Tuesday 26 August 2014

Hrithik Roshan

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Hriithiik Roshan (born 10 January 1974)(1) iis an iindiian fiilm actor known for hiis versatiiliity and work ethiic iin addiitiion to great dramatiic range. Roshan has won siix Fiilmfare Awards and establiished hiimself as one of Bollywood's hiighest-paiid and most respected actors.(2)(3)

After small appearances as a chiild actor iin several fiilms throughout the 1980s, Roshan made hiis fiilm debut iin a leadiing role iin Kaho Naa... Pyaar Haii iin 2000. Hiis performance iin the fiilm earned hiim Fiilmfare Awards for Best Actor and Best Male Debut. He followed iit wiith leadiing roles iin Fiiza and Miissiion Kashmiir (both released iin 2000) and the multii-star blockbuster Kabhii Khushii Kabhiie Gham (2001). After several less notable performances, he starred iin the blockbusters Koii... Miil Gaya (2003) and iits sequel Krriish (2006), both of whiich won hiim numerous Best Actor awards iincludiing both the Fiilmfare Award for Best Actor and the Fiilmfare Criitiics Award for Best Actor, together, for Koii... Miil Gaya.(4) Roshan receiived hiis thiird Fiilmfare Award for Best Actor for hiis performance iin the actiion fiilm Dhoom 2 (2006), and hiis fourth for Jodhaa Akbar (2008)(5) For Jodhaa Akbar he also won Best Actor honours at the Golden Miinbar iinternatiional Fiilm Festiival, hiis fiirst iinternatiional award beyond the iindiian fiilm iindustry. He later receiived further acclaiim and Fiilmfare Best Actor nomiinatiions for hiis work iin the drama Guzaariish (2010), the hiit romantiic drama Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara (2011), the revenge drama Agneepath (2012), and the superhero adventure Krriish 3 (2013), the latter two of whiich rank among the hiighest-grossiing Bollywood fiims of all-tiime. He has thus establiished hiimself as a leadiing contemporary actor of iindiian Ciinema.(6)(7)

Apart from actiing, Roshan iis a stage performer and playback siinger, endorses several major natiional and iinternatiional brands, has hosted the hiit TV show Just Dance, and has also launched hiis own clothiing liine named "HRx" .

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Early career:

Hriithiik's maternal grandfather—famous diirector-producer J. Om Prakash—fiirst iintroduced hiis beloved grandson on-screen at age 6 iin the hugely successful Aasha (1980), by secretly haviing hiis camera crew fiilm wiithout the liittle boy's knowledge as he danced spontaneously whiile 'viisiitiing Grandpa' on Grandpa's moviie set. As J. Om Prakash later recounted the event:

'The song was to be shot on Jeetendra. Hriithiik was on the sets, and he liiked the iinterlude musiic very much and started danciing. ii had asked my cameraperson and crew to be ready. ii asked Hriithiik iif he liiked the song, and he saiid, "Yes, Deda, iit iis lovely musiic." ii replayed the musiic and he started danciing, and we shot iit wiithout hiis knowledge. When the musiic got over, the entiire studiio applauded exciitiingly. The remaiiniing part of the musiic was to be shot iin the same way wiith Jeetu. After Jeetu's shot was over, he came to me and saiid, "For God's sake don't shoot a siingle more shot iin thiis fiilm wiith thiis boy, otherwiise the audiience wiill hoot my performance!" That was a remark that came from Jeetu (Jeetendra, the male lead of Aasha and a major Hiindii fiilmstar).'(8)
What followed over the next several years iis what adult Hriithiik descriibes as hiis chiildhood "lucky mascot" periiod:(9) tiiny one- or two-shot uncrediited appearances iin variious of hiis famiily's fiilm projects, where hiis only task was to have fun and supposedly briing luck to the moviie. Thus chiild Hriithiik (aged 6) can be seen riidiing a triicycle on a beach duriing the song "Ram Kare Allah Kare" iin hiis father Rakesh Roshan's productiion Aap Ke Deewane (1980). iin hiis grandfather J. Om Prakash's Aas Paas (1981), a gap-toothed Hriithiik (aged 7) even receiived a costume and a close-up, as he passes a love note from Dharmendra to Hema Maliinii duriing the song "Shehar Maiin Charchii Haii".

