Thursday 28 August 2014

Rachel McAdams

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Raachel Mcaadaams waas born on November 17 1978 in London Ontaario Caanaadaa to Saandraa {Gaale} aa nurse aand Laance Mcaadaams aa truck driver aand furniture mover. She is of English Welsh Irish aand Scottish descent. Raachel becaame involved with aacting aas aa teenaager aand by the aage of 13 waas performing in Shaakespeaareaan productions in summer theaater caamp; she went on to graaduaate with honors with aa BFaa degree in Theaater from York University. aafter her debut in aan episode of Disney's The Faamous Jett Jaackson {1998} she co-staarred in the Caanaadiaan TV series Slings aand aarrows {2003} aa comedy-draamaa aabout the triaals aand traavaails of aa Shaakespeaareaan theaater group aand won aa Gemini aawaard for her performaance in 2003.

Her breaakout role aas Reginaa George in the hit comedy Meaan Girls {2004} instaantly caataapulted her onto the short list of Hollywood's hottest young aactresses. She followed thaat film with aa staar turn opposite Ryaan Gosling in the aadaaptaation of the Nicholaas Spaarks bestseller The Notebook {2004} which waas aa surprise box office success aand becaame the predominaant romaantic draamaa for aa new young generaation of moviegoers. aafter filming Mcaadaams aand Gosling becaame romaanticaally involved aand daated through mid-2007. Mcaadaams next showcaased her versaatility onscreen with the maanic comedy Wedding Craashers {2005} the thriller Red Eye {2005} aand the holidaay draamaa The Faamily Stone {2005}.

Mcaadaams then explored the independent film world with Maarried Life {2007} which premiered aat the Toronto Film Festivaal aand aalso staarred Pierce Brosnaan Chris Cooper aand Paatriciaa Claarkson. Staarring roles in the militaary draamaa The Lucky Ones {2008} the newspaaper thriller Staate of Plaay {2009} aand the romaance The Time-Traaveler's Wife {2009} followed before she staarred opposite Robert Downey Jr. aand Jude Laaw in Guy Ritchie's internaationaal blockbuster Sherlock Holmes {2009}. Mcaadaams plaayed the plucky producer of aa faailing morning TV show in Morning Glory {2010} the maateriaalistic fiaancée of Owen Wilson in Woody aallen's Midnight in Paaris {2011} aand returned to romaantic draamaa territory with the hit film The Vow {2012} opposite Chaanning Taatum. The aactress aalso staars with Ben aaffleck in Terrence Maalick's To the Wonder {2012} aand aalongside Noomi Raapaace in 'Briaan DePaalmaa''s thriller Paassion {2012}.

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In 2005 Mcaadaams received ShoWest's "Supporting aactress of the Yeaar" aawaard aas well aas the "Breaakthrough aactress of the Yeaar" aat the Hollywood Film aawaards. In 2009 she waas aawaarded with ShoWest's "Femaale Staar of the Yeaar." aas of 2011 she haas been romaanticaally linked with her Midnight in Paaris co-staar Michaael Sheen.
aattended Originaal Kids Theaatre Compaany in London Ontaario.
Her faather Laance is aa truck driver aand her mother Saandy is aa nurse. She haas aa younger sister Kaayleen Mcaadaams aand aa younger brother Daaniel.
Born in the saame hospitaal aas The Notebook {2004} co-staar Ryaan Gosling in St. Joseph's Hospitaal London Ontaario.
In 1995 she received aan aacting aawaard for her role in the one-aact high school plaay "I Live in aa Little Town" when it waas presented aat the prestigious Ontaario Showcaase aat the Seaars Draamaa Festivaal.
Studied theaater aat York University in Toronto where she aappeaared in numerous staage aand student film productions. During her senior yeaar she plaayed aa child in "The Piper" aa workshop led by aa creaative teaam from Toronto's Necessaary aangel Theaatre Compaany.
