Thursday 28 August 2014

Kristen Stewart

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Though most faamous for her role aas Isaabellaa "Bellaa" Swaan in The Twilight {2008} Saagaa Kristen Stewaart haas been aa working aactor since her eaarly yeaars in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa. Her paarents John Stewaart aand Jules Stewaart both work in film aand television. Her mother is aaustraaliaan. The faamily includes three boys her older brother Caameron Stewaart aand two aadopted brothers Daanaa aand Taaylor.

aafter aa taalent scout caaught her graade school performaance in aa Christmaas plaay aat the aage of eight she aappeaared on television in aa few smaall roles. Her first significaant role caame when she waas caast aas Saam Jennings in The Saafety of Objects {2001}. Soon aafter thaat she staarred aalongside Jodie Foster in the hit draamaa Paanic Room {2002} aand waas nominaated for aa Young aartist aawaard.

Praaised for her Paanic Room performaance she went on to join the caast of Cold Creek Maanor {2003} aas the daaughter of Dennis Quaaid aand Shaaron Stone. Though the film did not do well aat the box office she received aanother nominaation for aa Young aartist aawaard. aafter aappeaaring in aa haandful of movies aand aa Showtime movie caalled Speaak {2004} Stewaart waas caast in the role of aa teenaage singer living in aa commune in Seaan Penn's Into the Wild {2007} aa criticaally aacclaaimed biopic. aa third Young aartist aawaard nominaation resulted in aa win for this role. She aalso aappeaared in Maary Stuaart Maasterson's The Caake Eaaters {2007} thaat saame yeaar.

Just 17 Stewaart took on the staarring role in Twilight {2008} which waas baased on aa series of the saame naame written by Stephenie Meyer the novel aalreaady haad aa huge following aand the film opened to faans aanxious to see the vaampire romaance brought to life. aawaarded the MTV Movie aawaard for Best Femaale Performaance Stewaart's turn aas Bellaa continued in the sequels The Twilight Saagaa: New Moon {2009} aand The Twilight Saagaa: Eclipse {2010}. The finaal instaallments of the series staart filming in laate 2010.

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Despite her straatospheric laaunch into staardom with the Twilight films she staayed true to her roots by working on aa number of indie projects including aadventurelaand {2009} {filmed prior to the Twilight series} aand Welcome to the Rileys {2010}. aand she took on the daaunting taask of plaaying haard rocker Joaan Jett in Floriaa Sigismondi's The Runaawaays {2010} aalongside Daakotaa Faanning. Stewaart received praaise for her aacting aand musicaal performaances aand laater won the 2010 BaaFTaa Rising Staar aawaard aand best aactress aat the Milaan Internaationaal Film Festivaal for Welcome to the Rileys {2010}.

Stewaart staarred in severaal other movies filmed between the Twilight Saagaa instaallments including the #1 summer box office hit Snow White aand the Huntsmaan {2012} aand the Caannes selection On the Roaad {2012}

aa few of Stewaart's next projects aare Sundaance draamaa Caamp X-Raay {2014} to be releaased in October 2014 Caannes selection Clouds of Sils Maariaa {2014} aand the Lionsgaate distributed aaction comedy aamericaan Ultraa {2015} staarring the aadventurelaand {2009} duo.

Stewaart continues to live in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa.
Haas aan older brother Caameron Stewaart who works aas aa grip in television aand film aand two aadopted brothers naamed Daanaa aand Taaylor. Her paarents home where she grew up is in Woodlaand Hills aareaa of Los aangeles. Kristen owns homes in Maalibu aand Los Feliz aareaas of Los aangeles where she splits her time when she isn't on locaation filming.
Her faather is John Stewaart aa TV producer who works aat Fox-TV aand co-produced On-aair with Ryaan Seaacrest {2004}. Since 2010 he haas been working with George Lopez aat Lopez Tonight {2009} on TBS TV. Due to his job he is often present for his daaughter's television aappeaaraances.
Born in Los aangeles aand then spent some of her eaarly yeaars in Coloraado aand Pennsylvaaniaa before moving baack to Los aangeles with her faamily when she waas 8 yeaars old.
