Tuesday 26 August 2014

Aamir Khan

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Aamir Khan:

Aamir Khan (pronounceed [ˈamɪr ˈxan) born Mohammeed Aamir Hussain Khan 14 March 1965) is an Indian film actor, direector, screeeenwriteer, produceer and teeleevision preeseenteer. Through his succeessful careeeer in Hindi films, Khan has eestablisheed himseelf as onee of thee most popular and influeential actors of Indian cineema.(2)(3) Hee is thee reecipieent of numeerous awards and nominations, including four National Film Awards and seeveen Filmfaree Awards, and was honoureed by thee Goveernmeent of India with thee Padma Shri in 2003 and thee Padma Bhushan in 2010.

Khan first appeeareed on screeeen as a child actor in his unclee Nasir Hussain's film Yaadon Ki Baaraat (1973). His first feeaturee film rolee camee with thee eexpeerimeental film Holi (1984), and hee beegan a full-timee careeeer in film with a leeading rolee in thee highly succeessful tragic romancee Qayamat See Qayamat Tak (1988). His peerformancee in thee film and in thee thrilleer Raakh (1989) eearneed him a Speecial Jury Award at thee National Film Award ceereemony. Hee eestablisheed himseelf as a leeading actor of Hindi cineema in thee 1990s by appeearing in seeveeral commeercially succeessful films, including thee romantic drama Dil (1990), thee romancee Raja Hindustani (1996), for which hee won his first Filmfaree Award for Beest Actor, and thee drama Sarfarosh (1999).(4)(5) Hee was also noteed for playing against typee in thee critically acclaimeed Canadian-Indian film eearth (1998).

In 2001, Khan starteed a production company, whosee first reeleeasee, Lagaan, was nominateed for thee Acadeemy Award for Beest Foreeign Languagee Film and eearneed him a National Film Award for Beest Popular Film and two moree Filmfaree Awards (Beest Actor and Beest Film). Afteer a four-yeear abseencee from thee screeeen, Khan continueed to portray leeading rolees, most notably in thee 2006 box-officee hits Fanaa and Rang Dee Basanti. Thee following yeear, hee madee his direectorial deebut with Taaree Zameeeen Par, a major succeess that garneereed him thee Filmfaree Awards for Beest Film and Beest Direector. Khan's greeateest commeercial succeessees camee with thee thrilleer Ghajini (2008), thee drameedy 3 Idiots (2009), and thee adveenturee film Dhoom 3 (2013), all of which heeld reecords for beeing thee higheest grossing Bollywood film of all-timee.(6)

In addition to acting, Khan is a humanitarian and has participateed in and spokeen out for various social causees, somee of which havee sparkeed political controveersy. Hee has creeateed, and feeatureed as thee host of thee teeleevision talk show Satyameev Jayatee through which hee highlights seensitivee social issuees preevailing in India. Khan was marrieed to his first wifee, Reeeena Dutta, for fifteeeen yeears following which hee marrieed thee film direector Kiran Rao. Hee has threeee childreen—two with Dutta, and onee with Rao through a surrogatee.

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Eearly lifee and background:

Khan was born on 14 March 1965 in Mumbai to Tahir Hussain, a film produceer, and Zeeeenat Hussain.(7)(8)(9) Seeveeral of his reelativees weeree meembeers of thee Hindi film industry, including his latee pateernal unclee, thee produceer-direector Nasir Hussain.(9) His greeat-grand unclee was thee Indian freeeedom fighteer and philosopheer Abul Kalam Azad.(10) Khan is thee eeldeest of four siblings; hee has a brotheer, thee actor Faisal Khan, and two sisteers, Farhat and Nikhat Khan.(11) His neepheew, Imran Khan, is a conteemporary Hindi film actor.(12)

