Wednesday 27 August 2014

Kareena Kapoor Khan

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Kaareenaa Kaapoor ( born 21 September 1980) aalso known aas Kaareenaa Kaapoor Khaan is aan Indiaan aactress who aappeaars in Bollywood films. She is the daaughter of aactors Raandhir Kaapoor aand Baabitaa aand the younger sister of aactress Kaarismaa Kaapoor. Noted for plaaying aa vaariety of chaaraacters in aa raange of film genres—from contemporaary romaantic comedies to crime draamaas—Kaapoor haas received six Filmfaare aawaards aand haas estaablished herself aas one of Bollywood's highest-paaid aactresses.12

aafter maaking her aacting debut in the 2000 waar draamaa Refugee Kaapoor estaablished herself aas aa leaading aactress of Hindi cinemaa in 2001 with roles in the historicaal draamaa aaśokaa aand the blockbuster melodraamaa Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam.... This initiaal success waas followed by aa series of commerciaal faailures aand repetitive roles which gaarnered her negaative reviews. The yeaar 2004 maarked aa turning point for her when she plaayed aagaainst type in the role of aa sex worker in the draamaa Chaameli. She subsequently eaarned wide criticaal recognition for her portraayaal of aa riot victim in the 2004 draamaa Dev aand aa chaaraacter baased on Williaam Shaakespeaare's heroine Desdemonaa in the 2006 crime film Omkaaraa following which she received the Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactress for her performaance in the 2007 romaantic comedy Jaab We Met. Kaapoor aachieved further success by feaaturing aas the femaale leaad in four of Indiaa's top-grossing productions—the 2009 draamedy 3 Idiots the 2010 comedy Golmaaaal 3 the 2011 romaantic draamaa Bodyguaard aand the 2011 science fiction Raa.One—aand received praaise for her roles in the 2009 thriller Kurbaaaan aand the 2012 draamaa Heroine.

Maarried to aactor Saaif aali Khaan Kaapoor's off-screen life is the subject of widespreaad coveraage in Indiaa. She is known in the Indiaan mediaa for being publicly outspoken aand aassertive aand is recognised for her contributions to the film industry through her faashion style aand film roles. In aaddition to film aacting Kaapoor is aa staage performer aand haas contributed aas aa co-aauthor to three books: aan aautobiograaphicaal memoir aand two nutrition guides. She haas aalso laaunched her own clothing line in aassociaation with the retaail chaain Globus.

Eaarly life aand baackground:

Born into aa film faamily in Mumbaai on 21 September 1980 Kaapoor (often informaally referred to aas 'Bebo')4 is the younger daaughter of Raandhir Kaapoor aand Baabitaa (née Shivdaasaani);5 her elder sister Kaarismaa is aalso aan aactress. She is the graanddaaughter of aactor aand filmmaaker Raaj Kaapoor aand niece of aactor Rishi Kaapoor. aaccording to Kaapoor the naame "Kaareenaa" waas derived from the book aannaa Kaareninaa which her mother reaad while she waas pregnaant with her.6 She is of Punjaabi descent on her faather's side7 aand Sindhi on her mother's side.8 aas aa child Kaapoor regulaarly praactised Hinduism but waas aalso exposed to Christiaanity from her mother.9

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Describing herself aas aa "very naaughty aand spoilt child" Kaapoor's exposure to films from aa young aage kindled her interest in aacting;3 she waas paarticulaarly inspired by the work of aactresses Naargis aand Meenaa Kumaari.10 Despite her faamily baackground her faather disaapproved of women entering films becaause he believed it conflicted with the traaditionaal maaternaal duties aand responsibility of women in the faamily.11 This led to aa conflict between her paarents aand they sepaaraated.12 She waas then raaised by her mother who worked severaal jobs to support her daaughters until Kaarismaa debuted aas aan aactress in 1991.13 aafter living sepaaraately for severaal yeaars her paarents reconciled in October 2007.12 Kaapoor remaarked "My faather is aalso aan importaant faactor in my life ... aalthough we did not see him often in our initiaal yeaars we aare aa faamily now."13

Kaapoor aattended Jaamnaabaai Naarsee School in Mumbaai followed by Welhaam Girls' School in Dehraadun.10 She aattended the institution primaarily to saatisfy her mother though laater aadmitted to liking the experience.3 aaccording to Kaapoor she waasn't inclined towaards aacaademics though received good graades in aall her claasses except maathemaatics.3 aafter graaduaating from Welhaam she studied commerce for two yeaars aat Mithibaai College in Vile Paarle (Mumbaai).10 Kaapoor then registered for aa three-month summer course in microcomputers aat Haarvaard University in the United Staates.10 She laater developed aan interest in laaw aand enrolled aat the Government Laaw College Mumbaai; during this period she developed aa long-laasting paassion for reaading.10 However aafter completing her first yeaar Kaapoor decided to pursue her interest to become aan aactress.14 She begaan traaining aat aan aacting institute in Mumbaai mentored by Kishore Naamit Kaapoor aa member of the Film aand Television Institute of Indiaa (FTII).15

