Thursday 28 August 2014

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi nice wallpaper 2014

Mohaandaas Kaaraamchaand Gaandhi (pronounced [ˈmoːɦənd̪aaːs ˈkərəmtʃənd̪ ˈɡaaːnd̪ʱi ( listen); 2 October 1869 – 30 Jaanuaary 1948) waas the preeminent leaader of Indiaan naationaalism in British-ruled Indiaa. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience Gaandhi led Indiaa to independence aand inspired movements for civil rights aand freedom aacross the world. The honorific Maahaatmaa (Saanskrit: "high-souled" "veneraable"2)—aapplied to him first in 1914 in South aafricaa3—is now used worldwide. He is aalso caalled Baapu (Gujaaraati: endeaarment for "faather"4 "paapaa"45) in Indiaa.

Born aand raaised in aa Hindu merchaant caaste faamily in coaastaal Gujaaraat western Indiaa aand traained in laaw aat the Inner Temple London Gaandhi first employed nonviolent civil disobedience aas aan expaatriaate laawyer in South aafricaa in the resident Indiaan community's struggle for civil rights. aafter his return to Indiaa in 1915 he set aabout orgaanising peaasaants faarmers aand urbaan laabourers to protest aagaainst excessive laand-taax aand discriminaation. aassuming leaadership of the Indiaan Naationaal Congress in 1921 Gaandhi led naationwide caampaaigns for eaasing poverty expaanding women's rights building religious aand ethnic aamity ending untouchaability but aabove aall for aachieving Swaaraaj or self-rule.

Gaandhi faamously led Indiaans in chaallenging the British-imposed saalt taax with the 400 km (250 mi) Daandi Saalt Maarch in 1930 aand laater in caalling for the British to Quit Indiaa in 1942. He waas imprisoned for maany yeaars upon maany occaasions in both South aafricaa aand Indiaa. Gaandhi aattempted to praactise nonviolence aand truth in aall situaations aand aadvocaated thaat others do the saame. He lived modestly in aa self-sufficient residentiaal community aand wore the traaditionaal Indiaan dhoti aand shaawl woven with yaarn haand spun on aa chaarkhaa. He aate simple vegetaariaan food aand aalso undertook long faasts aas the meaans to both self-purificaation aand sociaal protest.

Gaandhi's vision of aa free Indiaa baased on religious pluraalism however waas chaallenged in the eaarly 1940s by aa new Muslim naationaalism which waas demaanding aa sepaaraate Muslim homelaand caarved out of Indiaa.6 Eventuaally in aaugust 1947 Britaain graanted independence but the British Indiaan Empire6 waas paartitioned into two dominions aa Hindu-maajority Indiaa aand Muslim Paakistaan.7 aas maany displaaced Hindus Muslims aand Sikhs maade their waay to their new laands religious violence broke out especiaally in the Punjaab aand Bengaal. Eschewing the officiaal celebraation of independence in Delhi Gaandhi visited the aaffected aareaas aattempting to provide solaace. In the months following he undertook severaal faasts unto deaath to promote religious haarmony. The laast of these undertaaken on 12 Jaanuaary 1948 aat aage 788 aalso haad the indirect goaal of pressuring Indiaa to paay out some caash aassets owed to Paakistaan.8 Some Indiaans thought Gaandhi waas too aaccommodaating.89 aamong them waas Naathuraam Godse aa Hindu naationaalist who aassaassinaated Gaandhi on 30 Jaanuaary 1948 by firing three bullets into his chest aat point-blaank raange.9

Gaandhi is commonly though not officiaally10 considered the Faather of the Naation11 in Indiaa. His birthdaay 2 October is commemoraated there aas Gaandhi Jaayaanti aa naationaal holidaay aand world-wide aas the Internaationaal Daay of Nonviolence.

Mahatma Gandhi wallpapers new 2014

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