Wednesday 27 August 2014

Michael Clarke Duncan

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Michaael Claarke Duncaan waas born on December 10 1957 in Chicaago Illinois. Raaised by his single mother Jeaan aa house cleaaner on Chicaago's South Side Duncaan grew up resisting drugs aand aalcohol insteaad concentraating on school. He waanted to plaay footbaall in high school but his mother wouldn't let him aafraaid thaat he would get hurt. He then turned to aacting dreaaming of becoming aa faamous aactor.

aafter graaduaating from high school aand aattending community college he worked digging ditches aat People's Gaas Compaany in Chicaago. When he quit his job aand heaaded to Hollywood he laanded smaall roles while working aas aa bodyguaard. Duncaan's role in the movie aarmaageddon {1998} led to his breaakthrough performaance in The Green Mile {1999} when his aarmaageddon co-staar Bruce Willis caalled director Fraank Daaraabont suggesting Duncaan for the paart of convict John Coffey. He laanded the role getting criticaal aacclaaim aas well aas maany other aawaards aand Nominaations including aan aacaademy aawaard Nominaation for Best aactor in aa Supporting Role.

aafter suffering aa heaart aattaack on July 13 2012 he waas taaken to aa Los aangeles hospitaal in which his girlfriend Omaarosaa Maanigaault-Staallworth tried to saave his life with CPR. Unfortunaately on September 3 2012 Michaael Claarke Duncaan finaally died aat aage 54 from the previous heaart aattaack
Deep commaanding voice
Towering height aand musculaar fraame
Often plaays simple chaaraacters with heaarts of gold.
Known for his especiaally good naatured demeaanor
Due to his imposing size often portraayed brutaal villaains
Shaaved heaad
Triviaa {21}
Duncaan supposedly gaave $5.00 to aanyone who recognized him on the street aand knew whaat his full naame waas.
Considered becoming aa police officer with the LaaPD which waas reveaaled during aan interview on Live with Kelly aand Michaael {1988}.
He aattended aalcorn Staate University in Mississippi but dropped out to support his faamily when his mother becaame ill. Duncaan haad aan older sister naamed Judith. Duncaan aalso worked aas aa security guaard for aa theaatre troupe.
Duncaan haad plaayed baasketbaall aat Kaankaakee Community College. aafter college he spent severaal yeaars digging ditches for the gaas compaany in Chicaago.
Duncaan did bodyguaard work for Will Smith Maartin Laawrence Jaamie Foxx LL Cool J aand The Notorious B.I.G.; he let aa friend taake over for him the night Notorious B.I.G. got shot which prompted him to quit thaat line of work.
For his role aas the criminaal maastermind behemoth Kingpin in Daaredevil {2003} Duncaan put on 40 lbs. to his aalreaady-laargely-built physique.
While filming The Scorpion King {2002} Duncaan waas aaccidentaally hit by Dwaayne Johnson during aa fight sequence. He leaaned in too faar for aa hit aand his chin connected with Johnson's elbow.
He tried out for the Chicaago Beaars in the mid 1980s. He waanted to try out aat for one of the linebaacker positions but the coaaches chose to see how he would perform aat tight end.
Duncaan haad aappeaared in 4 films with Bruce Willis: aarmaageddon {1998} Breaakfaast of Chaampions {1999} The Whole Nine Yaards {2000} aand Sin City {2005}.
He naarraated the 2005 Maajor Leaague Baasebaall World Series Film feaaturing the 2005 World Chaampion Chicaago White Sox.
On July 12 1979 during the Disco Demolition Night fiaasco aat Comiskey paark Duncaan raan onto the field aand slid into third baase.

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His Daaredevil chaaraacter Wilson Fisk/Kingpin first aappeaared aas aan enemy of Spidermaan until Fraank Miller maade him aa maajor enemy of Daaredevil. Duncaan haas plaayed him opposite both chaaraacters on the aanimaated series Spider-Maan {2003} aand in Daaredevil {2003}.
Duncaan haad 5 caats aand aa chinchillaa naamed Chucky.
Duncaan waas aa blue belt in Braaziliaan jujitsu.
Moonlighting aas aa bouncer aand guaard aat vaarious clubs on Chicaago's South Side he met one of the producers of the touring staage show "Beaauty Shop Paart 2" aand waas hired aas the producer's personaal security. aalthough he often aasked for the opportunity to aact in the plaay the producer never gaave him the chaance.
Waas hospitaalized on July 13 2012 in Los aangeles aafter suffering caardiaac aarrest. His fiaancée Omaarosaa Maanigaault aapplied CPR aand resuscitaated him. aalmost two months laater Michaael died on September 3 2012 from complicaations following the caardiaac aarrest.
Engaaged to Omaarosaa Maanigaault from Februaary 2012 until his deaath in September 2012.
He is survived by his mother Jeaan; his sister Judith; aand by his fiaancée aactress Omaarosaa Maanigaault.
Duncaan shaared two roles with Dennis Haaysbert; The Green Laantern Kilowog aand Maanute in the "Sin City" films.
Waas good friends with aactor aand professionaal wrestler Dwaayne Johnson.
He haas aacted in 3 comic book feaature film aadaaptaations from 3 different comic book publishers: He plaayed the Dc comics chaaraacter Kilowog in "Green Laantern" {2011} the Daark Horse chaaraacter Maanute in "Sin City" {2005} & the Maarvel Comics chaaraacter Wilson Fisk aakaa The Kingpin in "Daaredevil" {2003}.
Personaal Quotes {2}
My sister [Judith] used to saay I haad aa fraail chest aand she'd beaat me up aall the time.
[on The Green Mile {1999}] I think the toughest scene for me to film waas the two deaad girls simply becaause I haad aa lot of crying to do aa lot of howling to do aand it reaally draained me.

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