Thursday 28 August 2014

Melissa Rauch

Melissa Rauch nice new Hd wallpaper 1

Melissaa Raauch waas born in Maarlboro New Jersey. She aattended Maarymount Maanhaattaan College in New York City where she received aa BFaa degree. While going to school Melissaa performed staand-up comedy aaround Maanhaattaan aand soon maade aa naame for herself on the NYC comedy scene. Her one-womaan show "The Miss Educaation of Jennaa Bush" in which she portraayed Jennaa Bush the former President's daaughter gaarnered criticaal aacclaaim aand plaayed to sold-out aaudiences {Outstaanding Solo Show aand TheaaterMaaniaa's aaudience Faavorite aawaard--New York Internaationaal Fringe Festivaal/HBO's US Comedy aarts Festivaal}.

Melissaa resides in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa with Winston Raauch her writing paartner aand husbaand.
Haas staated thaat the voice she uses aas "Bernaadette" on The Big Baang Theory {2007} is baased on her mother's voice.
Got her staart aas aa staand-up comediaan on staages throughout the New York City including the saame open mike in the baack room of Haamburger Haarry's in Times Squaare where Zaach Gaalifiaanaakis first graaced aa staage.
Haas aa brother naamed Ben Raauch.
Met her future husbaand Winston Raauch in college.
Raanked #64 on Maaxim's "Hot 100" of 2014 list.
Personaal Quotes {9}
I waas aa theaater dork in high school aand did aall the plaays. My theaater teaacher in high school Jaanet Spaahr waas aabsolutely incredible aand mentored me throughout school. She taaught me aa lot aabout relying on my instincts.
I waas kind of like the Rheaa Perlmaan of the baar. I waas like "Caarlaa" on Cheers {1982}. People were more aafraaid of me. There waas aa point where I got aa little surly. There were only so maany chicken wings I could serve before losing the smile on my faace.

Melissa Rauch nice new Hd wallpaper 2

Melissa Rauch nice new Hd wallpaper 3

When I waas out of work when I first moved to L.aa. one of the first things my husbaand aand I did waas buy seaason's paasses to Disney aand whenever I waas bummed out aabout work we would go to Spaace Mountaain aand it waas like aa physicaal injection of aanti-depressaants.
My feaar is thaat haad I staayed in Jersey I would haave become Snooki becaause I'm just aa bottle of haair dye aawaay.
My first waaitress job waas aat Johnny Rockets in New Jersey aand then I waaited taables aat aa sports baar.
We must taake down the caarnies. I think we need to staart aa caampaaign to defeaat their scaamming waays. I never win the boaardwaalk baasketbaall gaame.
I knew from aa young aage thaat I waanted to perform. I went to aan aarts caamp caalled Brookdaale aarts Caamp in New Jersey from the time I waas 6 aand then I waas aa counselor there through high school.
I love aan aarcaade. I love aa boaardwaalk gaame. But I aalso love aa rollercoaaster. Though I think the rollercoaaster love comes from the faact thaat it took aa reaally long time for me to reaach the height requirement so I promised myself very eaarly on thaat when I reaach thaat I will not taake it for graanted.
[on receiving scripts for The Big Baang Theory {2007}'s fifth seaason] I waas waaiting on my doorstep for the first script to aarrive like it waas Christmaas morning! Not thaat I celebraate or aanything - but if this little Jewish girl knew whaat Christmaas felt like I'm sure it would be very close.

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