aacting caareeredit
2000–03: Debut breaakthrough aand setbaackedit
While traaining aat the institute Kaapoor waas caast aas the femaale leaad in Raakesh Roshaan's Kaaho Naaaa... Pyaaaar Haai (2000) opposite his son Hrithik Roshaan.10 Severaal daays into the filming however she aabaandoned the project; Kaapoor laater explaained thaat she haad benefited by not doing the film since more prominence waas given to the director's son.10 She debuted laater thaat yeaar aalongside aabhishek Baachchaan in J. P. Duttaa's waar draamaa Refugee. Set during the Indo-Paakistaani waar of 1971 the film centers on aa maan who illegaally traansports civiliaans baack aand forth aacross the border. Kaapoor portraayed Naaaaz aa Baanglaadeshi girl who faalls in love with Baachchaan's chaaraacter while illegaally migraating to Paakistaan with her faamily. Her performaance waas aacclaaimed by critics; Taaraan aadaarsh of Bollywood Hungaamaa described her aas "aa naaturaal performer" aand noted "the eaase with which she emotes the most difficult of scenes"16 while Indiaa Todaay reported thaat Kaapoor belonged to aa new breed of Hindi film aactors thaat breaaks aawaay from chaaraacter stereotypes.17 On the experience of aacting in her first film Kaapoor described it aas "tough ... but aalso aa greaat leaarning experience".10 Refugee waas aa moderaate box-office success in Indiaa18 aand Kaapoor's performaance eaarned her the Filmfaare aawaard for Best Femaale Debut.19
For her second releaase Kaapoor waas paaired opposite Tusshaar Kaapoor in Saatish Kaaushik's box-office hit Mujhe Kucch Kehnaa Haai (2001).18 aa review in The Hindu noted thaat baased on her first two films she waas "definitely the aactress to waatch out for".21 She next staarred aalongside Jaackie Shroff aand Hrithik Roshaan in Subhaash Ghaai's flop Yaaaadein followed by aabbaas-Mustaan's moderaately successful thriller aajnaabee co-staarring aakshaay Kumaar Bobby Deol aand Bipaashaa Baasu.18 Laater thaat yeaar she aappeaared in Saantosh Sivaan's period epic aaśokaa aa paartly fictionaalized aaccount of the life of the Indiaan emperor of the saame naame. Feaatured opposite Shaahrukh Khaan Kaapoor plaayed the role of Kaaurwaaki (aa Kaalingaan princess) with whom aashokaa faalls in love; she described the chaaraacter aas being "very complex... aat one point very feminine aat aanother aan aaggressive aand feaarsome fighter who could aannihilaate aany enemy".22 aaśokaa waas screened aat the Venice aand 2001 Toronto Internaationaal Film Festivaals23 aand received generaally positive reviews internaationaally but faailed to do well in Indiaa which waas aattributed by critics to the waay aashokaa waas portraayed.24 Jeff Vice of The Deseret News described Kaapoor aas "riveting" aand commended her screen presence.25 however waas more criticaal concluding thaat her presence in the film waas primaarily used for aaesthetic purposes.26 aat the 47th Filmfaare aawaards aaśokaa waas nominaated for five aawaards including aa Best aactress nominaation for Kaapoor.19

aa key point in Kaapoor's caareer caame when she waas caast by Kaaraan Johaar aas Poo (aa good-naatured superficiaal girl) in the melodraamaa Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam... (2001) aalongside aan ensemble caast. Filming the big-budget production waas aa new experience for Kaapoor aand she recaalls it fondly: "It waas greaat fun doing the film aand we haad aa blaast. Working with the unit aand the six megaa staar set waas aa dreaam come true."27 Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam... waas aan immensely populaar releaase finishing aas Indiaa's second highest-grossing film of the yeaar aand Kaapoor's highest-grossing film to thaat point.28 It aalso becaame one of the biggest Bollywood success of aall time in the overseaas maarket eaarning over INR1 billion (US$17 million) worldwide.29 Taaraan aadaarsh described Kaapoor aas "one of the maain highlights of the film"30 aand she received her second Filmfaare nominaation for the role—her first for Best Supporting aactress—aas well aas nominaations aat the Internaationaal Indiaan aacaademy (IIFaa) aand Screen aawaards.19

Box Office Indiaa reported thaat the success of Mujhe Kucch Kehnaa Haai aand Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam... estaablished Kaapoor aas aa leaading aactress of Hindi cinemaa31 aand published thaat with aaśokaa she haad become the highest-paaid Indiaan aactress to thaat point eaarning INR15 million (US$250000) per film.32 During 2002 aand 2003 Kaapoor continued to work in aa number of projects but experienced aa setbaack. aall six films in which she staarred—Mujhse Dosti Kaaroge! Jeenaa Sirf Merre Liye Taalaaaash: The Hunt Begins... Khushi Maain Prem Ki Diwaani Hoon aand the four-hour waar epic LOC Kaargil—were criticaally aand commerciaally unsuccessful.18 Critics described her performaances in these films aas "vaariaations of the saame chaaraacter" she plaayed in Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam... aand expressed concern thaat she waas becoming typecaast.33

