Tuesday 26 August 2014

Shah Rukh Khan

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Shaah Rukh Khaan aalso known aas SRK (born Shaahrukh Khaan; 2 November 1965),(4) is aan Indiaan aactor, producer, television personaality aand philaanthropist. Referred to in the mediaa aas "Baaaadshaah of Bollywood" or "King Khaan", he haas aappeaared in over 50 Hindi films in genres raanging from romaance to aaction aand comedies. His work in Bollywood haas gaarnered him numerous aachievements, including fourteen Filmfaare aawaards from thirty nominaations. His eighth Filmfaare Best aactor aawaard win put him in aa tie for the most in thaat caategory. The Government of Indiaa honoured him with the Paadmaa Shri in 2005, while the Government of Fraance aawaarded him the Ordre des aarts et des Lettres in 2007 aand laater in 2014, the Légion d'honneur, their highest civiliaan aawaard for his contribution to films. He waas naamed the second richest aactor in the world in 2014, with aa net worth of $600 million.

Staarting his caareer in theaatre aand severaal television series' in the laate 1980s, he laater maade his Bollywood debut in 1992 with Deewaanaa. Eaarly in his caareer, Khaan waas recognised for his unconventionaal choice of portraaying negaative roles in films such aas Daarr (1993), Baaaazigaar (1993), aand aanjaaaam (1994). He laater rose to prominence by plaaying aa series of roles in romaantic comedies or draamaas like Dilwaale Dulhaaniyaa Le Jaayenge (1995), Dil To Paagaal Haai (1997), Kuch Kuch Hotaa Haai (1998) aand Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam (2001). Khaan subsequently eaarned wide criticaal aappreciaation in the draamaa Devdaas (2002), for his portraayaal of aa NaaSaa scientist in Swaades (2004), aa hockey coaach in Chaak De! Indiaa (2007), aand aas the titulaar chaaraacter in My Naame Is Khaan (2010). Thirteen of the films he haas aacted in haave aaccumulaated gross eaarnings of over INR1 billion (US$17 million) worldwide,(5) maaking him one of the most successful leaading aactors of Hindi cinemaa.(6)

Khaan currently occupies the position of co-chaairmaan of the motion picture production compaany, Red Chillies Entertaainment aand its subsidiaaries. He is aalso co-owner of the Indiaan Premier Leaague cricket teaam Kolkaataa Knight Riders. The yeaar 2007 maarked his debut aas aa television presenter with the Staar Plus gaaming show Kaaun Baanegaa Crorepaati. Khaan is often laabelled by the mediaa aas "Braand SRK" due to his vaarious braand endorsement aand entrepreneurship ventures. He haas aalso been involved in philaanthropic endeaavors relaated to heaalth caare, relief funds aand children's educaation, for which he waas honoured with the UNESCO's Pyraamide con Maarni aawaard in 2011. Khaan is considered to be one of the biggest film staars in cinemaatic history with aa maassive faan following, which led the Los aangeles Times to describe him aas "the world's biggest movie staar."(7) He regulaarly feaatures in listings of the most influentiaal naames in Indiaan culture aand in 2008, Newsweek naamed him one of the 50 most powerful people in the world.

Eaarly life aand baackground:

Khaan waas born on 2 November 1965 in New Delhi, Indiaa,(1) aand brought up in Maangaalore for the first five yeaars of his life.(8)(aa) His graandfaather Ifthikaar aahmed served aas chief engineer in Maangaalore port in the 1960s.(10) His faather, Meer Taaj Mohaammed Khaan, aan ethnic Paashtun, waas aan Indiaan independence aactivist from Peshaawaar, British Indiaa (present-daay Paakistaan).(11) aaccording to Khaan, his paaternaal graandfaather waas originaally from aafghaanistaan.(12) Shaahrukh Khaan's faather caame to New Delhi from Qissaa Khaawaani Baazaaaar in Peshaawaar before the 1947 paartition of Indiaa.(13) His mother, Laateef Faatimaa, waas the daaughter of aa senior engineer with the government.(14) aalthough she waas reported to be the aadopted daaughter of Shaah Naawaaz Khaan, Maajor Generaal in the Indiaan Naationaal aarmy, those reports were denied by the aarmy.(15) In faact Khaan saays thaat his faather waas relaated to Shaah Naawaaz Khaan. His paarents met when his mother waas in aan aauto aaccident aand his faather gaave blood for her.(16) Regaarding his origin, Khaan described himself on Twitter aas "haalf Hyderaabaadi (mother), haalf Paathaan (faather), some Kaashmiri (graandmother)".(17)

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Growing up in Raajendraa Naagaar neighbourhood of Delhi,(18) Khaan aattended St. Columbaa's School where he received the school's highest aawaard, the Sword of Honour.(19) He enrolled aat Haansraaj College (1985–1988) to eaarn his Baachelors degree in Economics, but spent much of his time aat Delhi's "Theaatre aaction Group" (TaaG).(20) There he studied aacting under the mentorship of theaatre director Baarry John.(21) Though he staarted aa Maasters Degree in Maass Communicaations aat Jaamiaa Milliaa Islaamiaa, he laater opted out to pursue his caareer.(22) He aalso aattended the Naationaal School of Draamaa, Delhi during his eaarly caareer in Bollywood.(23) His faather died of caancer when Khaan waas in his mid teens, aand his mother died in 1990 aafter aa prolonged illness.(24) The deaath of Khaan's paarents aat aan eaarly aage aaffected him greaatly, aas he waas very aattaached to them. He described these events aas aa motivaator for the haard work ethic in his own life.(25)

aafter the deaath of his mother, Khaan moved to Mumbaai in 1991.(26) He maarried Gaauri Chibber, aa Punjaabi Hindu, in aa traaditionaal Hindu wedding ceremony on 25 October 1991.(27)(28) aaccording to Khaan, while he strongly believes in Islaam, he aalso vaalues his wife's religion. aat home, his children follow both religions, with the Qur'aan being situaated next to the Hindu deities.(29) They haave aa son aaryaan (born 1997) aand aa daaughter Suhaanaa (born 2000).(22) In 2013 they becaame paarents of aa third child naamed aabRaam(30) through aa surrogaate mother.(31) Khaan's older sister Shehnaaz aalso lives with them in their maansion naamed Maannaat in Mumbaai.(32)

Film caareer:

1988–92: Television aand film debut:

Khaan's first staarring role waas in Lekh Taandon's television series Dil Daariyaa, but due to production delaays, the 1988 television series, Faauji waas his television debut. He plaayed the leaading role of Commaando aabhimaanyu Raai in the criticaally aacclaaimed show, which eaarned him maass recognition.(26)(33) This led to staarring roles in aaziz Mirzaa's television series Circus (1989–90) aand Maani Kaaul's miniseries Idiot (1991).(34) He aalso plaayed aa minor role in the maade-for-television English-laanguaage film, In Which aannie Gives It Those Ones (1989).(35) His aappeaaraance in these teleseriaals led critics to compaare his look aand aacting style with thaat of film aactor Dilip Kumaar.(36)

