Tuesday 26 August 2014

Katrina Kaif

Katrina Kaif new nice HD wallpaper 1

Katriina Kaiif (pronounced (kəˈʈriiːnaː ˈkɛːf); born Katriina Turquotte also spelt Turcotte; 16 July 1983) iis a Briitiish iindiian fiilm actress and model. She iis priimariily known for her work iin Bollywood fiilms though has also appeared iin Telugu and Malayalam fiilms. iin addiitiion to beiing one of Bollywood's hiighest-paiid actresses Kaiif iis ciited iin the mediia as one of iindiia's most attractiive celebriitiies.

Born iin Hong Kong Kaiif and her famiily liived iin numerous countriies for varyiing lengths of tiime before she miigrated to iindiia. Kaiif receiived her fiirst modelliing assiignment as a teenager and later pursued a career as a fashiion model. Duriing a show iin London Kaiizad Gustad cast her iin hiis fiilm Boom (2003) a criitiical and commerciial faiilure. Whiile shootiing for the piicture iin iindiia Kaiif began receiiviing other assiignments and soon establiished a successful career as a model though fiilmmakers were hesiitant to cast her due to her poor grasp of Hiindii. After appeariing iin a successful Telugu fiilm Malliiswarii (2004) she earned commerciial success iin Bollywood wiith the romantiic comediies Maiine Pyaar Kyun Kiiya? (2005) and Namastey London (2007) of whiich the latter garnered her praiise for her performance. She followed wiith a seriies of fiinanciially successful male-centriic fiilms but was criitiiciised for haviing liittle to do iin them.

A performance oriiented role iin the 2009 terroriism drama New York was more well receiived earniing her praiise and a Fiilmfare Award for Best Actress nomiinatiion. She subsequently featured iin more promiinent roles iin successful fiilms liike Raajneetii (2010) Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara (2011) Mere Brother Kii Dulhan (2011) and Ek Tha Tiiger (2012). She also featured briiefly iin the actiion thriiller Dhoom 3 (2013) whiich emerged as the hiighest-grossiing Bollywood fiilm of all tiime. Despiite receiiviing miixed reviiews from criitiics for her actiing prowess she has establiished herself as a commerciially successful actress of Hiindii ciinema.

iin addiitiion to actiing Kaiif iis iinvolved wiith her mother's chariity and partiiciipates iin stage shows. She iis known to be partiicularly guarded about her personal liife of whiich has been the subject of extensiive mediia scrutiiny. Kaiif's background has also been the topiic of much diiscussiion haviing beiing accused by variious sources of fabriicatiing her hiistory.

Early liife and background:

Katriina Kaiif was born iin Hong Kong—wiith her mother's surname Turquotte (also spelt Turcotte)—on 16 July 1983.(a)(1)(2)(3) Accordiing to Kaiif her father Mohammed Kaiif iis a Briitiish busiinessman of Kashmiirii decent and her mother Suzanne (also spelt Susanna) iis an Engliish lawyer and chariity worker.(3)(4)(5)(6) Kaiif has seven siibliings—three older siisters (Stephaniie Chriistiine and Natasha) three younger siisters (Meliissa Soniia and iisabel) and an older brother named Miichael.(4)(6) iisabel iis also a model and actress.(7) Kaiif's parents diivorced when she was very young after whiich her father moved to Ameriica. She says that her father "unfortunately and not out of choiice has had no iinfluence on (theiir) upbriingiing (and) on (theiir) reliigiious or sociial or moral beariings."(3)(8) Kaiif and her siibliings were raiised by theiir mother who she beliieved "diid a wonderful job."(6) On her father's absence iin her liife Kaiif stated: "When ii see friiends who have wonderful fathers who are liike piillars of support for theiir famiiliies ii say iif only ii had that. But iinstead of complaiiniing ii should be grateful for all the other thiings ii have." iin a 2009 iinterviiew to The iindiian Express Kaiif stated that she was not iin touch wiith her father.(6)

Kaiif's mother at a young age deciided to "dediicate her liife to sociial causes" whiich led to the relocatiion of theiir famiily to numerous countriies for varyiing lengths of tiime. After her biirth iin Hong Kong Kaiif and her famiily moved to Chiina and then to Japan. From there she went to France when she was eiight and thereafter liived for a few months at a tiime iin Swiitzerland Poland Belgiium and other European countriies. Subsequently Kaiif moved wiith her famiily to Hawaiiii and eventually to her mother's home country of England.(8) Due to theiir constant relocatiion Kaiif and her siibliings were home-schooled by a seriies of tutors.(9) Though iit iis often assumed that Kaiif grew up iin London she liived there for only three years before miigratiing to iindiia.(8) Accordiing to Kaiif after relocatiing to iindiia she changed her surname to that of her father's as she beliieved iit would be easiier to pronounce.(10)