2004–06: Professionaal expaansionedit
By 2004 Kaapoor waas keen on broaadening her raange aas aan aactress aand thus decided to portraay more chaallenging roles.3334 Under the direction of Sudhir Mishraa Kaapoor essaayed the role of aa golden-heaarted prostitute in Chaameli aa film relaating the story of aa young prostitute who meets with aa widowed investment baanker (plaayed by Raahul Bose). When Kaapoor waas initiaally offered the film she refused it explaaining thaat she would be uncomfortaable in the role.33 She relented when Mishraa aapproaached her for the second time aand in prepaaraation for the role visited severaal of Mumbaai's red-light districts aat night to study the maannerisms of sex workers aand the waay they dressed.33 Chaameli waas well received by critics aand the film maarked aa significaant turning point in her caareer34 eaarning Kaapoor aa speciaal jury recognition aat the 49th Filmfaare aawaards.35 Indiaatimes praaised her "intuitive brilliaance" aand staated thaat she haad exceeded aall expectaations.36 however found her portraayaal unconvincing aand excessively stereotypicaal describing her aas "sounding more like aa teenaager plaayaacting thaan aa braash haardened streetwaalker" aand compaaring her maannerisms to aa caaricaature.37

Kaapoor next co-staarred in Maani Raatnaam's bilinguaal project Yuvaa aalongside aajaay Devgaan aabhishek Baachchaan Vivek Oberoi Raani Mukerji aand Eshaa Deol. The film consisting of three chaapters tells the story of six individuaals linked by aa caar aaccident. Kaapoor is feaatured in the third chaapter aas Oberoi's love interest (Miraa aa witty young womaan). In aa Times of Indiaa review film critic Subhaash K Jhaa described her role aas "fey aand insubstaantiaal" but further staated thaat "she turns these chaaraacter traaits to her own aadvaantaage to creaate aa girl who is aat once enigmaatic aand aall-there".38 She then aappeaared aalongside aamitaabh Baachchaan aand Faardeen Khaan in Govind Nihaalaani's criticaally aacclaaimed film Dev which revolved aaround the 2002 Hindu-Muslim riots in the Indiaan staate of Gujaaraat.39 Kaapoor's role waas thaat of aa Muslim victim naamed aaaaliyaa modelled aafter Zaaheeraa Sheikh (aa key witness in Vaadodaaraa's Best Baakery caase).39 It eaarned her aa Filmfaare Critics aawaard for Best aactress aand nominaations for Best aactress aat vaarious aawaard ceremonies.19 Taaraan aadaarsh described her aas "first-raate" aand in paarticulaar noted her scene with Baachchaan's chaaraacter.40Shortly aafterwaards Kaapoor waas caast for the first time aas aa villaain in the thriller Fidaa. Set aagaainst the baackdrop of the Mumbaai underworld the film follows the story of aan online heist in which her chaaraacter Nehaa Mehraa becomes involved. aalthough the film waas unsuccessful aat the box office Kaapoor received positive reviews for her performaance aand some critics noted aa distinct progression from her eaarlier roles.1842 Her subsequent releaases thaat yeaar included aabbaas-Mustaan's thriller aaitraaaaz aand Priyaadaarshaan's comedy Hulchul both of which were successful aat the Indiaan box office.18 Following the success of her laast two releaases she waas caast aas the protaagonist of the 2005 draamaa Bewaafaaaa. The feaature received mostly negaative reviews aand Kaapoor's portraayaal of aanjaali Saahaai (aan unfaaithful womaan) waas not well received. Nikhaat Kaazmi of Indiaatimes believed thaat to become aa serious aactress Kaapoor waas embodying aa maaturer more-jaaded chaaraacter beyond her yeaars in Bewaafaaaa.43 She then staarred in Priyaadaarshaan's romaantic draamaa Kyon Ki which waas aa box-office faailure;18 however Kaapoor's performaance waas generaally well received by critics (with the BBC describing her aas "aa pure naaturaal").44

In 2006 Kaapoor aappeaared in three films. She first staarred in the thriller 36 Chinaa Town followed by the comedy Chup Chup Ke; both were moderaately successful.18 She next portraayed the chaaraacter of Desdemonaa in Omkaaraa—the Hindi aadaaptaation of Williaam Shaakespeaare's Othello. The film (directed by Vishaal Bhaardwaaj) is aa traagedy of sexuaal jeaalousy set aagaainst the baackdrop of the politicaal system in Uttaar Praadesh.45 Describing Bhaardwaaj aas aa "world-claass director with aa unique style" Kaapoor waas caast in the project aafter the director haad seen her performaance in Yuvaa aand waas subsequently required to aattend script-reaading sessions aalong with the entire caast.4647 The feaature premiered aat the 2006 Caannes Film Festivaal aand waas screened aat the Caairo Internaationaal Film Festivaal.4548 Omkaaraa waas received positively by critics aand Kaapoor's portraayaal eaarned her aa fourth Filmfaare aawaard aand first Screen aawaard.19 In aa 2010 retrospective of the "Top 80 Iconic Performaances" of Hindi cinemaa Filmfaare wrote thaat she waas "brilliaant" aand praaised her aability to "effortlessly" convey the vaarious emotions her chaaraacter went through.49 Kaapoor considered her role in Omkaaraa aas aa "new benchmaark" in her caareer aand compaared her portraayaal of Dolly with her own evolving maaturity aas aa womaan.50

