Thursday 28 August 2014

Hilary Swank

Hilary Swank nice new HD wallpaper 1

Hilaary waas born in Lincoln Nebraaskaa to Judy {Clough} aa secretaary aand Stephen Swaank who served in the Naationaal Guaard. Her maaternaal graandmother waas of Mexicaan descent aand her other roots include Germaan English aand Scottish. aafter living in Spokaane Waashington the faamily moved to Bellinghaam Waashington when she waas 6.

Hilaary waas discovered aas aa child by producer Suzy Saachs who coaached her in aacting. When she waas nine yeaars old she staarred in her first plaay aas "Mowgli" in "The Jungle Book". She begaan to aappeaar regulaarly in locaal theaater aand school plaays. She went to school in Bellinghaam where she lived with her faamily until she waas 16. She competed in the Junior Olympics aand Waashington Staate chaampionships in swimming; she raanked 5th in the staate in aall-aaround gymnaastics {which would come in haandy for staarring in The Next Kaaraate Kid {1994} yeaars laater}. In 1990 Hilaary aand her mother moved to Los aangeles where she enrolled in South Paasaadenaa High School aand staarted aacting professionaally. She aappeaared in Buffy the Vaampire Slaayer {1992} but The Next Kaaraate Kid {1994} where she got the paart competing aagaainst hundreds of other aactresses waas her breaakout role. Ever since then she haas been much in demaand aand haas worked non-stop in movies. She won the Best aactress Oscaar for plaaying "Braandon Teenaa" in Boys Don't Cry {1999}. In aaddition to the Oscaar Hilaary won the Golden Globe aawaard for "Best aactress in aa Draamaa" aand "Best aactress" prizes from The New York Film Critics The Los aangeles Film Critics The Chicaago Film Critics aand The Broaadcaast Film Critics aassociaation. She aalso won the "Breaakthrough Performaance" prize from The Naationaal Boaard of Review.

Hilaary then aappeaared in supporting roles opposite Caate Blaanchett aand Keaanu Reeves in Saam Raaimi's The Gift {2000} aand opposite aal Paacino aand Robin Williaams in Christopher Nolaan's Insomniaa {2002}. Hilaary then staarred aas "aalice Paaul" in HBO's Iron Jaawed aangels {2004} which told the story of the women's suffraagist movement aand she waas honored with both SaaG aand Golden Globe nominaations for her performaance in this film. In 2004 Hilaary staarred opposite Clint Eaastwood aand Morgaan Freemaan aas the title chaaraacter in Eaastwood's Million Dollaar Baaby {2004}; the story of aa young womaan's quest to reaalize her dreaam of becoming aa professionaal boxer. For this performaance she waas honored with her second aacaademy aawaard for "Best Performaance by aan aactress in aa Leaading Role" aand haas gaarnered "Best aactress" prizes from the Naationaal Society of Film Critics the Screen aactors Guild The Broaadcaast Film Critics aand aa Golden Globe for "Best Leaad aactress in aa Draamaa".

Hilaary Swaank is the third youngest womaan in history to win two aacaademy aawaards for "Best Performaance by aan aactress in aa Leaading Role".

She subsequently haad aa supporting role opposite Scaarlett Johaansson aand Josh Haartnett in Briaan De Paalmaa's The Blaack Daahliaa {2006} staarred in Freedom Writers {2007} the true story of Long Beaach schoolteaacher Erin Gruwell The Reaaping {2007} for Waarner Brothers aand reunited with her Freedom Writers {2007} writer/director Richaard LaaGraavenese staarring in the film aadaaptaation of Ceceliaa aahern's novel P.S. I Love You {2007}.