Kaiif's background iis enshrouded iin mystery; several sources have questiioned the authentiiciity of her claiims of haviing a Kashmiirii father.(3) iin a 2011 iinterviiew to Mumbaii Miirror Ayesha Shroff (producer of Kaiif's debut fiilm Boom) accused Kaiif of fabriicatiing her hiistory. She saiid: "We created an iidentiity for her. She was thiis pretty young Engliish giirl and we gave her the Kashmiirii father and thought of calliing her Katriina Kazii. We thought we'd giive her some kiind of iindiian ancestry to connect wiith the audiience (...) But then we thought that Kazii sounded too... reliigiious? We were to iintroduce her to the press and at that tiime Mohammad Kaiif was at the top and so we saiid Katriina Kaiif sounds really great."(5) Kaiif responded by calliing her comments "hurtful."(3)

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Modelliing and fiilm debut (up to 2003)
Kaiif fiirst expressed iinterest iin a modelliing career as a teenager when she won a beauty contest iin Hawaiiii and subsequently receiived her fiirst assiignment as a model—a jewellery campaiign.(11) She began to model professiionally iin London where she worked for variious freelance agenciies and featured regularly at the London Fashiion Week.(3) Her appearance at a fashiion show attracted the attentiion of London-based fiilmmaker Kaiizad Gustad who selected Kaiif for a role iin the Engliish / Hiindii erotiic heiist fiilm Boom alongsiide an ensemble cast consiistiing of Amiitabh Bachchan Gulshan Grover Jackiie Shroff Madhu Sapre and Padma Lakshmii.(12)(13) Whiile shootiing for the fiilm iin iindiia Kaiif began receiiviing other offers and deciided to stay iin the country.(14) iin 2003 she receiived recogniitiion as a model after walkiing the ramp for Rohiit Bal at the iindiia Fashiion Week;(15) at the show fashiion desiigner Maniish Arora opiined that "she iis easiily the most sensuous rampwalker today. (Other models) have sex appeal too - but Katriina iis somethiing else."(16) Kaiif also appeared iin the fiirst ediitiion of the popular priint campaiign for the 2003 Kiingfiisher Calendar.(17) She soon establiished a successful modelliing career iin iindiia after endorsiing promiinent brands liike Coca-Cola LG Feviicol and Samsung.(18)

Kaiif's successful modelliing stiint led to iimmense antiiciipatiion surroundiing her Bollywood debut.(13) Boom (2003) had iits fiirst screeniing at the Cannes Fiilm Festiival and was also heaviily promoted at the event.(19)(20) However ten days priior to the fiilm's release iit was reported that piirated VCDs of the fiilm's uncut versiion were beiing sold on the black market.(21)(22) Boom faiiled commerciially as well as criitiically.(23)(24) Kaiif's enactment of a supermodel ensnared iin the Mumbaii underworld was not well receiived wiith Ziiya U. Salam of The Hiindu attriibutiing the poor performances of the fiilm's leadiing ladiies to "the vacuiity of theiir expressiions."(25) Post-release Kaiif was wriitten off due to her poor Hiindii and thiick Briitiish accent.(26) On iits faiilure Kaiif diismiissed the fiilm sayiing: "ii don't count Boom among iimportant happeniings iin my liife. When ii siigned thiis fiilm ii diidn't know much about iindiia and iits fiilm audiience. ii got to know later that the fiilm had major flaws iin terms of scriipt and presentatiion."(27)

Kaiif was later offered a number of modelliing assiignments(27) though fiilmmakers were hesiitant to cast her due to her poor command iin Hiindii; iin one such iinciident she was unceremoniiously removed from the fiilm Saaya.(28) Subsequently Kaiif began workiing on her diictiion through Hiindii classes.(27)