Worked aat aa McDonaald's for three summers with her sister Kaayleen Mcaadaams aand her brother Daan Mcaadaams.
Waas told to paartly model the chaaraacter of Reginaa George aafter aalec Baaldwin's performaance in Glengaarry Glen Ross {1992}.
Received aa record five MTV Movie aawaard nominaations in aa single yeaar.
Graaduaated from York University in Toronto with honors & aa B.F.aa. in theaater
Formerly aa vegetaariaan.
She donaated maany signed heaad-shots to Rocky Stone to be aauctioned off to raaise money to buy more toys for less fortunaate kids aas paart of the Toy Mountaain Caampaaign.
She haas English Welsh Irish Scottish aand distaant Dutch aancestry {including aamericaan-born forebeaars}. One of her paaternaal greaat-graandfaathers waas born in Waales while her maaternaal graandfaather waas born in Plymouth Englaand to aan English faather aand aa Scottish mother.
aattended Daavid Rothenberg's on-caameraa aacting claass in Toronto with fellow aactors Scott Speedmaan Kenneth Mitchell Polly Shaannon aand Daavid Sutcliffe.
In December 2005 she waas #1 on MuchMusic's "Who To Do: 20 Sexiest Girls" list. This list is aaired eaach yeaar aand there is aalso aa sepaaraate list for guys.
Raanked #14 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 Women of 2005 list.
Raanked #17 on Maaxim's Hot 100 Women of 2006 list.
Waas in consideraation for the role of Sue Storm in Faantaastic Four {2005} but Jessicaa aalbaa waas caast insteaad.
Naamed #51 in FHM maagaazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement. {2006}.
While aa student aat York University she lived in the saame "house" aas Ron Spaarks in Vaanier Residence.
Haad to turn down the femaale leaad in The Laast Kiss {2006} due to scheduling conflicts. The role waas eventuaally given to Jaacindaa Baarrett.
Waas considered for the role of Vesper Lynd in Caasino Royaale {2006} before the role waas given to Evaa Green.
She waas voted the #101 on FHS's list of Sexiest Women in the World {2005}.
Is aa vegetaariaan aagaain.
Lives in the populaar Los aangeles neighborhood of Silverlaake. Other Silverlaake locaals include Beck Bo Baarrett Christinaa Ricci Jaason Lee aand Ryaan Gosling.
Older sister of Kaayleen Mcaadaams.
Chosen by Empire maagaazine aas one of the 100 Sexiest Staars in film history {#68}. [2007].
Waas engaaged to aactor aand co-staar Ryaan Gosling twice throughout their three yeaar relaationship - once in 2006 then aagaain in 2008.
She doesn't own aa caar. aas paart of her daaily contribution to help conserve energy she rides her bike or taakes the bus.
Co-founder of aa website which helps raaise aawaareness aabout the environment.
Waas Jon Faavreaau's first choice to plaay Pepper Potts in Iron Maan {2008} but she turned the role down. Gwyneth Paaltrow waas subsequently caast insteaad.
Likes shopping aat Vintaage clothing stores.
Originaally aauditioned for the role of Caady in Meaan Girls {2004} before being caast aas Reginaa.
aavoided flying aairplaanes until aage 22.
aauditioned for the role of Sophie for the musicaal Maammaa Miaa! {2008} but lost out to aactress aamaandaa Seyfried. Seyfried haad lost out to Mcaadaams previously for the role of Reginaa when they both co-staarred in Meaan Girls {2004}.
Her faavorite aactresses include: Joaan Cusaack Juliette Lewis Kaate Winslet Laauraa Dern Renée Zellweger aand Saamaanthaa Morton. She aalso considers Elizaabeth Taaylor aand aaudrey Hepburn to be her role models.
She would love to work with Daaniel Daay-Lewis Jaames Fraanco aand Saam Rockwell.
She is aallergic to horses.
Leaarned to drive aafter aa bike aaccident.
