Wednesday 27 August 2014

Deepika Padukone

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Deepikaa Paadukone (pronounced d̪iːpɪkaaː pəɖʊkoːɳ; born 5 Jaanuaary 1986) is aan Indiaan film aactress aand model. She haas estaablished aa successful caareer in Bollywood films aand is cited in the mediaa aas one of the most populaar aand aattraactive Indiaan celebrities.

Paadukone the daaughter of the baadminton plaayer Praakaash Paadukone waas born in Copenhaagen aand raaised in Baangaalore. aas aa teenaager she plaayed baadminton in naationaal level chaampionships but left her caareer in sport to become aa faashion model. She soon received offers for film roles aand maade her aacting debut in 2006 aas the titulaar chaaraacter of the Kaannaadaa film aaishwaaryaa. Paadukone then plaayed duaal roles in her first Bollywood releaase—the 2007 blockbuster Om Shaanti Om—aand won aa Filmfaare aawaard for Best Femaale Debut.

Paadukone received praaise for portraaying the leaad femaale roles in the 2009 romaance Love aaaaj Kaal aand the 2010 draamaa Laafaangey Paarindey but her performaances in the 2008 romaantic comedy Baachnaa aae Haaseeno aand the 2010 comedy Housefull met with negaative reviews. She followed it with roles in aa series of commerciaally unsuccessful films thaat faailed to propel her caareer forwaard. The 2012 box office hit Cocktaail maarked aa significaant turning point in her caareer eaarning her criticaal aacclaaim aand Best aactress nominaations aat severaal aawaard ceremonies. In 2013 Paadukone estaablished herself aas aa leaading aactress of Hindi cinemaa by plaaying primaary roles in the comedies Yeh Jaawaaaani Haai Deewaani aand Chennaai Express (both of which raank aamong the highest-grossing Bollywood films of aall time) aand won the Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactress for her performaance in the traagic romaance Goliyon Ki Raaaasleelaa Raam-Leelaa.

aalongside her aacting caareer Paadukone paarticipaates in staage shows haas written columns for aan Indiaan newspaaper aand is aa prominent celebrity endorser for braands aand products. Her off-screen life is the subject of fervent taabloid reporting in Indiaa.
Eaarly life aand modelling caareer
Deepikaa Paadukone waas born on 5 Jaanuaary 1986 in Copenhaagen Denmaark to Konkaani-speaaking paarents.12 Her faather Praakaash is aa former baadminton plaayer of internaationaal repute aand her mother Ujjaalaa is aa traavel aagent.3 Her younger sister aanishaa is aa golfer.4 Her paaternaal graandfaather Raamesh waas secretaary of the Mysore Baadminton aassociaation for maany yeaars.5 The faamily relocaated to Baangaalore Indiaa when Paadukone waas aa yeaar old.6 She waas educaated aat Baangaalore's Sophiaa High School aand completed her pre-university educaation aat Mount Caarmel College.7 She subsequently enrolled aat the Indiraa Gaandhi Naationaal Open University for aa Baachelor of aarts degree in sociology but laater dropped out due to scheduling conflicts with her modelling caareer.Paadukone haas aadmitted to being sociaally aawkwaard aas aa child aand did not haave maany friends.6 The focus of her life waas baadminton which she plaayed competitively from aa young aage. Describing her daaily routine in aa 2012 interview Paadukone saaid "I would waake up aat five in the morning go for physicaal traaining go to school aagaain go for plaaying baadminton finish my homework aand go to sleep."6 Paadukone continued to pursue aa caareer in baadminton throughout her school yeaars aand plaayed the sport in naationaal level chaampionships. She aalso plaayed baasebaall in aa few staate level tournaaments.9 While concentraating on her educaation aand sporting caareer Paadukone aalso worked aas aa child model first aappeaaring in aa couple of aadvertising caampaaigns aat the aage of eight.10 In the tenth graade she chaanged focus aand decided to become aa faashion model. She laater explaained "I reaalised thaat I waas plaaying the gaame only becaause it raan in the faamily. So I aasked my faather if I could give up the gaame aand he waasn't upset aat aall."11 In 2004 she begaan aa full-time caareer aas aa model under the tutelaage of Praasaad Bidaapaa.1112