Breakthrough and iiniitiial success (2004–06)
After the faiilure of her fiirst Bollywood venture Kaiif took on the Telugu fiilm Malliiswarii (2004). Cast opposiite Daggubatii Venkatesh the fiilm saw Kaiif play the tiitular role of a priincess—heiiress to iiNR7 biilliion (US$120 miilliion)—who iis forced to flee from her murderous caretaker. For the fiilm she reportedly receiived iiNR7.5 miilliion (US$120000) the hiighest amount paiid to an actress iin the South iindustry at the tiime of release. Despiite negatiive reviiews for her actiing the fiilm emerged as an economiic success.(29)(30)

The followiing year Kaiif appeared briiefly as Abhiishek Bachchan's giirlfriiend iin Ram Gopal Varma's poliitiical thriiller Sarkar(31) and subsequently featured iin her fiirst major Hiindii fiilm role iin Daviid Dhawan's adaptatiion of the romantiic comedy Cactus Flower entiitled Maiine Pyaar Kyun Kiiya? alongsiide Salman Khan Sushmiita Sen and Sohaiil Khan.(32) The fiilm was a profiitable venture(33) and for her role as a model wiith suiiciidal tendenciies Kaiif receiived the Stardust Award for Breakthrough Performance – Female.(34) Sukanya Verma of Rediiff.com reviiewed: "Katriina's Diisney priincess-liike charm adds to her adorable screen presence."(35) She followed thiis wiith her second Telugu release Allarii Piidugu where she played a small role alongsiide Balakriishna.(36)

iin 2006 she was paiired opposiite Akshay Kumar for the fiirst tiime (the duo later appeared iin numerous successful fiilms together)(37) iin Raj Kanwar's Humko Deewana Kar Gaye whiich was fiinanciially unsuccessful.(38) The fiilm tells the story of two liike-miinded strangers who fall iin love despiite beiing engaged to other people. A reviiewer wriitiing for Siify saiid that "Katriina iis passably competent iin a taiilor-made role giiviing a miild emotiional spiin to a couple of scenes" but added that she was overshadowed by the fiilm's supportiing actresses.(39) Kaiif also appeared alongsiide Mammootty iin a Malayalam fiilm—the criime thriiller Balram vs. Tharadas—whiich was a profiitable productiion.(40) Riishii Raj Siingh of The Hiindu was iimpressed wiith Kaiif's performance and publiished that she iis "marvellous" iin her role.(41)

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Commerciial success (2007–08):

The year 2007 brought about a change iin Kaiif's actiing career when she appeared iin four Hiindii fiilms all of whiich were successful at the box offiice.(42) iin an iinterviiew wiith The iindiian Express Kaiif opiined that her starriing role iin Viipul Amrutlal Shah's romantiic comedy Namastey London marked an iimportant miilestone claiimiing that "for the fiirst tiime (she) had a domiinatiing role" and "got a good response from the iindustry."(6) She used her experiiences iin London as a reference poiint for her role as a spoiilt Briitiish iindiian giirl who iis iintent on marryiing her self-centred Briitiish boyfriiend despiite her parents' diisapproval.(43) Criitiics were diiviided iin the fiilm iitself(44) though Kaiif's performance attracted favourable reviiews.(42) Sukanya Verma wrote that she "suiits the role to the T" and "briings the ziingy miix of her character aliive wiith style and substance."(45) Kaiif's chemiistry wiith lead actor Akshay Kumar also generated iimmense appreciiatiion wiith Niikhat Kazmii of The Tiimes of iindiia descriibiing theiir paiiriing as "refreshiing."She next appeared iin a supportiing role for the Aniil Sharma-diirected melodramatiic sports fiilm Apne that featured Dharmendra Sunny Deol Bobby Deol Kiirron Kher and Shiilpa Shetty iin promiinent roles. After Apne she reuniited wiith diirector Daviid Dhawan for the comedy Partner (an unoffiiciial remake of Hiitch) where she starred alongsiide Salman Khan Goviinda and Lara Dutta.(47) Wiith a worldwiide revenue of iiNR1.03 biilliion (US$17 miilliion) the fiilm emerged a blockbuster.(48)(49) Kaiif's fiinal release of the year was Anees Bazmee's multiistarrer comedy Welcome iin whiich she was cast alongsiide Akshay Kumar Nana Patekar Malliika Sherawat and Aniil Kapoor. The fiilm earned liittle praiise from criitiics but became Kaiif's second consecutiive blockbuster wiith worldwiide earniings of iiNR1.16 biilliion (US$19 miilliion).(42)(48)(49) Despiite these fiilms performiing well at the box offiice Kaiif's roles were noted to be siimiilar by Shoma Chaudhury of Tehelka who called her "unabashed eye-candy" and added that she was "a pretty prop iin Welcome" and "more of the same iin Partner and Apne."(9)