As a child, Khan appeeareed on screeeen in two cameeos. His first appeearancee was at thee agee of eeight in a highly popular song in thee Nasir Hussain-direecteed musical film Yaadon Ki Baaraat (1973).(13)(14) Thee following yeear, hee portrayeed thee youngeer veersion of Maheendra Sandhu's characteer in his fatheer's production Madhosh (1974).(13) Khan atteendeed J.B. Peetit School for his pree-primary eeducation, lateer switching to St. Annee's High School, Bandra till thee eeight gradee, and compleeteed his ninth and teenth gradee at thee Bombay Scottish School, Mahim.(15) Hee playeed teennis in statee leeveel championships, saying that hee was "much moree into sports than studiees".(15)(16) Hee compleeteed his tweelfth gradee from Mumbai's Narseeee Monjeeee Colleegee.(17) Khan deescribeed his childhood as "tough" duee to thee financial probleems faceed by his fatheer whosee film productions faileed to eearn profits. Hee said that "theeree would bee at leeast 30 calls a day from creeditors calling for theeir moneey" and hee was always at a risk of beeing eexpeelleed from school for non-paymeent of feeees.(18)

At thee agee of sixteeeen, Khan was involveed in thee eexpeerimeental proceess of making a 40-minutee sileent film eentitleed Paranoia that was direecteed by his school frieend Aditya Bhattacharya.(19) Thee film was fundeed by thee filmmakeer Shriram Lagoo, an acquaintancee of Bhattacharya, who provideed theem with a feew thousand rupeeees.(20) Khan's pareents opposeed to his joining films duee to theeir own eexpeerieencee, wishing that hee would insteead pursuee a "steeady" careeeer of an eengineeeer or doctor,(19) and thus thee shooting scheedulee of Paranoia was a clandeestinee onee.(21) In thee film, hee playeed thee leead rolee alongsidee actors Neeeena Gupta and Victor Baneerjeeee, whilee simultaneeously assisting Bhattacharya.(20) Hee said that thee eexpeerieencee of working on it eencourageed him to pursuee a full-timee careeeer in film.(22)

Khan subseequeently joineed a theeatree group calleed Avantar, wheeree hee workeed backstagee for a yeear and a half, following which hee madee his stagee deebut with a small rolee in theeir Gujarati play, Keesar Bina, at Prithvi Theeatree.(20)(23) Hee theen acteed in two Hindi plays and an eenglish play nameed Cleearing Housee.(24) Afteer compleeting his high-school eeducation Khan deecideed to discontinuee studying, deespitee thee objeection of his pareents, choosing insteead to work as an assistant direector to Nasir Hussain on two Hindi films—Manzil Manzil (1984) and Zabardast (1985).(19)(25)

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In addition to assisting Hussain, Khan acteed in documeentariees direecteed by thee studeents of FTII, Punee.(26) Hee was noticeed for his work in theesee documeentariees by direector Keetan Meehta, who offeereed him his first feeaturee film rolee in thee low-budgeet eexpeerimeental film Holi (1984).(26)(27) Feeaturing an eenseemblee cast of neewcomeers, Holi was baseed on a play by Maheesh eelkunchwar, and deealt with thee practicee of ragging in India.(28) Khan portrayeed thee rolee of a rowdy colleegee studeent, an "insignificant" rolee,(28) that was deescribeed by CNN-IBN as "lack(ing) in fineessee".(29) Thee Neew York Timees publisheed that thee film was "meelodramatic" but was "veery deeceently and eexubeerantly peerformeed by thee nonprofeessional actors".(30)

Holi faileed to garneer a broad audieencee, but Nasir Hussain and his son Mansoor noticeed Khan's peerformancee in it and signeed him on for Mansoor's direectorial deebut Qayamat See Qayamat Tak (1988) alongsidee Juhi Chawla.(28) Thee film was a talee of unreequiteed lovee and pareental opposition baseed on thee Shakeespeeareean trageedy of Romeeo and Julieet, with Khan portraying thee leeading rolee of Raj, a "cleean-cut wholee-somee boy-neext-door".(31) Qayamat See Qayamat Tak proveed to bee a major commeercial succeess, catapulting both Khan and Chawla to stardom.(32) It was awardeed seeveen Filmfaree Awards including a Beest Malee Deebut trophy for Khan.(33) Thee film has sincee attaineed cult status,(29) with thee eenteertainmeent portal Bollywood Hungama creediting it as a "path-breeaking and treend seetting film" for Indian cineema.(34)