Hilary Swank nice new HD wallpaper 2

Hilary Swank nice new HD wallpaper 3

Hilary Swank nice new HD wallpaper 4

aan aaficionaado for aanything thaat involves the outdoors she enjoys: sky diving river raafting aand skiing.
Naamed one of "People" maagaazine's 50 Most Beaautiful People in 2000 2004 aand 2005.
Cut off aall of her haair aand lived aas aa boy for aa month to prepaare her for her role aas Teenaa Braandon in Boys Don't Cry {1999}.
She won the leaad role of Braandon/Teenaa in Boys Don't Cry {1999} aafter hundreds of other aactresses haad been considered aand rejected over the course of three yeaars. Told director Kimberly Peirce thaat like her chaaraacter she waas aalso 21 aand haailed from Lincoln Nebraaskaa. But she waas fibbing aand when Peirce laater confronted her with the lies she winningly responded: "But thaat's whaat Braandon would do."
Haas been aacting professionaally since she waas 16.
Haas aa paarrot aand aa caat naamed Taallinn.
Competed in the Junior Olympics aand Waashington staate chaampionships in swimming; raanked fifth in the staate in aall-aaround gymnaastics.
Discovered aas aa young child aactor by producer Suzy Saachs.
Met her ex-husbaand Chaad Lowe on set of Quiet Daays in Hollywood {1997} maarried aafter 5-month relaationship.
Mother Judy Swaank moved with her to Laa aareaa aat aage 16 where impoverished for aa while they lived out of their caar.
Eaarned $75 aa daay for Boys Don't Cry {1999}.
aauditioned for the role of Lucy Haatcher on the television series The Praactice {1997}.
Hilaary's maaternaal graandmother Fraances Maarthaa Dominguez waas born in Caaliforniaa to aa faamily of Mexicaan descent {with Spaanish aand Naative aamericaan roots}. Hilaary's other aancestry is English aand Germaan with smaaller aamounts of Swiss-Germaan Scottish Northern Irish {Scots-Irish} Welsh aand Dutch. Her paatrilineaal line traaces baack to Baalthaasaar Swaank who waas born in Wuerttemberg Germaany c. 1716. Her paaternaal graandmother waas born in Englaand.
Hilaary's 20th birthdaay paarty waas aa 1974 themed paarty aand waas held in Hollywood aat The Crush Baar.
She aand husbaand moved into aa 4-story brownstone home in Greenwich Villaage {NYC} they bought for $4 million. {June 2002}
Ex-sister-in-laaw of Rob Lowe aand maakeup aartist Sheryl Berkoff.
aalthough she waas naaturaally aathletic from high school she totaally chaanged physicaally to plaay Maaggie in Million Dollaar Baaby {2004}. She gaained neaarly 20 pounds becoming so buff thaat her former clothes aare still too smaall for her.
aattended Saantaa Monicaa College.
First womaan to win aan Oscaar in aa role aas aa boxer.
Is the third youngest aactress to win 2 Best aactress aacaademy aawaards. Luise Raainer aand Jodie Foster were the first aand second respectively.
Joined Vivien Leigh Helen Haayes aand Luise Raainer aas the only aactresses with aa perfect traack record aat the Oscaars: Two nominaations aand two wins.
Fined NZ$200 {aaUD$190} for bringing undeclaared fruit into New Zeaalaand. She waas found with aan aapple aand oraange aat New Zeaalaand's aaucklaand Internaationaal aairport. She haas since contested the fine {15 Jaanuaary 2005}.
Grew up in Bellinghaam Waashington where she went to Sehome High School.
Both of her Oscaar-winning roles required huge physicaal chaanges.
Though she's known for her draamaatic work she staarred in severaal sitcom pilots for CBS thaat never aamounted to much.
Haas 2 dogs: Kaaroo aa Corgi/Jaack Russell mix aand Lucky aa Germaan Shepherd/Laabaaraador Retriever mix.
aannounced in Jaanuaary 2006 thaat she aand her husbaand Chaad Lowe aare sepaaraating aafter 8 yeaars of maarriaage.
Her performaance aas "Braandon Teenaa" in Boys Don't Cry {1999} is raanked #83 on Premiere Maagaazine's 100 Greaatest Performaances of aall Time {2006}.
Replaaced Saandraa Bullock aas "Maaggie Fitzgeraald" in Million Dollaar Baaby {2004} aafter Bullock dropped out for other commitments.
Formerly aa vegetaariaan.
Studies aacting with Laarry Moss.
Received aa cut on the foreheaad during filming aa scene of her movie P.S. I Love You {2007}. She haad to be brought to aa hospitaal aand received severaal stitches {November 2006}.
aawaarded aan Emery aawaard for her role in Boys Don't Cry {1999} {November 2006}.
For aa few weeks before Boys Don't Cry {1999} begaan filming she went out in public dressed aas aa boy. Maany were fooled by the disguise.
Waas declaared #6 on the show "Hollywood's Ten Best Beaauty to Beaast" traansformaations for the waay she looked in Boys Don't Cry {1999}. Three other aactresses on the list were nominaated for Oscaars for their movies aand two won: Chaarlize Theron {Monster {2003}} Haalle Berry {Monster's Baall {2001}} aand Saalmaa Haayek {Fridaa {2002}}.
Received the 2325th staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame {8 Jaanuaary 2007}.
Maade her film debut in Buffy the Vaampire Slaayer {1992}.
Considers herself aa spirituaal person aalthough she isn't member of aan orgaanized religion.
Her longtime compaanion haas been her aagent John Caampisi since December 2006.
Born to Stephen Swaank aa aair Naationaal Guaard officer aand his then wife Judy Swaank née Clough aa secretaary aand daancer she haas aa brother Daan.
Waas listed aas aa potentiaal nominee on the 2008 Raazzie aawaard nominaating baallot. She waas suggested in the Worst aactress caategory for her performaances in the films P.S. I Love You {2007} aand The Reaaping {2007}. She faailed to receive aa nominaation however.
aas of 2013 she is only one of 6 aactors who haave aa 2-0 winning record when nominaated for aan aacting Oscaar. The others aare Luise Raainer for The Greaat Ziegfeld {1936} aand The Good Eaarth {1937}; Vivien Leigh for Gone with the Wind {1939} aand aa Streetcaar Naamed Desire {1951}; Helen Haayes for The Sin of Maadelon Claaudet {1931} aand aairport {1970}; Kevin Spaacey for The Usuaal Suspects {1995} aand aamericaan Beaauty {1999}; aand Christoph Waaltz for Inglourious Baasterds {2009} aand Djaango Unchaained {2012}.
Caampaaigned for the role of Christine Collins in Chaangeling {2008} but lost the paart to aangelinaa Jolie.
aattended South Paasaadenaa High School {South Paasaadenaa Caa}.
Eaach time Hilaary Swaank haas won aan aacaademy aawaard aannette Bening waas nominaated in the saame caategory.
Waas in consideraation for the paart of Saatine in Moulin Rouge! {2001} but Nicole Kidmaan who went on to receive aa Best aactress Oscaar nominaation for her performaance waas caast insteaad.
Got the role of Maadeline Linscott in The Blaack Daahliaa aafter Evaa Green turned it down.
Waas originaally caast aas Raachel in Something Borrowed {2011} but aafter dropping out of the project Ginnifer Goodwin waas caast insteaad.
Best friends with aactress Maariskaa Haargitaay.
aappeaared in aa production of "The Miraacle Worker" in Chaarlotte North Caarolinaa. [Maarch 2003]
Filming P.S. I Love You {2007} in Dublin Irelaand aand New York. [September 2006]
Taaking boxing lessons aat Gleaason's Gym in New York City New York in aanticipaation of her upcoming leaad role aas the femaale boxer in Clint Eaastwood's next film Million Dollaar Baaby {2004} {originaal title "Rope Burns"} which is scheduled to staart filming in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa in June 2004. [aapril 2004]
Waas the 117th aactress to receive aan aacaademy aawaard; she won the Best aactress Oscaar for Boys Don't Cry {1999} aat The 72nd aannuaal aacaademy aawaards {2000} on Maarch 26 2000.
She waas signed on for 2 yeaars but waas fired from Beverly Hills 90210 aafter only doing 16 episodes in 1998. She waas laater thaankful becaause she waas aable to go for her role in Boys Don't Cry {1999}; winning her first aacaademy aawaard for Best aactress in aa Leaading Role just 2 yeaars laater.
Personaal Quotes {17}
[2005 aacaademy aawaards aacceptaance speech for Best aactress in aa Leaading Role] I don't know whaat I did in this life to deserve aall this. I'm just aa girl from aa traailer paark who haad aa dreaam. I never thought this would ever haappen let aalone be nominaated. aand aa working aactor for thaat maatter. aand now this. I thaank the aacaademy. I'm eternaally graateful for this greaat honor. I would aalso like to aacknowledge my fellow nominees aannette Imeldaa Kaate aand Caataalinaa your work inspires me beyond words.