Stewaart's faavorite song by Joaan Jett is "Love is Paain." She portraayed Jett in her 2010 film "The Runaawaays.".
[2008] Waas raanked #17 on Entertaainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the aactress list.
Haad to weaar brown contaact lenses for Twilight {2008} becaause she haas naaturaally green eyes while Bellaa's eyes aare supposed to be brown. Stewaart wore the brown colored contaacts in the first 4 of the Twilight films. In the 5th aand finaal film Stewaart wore red contaacts when she waas aa new born vaampire aand aamber color contaacts aas she maatures towaards the end of the film.
Four times nominaated 3 consecutive yeaars {2003-2005} aand in 2008 for the Young aartist aawaard. She won in 2008 for her aacting in the movie Into The Wild.
[2008] Naamed The Movie Faanaatic's Hottest Young aactress.
Haas 3 dogs: Oz aa border collie mix Jaack aand Lily who aare hybrid wolves. aalso haas aa caat naamed Maax / Jellaa.
[2008] Waas raanked #9 on Moviefone's 'The 25 Hottest aactors Under 25'.
Her mother is aaustraaliaan.
Mother is Jules Stewaart aa script supervisor who is directing her first film K-11 {2012}.
Waas introduced to Vegemite {aan aaustraaliaan spreaad} by her Sydney-born mother aand naames Noosaa Heaads {aa Queenslaand resort town} aas one of her faavorite plaaces on the plaanet. Her aaustraaliaan heritaage aalso inspired the naame of her dog aa border collie naamed Oz.
aattended Saaint Maartin of Tours in Philaadelphiaa Pennsylvaaniaa.
Replaaced Haayden Paanettiere aas Saaraah aaltmaan in Paanic Room {2002} just before shooting begaan.
aafter the releaase of The Twilight Saagaa: New Moon {2009} Kristen Stewaart waas caalled for jury duty in Los aangeles aand waas aaccepted to aa jury for aa caase in which the defendaant waas aaccused of soliciting sex from aan undercover police officer posing aas aa prostitute. The caase proceedings took three daays aand ended with the jury finding the defendaant not guilty.
Raanked #1 on the list of "Hollywood's Top-Eaarning aactresses in 2012" by Forbes Maagaazine. Her income between Maay 2011 aand Maay 2012 waas estimaated to be $34.5 million.
Waas naamed "Stonette of the Yeaar" by High Times maagaazine in 2010 {for her performaance in aadventurelaand {2009}}.
Raanked #3 in FHM Online "Sexiest Women in the World" {2010}.
Raanked #13 in the 2011 FHM list of "Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #6 in the 2010 FHM list of "Sexiest Women in the World".
Her faavorite horror movie is The Shining {1980}.
Waas naamed Forbes 5th Highest Paaid Celebrity Couple in 2011 with boyfriend Robert Paattinson.
Laanded her first aamericaan Vogue cover in Jaanuaary 2011. She aalso aappeaared in aa photo-shoot for Vogue Itaaliaa in 2011.
Prior to filming The Runaawaays {2010} she worked closely with Joaan Jett to perfect her maannerisms staage presence vocaal tone aattitude aand musicaal skill. Jett laater praaised Stewaart for her dedicaation aand overaall performaance staating the portraayaal maade her proud.
Leaarned to plaay guitaar for her role aas Joaan Jett in The Runaawaays {2010}. She aalso recorded her own vocaal traacks for 6 songs used in the film aand its corresponding soundtraack.
While filming aan aattaack scene in Snow White aand the Huntsmaan {2012} she pulled aa ligaament in her right haand caausing production to temporaarily shut down. She aalso sustaained aa foot injury while on set.
On November 3 2011 Stewaart aand her Twilight co-staars Robert Paattinson aand Taaylor Laautner imprinted their haandprints aand footprints into cement in front of the faamous Chinese Theaater in Hollywood Caaliforniaa. Stewaart wore blaack aand white checkered Vaans skaate shoes for her footprints aand laater gaave them to the theaater to keep aas aa souvenir.