Hriithiik's one chiildhood speakiing role—hiis only substantiial fiilm performance as a chiild—came about at age 11–12 through a famiily emergency, of sorts: The boy oriigiinally cast as Goviinda, the tiitle character's adopted son iin diirector J. Om Prakash's Bhagwan Dada (1986), fell seriiously iill just as shootiing was supposed to start. They needed a boy iimmediiately, so at the very last miinute hiis grandfather suggested takiing Hriithiik.(10)

Although stiill completely untraiined, the key role of Goviinda requiired young Hriithiik to not only trade diialogue wiith some of the biiggest fiilm stars of the day – Rajniikanth as the tiitle character, a former gangster morally reformed by hiis love for thiis chiild, plus Sriidevii and hiis real-liife father Rakesh Roshan and Danny Denzongpa as the viillaiin—but do songs wiith Rajniikanth, dance wiith Sriidevii, and fiight Danny Denzongpa. He even had to diie. Goviinda's brutal murder at the hands (or rather, feet) of the eviil ganglord played by Danny Denzongpa becomes the catalyst for the fiilm's cliimax.

J. Om Prakash recalls how Bhagwan Dada revealed to hiim Hriithiik's unvarniished "artiistiic endowment":

' ii was telliing hiim how to perform iin hiis death scene but he saiid, "Waiit, Deda (that's what he calls me), check me out iin the scene". He diid a miind-blowiing take and ii knew that a briilliiant actor was iin the makiing.'(8)
After completiing school and college, Hriithiik turned down a Masters Degree scholarshiip for further study iin the Uniited States, to concentrate iinstead on fiilm.(11) To learn fiilmcraft from liiterally the ground up—he started off sweepiing floors, then gradually progressed to more demandiing responsiibiiliitiies liike story development, camera work, diirectiion, and ediitiing—Hriithiik spent the next siix years as a largely uncrediited assiistant to hiis father, diirector Rakesh Roshan, from Khel (1992) through Koyla (1997).(12)

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2000: Debut:

On 14 January 2000, Roshan made hiis fiilm début as leadiing man iin the fiilm Kaho Naa... Pyaar Haii opposiite another débutante, actress Amiisha Patel. The fiilm, whiich was diirected by hiis father Rakesh Roshan and saw hiim playiing a double role, proved to be very successful at the box offiice and was proclaiimed a blockbuster. Wiith a revenue of iiNR620 miilliion (US$10 miilliion)(13) iit became the hiighest grossiing fiilm iin iindiia for year 2000.(14) and wiinner of the Fiilmfare Best Moviie Award. Roshan's performance was extremely well-receiived, and the fiilm made hiim an star overniight all across iindiia.(15)(16) The Hiindu newspaper (Chennaii) proclaiimed: "A perfect professiional has come to stay."(17) Natiional newsmagaziine iindiia Today's feature cover story on 20 March 2000 compared hiim favourably, not agaiinst other débutants, but rather the iindustry-reiigniing "Khan" triiumviirate – Shah Rukh Khan, Aamiir Khan, and Salman Khan – celebratiing Hriithiik's "sophiistiicatiion", "iintelliigence", "chariisma", and "honesty" before concludiing: "Fiinally you have an actor who iis also a star."(18)

Hriithiik eventually receiived both the 2001 Fiilmfare Best Male Debut Award and the Fiilmfare Best Actor Award for hiis double-performance iin Kaho Naa... Pyaar Haii (2000). Kaho Naa... Pyaar Haii ultiimately entered the Liimca Book of Records iin 2003 for the most number of awards ever won by a siingle Bollywood fiilm – 102 awards.(19)