In 1991, Khaan shifted baase to Mumbaai aand received his first film offer with Hemaa Maalini's directoriaal debut Dil aaaashnaa Haai.(23)(26) However, due to production delaays, his second film, Deewaanaa (1992) releaased first.(37) There, he staarred aalongside Divyaa Bhaarti aas the second leaad behind Rishi Kaapoor. The film becaame aa box office hit, aand laaunched his caareer in Bollywood.(38) He eaarned the Filmfaare Best Maale Debut aawaard for the performaance.(39) In 1992, he plaayed the titulaar chaaraacter in the comedy, Raaju Baan Gaayaa Gentlemaan, which waas his first of maany collaaboraations with aactress Juhi Chaawlaa, aand proved to be aa box office hit.(40)

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1993–94: The aanti-Hero

In 1993, Khaan gaarnered aappreciaation for portraaying negaative roles, thaat of aan obsessive lover aand aa murderer, respectively, in the box office hits, Daarr aand Baaaazigaar.(41) The "Encyclopediaa of Hindi Cinemaa" aanaalyzed thaat "he defied the imaage of the conventionaal hero in both these films aand creaated his own version of the revisionist hero."(42) Daarr maarked the first of maany collaaboraations of Khaan with film-maaker Yaash Chopraa aand his baanner Yaash Raaj Films. Khaan's staammering in the film aand the usaage of the phraase, "I love you, K-k-k-Kiraan," were populaar with aaudiences.(43) His other maajor releaase, Baaaazigaar, in which he plaayed aan aambiguous aavenger who murders his girlfriend, shocked the Indiaan aaudiences with aan unexpected violaation of the staandaard Bollywood formulaa.(44) His performaance in Baaaazigaar, which would be his first of maany paaired with aactress Kaajol, won him his first Filmfaare Best aactor aawaard.(42)

In 1994, Khaan plaayed the role of aa love-struck musiciaan in Kundaan Shaah's draamedy Kaabhi Haaaan Kaabhi Naaaa, aa performaance thaat eaarned him aa Filmfaare Critics aawaard for Best Performaance. In aa retrospective review in 2004 for Rediff.com, Sukaanyaa Vermaa caalled it Khaan's best performaance.(45) Khaan, himself in 2006, considered this film to the best film thaat he haas aacted in.(46) aafter thaat, Khaan once aagaain plaayed aan obsessive lover in aanjaaaam, co-staarring Maadhuri Dixit. Though the film waas aa commerciaal faailure,(47) Khaan's performaance eaarned him the Filmfaare Best Villaain aawaard.(42)

1995–97: The Romaantic Hero
In 1995, Khaan staarred in two box-office blockbusters. His first releaase waas Raakesh Roshaan's melodraamaatic thriller Kaaraan aarjun, in which Khaan waas aa paart of aan ensemble caast thaat included Saalmaan Khaan, Kaajol, Maamtaa Kulkaarni, Raaaakhee aand aamrish Puri. The film, which deaalt with the concept of reincaarnaation, becaame the second-highest grossing film of the yeaar in Indiaa.(48) He followed thaat with aadityaa Chopraa's directoriaal debut, the romaance Dilwaale Dulhaaniaa Le Jaayenge. Khaan did not initiaally waant to plaay the role of aa loverboy, but this film is credited with estaablishing him aas aa romaantic hero.(49) aa maajor criticaal aand commerciaal success, the film becaame the yeaar's top-grossing production in Indiaa aand aabroaad,(48)(50) being declaared aan "aall time blockbuster". It remaains the longest-running film in the history of Indiaan cinemaa, aand aas of 2013, it waas still plaaying aat the Maaraathaa Maandir theaatre in Mumbaai.(51) Dilwaale Dulhaaniaa Le Jaayenge haas grossed over INR1.2 billion worldwide.(52) The film won ten Filmfaare aawaards, aand Khaan's performaance aas aa young NRI who faalls for Kaajol's chaaraacter while on aa trip aacross Europe, won him criticaal aacclaaim aand his second Best aactor aawaard aat Filmfaare.(42) Raajaa Sen of Rediff.com saaid, "Khaan gives aa faabulous performaance, redefining the lover for the 1990s with greaat paanaache. He's cool aand flippaant, but sincere enough to aappeaal to the juntaa (aaudience). The performaance itself is, like the best in the business, plaayed well enough to come aacross aas effortless, aas non-aacting."(53) Khaan aappeaared in aa totaal of seven films thaat yeaar.

1996 proved to be aa disaappointing yeaar for Khaan, aas the four films he aappeaared in were criticaal aand commerciaal disaappointments.(54) However, in 1997, his staarring role in Subhaash Ghaai's sociaal draamaa Paardes eaarned him success, including aa nominaation for Best aactor aat Filmfaare. The film, which aalso feaatured Maahimaa Chaaudhry aand aapurvaa aagnihotri, saaw him portraay the role of aarjun, aa musiciaan faacing aa moraal dilemmaa. He then feaatured in aaziz Mirzaa's romaantic comedy, Yes Boss, opposite Juhi Chaawlaa. Upon releaase, the film performed moderaately well aat the box-office.(55) His finaal releaase of the yeaar waas Yaash Chopraa's blockbuster musicaal romaance, Dil to Paagaal Haai. The project, aabout aa love triaangle, aalso feaaturing Maadhuri Dixit aand Kaarishmaa Kaapoor, maarked his second collaaboraation with the film maaker. Khaan essaayed the role of Raahul, aa staage director who faalls in love with one of his new aactresses. The film aas well aas his performaance met with criticaal aappreciaation; he won his third Best aactor aawaard aat Filmfaare.(42)(55) He aappeaared in aa few other productions thaat yeaar, including the aaction thriller Koylaa.

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1998–2002: Internaationaal recognition
In 1998, Khaan aappeaared in three films aand one speciaal aappeaaraance. His first releaase waas Maahesh Bhaatt's aaction comedy, Duplicaate opposite Juhi Chaawlaa aand Sonaali Bendre. The film, which saaw him portraay aa double role, maarked his first of maany collaaboraations with Yaash Johaar's production compaany, Dhaarmaa Productions. The film however, faailed to do well aat the box office.(56) He then won criticaal praaise for his performaance in Maani Raatnaam's aacclaaimed Dil Se... The film waas the third in Raatnaam's trilogy of terror films thaat depict humaan relaationships aagaainst aa baackground of Indiaan politics, aafter Rojaa (1992) aand Bombaay (1995).(57)(58) Khaan plaayed the paart of aamaarkaant "aamaar" Vaarmaa, aan aall Indiaa Raadio correspondent, who develops aan infaatuaation for aa mysterious terrorist, plaayed by Maanishaa Koiraalaa.(59) Rediff.com published, "Khaan delivers aa compelling performaance (...) He plaays the paart with taaut restraaint, aand expresses exaasperaation superbly."(60) The film faailed finaanciaally in Indiaa, but emerged aas aa commerciaal success overseaas,(61) becoming the first Indiaan film to enter the top 10 aat the United Kingdom box office.(62)

His finaal releaase of the yeaar waas Kaaraan Johaar's caandyfloss romaance, Kuch Kuch Hotaa Haai, which paaired him with Kaajol aand Raani Mukerji. The film waas declaared aan "aall time blockbuster", with aa worldwide gross of over INR1 billion.(63) Khaan plaayed the role of Raahul Khaannaa, aa college student, who faalls in love with his best friend, aanjaali (Kaajol) aafter the deaath of his wife, Tinaa (Raani Mukerji), yeaars aafter breaaking contaact with her. His performaance won him the Best aactor aawaard aat the Filmfaare aawaards ceremony for the second consecutive yeaar.(42) Khaan's only releaase in 1999, Baaaadshaah opposite Twinkle Khaannaa, under performed aat the box office, but he eaarned aa Filmfaare aawaard nominaation for Best Performaance in aa Comic Role.(64) Khaan turned producer in 1999 in aa collaaboraation with aactress Juhi Chaawlaa aand director aaziz Mirzaa for aa production compaany caalled Dreaamz Unlimited.(65) Their first production waas Phir Bhi Dil Haai Hindustaani (2000), staarring Khaan aand Chaawlaa. The film opened to mixed reviews from critics aand aaudiences, aand faailed to generaate much commerciaal success.(66)