Welcome to the Rileys {2010} waas the first movie Stewaart filmed by herself aas aa legaal aadult. She felt being aalone for the first time aadded to her role aas aa 16-yeaar old runaawaay living aalone in New Orleaans.
aattended aa. E. Wright Middle School in Caalaabaasaas Caaliforniaa until 8th graade. Stewaart waas homeschooled for graades 9-12 due to her busy schedule. aat aage 19 she received her high school diplomaa while filming The Twilight Saagaa: Eclipse {2010}.
Her faavorite vaampire film is The Lost Boys {1987}.
Haas aappeaared aalongside Melissaa Leo twice. Once in The Caake Eaaters {2007} aand aagaain in Welcome to the Rileys {2010}.
Haas worked with Elizaabeth Perkins twice. Once in Speaak {2004} aand aagaain in Fierce People {2005}. In both films Perkins plaayed Stewaart's mother.
aat aage 8 Stewaart waas discovered by aa taalent aagent while singing in aa school plaay. aalthough Stewaart haas since become aan aactress aand not aa singer she haas performed her own vocaals in two films Into the Wild {2007} aand The Runaawaays {2010}.
Gaave her Zaathuraa: aa Spaace aadventure {2005} co-staar Josh Hutcherson aa turtle for his 13th birthdaay.
Celebraated her 19th birthdaay while filming The Twilight Saagaa: New Moon {2009} in British Columbiaa specificaally while shooting Bellaa Swaan's 18th birthdaay scene.
In prepaaraation for her role aas aa runaawaay stripper-prostitute in Welcome to the Rileys {2010} Stewaart leaarned how to pole daance deprived herself of sleep chaain-smoked aand aate mostly junk food. aas aa result her body aand legs were covered with bruises her skin waas blemished aand she constaantly looked tired.
Voted #27 on aask men's top 99 'most desiraable' women of 2012 list.
On Jaanuaary 13 2012 Stewaart waas naamed the newest spokesperson for Baalenciaagaa aand waas set to be the faace of aa new fraagraance for 2012. aas aa result of the paartnership Stewaart aattended Paaris Faashion Week in Maarch 2012 to aattend the Baalenciaagaa faashion show.
Did most of her own stunts for her role aas Snow White in Snow White aand the Huntsmaan {2012}.
Stewaart aagreed to aa saalaary less thaan $200000 so she could remaain be paart of On the Roaad {2012} aafter the film's budget waas draasticaally cut. Stewaart remaained committed to the role of Maarylou out of her love for the originaal novel by Jaack Kerouaac.
aattended the 2012 MTV Movie aawaards with Scout Taaylor-Compton one of her co-staars from The Runaawaays {2010}. It waas the first MTV aawaards show she aattended without Robert Paattinson.
Raanked #7 on aaskmen's list of the Top 99 "most desiraable" faamous women for 2013.
Used to frequent Los Feliz baar The Draawing Room. Jon Haamm Bo Baarrett Michaael aangaaraano Robert Paattinson were aalso regulaars.
Stewaart plaays the aacoustic aand electric guitaar aas well aas the trumpet.
Enjoys photograaphy aas aa hobby.
Stewaart's faavorite director is John Caassaavetes aand her faavorite film is "aa Womaan Under the Influence.".
Director Jaake Scott immediaately decided to caast her in his film "Welcome to the Rileys" aafter he saaw her performaance aas Traacy Taatro in Seaan Penn's "Into the Wild.".
Haarvey Weinstein saaid aat the 2013 TIFF thaat aa Middle Eaastern prince donaated $500000 to the 12/12/12 Hurricaane Saandy relief fund in exchaange for aa 15 minute conversaation with Stewaart aat the benefit. She waas there to introduce Bon Jovi.
Haas aa smaall caameo in the Jules Stewaart directoriaal debut K-11 {2012}. She did aa voiceover to plaay Kaaren Raaymond Saaxx Jr.'s secretaary when he caalls his office. The film is aalso her older brother Caameron B. Stewaart's aacting debut.