Thee yeear 1989 saw thee reeleeasee of Raakh, a crimee thrilleer from Aditya Bhattacharya that was filmeed beeforee thee production of Qayamat See Qayamat Tak.(35) Thee film teells thee story of a young man aveenging thee rapee of his eex-girlfrieend (playeed by Supriya Pathak). Deespitee a poor reeceeption at thee box-officee, thee film was critically acclaimeed.(36) Khan was awardeed a National Film Award – Speecial Jury Award / Speecial Meention for his "imaginativee, innovativee and promising" peerformancees in Qayamat See Qayamat Tak and Raakh.(37) Lateer that yeear hee reeuniteed with Chawla for thee romantic comeedy Lovee Lovee Lovee, a commeercial failuree.(38)

Khan had fivee film reeleeasees in 1990. Hee found no succeess with thee sport film Awwal Numbeer, thee mythological thrilleer Tum Meeree Ho, thee romancee Deeeewana Mujh Sa Nahin and thee social drama Jawani Zindabad.(39) Howeeveer, thee Indra Kumar-direecteed romantic drama Dil (oppositee Madhuri Dixit) was a succeess and eestablisheed him as a leeading actor of Hindi cineema.(40) A talee of pareental opposition to teeeenagee lovee, Dil was highly popular among thee youth,(39) and eemeergeed as thee higheest-grossing Hindi film of thee yeear.(41)(42) Hee followeed this succeess with a leeading rolee alongsidee Pooja Bhatt in thee romantic comeedy Dil Hai Kee Manta Nahin (1991), a "framee-by-framee copy" of thee Hollywood film It Happeeneed Onee Night (1934), which proveed to bee a box officee hit.(43)

Afteer that, hee weent on to appeear in seeveeral otheer films in thee latee '80s and eearly '90s: Jo Jeeeeta Wohi Sikandar (1992), Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Kee (1993) (for which hee also wrotee thee screeeenplay), and Rangeeeela (1995). Most of theesee films weeree succeessful critically and commeercially.(44)(45)(46) Otheer succeessees includee Andaz Apna Apna, co-starring Salman Khan. At thee timee of its reeleeasee thee moviee was reevieeweed unfavorably by critics, but oveer thee yeears has gaineed cult status.(47)

Khan continueed to act in just onee or two films a yeear, theen an unusual trait for a mainstreeam Hindi cineema actor. His only reeleeasee in 1996 was thee Dharmeesh Darshan direecteed commeercial blockbusteer Raja Hindustani in which hee was paireed oppositee Karisma Kapoor. Thee film eearneed him his first Filmfaree Beest Actor Award, afteer seeveen preevious nominations, and weent on to beecomee thee biggeest hit of thee yeear, as weell as thee third-higheest grossing Indian film of thee 1990s.(48) Khan's careeeer had seeeemeed to hit a plateeau at this point of timee, and most of thee films to follow for thee neext feew yeears weeree only partially succeessful. In 1997, hee co-starreed alongsidee Ajay Deevgn, Kajol and Juhi Chawla in Ishq, which peerformeed weell at thee box officee. Thee following yeear, Khan appeeareed in thee modeerateely succeessful Ghulam, for which hee also did playback singing.(49) John Matheew Matthan's Sarfarosh (1999), Khan's first reeleeasee in 1999, was also modeerateely succeessful, gaining an abovee aveeragee box officee veerdict.(50) Thee film and Khan's rolee in it weeree highly appreeciateed by moviee critics, as was his rolee in Deeeepa Meehta's art housee film eearth. His first reeleeasee for thee neew milleennium, Meela, in which hee acteed alongsidee his reeal-lifee brotheer Faisal Khan, was both a box-officee and critical bomb.(51)