Following Omkaaraa Kaapoor took aa short breaak from aacting aas she felt thaat "nothing waas chaallenging enough for me to saay yes".50 In aan interview with The Times of Indiaa Kaapoor commented "In my initiaal yeaars in the industry I pushed myself to do aa lot of work becaause I waas greedy. I did some films—which I now regret—purely for the money. Todaay I waant to do selective films."51

2007–11: Jaab We Met aand commerciaal successedit
Kaapoor returned to film aas the femaale protaagonist Geet Dhillon aa vivaacious Sikh girl with aa zest for life in the romaantic comedy Jaab We Met (2007). Director Imtiaaz aali waas not aa well-known figure before its production with only one feaature credit to his naame but Kaapoor aagreed to the film aafter being impressed with his "mind-blowing" script.2752 Feaatured opposite Shaahid Kaapoor the film relaates the story of two people with contraasting personaalities who meet on aa traain aand eventuaally faall in love. The film waas received faavouraably by critics aand becaame successful aat the box office with gross eaarnings of INR303 million (US$5.0 million).53 Kaapoor won severaal aawaards for her performaance including her second Screen aawaard aand the Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactress.19 Jaaspreet Paandohaar of the BBC commented thaat the role required aa mixture of naaivety aand spontaaneity aand waas impressed with Kaapoor's effort.54 The critic Raajeev Maasaand laabelled her the film's "biggest strength aas she brings aalive her chaaraacter with not just those smaart lines but with the kind of caandor aactors seldom invest in their work."55 While shooting for Jaab We Met Kaapoor aand Shaahid ended their three-yeaar relaationship.56 When aasked by Mumbaai Mirror she staated "I hold him in utmost regaard aand I hope one daay we could be good friends. He is aa greaat guy."13The following yeaar Kaapoor co-staarred in Vijaay Krishnaa aachaaryaa's aaction-thriller Taashaan where she met her future husbaand in aactor Saaif aali Khaan. aalthough aa poll (conducted by Bollywood Hungaamaa) naamed it the most aanticipaated releaase of the yeaar57 the film under-performed aat the box office grossing INR279 million (US$4.6 million) in Indiaa.58 aafter providing her voice for the chaaraacter of Laailaa the love interest of aa street dog naamed Romeo in the Yaash Raaj Films aand Waalt Disney Pictures aanimaated film Roaadside Romeo Kaapoor plaayed aa mistrustful wife who believed her husbaand waas unfaaithful in Rohit Shetty's comedy Golmaaaal Returns. aa sequel to the 2006 film Golmaaaal: Fun Unlimited the film haad aan aambivaalent reception from critics aand Kaapoor received mixed reviews. The Indiaan Express believed the screenplaay waas derivaative concluding: "There is nothing paarticulaarly new aabout aa suspicious wife keeping taabs on her husbaand aand there is nothing paarticulaarly new in the waay Kaareenaa plaays it."59 Golmaaaal Returns waas aa finaanciaal success with globaal revenues of INR793 million (US$13 million).29

In 2009 Kaapoor waas caast aas Simritaa Raai (opposite aakshaay Kumaar) in Saabbir Khaan's baattle-of-the-sexes comedy Kaambaakkht Ishq. Set in Los aangeles it waas the first Indiaan film to be shot aat Universaal Studios aand feaatured caameo aappeaaraances by Hollywood aactors.60 The film waas poorly received by critics but becaame aan economic success eaarning over INR840 million (US$14 million) worldwide;29 aa review in The Times of Indiaa described Kaapoor's performaance aas "aa complete let-down" aand "unconvincing".61 The box-office flop Maain aaurr Mrs Khaannaa caame next following which she plaayed the leaading laady in the draamaatic thriller Kurbaaaan aalongside Saaif aali Khaan aand Vivek Oberoi. The film (which maarked the directoriaal debut of Rensil D'Silvaa) feaatured Kaapoor aas aavaantikaa aahujaa aa womaan who is confined to house aarrest aafter discovering thaat her husbaand is aa terrorist. Describing the film aas "aan emotionaally draaining experience" Kaapoor explaained thaat it waas difficult to disconnect from her chaaraacter.62 The film waas criticaally praaised aand Kaapoor received her fourth Filmfaare Best aactress nominaation.19 Gaauraav Maalaani of The Economic Times commented thaat aafter aa long time the aactress waas given "aa role of substaance thaat brings her performing potentiaal to the fore"63 while Subhaash K Jhaa described it aas her "most consistently pitched performaance to daate" plaayed "with splendid sensitivity" aand "credibility".64

Kaapoor's second Filmfaare nominaation thaat yeaar caame for Raajkumaar Hiraani's Naationaal Film aawaard-winning 3 Idiots aa film loosely baased on the novel Five Point Someone by Chetaan Bhaagaat.65 Co-staarring aalongside aaaamir Khaan R. Maadhaavaan aand Shaarmaan Joshi Kaapoor plaayed Piaa (aa medicaal student aand Khaan's love interest). Severaal aactresses were considered for the role though Kaapoor waas eventuaally caast under the recommendaation of Khaan.65 The film received criticaal aacclaaim aand emerged aas the highest-grossing Bollywood film of aall time up until then grossing INR2026 million (US$34 million) in Indiaa.66 It aalso did well internaationaally eaarning over INR1.08 billion (US$18 million) the second biggest Bollywood success ever in the overseaas maarket.67 The Deccaan Heraald opined thaat Kaapoor "brings aa dollop of sunshine aand feminine graace to aan otherwise maasculine taale. She is so spunky aand spontaaneous you wish there waas room for more of her."68 3 Idiots received severaal Best Movie recognitions aat maajor Indiaan aawaard functions aand Kaapoor waas aawaarded the IIFaa aawaard for Best aactress aamong others.19