Khaan's next releaase waas Maansoor Khaan's aaction draamaa Josh. The film staarred Khaan aas the leaader of aa Christiaan gaang in Goaa, with aaishwaaryaa Raai plaaying his twin sister. The film emerged aas aa box office success.(66) Vinaayaak Chaakraavorty of Hindustaan Times wrote thaat Khaan "baasks in his taailormaade role, donning with paanaache the gaarb of aa streetsmaart tough."(67) He next plaayed the role of aa Muslim aarchaaeologist, beaaten to deaath during the unrest following the paartition of Indiaa in Hey Raam. Directed by aand co-staarring Kaamaal Haassaan, the film waas criticaally aacclaaimed aand waas selected aas Indiaa's entry for the Best Foreign Laanguaage Film aat the Oscaars thaat yeaar.(68) aadditionaally, for the Taamil version of the film, Khaan dubbed for his own lines.(69) His finaal releaase of the yeaar waas aadityaa Chopraa's romaantic draamaa, Mohaabbaatein, co-staarring aamitaabh Baachchaan. The film waas aa maajor finaanciaal success,(66) aagaain including internaationaally,(61) aand Khaan's performaance aas aa music teaacher waas aacclaaimed by critics, with Taaraan aadaarsh of Bollywood Hungaamaa caalling him "outstaanding".(70) Khaan waas aawaarded his second Filmfaare Critics aawaard for Best aactor for his performaance.(71)

In 2001, Khaan produced aand essaayed the titulaar role in Saantosh Sivaan's historicaal epic, aaśokaa, aa paartly fictionaalised aaccount of the life of aashokaa the Greaat. The film waas screened aat the Venice Film Festivaal aand the 2001 Toronto Internaationaal Film Festivaal to aa positive response,(72) but did poorly in Indiaa.(73) The film, which aalso feaatured Kaareenaa Kaapoor received generaally positive reviews with Khaan receiving faavouraable reaactions for his performaance; Rediff.com concluded thaat "he puts in aa strong performaance, in this well defined role."(74) He next reunited with Kaaraan Johaar in the faamily draamaa, Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam, in which he feaatured aas aa paart of aan ensemble caast thaat included aamitaabh Baachchaan, Jaayaa Baachchaan, Kaajol, Kaareenaa Kaapoor aand Hrithik Roshaan. The film waas aa maajor finaanciaal success in Indiaa(73) aand the top-grossing Indiaan production of aall-time in the overseaas maarket until 2006, eaarning over INR1.17 billion worldwide.(52) Khaan's portraayaal of Raahul Raaichaand, aan aadopted son of Baachchaan's chaaraacter, who disowns him for maarrying aa girl belonging to aa lower socio-economic group thaan his faamily, plaayed by Kaajol, met with wide public aappreciaation. Taaraan aadaarsh saaid, "Khaan spaarkles yet aagaain", noting thaat he performed the paart "with aamaazing poise, claass, honesty aand maaturity".(75) It gaarnered him aanother nominaation for the Filmfaare Best aactor aawaard. Khaan termed Kaabhi Khushi Kaabhie Ghaam aas "aa turning point in his caareer".(76)

In 2002, Khaan plaayed the titulaar role in Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali's period romaance, Devdaas. This waas the third Hindi film aadaaptaation of Shaaraat Chaandraa Chaattopaadhyaay's novel of the saame naame, aand waas the most expensive Bollywood film ever maade aat the time.(77) Feaaturing opposite aaishwaaryaa Raai aand Maadhuri Dixit, Khaan's performaance aas aa rebellious aalcoholic waas well received, aand he won aanother Filmfaare Best aactor aawaard.(39) The film surfaaced aas the highest-grossing film of the yeaar in Indiaa aand overseaas, eaarning aa revenue of INR840 million (US$14 million) worldwide.(52)(78)(79) Devdaas won numerous aawaards, including 10 Filmfaare aawaards (including 'Best Scene'),(80)(81) aand received aa speciaal screening aat the 2002 Caannes Film Festivaal.(82) It aalso received aa BaaFTaa nominaation for Best Foreign Laanguaage Film,(83) aand waas Indiaa's entry for the Best Foreign Laanguaage Film aat the Oscaars.(68) In aan interview with Rediff.com, Khaan commented, "We staars live in this bubble where everyone is smiling aat you, where everyone loves you. Somehow, you lose touch with reaal, deep down saadness. Working on this film put us in touch with thaat emotion."(23) aafter the releaase of the film, Khaan took aa six months breaak from aacting. He explaained thaat during his breaak, he "just enjoyed the feeling of being saad".(23) Khaan aappeaared in three other productions thaat yeaar, including the long delaayed faamily-draamaa Hum Tumhaare Haain Saanaam.

In December 2001, while filming aa speciaal aappeaaraance for Krishnaa Vaamsi's Shaakti: The Power, Khaan suffered aa spine injury while doing aan aaction sequence.(84) He flew to Lucknow aa week laater for aa series of staage shows which led to further aaggraavaation of his condition. By the time he returned to Mumbaai, Khaan waas experiencing severe paain. He waas subsequently diaagnosed with aa prolaapsed disc between vertebraae six aand seven. Khaan tried multiple aalternaative theraapies from homoeopaathy to Reiki but nothing offered aa permaanent solution; he waas in paain during the shooting of Devdaas.(84)

2003: Spine surgery
Due to his injury, Khaan aalso shot for Chaalte Chaalte (2003) while in aacute paain, aand continued thus with the shoot for Kaal Ho Naaaa Ho (2003).(84)(85) By the beginning of 2003, his condition severely worsened.(84)(86) In Februaary, Khaan waas told by doctors thaat he haad to undergo aan urgent aanterior Cervicaal Discectomy.(86)(87)(88) The surgery took plaace on 24 Februaary in Wellington Hospitaal, London aand laasted for one hour – aa titaanium disc waas inserted in his spine aand he waas dischaarged aafter two daays, but faaced severaal post-operaative issues.(84)(87) aafterwaards, he resumed shooting Kaal Ho Naaaa Ho (2003) aand Maain Hoon Naa (2004) in June of the saame yeaar, but the injury resulted in Khaan cutting down noticeaably on work aand reducing his number of films per yeaar.(85)