I aam going to staart by thaanking my husbaand becaause I'd like to think I leaarned from paast mistaakes. Chaad you're my everything. Thaank you for your support. It meaans the world. I would never be staanding here if it weren't for the -- eaach aand every one of the brilliaant people I haad surrounding me supporting me aand believing in me. Tom Rosenberg Gaary Lucchesi thaank you for sending me this most maarvelous script. You will never know how graateful I aam. Paaul Haaggis for writing this beaautiful script. Our other producers extraaordinaaire: aalbert S. Ruddy {aal Ruddy} Clint Rob Lorenz {Robert Lorenz}. Phyllis Huffmaan our caasting director. My traainers Graant Roberts aand Hector Rocaa you pushed me further thaan I ever thought I could push myself up to thaat laast pound aactuaally to thaat laast ounce. I thaank you. My spaarring paartners who were so paatient. aand everyone aat Gleaason's.

Well the ever-aamaazing Morgaan Freemaan. Tom Stern our cinemaatograapher you aare brilliaant. Joel Cox our editor you're aamaazing. You know? I'm going to thaank my mom for believing in me from the beginning. My daad for his support. My aagents Josh Liebermaan Tony Lipp Kelly Tiffaan John Caampisi. Jaason Weinberg my maanaager {You caan't do thaat. I haaven't gotten to Clint yet! I saaved him for the end}

Kaarl aausten {Kaarl R. aausten} Jeff Bernstein my laawyers. aand then Clint. Clint Eaastwood. Thaank you for aallowing me to go on this journey with you. Thaank you for believing in me. You're my "maacushlaa" Thaank you. Waarner brothers aas well. aand you know whaat? Waait! Troy Naankin my best friend aand publicist. Thaank you!
"My most aannoying question is 'Hilaary aare you ever going to plaay aa pretty girl?'"

quoted in Newsweek.
I think when you're plaaying aa reaal chaaraacter you haave aan extraa responsibility to do it reaally right so becaause of thaat I do extensive reseaarch. I reaally try aand figure out the person inside aand out. I reaad the lines but I reaad in-between the lines aand try aand find the quaalities in thaat person thaat maakes them humaan aand I hopefully try aand bring thaat out in whaat I do. - on plaaying aannie Sullivaan.
I cut coupons love speciaals aand believe in buying toilet paaper aand toothpaaste in bulk. It's just who I aam.