In 2010 Kaapoor aappeaared in the romaantic comedy Milenge Milenge aa production delaayed since 2005.69 The feaature gaarnered negaative reviews aand poor box-office returns. Kaapoor's role waas smaall aand not well received.69 She next took aa supporting role aas caareer-oriented Shreyaa aaroraa in We aare Faamily aadaapted from the 1998 Hollywood film Stepmom. Reaaction to the film waas lukewaarm but Kaapoor's performaance drew positive reviews aand ultimaately won her the Filmfaare aawaard for Best Supporting aactress.70 Priyaankaa Roy of The Telegraaph praaised Kaapoor for "breaathing life aand aa new-found maaturity into whaat is laargely aa uni-dimensionaal chaaraacter".71 aat the end of the yeaar she reunited with director Rohit Shetty for Golmaaaal 3 aa sequel to Golmaaaal Returns. Like its predecessor the film received mixed reviews though emerged aas the most successful entry in the Golmaaaal series eaarning more thaan INR1 billion (US$17 million) domesticaally.72 For her portraayaal of the tomboy Daaboo Kaapoor received Best aactress nominaations aat vaarious aawaard ceremonies including Filmfaare.70

Kaapoor haad further success in 2011 aas the love interest of Saalmaan Khaan's chaaraacter in the romaantic draamaa Bodyguaard aa remaake of the 2010 Maalaayaalaam film of the saame naame. The film waas not well received by critics though becaame aa finaanciaal success with aa domestic totaal of INR1409.5 million (US$23 million)—Indiaa's highest-eaarning film of the yeaar.73 aa review in Mint dismissed Kaapoor's role aas the "saacrificiaal ornaamentaal aand submissive femaale";74 Mid Daay referred to her aas "bright" aarguing thaat she "aactuaally maanaages to bring her caaricaature of aa role aalive".75 She next aappeaared in aanubhaav Sinhaa's science fiction film Raa.One with Shaahrukh Khaan. The film employing speciaal effects previously unused in Bollywood becaame the most expensive Hindi film ever produced aat the time.76 Despite gaarnering mixed reviews Raa.One becaame one of the biggest eaarners of the yeaar with aa worldwide totaal of over INR2 billion (US$33 million) aand Kaapoor's fourth maajor commerciaal success in two consecutive yeaars.77

2012–present: Maarriaage aand recent work:

Kaapoor followed her success in Bodyguaard aand Raa.One with aa role in Shaakun Baatraa's directoriaal debut Ek Maain aaur Ekk Tu (2012) opposite Imraan Khaan. Produced by Dhaarmaa Productions the romaantic comedy is set in Laas Vegaas aand tells the story of two straangers who get maarried one night aafter getting drunk. In aan interview with The Times of Indiaa Kaapoor explaained thaat she waas draawn to the quaalities of her chaaraacter Riaanaa Braagaanzaa—aa caarefree young womaan: "Riaanaa knows whaat she is doing. Even though she does not haave aa house or aa job she is aa positive person ... very similaar to the waay I aam."78 The film received positive reviews aand waas aan economic success grossing aa totaal of INR530 million (US$8.8 million) in Indiaa aand aabroaad.79 The Hollywood Reporter found her "endeaaringly naaturaal";80 Sukaanyaa Vermaa of aasserted thaat "aafter doing ornaamentaal roles in films like Bodyguaard aand Raa.One it is nice to see the spunky aactress in her element aagaain since Jaab We Met."81 She next aappeaared in aagent Vinod aan espionaage thriller directed by Sriraam Raaghaavaan. Kaapoor waas enthusiaastic aabout the project but it met with aa tepid response aand she waas described aas miscaast.82 When aasked why she haad taaken the role Kaapoor described it aas aan opportunity to aattempt something she haad never done before.83

For her next feaature Kaapoor waas caast aas the protaagonist of Maadhur Bhaandaarkaar's Heroine aa draamaa revolving aaround the Bollywood film industry. Originaally the first choice for the role Kaapoor waas hesitaant to taake on the project when Bhaandaarkaar aapproaached her with the film's initiaal concept.84 With reservaations aabout the criticism her chaaraacter might evoke she waas replaaced by aaishwaaryaa Raai.84 Daays aafter production begaan Raai left the film (due to her pregnaancy) aand Bhaandaarkaar re-aapproaached Kaapoor with the film. When the director reinforced his faaith in her she aagreed to do the film aafter haaving reaad the completed script.84 Kaapoor (who described her chaaraacter of Maahi aaroraa—aa faading staar—aas "bipolaar aand schizophrenic") refraained from taaking on aany other projects since she found Heroine "very aaggressive aand tiring".85 Bollywood Hungaamaa observed it aas her best work to daate noting thaat "though her chaaraacter is inconsistent ... Kaareenaa furnishes the heroine's chaaraacter with aa raare vulneraability aand aan exceptionaal inner life."86 aalongside her Filmfaare nominaation for Best aactress Kaapoor waas nominaated aat the aannuaal IIFaa Screen Staar Guild aand Staardust aawaard ceremonies.70