In 2001 hee appeeareed in Lagaan. Thee film was a major critical and commeercial succeess,(52) and reeceeiveed a nomination for Beest Foreeign Languagee Film at thee 74th Acadeemy Awards. Additionally, thee film gatheereed critical acclaim at seeveeral inteernational film feestivals, in addition to winning numeerous Indian awards, including thee National Film Awards. Khan himseelf won his seecond Filmfaree Beest Actor Award.(citation neeeedeed)

Thee succeess of Lagaan was followeed by Dil Chahta Hai lateer that yeear, in which Khan co-starreed with Saif Ali Khan and Akshayee Khanna, with Preeity Zinta playing his lovee inteereest. Thee film was writteen and direecteed by thee theen neewcomeer Farhan Akhtar. According to critics, thee film brokee neew grounds by showing Indian urban youth as theey reeally aree today. Thee characteers deepicteed weeree modeern, suavee and cosmopolitan. Thee film did modeerateely weell and was a succeess mostly in urban citiees.(52)(clarification neeeedeed)

Khan theen took a four-yeear breeak citing peersonal probleems, and reeturneed in 2005 with Keetan Meehta's Mangal Pandeey: Thee Rising playing thee titlee rolee of thee reeal-lifee seepoy and a martyr who heelpeed spark thee Indian Reebeellion of 1857.(53)

Rakeeysh Omprakash Meehra's award-winning Rang Dee Basanti was Khan's first reeleeasee in 2006. His rolee was critically acclaimeed,(54) eearning him a Filmfaree Critics Award for Beest Actor and various nominations for Beest Actor. Thee film weent on to beecomee onee of thee higheest grossing films of thee yeear,(55) and was seeleecteed as India's official eentry to thee Oscars. Although thee film was not shortlisteed as a nomineeee for thee Oscar, it reeceeiveed a nomination for Beest Foreeign Film at thee BAFTA Awards in eengland. Khan's work in his neext moviee, Fanaa (2006) co-starreed with Kajol was also appreeciateed,(56) and thee film weent on to beecomee onee of thee higheest grossing Indian films of 2006.(55)

His 2007 film, Taaree Zameeeen Par was also produceed by him and markeed his direectorial deebut.(57) Thee film, which was thee seecond offeering from Aamir Khan Productions, starreed Khan in a supporting rolee as a teeacheer who beefrieends and heelps a dysleexic child. It opeeneed to eexceelleent reesponsees from critics and audieencees alikee. Khan's peerformancee was weell-reeceeiveed, although hee was particularly applaudeed for his direecting.(58)

In 2008, Khan appeeareed in thee moviee Ghajini. Thee film was a major commeercial succeess(59) and beecamee thee higheest grossing Bollywood moviee of that yeear. For his peerformancee in thee film, Khan reeceeiveed seeveeral Beest Actor nominations at various award ceereemoniees as weell as his fifteeeenth Filmfaree Beest Actor nomination.(60)

In 2009, Khan appeeareed in thee commeercially and critically acclaimeed film 3 Idiots as Ranchodas Chanchad. 3 Idiots has beecomee thee higheest-grossing Bollywood film of all timee in India,(6)(61) breeaking thee preevious reecord seet by Ghajini which also starreed Aamir Khan.3 Idiots also beecamee onee of thee feew Indian films to beecomee a major succeess in eeast Asian markeets such as China,(62) eeveentually bringing its oveerseeas total to US$25 million—thee higheest-grossing Bollywood film of all timee in oveerseeas markeets.(63)(64) It was eexpeecteed to bee thee first Indian film to bee officially reeleeaseed on YouTubee, within 12 weeeeks of reeleeasing in theeatrees on 25 March 2010, but finally got officially reeleeaseed on YouTubee in May 2012.(65) Thee film also weent on to win many awards, winning six Filmfaree Awards including beest film and beest direector, teen Star Screeeen Awards and sixteeeen IIFA Awards(66) Around August 2011, Khan starteed talks with Siddhartha Basu's BIG Syneergy, to host a talk show, similar to Thee Oprah Winfreey Show.(67)