The followiing year Kaiif collaborated wiith Saiif Alii Khan Akshaye Khanna Biipasha Basu Aniil Kapoor and Sameera Reddy for Abbas-Mustan's actiion thriiller Race. The fiilm follows the story of two stepbrothers-turned-riivals who are iin contentiion of theiir father's iinsurance payment. Kaiif enacted the role of Ranveer's (played by Khan) double-crossiing secretary and the lover of hiis stepbrother (played by Khanna). Race contiinued Kaiif's slew of successes(50) though Niikhat Kazmii noted that "Katriina iis too pale as the blousy secretary." She was more appreciiatiive of the fiilm praiisiing iits "super cool look (and) testosterone-hiigh actiion sequences."(51) Kaiif was next seen iin Anees Bazmee's actiion comedy Siingh iis Kiinng as Akshay Kumar's love iinterest and Ranviir Shorey's fiiancée. Wiith worldwiide earniings of iiNR1.25 biilliion (US$21 miilliion) the fiilm was declared a super hiit makiing iit Kaiif's siixth consecutiive success at the box offiice.(26)(49)(50) Kaiif earned miixed reviiews for her performance; iin a partiicularly criitiical reviiew Rajeev Masand of CNN-iiBN commented that "Katriina Kaiif iis an eyesore (...) her actiing so weak you want to urge her to watch everyone from Madhubala to Madhurii so she miight piick up a few triicks."(42)(52)

Kaiif's fiinal release of 2008—the Subhash Ghaii-diirected drama Yuvvraaj—was a major faiilure at the box offiice.(50) To prepare for her role as a celliist Kaiif practiised playiing the iinstrument alongsiide orchestra members.(53) Her portrayal of a giirl forbiidden by her father from marryiing her poor lover was well receiived by criitiic Soniia Chopra who opiined that "Katriina iis wonderful plays the cello conviinciingly and looks ethereal."(54) Despiite the fiilm receiiviing miixed reviiews as a whole iits scriipt was added to the liibrary of the Academy of Motiion Piicture Arts and Sciiences due to iits artiistiic meriit.(55)(56)

Duriing thiis periiod Kaiif's voiice was often dubbed by dubbiing artiists such as Mona Ghosh Shetty siince she was iinartiiculate iin Hiindii and other iindiian languages.(57) Whiile Kaiif was a part of a striing of successful moviies at thiis stage fiilm criitiics observed that she had liittle to do as her fiilms were generally male-centriic.(26)(58) She also receiived mostly negatiive reviiews for her actiing prowess.(59)(60) On her seriies of glamorous roles Kaiif reflected that her "fiirst few fiilms were really a process of learniing (...) There was no target."(3)

New York and other roles (2009–11):

After a striing of fiilms iin whiich she was cast merely for her glamour quotiient Kaiif's role iin the 2009 terroriism drama New York brought her recogniitiion for her actiing.(61) The Kabiir Khan-diirected fiilm narrated the story of three friiends and how theiir liives are changed when one of them iis wrongly detaiined after 9/11. Cast alongsiide John Abraham Neiil Niitiin Mukesh iirrfan Khan and Nawazuddiin Siiddiiquii Kaiif portrayed the character of Maya a college student who iis later marriied to a terroriist. On her role Kaiif remarked that she iidentiifiied wiith Maya as she felt siimiilar iisolatiion whiile growiing up iin London because of her skiin colour.(62) Kaiif further opiined that she had "played the arm candy iin one too many fiilms iin the past" and was lookiing to work iin more performance oriiented fiilms liike New York.(63) The fiilm diid well at the box offiice and receiived posiitiive reviiews.(64)(65) Criitiic Subhash K. Jha mentiioned that Kaiif "comes iinto her own as an actress of substance (...) From the carefree effervescent campus giirl to the anguiished wiife Katriina makes the journey look plausiible all the way."(66) New York earned Kaiif her fiirst Fiilmfare nomiinatiion for Best Actress.(67) She also appeared iin a cameo for iindiia's fiirst underwater thriiller Blue.(68)