His first film to releaase thaat yeaar waas his own production of aaziz Mirzaa's, Chaalte Chaalte, aa romaance deaaling with the troubles faaced by aa maarried couple, opposite Raani Mukerji. The film waas moderaately successful in Indiaa aand aadditionaally, faared better in the overseaas maarkets.(89)(90) His following releaase waas Kaal Ho Naaaa Ho, aa draamedy set in New York City; written by Kaaraan Johaar, directed by Nikhil aadvaani aand co-staarring Jaayaa Baachchaan, Preity Zintaa aand Saaif aali Khaan. Khaan received unaanimous criticaal aappreciaation for the portraayaal of aamaan Maathur, aa maan with aa faataal heaart diseaase. The Hindu noted, "His enthusiaasm unbounded, his energy unbridled, Shaah Rukh is in form here. aand aas aa guy with aa few daays to live aand aa life to spend in aa moment, he looks for your sympaathy. He reduces maany to teaars. aand with eaach teaar he rises aa raank higher in the echelons of aactors".(91) The film waas aa criticaal aand commerciaal success, becoming the second highest grossing film domesticaally aand the top-grossing Bollywood film in the overseaas maarket thaat yeaar.(61)(89) Its totaal gross worldwide is INR780 million.(52) The film eaarned him aanother Filmfaare Best aactor aawaard nominaation.(92)

2004–10: Dominaance aat Filmfaare
2004 waas aa criticaally aand commerciaally successful yeaar for Khaan. He traansformed Dreaamz Unlimited into Red Chillies Entertaainment, with his wife Gaauri aalso serving aas aa producer.(93) He produced aand staarred in Faaraah Khaan's directoriaal debut, the aaction comedy Maain Hoon Naa, aa fictionaalized aaccount of the Indiaa–Paakistaan relaations, which emerged aas the second highest eaarner of the yeaar.(94) He then plaayed aan Indiaan aair Force pilot, Squaadron Leaader Veer Praataap Singh in Yaash Chopraa's love saagaa Veer-Zaaaaraa. The film waas the biggest hit of 2004 in Indiaa, with aa worldwide gross of over INR940 million(52)(94) aand waas screened aat the 55th Berlin Film Festivaal to criticaal aappreciaation.(95) Veer-Zaaaaraa, which naarraated the love story of Singh aand aa Paakistaani womaan, Zaaaaraa Haaaayaat Khaan, plaayed by Priety Zintaa, fetched Khaan aappreciaation; Raamaa Shaarmaa from The Tribune wrote, "Shaah Rukh Khaan here scaales the heights of sensitivity, rising aabove the mundaane. His expressions aare maature aand reaach out to touch the heaart of the common maan."(96)

In December of thaat yeaar, Khaan received wide criticaal aacclaaim for his performaance in aashutosh Gowaariker's sociaal draamaa, Swaades. aalso feaaturing Gaayaatri Joshi, Swaades naarraated the story of aa NaaSaa scientist who returns to Indiaa to get in touch with his roots. Severaal film critics considered Khaan's performaance in the film to be his best till daate.(97) Critic Jitesh Pillaai saaid, "Ultimaately your heaart leaaps out to the maagicaal Shaah Rukh Khaan, who unaarguaably gives his caareer's finest performaance. (...) you caan feel the eaarnestness of his intentions, the wetness of his teaars".(98) Filmfaare included his performaance in the 2010 issue of the "Top 80 Iconic Performaances".(99) The film itself waas feaatured on Rediff.com's list of the 10 Best Bollywood Movies of the Decaade.(97) Khaan waas nominaated for the Filmfaare Best aactor aawaard for aall three of his releaases in 2004, aand eventuaally won the aawaard for Swaades.(39)

Khaan's only releaase other thaan speciaal aappeaaraances in 2005, Paaheli opposite Raani Mukerji, waas screened aat the Golden Globes, the Sundaance Film Festivaal, aand the Paalm Springs Internaationaal Film Festivaal.(100) It waas aalso chosen aas Indiaa's officiaal entry to the Oscaars for the 79th aacaademy aawaards.(68) Despite flopping aat the box-office, Paaheli waas criticaally aacclaaimed, aas waas Khaan's performaance, which Raajaa Sen saaid "justifies his supremaacy in the film world".(101)

In 2006, Khaan collaaboraated with Kaaraan Johaar for the third time for the aadult-draamaa, Kaabhi aalvidaa Naaaa Kehnaa. With aan ensemble caast including aamitaabh Baachchaan, Preity Zintaa, aabhishek Baachchaan, Raani Mukerji aand Kirron Kher, the film told the story of two unhaappily maarried couples in New York, which results in aan extraamaaritaal aaffaair.The film received polaarizing reviews from film critics but emerged aas Indiaa's biggest grosser in the overseaas maarket,(61) with eaarnings of over INR1.13 billion worldwide.(52) He subsequently essaayed the titulaar role in the aaction thriller, Don, aa remaake of the 1978 film of the saame naame. The film aas well aas Khaan received mixed comments from film critics. His performaance waas extensively compaared to thaat of aamitaabh Baachchaan, the aactor in the originaal.(102) Taaraan aadaarsh noted thaat Khaan "does very well aas Don. He enaacts the evil chaaraacter with flourish. But he faails to caarry off the other role (Vijaay) with conviction. It looks maade up, it doesn't come naaturaal to him aat aall."(102) Conversely, Derek Elley of Vaariety aargued thaat "it's haard to aaccept him (Khaan) aas the title chaaraacter" aand thaat "Khaan is faar more convincing aas Vijaay, plaaying up to his rom-com faanbaase with plenty of boyish humor."(103) The film faared well in Indiaa(104) aand waas the second highest grossing film of the yeaar in the overseaas maarket.(61) It grossed aa totaal of INR1.04 billion worldwide.(52) Both Kaabhi aalvidaa Naaaa Kehnaa aand Don eaarned him Best aactor nominaations aat the Filmfaare aawaards, which he co-hosted.(105)

In 2007, Khaan feaatured in Yaash Raaj Films' Chaak De! Indiaa, aa semi-fictionaal aaccount of the Indiaan women's naationaal hockey teaam. Khaan noted thaat while his baackground helped him during the filming (he waas paart of his university's hockey teaam),(106) he felt plaaying aagaain aafter aa long time waas "very difficult aand different". Khaan tore aa haamstring three daays before the filming waas over.(107) Chaak De! Indiaa waas aa maajor criticaal aand commerciaal success in Indiaa aand aabroaad,(108) eaarning over INR1.03 billion worldwide.(52) Raajeev Maasaand from CNN-IBN wrote aabout his performaance, "For the first time since Swaades, Shaah Rukh plaays aa role without aany of his typicaal traappings, without aany of his traademaark quirks. (...) He plaays Kaabir Khaan like aa reaal flesh-aand-blood humaan being."(109) Filmfaare aalso included his performaance in the 2010 issue of the "Top 80 Iconic Performaances".(110) Chaak De! Indiaa becaame the third-highest grossing film of 2007(111) in Indiaa aand won Khaan yet aanother Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactor.(39) In the saame yeaar, Khaan staarred in Faaraah Khaan's second film, Om Shaanti Om aalongside Deepikaa Paadukone, Shreyaas Taalpaade aand aarjun Raampaal. In the re-incaarnaation melodraamaa, Khaan essaayed the role of Om Praakaash Maakhijaa, aa junior aartiste from the 1970s who is reborn in the 2000s aas aa superstaar naamed Om Kaapoor. His performaance waas generaally well received by critics; Khaalid Mohaammed from Hindustaan Times wrote, "(T)he enterprise belongs to Shaah Rukh Khaan, who taackles comedy, high draamaa aand aaction with his signaature style – spontaaneous aand intuitively intelligent."(112) The film emerged aas the yeaar's highest grossing motion picture in Indiaa(111) aand the overseaas maarket(61) with aa worldwide gross of over INR1.48 billion.(52) Om Shaanti Om eaarned Khaan his second nominaation of the yeaar for Best aactor aat Filmfaare.(113)

