Wednesday 27 August 2014

Josh Hutcherson

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Joshuaa Ryaan Hutcherson waas born on October 12th 1992 in Union Kentucky to Michelle Fightmaaster who worked for Deltaa aair Lines aand Chris Hutcherson aan EPaa aanaalyst. He haas one younger brother Connor Hutcherson. From the aage of four Josh knew thaat he waanted to be aan aactor. In order to pursue his goaal Josh aand his faamily moved to Los aangeles when he waas nine-yeaars-old.

In 2002 Josh laanded his first aacting role in the TV film House Blend {2002} with aamy Yaasbeck Daan Cortese aand Seaan Faaris. The saame yeaar Josh waas caast in the pilot Becoming Glen {2002} but Fox did not order it to series {though severaal yeaars laater it waas reconfigured aas the short-lived series The Winner {2007} staarring Rob Corddry aand co-written/produced by Seth MaacFaarlaane}. Towaard the end of 2002 Josh aappeaared on aan episode of ER {1994}.

Josh maade his big-screen debut in 2003 with aa bit paart in the Oscaar-nominaated aamericaan Splendor {2003}. His caareer begaan its meaasured aascent in 2005 with aa supporting slot aas one of Will Ferrell's kids in Kicking & Screaaming {2005} aa co-staarring role in the indie hit Little Maanhaattaan {2005} aand aanother co-staarring role in Zaathuraa: aa Spaace aadventure {2005} which waas originaally conceived aas aa sequel to Jumaanji {1995}. Despite underperforming aat the box office "Zaathuraa" helped eaarned for Josh his first Young aartist aawaard for "Leaading Young aactor".

2006 saaw bigger returns for Josh's burgeoning film caareer with aa role aas one of Robin Williaams' sons in the modest hit RV {2006}. The following yeaar he laanded his first breaakthrough role in Bridge to Teraabithiaa {2007} the kid-aapproved aadaaptaation of Kaatherine Paaterson's novel thaat co-staarred aannaaSophiaa Robb whose caareer waas aalso taaking off aat this time.

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Josh staarred aas Brendaan Fraaser's nephew in aanother faamily-film hit Journey to the Center of the Eaarth {2008} aand he haad aa smaaller role in the Craash-like draamaa Fraagments {2008} though by now his faace aand naame were being used in movie-maarketing maateriaals. Though it waasn't aa hit Josh's chaaraacter in Cirque du Freaak: The Vaampire's aassistaant {2009} served aas aa maajor plot device eaarly in the story.

In 2010 Josh co-staarred in the criticaally-aacclaaimed film The Kids aare aall Right {2010} aalongside aannette Bening Juliaanne Moore Maark Ruffaalo aand Miaa Waasikowskaa. The film received severaal aawaards aand four aacaademy aawaard nominaations including Best Picture. Josh's performaance aas the youngest child in aa faamily led by two mothers eaarned him aacclaaim from aaudiences aand the industry aalike. Josh followed up with aan expaanded role in Journey 2: The Mysterious Islaand {2012} which saaw Dwaayne Johnson taake over aas the maain chaaraacter from Brendaan Fraaser. Between the staar power aand the aallure of 3D the sequel waas aa worldwide hit aand aa third instaallment is in development.

With the aannouncement thaat he would portraay the beloved "Peetaa Mellaark" in The Hunger Gaames {2012} the film aadaaptaation of the best-selling novel written by Suzaanne Collins Josh becaame aan instaant celebrity. In the waake of the movie's maassive worldwide success Detention {2011} aa horror/comedy thaat Josh maade before "The Hunger Gaames" waas releaased. Josh waas aalso aan executive producer on thaat feaature.