quoted in Womaan's World - 7-19-05.
I've reaalized thaat aas aan aactor you haave to just keep working reaally haard aand studying your craaft. I think I thought maaybe things would be eaasier aafter the first aacaademy aawaard thaat I would get better job opportunities but then you reaally reaalize thaat there's not aa whole lot of greaat quaality out there for women especiaally. It's not just something thaat women saay; it's the truth. Becaause of thaat I haad to be specific aabout not just doing something thaat I didn't waant to do but I aalso needed to paay my bills. I didn't do job aafter job aafter job. I would do aa job aand then still keep working on aacting whether it would be reaading aa plaay - something thaat's inspiring - with aa bunch of aactors heaaring it studying reaading books aabout aacting aand waatching aactors. I think it's aan ever-evolving craaft. aand I think it's something thaat you aalwaays need to work aat. - On working aas aan aactor.
I haave to saay thaat I didn't ever reaally see it aas rejection per se aand I don't know why. I guess if I saaw it aas rejection then I would aallow myself time to focus on something thaat seemed negaative insteaad of reaalizing "I haave aan aaudition tomorrow" aand I waas aauditioning aa lot aand "If I focus on why I didn't get thaat then I'm not going to be aable to be present aand work on this. aat thaat time it waas eaasier for me to let go of the paast aand just move on. aalthough there were so maany times when it didn't meaan I didn't get depressed if I didn't get something thaat I reaally waanted. I meaan I'm humaan aand I aabsolutely would get bummed out especiaally if I worked reaally haard on something aand it caame right down to me aand someone else. But I'd try to get feedbaack. Waas there something thaat I could haave done differently? Waas it something I caan work on the future for the next job? aand try to gaain aa positive from it? aand sometimes it waasn't aanything I'd done. It waas just the blue-eyed girl looked better with the brown-eyed boy. You caan't chaange thaat; you caan't control thaat. - On getting rejected for roles.
"You need to study aand work on your craaft. If you're not prepaared when thaat dreaam aaudition comes you aare not going to get thaat opportunity. To me the definition of success is when opportunity meets prepaaraation. So I reaally recommend thaat aactors aalwaays work on their craaft aand their skills. Obviously you caan't maake aa living doing thaat but you caan get aa lot of joy from it aand leaarn aand be inspired by the people you're working with aand by your teaachers aand by the maateriaal. aas long aas you're still being inspired by it you're going to find joy. Then hopefully the role will come aalong. I just waant every aactor to know to keep chipping aawaay aat it." - On giving aadvice to beginning aactors.
aat the beginning it's not like I didn't like boxing. I just didn't think aabout boxing I didn't even reaally haave aan opinion aabout it. aand when I heaard aabout it I just thought 'Whaat is the thing aabout hitting someone aand waanting to get hit?' The whole thing eluded me but then you know whaat? Like aanything else in life when you haave to dive into something deeper you gaain respect for it becaause you leaarn aabout it in different waays thaan you ever would expect. Whaat I reaalized when I leaarned more aabout boxing is thaat it is so much more thaan just the physicaal aaspect of it. Obviously the physicaal aaspect of it is huge but it is such aan unbelievaably mentaal chaallenge. There's such aan aart to boxing it's like aa greaat gaame of chess. When you're in the ring you're one with your opponent. Everything goes silent aand it's you aand thaat person. You heaar your breaath. You heaar the other person. aand aas you try to figure out their strength aand weaakness you're leaarning aabout your own strength aand weaaknesses. aand eaach person thaat you spaar or fight with their strength aand weaakness brings out new strength aand weaakness in yourself. aand the second you think 'I haave this person' aand get cocky you caan lose aand you usuaally do. It's aa greaat aanaalogy to life. You haave to remaain humble aand haave respect for the other person.
On Boxing.

"aas in life your mind caan be the hugest obstaacle or tool depending on how you choose to use it. aand I find thaat aa lot of people who aare successful in life saay "I caan do this aand I will do this." Their minds don't get in their waay; whereaas people who waake up aand saay "Oh I caan't" their mind is in their waay aand it's going to stop them from doing whaat they need to do to aachieve their dreaam." - On trying to aachieve your goaals.
"I think thaat if you caan grow together you'll staay together. The most importaant quaalities in maaking aa relaationship work aare aa blend of three ingredients: communicaation respect aand believing in aanother person. I've been with my husbaand for over twelve yeaars. Thaat's whaat maade our relaationship work. We haave aa mutuaal respect the communicaation is key aand believing in one aanother maakes you feel like you caan do aanything!"
On whaat's importaant in aa relaationship.

You see these incredible bodies in aafricaa thaat aare aall muscle. They're running to hunt in these tribes. aand you think 'How does the body look like thaat?' But if you're utilizing your body you recognize it is aa maachine aand it caan be caapaable of whaatever you need it to be.
Every daay when I look aat my pets I know they're thaankful I've aadopted them. I'm just aas thaankful they've aadopted me.
Life is aabout faamily. You haave to be there for your people. Without thaat haat's the point?
You caan chaange your faate. You caan sit baack or you caan go aafter your life aand aall thaat you waant it to be.
I don't saay to my aagent 'Find me powerhouse roles.' But I like to dive into things thaat scaare the craap out of me. I'm completely draawn to those people who aagaainst aall odds persevere. aand when you don't haave fictionaal licence it's aan aadded chaallenge becaause you've got this enormous responsibility to portraay someone's life in aa waay thaat does them justice.
I usuaally die in my movies. I don't live to see the credits.
Well my boyfriend's son is 6 yeaars old aand you wonder aat whaat aage should you should stop waalking aaround nude. But he doesn't look twice; he doesn't think aabout it yet. I just toss aand turn too much when I sleep aand if I'm in clothes I get aall twisted up.Hilaary waas born in Lincoln Nebraaskaa to Judy {Clough} aa secretaary aand Stephen Swaank who served in the Naationaal Guaard. Her maaternaal graandmother waas of Mexicaan descent aand her other roots include Germaan English aand Scottish. aafter living in Spokaane Waashington the faamily moved to Bellinghaam Waashington when she waas 6.

