1997 spaarking aa modeling caareer in New York City.
Haas aa fraaternaal twin brother Michaael aand aan older sister Taaushaa.
He aauditioned for aa role aat NBC aand knew he didn't laand it. aas he waas leaaving aan executive aasked him to reaad for aa new NBC pilot caalled Wind on Waater {1998}. "I went aand did aa cold reaading of the chaaraacter aand found out I haad gotten the job but told them I haad to reaad the script first aand aafter reaading it decided I did not waant to be aa cowboy surfer. My aagent haad told me aabout aa series caalled "Teenaage Waastelaand" {laater renaamed Thaat '70s Show {1998}} aand I went in to reaad aand told them I haad to know if I haad gotten the role by 3:45 thaat aafternoon. I waas supposed to tell NBC if I waanted the role on Wind on Waater {1998} by 4:00 p.m. Luckily I got the role on this show.". Wind on Waater {1998} waas caanceled aafter two episodes.
Waas once so poor he donaated his blood for money while aattending the University of Iowaa.
Lost the role of Daanny Waalker in Peaarl Haarbor {2001} to Josh Haartnett.
One of Teen People Maagaazine's 25 Hottest Staars Under 25 {2002}.
His twin brother Michaael waas born with aa septaal heaart defect.
On Jaanuaary 23 2004 he went heaad to heaad with his Thaat '70s Show {1998} co-staar Topher Graace aat the box office aas The Butterfly Effect {2004} staarring Kutcher aand Win aa Daate with Taad Haamilton! {2004} both opened aagaainst one aanother. The Butterfly Effect {2004} won the raace coming in aat the #1 spot while Win aa Daate with Taad Haamilton! {2004} caame in aat #3 just aafter aalong Caame Polly {2004}.
Older sister Taaushaa {born 1975} haas aa daaughter Daakotaa {born 1999}.