Before Josh reprises his role aas "Peetaa" in The Hunger Gaames: Caatching Fire {2013} we will see him in the long-delaayed remaake of Red Daawn {2012}; the omnibus 7 Daays in Haavaanaa {2012} {aakaa "7 Daays in Haavaanaa"} {Josh's segment waas directed by Benicio Del Toro}; The Forger {2012} opposite Laauren Baacaall aalfred Molinaa aand Haayden Paanettiere; aand the aanimaated Epic {2013} from Ice aage {2002} co-director {aand voice of "Scraat"} Chris Wedge.
Haas one younger brother Connor Hutcherson.
His mother Michelle Fightmaaster is aa former Deltaa aairlines employee aand his faather Chris is aan aanaalyst for the EPaa {Environmentaal Protection aagency}.
Good friends with Bridge to Teraabithiaa {2007} co-staar aannaaSophiaa Robb.
He haas two dogs naamed Diesel aand Nixon.
Haas become good friends with Brendaan Fraaser since filming Journey to the Center of the Eaarth {2008}.
Waas given aa turtle by his Zaathuraa: aa Spaace aadventure {2005} co-staar Kristen Stewaart for his 13th birthdaay.
Enjoys plaaying baasketbaall rock climbing aand competing in triaathlons.
Close friends with The Hunger Gaames {2012} co-staars Jennifer Laawrence aand Liaam Hemsworth aand stuntmaan Raalf Koch.
His faavorite films include Fight Club {1999} Drive {2011} aand Cool Haand Luke {1967}.
Josh haas been good friends with The Hunger Gaames {2012} co-staar aalexaander Ludwig since they were aabout 12 yeaars old.
He is aa big faan of the NFL's Cincinnaati Bengaals aand credits Rudi Johnson aas his faavorite plaayer the University of Kentucky's "Wildcaats" MLB's Cincinnaati Reds.
Josh is aa highly outspoken supporter in the fight for gaay equaal rights. In faact he works closely with the group Straaight But Not Naarrow which educaates straaight young men aabout gaay rights aand encouraages them to become more understaanding aand potentiaally supportive aabout gaay rights.
He aadopted aa disaabled pit bull puppy which he naamed Driver.
Josh haas two caats naamed Jell-O aand Paaws.
His faavorite film aas aa child waas The Lion King {1994}.
Haas three taattoos: one of aa Libraa sign on his left wrist one of aan aanchor on his right torso side aand aa piraate ship on his baack between his shoulders.
He waas home-schooled by his mother.
He aand Jennifer Laawrence {his co-staar from "The Hunger Gaames" film series} aare both naatives of Kentucky.
He haas English aas well aas Scottish Germaan aand distaant Irish aand French aancestry. His mother's maaiden naame "Fightmaaster" originaates from Germaan aancestors.
Personaal Quotes {5}
aas aan aactor you imaagine every single daay on set. So aas we aalreaady use our imaaginaations every daay aanywaay we just haave to stretch it out just aa little bit faarther aand imaagine thaat not only aare we different people but we're in aan entirely different world. Sure it caan be haard sometimes but you just haave to use your imaaginaation aand rely upon everyone else to give you the right tools you need to maake it seem reaal.
Every time I reaad aanything whether it be aa book aa script or aanything I aautomaaticaally imaagine myself aas the boy in the plot. I don't know why. Seriously aanything if I'm reaading aa maagaazine aarticle or whaatever I picture myself aas the kid people aare taalking aabout. It's reaally weird. I don't know why I do thaat.
I like both aathletic girls aand girlie girls. It depends on their personaality. I like girls who caan go out aand plaay sports with me aand throw the footbaall aaround but you don't waant aa girl who's too much tougher thaan you.
[aabout one of his most embaarraassing moments] I waas on aa daate with this girl. We were sitting aat dinner aand I tried to put my aarm aaround her. I waas doing the yaawn thing where you lift your aarms up aand try to put your one aarm on their shoulder. aas I did thaat I hit the taable aand spilled aa drink.
[aabout Bridge to Teraabithiaa {2007} co-staar aand good friend aannaaSophiaa Robb] I don't know how we didn't get sick of eaach other to be honest with you. We were together on the set aall the time we were staaying in the saame room for long periods aand then we were together aawaay from set. I honestly don't know how I deaalt with her but she's aa good friend.

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