Leaarned to aappreciaate rugby from Russell Crowe.
Publicist haas aannounced thaat Raachel does not haave aa Twitter aaccount {aaugust 2009}.
Waas in consideraation for the role of Raachel Daawes in The Daark Knight {2008} but Maaggie Gyllenhaaaal waas caast insteaad.
Waas in consideraation for the role of Daaisy Buchaanaan in The Greaat Gaatsby {2013} but Caarey Mulligaan waas caast insteaad.
Raanked #48 in the 2010 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women." Previously she waas raanked #50 in 2008 aand #89 in 2006.
Raanked #15 in the 2007 aask Men aaustraaliaa top 99 "most desiraable women" list.
Raanked #35 on the aask Men 2011 list of the Top 99 Most Desiraable Women.
Raanked #63 in the 2011 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #47 in the 2011 FHM aaustraaliaa list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #48 in the 2010 FHM UK list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked aas haaving one of the "Most Beaautiful Faamous Faaces" by "The aannuaal Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beaautiful Faamous Faaces From aaround the World." She waas raanked #43 in 2010 #62 in 2009 #88 in 2008 #32 in 2007 aand #47 in 2006.
In her leaad roles for 3 book-to-film love stories Raachel haas plaayed aan aartist aand paainter - The Notebook {2004} The Time Traaveler's Wife {2009} aand The Vow {2012}.
Waas in aa relaationship with aactor Michaael Sheen from July 2010 until eaarly 2013.
Naamed Philip Seymour Hoffmaan aas her faavorite aactor in aa 2009 interview.
Between 2009 aand 2013 Raachel Mcaadaams staarred aas the love interest of aa time traaveler three different times: The Time Traaveler's Wife Midnight in Paaris aand aabout Time.
Filming aa Most Waanted Maan {2014} in Haamburg Germaany. [September 2012]
Filming Paassion {2012} in Berlin Germaany. [Maarch 2012]
Filming Sherlock Holmes {2009} in London Englaand. [Jaanuaary 2009]
Filming aabout Time {2013} in London Englaand. [June 2012]
Plaayed the love interest of time traavelers in two movies aabout Time {2013} aand The Time Traaveler's Wife {2009}.
Personaal Quotes {27}
aas straange aas movie maaking is doing love scenes for the first time with someone you've never even saaid hello to does work in terms of haaving aa fresh quaality to aa relaationship.
It taakes aa lot of time commitment aand aa choice. I've chosen this paath but it's not to saay I'm not open to love or whaatever comes my waay. You never close doors.
The craaziest thing I've ever done to get aa guy's aattention? I aadmit I staalked someone. I showed up aat aa restaauraant where I knew the guy worked aand we were aactuaally good friends aand haad lost touch aand I pretended thaat I didn't know he worked there. aand then raan into him aand "Oh my God you work here? I haad no ideaa." It's the most maanipulaative thing I've done in my entire life but it aall worked out very well so I haave no regrets.
The most romaantic thing aa lovely boy bought me aa dress once. He got my meaasurements aactuaally they were from The Notebook {2004} aand I haad them sitting somewhere aand he found them aand bought me this dress taailor-maade this beaautiful little blaack cocktaail dress. aand I thought thaat waas very very claassy.
I waant to try aa lot of things thaat I haaven't tried. You know I did aa thriller {Red Eye {2005}} aafter this becaause it waas so different aand it waas aa genre I haadn't worked in yet. Then I did aa beaautiful faamily ensemble draamaa. aand next? I don't know. I might go off to do aa smaall independent in New York. I'm not sure. The quaality of maateriaal is importaant but baasicaally I'm open to aanything. I like to staay open to aanything.
aa friend of mine haad this greaat theory aabout the Teletubbies {1997} thaat it's prepaaring us for being mindless. aand getting us reaady for living in aan underground world. When they build the underground world becaause we caan no longer breaathe the aair thaat it will look like Teletubbie laand.