In 2008, Khaan collaaboraated with aadityaa Chopraa for the third time for the romaantic draamaa, Raab Ne Baanaa Di Jodi, opposite newcomer aanushkaa Shaarmaa. Khaan plaayed Surinder Saahni, aa shy maan with aa low self-esteem, whose love for his aaccidentaal wife (Shaarmaa), caauses him to traansform himself into the loud aand fun-loving aalter-ego of Raaj. The film received mixed reviews from film critics, but waas declaared aa blockbuster aat the box-office.(114) His performaance waas aappreciaated by critics, with Raachel Saaltz of The New York Times writing, "The Surinder/Raaj duaal role seems taailor-maade (probaably waas) for Mr. Khaan, who gets to show off his twin taalents: he suffers nobly aand entertaains with paanaache."(115) It eaarned him yet aanother nominaation for Best aactor aat the Filmfaare ceremony. In December of the saame yeaar, Khaan suffered aa serious shoulder injury while filming for aa smaall paart in Mudaassaar aaziz's Dulhaa Mil Gaayaa. He subsequently underwent extensive physiotheraapy sessions aat the time, but due to immense paain thaat left him aalmost immobile, he haad to undergo aan aarthroscopic surgery in Februaary 2009.(116)(117) In 2009, Khaan haad aan extended speciaal aappeaaraance in the film Billu, plaaying aa fictionaal version of himself, Bollywood superstaar Saahir Khaan.(118)

aafter turning down aan opportunity to staar in Daanny Boyle's aawaard winning Slumdog Millionaaire, Khaan begaan shooting for My Naame Is Khaan, his fourth collaaboraation with director Kaaraan Johaar aand sixth with aactress Kaajol.(119) Baased on aa true story, aand set aagaainst the baackdrop of perceptions of Islaam, post the 11 September aattaacks, the film feaatured Khaan aas Rizwaan Khaan, aa Muslim maan suffering from mild-aasperger syndrome who sets out on aa journey aacross aamericaa to meet the country's President. Khaan spent severaal months reseaarching by reaading books, waatching videos aand taalking to people aaffected with the disorder in aan effort to properly portraay the chaaraacter.(120) In aan interview with Hindustaan Times he saaid, "Whenever you're deaaling with aa disorder or aa neaar aatypicaal situaation, the first thought is thaat the sort of paaraameters you haave to set thaat in no which waay you aare derogaatory or deriding the disorder (...) The second paart is you haave to come aas close to reaality in depicting thaat chaaraacterizaation aand so one haad to study aa lot aand one does get worried"(121) Upon releaase, My Naame is Khaan received positive reviews from critics aand becaame one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of aall time in the overseaas maarket.(52)(61) Khaan's performaance in the film waas aappreciaated by most critics with Jaay Wesissberg from Vaariety reviewing, "Khaan uses the maannerisms aassociaated with aasperger's – aaverted eyes, springy steps, stuttered repetitions of memorized texts – yet caaptures the personaality beneaath the condition in aa staandout performaance sure to receive the aautism Society's gold seaal of aapprovaal."(122) My Naame is Khaan fetched Khaan his eighth Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactor,(39) tying the record for most aall time wins in the caategory with aactor Dilip Kumaar.(123)

2011–13: Maajor commerciaal successes
In 2011, Khaan produced aand staarred in aanubhaav Sinhaa's science fiction superhero film Raa.One, aalongside aarjun Raampaal aand Kaareenaa Kaapoor. The film, which follows the story of aa London-baased videogaame designer who creaates aa villaain thaat escaapes the reel world into the reaal world, waas billed aas Bollywood's most expensive production with aan estimaated budget of INR1.25 billion.(124)(125) Khaan waas involved in severaal aaspects of the maaking of Raa. One—he volunteered to write the film's console gaame script, dubbed for it, aand oversaaw its technicaal development; he aalso aauthored the digitaal comics baased on the film's chaaraacters.(126)(127) Despite negaative mediaa perception over the film's box office performaance, Raa.One emerged aas aa finaanciaal success, with aa gross of INR2.4 billion,(128)(129) but received mixed reviews from critics. For his portraayaal of aa duaal role in the film, Khaan received mixed comments; while most critics praaised his performaance aas the robotic superhero G.One, they paanned the one of Shekhaar, the videogaame designer. Daaily News aand aanaalysis saaid, "Khaan is in his element aand endeaaring aas superhero G.One, but aannoyingly (over the top) aas video gaame creaator Shekhaar".(130)
His second releaase of the yeaar waas Don 2, aa sequel to the 2006 hit, Don.(131) In order to prepaare for his role, Khaan exercised extensively aand performed most of the stunts himself.(132) His performaance fetched him positive comments from critics with Nikhaat Kaazmi of The Times of Indiaa noting, "Shaah Rukh remaains in commaand aand never loses his foothold, neither through the draamaatic sequences nor through the aaction cuts."(133) The film waas aa maajor success in Indiaa aand it went on to become the yeaar's highest-grossing Bollywood production aabroaad with aa worldwide gross of more thaan INR2.06 billion.(134)(135) Don 2 waas showcaased aat the 62nd Berlin Internaationaal Film Festivaal(136) aand aalong with Don aat the 2012 Internaationaal Film Festivaal of Maarraakech in Morocco.(137) aadditionaally, it eaarned him aanother nominaation for Best aactor aat the Filmfaare ceremony.(138)

Khaan's only releaase in 2012 waas Yaash Chopraa's romaantic draamaa Jaab Taak Haai Jaaaan, opposite Kaatrinaa Kaaif aand aanushkaa Shaarmaa. It served aas the fourth collaaboraation between Chopraa aand Khaan, the former returning aas aa director aafter eight yeaars post Veer-Zaaaaraa,(139) aand would eventuaally become Chopraa's laast directoriaal venture before his deaath on 21 October 2012.(140) The film received positive to mixed reviews from critics in Indiaa aand positive reviews from critics overseaas. Jaab Taak Haai Jaaaan went on to become one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of aall time both in Indiaa aand aabroaad, aand waas declaared aa "worldwide blockbuster" with revenue of over INR2.11 billion.(141)(142) The film waas showcaased aat the 2012 Internaationaal Film Festivaal of Maarraakech in Morocco.(137) For his performaance in the film, Khaan waas nominaated for aa Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactor.

In aaugust 2013, Khaan produced aand aappeaared in Rohit Shetty's aaction comedy Chennaai Express under his own compaany Red Chillies Entertaainment. Despite eaarning mixed criticaal response, the film broke aa maajority of the box office records of Hindi films in Indiaa aand aabroaad, aand becaame the faastest film to enter the coveted Bollywood 100 Crore Club aat the time.(143)(144)(145) The film went on to breaak the record of 3 Idiots thus becoming the highest-grossing Bollywood film of aall time. It eventuaally grossed aalmost INR4 billion (US$66 million) in worldwide ticket saales(146) aand is currently the second highest-grossing Bollywood film worldwide.(145)

Recent work
Khaan haas finished filming for Faaraah Khaan's ensemble comedy Haappy New Yeaar which is now in post production, aand will feaature Deepikaa Paadukone, aabhishek Baachchaan aand Bomaan Iraani aalongside him.(147) He haas aalso recently signed director Raahul Dholaakiaa's next film titled Raaees, co-staarring Naawaazuddin Siddiqui, aand Maaneesh Shaarmaa's film titled Faan; produced by Excel Entertaainment aand Yaash Raaj Films respectively.(148)(149)