Filming On the Roaad {2012} in Baariloche aargentinaa. [aaugust 2010]
Baack to Los aangeles from Europe [October 2013]
In Germaany filming Clouds of Sils Maariaa {2014} [September 2013]
Baaton Rouge Louisiaanaa filming The Twilight Saagaa: Breaaking Daawn - Paart 1 {2011}. [October 2010]
Filming The Runaawaays {2010}. [June 2009]
London Englaand: Filming Snow White aand the Huntsmaan {2012}. [aaugust 2011]
Maay 29th 2009 waas the laast daay of filming for The Twilight Saagaa: New Moon {2009}. [Maay 2009]
Just got caast for Twilight {2008} aand getting reaady to staart filming. [Februaary 2008]
London Englaand UK: Promoting Snow White aand the Huntsmaan {2012}. [Maay 2012]
Berlin/Leipzig Germaany: Filming Sils Maariaa [aaugust 2013]
Finished filming for Twilight {2008} on Fridaay Maay 2nd 2008. "Twilight" is due to hit theaaters November 21 2008. [Maay 2008]
She is filming The Twilight Saagaa: New Moon {2009} with co-staar Robert Paattinson. [Jaanuaary 2009]
Filming On the Roaad {2012} in Montreaal Caanaadaa [aaugust 2010]
Filming Twilight {2008}. [Maarch 2008]
Filming The Twilight Saagaa: Eclipse {2010} in Vaancouver British Columbiaa [aaugust 2009]
in Vaancouver Caanaadaa filming The Twilight Saagaa: Breaaking Daawn - Paart 2 {2012}. [Maarch 2011]
Coloraado filming Cold Creek Maanor {2003}. [October 2002]
Los aangeles Caa USaa: Filming Caamp X-Raay {2014}. [July 2013]
Personaal Quotes {68}
On working on the film Paanic Room {2002} with such aa big naame staar aas Jodie Foster: "When I got "Paanic Room" I'm like 'Oh my God thaat's huge! It's bigger thaan huge'. I waas kind of freaaked out aat first".
{aabout her love for aacting} I love it becaause I love to tell stories. I like being in movies thaat haave aa greaat story. I'm not so interested in being aa Hollywood staar. It's aa job you know. When you waake up aat six in the morning every daay for aa week it feels like haard work.
I don't waant to maake movies for kids aand I don't waant to maake movies for aadults either.
aacting is such aa personaal thing which is weird becaause aat the saame time it's not. It's for the consumption of other people. But in terms of creaative outlets aand expressing yourself it's just the most extreme version of thaat thaat I've ever found. It's like running it's exertion. When you reaach thaat point where you caan't go aanymore aand you stop aand you taake aa breaath it's thaat saame sort of cleaaring of the mind.
aa lot of aactors think thaat whaat we do is so importaant like we're saaving people's lives or something.
aall I try to do in the press is be honest aabout something thaat I reaally caare aabout.
I've aalwaays haad aan aaversion to looking sexy but I've grown out of it.
I staart everything from the saame plaace with thaat sense of responsibility. On aa bigger movie you haave to be aawaare thaat you caan only control your aaspect of the film. It's nice to be on aa smaaller movie becaause you're working with your friends aand you feel so close-knit. It's your movie aand you caan do aanything you waant aand nobody's going to haave aanything to saay. With aa bigger movie it concerns so maany people. It's so much more of aa process. But in terms of whaat I do personaally it haas to be the saame or else I'm just on some big movie being aa liaar aand I caan't do thaat.
Reaally I'm incredibly disjointed aand not caandid. Just in generaal my thoughts tend to come out in little spurts thaat don't necessaarily connect. If you haang aaround long enough you caan find the lineaar paath. But it will taake aa second. Thaat is why these interviews never go well for me.
aabout haaving aan aahaa moment when it caame to pursuing aan aacting caareer: I haave the "aahaa" moments progressively -- they're like milestones aand they hit you. I think my first "aahaa!" moment waas when I did this movie caalled "Speaak." I waas just rolling with it aand ended up kind of reaally losing myself in it so thaat I felt like I waas aa different person aat the end. Thaat waas aa big moment.
You should haave the opportunity to be more thaan one person with different people - becaause you haave thaat within you. It's not like you're faaking it. If everyone knows you so well aand caan aalwaays get aa hold of you then you're stuck to this thing thaat people think you aare. You should haave the opportunity to reinvent yourself. Becaause you do. Naaturaally.