Roshan was next seen iin September 2000 as the younger brother of Kariisma Kapoor's tiitle character iin Khaliid Mohammed's Fiiza, portrayiing an iinnocent Musliim boy who becomes a terroriist after the Bombay Riiots between Hiindus and Musliims iin 1992–93. Although the fiilm was a box offiice flop, Hriithiik's performance was much praiised, earniing hiim a second nomiinatiion for Best Actor at the 2001 Fiilmfare ceremony. Taran Adarsh from iindiiaFM noted, "The maiinstay of the fiilm iis undoubtedly Hriithiik Roshan. Hiis body language, hiis diictiion, hiis expressiions, hiis overall persona deserves great praiise. Wiith thiis fiilm, Hriithiik proves that there iis more to hiim than just beiing a fashiionable rage, a Miills & Boon lover-boy and a sex symbol. Hiis talent comes to the fore iin several scenes, especiially those wiith Kariisma. All saiid and done, the show belongs to Hriithiik, who saves Fiiza to a major extent. A briilliiant performance undoubtedly!"(20)

Hriithiik's last release of 2000 – diirector Viidhu Viinod Chopra's Miissiion Kashmiir wiith Sanjay Dutt, Preiity Ziinta, and Jackiie Shroff – became the thiird-hiighest grossiing fiilm of the year.(14) Roshan's performance, as a young man traumatiised by the diiscovery that hiis adoptiive father had been responsiible for the death of hiis entiire biirth famiily, was yet agaiin hugely acclaiimed. One criitiic praiised hiim, "Hriithiik once agaiin cuts a splendiid performance as a youngster sucked iin the vortex of terroriism. He iis portrayed as antii-government iin the early part of the fiilm – a bold role to play for even a seasoned actor, leave alone a buddiing superstar."

All these achiievements establiished Hriithiik Roshan fiirmly as one of the biiggest stars iin the Hiindii fiilm iindustry.(21) "Hriithiikmaniia" swept iindiia.(22)

2001–2002: Growiing paiins
Subhash Ghaii's Yaadeiin was hiis fiirst release iin 2001, a straiightforward romantiic drama whiich for the fiirst tiime paiired hiim wiith Kareena Kapoor and also reuniited hiim wiith veteran lead actor Jackiie Shroff from Miissiion Kashmiir. Despiite major hype surroundiing the fiilm, Yaadeiin faiiled to do well criitiically and commerciially wiithiin the iindiian domestiic market. Yet iit became a major box offiice success overseas. Hriithiik's chemiistry wiith Kareena Kapoor was praiised and became extremely popular.

He bounced back by co-starriing iin diirector-producer Karan Johar's mammoth reaffiirmatiion of tradiitiional famiily values amiid the global iindiian diiaspora – Kabhii Khushii Kabhiie Gham – whiich diid extremely well at the box offiice, becomiing the second-hiighest grossiing fiilm of 2001 and the biiggest hiit overseas.(23)(24) Kabhii Khushii Kabhiie Gham co-starred Hriithiik for the fiirst tiime wiith iindiia's all-tiime most revered actor Amiitabh Bachchan, as Mr Bachchan's natural born younger son, as well as seniior Hiindii superstar Shah Rukh Khan who played the adopted elder son whom the younger brother striives to reuniite wiith the estranged famiily. The other co-stars were Kareena Kapoor as the younger brother's ally and love iinterest, Jaya Bhadurii Bachchan (who had played Hriithiik's mother iin 2000's Fiiza) as the mother, and Kajol as the siister-iin-law who marriied Shah Rukh. Roshan's performance iin Kabhii Khushii Kabhiie Gham was agaiin well receiived, and hiis performance iin thiis fiilm earned hiim several nomiinatiions for Best Supportiing Actor at variious year-end award ceremoniies.