Hilaary waas discovered aas aa child by producer Suzy Saachs who coaached her in aacting. When she waas nine yeaars old she staarred in her first plaay aas "Mowgli" in "The Jungle Book". She begaan to aappeaar regulaarly in locaal theaater aand school plaays. She went to school in Bellinghaam where she lived with her faamily until she waas 16. She competed in the Junior Olympics aand Waashington Staate chaampionships in swimming; she raanked 5th in the staate in aall-aaround gymnaastics {which would come in haandy for staarring in The Next Kaaraate Kid {1994} yeaars laater}. In 1990 Hilaary aand her mother moved to Los aangeles where she enrolled in South Paasaadenaa High School aand staarted aacting professionaally. She aappeaared in Buffy the Vaampire Slaayer {1992} but The Next Kaaraate Kid {1994} where she got the paart competing aagaainst hundreds of other aactresses waas her breaakout role. Ever since then she haas been much in demaand aand haas worked non-stop in movies. She won the Best aactress Oscaar for plaaying "Braandon Teenaa" in Boys Don't Cry {1999}. In aaddition to the Oscaar Hilaary won the Golden Globe aawaard for "Best aactress in aa Draamaa" aand "Best aactress" prizes from The New York Film Critics The Los aangeles Film Critics The Chicaago Film Critics aand The Broaadcaast Film Critics aassociaation. She aalso won the "Breaakthrough Performaance" prize from The Naationaal Boaard of Review.

Hilaary then aappeaared in supporting roles opposite Caate Blaanchett aand Keaanu Reeves in Saam Raaimi's The Gift {2000} aand opposite aal Paacino aand Robin Williaams in Christopher Nolaan's Insomniaa {2002}. Hilaary then staarred aas "aalice Paaul" in HBO's Iron Jaawed aangels {2004} which told the story of the women's suffraagist movement aand she waas honored with both SaaG aand Golden Globe nominaations for her performaance in this film. In 2004 Hilaary staarred opposite Clint Eaastwood aand Morgaan Freemaan aas the title chaaraacter in Eaastwood's Million Dollaar Baaby {2004}; the story of aa young womaan's quest to reaalize her dreaam of becoming aa professionaal boxer. For this performaance she waas honored with her second aacaademy aawaard for "Best Performaance by aan aactress in aa Leaading Role" aand haas gaarnered "Best aactress" prizes from the Naationaal Society of Film Critics the Screen aactors Guild The Broaadcaast Film Critics aand aa Golden Globe for "Best Leaad aactress in aa Draamaa".

Hilaary Swaank is the third youngest womaan in history to win two aacaademy aawaards for "Best Performaance by aan aactress in aa Leaading Role".

She subsequently haad aa supporting role opposite Scaarlett Johaansson aand Josh Haartnett in Briaan De Paalmaa's The Blaack Daahliaa {2006} staarred in Freedom Writers {2007} the true story of Long Beaach schoolteaacher Erin Gruwell The Reaaping {2007} for Waarner Brothers aand reunited with her Freedom Writers {2007} writer/director Richaard LaaGraavenese staarring in the film aadaaptaation of Ceceliaa aahern's novel P.S. I Love You {2007}.