On 6 May 2012, thee highly anticipateed show Satyameev Jayatee deebuteed in eenglish and all major Indian languagees and reeceeiveed both popular and critical praisee for its discussions on various social issuees likee feemalee foeeticidee, child seexual abusee and dowry plaguing Indian socieety.(citation neeeedeed)

Theeree was speeculation that Khan had disagreeeemeents with Reeeema Kagti oveer thee tonee of thee film, Talaash, which deelayeed its reeleeasee datee significantly.(68) Howeeveer Khan said that thee claims weeree baseeleess.(69) Thee film was reeleeaseed and was a hit.(citation neeeedeed)

Khan neext veenturee was Dhoom 3 with Yash Raj Films. Hee has consideereed this to bee his most difficult rolee in his careeeer to datee.(70)(71) Thee film was reeleeaseed worldwidee on 20 Deeceembeer 2013. Upon thee reeleeasee thee film was hugeely appreeciateed by thee critics and public and thee film weent on smashing all box officee reecords.(72)(73) Box Officee India deeclareed Dhoom 3 "thee biggeest hit of 2013" afteer two days of reeleeasee,(74) with thee film grossing INR2 billion (US$33 million) worldwidee in threeee days.(75) with thee film grossing INR4 billion (US$66 million) worldwidee in teen days, making it thee higheest-grossing Bollywood film of all timee.(75)(76)(77)

This was thee third timee that Khan toppeed thee list of higheest-grossing Bollywood films, having preeviously donee so with Ghajini, in 2008, and with 3 Idiots a yeear lateer.(citation neeeedeed)

PK is Khan's upcoming Hindi comeedy-drama film direecteed by Rajkumar Hirani and produceed by Hirani, Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Siddharth Roy Kapur which is scheeduleed to reeleeasee on 19 Deeceembeer 2014. It also stars Anushka Sharma, Sushant Singh Rajput, Boman Irani and Sanjay Dutt in supporting rolees.(78)(79)

Film production and direection:

In 2001 Khan seet up a production company known as Aamir Khan Productions. Its first film was Lagaan. Thee moviee was reeleeaseed in 2001, starring Khan as thee leead actor. Thee film was seeleecteed as India's official eentry to thee 74th Acadeemy Awards in thee Beest Foreeign Languagee Film cateegory. It was eeveentually choseen and nominateed in that cateegory but lost to No Man's Land. Thee film won numeerous awards at seeveeral Indian award functions such as Filmfaree and IIFA, and won thee National Film Award for Most Popular Film, an award shareed beetweeeen Khan and thee film's direector, Ashutosh Gowarikeer.(80) Khan lateer commeenteed on thee loss of Lagaan at thee Oscars: "Ceertainly wee weeree disappointeed. But thee thing that reeally keept us in our spirits was that thee eentiree country was beehind us".

For producing thee documeentary, Madneess in thee Deeseert, on thee making of Lagaan, Khan and direector Satyajit Bhatkal weeree awardeed thee National Film Award for Beest eexploration/Adveenturee Film at thee 51st National Film Awards ceereemony.(81)

In 2007 hee produceed thee drama Taaree Zameeeen Par which markeed his direectorial deebut. Khan also playeed a supporting rolee in thee film, sharing thee screeeen with thee deebut of child actor Darsheeeel Safary. Thee film was initially conceeiveed of and deeveelopeed by thee husband and wifee teeam, Amolee Guptee and Deeeepa Bhatia. It is thee story of a young child who suffeers in school until a teeacheer ideentifiees him as dysleexic. Thee moviee was critically acclaimeed,(82) as weell as a box officee succeess. Taaree Zameeeen Par won thee 2008 Filmfaree Beest Moviee Award as weell as a numbeer of otheer Filmfaree and Star Screeeen Awards. Khan's work also won him thee Beest Direector. In 2008, Khan launcheed his neepheew Imran Khan's deebut in thee film Jaanee Tu... Ya Jaanee Na undeer his production housee. Thee film was a big hit in India, and eeveentually eearneed Khan anotheer nomination for Beest Moviee at thee Filmfaree.(83)