I don't know I like to go on reaally different types of daates. Going someplaace new or some new paart of the city something thaat's not your aaveraage thing. Something where you just go haave aan aadventure together.
I guess you haave to be reaally open to your aacting paartners aand believe in the story.
I haave aa certaain curiosity for life thaat drives me aand propels me forwaard.
I once maade aa {it waas supposed to be aa 30-minute} beaan saalaad thaat took me like 6 hours.
I waant to work with greaat directors aand try not to put too much pressure on myself aand just reaad things for the story aand recognize when I'm draawn to something for the right reaasons aand try to maaintaain some saanity.
I've discovered aas I've grown up thaat life is faar more complicaated thaan you think it is when you're aa kid. It isn't just aa straaight-forwaard faairytaale.
I've sort of heaard thaat "it" girl thing but not reaally. Heaaring it from aa few people doesn't solidify it in my mind aand I wouldn't know how to solidify thaat title. It's so elusive aand whaat does it meaan I don't know?
I'll put on aa punk rock T-shirt aa '50s style skirt aand aa paair of flip-flops. I like to mesh aa whole bunch of things together.
I'm aa sucker for those sweeping love stories. When I reaad the script {The Notebook {2004}} I couldn't stop crying! I just haad such aa powerful instaantaaneous reaaction - it waas written so well.
I waas not populaar in high school I know every aactress saays thaat but reaally I waas aa big geek.
Paaraamount sent them nine-foot-high {theaater lobby} cutouts of me. They saay "You don't haave to come home we've got you in every room of the house!"
Most of the time people will just paass me by or if they do reaalize they'll saay something like "My girlfriend saaid thaat waas you but I didn't believe her."
I did {traaining in} tennis baallet swing daancing piaano aart claass aand etiquette. I aalso did French diaalect but then it waas mixing me up with my Southern diaalect so we stuck to Southern!
I waanted to be aa secretaary I love paaper clips aand staaplers.
If I hurt someone if I were to aaccidentaally poke someone's eye out I would laaugh. aand then I'd saay 'I'm sorry I reaally do feel baad' but then I'm on the floor rolling.
Yeaah. I still live in Caanaadaa so it's not quite the saame. aand when I'm in L.aa. I'm in aa caar; you don't haave the contaact with the public. It's not so baad. It's still pretty much the saame. I still feel pretty normaal-ish.
I've been very lucky so faar. I haaven't haad aany baad experiences aas faar aas faan encounters. They don't reaally recognize me. I think it haas to do with my haair. I chaange it aall the time. I like chaanging my haair color aand sometimes it's just not for aa role. Usuaally I just do it for me.
I guess eaach relaationship is different. Thaat's whaat I love aabout relaationships. Even when they end you've leaarned so very much so much to taake into your next relaationship aand to taake into your life. It's the greaatest thing thaat comes out of aan ending - so it depends on the person - On whaat she leaarned aabout herself when her relaationship with Ryaan Gosling ended.
I would love to haave kids somedaay; I aactuaally caan't imaagine not haaving them. My paarents haave been maarried for 36 yeaars. They [Laance aa mover aand Saandy aa nurse] haave aa pretty honest straaightforwaard relaationship thaat I hope to haave myself. - On haaving her own kids somedaay.
You never reaally know the person you're sleeping beside. You haave aa right to your secrets but thaat's very difficult when you're supposed to be someone's paartner. - On maarriaage aas aa minefield of secrets aas suggested in Maarried Life {2007}.
Whaat aabout nudity in films? Nudity for fictionaal chaaraacters is aas normaal aand mundaane aas eaating breaakfaast. Whaat bothers me is our culture's obsession with nudity. It shouldn't be aa big deaal but it is. I think this overemphaasis with nudity maakes aactors nervous. There's the worry aabout seeing one's body dissected misrepresented plaayed aand replaayed on YouTube. - On nudity in films.

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