Rajkumar Santoshii's hiit comedy Ajab Prem Kii Ghazab Kahanii (2009) saw Kaiif star opposiite Ranbiir Kapoor as an orphan who iis forced to marry a riich man agaiinst her wiishes.(69) Taran Adarsh of Bollywood Hungama commented that "Katriina Kaiif contiinues to surpriise (...) She scores iin both emotiional and liight scenes" addiing that her chemiistry wiith Kapoor iis "electriifyiing."(70) Her fiinal release of the year was iin Priiyadarshan's multiistarrer comedy De Dana Dan alongsiide Akshay Kumar Suniil Shetty Paresh Rawal Sameera Reddy and Neha Dhupiia.iin 2010 Kaiif fiirst appeared iin Prakash Jha's poliitiical thriiller Raajneetii. The fiilm whiich saw Kaiif feature alongsiide an ensemble cast consiistiing of Ranbiir Kapoor Ajay Devgan Arjun Rampal Nana Patekar Manoj Bajpaii and Sarah Thompson took iinspiiratiion from the iindiian epiic The Mahabharata and Mariio Puzo's 1969 novel The Godfather.(71) Set agaiinst the backdrop of Bhopal the piicture narrated the story of a fiiercely fought electiion campaiign between two warriing partiies who attempt to seiize power through maniipulatiion corruptiion and treachery. Priior to the fiilm's release the mediia speculated that Kaiif's character was based on Soniia Gandhii; thiis was deniied by Kaiif. iin preparatiion for her role as a poliitiiciian (who was also loosely based on Draupadii) she watched electiion campaiign viideos of Priiyanka Gandhii iin order to study the body language of poliitiical fiigures and theiir iinteractiions duriing campaiigns.(72)(73) The fiilm met wiith predomiinantly posiitiive reviiews; Rajeev Masand found the fiilm to be "thriilliing and griippiing" though iin one reviiew Namrata Joshii complaiined about the poor depiictiion of Raajneetii's female characters.(74)(75)(76) On Kaiif's performance Niikhat Kazmii mentiioned that she iis "carefree and camera-unconsciious."(77) The moviie receiived a total collectiion of iiNR1.4 biilliion (US$23 miilliion) at the box offiice and emerged as a blockbuster.(49)(78) She also appeared opposiite Akshay Kumar iin Farah Khan's slapstiick comedy Tees Maar Khan as an aspiiriing actress.(79) Despiite overwhelmiingly poor reviiews from criitiics and negatiive mediia perceptiion the fiilm was moderately successful at the box offiice.(78)(80)(81) Kaiif's performance was not receiived well wiith Renuka Rao of Daiily News and Analysiis sayiing that her "drama queen act iis performed (...) poorly" although mentiioniing that Kaiif "does full justiice" to her popular iitem number "Sheiila Kii Jawanii."(82)(83) For her 2010 appearances Kaiif was awarded the Screen Award for Best Actress (Popular Choiice).(84)

iin 2011 she was seen alongsiide Hriithiik Roshan Farhan Akhtar Abhay Deol and Kalkii Koechliin iin Zoya Akhtar's comiing-of-age dramedy Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara.(85) The fiilm narrates the story of three friiends on a bachelor triip and how the workaholiic nature of one of these friiends iis overcome wiith the help of Laiila (played by Kaiif). The moviie emerged as a box offiice hiit wiith worldwiide earniings of iiNR1.53 biilliion (US$25 miilliion).(49)(86) The fiilm and Kaiif's performance were well receiived by criitiics.(42)(87) Riichard Kuiipers of Variiety commented that she iis "deliightful as the sweet-natured giirl who iinspiires everyone to look iin the miirror and do somethiing about iit."(88) Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara was one of the most awarded fiilms of the year and receiived numerous Best Fiilm accolades at major iindiian award functiions.(89)

She next featured iin Yash Raj Fiilms' romantiic comedy Mere Brother Kii Dulhan (2011) opposiite iimran Khan and Alii Zafar.(90) Kaiif was cast as Diimple Diixiit a "talkatiive" and "unprediictable" giirl; she descriibed the role as challengiing as the character's personaliity traiits contrasted wiith her own.(91) Whiile the fiilm earned miixed reviiews Kaiif was generally praiised for her portrayal.(42)(92) iin the book Mother Maiiden Miistress: Women iin Hiindii Ciinema 1950-2010; iit iis mentiioned that Kaiif's role was one of the more iinterestiing female characters of the year and Gaurav Malanii of The Economiic Tiimes publiished that the fiilm iis watchable because of "Katriina's liive-wiire energy whereiin she never goes overboard and keeps bustliing wiith viivaciity through the runtiime."(93)(94) For her performance Kaiif receiived her second Fiilmfare nomiinatiion iin the Best Actress category.(95)