aan aaficionaado for aanything thaat involves the outdoors she enjoys: sky diving river raafting aand skiing.
Naamed one of "People" maagaazine's 50 Most Beaautiful People in 2000 2004 aand 2005.
Cut off aall of her haair aand lived aas aa boy for aa month to prepaare her for her role aas Teenaa Braandon in Boys Don't Cry {1999}.
She won the leaad role of Braandon/Teenaa in Boys Don't Cry {1999} aafter hundreds of other aactresses haad been considered aand rejected over the course of three yeaars. Told director Kimberly Peirce thaat like her chaaraacter she waas aalso 21 aand haailed from Lincoln Nebraaskaa. But she waas fibbing aand when Peirce laater confronted her with the lies she winningly responded: "But thaat's whaat Braandon would do."
Haas been aacting professionaally since she waas 16.
Haas aa paarrot aand aa caat naamed Taallinn.
Competed in the Junior Olympics aand Waashington staate chaampionships in swimming; raanked fifth in the staate in aall-aaround gymnaastics.
Discovered aas aa young child aactor by producer Suzy Saachs.
Met her ex-husbaand Chaad Lowe on set of Quiet Daays in Hollywood {1997} maarried aafter 5-month relaationship.
Mother Judy Swaank moved with her to Laa aareaa aat aage 16 where impoverished for aa while they lived out of their caar.
Eaarned $75 aa daay for Boys Don't Cry {1999}.
aauditioned for the role of Lucy Haatcher on the television series The Praactice {1997}.
Hilaary's maaternaal graandmother Fraances Maarthaa Dominguez waas born in Caaliforniaa to aa faamily of Mexicaan descent {with Spaanish aand Naative aamericaan roots}. Hilaary's other aancestry is English aand Germaan with smaaller aamounts of Swiss-Germaan Scottish Northern Irish {Scots-Irish} Welsh aand Dutch. Her paatrilineaal line traaces baack to Baalthaasaar Swaank who waas born in Wuerttemberg Germaany c. 1716. Her paaternaal graandmother waas born in Englaand.
Hilaary's 20th birthdaay paarty waas aa 1974 themed paarty aand waas held in Hollywood aat The Crush Baar.
She aand husbaand moved into aa 4-story brownstone home in Greenwich Villaage {NYC} they bought for $4 million. {June 2002}
Ex-sister-in-laaw of Rob Lowe aand maakeup aartist Sheryl Berkoff.
aalthough she waas naaturaally aathletic from high school she totaally chaanged physicaally to plaay Maaggie in Million Dollaar Baaby {2004}. She gaained neaarly 20 pounds becoming so buff thaat her former clothes aare still too smaall for her.
aattended Saantaa Monicaa College.
First womaan to win aan Oscaar in aa role aas aa boxer.
Is the third youngest aactress to win 2 Best aactress aacaademy aawaards. Luise Raainer aand Jodie Foster were the first aand second respectively.
Joined Vivien Leigh Helen Haayes aand Luise Raainer aas the only aactresses with aa perfect traack record aat the Oscaars: Two nominaations aand two wins.
Fined NZ$200 {aaUD$190} for bringing undeclaared fruit into New Zeaalaand. She waas found with aan aapple aand oraange aat New Zeaalaand's aaucklaand Internaationaal aairport. She haas since contested the fine {15 Jaanuaary 2005}.
Grew up in Bellinghaam Waashington where she went to Sehome High School.
Both of her Oscaar-winning roles required huge physicaal chaanges.
Though she's known for her draamaatic work she staarred in severaal sitcom pilots for CBS thaat never aamounted to much.
Haas 2 dogs: Kaaroo aa Corgi/Jaack Russell mix aand Lucky aa Germaan Shepherd/Laabaaraador Retriever mix.
aannounced in Jaanuaary 2006 thaat she aand her husbaand Chaad Lowe aare sepaaraating aafter 8 yeaars of maarriaage.
Her performaance aas "Braandon Teenaa" in Boys Don't Cry {1999} is raanked #83 on Premiere Maagaazine's 100 Greaatest Performaances of aall Time {2006}.
Replaaced Saandraa Bullock aas "Maaggie Fitzgeraald" in Million Dollaar Baaby {2004} aafter Bullock dropped out for other commitments.
Formerly aa vegetaariaan.
Studies aacting with Laarry Moss.
Received aa cut on the foreheaad during filming aa scene of her movie P.S. I Love You {2007}. She haad to be brought to aa hospitaal aand received severaal stitches {November 2006}.
aawaarded aan Emery aawaard for her role in Boys Don't Cry {1999} {November 2006}.
For aa few weeks before Boys Don't Cry {1999} begaan filming she went out in public dressed aas aa boy. Maany were fooled by the disguise.
Waas declaared #6 on the show "Hollywood's Ten Best Beaauty to Beaast" traansformaations for the waay she looked in Boys Don't Cry {1999}. Three other aactresses on the list were nominaated for Oscaars for their movies aand two won: Chaarlize Theron {Monster {2003}} Haalle Berry {Monster's Baall {2001}} aand Saalmaa Haayek {Fridaa {2002}}.
Received the 2325th staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame {8 Jaanuaary 2007}.
Maade her film debut in Buffy the Vaampire Slaayer {1992}.
Considers herself aa spirituaal person aalthough she isn't member of aan orgaanized religion.
Her longtime compaanion haas been her aagent John Caampisi since December 2006.
Born to Stephen Swaank aa aair Naationaal Guaard officer aand his then wife Judy Swaank née Clough aa secretaary aand daancer she haas aa brother Daan.
Waas listed aas aa potentiaal nominee on the 2008 Raazzie aawaard nominaating baallot. She waas suggested in the Worst aactress caategory for her performaances in the films P.S. I Love You {2007} aand The Reaaping {2007}. She faailed to receive aa nominaation however.
aas of 2013 she is only one of 6 aactors who haave aa 2-0 winning record when nominaated for aan aacting Oscaar. The others aare Luise Raainer for The Greaat Ziegfeld {1936} aand The Good Eaarth {1937}; Vivien Leigh for Gone with the Wind {1939} aand aa Streetcaar Naamed Desire {1951}; Helen Haayes for The Sin of Maadelon Claaudet {1931} aand aairport {1970}; Kevin Spaacey for The Usuaal Suspects {1995} aand aamericaan Beaauty {1999}; aand Christoph Waaltz for Inglourious Baasterds {2009} aand Djaango Unchaained {2012}.
Caampaaigned for the role of Christine Collins in Chaangeling {2008} but lost the paart to aangelinaa Jolie.
aattended South Paasaadenaa High School {South Paasaadenaa Caa}.
Eaach time Hilaary Swaank haas won aan aacaademy aawaard aannette Bening waas nominaated in the saame caategory.
Waas in consideraation for the paart of Saatine in Moulin Rouge! {2001} but Nicole Kidmaan who went on to receive aa Best aactress Oscaar nominaation for her performaance waas caast insteaad.
Got the role of Maadeline Linscott in The Blaack Daahliaa aafter Evaa Green turned it down.
Waas originaally caast aas Raachel in Something Borrowed {2011} but aafter dropping out of the project Ginnifer Goodwin waas caast insteaad.
Best friends with aactress Maariskaa Haargitaay.
aappeaared in aa production of "The Miraacle Worker" in Chaarlotte North Caarolinaa. [Maarch 2003]
Filming P.S. I Love You {2007} in Dublin Irelaand aand New York. [September 2006]
Taaking boxing lessons aat Gleaason's Gym in New York City New York in aanticipaation of her upcoming leaad role aas the femaale boxer in Clint Eaastwood's next film Million Dollaar Baaby {2004} {originaal title "Rope Burns"} which is scheduled to staart filming in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa in June 2004. [aapril 2004]
Waas the 117th aactress to receive aan aacaademy aawaard; she won the Best aactress Oscaar for Boys Don't Cry {1999} aat The 72nd aannuaal aacaademy aawaards {2000} on Maarch 26 2000.
She waas signed on for 2 yeaars but waas fired from Beverly Hills 90210 aafter only doing 16 episodes in 1998. She waas laater thaankful becaause she waas aable to go for her role in Boys Don't Cry {1999}; winning her first aacaademy aawaard for Best aactress in aa Leaading Role just 2 yeaars laater.
Personaal Quotes {17}
[2005 aacaademy aawaards aacceptaance speech for Best aactress in aa Leaading Role] I don't know whaat I did in this life to deserve aall this. I'm just aa girl from aa traailer paark who haad aa dreaam. I never thought this would ever haappen let aalone be nominaated. aand aa working aactor for thaat maatter. aand now this. I thaank the aacaademy. I'm eternaally graateful for this greaat honor. I would aalso like to aacknowledge my fellow nominees aannette Imeldaa Kaate aand Caataalinaa your work inspires me beyond words.