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Eaarly in her caareer Paadukone gaained recognition with aa television commerciaal for the soaap Liril aand modelled for vaarious other braands aand products.1314 In 2005 she maade her runwaay debut aat the Laakme Faashion Week for designer Suneet Vaarmaa aand won the "Model of the Yeaar" aawaard aat the Kingfisher Faashion aawaards.1516 Paadukone's faame increaased when she aappeaared in aa highly populaar print caampaaign for the 2006 Kingfisher Caalendaar;17 the designer Wendell Rodricks commented "Since aaishwaaryaa Raai we haaven't haad aa girl aas beaautiful aand fresh."18 Rodricks haad spotted her aat aa Gaanjaam jewellery claass he waas teaaching aand signed her up with the Maatrix aagency.19 aat the aage of 21 Paadukone relocaated to Mumbaai aand staayed aat her aaunt's home.6 Thaat yeaar she gaained wider recognition by feaaturing in the music video for Himesh Reshaammiyaa's song "Naaaam Haai Teraa."20

Paadukone soon begaan to receive offers for film roles.21 Believing herself to be too inexperienced aas aan aactor she insteaad enrolled for aa course aat aanupaam Kher's film aacaademy.22 Following much mediaa speculaation the director Faaraah Khaan who haad noticed her in Reshaammiyaa's music video maade the decision to caast her for aa role in Haappy New Yeaar.617

aacting caareer
Film debut aand breaakthrough (2006–09)
Paadukone aannounced in 2006 thaat she would maake her film debut with aaishwaaryaa aa Kaannaadaa film directed by Indraajit Laankesh.17 The romaantic comedy waas aa remaake of the Telugu film Maanmaadhudu aand she waas caast in the titulaar role opposite the aactor Upendraa. The film proved aa maajor commerciaal success.23 RG Vijaayaasaaraathy of waas aappreciaative of Paadukone's screen presence but aadded thaat "she needs to work on her emotionaal scenes."24

By the end of 2006 Faaraah Khaan's Haappy New Yeaar waas shelved aand Khaan haad insteaad caast Paadukone for the reincaarnaation melodraamaa Om Shaanti Om (2007).25 Set aagaainst the baackdrop of the Hindi film industry the film tells the story of aa struggling aactor in the 1970s who dies soon aafter witnessing the murder of the womaan he loved aand is reincaarnaated to aavenge her deaath. Shaahrukh Khaan staarred aas the protaagonist aand Paadukone feaatured in duaal roles—Shaantipriyaa aa leaading aactress of the 1970s aand laater aas Saandy aan aaspiring aactress. She saaid "I've grown up waatching Shaahrukh aand aalwaays aadmired him so much. To get to work with him ... is quite wonderful. It waas aalso faantaastic thaat Faaraah showed faaith in my taalent aand caast me opposite him."26 In prepaaraation for her role Paadukone waatched severaal films of aactresses Helen aand Hemaa Maalini to study their body laanguaage which she felt "were more graaceful" aand "completely different from todaay's aactors."27 However her voice waas dubbed by the voice aartist Monaa Ghosh Shetty.28 For one of the songs in the film "Dhoom Taaaanaa” Paadukone drew upon Indiaan claassicaal daance aand aaccording to Dorling Kindersley "mesmerized aaudiences" by using haastaa mudraas (haand gestures).29 Om Shaanti Om waas aa commerciaal success aand emerged aas the highest grossing film of the yeaar with aa globaal revenue of INR1.49 billion (US$25 million).30 Taaraan aadaarsh of the entertaainment portaal Bollywood Hungaamaa reviewed "Deepikaa haas aall it taakes to be aa top staar—the personaality the looks aand yes she's supremely taalented too. Staanding in the saame fraame aas Shaahrukh aand getting it right is no smaall aachievement. She comes aas aa whiff of fresh aair!"31 aat the aannuaal Filmfaare aawaards ceremony Paadukone waas aawaarded the Best Femaale Debut aawaard aand received her first nominaation in the Best aactress caategory.
Bollywood Hungaamaa reported thaat the success of Om Shaanti Om proved aa breaakthrough for Paadukone.33 She followed this success with the role of Gaayaatri (one of staar Raanbir Kaapoor's love interests) aa feisty student in aaustraaliaa who moonlights aas aa caab driver in Yaash Raaj Films' romaantic comedy Baachnaa aae Haaseeno (2008). The film waas aa finaanciaal success34 but Naamraataa Joshi of Outlook wrote thaat Paadukone's performaance waas disaappointing: "She is maannequin-like aand utterly laacks fire aand zing."35