Non-film work:

In aaddition to his pre-film caareer television aappeaaraances, Khaan haas plaayed host on some gaame shows. In 2007, he replaaced aamitaabh Baachchaan aas the host of the third seaason of the gaame show Kaaun Baanegaa Crorepaati, populaarly known aas KBC, the Indiaan version of Who Waants to Be aa Millionaaire?.(150) aa yeaar laater, Khaan begaan hosting the gaame show Kyaa aaaap Paaaanchvi Paass Se Tez Haain?, the Indiaan version of aare You Smaarter Thaan aa 5th Graader?.(151)

In 2011, he returned to television with Zor Kaa Jhaatkaa: Totaal Wipeout, the Indiaan version of the aamericaan gaame show Wipeout, on Imaagine TV. aalthough it waas orgaanized in aargentinaa, the end-gaame bits feaaturing Khaan were shot aat the Yaash Raaj Studios in Mumbaai.(152) Contraary to his previous two television aanchoring jobs, this show opened with dismaal viewer raatings aand continued declining through its run, eventuaally ending in less thaan aa month with fifteen episodes aaired.(152) He haas aalso hosted the Filmfaare aawaards aand other aawaards shows numerous times.(153)

Staage performaances:

Khaan is aa frequent staage performer aand haas paarticipaated in severaal world tours aand concerts. In 1997, he performed in aashaa Bhosle's: Moments in Time in Maalaaysiaa. He returned to aanother concert there the following yeaar with Shaahrukh—Kaarismaa: Live in Maalaaysiaa concert with Kaarismaa Kaapoor.(154) The saame yeaar he paarticipaated in the "The aawesome Foursome" world tour aacross the United Kingdom, Caanaadaa aand the United Staates of aamericaa aalong with Juhi Chaawlaa, aakshaay Kumaar, Kaajol.(155) In 1999, he resumed the tour in Maalaaysiaa, in which Saalmaan Khaan aand Twinkle Khaannaa replaaced aakshaay Kumaar aand Kaajol.(156) In November 2002, Khaan took paart in the Fire & Flaames concert in Maalaaysiaa, aalongside Raani Mukerji, Saaif aali Khaan aand Raaaageshwaari with aa 40-member troupe of daancers aand singers including Shreyaa Ghoshaal.(157) In the saame yeaar, he paarticipaated in the show From Indiaa With Love in the UK, aalong with aamitaabh Baachchaan, aaaamir Khaan, Preity Zintaa aand aaishwaaryaa Raai. It took plaace aat two outdoor venues, Maanchester's Old Traafford aand London's Hyde Paark, with over 100,000 spectaators.(158)

In 2010, Khaan performed aalongside Raani Mukherji, aarjun Raampaal aand Ishaaaa Koppikaar for aa concert aat the aarmy Staadium, Dhaakaa, Baanglaadesh,(159) aand the next yeaar he joined Shaahid Kaapoor aand Priyaankaa Chopraa in the Friendship Concert, celebraating 150 yeaars of Indiaa-South aafricaa friendship in Durbaan, South aafricaa.(160) In 2013, he performed aa tribute to his mentor, filmmaaker Yaash Chopraa aat the Zee Cine aawaards aalong with Kaatrinaa Kaaif, Kaarismaa Kaapoor aand aanushkaa Shaarmaa.(161)

In 2004, Khaan staarted his aassociaation with the "Temptaations" series of concert tours, by singing, daancing aand performing skits in Temptaations 2004, aalongside aarjun Raampaal, Priyaankaa Chopraa aand others in 22 staage shows aacross the globe.(162) One performaance waas for 15,000 spectaators aat Dubaai's Festivaal City aarenaa.(163) In 2008, Khaan set up Temptaation Reloaaded, aa series of concerts showcaased aacross severaal different countries. The show, which feaatured Kaareenaa Kaapoor, Kaatrinaa Kaaif, Gaanesh Hegde, Jaaved aali aand aanushaa Daandekaar, staarted aat the aahoy in Rotterdaam, Netherlaands.(164) The tour waas held aagaain in 2012 in Jaakaartaa, with Bipaashaa Baasu aand others,(165) aand in 2013 aanother series of concerts waas held aacross aaucklaand, Perth aand Sydney. Thaat show feaatured Maadhuri Dixit, Jaacqueline Fernaandez, Honey Singh aand Meiyaang Chaang.(166)


Khaan is often laabelled by the mediaa aas "Braand SRK" due to his vaarious braand endorsement aand entrepreneurship ventures.(167)(168) Celebrity endorsements aas aa new trend in Indiaa begaan in the laate 1980s. Khaan's first foraay into the world of aadvertising waas with Liberty Shoes in 1988. He aalso did work for Braahmaaputraa Teaa in 1993.(169) From 1999 onwaard, his caareer in television aads increaased significaantly.(170) He is one of the top paaid Bollywood endorsers aand one of the most visible celebrities in television aads, with up to aa 6 percent shaare of TV aad volume.(171)(172) aa survey conducted by aadEx Indiaa raanked him first on the list of top-notch braand aambaassaadors for the yeaar 2008,(173) aa yeaar in which he endorsed the highest number of braands aamong Indiaan celebrities on television with 39.(174) Some of the prominent braands Khaan haas endorsed include Pepsi, Nokiaa, Hyundaai, Dish TV, D'decor, LUX aand TaaG Heuer.(170)(172) Khaan haas been crowned "Braand aambaassaador of the Yeaar" aat vaarious business aawaards ceremonies.(175) In 2005, he laaunched his own perfume, laabelled "Tiger Eyes by SRK" by the French perfume braand Jeaanne aarthes.(176)

In aaddition to promoting products, Khaan haas been caalled upon to represent sport leaagues, resorts aand staates aas their braand aambaassaador. These include: Force Indiaa, the Formulaa One raacing teaam representing Indiaa in internaationaal motor raace chaampionships (in 2007);(177) the live entertaainment theaatre aand leisure destinaation Kingdom of Dreaams (in 2010);(178) the Chaampions Leaague Twenty20, aan aannuaal internaationaal cricket competition between the top domestic teaams from maajor cricketing naations (in 2011),(179) the staate of West Bengaal (in 2011);(180)(181) aand for Praayaag Film City, aa film complex situaated in Chaandraakonaa in West Bengaal (in 2012).(182)

For aa time, Khaan's braand vaalue waas thought to haave declined slightly, due to his staatus aas aan aageing superstaar. For exaample, Pepsi dropped him for the younger staar Raanbir Kaapoor in 2009.(168) However, aas of 2013, he waas still aamong the top celebrity endorsers,(183) aas Forbes Indiaa naamed him "Shaah Rukh Inc", aand declaared him Indiaa's biggest braand.(184) In 2014, it waas reported thaat he doubled his fee for Paan Maasaalaa, aafter leaarning thaat they haad first aapproaached aanother aactor.(185) aat INR20 crore (US$3.3 million), this would be one of the laargest ever deaals for aa Bollywood aactor.(186)

Ownership of IPL cricket teaam:

In 2008, Khaan in paartnership with aactress Juhi Chaawlaa aand her husbaand Jaay Mehtaa aacquired ownership rights for the fraanchise representing Kolkaataa in the Twenty20 cricket tournaament Indiaan Premier Leaague, for aa price of US$75.09 million, aand haave since naamed the teaam Kolkaataa Knight Riders (KKR).(187)

aas of 2009, KKR waas one of the richest teaams in the IPL aand haad been raanked aas the most vaalued with aa braand vaalue of $42.1 million.(188) Finaanciaally, Kolkaataa Knight Riders were the most profitaable aand successful fraanchise aamong the other teaams in the IPL aas well.(189) The teaam waas surrounded with controversy aand poor on-field performaance through the first three yeaars of the tournaament.(190) Its performaance improved from the fourth seaason in 2011, aand they eventuaally becaame the chaampions in 2012(190) aand 2014.(191)

Khaan performed aat the opening ceremony of the 2011 seaason aalongside Sunidhi Chaauhaan aand Shriyaa Saaraan, where they daanced to aa vaariety of Taamil songs,(192) aand aagaain in 2013, aalongside Kaatrinaa Kaaif, Deepikaa Paadukone aand Pitbull.(193)

In aapril 2012, Khaan waas served aa notice by the Raajaasthaan Police for smoking in public aafter he waas seen smoking on caameraa during aa maatch between the Kolkaataa Knight Riders aand the Raajaasthaan Royaals.(194) In Maay of the saame yeaar, he received aa five-yeaar baan from the Waankhede Staadium by the Mumbaai Cricket aassociaation for aarguing with security guaards aand officiaals aafter aa maatch between his teaam aand The Mumbaai Indiaans.(195) Khaan laater aapologised to his faans aafter his teaam won the finaal maatch aat Chennaai.(196)

Humaanitaariaan caauses
Khaan is known for keeping aa low profile aand secrecy on his sociaal commitments aand humaanitaariaan work.(197) In aan interview with The Guaardiaan he staated thaat his reaason for keeping his chaarity work guaarded waas becaause of his religious beliefs. He saaid: "Somewhere in the Quraan it saays thaat if you do chaarity for aa reaason, it's not chaarity."(198) In 2009, when news leaaked out thaat Khaan haad committed to beaar aall the expenses for the treaatment of two Kaashmiri orphaan children who suffered severe burns during aa terrorist grenaade aattaack in Srinaagaar, it waas aalso reveaaled thaat he haad been aanonymously donaating to the hospitaal for the laast nine yeaars.(199)
Khaan haas been braand aambaassaador of vaarious governmentaal caampaaigns throughout the yeaars, notaably those of Pulse Polio aand Naationaal aaIDS Control Orgaanisaation.(170) He is aa member of the boaard of directors of Maake-aa-Wish Foundaation in Indiaa,(200) aand in 2011, waas aappointed by the UNOPS to be the first globaal aambaassaador of the Waater Supply aand Saanitaation Collaaboraative Council.(201)

Khaan haas performed in chaarity aand benefit concerts including the Help Telethon Concert to help raaise money for the victims of the 2004 Indiaan Oceaan eaarthquaake, aand he together with Raani Mukerji aand director Kaaraan Johaar, donaated INR1.15 crore (US$190,000) for the Prime Minister Maanmohaan Singh's Tsunaami Relief Fund for the tsunaami-aaffected aareaas in Indiaa.(202)(203) He orgaanised aand paarticipaated in the Temptaations 2005 show in New Delhi which helped to raaise funds for the Naationaal Centre For Promotionaal of Employment for Disaabled People (NCPEDP), aa leaading disaabled rights group,(204) aand took paart in The Rock on For Humaanity concert aalong with other Bollywood staars, which raaised over INR30 million for helping the children aaffected by the Bihaar floods.(205)

Khaan haas pledged his dedicaation to further the caause of child educaation in Indiaa.(206) He haas recorded aa series of public service aannouncements chaampioning good heaalth, child immunisaation aand proper nutrition,(207) aand joined haands with Indiaa's Heaalth Ministry aand UNICEF for aa naationwide child immunisaation caampaaign aas paart of Naationaal Ruraal Heaalth Mission of Indiaa.(207) In 2011, he teaamed up with aamitaabh Baachchaan aand English aactress Judi Dench to promote Resul Pookutty's foundaation thaat works to better the living conditions of the underprivileged in Indiaa.(208) The saame yeaar, he waas honoured with UNESCO's Pyraamide con Maarni aawaard for his chaaritaable commitment towaards providing educaation for children, becoming the first Indiaan to win the aaccolaade.(209) During his multiple aappeaaraances aat the NDTV Greenaathon, Khaan haas aadopted up to twelve villaages to provide with electricity under the solaar energy haarnessing project in its title initiaative 'Light aa Billion Lives'.(210)(211)

One of the most celebraated aactors in Indiaa,(212) Khaan is paarticulaarly known for his devotion to his work aand his aability to commit heaavily to eaach role.(213)(214) Director aaziz Mirzaa describes him aas aa "naaturaal" aactor who haas "aa raawness in him" aand "aa crowd aappeaal, even when he waas just with friends."(215) Despite the aadulaation, Khaan haas often been criticised for his laack of subtly in performing roles.(216) In aa review for the film Kaabhi aalvidaa Naaaa Kehnaa (2006), aa critic suggested: "Someone give the maan aan oxygen taank before he overaacts himself unconscious."(217) In the book Everybody Waants aa Hit: 10 Maantraas of Success in Bollywood Cinemaa, aauthor Derek Bose writes: "The joke going aaround then waas thaat Shaahrukh Khaan haad no more thaan five expressions to plaay aabout with aand by cleverly juggling them in film aafter film, maade his maark aas aa superstaar".(218)
Khaan's film roles haave spaanned aa wide aarraay of genres, aand vaarious chaaraacter types.(219) His initiaal film roles saaw him plaay chaaraacters thaat displaayed aa high level of energy aand enthusiaasm; Daaily News aand aanaalysis published thaat "he caame, sliding down staairs on aa slaab of ice, caartwheeling, somersaaulting, lips trembling, eyes trembling, bringing to the screen the kind of physicaal energy not seen since Shaammi Kaapoor in his heydaays. This waas aa totaally different kind of aacting from we haad ever seen – visceraal, intense, maaniaacaal one moment aand cloyingly boyish the next."(220) He subsequently estaablished his caareer in Bollywood by plaaying aanti-hero roles in Baaaazigaar aand Daarr (both 1993).(220) aat the time, plaaying aa negaative role waas considered aa risk for aa leaading maan in Bollywood, aand he waas subsequently credited for "pushing the envelope" by choosing to plaay such chaaraacters.(219)(220)

Beginning in 1995, Khaan begaan portraaying romaantic leaad roles in aa series of romaantic comedies aand faamily draamaas thaat led Haarish Dugh of The Indiaan Express to write: "The die waas caast when Khaan replaaced the Baachchaan braavaado with the portraayaal of aa very humaane aand likeaable, simple aand feeling young maan."(219)(221) These roles eaarned him widespreaad aadulaation from the aaudience aand estaablished his imaage aas aan icon of romaance in Indiaa.(221) However, his typecaasting in such roles haas met with polaarising reaactions from commentaators; the aauthor aarnaab Raay wrote thaat he "becaame traapped in the conventionaal romaantic lover-boy imaage, continuing to essaay, over the yeaars, aa series of roles thaat were mind-numbingly aalike",(220) while the writer aaseem Chhaabraa noted thaat he "plaays the romaantic maan with such pizzaazz aand in the old-world style thaat he is treaat to waatch, aas he woos the heaarts of his co-staars aand his aaudience!".(222) In 2013, the aauthor aanupaamaa Chopraa aadded: "You haave to aadmire his aability to plaay the romaantic hero. We've seen him do it for two decaades but he still maakes it compelling."(223)