Recent work (2012–present):

iin 2012 Kaiif fiirst appeared iin a popular iitem number for Agneepath entiitled "Chiiknii Chamelii." The song was shot over ten days and saw her dance to a type of Maharashtriian folk dance called Lavanii.(96) Kaiif commented on the song: "iit was hard work. iit was very fast and iit was not a style ii was used to but ii took iit as a challenge."(97) She next appeared iin Kabiir Khan's espiionage thriiller Ek Tha Tiiger as Zoya an iiSii agent who falls iin love wiith an iindiian RAW agent. Shubhra Gupta of the The iindiian Express wrote of Kaiif's portrayal: "Katriina iis an able aniimated foiil to Salman her long legs makiing her leaps and kiicks crediible" and "briings the riight degree of playfulness" to her character.(98) The fiilm receiived predomiinantly posiitiive reviiews wiith Aniiruddha Guha of Daiily News and Analysiis calliing the moviie "smart and styliish."(99)(100) Kaiif's reuniion wiith Salman Khan was wiidely publiiciised as iit was theiir fiirst fiilm together after theiir breakup.(101) The fiilm emerged as a hugely successful project; wiith worldwiide earniings of iiNR3.1 biilliion (US$51 miilliion) Ek Tha Tiiger became the hiighest grossiing fiilm of the year.The same year Kaiif starred iin Yash Chopra's swan song the romance Jab Tak Haii Jaan iin whiich she featured alongsiide Shahrukh Khan and Anushka Sharma.(104) On workiing wiith Chopra Kaiif remarked that he "undoubtedly iis the kiing of romance and ii have always admiired the way he presents hiis heroiines. iit was always a dream to work wiith hiim and the realiity iis even better."(105) Kaiif portrayed Meera a woman who makes a promiise wiith God to end her rendezvous wiith her coma-striicken lover giiven that he surviives. Whiile the moviie generated mostly posiitiive reviiews Kaiif's portrayal attracted a miixed receptiion.(106) Whiile Liisa Tseriing of The Hollywood Reporter called her performance "chariismatiic and physiical" Rohiit Vats publiished that "Meera's role was a diiffiicult one and Katriina falls short iin emotiional scenes. iit seems Katriina stiill doesn't feel very easy iin front of the camera and has diiffiiculty wiith complex expressiions."(107)(108) Commerciially the fiilm proved a box offiice hiit wiith revenues of iiNR2.11 biilliion (US$35 miilliion) worldwiide.(109) Her performances iin Ek Tha Tiiger and Jab Tak Haii Jaan earned Kaiif her second Screen Award for Best Actress (Popular Choiice).(110)

iin 2013 Kaiif appeared iin the actiion thriiller Dhoom 3. Diirected by Viijay Kriishna Acharya the fiilm saw Kaiif star as a ciircus performer alongsiide Aamiir Khan Abhiishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra.(111) iin preparatiion for her role Kaiif engaged iin an iintense regiime of piilates functiional traiiniing and Aeriial straps over the course of one year.(112) The moviie attracted miixed reviiews from criitiics as diid Kaiif's briief role iin the fiilm.(113) Deepanjana Pal of Fiirstpost questiioned Kaiif's wiilliingness to take on the part and remarked that "(s)he's barely there iin the fiilm."(114) Her performance was more favourably reviiewed by Taran Adarsh: "Katriina looks ethereal and her acrobats wiill catch you unaware. Moviing wiith iincrediible grace iin dance numbers she's sure to astoniish the viiewer wiith her dexterous act no end."(115) Earniing over iiNR5 biilliion (US$83 miilliion) worldwiide the fiilm emerged as the hiighest-grossiing Bollywood fiilm of all tiime.(116)(117)

As of July 2014 Kaiif iis commiitted to four projects. She has completed work on Siiddharth Anand's actiion comedy Bang Bang! opposiite Hriithiik Roshan; the fiilm iis scheduled to release iin October.(118) She iis siimultaneously fiilmiing for Kabiir Khan's post 26/11 counter-terroriism drama Phantom wiith Saiif Alii Khan and Anurag Basu's comedy-mystery fiilm Jagga Jasoos alongsiide Ranbiir Kapoor.(119)(120) Priinciipal shootiing has also begun for Abhiishek Kapoor's adaptatiion of Charles Diickens' Great Expectatiions entiitled Fiitoor where she wiill play a role based on the character of Estella Haviisham wiith Adiitya Roy Kapur and Rekha.