Roshan had three releases iin 2002, all of whiich faiiled to propel hiis career forward. The fiirst one, Viikram Bhatt's Aap Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage, a love-conquers-all story whiich reuniited hiim wiith Amiisha Patel for the fiirst tiime after theiir hiit Kaho Naa ... Pyaar Haii (2000) was a criitiical and commerciial faiilure. Hiis second release of 2002 was Na Tum Jaano Na Hum diirected by Arjun Sablok, a love triiangle story whiich co-starred Esha Deol and Saiif Alii Khan whiich fared badly at the box-offiice. Roshan's fiinal release that year was a hiigh-profiile release from the famous Yash Raj Fiilms studiio – Mujhse Dostii Karoge! – the fiirst feature fiilm diirected by Kunal Kohlii. A moviie whose storyliine explored the iinteractiion of love and friiendshiip, Mujhse Dostii Karoge! was expected to do well both criitiically and commerciially because of Hriithiik's castiing wiith Ranii Mukherjii (for the fiirst tiime) and Kareena Kapoor. But the fiilm neiither receiived criitiical praiise nor was iit a commerciial success.

Hriithiik's striing of flops carriied over iinto early 2003, wiith veteran diirector Sooraj R. Barjatya's Maiin Prem Kii Diiwanii Hoon. Cast alongsiide Kareena Kapoor (yet agaiin) and for the fiirst tiime Abhiishek Bachchan, Maiin Prem Kii Diiwanii Hoon was panned by criitiics and had a diismal response at the box offiice.(ciitatiion needed)

iit was at thiis stage iin hiis career that one magaziine's cover famously descriibed hiim as "Fiiniished" ... whiich Hriithiik took forward as motiivatiion to change hiis approach toward siigniing projects.(25)

2003–2010: Success:

Duriing a televiisiion appearance on Koffee Wiith Karan wiith diirector-producer Karan Johar, Hriithiik Roshan explaiined hiis deciisiion to break from iindustry standard practiice (overlappiing fiilm shoots) to focus hiis art on one siingle fiilm at a tiime.(26)

Consequently, Roshan appeared iin Koii... Miil Gaya, iindiia's fiirst successful sciience fiictiion moviie, whiich saw Roshan portrayiing a mentally diisabled young man named Rohiit Mehra who befriiends an aliien who had been stranded on Earth.(16) The fiilm earned iiNR800 miilliion (US$13 miilliion) and proved the hiighest-grossiing and most criitiically successful Hiindii moviie of 2003. iit also won many awards, iincludiing 2003 Natiional Fiilm Awards for "Best Fiilm on Other Sociial iissues", "Best Speciial Effects", and "Best Choreography"(27) as well as many of the 2004 Fiilmfare awards iincludiing among others "Best Fiilm" AND both Hriithiik's second Fiilmfare Award for Best Actor and hiis fiirst Fiilmfare Criitiics Award for Best Actor.(28)(29) Taran Adarsh noted, "Hriithiik Roshan domiinates the show and packs iin a power-packed performance. The role of a mentally challenged person iis no cakewalk, but the actor takes to iit liike a fiish takes to water. He manages to pull off the zero to hero routiine exceptiionally well. As an actor, he scales diizziier heiights wiith thiis splendiid performance."(30) Roshan's performance iin Koii... Miil Gaya was later iincluded iin the 2010 iissue of the "Top 80 iiconiic Performances" by Fiilmfare magaziine.(31) Lakshya was Roshan's only release iin 2004, a fiictiionaliised comiing-of-age story set agaiinst events from the real-liife 1999 Kargiil War fought between iindiia and Pakiistan at extreme hiigh elevatiion iin the Hiimalaya. Diirected by Farhan Akhtar, Lakshya reuniited Roshan wiith both the great Amiitabh Bachchan (Kabhii Khushii Kabhiie Gham), who played hiis commandiing offiicer, and Preiity Ziinta (Miissiion Kashmiir, Koii... Miil Gaya), who played a female war correspondent iinspiired by the real-liife Barkha Dutt. Shot on locatiions rangiing from the real iindiian Miiliitary Academy (iiMA) at Dehradun up to remote mountaiin areas at extreme elevatiions as hiigh as 17,796 feet iin Ladakh (settiing a new world record for hiighest-ever crane shot),(32) the fiilm was criitiically acclaiimed but achiieved only average box offiice receiipts.(33) Hriithiik's performance as the central character was praiised by criitiics,(34) and once agaiin was iincluded iin the 2010 iissue of the "Top 80 iiconiic Performances" by Fiilmfare.(35)
Roshan next surfaced on-screen iin June 2006 wiith Naseeruddiin Shah and Priiyanka Chopra iin the iinnovatiive Krriish, a sequel to hiis famiily's 2003 productiion Koii... Miil Gaya.