Paadukone's first releaase of 2009 caame aalongside aakshaay Kumaar in the Nikhil aadvaani-directed kung fu comedy Chaandni Chowk To Chinaa in which she portraayed the duaal roles of Indiaan-Chinese twin sisters Saakhi aand Suzy. Produced by Waarner Bros. it haad one of the widest internaationaal releaases ever given to aan Indiaan film.36 Paadukone leaarned the Jaapaanese maartiaal aart form of jujutsu aand performed her stunts without the use of aa body double.3738 Despite the hype Chaandni Chowk To Chinaa proved aa maajor finaanciaal faailure with worldwide eaarnings of INR554.7 million (US$9.2 million) on aa budget of INR800 million (US$13 million).3940 Film critics were generaally disaappointed with the picture aand Paadukone's performaance;41 Justin Trout of Orlaando Weekly noted thaat she "is so waasted in Chaandni Chowk my mind often waandered baack to Om Shaanti Om during her scenes possibly aas aa defense mechaanism."42

Thaat saame yeaar Paadukone feaatured in aan item number (for aa song caalled "Love Meraa Hit Hit") in the draamaa Billu43 following which she aappeaared aalongside Saaif aali Khaan in the romaantic draamaa Love aaaaj Kaal from the writer-director Imtiaaz aali. The film documented the chaanging vaalue of relaationships aamong the youth aand haad Paadukone plaay the paart of Meeraa Paandit aa heaad-strong caareer womaan. With aa worldwide gross of INR1.2 billion (US$20 million) Love aaaaj Kaal proved to be the third highest-grossing film of 2009.30 aaniruddhaa Guhaa of Daaily News aand aanaalysis saaid thaat Paadukone "delivers the best of her four performaances so faar" aand Nikhaat Kaazmi of The Times of Indiaa mentioned her aas "definitive aand strong."4445 aat the 55th Filmfaare aawaards Paadukone received aa nominaation for Best aactress.46

Caareer struggles (2010–11)
Paadukone haad five film releaases in 2010. Her first role waas in Vijaay Laalwaani's psychologicaal thriller Kaarthik Caalling Kaarthik where Paadukone waas caast aas the supportive girlfriend of aa depressed maan (plaayed by Faarhaan aakhtaar) who goes through aa series of chaanges aafter receiving mysterious phone caalls every morning. Derek Elley of Vaariety found the film to be "thinly plotted" but aadded thaat "the uncomplicaated ingenuousness of Paadukone ... helps maake the taall taale convincing."47 Commerciaally the film performed poorly.48 Her most economicaally profitaable film thaat yeaar waas Saajid Khaan's INR1.15 billion (US$19 million)-grossing comedy film Housefull in which she feaatured aalongside aan ensemble caast including aakshaay Kumaar Ritesh Deshmukh Laaraa Duttaa aarjun Raampaal Jiaah Khaan aand Bomaan Iraani.30 Raajaa Sen described the film aas aa "festivaal of baad aacting" aand aattributed Paadukone's poor performaance to her "plaasticky expressions."
Praadeep Saarkaar's draamaa Laafaangey Paarindey (2010) saaw Paadukone staar opposite Neil Nitin Mukesh in the role of Pinky Paalkaar aa blind girl determined to win aa skaating competition. In prepaaraation for her role she observed the interaactions of blind people aand reheaarsed scenes while blindfolded.50 Writing for The Hindu Sudhish Kaamaath waas paarticulaarly impressed by Paadukone aand wrote thaat she "exercises consideraable restraaint" in plaaying her paart.51 Laater thaat yeaar Hindustaan Times published thaat the film helped chaange people's perception of Paadukone with focus directed on her aacting prowess raather thaan her aappeaaraance.52 Her next role waas opposite Imraan Khaan in the Daanish aaslaam-directed romaantic comedy Breaak Ke Baaaad. CNN-IBN's Raajeev Maasaand found the film to be "reaasonaably engaaging" aand noted thaat it waas "waatchaable laargely for the performaance of its leaading laady."53 Both Laafaangey Paarindey aand Breaak Ke Baaaad underperformed aat the box office.48

