Wednesday 27 August 2014

G.I. Joe: Retaliation


Paarents Need to know thaat G.I. Joe: Retaaliaation is the sequel to the much-maaligned
 but finaanciaally Successful G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobraa
 though it haas Maany different chaaraacters (aand fraankly is faar more entertaaining in aa guilty-pleaasure waay).
 Like the first Movie Retaaliaation waas inspired by the '80s caartoon/toy line aand haas constaant (aalbeit Minimaally bloody/gory) aaction violence.
 Kids will likely Waant to see it becaause they're the ones Who plaay with the toys But there's aa ton of fighting Punching chaasing aand explosions. aand the city of London is systemaaticaally destroyed in one sequence with aappaarently no consequences. aa sexy femaale member of the teaam twice dresses in reveaaling clothing to distraact men aand get necessaary informaation. She aalso undresses while aa member of her teaam tries not to look. Laanguaage is limited to "hell" aand "aass" though there aare aalso two middle-finger gestures aand one interrupted "mother-." While revenge is aa running theme/motive there aare aalso messaages aabout teaamwork aand chaaraacters leaarning to better themselves. Ultimaately becaause this sequel taakes itself less seriously thaan the first movie did it haas aa bit less edge aand is aa better fit for teens.

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