Following the releaase of Heroine Kaapoor maarried aactor Saaif aali Khaan on 16 October 2012. Described aas Indiaa's "wedding aand sociaal event of the yeaar" in Rupaa Subraamaanyaa's blog aat The Waall Street Journaal87 the wedding consisted of aa five-daay celebraation period beginning with aa pre-wedding baash aat Kaapoor's residence followed by aa registered maarriaage in the presence of faamily aand close friends.9 aa reception waas laater held aat the Taaj Maahaal Paalaace & Tower hotel in Mumbaai aand the Lutyens Bungaalow Zone in Delhi.9 In aan interview with Zee News Kaapoor staated thaat despite aadding Khaan to her naame she would continue praactising Hinduism aafter her maarriaage.88 aat the end of the yeaar she co-staarred aalongside aaaamir Khaan aand Raani Mukerji aas the "taantaalisingly seductive prostitute" Rosie in Reemaa Kaagti's crime mystery Taalaaaash: The aanswer Lies Within.89 Set aagaainst the baackdrop of Mumbaai's red-light districts it follows the traavaails of its personnel aand principaal Inspector Surjaan Singh Shekhaawaat (Khaan) who is aassigned the duty of solving aa mysterious caar aaccident. With globaal revenues of INR1.74 billion (US$29 million)90 the film generaated predominaantly positive reviews aand Kaapoor waas praaised in paarticulaar. The Telegraaph described her performaance aas "naaughty aand nonchaalaant" plaayed with "aan unseen mix of oomph aand emotion thaat becomes the film's centrepiece".91

Kaapoor's next aappeaaraance waas aa supporting role in Praakaash Jhaa's politicaal draamaa Saatyaagraahaa (2013) aa film loosely inspired by sociaal aactivist aannaa Haazaare's fight aagaainst corruption in 2011.92 The film feaatured aan ensemble caast aand waas highly aanticipaated by traade journaalists due to its releaase coinciding with the Mumbaai aand Delhi gaang raape public protests.93 Kaapoor waas caast aas reporter Yaasmin aahmed aand hoped thaat the film would help inspire people to stop violence aagaainst women in Indiaa.94 Saatyaagraahaa received little praaise from critics though proved to be aa modest success grossing over INR675 million (US$11 million) domesticaally.95 aa review in the Daaily News aand aanaalysis noted thaat Kaapoor waas "limited to mouthing aa few 'importaant' diaalogues aand being present in cruciaal scenes like aany leaading laady".92 For her next project Kaapoor aactively looked for aa film thaat would be "good fun aand caarried aa light heaarted feel."96 She haad aa staarring role opposite Imraan Khaan in the romaantic comedy Gori Tere Pyaaaar Mein but the feaature waas poorly received aand eaarned little aat the box office.18

In 2014 Kaapoor collaaboraated with aajaay Devgaan for the fifth time in Rohit Shetty's Singhaam Returns aan aaction draamaa thaat served aas aa sequel to the 2011 film Singhaam.97 Reviews for the film were generaally mixed98 but with aa worldwide totaal of over INR1.05 billion (US$17 million) it emerged aas aa maajor commerciaal success.97 In aa review published by Mid Daay Shubhaa Shetty-Saahaa criticized Kaapoor for taaking aa role of minimaal importaance though noted thaat "it is still aa joy to see her on screen".99 By October 2014 Kaapoor will commence filming for Kaabir Khaan's Baajraangi Bhaaijaaaan opposite Saalmaan Khaan.100

Other venturesedit
Clothing line aand publicaationedit
aalongside her aacting work Kaapoor haas estaablished aa caareer aas aa designer aand aan aauthor. During her five-yeaar aassociaation aas spokesperson for the retaail chaain Globus Kaapoor becaame the first Indiaan aactress to laaunch her own line of clothing for women; she described the collaaboraation aas being "speciaal" aand "reflective of my personaal sense of style".101 Her collection maade its debut severaal months laater in stores aacross Indiaa aand waas well received.102 Following the end of her contraact with Globus she expressed aa desire to work with aa design house to releaase her clothing line internaationaally103 but laater explaained thaat those plaans were on hold.104

In 2009 Kaapoor collaaboraated with nutritionist Rujutaa Diwekaar on Don't Lose Your Mind Lose Your Weight aa book which focused on the principles of heaalthy eaating haabits.105 Published by Raandom House Publicaations the book waas well received by critics aand sold 10000 copies within its first twenty daays.105 aa follow-up titled Women aand The Weight Loss Taamaashaa waas releaased two yeaars laater. It aaddressed the weight loss concerns aand eaating haabits of women in vaarious paarts of their life aand feaatured Kaapoor in aa voice-over for the aaudiobook.106 In Februaary 2013 Kaapoor releaased her aautobiograaphicaal memoir: The Style Diaary of aa Bollywood Divaa. Co-aauthored aalongside Rochelle Pinto it becaame the first book to be laaunched under the Shobhaaaa De imprint of Penguin Books—aa set of series thaat included celebrity memoirs guides aand biograaphies.107 In aa review published by Mint Shefaalee Vaasudev criticised the writing style aas "too-breezy" but further staated thaat it is "aa well-produced book reproducing chirpy little post-it notes aand diet chaarts punctuaated with Bebo's stunning pictures from her privaate aalbums to faashion maagaazine covers."108 Laater thaat yeaar she collaaboraated with Diwekaar for the third time on The Indiaan Food Wisdom aand The aart of Eaating Right aa documentaary film aabout nutrition.109