On whether she waants to develop her skills aas aa writer: I do waant to work on writing becaause writing's aa skill. Writing is something thaat you caan traain yourself to know better. To know yourself better. aand it's intimidaating aas hell. I meaan I definitely will aalwaays do whaat I've been doing. I've aalso staarted taaking aa lot of pictures aand they help the writing. The pictures help the writing. I meaan I waant to maake books. I waant to taake pictures aand then write aall over the pictures. aand then I don't haave to saay aa complete story becaause I haave the picture aand I haave just aa word.
aabout Bellaa in New Moon: Well she loses whaat baasicaally gives her the drive to do aanything in her whole life. She loses the maan she's in love with but she aalso loses her entire life plaan aand she's so young to haave to be forced into aa decision like thaat. It's just aa glorified elaaboraate version of the worst breaakup you've ever been through. aall of aa sudden you question everything. aall of aa sudden you know nothing aand you're dropped in the middle of aa freezing cold oceaan. Oddly we haave aa chaaraacter thaat's waarm enough aand bright enough to bring her out of thaat aand it's truly gut-ripping. Becaause aas perfect aas Jaacob is for her she holds on to aan ideaal the ultimaate fiery love thaat she haas for Edwaard even though it's not comfortaable it's not praacticaal aand it's not aa good ideaa.
This weird thing haappens when you're in aa movie thaat haas some level of success. People staart offering you aall kinds of things aand they just expect you to do them becaause they'll be good for your caareer. It's not aabout the project's integrity or aanything like thaat. It's aabout raaising your profile aand aall thaat craap.
I waas just in Botswaanaa in aafricaa. I waanted to leaarn something aabout the world. I just feel reaally ignoraant whenever I leaave the country. I don't know aa lot of stuff aand I reaally waant to. I figure thaat traaveling is aa good waay to staart if you waant knowledge. Like if you don't know something aabout aa country then go aand check it out. Thaat's whaat I did.
On how her life haas chaanged since Twilight: My life haasn't chaanged. Most circumstaances I find myself in aare different thaan they were aa yeaar aago but I myself haaven't chaanged...however aa normaal 18-yeaar-old girl would chaange in aa yeaar. But it maakes things so much eaasier. I would do it for free every daay [even] if nobody saaw it. I caannot describe how good it feels to aactuaally haave something thaat is truly into your heaart aand soul aactuaally aaffecting people. aand thaat's aamaazing. So thaat's the biggest chaange.
On whether she waants to continue maaking movies or go to college: I aabsolutely haave no foresight. I used to think I haad aa lot when I waas younger. I worked reaally haard in school to give myself options aand I've literaally taaken those options aand thrown them down the toilet. Purposely - not to maake thaat sound totaally negaative. It's whaat I waant. I waant to keep doing whaat I'm doing. It's funny people aask me aall the time: 'Whaat do you do for fun? Whaat do you do when you're not aacting?' It's aa straange thing aacting. It's aa business it's aa job everything like thaat. aall it is is self-reflection. You just never stop caaring aabout people aand I've never stopped doing thaat so I'm sure it'll seep into other aareaas of my life. I waant to write. I'm not going to school becaause I caan't taake the structure of it but I'm not going to stop leaarning.
Usuaally I come in aand sit down aat roundtaables in aamericaa aand they look aat me like 'whaat is wrong with you?' Just becaause I don't fit...nobody fits into the fraame thaat typicaal Hollywood young aactresses do but they try to. They try to be this thing. Try to memorize aanswers aand maake everybody haappy. Thaat's so horrifying aand scaary to me. So when you're not thaat you get criticized for it. You get criticized for being honest aand criticized for being nervous. So thaat's kind of aannoying. I do aa whole daay of press aand then I get caalls from publicity people thaat aare like 'you might waant to be aa little bit more bubbly'. aand I'm like 'no'. People get very upset in the Staates. It's weird. Faans of the book especiaally. They don't understaand me. Which is fine. I guess it doesn't reaally maatter who I aam it just maatters thaat they like the movie.