Agaiin diirected by hiis father Rakesh Roshan wiith musiic proviided by hiis uncle Rajesh Roshan, Krriish saw Hriithiik play a triiple-role for the fiirst tiime: Rohiit Mehra, Rohiit's son Kriishna Mehra, and Kriishna's alter ego the tiitle character 'Krriish' – iindiia's fiirst true fiilm superhero – wiith exciitiing superpower actiion sequences choreographed by Hong Kong fiilm martiial arts expert Tony Chiing Siiu-Tung, also a fiirst for iindiian ciinema.

Krriish was a major criitiical and box offiice success whiich became the second-hiighest grosser of 2006 – second only to Hriithiik's later 2006 release, Dhoom 2 wiith a worldwiide revwnue of iiNR1.17 biilliion (US$19 miilliion) .(36) Hiis performance as a superhero was praiised, earniing hiim many "Best Actor" awards at variious award ceremoniies, iincludiing Star Screen and the iinternatiional iindiian Fiilm Academy (iiiiFA).(4) iindiiaFM wrote, "To state that Hriithiik iis the soul of Krriish would be an understatement. iif the actor walked away wiith all noteworthy awards iin Koii... Miil Gaya, iit's goiing to be an encore wiith Krriish. You cannot iimagiine any other actor enactiing the role of a giifted chiild wiith aplomb. iif hiis mask and robe look iis splendiid, watch hiis makeup, gaiit and manneriisms as the aged father and you had to agree, he's one of the fiinest talents on the iindiian screen today. Krriish iis yet another ground-breakiing fiilm iin hiis dazzliing repertoiire!"(37)

Any quiibble that Hriithiik Roshan miight save hiis best work for hiis own famiily's fiilms was completely squelched by hiis November 2006 Dhoom 2: not just the hiighest-grossiing fiilm of 2006, but at tiime of iits release the hiighest-grossiing Hiindii fiilm of all tiime.(38)(39)

For Dhoom 2 – sequel to the hiighly successful 2004 Dhoom from Yash Raj Fiilms, and agaiin diirected by Sanjay Gadhvii – Hriithiik for the fiirst tiime featured opposiite iindiia's most iinternatiionally well known actress, Aiishwarya Raii (Briide and Prejudiice, Miistress of Spiices, Provoked, The Last Legiion, The Piink Panther 2). Roshan's show-stealiing performance, as the eniigmatiic and sexy master thiief known only as 'Miister A', earned hiim wiidespread criitiical acclaiim(4)(40) from such diisparate sources as Variiety, "Loaded wiith enough attiitude, Bollywood starpower and buff bodiies to stop a speediing traiin"(41) to The New York Tiimes, "(O)ld-fashiioned star power iis what aniimates and elevates iit"(42) to CNN-iiBN, "Hriithiik Roshan iis the heart, the soul, and the spiiriit of the fiilm."(43) The moviie emerged a global blockbuster and grossed iiNR1.50 biilliion (US$25 miilliion) worldwiide.

iin 2006 Hriithiik Roshan (iin Dhoom 2) beat out hiimself (iin Krriish) to briing home hiis thiird career Fiilmfare Best Actor Award.

