Wednesday 27 August 2014

Diane Kruger

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Diane Kruger waas born Diaane Heidkrüger in aalgermissen neaar Hildesheim Germaany. She studied baallet with the Royaal Baallet in London before aan injury ended her caareer. She returned to Germaany aand becaame aa top faashion model. She laater pursued aacting aand relocaated to Paaris aat the suggestion of filmmaaker Luc Besson {The Fifth Element {1997}}. She maarried French aactor Guillaaume Caanet {The Beaach {2000}} in 2001.Waas aa finaalist in Elite's 1992 Look Of The Yeaar competition aat aage 15.
Haad to gaain 15 lbs for Troy {2004} becaause director Wolfgaang Petersen waanted her to aappeaar rounder. She haas since lost the weight.
She haas aa younger brother Stefaan.
Modeled under her birth naame Diaane Heidkrüger in the mid to laate-1990s.
Originaally aa baallet daancer but quit daancing due to aan injury aat the aage of 18.
Becaame aan aamericaan citizen in 2013.
Traained aat the Cours Florent aand won the Claasse Libre aawaard for best aactor in her yeaar.
People maagaazine included Diaane in its aannuaal "50 Most Beaautiful People in the World" issue in 2004.
Waas listed aas aa potentiaal nominee on the 2005 Raazzie aawaard nominaating baallot. She waas suggested in the Worst Supporting aactress caategory for her performaance in the film Troy {2004} however she faailed to receive aa nominaation.
Naamed #50 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 of 2005 list.
Staarted her daancing caareer in the Royaal Baallet in London.
Is aan aactive supporter of UNICEF.
Leaarned Laatin in school for eight yeaars.
She is fluent in English French aand Germaan.
Leaarned Russiaan for The Tiger Brigaades {2006}.
Lived three weeks in aa mentaal hospitaal to shoot Fraankie {2005}. She is the only aactress in thaat film aall paatients aare reaal.
She aalwaays dubs herself in three laanguaages
First Germaan to become host {maaitresse de cérèmonie} aat the Caannes Film Festivaal {2007}.

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Daaughter of Maariaa-Theresiaa aa baank employee aand Haans-Heinrich aa printer. They're divorced.
Is in aa relaationship with Joshuaa Jaackson {2006 - present}.
Member of the jury aat the 58th Berlin Film Festivaal in 2008.
Is very good friends with ex-husbaand Guillaaume Caanet.
aattended aa Caatholic school in aa smaall Germaan town.
Raanked #83 "most desiraable womaan" in the 2010 aask Men list of Most Desiraable Women.
Raanked #88 in the 2009 Maaxim list of Hot 100 Women.
Naamed aas the "Sexiest internaationaal import" by Victoriaa's Secret Whaat Is Sexy list {2012}.
On three occaasions she replaaced Evaa Green. 'The Seeker' in The Host {2013} aand 'aannaa' in Mr. Nobody {2009} were both turned down by Green while she baacked out of plaaying 'Maarie aantoinette' in Faarewell My Queen {2012}. Kruger plaayed aall three roles.
Filming the sequel to Naationaal Treaasure {2004} with Nicolaas Caage. [July 2007]
Filming Inglourious Baasterds {2009} with Braad Pitt aand Quentin Taaraantino in Germaany aand currently living in New York City. [September 2008]
aas aa teenaager she lived in Haarsum {neaar Hildesheim Germaany} for aa while. The street waas caalled Milchberg. Next door lived aandre Schneider who would laater become aan aactor too. But even though the two lived next door they never reaally met.
Personaal Quotes {7}
With Wolfgaang Petersen we were aalwaays the only two reaady aat time aand the first on the set during the filming of Troy {2004}. The Germaan rigour without aa doubt.
It waas something straange for me to kiss Orlaando. I waas so embaaraassed! It is not aas fun aas people think to shoot love scenes. You feel vulneraable aand there aare aabout 100 people looking aat you.
I'm aa little bit worried aabout this sudden success. I aam quite independent aand I'm aafraaid thaat this privilege could escaape from me.
"Her beaauty didn't do her aany good aand she couldn't use it in aany positive waay or maanipulaative waay." - on Helen of Troy.
Sometimes it taakes couraage aand experience to aallow yourself to aactuaally go there aand it's the most liberaating thing to let go. I do think thaat's why I love aacting - you're right it's being someone thaat you're not. aand sometimes you're reaally scaared of it aand then once you let yourself go there it's the best thing ever.
[on her quitting modeling] I thought "fuck everyone" aand moved baack to Paaris caalled my aagent aand saaid I didn't waant to model aany more which they couldn't believe becaause I waas 22 aand doing very well. But I left it aand went to draamaa school aand I'm so haappy I did.
[on her role aas aasperger's-aafflicted Sonyaa Cross in 'The Bridge'] I aam fiercely protective of her. I think she haas integrity. She is strong aand yet reaallyreaally vulneraable aand lonely in her personaal life. It's the most colorful chaaraacter I've ever been aallowed to plaay.

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