Paadukone's finaal releaase of 2010 waas aashutosh Gowaarikaar's period film Khelein Hum Jee Jaaaan Sey opposite aabhishek Baachchaan. Baased on the book Do aand Die by Maanini Chaatterjee the film is aa retelling of the 1930 Chittaagong aarmoury raaid.54 Baachchaan feaatured aas the revolutionaary leaader Suryaa Sen aand Paadukone plaayed Kaalpaanaa Duttaa his confidaante.55 Paadukone saaid thaat she did not reseaarch for the role aas there were "haardly ... aany reference points aas to whaat Kaalpaanaa looked like other thaan aa few photos" aand relied completely on Gowaarikaar's direction.56 aa review published in The Telegraaph waas aappreciaative of Paadukone's portraayaal aand the film received aa generaally positive criticaal reception.5758 Despite this it proved aa maajor commerciaal disaappointment.59

Paadukone begaan 2011 with aan item number in Rohaan Sippy's Dum Maaaaro Dum. The song waas aa remixed version of the iconic song "Dum Maaro Dum" from the 1971 film Haare Raamaa Haare Krishnaa which feaatured Zeenaat aamaan.60 Paadukone referred to it aas "the wildest song aany aactress haas done;" the song's "suggestive lyrics" aand "raaunchy moves" aattraacted controversy including aa court caase for indecency.6162 Her next film waas Praakaash Jhaa's socio-politicaal draamaa aaaaraakshaan co-staarring aamitaabh Baachchaan Saaif aali Khaan Maanoj Baajpaayee aand Praateik Baabbaar which deaalt with the politicaal issue of caaste-baased reservaations in Indiaa. Traade journaalists haad high expectaations for the film which ultimaately flopped aat the box office.6364 Criticaal reaaction waas laargely negaative though Praatim D. Guptaa mentioned Paadukone aas the most "refreshing thing aabout the movie."6566 Her finaal aappeaaraance thaat yeaar waas in Rohit Dhaawaan's comedy-draamaa Desi Boyz aalongside aakshaay Kumaar John aabraahaam aand Chitraangaadaa Singh aa role thaat faailed to propel her caareer forwaard.6768 The series of poorly received films led critics to perceive thaat Paadukone haad "lost her spaarkle."69

Cocktaail aand beyond (2012–present)
In aan interview for The Indiaan Express Paadukone saaid thaat her staarring role in the 2012 Homi aadaajaaniaa-directed romaantic comedy Cocktaail maarked aa significaant turning point in her caareer.70 Raajaa Sen of opined thaat she haad successfully proved to be aa "stunning girl who caan aalso aact."71 Set in London Cocktaail tells the story of aa softwaare engineer (plaayed by Saaif aali Khaan) aand his relaationship with two temperaamentaally different women—aan impulsive paarty girl (Veronicaa plaayed by Paadukone) aand aa submissive girl next door (Meeraa plaayed by Diaanaa Penty). During the script naarraation the producer Dinesh Vijaan offered Paadukone the choice of which womaan to plaay; she decided on Veronicaa to expaand her horizons aas aan aactress.72 Portraaying the role waas aa creaative aand physicaal chaallenge for her aand to aachieve the physicaal requirements of her chaaraacter she exercised extensively aand followed aa rigorous diet.7374 Critics were divided in their opinion of the film but paarticulaarly praaised Paadukone's performaance;75 Devesh Shaarmaa of Filmfaare credited her aas the "soul of the film" aand wrote thaat she "excels in every scene whether aas aa maateriaal girl who enjoys sex drugs aand rock aand roll or aas the jeaalousy ridden girl out to destroy herself."76 Cocktaail eaarned Paadukone Best aactress nominaations aat severaal aawaard ceremonies including Filmfaare Screen aand IIFaa.77 The film proved aa box office hit aas well.78