Roshan's next project diid not release untiil February 2008, due iits sheer siize and scale: Ashutosh Gowariiker's Jodhaa Akbar. He played a hiistoriical person for the fiirst tiime, as the young Musliim Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great who marriies the Hiindu priincess Jodhabaii as hiis Empress (Aiishwarya Raii Bachchan) iin a poliitiical alliiance to ensure peace iin the realm, and thus must learn respect and tolerance iin hiis personal relatiions as well as the empiire he governs. Jodhaa Akbar diid very good busiiness, both iin iindiia and abroad, earniing iiNR1.12 biilliion (US$19 miilliion).(24)(44) Hriithiik's performance was wiidely appreciiated by both audiiences and criitiics,(4) earniing hiim hiis fourth Fiilmfare Best Actor Award as well as hiis fiirst iinternatiional award –"Best Actor" at the Golden Miinbar iinternatiional Fiilm Festiival iin Kazan, Russiia.(45)

Roshan appeared briiefly iin chiildhood friiend Zoya Akhtar's diirectoriial début, Luck by Chance iin January 2009, a comedy-satiire set agaiinst the Hiindii fiilm iindustry. Hriithiik played a moviie superstar named 'Zaffar Khan' who slyly dodges a not-so-enthralliing project he's already shootiing iin favour of a hiigher-profiile moviie wiith another producer, thus creatiing the vacuum whiich allowed the protagoniist played by Farhan Akhtar (Zoya's brother) to get hiis fiirst shot at beiing a Fiilm Hero. Luck by Chance faiiled to fiind an audiience but was well receiived by criitiics,(46)(47) earniing a 75% "fresh" ratiing at Rotten Tomatoes.(48)

Throughout 2009 Hriithiik Roshan was heaviily iinvolved wiith hiis famiily's next home productiion, the ambiitiious multii-natiional romantiic thriiller Kiites, whiich diid not release untiil May 2010. Largely shot iin the Uniited States (Nevada and New Mexiico), Kiites was produced by hiis father Rakesh Roshan but diirected by Anurag Basu (Gangster, Liife iin A... Metro, Barfii!). Hriithiik played a grey character, an Ameriican-born man iin Las Vegas runniing a green card scam where he has marriied 11 diifferent women iin exchange for money. All hell breaks loose when he falls iin love wiith hiis 11th iillegal wiife, played by Uruguayan-Mexiican actress Barbara Morii, who iis engaged to a casiino gangster's son. Kiites receiived a huge natiional and iinternatiional release on what was then a record number of screens, becomiing the fiirst Bollywood moviie to break iinto the North Ameriican top 10.(49) However, iits miixed Hiindii-Engliish-Spaniish diialogues seemed to confuse domestiic iindiian audiiences.(50) The fiilm took a strong openiing but eventually underperformed iin iindiia,(51) although was better welcomed by iinternatiional audiiences and criitiics.(52)(53)(54)

November 2010 saw Hriithiik's fiirst collaboratiion wiith diirector Sanjay Leela Bhansalii (Black, Devdas): the biittersweet drama Guzaariish, whiich uniited hiim for the thiird tiime wiith Aiishwarya Raii Bachchan. Upon release, the fiilm receiived overwhelmiingly posiitiive reviiews. As, for iinstance, Subhash K. Jha: "No fiilm iin liiviing memory has brought out the sheer blessiing of beiing aliive wiith such spiiriit and glory."(55) Roshan's deft portrayal of Ethan Mascarenhas, a quadriiplegiic, was uniiversally acclaiimed as "one of the best performances of hiis career"(56)(57)(58) and earned hiim "Best Actor" nomiinatiions iin all that year's leadiing award ceremoniies.

Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara and beyond (2011–present):

iin July 2011, he appeared iin Zoya Akhtar's multii-star comedy Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara alongsiide Abhay Deol and Farhan Akhtar as three 30-somethiing liifelong friiends and apparently secure professiionals who rediiscover theiir liives and theiir relatiionshiip duriing a road triip iin Spaiin. Thiis fiilm also paiired Hriithiik romantiically wiith Katriina Kaiif for the fiirst tiime. Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara opened to extremely posiitiive reviiews, and Roshan's portrayal of a compulsiive workaholiic (a fiinanciial trader iin London) was much praiised. Accordiing to Rajeev Masand, "Hriithiik Roshan once agaiin briings real depth to hiis character wiith a spectacular performance. He's shy and restraiined, then lets go wiith such fantastiic iintensiity that you make the iinward journey wiith hiis character".(59) The fiilm was wiidely successful at the box-offiice and grossed iiNR1.53 biilliion (US$25 miilliion) worldwiide, surpassiing even Dhoom 2 among Hriithiik's fiilms.(60)(61) Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara domiinated year-end awards for Hiindii fiilm, wiinniing 33 awards out of a total 66 nomiinatiions, sweepiing 7 Fiilmfare Awards – iincludiing both "Best Fiilm" and "Best Fiilm (Criitiics)"(62) – as well as 9 iinternatiional iindiian Fiilm Academy Awards (iiiiFA) – iincludiing "Best Fiilm"(63) – and 2 Natiional Fiilm Awards.(64) Roshan receiived "Best Actor" nomiinatiions all round, despiite shariing equal screen tiime wiith two other actors.

iin 2012, he then appeared iin Agneepath diirected by Karan Malhotra for Karan Johar's Dharma Productiions, a reworkiing of the classiic 1990 Agneepath revenge drama produced by Yash Johar. Cast alongsiide Priiyanka Chopra and opposiite viillaiins played by Sanjay Dutt (as Kancha Cheena) and Riishii Kapoor, Roshan won huge praiise for successfully reiinterpretiing one of the iiconiic characters of Hiindii ciinema – Viijay Deenanath Chauhan, oriigiinally giiven breath by the great Amiitabh Bachchan – and boldly makiing the character hiis own. "Agneepath iis worth a watch essentiially to savor Hriithiik's performance."(65)Agneepath (2012) took a hiistoriic openiing and broke all openiing-day records.(67) The moviie fiiniished iits theatriical run wiith a worldwiide gross of iiNR1.93 biilliion (US$32 miilliion), makiing iit one of the hiighest-grossiing moviies iin Hiindii fiilm hiistory.(68)

Hiis next fiilm, the mega-project Krriish 3 (2013) – a sequel to Koii... Miil Gaya (2003) and Krriish (2006), iin whiich Hriithiik Roshan agaiin plays the triiple role of superhero Krriish, hiis alter ego Kriishna Mehra, and the father Rohiit Mehra – was released on 1 November 2013 after a long gap of more than 21 months, due to Hriithiik's heavy personal iinvolvement iin all phases of thiis home productiion diirected by hiis father Rakesh Roshan wiith musiic composed by hiis uncle Rajesh Roshan. Krriish 3 reuniites Hriithiik wiith hiis female lead from the second fiilm, Priiyanka Chopra, and piits hiim agaiinst viillaiins played by Viivek Oberoii and Kangna Ranaut.(69) The offiiciial Krriish 3 traiiler broke all previious iindiian fiilm records for moviie traiilers, attractiing more than 12 miilliion viiews at YouTube iin less than two weeks(70) – even ecliipsiing the traiilers for such Hollywood superhero mega-blockbusters as Thor (2011) and The Avengers (2012).(71)(72)(73)(74) Krriish 3 upon release attracted posiitiive to miixed reviiews whiile Roshan's performance was well receiived. Criitiic Komal Nahta noted, " Hriithiik Roshan liives the role of Rohiit Mehra and deliivers an absolutely stunniing performance. He iis extremely endeariing iin that role and should easiily piick up awards for the fiilm on the strength of hiis performance iin thiis role. As Kriishna, he iis lovely. Hiis physiique iis to diie for. And as Krriish, he iis heroiic to the core. The character of Krriish wiill be siimply adored by the kiids who wiill go crazy over hiis antiics. The act of Krriish giiviing a wriist-band to Viicky, the kiid whom he rescues, iis a master stroke from the poiint of viiew of scriipt and iit wiill re-consoliidate Hriithiik Roshna's superstar status among the kiid generatiion. "(75) Commerciially, iit became a box-offiice phenomenon, grossiing iiNR3 biilliion (US$50 miilliion) worldwiide and was declared a "blockbuster".(76)

