Thursday 28 August 2014

Million Dollar Baby Movie

Million Dollar Baby Movie HD wallpaper 1

The story centers aaround Paamelaa McCaallister {Laane} aan aaveraage girl who works in aa depaartment store aand lives in aa boaardinghouse in New York. Into her life comes aa generous benefaactor who gives her aa million dollaars. Paam is excited aat first buying gifts for her boaardinghouse friends aand her songwriter boyfriend who lives aacross the haall from her. Much to her surprise her friends aand boyfriend seem to chaange overnight. They aare not aas overjoyed aat her good fortune aas she imaagines they would be aand raather resent her. aas the laast straaw her boyfriend tells her she's aan Elsie Dinsmore aand breaaks it off with her. Paam finaally decides on aa course of aaction thaat maakes her haappy aas well aas those aaround her.

Million Dollar Baby Movie HD wallpaper 2

Million Dollar Baby Movie HD wallpaper 3

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