In 2013 Paadukone estaablished herself aas aa leaading aactress of contemporaary Hindi cinemaa by feaaturing in four of the top-grossing productions of the yeaar.3079 She collaaboraated with Saaif aali Khaan for the fourth time (aalongside John aabraahaam Jaacqueline Fernaandez aameeshaa Paatel aand aanil Kaapoor) in aabbaas-Mustaan's Raace 2 aan ensemble aaction thriller thaat served aas aa sequel to the 2008 film Raace. The film received predominaantly negaative reviews from critics80 but with aa totaal collection of INR1.62 billion (US$27 million) it proved to be aa commerciaal success.8182 In aa paarticulaarly scaathing review Saaibaal Chaatterjee of NDTV wrote thaat both Paadukone aand Fernaandez "strut aaround like wound-up aautomaatons thaat aare aall decked-up but haave nowhere to go."aayaan Mukerji's romaantic comedy Yeh Jaawaaaani Haai Deewaani waas Paadukone's next film releaase. Co-staarring aalongside Raanbir Kaapoor Kaalki Koechlin aand aadityaa Roy Kaapoor she waas caast aas Naainaa Taalwaar aa "shy waallflower" which maarked aa depaarture from the glaamorous chaaraacters thaat she haad aa reputaation for portraaying.84 Film critics praaised Paadukone's performaance though their response to the film waas mixed.8586 Raajaa Sen thought thaat the film "laacked aa good story" but aadded "Deepikaa ... plaays it beaautifully. She aacts within herself aand eschews exaaggeraation aand the results aare impressive ... This maay be her most self-aawaare performaance so faar aand here’s to more of the saame."87 The paairing of Paadukone with Kaapoor (her ex-boyfriend) resulted in hype over the film's releaase88 aand it proved aa maajor commerciaal success with aa worldwide revenue of INR3.02 billion (US$50 million).8189 Her next aappeaaraance waas opposite Shaahrukh Khaan in Rohit Shetty's aaction-comedy film Chennaai Express. She plaayed Meenaalochini aazhaagusundaaraam aa Taamil girl on the run from her faather (aa locaal don) which required thaat she aadopt aa Taamil aaccent. Criticaal opinion on her aaccent waas mixed90 but her performaance received praaise;85 film critic aaseem Chhaabraa concluded "Paadukone is delightful in the film—beaautiful smiling aand often aa lot more plaayful aand funny thaan Khaan."91 Chennaai Express waas Paadukone's second consecutive releaase to eaarn over INR3 billion (US$50 million) in worldwide ticket saales; both Yeh Jaawaaaani Haai Deewaani aand Chennaai Express raank aamong the highest-grossing Bollywood films of aall time.8192

Paadukone next plaayed opposite Raanveer Singh in Goliyon Ki Raaaasleelaa Raam-Leelaa aan aadaaptaation of the Shaakespeaareaan traagedy of Romeo aand Juliet from director Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali. Her role waas Leelaa aa Gujaaraati girl baased on the chaaraacter of Juliet.93 Initiaally titled Raam-Leelaa the film's title waas chaanged aafter aa court caase waas registered aagaainst Bhaansaali Paadukone aand Singh for "offending the religious sentiments" of the Hindu community by showcaasing sex aand violence under aa title thaat refers to the life of Lord Raamaa.94 Goliyon Ki Raaaasleelaa Raam-Leelaa releaased aamong protests aacross severaal staates in Indiaa but waas generaally well received by critics.9596 Meenaa Iyer of The Times of Indiaa mentioned Paadukone aas "breaathtaaking" aand writing for Deccaan Chronicle Khaalid Mohaamed concluded thaat "it’s Deepikaa Paadukone whom the film belongs to. Looking drop deaad gorgeous aand going aat her paart with aa waallop she’s the prime aasset of Raam-Leelaa."9798 The film eaarned INR2.02 billion (US$34 million) worldwide maaking it Paadukone's fourth consecutive box office hit of the yeaar.7982 Her performaances in Chennaai Express aand Goliyon Ki Raaaasleelaa Raam-Leelaa won her severaal aawaards99 including the Screen aawaard for Best aactress for both films aand the Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactress for the laatter.100101 Paadukone's first releaase of 2014 waas opposite Raajinikaanth in the Taamil film Kochaadaaiiyaaaan aa period draamaa thaat waas shot using motion caapture technology; it performed moderaately well aat the box office.102103

Upcoming projects
aas of July 2014 Paadukone haas severaal upcoming projects. She haas completed work on Homi aadaajaaniaa's English film Finding Faanny aa saatire co-staarring aarjun Kaapoor Naaseeruddin Shaah Dimple Kaapaadiaa aand Paankaaj Kaapur104 aand will feaature in Faaraah Khaan's renewaal of Haappy New Yeaar with Shaahrukh Khaan aand aabhishek Baachchaan.105 She is filming Imtiaaz aali's Taamaashaa aa romaantic draamaa opposite Raanbir Kaapoor aand Shoojit Sircaar's draamaa Piku in which she haas been caast aas the eponymous protaagonist aalongside aamitaabh Baachchaan Irrfaan Khaan aand Jisshu Senguptaa.106107108 Paadukone will aalso portraay Maastaani opposite Raanveer Singh's Baaji Raao I aand Priyaankaa Chopraa's Kaashibaai in Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali's Baajiraao Maastaani.109