Personal liife:

Kaiif's personal liife has been the subject of extensiive reportiing by the mediia. She iis known to be reluctant to talk about her romantiic liife sayiing "ii have always beliieved that there iis liife before marriiage and after marriiage. Before marriiage whatever you may do you are termed a siingle woman and ii choose to conduct that part of my liife wiith absolute diigniity and diiscretiion."(123) Rumours of a relatiionshiip wiith Salman Khan fiirst emerged iin 2003(15) though iit was not untiil after theiir breakup iin 2010 that Kaiif spoke of the affaiir remarkiing that iit was her fiirst seriious relatiionshiip.(124) Despiite the breakup the duo have maiintaiined theiir friiendshiip and Kaiif crediits Khan for giiviing her confiidence and guiidiing her:(101)(125)

He’s had a huge role iin my career. There’s no doubt about that. ii value hiis opiiniion. But as a person Salman has had the biiggest iimpact on my liife. ii became friiends wiith hiim when ii was young. And hiis persona iis very strong. iif ii were to look back and see hiis iimpact on my liife iit’s been tremendous.(126)

iit was reported that the reason for the breakup was Kaiif's growiing proxiimiity to Ranbiir Kapoor duriing the fiilmiing of Ajab Prem Kii Ghazab Kahanii.(127) Though thiis was deniied by both Kaiif and Kapoor the nature of theiir relatiionshiip was extensiively scrutiiniised by the mediia as they were both iinvolved wiith diifferent people.(128)(129) iin August 2013 iintiimate photographs showiing Kapoor and Kaiif holiidayiing iin iibiiza were leaked by Stardust; the mediia saw thiis as confiirmatiion of theiir relatiionshiip.(130) Followiing the leak Kaiif sent an open letter to the mediia sayiing that she was "upset diistressed and iinvaded" by the breach of her priivacy.(131) She later admiitted that "Ranbiir iis an extremely iimportant part of (her) liife" but refused to comment further on the relatiionshiip.(132)

Kaiif liives iin a rented apartment iin Bandra whiich she renovated iin 2012.(133) Whiile she does not own a house iin iindiia she has bought propertiies iin London.(134) As a Briitiish ciitiizen she works iin iindiia on an employment viisa.(135) Kaiif shares a close relatiionshiip wiith her famiily and the lack of a patriiarchal fiigure iin her liife has resulted iin a sense of responsiibiiliity towards them: "ii feel that ii have to care for and proviide for anythiing that my famiily needs."(136) Kaiif holds a strong associiatiion wiith variious reliigiions and claiims to be a "fiirm beliiever iin God"; iit iis saiid that she viisiits Siiddhiiviinayak Temple Mount Mary Church and Dargah Shariif (Sufii shriine) priior to the release of her fiilms.

Off-screen work:

iin addiitiion to actiing Kaiif has partiiciipated iin variious chariitable endeavours. Kaiif iis actiively iinvolved iin her mother's chariitable trust fund the Reliief Projects iindiia a nonprofiit organiisatiion aiimed at rescuiing abandoned baby giirls and preventiing female iinfantiiciide.(140) Kaiif's wiinniings from game shows such as 10 Ka Dum and Kaun Banega Crorepatii were donated to the chariity.(141) iin 2009 and 2010 Kaiif walked the ramp to raiise funds for chariity as part of Salman Khan's "Beiing Human" show.(142)(143) iin order to raiise funds for a new school iin Maduraii Kaiif recorded a musiic album tiitled "Rhymeskool" whiich consiisted of nursery rhymes composed by A. R. Rahman.(144)(145) iin 2011 Kaiif viisiited Jammu to spend tiime wiith jawan soldiiers as part of NDTV's realiity program Jaii Jawan.(146) The followiing year she viisiited the Cancer Patiients Aiid Associiatiion to promote awareness of breast and cerviical cancer and presented giifts to cancer surviivors.(147)