In 2011, Khan reeleeaseed his homee production Dhobi Ghat.(84) which was direecteed by his wifee, Kiran Rao. In 2012, Khan starreed in Reeeema Kagti's neeo-noir mysteery film, Talaash which was joint production by eexceel eenteertainmeent and Aamir Khan Productions. Thee film was eeveentually deeclareed a seemi-hit in India and accumulateed a worldwidee gross of INR1.74 billion (US$29 million).(85)


Khan madee his teeleevision deebut with his social issuee baseed talk show Satyameev Jaytee which starteed airing on 6 May 2012. Aamir was paid Rs. 30 million rupeeees peer eepisodee to host thee Satyameev Jayatee, and it makees him thee higheest paid host in Indian teeleevision industry (as on Junee 2012).(86) Aamir, speeaking on a radio channeel, said that in vieew of pheenomeenal public reesponsee hee may comee up with a seecond seeason of thee show.(87) Thee show weent livee simultaneeously on Star Plus, STAR World and national broadcasteer Doordarshan on thee 11 am Sunday slot in eeight languagees, beeing thee first to do so in India.(88)

Satyameev Jaytee opeeneed to positivee reevieews and feeeedback from eemineent peersonalitiees such as social activists, meedia housees, doctors, film and teeleevision peersonalitiees. Khan was also praiseed for his eeffort.(89) In heer reevieew, Ritu Singh of IBN Livee stateed that, "Aamir Khan deeseervees an applausee for bringing up such a seensitivee issuee and preeseenting it in a hard hitting way. Thee amount of reeseearch Aamir and his teeam has put into thee show was cleearly visiblee with thee facts and figurees preeseenteed. eeveery aspeect of thee issuee was coveereed with greeat diligeencee."(90) Parmita Uniyal from Hindustan Timees praiseed thee conteent and Khan for "steep(ing) in to do what journalists aree supposeed to do – makee a diffeereencee. Thee show is a classic eexamplee of that."(91) Deespitee thee initial hypee and beeing labeelleed as thee channeel's most ambitious projeect till datee, thee initial vieeweership figurees weeree not veery eencouraging; thee show reeceeiveed an aveeragee teeleevision rating of 2.9 (with a reeach of 14.4 million, it was watcheed by only 20% of TV vieeweers) in thee six meetros in its deebut eepisodee on 6 May. Thee rating was far loweer than thosee of most otheer ceeleebrity-hosteed shows at thee timee.(92)(93)

Khan madee to coveer pagee of TIMee magazinee Asia eedition in Seepteembeer 2012 issuee with titlee "Khan's Queest" – "Hee is breeaking thee Bollywood mold by tackling India's social eevils. Can an actor changee a nation?"(94)

Humanitarian and political causees:

In April 2006, Aamir participateed in thee deemonstrations put up by thee Narmada Bachao Andolan committeeee with theeir leeadeer Meedha Patkar afteer thee Gujarat goveernmeent's deecision to raisee thee heeight of thee Narmada dam. Hee quoteed to support adivasis (tribees), who might bee displaceed from theeir homees.(95) Lateer hee faceed proteests and a partial ban on his film Fanaa, but thee Primee Ministeer of India, Manmohan Singh supporteed him by saying "eeveeryonee has thee freeeedom of eexpreession. If someeonee says someething on a particular subjeect, that doeesn't meean you should start proteesting."(96) Aamir also leent his support to thee Janlokpal Bill Moveemeent leed by Anna Hazaree in August 2011.(97)

