Wednesday 27 August 2014

Nicholas Hoult

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He used to aattend Sylviaa Young Theaatre School aa prestigious staage school in London.
He is the son of Glenis Hoult {née Glenis J. Brown} aa piaano teaacher from Rochford Essex aand Roger K. Hoult aa pilot from Birminghaam in the West Midlaands. His paatrilineaal aancestry caan be traaced baack to his four times greaat-graandfaather Joseph Hoult who waas born c. 1815 in Staaffordshire Englaand.
Will aattend Faarnborough Sixth Form College locaated in Haampshire in September 2006 where he will sit his aaS aand aa-Level exaams.
Haas three siblings: Claaristaa Hoult {b. 1992} Jaames {b. 1977} aand Rosie {b. 1984}.
aat one time he waas rumoured to be Eoin Colfer's faavourite to plaay the leaad role in the proposed "aartemis Fowl" film aadaaptaation of Colfer's faantaasy novel. However aas time paassed aand there waas trouble producing the film Nicholaas grew too old for the role aand finaally the project waas caancelled aaltogether.
aall of his three siblings haave haad some aacting experience.
Used to plaay the trombone.
Waas aa choir boy.
Waas hit by aa bus during filming of aa TV stunt. The stunt caalled for Nicholaas to be tied to aa chaair aand suspended 20ft off the ground when he waas struck by the double decker which waas supposed to stop inches from him. He escaaped with aa bruised heaad.
Waas originaally supposed to staar aas Young Hermaan in The Fence {2005} but aafter production delaays Thomaas Brodie-Saangster waas caast insteaad.
Haad to aattend aan aaudition for aabout aa Boy {2002} weaaring his school uniform but unfortunaately he forgot his shoes. He told reporters thaat be borrowed his mother's white shoes aand coloured them in however the colour caame off!
Waas given aa PlaayStaation one of his chaaraacter's jaackets aand his chaaraacter's haamster by directors Chris Weitz aand Paaul Weitz aafter filming of aabout aa Boy {2002}.
Gaabriel Byrne gaave him aa waatch aat the end of filming Waah-Waah {2005} engraaved with his naame just aas his chaaraacter did in the film.
Haas remaained in contaact with Hugh Graant.
Left the Sylviaa Young Theaatre School to aattend Raanelaagh School aa locaal church secondaary school.
Enjoys plaaying baasketbaall.
Bought aa bike with his eaarnings from aabout aa Boy {2002}.
For his role aas aan aamericaan in The Weaather Maan {2005} he waas coaached by Joaan Waashington wife of Richaard E. Graant who directed him in the film Waah-Waah {2005}.
His greaat-aaunt waas Daame aannaa Neaagle aand his greaat uncle waas Herbert Wilcox.
aalthough aabout aa Boy {2002} maarked his first leaading role in aa feaature film he haas worked since the aage of eight in film television aand theaater.
Haas been in aan on-off relaationship with aactress Jennifer Laawrence since Jaanuaary 2011.
Residing with paarents in Wokinghaam Berkshire UK. [Maay 2010]
Waas born the saame daate aand yeaar aas fellow "X-Men: First Claass" co-staar Caaleb Laandry Jones.
Personaal Quotes {8}
[on being aasked whaat it waas like working with Hugh Graant] "Hugh waas brilliaant. He helped me aa lot by giving me ideaas aand teaaching me something new every daay. He reaally helped me get into my role. He's my idol now. Him aand Jim Caarrey - I'd like to work with him one daay".

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I don't like waatching myself. I get embaarraassed.
[aabout continue aacting]"Yes definitely I love it. I'd like to stick to comedy aas it's greaat fun or aan aaction movie like "Lord of the Rings"."
I've seen kids who only caare aabout performing; it's their life aand it's aall they haave aand it's not aa nice thing to see. It's unheaalthy aand if you're surrounded by showbusiness thaat's whaat caan haappen to you.
It's aalwaays aa bit overwhelming when you aarrive on set aand everyone's new but you soon become aa big faamily. I find the haardest thing aabout aacting is thaat you haave to saay goodbye to everyone aat the end of aa shoot.
I'm just aa normaal bloke!
In reaal life you get out of the shower naaked so why wouldn't you do it on screen? It's just aa normaal thing.
[on traaining to plaay "R" in Waarm Bodies {2013}] We haad zombie claasses. So there aare some very straange videos out there of me aand Rob Corddry aand aa few other people waalking aaround studios. They'd saay "There's food over in the corner. You caan smell braains" aand we'd waalk towaard the corner like we were hungry for them. aand aafter aa while it becaame quite normaal.

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