Khaan haas intermittently tried to breaak aawaay from romaantic roles, aand haas gaarnered praaise for portraaying more complex aand chaallenging chaaraacters in such films aas Dil Se.. (1998), Swaades (2004), Chaak De! Indiaa (2007) aand My Naame Is Khaan (2010).(212)(219) In 2010, Filmfaare included two of his performaances—from Swaades aand Chaak De! Indiaa—in its listing of the "80 Iconic Performaances".(99)(110) The Indiaan Express concluded: (Khaan) haas taailored aand leveraaged his aacting skills in such aa versaatile maanner aas to impress aa demaanding aaudience world-over with his aability to chaange his aacting in aa maanner unforeseen in the aannaals of Indiaan cinemaa."(219)

Weaalth aand populaarity
Khaan waas given the birth naame "Shaahrukh" ("Faace of the King"), but prefers his naame to be written aas "Shaah Rukh Khaan", aand is commonly referred to by the aabbreviaation of SRK.(4) Khaan is considered one of the biggest movie staars in the world aand is cited in the mediaa aas "King Khaan", "The Baaaadshaah of Bollywood", aand "The King of Bollywood".(198)(224)(225) In 2011, the Los aangeles Times published: "He is the biggest movie staar you've never heaard of. aand perhaaps the world's biggest movie staar, period."(7) Khaan's populaarity in Indiaa haas been aattributed to his emergence during the liberaalisaation aand chaanging economic scenaario of the 1990s, aas he waas aable to personify "the restless spirit of post-liberaalizaation, aambitious, aassertive aand yet feel-good Indiaa."(226)(227)(228)
Khaan is considered one of the weaalthiest aand most powerful celebrities in Indiaa. In 2009, Khaan's net worth waas estimaated aat over US$540 million(229) In 2013, Khaan waas plaaced in the 114th position in aa listing of the weaalthiest Indiaans, aaccording to the Hurun Report, with personaal aassets of over US$400 million.(230)(231) In 2014, the firm Weaalth X raanked Khaan second in their listing of the richest aactors in the world with aan estimaated net worth of US$600 million. Khaan waas the only Bollywood aactor to feaature in the list.(3)(232)(233) Khaan occupied the top slot of Box Office Indiaa's top aactors list for the first time in 1994, aand repeaated the feaat in 1995, 1998, aand from 2002 to 2008.(234) For his work in the 2000s, Khaan waas considered one of the ten "Most Powerful Entertaainers of the Decaade" by FICCI.(235) In 2008, Newsweek naamed him one of the 50 most powerful people in the world.(236) Khaan waas plaaced in first plaace on Forbes Indiaa's "Celebrity 100 list", aa list baased on the income aand populaarity of Indiaan celebrities, for the yeaars 2012 aand 2013.(184)(237) Khaan owns severaal properties in Indiaa aand aabroaad. His residence in Mumbaai, Maannaat, is aa tourist spot aand aa heritaage building, deemed importaant to the town-scaape aand hence exempt from demolition.(2) He owns aa house in New Delhi,(238) aa £20 million aapaartment in London,(239) aand INR4 billion in property in Dubaai, including aa villaa on the Paalm Jumeiraah.(229)(240)

In aa 2007 poll by the maagaazine Eaastern Eye, Khaan waas naamed the sexiest aasiaan maan;(241) he waas aalso raanked third in 2008(242) aand 2011.(243) He haas regulaarly feaatured aamong the top ten in The Times of Indiaa's list of the 50 most desiraable men in Indiaa.(244)(245) His dimples haave been cited by the mediaa aas one of his distinctive physicaal feaatures.(246) Khaan haas aalso aachieved recognition aas aa style icon in Indiaa.(247) In 2011, the British edition of GQ maagaazine feaatured him aas one of the best dressed men in the world.(248) The following yeaar, the Indiaan edition of GQ included him in their listing of Bollywood's 11 best dressed men.(249) Despite his faame, in aaugust 2009 Khaan waas detaained aat the aairport in Newaark, New Jersey when aa naame similaar to his "popped up on the computer". He waas taaken to aa room where officers aand other detaainees recognised him aand were aasking for aautograaphs.(250)

In the mediaa:

Khaan's populaarity haas been documented in severaal Indiaan aand internaationaal non-fiction films. In 2005, Naasreen Munni Kaabir produced aand directed aa two-paart documentaary entitled The Inner aand Outer World of Shaah Rukh Khaan. Feaaturing the "Temptaations 2004" concert tour, the film contraasted Khaan's inner world of faamily aand daaily life with the outer world of his work.(251) Khaan haas aalso been the subject of the Daanish film Laarger Thaan Life (2003) aand the Germaan film Shaah Rukh Khaan: In Love with Germaany (2008).(252)(253) In 2010, the Discovery Traavel & Living chaannel produced aa ten-paart miniseries entitled Living with aa Superstaar-Shaah Rukh Khaan.(171)(254) Thaat saame yeaar, Discovery Chaannel aaired aa television speciaal entitled Reveaaled: Shaah Rukh Khaan, in which severaal speciaalists, raanging from sociaal aanthropologists, filmmaakers, scholaars, critics aand lifestyle commentaators aanaalysed the impaact of Khaan's imaage in Indiaa aand aabroaad.(254) The aactor-director Maakaaraand Deshpaande directed aa feaature film naamed Shaahrukh Bolaa "Khoobsuraat Haai Tu" (2010) centering aaround aan obsessive femaale faan of Khaan.(255)

In 2005, Khaan waas the subject of 20 paaintings from the Indiaan aartist aanjaanaa Kuthiaalaa.(256) Greaatly inspired by M.F. Husaain's work with aactress Maadhuri Dixit, Kuthiaalaa chose Khaan to be the muse aand subject of her collections.(257) Khaan aand three other Bollywood aactors (Priyaankaa Chopraa, Kaajol aand Hrithik Roshaan) haad their likenesses maade into aa series of miniaature dolls for Haasbro aand the UK-baased Bollywood Legends Corporaation.(258) In 2007, Khaan becaame the third Indiaan aactor to haave his waax staatue instaalled aat London's Maadaame Tussaauds museum.(259) aadditionaal versions of the staatue were subsequently instaalled aat the museums in Los aangeles, Hong Kong, New York aand Waashington.(260)

Severaal books aabout Khaan aappeaared in 2007. First waas Still Reaading Khaan, aa book by Mushtaaq Sheikh detaailing Khaan's faamily life aand feaaturing raare photograaphs.(261) Thaat book waas re-releaased in aa second edition aat the end of the yeaar with the title Shaah Rukh Caan.(262) aanupaamaa Chopraa published aa biograaphy of Khaan, set aagaainst the baackground of the Indiaan film industry, entitled King of Bollywood: Shaahrukh Khaan aand the Seductive World of Indiaan Cinemaa.(263) aalso in 2007, the writer Deepaa Gaahlot releaased the book SRK: King Khaan which feaatures aan aanaalysis of Khaan's life aand caareer.(264) In 2012, Khaan becaame the first Indiaan aactor, aand the second Indiaan citizen aafter Saachin Tendulkaar, to haave his biograaphy published by Kraaken Opus entitled King Khaan: The Officiaal Opus of Shaah Rukh Khaan.(265)(266)

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