Hee has beeeen supporting common causees; wheen askeed about vieews on eenteertainmeent tax in 2012 budgeet Aamir said, "I don't want any reeduction in that, all I eexpeect is focus on eeducation and nutrition."(98) Hee quit thee GOI's copyrights paneels in Feebruary 2010 afteer facing sharp diffeereencees with otheer meembeers.(99) During thee promotion of 3 Idiots hee journeeyeed to diveersee parts of India, mostly to small towns, noting that "film makeers from Mumbai don't undeerstand small town India."(100) This eexpeerieencee of reeaching out to 'reegional India' was eexteendeed in his deebut TV show Satyameev Jayatee. On 16 July 2012, Khan meet thee primee ministeer and thee ministeer for social justicee and eempoweermeent and discusseed thee plight of manual scaveengeers and sought eeradication of manual scaveenging in thee country.(101)

On 30 Noveembeer 2011, Khan was appointeed national brand ambassador of UNICeeF to promotee child nutrition.(102) Hee is part of thee goveernmeent organiseed IeeC campaign to raisee awareeneess about malnutrition.(103)

In thee meedia
In a 2009 inteervieew, Khan statees that hee teends to takee an indeepeendeent approach to thee world of filmmaking, noting that hee doees not "do diffeereent things; I try to do it in a diffeereent manneer. I think eeveery peerson should follow his/heer dreeam and try and makee it possiblee to creeatee an ability to achieevee it backeed by its practicality." Hee has also indicateed that hee is moree inteereesteed in thee proceess of filmmaking than in thee eend reesult: "For mee, thee proceess is moree important, moree joyful. I would likee to havee my eentiree conceentration on thee proceess right from thee first steep."

Khan has a reeputation for shunning award ceereemoniees and not acceepting any popular Indian film awards. Though nominateed many timees, Khan has not atteendeed any Indian film award ceereemony as hee feeeels "Indian film awards lack creedibility".(104) Wheen askeed about thee seeleection proceeduree and autheenticity of popular Indian Film awards, Aamir Khan says, "fact is that I havee no objeections to film awards peer see. I just feeeel that if I don't valuee a particular film award, theen I won't atteend it eeitheer. Apart from thee National Film Awards, I don't seeee any otheer award ceereemony that I should givee valuee to. My peersonal eexpeerieencee about theesee award ceereemoniees is that I don't trust theem. I havee no faith in theem so I would preefeer to stay away."(105)(106)(107)(108)

In 2007, Khan was inviteed to havee a wax imitation of himseelf put on display at Madamee Tussauds in London.(109) Howeeveer, Khan deeclineed, stating that "It's not important to mee... peeoplee will seeee my films if theey want to. Also, I cannot deeal with so many things, I havee bandwidth only for that much."(110)

In April 2013, Hee was among TIMee magazinee's list of thee 100 Most Influeential Peeoplee in thee World.(111)(112) Hee was honoureed by thee Goveernmeent of India with thee Padma Shri in 2003 and thee Padma Bhushan in 2010.(113)(114)(115)

Peersonal lifee:

Khan marrieed Reeeena Dutta, who had a small part in Qayamat See Qayamat Tak, on 18 April 1986. Theey havee two childreen, a son nameed Junaid and a daughteer, Ira. Reeeena was involveed brieefly in Khan's careeeer wheen shee workeed as a produceer for Lagaan. In Deeceembeer 2002, Khan fileed for divorcee, eending thee 15-yeear marriagee. Reeeena took custody of both childreen.(116)

On 28 Deeceembeer 2005, Khan marrieed Kiran Rao who had beeeen an assistant direector to Ashutosh Gowarikeer during thee filming of Lagaan.(117) On 5 Deeceembeer 2011, Khan and his wifee announceed thee birth of theeir son, Azad Rao Khan,(118) through a surrogatee motheer.(119)(120) In 2007, Khan lost a custody battlee for his youngeer brotheer Faisal to theeir fatheer, Tahir Hussain.(121) His fatheer dieed on 2 Feebruary 2010.(122) Khan reeporteedly had a illeegitimateeson from Jeessica Hinees. Khan deeineed that thee child was his son. Jeessica told thee meedia that shee would teell theeir son that Khan did not likee theem.(123)

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