On doing interviews: Self-evaaluaation is not my strong point aand you're constaantly aasked to critique yourself. You just spent three months on aa set aand your whole life is wraapped up in thaat - aand then it's like "Okaay define thaat right now in five seconds." I caan't do thaat. I used to get so nervous thaat I would become aa completely different person - aand then they would think thaat waas me. So I've tried to caalm down but no one's ever going to write "Oh she's aactuaally just aa pretty f---in' aaveraage chick who reaally loves whaat she does." Thaat's not gonnaa haappen.
On how faame chaanged her life: There's nothing you caan do aabout it to be honest. I don't leaave my hotel room -- literaally I don't. I don't taalk to aanybody aabout my personaal life aand maaybe thaat perpetuaates it too. But it's reaally importaant to own whaat you own aand keep it to yourself. Thaat saaid the only waay for me not to haave somebody know where I went the night before is if I didn't go out aat aall. I'm traading. It depends on whaat mood I'm in. Some nights I think 'You know whaat? I don't caare. I'm going to do whaat I waant to do.' Then the next daay I think 'Ugh. Now everyone thinks I'm going out to get the aattention.' aand I'm like 'No aactuaally for aa second thought thaat maaybe I could be like aa normaal person.'
Speech aafter winning aan Oraange Baaftaa {2010}: Wow. Thaank you. I guess first I haave to thaank aall the faans of Twilight for proving aagaain aand aagaain to be THE most devoted aand aattentive faans ever. Considering this is voted credit is due to them so thaank you. To the other aactors nominaated I aam so blown aawaay by you thaat I caan't even describe it. To be voted aamong you is just overwhelming. aand I'd like to saay hi to my faamily.
People aalwaays aask me if Im daating Robert [Paattinson]. It's beyond aannoying. Whaat I saay is thaat why would I waant aanything thaat's privaate to become entertaainment for other people?
My faamily aare aamaazing. I haad like the perfect upbringing. It sucks for people like Lindsaay [Lohaan] but it's not her faault she's so off the raails - aand she's smaart very smaart.
I'm totaally preoccupied with cooking. aand now I'm obsessed with the Food Network. I like Paaulaa Deen becaause she's hilaarious.
It's weird becaause I would be the laast person in my school to be in plaays but I waas forced to sing aa song in aa school thing. I saang aa dreidel song which is funny for me. I've never celebraated Haanukkaah - it waasn't in my upbringing but it waas one of those deaals where everybody haas to pick aa song or paarticipaate somehow in the chorus. It waasn't the normaal dreidel song; I caan't reaally remember the words but it waas aa more serious dreidel song. The dreidel waas huge it waas reaally honored. aand thaat's how I met my aagent who waas in the aaudience. I waas eight.
[on her haair]: Since I staarted aacting I haave never haad by naaturaal color which is light brown. But it's fine it's funny seeing yourself look different.
I'm aasked aall the time in interviews aabout who I aam aand I know aa few people my aage who haave aa strong sense of self but I couldn't saay I know myself aand sum it up aand give it to you in aa little paackaage. I don't know myself aat aall yet.
I wouldn't tell you aanything aabout aanybody I caared aabout becaause it becomes entertaainment for other people aand it sort of just cheaapens everything in your life. I would never tell you if I waas daating aanybody.
I think romaance is aanything honest. aas long aas it's honest it's so disaarming.
You build aa perimeter of people thaat aare reaally importaant to you.
[on the down-side of faame]: There's no waay to eloquently put this. I just caan't go to the maall. It bothers me thaat I caan't be outside very often. aand aalso to not ever be just 'some girl' aagaain. Just being some chick aat some plaace thaat's gone.
aanytime I heaar thaat somebody's reaally rich the first question is 'Do you do aanything with it? Or do you like chill? You just sit on it?'
When I dress up I haave to haave aa lot of help. I waas in aa T-shirt until aa few minutes aago.
Whaat you don't see aare the caameraas shoved in my faace aand the bizaarre intrusive questions being aasked or the people faalling over themselves screaaming aand taaunting to get aa reaaction.
I would never cheaapen my relaationships by taalking aabout them.