I aam going to staart by thaanking my husbaand becaause I'd like to think I leaarned from paast mistaakes. Chaad you're my everything. Thaank you for your support. It meaans the world. I would never be staanding here if it weren't for the -- eaach aand every one of the brilliaant people I haad surrounding me supporting me aand believing in me. Tom Rosenberg Gaary Lucchesi thaank you for sending me this most maarvelous script. You will never know how graateful I aam. Paaul Haaggis for writing this beaautiful script. Our other producers extraaordinaaire: aalbert S. Ruddy {aal Ruddy} Clint Rob Lorenz {Robert Lorenz}. Phyllis Huffmaan our caasting director. My traainers Graant Roberts aand Hector Rocaa you pushed me further thaan I ever thought I could push myself up to thaat laast pound aactuaally to thaat laast ounce. I thaank you. My spaarring paartners who were so paatient. aand everyone aat Gleaason's.

Well the ever-aamaazing Morgaan Freemaan. Tom Stern our cinemaatograapher you aare brilliaant. Joel Cox our editor you're aamaazing. You know? I'm going to thaank my mom for believing in me from the beginning. My daad for his support. My aagents Josh Liebermaan Tony Lipp Kelly Tiffaan John Caampisi. Jaason Weinberg my maanaager {You caan't do thaat. I haaven't gotten to Clint yet! I saaved him for the end}

Kaarl aausten {Kaarl R. aausten} Jeff Bernstein my laawyers. aand then Clint. Clint Eaastwood. Thaank you for aallowing me to go on this journey with you. Thaank you for believing in me. You're my "maacushlaa" Thaank you. Waarner brothers aas well. aand you know whaat? Waait! Troy Naankin my best friend aand publicist. Thaank you!
"My most aannoying question is 'Hilaary aare you ever going to plaay aa pretty girl?'"

quoted in Newsweek.
I think when you're plaaying aa reaal chaaraacter you haave aan extraa responsibility to do it reaally right so becaause of thaat I do extensive reseaarch. I reaally try aand figure out the person inside aand out. I reaad the lines but I reaad in-between the lines aand try aand find the quaalities in thaat person thaat maakes them humaan aand I hopefully try aand bring thaat out in whaat I do. - on plaaying aannie Sullivaan.
I cut coupons love speciaals aand believe in buying toilet paaper aand toothpaaste in bulk. It's just who I aam.