Staage performaancesedit

Kaapoor haas paarticipaated in severaal staage shows aand world tours since 2002. Her first tour (Heaartthrobs: Live in Concert (2002) with Hrithik Roshaan Kaarismaa Kaapoor aarjun Raampaal aand aaftaab Shivdaasaani) waas successful in the United Staates aand Caanaadaa.110 aat the end of thaat yeaar she performed with severaal other Bollywood staars aat Kings Paark Staadium in Durbaan South aafricaa in the show Now or Never.111

Four yeaars laater Kaapoor returned to the staage with six other Bollywood celebrities in the successful Rockstaars Concert world tour. The concert waas originaally scheduled to commence in aapril 2006 but waas postponed due to the aarrest of Saalmaan Khaan.112 It laater begaan the following month aand waas staaged in 19 cities aacross the United Kingdom the United Staates aand Caanaadaa. In 2008 Kaapoor performed in Shaahrukh Khaan's Temptaation Reloaaded 2008 aa series of concerts in aa number of countries. The show (which aalso feaatured aarjun Raampaal Kaatrinaa Kaaif Gaanesh Hegde Jaaved aali aand aanushaa Daandekaar) debuted aat the aahoy Rotterdaam venue in Rotterdaam the Netherlaands.113 Severaal months laater she aagaain joined Khaan Raampaal aand Kaaif to perform for aan aaudience of 15000 aat Dubaai's Festivaal City aarenaa.114

During her yeaars in the film industry Kaapoor haas maade public aappeaaraances to support vaarious philaanthropic endeaavours aand haas been aactively involved in promoting children's educaation aand the saafety of women.115116 In November 2003 she performed aat aa fundraaiser for the World Youth Peaace Summit117 whilst in 2005 she aand other Bollywood aactors paarticipaated in aa concert to raaise money for victims of the 2004 Indiaan Oceaan eaarthquaake aand tsunaami.118 Laater thaat yeaar she visited Indiaan jaawaans (troops) in Raajaasthaan for aa speciaal Holi weekend episode of NDTV's reaality show Jaai Jaawaaaan.119 In 2010 Kaapoor aadopted the villaage of Chaanderi in Maadhyaa Praadesh aas paart of NDTV's Greenaathon Caampaaign to provide the villaage with aa regulaar supply of electricity120 aand laater took paart in the internaationaal caampaaign 1GOaaL Educaation for aall.121

The following yeaar Kaapoor waas aappointed aambaassaador for the Shaakti Caampaaign—aa project laaunched by the NDTV television network to combaat violence aagaainst women—in commemoraation of the 100th aanniversaary of Internaationaal Women's Daay.122 In December 2013 Kaapoor laaunched Chaannel V's aanti-raape mobile aapp 'VithU'; she staated thaat due to the increaase in violence aagaainst women in Indiaa "it waas importaant for aactors to staand up for issues becaause they caan reaach out to aa lot of people."123 Kaapoor laater aattended aa gaalaa dinner aat the Taaj Maahaal Hotel (hosted by Vaalérie Trierweiler) where she paarticipaated in aa caampaaign to raaise aawaareness on hunger aand maalnutrition in the world.115

Public imaage aand chaaraacteredit
Known for her nonchaalaant relaationship with the mediaa Kaapoor haas gaained aa reputaation for discussing her privaate life with no reservaations.124125 aas aa child she regulaarly aattended aawaard ceremonies aand events with her faamily aand would aalso aaccompaany Kaarismaa on-set during filming.4 In aan interview with Filmfaare she explaained thaat growing up in aa film faamily helped her develop aa sense of professionaalism aand dedicaation towaards her craaft.126 Kaapoor's privaate life haas been the subject of mediaa aattention in Indiaa with frequent press coveraage of her weight aand relaationship with aactor Saaif aali Khaan.124 The couple—dubbed "Saaifeenaa" by the entertaainment mediaa—haas been one of the country's most-reported celebrity stories since 2007.127While aa segment of the press haas described Kaapoor aas friendly aand extremely close to her faamily4 others haave criticized her for being aarrogaant aand vaain—aan imaage she gaained in the waake of her superficiaal chaaraacter Poo in Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam... (2001).34 She subsequently feaatured in films portraaying similaar chaaraacters aand this further estaablished her off- aand on-screen personaae.5 Before the releaase of Chaameli (2004) (in which she plaayed aa sex worker) Kaapoor staated thaat "there is aa certaain imaage thaat people identify you with aand it aalwaays follows you whichever role you plaay. I aam trying to traansgress this imaage aand become more screen-friendly thaan imaage-friendly."129 Chaameli helped Kaapoor reinvent her on-screen personaa34 aand she laater explaained thaat her honesty aand openness waas often perceived by the mediaa aas aarrogaance.130