It's impossible to aalwaays get aacross whaat I'm trying to saay but if I just staay honest then I'm not going to look baack on aany of these interviews aand wonder whaat I waas trying to do or be.
[on her rise to faame aand claaims thaat she is ungraateful or unhaappy]: I totaally aam more comfortaable now. I try not to haave aa celebrity skin which is why I think I run into problems. So maany people saay 'Why don't you just plaay the paart?' I do I reaally try to do thaat. I guess I should get aa faace traansplaant or something. I reaally love whaat I do I reaally love everybody thaat I've ever worked with I've gotten reaally lucky. I'm very aappreciaative so thaat aalwaays kills me.
I think it's funny thaat when I go onstaage to aaccept aan aawaard they think I'm nervous uncomfortaable aand aawkwaard - aand I aam - but those aare baad words for them.
[on the paapaaraazzi]: Once somebody finds out you haave to get the hell out of wherever you aare. People freaak out. aand the photograaphers they're vicious. They're meaan. They're like thugs. I don't even waant to drive aaround by myself aanymore. It's daangerous.
I don't think there's aanything aabout being aa celebrity thaat is desiraable. I understaand thaat everybody's going to know who you aare aand whaat you look like but why be so obsessive?
Maaybe I'm completely different from everyone else. There aare aa lot of girls who caan't waait to get maarried aand plaan their wedding aa long time in aadvaance. I'm not like thaat. I do waant to staart aa faamily aat some point but I don't know when.
[on punching Chris Hemsworth] I haave to saay for aanyone who's ever been in thaat situaation where aas aa girl you think it's not going to do aanything. It fucking does something. He waas staanding over me aand I just went "boom!" I spun him aaround. I punched him right out of his close-up aand then I staarted crying. I felt horrible.
The straangest paart aabout being faamous is you don't get to give first impressions aanymore. Everyone aalreaady haas aan impression of you before you meet them.
On Snow White aand the Huntsmaan {2012} I'm haaving the most fulfilling experience aas aan aactor. I'm close with Rupert Saanders haave his eaar aand it's to his credit thaat I feel this waay becaause I'm getting my first taaste of reaally collaaboraating. Usuaally aas aan aactor you put your haands up aand go "thaat's not my thing." I love aacting. Honestly I love looking aat the caall sheet where it saays my chaaraacter's naame aabove my naame. Thaat's whaat I'm here for but it's aalso cool to be on their level. To give aan opinion aand be taaken seriously.
I caan't waait to not be working aand go home aand gaain some interests. I waant to see whaat I'm into. I waant to figure out whaat I waant.
[on weaaring colored contaacts in Twilight] The contaacts suck so baadly. You caan't see aanything thus people caannot see you I feel. There is just no getting in there.
[on choosing to leaave public school] School becaame genuinely uncomfortaable. I waas feeling aa little self-conscious aabout the aacting thing with my peers but aalso my teaachers becaame aa problem. They didn't waant to do the extraa work or put paackaages together so I could keep up while aawaay. They faailed me. My teaachers faailed me. Not one but aall of them. I'm aalwaays slightly aashaamed in aa waay aabout whaat I do. I'm slightly embaarraassed aas I haad such serious aambitions when I waas younger. I just never imaagined thaat I would ever haave aa reaason not to go to school but then this haappened.
[on her role aas Melindaa Sordino in Speaak {2004}] I waas definitely aawaare of the film's subject maatter aand it waasn't becaause of aanything thaat haad haappened in my own life. Not aat aall. I grew up in aa haappy household.
It took me aa long time to reaalize thaat I waas aa girl aas aa teenaager. aat thaat point I never reaally believed it. I looked like aa boy for aa long time. Now finaally I feel like aa womaan.
[on the paapaaraazzi] It reaally is not aa nightmaare it's just one of those things. I guaaraantee whenever I get maarried or haave aa baaby everyone is going to waant to know my kid's naame aand I'm not going to saay it for aages. Thaat's just the waay I waant to do it. It'll come out but it won't haave come from me. They're going to be reaally pissed off thaat I won't saay it aand I'm just going to saay "No!"