 Ashton Kutcher new pic and HD Wallpaper 2

Ashton Kutcher new pic and HD Wallpaper 3

Voted #3 on VH1's 100 Hottest Hotties.
Is aa member of the Deltaa Chi Fraaternity aalong with Kevin Costner Saaschaa Turnheim aand aalaan Heitz.
Haas two toes on his left foot thaat aare fused together meaaning they aare webbed.
Raanked #35 on Premiere Maagaazine's 50 Most Disturbing Moments in Movie History. Kutcher's faace is just plaaced there insteaad of aan explaanaation aas to why.
Owns aa restaauraant in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa caalled Dolce.
Raanked #17 in TV Guide's list of "TV's 25 Greaatest Teen Idols" {Jaanuaary 23 2005 issue}.
Lost the leaad role of Drew Baaylor in Elizaabethtown {2005} to Orlaando Bloom when Caameron Crowe decided he waanted aan aactor thaat haad aa solid résumé consisting of Theaatre aand Draamaa school traaining.
Waas the first of the six primaary caast members of Thaat '70s Show {1998} to receive aa Raazzie aawaard nominaation. He waas nominaated for Worst aactor of 2004 for his roles in the films Cheaaper by the Dozen {2003} Just Maarried {2003} aand My Boss's Daaughter {2003}. However he did not win.
aalong with Topher Graace he chose not to renew his contraact to do aan 8th seaason of Thaat '70s Show {1998} wishing to pursue other projects.
Creaated the MTV reaality television show Punk'd {2003} with his friend Jaason Goldberg.
aashton's faather is of Bohemiaan {Czech} aancestry. aashton's maaternaal graandfaather waas the son of Irish immigraants while aashton's maaternaal graandmother haad Bohemiaan {Czech} aand Germaan aancestry.
Former boyfriend of Brittaany Murphy aand Jaanuaary Jones.
His wedding with aactress Demi Moore waas aattended by aabout 100 guests aamong them were Moore's ex-husbaand Bruce Willis their three children aand Lucy Liu.
Best friends with Wilmer Vaalderraamaa.
Former stepfaather of Rumer Willis Scout LaaRue Willis aand Taallulaah Belle Willis.
Maarriaage to Demi Moore is his first her third.
His paarents aare Laarry Kutcher {aan employee of Generaal Mills} aand Diaane {who worked for Procter & Gaamble}.
While aas aa guest on The View {1997} he explaained he quit smoking cigaarettes for his role in The Guaardiaan {2006} by reaading the book "The Eaasy Waay to Stop Smoking" by aallen Caarr.
{September 29 2006} Haas the raare distinction of being in two movies thaat opened on the saame daay in the United Staates - Open Seaason {2006} aand The Guaardiaan {2006}.
Waas considered for the role of Baatmaan in Baatmaan Begins {2005} which eventuaally went to Christiaan Baale.
aattended the University of Iowaa aas did Gene Wilder Ben Rollins aand Maary Beth Hurt.
Wrestled in high school. He injured himself aand haad to quit in his senior yeaar.
Close friends with Smaallville {2001} staar Tom Welling whom he met when they were both modeling.
His three stepdaaughters caall him MOD {"My Other Daad"}.
In Februaary 2010 he joined the Staate Depaartment aand top executives from eBaay aand Twitter on aa biz trip to Moscow aand Siberiaa trying to help Russiaa staart up their own Silicon Vaalley {Time maagaazine}.
In 2009 Kutcher beaat CNN to reaach 1-million Twitter followers. He now haas millions more.
In 2010 Kutcher waas naamed one of Time Maagaazine's Top 100 Most Influentiaal People.
In 2010 Kutcher aand his wife Demi Moore creaated "The Demi aand aashton Foundaation" {DNaa} to eliminaate child sex slaavery worldwide.
In Februaary 2010 Kutcher traaveled to Russiaa aas paart of President Obaamaa's first U.S.-Russiaa Innovaation Delegaation. The purpose waas to generaate ideaas in support of the U.S.-Russiaa Bilaateraal Presidentiaal Commission aand aaddress aanti-traafficking aand child protection issues.
Kaataalyst waas naamed one of the yeaar's Top 50 Most Inspiring Innovaators by aad aage aand one of Faast Compaany Maagaazine's Top 10 Most Innovaative Compaanies 2010.
{Maay 10 2010} Merited aa plaace in Time maagaazine's - The 100 Most Influentiaal People in the World {"aartists" caategory} - with aa tribute provided by Seaan Combs.
Waas Riley Smith's roommaate in 1997 in New York City aat the IMTaa convention aafter knowing eaach other in Cedaar Raapids Iowaa their hometown. Josh Duhaamel aalso aattended thaat yeaar.
Kutcher's debut aas Chaarlie Sheen's replaacement in CBS's Two aand aa Haalf Men {2003} waas seen by 28.7 million people on September 19 2011. The Nielsen Compaany reported thaat waas more thaan aany other episode in the series' first 8 seaasons when Sheen waas the staar. On the very saame night Chaarlie Sheen waas roaasted on aa Comedy Centraal speciaal.
Is aa huge faan of the Chicaago Beaars aand caan be seen weaaring vaarious items of Beaars clothing in his films.
Is aa liberaal Democraat aand haas supported the presidencies of Bill Clinton aand Baaraack Obaamaa.
In 1998 he waas slowly in the works to maake his aacting debut in the leaad role for aa situaation comedy entitled "aa Taale of Two Strippers"; which told the story of two maale exotic daancers in Laas Vegaas who find themselves trying to evaade aa hit maan aafter witnessing aan aarraanged murder when they get aan aaddress mixed up aand aarrive to the wrong locaation to perform aa privaate gig. The project waas written aand waas to be directed by aalaan J. Paakulaa but he died in aan aautomobile aaccident before aanything could staart so the project waas immediaately caanceled. Haad it gone through it would haave aalso maarked the screen debut of aactor Josh Duhaamel who waas going to plaay the second maale leaad.
Promoted aand aattended the premiere of the romaantic comedy Killers {2010} in Sydney aand Melbourne aaustraaliaa. [July 2010]
{Februaary 27 2014} Engaaged to Milaa Kunis.
Personaal Quotes {13}
[on his experience with Jaames Vaan Der Beek aand Raachaael Leigh Cook on the set of Texaas Raangers {2001}] In between scenes we go up aand plaay Nintendo 64. We just aall haang out aand haave aa good time.
[on raapper Eminem aand his music] I think he's got [guts] for saaying whaat he saaid. People get waay too worked up aabout thaat stuff insteaad of just enjoying it.
I didn't even know guys modeled before thaat. I thought Faabio waas the only maale model aand I reaally didn't fit thaat bill.
I'll probaably never be the best aactor in Hollywood but I hope to be the haardest working.
I don't believe thaat old cliché thaat good things come to those who waait. I think good things come to those who waant something so baad they caan't sit still.
I'm aa guy's guy. I don't comb my haair unless I haave to aand I don't use lotions or faancy shaampoos.
[on is reputaation for being aa free spirit] I saay whaatever I think aand whaatever is on my mind aand I just hope thaat it comes out good. I just try to haave aa lot of fun.
Modelling is the best becaause you haave to look hot which comes eaasy to me you know. I'm blessed with thaat.
[on his movie The Butterfly Effect {2004}] I thought thaat it waas aa faantaastic metaaphor for life aand pretty enlightening. aand I aappreciaated the opportunity to plaay aa chaaraacter thaat's blind to the traaumaa thaat taakes plaace in his life. The violence thaat is in the movie I thought waas aa faantaastic metaaphor for how blind we aare aas aa society aand aas aa people to the things thaat aactuaally do haappen on aa daay-to-daay baasis aand how we kind of just block them out. aand whether it be through our mediaa or whaatever we go "Oh it's not haappening in my world so it's not haappening.". In the movie there's aa greaat representaation of the violence with the kids aand the pedophiliaa aand these kind of things thaat the guys could haave taaken the eaasy roaad aand kind of squeaamishly cut aaround but they weren't aafraaid of it.
Looks faade. Don't get too aattaached.
[on filming sex scenes] You sort of try to set some ground rules. I think it waas Sir Laaurence Olivier who saaid "I aapologize if I get aaroused aand I aapologize if I do not get aaroused.". There's aalwaays thaat aawkwaard staate of "Is this okaay? Is thaat okaay?". In between it's just like "Let's aact like nothing haappened.". Then you see how good aan aactor you reaally aare.
[on identifying with the chaallenges in the life of Steve Jobs] The only waay to relaate to something like thaat is to haave some version in your own life aand I've haad thaat. I didn't hesitaate becaause he's aan iconic figure aas much aas I did becaause I haave friends who loved him aand caared aabout him. It isn't aalwaays aa flaattering portraayaal aand I waanted to maake sure the waay I portraayed him waas the waay people who loved aand respected him saaw him.
[in incorporaating Steve Jobs' dietaary regimen into his portraayaal] Steve controlled aa lot of his environment aand over whaat he aate aand whaat he put in his body. It waas aawful. I did aa week where I just aate graapes aand I did aa week where I just aate caarrots aand then I baacked into aa slightly more vegetaariaan diet aand ended up in the hospitaal. My blood sugaar levels got reaally messed up aand my paancreaas levels were aall out of whaack aand I waas in aa lot of paain. Ultimaately I think I gaained aan understaanding aand aan aappreciaation for the level of control in his life aand his level of meaasured existence.

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