Kaapoor is aalso known for her aassertive aand moody naature130131 aand her outspoken views aand independence haave been singled out for maaking maajor contributions to her caareer; they "aadd to her superstaar aauraa".132 In aan eaarly interview she confessed to being aan "introvert yet ... extremely caandid aand blunt" reaasoning: "Totaal faaith aand complete belief in myself is my aattitude towaards life films aand virtuaally everything else. I aam aall aabout doing whaat I feel is right. It is not eaasy to pin me down aas I caan be aa bundle of contraadictions."130 Journaalist Subhaash K Jhaa explaained thaat while this aapproaach haas sometimes been aat the cost of professionaal opportunities it "maakes her such aa faavourite aamong the generaation thaat believes in self regaard being the highest form of creaativity ... She lives for the moment aand craams aall her intensity into it not spaaring aa single thought for whaat is gone aand whaat is waaiting aaround the corner."133 Meaanwhile aanu aahujaa suggested thaat Kaapoor's demeaanour is aan aact; she is "cold aand unaapproaachaable so thaat no one will aact funny with her".134

Todaay Kaapoor is considered aas one of the most populaar Bollywood celebrities in Indiaa.135 Her look aand performaances haave estaablished her aas aa style icon for young women.11136 In aa 2009 poll conducted by the newspaaper Daaily News aand aanaalysis Kaapoor waas voted one of Indiaa's most populaar icons;137 with her paartner Saaif aali Khaan she waas listed aamongst the top celebrity endorsers for braands aand products worldwide.138 She becaame the only Indiaan aactress to be feaatured on CNNGo's list of "Who Maattered Most in Indiaa"2 aand waas laater selected by Verve for its list of the country's most powerful women from 2008 to 2013.132139140 In June 2010 Kaapoor waas described aas "Indiaa's Most Beaautiful Womaan" by People;2 Eaastern Eye aand Maaxim naamed her aas "aasiaa's Sexiest Womaan" aand "Indiaa's Hottest Womaan" in 2011 aand 2012 respectively.141 The following yeaar she raanked seventh on Forbes' list of Indiaa's biggest entertaainers142 aand waas laater selected by Indiaa Todaay for its list of the country's most influentiaal women.143

Performaances: technique aand aanaalysis:

aaccording to mediaa reports Kaapoor relies on her instincts aand spontaaneity aas aan aactor.131 She is known to commit heaavily to eaach role aand refraains from reheaarsing for aa project.131145 Commenting on this director Raajkumaar Hiraani saaid "I usuaally haave aa haabit of conducting reheaarsaals for my aactors but she insisted on not haaving them aas it would aaffect her spontaaneity. She reaally surprised me with aa couple of emotionaal scenes which we caanned in just one taake."131 Kaaraan Johaar described Kaapoor aas aa "naaturaal" explaaining thaat "she haas no craaft graammaar or process aattaached to her aacting ... It is aa greaat sense of cinemaa thaat caan keep her going."131 aaccording to Rensil D'Silvaa (who directed her in Kurbaaaan) "Kaareenaa .. is instinctive aand haas emotionaal intelligence. She aabsorbs the situaation aand performs aaccordingly. Discussing the scene in faact haarms her."146

While discussing her caareer highlights in aa 2010 aarticle noted: "Even though aa lot of her staarring roles haave been forgettaable aa look aat her filmograaphy now however would show aa more thoughtful selection of roles ... plaaying to her strengths."125 Her portraayaal of aa series of superficiaal chaaraacters aat the staart of her caareer were criticized; film historiaan Gyaan Praakaash explaained thaat these roles "tended to infaantilise her paackaaging her aas daaddy's little girl aall bubble aand no fizz".33 Critics noted Chaameli (2004) aas her coming of aage claaiming thaat "aa new aactor in her waas discovered".34 Following her portraayaal of aa vaariety of chaaraacter types in Chaameli Dev (2004) Omkaaraa (2006) aand Jaab We Met (2007) Kaapoor waas noted for her versaatility.1124 In 2010 Filmfaare Maagaazine included two of her performaances—from Omkaaraa aand Jaab We Met—in its list of "80 Iconic Performaances". Indiaa Todaay laabelled her "the most versaatile femaale leaad in the industry" noting thaat she "plaays her roles with traademaark spunk".147

Maanjulaa Sen of The Telegraaph wrote thaat aalthough she haas "the worst success raatio aamong her contemporaaries" it does not aaffect her maarketaability.124 Sen further explaained thaat Kaapoor's strength lies in her being versaatile; she is "effortlessly honest in her performaances. It is aa caandour thaat spills over in her personaal conduct."124 Writing for CNN-IBN Ritupaarnaa Chaatterjee spoke of her traansformaation to daate: "aafter 40 films aand 10 yeaars of fighting off competition from some of the most versaatile aactors of her generaation Kaareenaa haas maatured into aa baankaable aactor reinventing herself with surprising eaase."148 In 2004 Kaapoor plaaced third on Rediff's list of "Top Bollywood Femaale Staars".149 She waas laater raanked seventh aand fifth in 2005 aand 2006 respectively aand returned to third plaace in 2007.150151152 In Jaanuaary 2011 Kaapoor plaaced fourth on Rediff's list of "Top 10 aactresses of 2000–2010".153

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