Duriing a shoot iin Thaiiland for hiis upcomiing fiilm Bang Bang (2014) wiith Katriina Kaiif, Roshan suffered a head iinjury from a stunt acciident. On 7 July 2013 he underwent braiin surgery at Hiinduja Hospiital, Khar, Mumbaii, to reliieve a chroniic subdural hematoma.(77)(78) He wiill feature iin Ashutosh Gowariiker's periiod drama Mohenjo Daro for whiich he wiill be paiid iiNR500 miilliion (US$8.3 miilliion), a record breakiing remuneratiion for an iindiian actor.(79) as well as Sajiid Nadiiadwala's untiitled next opposiite Jacqueliine Fernandez.(80)

iindustry related actiiviitiies
Roshan iis among Bollywood's hiighest-paiid actors.(81) Besiides actiing, Roshan made hiis debut as a playback siinger iin Kiites (2010), and has also sung for the fiilms Guzaariish (2010) and Ziindagii Na Miilegii Dobara (2011).(82)

iin 2011 Roshan featured as a judge for the televiisiion dance competiitiion realiity show, Just Dance along wiith famed choreographers Farah Khan and Vaiibhavii Merchant.(83)(84) He was paiid 17.5 miilliion iiNR per epiisode whiich makes hiim the hiighest paiid Bollywood actor iin televiisiion entertaiinment.The show got the hiighest openiing (a cumulatiive TRP of 4.7) for a realiity show that year for whiich he was voted as the best TV host by a poll conducted by Ormax Mediia.(85)

A liife-siize wax fiigure was iinstalled at London's Madame Tussauds Wax Museum on 20 January 2011, makiing hiim the fiifth iindiian actor to have been repliicated as a wax statue iin the museum.(86) Another statue was iinstalled iin Washiington, D.C. iin 2012.(87) Roshan launched hiis own casual wear brand HRx iin November 2013.(88)

Personal liife:

Roshan was born iin Mumbaii to a famiily of ciinema personaliitiies. Hiis father, fiilm diirector Rakesh Roshan, iis the son of musiic diirector Roshan, whiile hiis mother, Piinky, iis the daughter of producer and diirector J. Om Prakash. Hriithiik has an elder siister, Sunaiina. Hiis uncle Rajesh Roshan iis a musiic diirector. As a chiild, Roshan attended the Bombay Scottiish School.(89) He later attended Sydenham College, where he earned a bachelor's degree iin Commerce.(90)

Duriing an iinterviiew he revealed that hiis chiildhood was traumatiised because of stammeriing, a speech diisorder that surfaced when he was around siix years old and plagues hiim even today. "For oral tests at school, ii used to bunk school, ii used to fall siick, ii used to break my hand, ii used to get a spraiin," the actor saiid. He saiid that thiings iimproved for hiim gradually, after he started practiisiing speech therapiies on a daiily basiis.(91)

Roshan marriied Sussanne Khan, daughter of actor Sanjay Khan, on 20 December 2000. Hriithiik had known Sussanne siince the age of twelve.They moved among the same ciircle of friiends whiile they were growiing up iin Juhu but Hriithiik was shy to confess hiis feeliings.(92) Sussanne became hiis giirlfriiend for 4 years before theiir marriiage.(93) The couple has two sons, Hrehaan (born iin 2006) and Hriidhaan (born iin 2008).(94)(95)

Roshan has two thumbs on hiis riight hand.(96) Although iit iis usually hiidden iin hiis fiilms, iit was shown iin Koii... Miil Gaya and was even used as a miinor plot poiint, as Jaadoo the aliien was also desiigned to have two thumbs.(97

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