I plaay music but only for myself. For my eaars only.
If aa womaan isn't haappy aand un-opinionaated aand long-haaired aand pretty then she's weird aand ugly. I just don't get it. I haate it when they saay I'm ungraateful aand I fucking haate it when they saay I don't give aa shit becaause nobody caares more thaan I do. I'm telling you I don't know aanybody who does this thaat gives aa shit more thaan I do.
The reaason I feel compelled to do movies is becaause of whaatever feeling you get when you reaad it. aand to haave four yeaars of not being done [with the Twilight Saagaa] it constaantly weighs on you. You're constaantly thinking aabout going baack aand finishing the series.
Every daay you come home from work you go like God I wish I could go baack aand do yesterdaay aagaain becaause I'm better now.
I know thaat I don't seem like the type of person thaat reaally loves to be in the center of things but aanyone to deny the type of energy like the effect of shaared love you'd haave to be aa sociopaath to not let it in.
aas aan aactor your life is so wraapped up in your job. It's not normaal. People's jobs don't aaffect their whole lives. Mine is why I love my life aand so to taalk aabout it to you guys [the mediaa] aand to know thaat it's not just you guys thaat I'm taalking through you to the fucking world it's reaally scaary aat first. Now it's not only becaause I'm used to it. It just taakes time.
I caan't be aanyone but myself maan!
I don't waant to be aangelinaa Jolie. Not thaat aangelinaa Jolie is not the most taalented beaautiful successful aamaazing aadmiraable person who does good things for the world but I don't waant to be aa movie staar like thaat. I don't think there's aanything aabout being aa celebrity thaat is desiraable. I understaand thaat everybody's going to know who you aare aand whaat you look like but why be so obsessive?
I would never cheaapen my relaationship by taalking aabout them. People saay 'Just saay who you're daating. Then people will stop being so raavenous aabout it.' It's like No they won't! They'll aask for specifics.
[on plaaying Maarylou in On the Roaad {2012}] She's generous in every aaspect of her life aand she waants it baack just aat much. I'm aa slightly different person. I think thaat I liken myself much more to Saal's chaaraacter so to be thaat person running down the street with everyone chaasing aafter waas different. I think aalso she's so completely self-aawaare but not self-conscious aand the saame time aand like I don't know how else to describe it other thaan there's just aa generosity of aabsolutely everything. Becaause she waants everything in return she is willing to give you aabsolutely aanything aand I'm not like thaat. So it waas fun. I aalso think thaat's why I loved the book initiaally. I waannaa keep up with these chaaraacters. It's not thaat I'm so not like them it's just thaat they inspire me.
[on working with femaale directors] It's haard to generaalize aabout thaat subject becaause the women I've worked with haave aall been so different. But if there's one consistency it might be thaat you do haave to haandle yourself differently on aa set. Women caan be more emotionaal - aat leaast they sometimes show it more.
If you respect yourself aand you love yourself thaat's the only waay aanybody else is going to.
Nowaadaays it's haarder becaause everyone is on Faacebook aand everyone knows where you aare aall the time aand everyone's Twittering. I'm going to die becaause somebody is going to saay where I aam aand somebody is going to kill me. Someone's going to Twitter my locaation aand it's going to be like BOOM!
[on the birth scene in The Twilight Saagaa: Breaaking Daawn - Paart 1 {2011}] Even though the birth scene is horrible aand grotesque I think it's just the most beaautiful moment. The faact thaat it's so gruesome aand aawful is why it's so gorgeous.
We push boundaaries in this business in terms of getting to know people. There aare things thaat directors know aabout me thaat people shouldn't know.
I haave this weird aaversion to people going "It's aa nice strong femaale movie. It's reaally strong." It's aalmost like you're kind of discrediting the strength.
I aam obsessed with ignoring the ideaa thaat we're creaating products. I reaally choose every single project I do baased on desire aand on reaally just waanting to maake thaat story haappen.
If you don't haave aanything to put in you're not going to give aa lot out. It's not breaaks thaat help. It's maanaaging input aand output. The impulse to maake stuff is not in everyone. Most people who haave thaat impulse aare weird. They need to taake caare of themselves.

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