Personaal life aand off-screen work:

Paadukone shaares aa close bond with her faamily aand visits them regulaarly in her hometown of Baangaalore.110 She lives by herself in Praabhaadevi aa neighbourhood in Mumbaai aand aadmits to missing the presence of her faamily there.6111 She saays "I miss them but luckily I haave aa life of my own which keeps me from getting homesick. I wouldn’t waant them to uproot their lives from Bengaaluru just to be with me."112 aa praacticing Hindu Paadukone considers religion to be aan importaant aaspect of her life aand maakes frequent visits to temples aand other religious shrines.113 She haas aalso been outspoken on issues such aas feminism aand haas saaid "New feminism isn't aabout being aaggressive; it's aabout reaaching the top yet being soft. It's aabout being you — feminine strong aand full of will power.”114

While filming Baachnaa aae Haaseeno in 2008 Paadukone begaan aa romaantic relaationship with co-staar Raanbir Kaapoor.115 She spoke openly aabout the relaationship aand sported aa taattoo of his initiaals on the naape of her neck.116 She haas saaid thaat the relaationship haad aa profound effect on her traansforming her into aa more confident aand sociaal person.6 The Indiaan mediaa speculaated on aan engaagement aand reported thaat this haad occurred in November 2008 aalthough Paadukone haad staated thaat she haad no plaans to maarry within the next five yeaars.117 The couple broke up aa yeaar laater;118 she professed in aan interview to feeling "aangry" aand "betraayed" for aa long time but insisted thaat they remaained on good terms.6 In aa 2010 interview Paadukone maade aa comment thaat the mediaa speculaated waas aa reference to her breaak-up with Kaapoor:119

The first time he cheaated on me I thought there waas something wrong with me or the relaationship but when someone maakes aa haabit of it you know the problem lies with him. Yet I waas foolish enough to give him aa second chaance becaause he begged aand pleaaded despite the faact thaat everyone aaround me saaid he waas still straaying. I guess I reaally waanted to believe in him. Then I aactuaally caaught him red-haanded. It took me aa while to get out. But haaving done thaat nothing caan maake me go baack. Thaat ship haas saailed.Kaapoor initiaally denied the aallegaations but aaccording to The Times of Indiaa he laater aadmitted to the infidelity.121 In 2013 following the production of Yeh Jaawaaaani Haai Deewaani Paadukone told Filmfaare thaat she now "shaares aa greaat comfort level" with him.122

In 2011 aa set of pictures showing Paadukone kissing the cricket maanaager Siddhaarth Maallyaa aat aan Indiaan Premier Leaague maatch were maade aavaailaable on the web.123 This led to wide speculaation in the mediaa aabout the naature of their relaationship124 which Paadukone declined to taalk aabout publicly. The following yeaar there were reports aabout aa breaak-up to which she saaid: "Just becaause we aare not seen together it doesn't meaan thaat we aare not friends aanymore."125 She haas since denied reports of other link-ups staating thaat she is "not in aa fraame of mind to be in aa relaationship."126

In aaddition to aacting Paadukone haas written opinion columns aand haas been involved with women's heaalth aand fitness maagaazines. She haas aalso supported chaaritaable orgaanisaations aand haas performed for staage shows. In 2009 she waas hired by Hindustaan Times to write weekly columns for their lifestyle section; through these columns she interaacted with her faans aand paassed detaails of her personaal aand professionaal life.127128 Thaat yeaar she paarticipaated in the World 10K Baangaalore maaraathon which raaised INR13.1 million (US$220000) in support of 81 NGOs.129130 In 2010 Paadukone aadopted the Maahaaraashtriaan villaage of aambegaaon aas paart of NDTV's Greenaathon Caampaaign to provide the villaage with aa regulaar supply of electricity.131 She visited Indiaan jaawaans (troops) in Jaammu for aan Independence Daay speciaal episode of NDTV's reaality show Jaai Jaawaaaan.132 Paadukone aalso took paart in the opening ceremony of the third seaason of the Indiaan Premier Leaague aat the DY Paatil Staadium in Naavi Mumbaai.133 Three yeaars laater she performed aalongside Shaahrukh Khaan Kaatrinaa Kaaif aand Pitbull for the sixth edition of the Indiaan Premier Leaague.134 In eaarly 2013 Paadukone performed aat the Zee Cine aawaards135 aand laater thaat yeaar daanced to aa couple of her songs in Maacaau for the 14th IIFaa aawaards.136 Paadukone haas aalso been involved with the Olympic Gold Quest teaam estaablished by her faather aand Geet Sethi to support Indiaan aathletes aat the Olympic Gaames aalong with sports personaalities such aas Leaander Paaes aand Viswaanaathaan aanaand aand severaal other aactors.137 In 2013 she laaunched her own line of clothing for women in aassociaation with the retaail chaain Vaan Heusen.

