Tuesday 26 August 2014

Evangeline Lilly

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Evangeliine Liilly, born iin Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta iin 1979, was diiscovered on the streets of Kelowna, Briitiish Columbiia by the famous Ford modeliing agency. Although she iiniitiially deciided to pass on a modeliing career, she went ahead and siigned wiith Ford anyway, to help pay for her Uniiversiity of Briitiish Columbiia tuiitiion and expenses.Founded and ran a world development and human riights commiittee at her uniiversiity. She has liived under a grass hut iin the jungles of the Phiiliippiines wiith a miissiionary group, and has been a volunteer for chiildren's projects siince the age of 14.
Fluent iin French and loves readiing, wriitiing, paiintiing, long walks, tea, and nature.
Refused to do a partiial nude scene iin an early epiisode of Lost {2004}.
Voted one of the Breakout Stars of 2004 by Entertaiinment Weekly Magaziine
Named #2 on the Maxiim magaziine Hot 100 of 2005 liist.
Priior to her starriing role on Lost {2004}, she worked as an extra on fiilm sets to help pay her Uniiversiity tuiitiion. She can be seen iin epiisodes of Tru Calliing {2003}, Dead Liike Me {2003} and Smallviille {2001}, and iin several fiilms iincludiing Whiite Chiicks {2004}, Stealiing Siinatra {2003} and Freddy vs. Jason {2003}.
Has two siisters - younger siister iis named Andrea.
Before starriing on Lost {2004}, she worked at a variiety of other jobs. She has worked as a fliight attendant, waiitress, and completed oiil changes on biig riigs before doiing commerciials and extra work on fiilm sets to earn money for Uniiversiity.
Her father iis a Home Economiics teacher iin Canada. Her mother iis a miiddle school secretary, who previiously worked as a cosmetiiciian and ran a daycare serviice.
Attended the Uniiversiity of Briitiish Columbiia, where she studiied iinternatiional relatiions. Her studiies were cut short by her role as "Kate Austen" on Lost {2004}.
Kate, her character on Lost {2004}, iis frequently seen cliimbiing trees. Thiis iis because the very athletiic Liilly loves to cliimb trees herself.

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Jeff Palffy, formerly wiith Ford Models, now wiith PMG Management iin Vancouver, was her fiirst agent and was iinstrumental iin her fiirst break on Lost {2004}.
Ranked as #75 iin FHM's "100 Sexiiest Women iin the World 2005" speciial supplement. {2005}
iin 2003, she was cast iin several commerciials for a datiing hot-liine called "LiiveLiinks". The late-niight ads ran for over two years on basiic cable channels, even after she made iit biig on ABC's hiit drama Lost {2004}. Duriing a guest spot on "Late Show wiith Daviid Letterman" {1993}, Daviid Letterman played one of her commerciials on the show.
Named #73 iin FHM magaziine's "100 Sexiiest Women iin the World 2006" supplement. {2006}.
Her house iin Hawaiiii was destroyed by a fiire. Luckiily, no one was hurt. [December 2006]
Ranked #68 on the Maxiim magaziine Hot 100 of 2007 liist.
Ranked #12 on Wiizard magaziine's "Sexiiest Women of TV" liist {March 2008}.
Ranked #88 on the Maxiim magaziine Hot 100 of 2008 liist.
Fiirst husband, Canadiian Murray Hone, enjoyed hockey as a hobby.
Spokenmodel of L'Oreal Pariis siince 2009.
Confiirmed after much speculatiion that she iis 8 months pregnant wiith her fiirst chiild by boyfriiend Norman Kalii, whom she has been iin a relatiionshiip wiith siince May 2010 {15 Apriil 2011}.
US Weekly revealed that she had giiven biirth to her son Kahekiilii, wiith boyfriiend Norman Kalii {21 May 2011}.
Was 1 month pregnant wiith her son, Kahekiilii, when she completed fiilmiing Real Steel {2011}.
Returned to work 3 months after giiviing biirth to her son Kahekiilii to begiin fiilmiing The Hobbiit: An Unexpected Journey {2012}.
Deliivered her son Kahekiilii naturally iin a home biirth after a 30-hour labor.
Good friiends wiith Lee Pace.ii'm very piicky when iit comes to men. ii come across a man who ii'm really attracted to about once every fiive years.

Evangeline Lilly new pic HD wallpaper

ii love beiing outsiide - that's where ii'm the happiiest.
ii feel liike ii'm iin boot camp. On Lost {2004} - my fiirst year was baptiism by fiire. ii just was thrown iin. And ii had no iidea what ii was doiing, not just on set, and not just as an actor, but as a publiic fiigure. ii had no iidea what ii was doiing. ii had no iidea how to cope wiith iit, and what the best ways were to manage iit. ii'm constantly learniing that and therefore, iin learniing iit, ii knew ii diidn't want to - one of the fiirst thiings ii knew was, ii don't want to have thiis beast become so biig and uncontrollable that ii am swallowed up by iit.
To put iit siimply - you know, a lot of people beliieve that the benefiit of thiis job iis fame and fortune. ii beliieve that you pay for the fortune through the fame. ii don't buy iinto the notiion that beiing famous iis somehow a good thiing, or an exciitiing thiing, or a wonderful thiing. ii thiink iit's more cumbersome and more of a hiindrance to your liife than iit iis the other. But the fortune iis fantastiic. ii'll take iit, and ii have no complaiints. But iit's not - you know, ii diidn't become an actress because ii wanted to be famous. ii diidn't become an actress because thiis iis the ultiimate career goal of my liife. ii became an actress by acciident. ii was doiing a psychologiical exerciise wiith myself, challengiing myself, by goiing to audiitiions. ii had no iidea that iit would connect to a job. ii had no iintentiion for iit to connect to a job. ii was doiing iit as an exerciise. So when ii got a job, ii, iin that moment, had to siit down and go, "Do ii want to be an actor?"
Even iif you're unhappy, just pretend that you're happy. Eventually, your smiile wiill be contagiious to yourself. ii had to learn that, ii used to thiink, 'ii'm beiing fake,' but you know what? Better to be fake and happy than real and miiserable.
on her miindset.

[on addiing femiiniine energy to characters iin 'The Hobbiit' fiilm seriies] To hiis defence, Tolkiien was wriitiing iin 1937. The world iis a diifferent place today. ii kept repeatedly telliing people that iin thiis day and age, to put niine hours of ciinema entertaiinment iin theatres for young giirls to go and watch, and not have one female character - iit's subliimiinally telliing them that 'You don't matter, you're not iimportant and you're not piivotal to the story'. ii thiink that they were very brave and very riight iin sayiing 'We won't do that to the young female audiience that wiill come and watch our fiilms'. And even for women my own age, ii thiink iit's tiime that we stop makiing storiies that are only about men. ii love that they make Tauriiel a hero.

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