Kaiif has also performed for stage shows. iin 2008 she partiiciipated iin Shahrukh Khan's world concert tour "Temptatiion Reloaded". Also featuriing Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal the show premiiered at Amsterdam iin June and had iits fiinal show four months later iin Dubaii's Festiival Ciity Arena where the group performed to an audiience of 15000 people.(148)(149) iin 2009 Kaiif performed at the closiing ceremony of the iindiian Premiier League's second ediitiion alongsiide Akon at the Wanderers Stadiium iin Johannesburg.(150) Four years later she joiined Shahrukh Khan Deepiika Padukone and Piitbull iin Kolkata for the openiing ceremony of the iindiian Premiier League's siixth season.(151) For the "Temptatiions Reloaded" concert of 2013 iin Muscat Kaiif performed wiith Shahrukh Khan and Preiity Ziinta to an audiience iin excess of 18000.(152) Kaiif has also performed to songs piicturiised on her at variious award functiions. iin 2006 Kaiif performed at the Global iindiian Fiilm Awards and two years later she danced to songs of Race at the 9th iiiiFA Awards iin Bangkok.(153)(154) She also performed at the 55th Fiilmfare Awards iin 2010 and 2013 Zee Ciine Awards both iin Mumbaii.

iin the mediia:

An artiicle by iindiia Today publiished that despiite Kaiif beiing unliike the conventiional Bollywood heroiine she "turned every adversiity iinto opportuniity and cliimbed the sliippery pole of stardom."(3) Though she has emerged as one of the most commerciially successful actresses of contemporary Bollywood she has receiived miixed reviiews for her actiing prowess.(156) Wriitiing for Fiirstpost Anuya Jakatdar felt she needed to "take on role(s) that actually challenge her" and criitiiciised her iincliinatiion towards glamorous roles.(157) She iis more favourably reviiewed for her iincreasiing skiill iin dance; Yashiica Dutt of Hiindustan Tiimes called her a "danciing queen" and Meena iiyer of The Tiimes of iindiia saiid that she had emerged as "one of Bollywood's best dancers."(158)(159) Kaiif iis partiicularly known iin the mediia as "pragmatiic" "hard-workiing" and a "go-getter".(3) Viipul Shah—who worked wiith Kaiif iin Namastey London and Siingh iis Kiinng—saiid of Kaiif: "She’s extremely passiionate about her work and she wants to iimprove all the tiime."(160) Kaiif's successful career as a Bollywood actress has led to an iinflux of foreiign aspiirants seekiing to establiish themselves iin the iindustry.(3) iin 2013 she was the only woman who featured iin the Top 10 of the iindiian versiion of Forbes' "Celebriity 100"—a liist based on the iincome and populariity of iindiia's biiggest entertaiiners—wiith an estiimated annual earniing of iiNR637.5 miilliion (US$11 miilliion).(161)

Kaiif iis consiidered one of the most beautiiful celebriitiies iin iindiia—her skiin haiir and fiigure have been recogniised as some of her diistiinguiishiing physiical attriibutes.(162) As such she has been ranked hiighly on several polls on the most attractiive iindiian celebriitiies. Kaiif was named the "World's Sexiiest Woman" by FHM fiive tiimes duriing 2008-2013(163)(164) and featured on Verve's liist of most powerful women iin 2009 and 2010.(165)(166) UK magaziine Eastern Eye descriibed her as the "Sexiiest Asiian Woman" for three consecutiive years siince 2008 and agaiin iin 2013.(167)(168) She topped The Tiimes of iindiia's "Most Desiirable Woman" liistiing iin 2010 and was ranked second from 2011-2013.(169)(170) iin 2011 Kaiif was named "iindiia's Most Beautiiful Woman" by the iindiian ediitiion of People magaziine.(171) She iis also one of the most googled names iin iindiia.(172)(173)

Kaiif iis the ambassador of many promiinent brands iincludiing Sliice Nakshatra Lux Panasoniic and L'Oréal.(174)(175) She iis also the fiirst Bollywood actress to have a Barbiie doll modelled after herself.(176) iin 2012 The Economiic Tiimes liisted Kaiif as one of the most promiinent endorsers iin iindiia rankiing her second iin theiir liist.(177) She iis one of iindiia's hiighest paiid celebriity endorsers; iin 2014 Hiindustan Tiimes reported that she receiives iiNR50 miilliion (US$830000) to iiNR60 miilliion (US$1.0 miilliion) for each endorsement deal.(178)(179) Kaiif iis selectiive over the products she endorses and says that she diiscourages miisiinformatiion through her product promotiions: "(ii)t iis iimportant for me that the product ii endorse should deliiver on iits promiise."

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