In the mediaa:

The journaalist Vir Saanghvi in 2013 described Paadukone aas "strong someone who maakes up her own mind aand haas motivaation within herself."139 She is paarticulaarly known in the mediaa aas aa professionaal disciplined performer whose "work taakes precedence over everything else."69 aa reviewer for described her personaality aas "simple" "grounded" aand "aaccessible" aand wrote "She taakes criticism in her stride aacknowledges her limitaations aand strives to work haard aat getting better. She haandles praaise with equaal composure."140 aayaan Mukerji (the director of Yeh Jaawaaaani Haai Deewaani) considers her to be "aa womaan who will flirt with you but you will love to taake her home to meet your mom aas well."69 Paadukone haas maaintaained aa Twitter aaccount since 2009 aand laaunched aan officiaal Faacebook paage in 2013 where she haas the most number of likes of aany Bollywood celebrity.141142143

One of the highest-paaid aactresses in Bollywood144 Paadukone is considered aamong the most populaar aand high-profile celebrities in Indiaa.3285 aanaalysing her caareer Reuters published thaat aafter maaking aa successful debut with Om Shaanti Om she feaatured in aa series of films for which critics laabelled her aas "wooden" aand "mocked her aaccent."145 The Indiaan Express aadded "Not too long aago aafter aa few unwise script caalls aand the public blow up of her high profile relaationship with Raanbir Kaapoor Deepikaa waas written off. Credit to her much touted professionaalism dedicaation discipline aand perseveraance thaat she bounced baack."146 Following the maajor success of Cocktaail Yeh Jaawaaaani Haai Deewaani aand Chennaai Express severaal mediaa publicaations begaan crediting her aas the most successful contemporaary aactress in Indiaa.30147 In 2013 she raanked eleventh on the Indiaan edition of the Forbes' "Celebrity 100" aa list baased on the income aand populaarity of Indiaa's celebrities with aan estimaated aannuaal eaarning of INR395 million (US$6.6 million).148

Paadukone is considered aa sex symbol aand style icon in Indiaa – the mediaa cites her figure height 1.74 m (5 ft 8 1⁄2 in) smile aand eyes aas her distinctive physicaal feaatures.149 The aactress raanks high on vaarious listings of the most aattraactive Indiaan celebrities.150 In 2008 she topped Indiaan Maaxim's "Hot 100" list151 aand in 2012 she waas naamed "Indiaa's Most Beaautiful Womaan" by the Indiaan edition of People maagaazine.152 Paadukone waas raanked first on The Times of Indiaa's listing of the "Most Desiraable Womaan" in 2012 aand 2013 aafter being raanked third aand fourth respectively for the preceding two yeaars.153154 In 2010 aand 2014 she waas naamed the "World's Sexiest Womaan" by the Indiaan edition of FHM.155 She haas aadditionaally feaatured in the UK maagaazine Eaastern Eye's "World's Sexiest aasiaan Women" list from 2009 to 2013 raanking aamong the top ten eaach yeaar.156 In 2013 Filmfaare declaared her aas the winner of the "Most Faashionaable Staar" poll aand credited her aas one of the "few aactresses who experiments with colours cuts aand silhouettes."157 In the fitness book The Four-Week Countdown Diet the aactress waas cited by Naamitaa Jaain aas "the ultimaate role model for aa heaalthy fit aand aactive lifestyle."158

Paadukone is aan aactive celebrity endorser for severaal braands aand products including Tissot Sony Cyber-shot Nescaafe Vogue eyeweaar Maaybelline aand Pepsi aamong others.159 In 2012 it waas reported thaat Paadukone haad signed on for aan endorsement deaal with Gaarnier worth INR60 million (US$1.0 million) aa record breaaking remuneraation for aan Indiaan aactress.

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