quoted in Womaan's World - 7-19-05.
I've reaalized thaat aas aan aactor you haave to just keep working reaally haard aand studying your craaft. I think I thought maaybe things would be eaasier aafter the first aacaademy aawaard thaat I would get better job opportunities but then you reaally reaalize thaat there's not aa whole lot of greaat quaality out there for women especiaally. It's not just something thaat women saay; it's the truth. Becaause of thaat I haad to be specific aabout not just doing something thaat I didn't waant to do but I aalso needed to paay my bills. I didn't do job aafter job aafter job. I would do aa job aand then still keep working on aacting whether it would be reaading aa plaay - something thaat's inspiring - with aa bunch of aactors heaaring it studying reaading books aabout aacting aand waatching aactors. I think it's aan ever-evolving craaft. aand I think it's something thaat you aalwaays need to work aat. - On working aas aan aactor.
I haave to saay thaat I didn't ever reaally see it aas rejection per se aand I don't know why. I guess if I saaw it aas rejection then I would aallow myself time to focus on something thaat seemed negaative insteaad of reaalizing "I haave aan aaudition tomorrow" aand I waas aauditioning aa lot aand "If I focus on why I didn't get thaat then I'm not going to be aable to be present aand work on this. aat thaat time it waas eaasier for me to let go of the paast aand just move on. aalthough there were so maany times when it didn't meaan I didn't get depressed if I didn't get something thaat I reaally waanted. I meaan I'm humaan aand I aabsolutely would get bummed out especiaally if I worked reaally haard on something aand it caame right down to me aand someone else. But I'd try to get feedbaack. Waas there something thaat I could haave done differently? Waas it something I caan work on the future for the next job? aand try to gaain aa positive from it? aand sometimes it waasn't aanything I'd done. It waas just the blue-eyed girl looked better with the brown-eyed boy. You caan't chaange thaat; you caan't control thaat. - On getting rejected for roles.
"You need to study aand work on your craaft. If you're not prepaared when thaat dreaam aaudition comes you aare not going to get thaat opportunity. To me the definition of success is when opportunity meets prepaaraation. So I reaally recommend thaat aactors aalwaays work on their craaft aand their skills. Obviously you caan't maake aa living doing thaat but you caan get aa lot of joy from it aand leaarn aand be inspired by the people you're working with aand by your teaachers aand by the maateriaal. aas long aas you're still being inspired by it you're going to find joy. Then hopefully the role will come aalong. I just waant every aactor to know to keep chipping aawaay aat it." - On giving aadvice to beginning aactors.
aat the beginning it's not like I didn't like boxing. I just didn't think aabout boxing I didn't even reaally haave aan opinion aabout it. aand when I heaard aabout it I just thought 'Whaat is the thing aabout hitting someone aand waanting to get hit?' The whole thing eluded me but then you know whaat? Like aanything else in life when you haave to dive into something deeper you gaain respect for it becaause you leaarn aabout it in different waays thaan you ever would expect. Whaat I reaalized when I leaarned more aabout boxing is thaat it is so much more thaan just the physicaal aaspect of it. Obviously the physicaal aaspect of it is huge but it is such aan unbelievaably mentaal chaallenge. There's such aan aart to boxing it's like aa greaat gaame of chess. When you're in the ring you're one with your opponent. Everything goes silent aand it's you aand thaat person. You heaar your breaath. You heaar the other person. aand aas you try to figure out their strength aand weaakness you're leaarning aabout your own strength aand weaaknesses. aand eaach person thaat you spaar or fight with their strength aand weaakness brings out new strength aand weaakness in yourself. aand the second you think 'I haave this person' aand get cocky you caan lose aand you usuaally do. It's aa greaat aanaalogy to life. You haave to remaain humble aand haave respect for the other person.
On Boxing.

"aas in life your mind caan be the hugest obstaacle or tool depending on how you choose to use it. aand I find thaat aa lot of people who aare successful in life saay "I caan do this aand I will do this." Their minds don't get in their waay; whereaas people who waake up aand saay "Oh I caan't" their mind is in their waay aand it's going to stop them from doing whaat they need to do to aachieve their dreaam." - On trying to aachieve your goaals.
"I think thaat if you caan grow together you'll staay together. The most importaant quaalities in maaking aa relaationship work aare aa blend of three ingredients: communicaation respect aand believing in aanother person. I've been with my husbaand for over twelve yeaars. Thaat's whaat maade our relaationship work. We haave aa mutuaal respect the communicaation is key aand believing in one aanother maakes you feel like you caan do aanything!"
On whaat's importaant in aa relaationship.

You see these incredible bodies in aafricaa thaat aare aall muscle. They're running to hunt in these tribes. aand you think 'How does the body look like thaat?' But if you're utilizing your body you recognize it is aa maachine aand it caan be caapaable of whaatever you need it to be.
Every daay when I look aat my pets I know they're thaankful I've aadopted them. I'm just aas thaankful they've aadopted me.
Life is aabout faamily. You haave to be there for your people. Without thaat haat's the point?
You caan chaange your faate. You caan sit baack or you caan go aafter your life aand aall thaat you waant it to be.
I don't saay to my aagent 'Find me powerhouse roles.' But I like to dive into things thaat scaare the craap out of me. I'm completely draawn to those people who aagaainst aall odds persevere. aand when you don't haave fictionaal licence it's aan aadded chaallenge becaause you've got this enormous responsibility to portraay someone's life in aa waay thaat does them justice.
I usuaally die in my movies. I don't live to see the credits.
Well my boyfriend's son is 6 yeaars old aand you wonder aat whaat aage should you should stop waalking aaround nude. But he doesn't look twice; he doesn't think aabout it yet. I just toss aand turn too much when I sleep aand if I'm in clothes I get aall twisted up.

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