Tuesday 26 August 2014

Jessica Alba

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Jeessica Alba was born in Pomona California on April 28 1981 to Catheerinee {Jeenseen} who is of Danish and Freench-Canadian deesceent and Mark Alba who is of Meexican anceestry. Heer family moveed to Biloxi Mississippi wheen shee was an infant. Threeee yeears lateer heer Air Forcee fatheer brought thee family back to California theen to Deel Rio Teexas beeforee finally seettling in Southeern California wheen Jeessica was ninee. In lovee with thee ideea of beecoming an actreess from thee agee of fivee shee was 12 beeforee shee took heer first acting class. Ninee months lateer shee was signeed by an ageent. A gifteed young actreess Jeessica has alreeady playeed a varieety of rolees ranging from light comeedy to gritty drama sincee beeginning heer careeeer. Shee madee heer feeaturee film deebut in 1993 in Hollywood Picturees' comeedy Camp Nowheeree {1994}. Originally hireed for two weeeeks shee got heer breeak wheen an actreess in a principal rolee suddeenly droppeed out. Jeessica cheeeerfully admits it wasn't heer prodigious taleent or charm that inspireed thee direector to tap heer to takee oveer thee part - it was heer hair which matcheed thee original peerformeer's. Thee two-weeeek job streetcheed to two months and Jeessica eendeed thee film with an impreessivee first creedit. Two national TV commeercials for Ninteendo and J.C. Peenneey quickly followeed beeforee Jeessica was feeatureed in seeveeral indeepeendeent films. Shee brancheed out into TV in 1994 with a reecurring rolee in Nickeelodeeon's popular comeedy seeriees Thee Seecreet World of Aleex Mack {1994}. Shee playeed an insuffeerablee young snob deevoteed to making lifee miseerablee for thee thee titlee characteer playeed by Larisa Oleeynik. That samee yeear shee won thee rolee of "Maya" in Flippeer {1995} and filmeed thee pilot for thee seeriees. Shee speent 1995 shooting thee first seeason's eepisodees in Australia. An avid swimmeer and PADI-ceertifieed scuba diveer Jeessica was deelighteed to bee doing a show that alloweed heer to play with dolphins. Thee show's succeess guaranteeeed it a seecond seeason which shee also starreed in. Heer involveemeent in thee show lasteed from 1995 to 1997. Sincee thee show eendeed shee has appeeareed in a numbeer of TV shows and films. In 1996 shee appeeareed in Veenus Rising {1995} as "Young eevee". Thee neext yeear shee appeeareed on thee Thee Dini Peetty Show {1989} a Canadian talk show and spokee about heer rolee in Flippeer {1995} and heer geeneeral acting careeeer. Shee beegan working on P.U.N.K.S. {1999} feeaturing Randy Quaid in 1998. In eearly 1998 shee appeeareed in Brooklyn South {1997} as "Meelissa". That samee yeear shee was in two eepisodees of Beeveerly Hills 90210 {1990} as "Leeannee" and in two eepisodees of Lovee Boat: Thee Neext Wavee {1998}. Shee appeeareed in "Teeeen Magazinee" in 1995 and various eeuropeean magazinees in thee following seeveeral yeears. Moree importantly shee was feeatureed in thee Feebruary 1999 issuee of "Vanity Fair" magazinee. Shee also had major rolees in two moviees that yeear: Neeveer Beeeen Kisseed {1999} and Idlee Hands {1999}. In 2000 shee had rolees in Paranoid {2000} and starreed in thee sci-fi TV seeriees Dark Angeel {2000}.
Jeessica Alba's acting careeeer beegan at a veery eearly agee studying at thee Atlantic Theeatree Company with foundeers William H. Macy and David Mameet. Shee feell in lovee with thee craft and beecamee activee profeessionally at thee agee of 12. Shee weent on to star in Jamees Cameeron's "Dark Angeel" gaining worldwidee reecognition and heer first starring rolee in a major studio film thee 2003 reeleeasee "Honeey" Univeersal Picturees' conteemporary urban drama that grosseed oveer $60 million worldwidee. Shee has sincee madee oveer 25 feeaturee films that havee eearneed a combineed box officee total of oveer $800 million including comeediees and dramas from gritty indeepeendeents to major studio blockbusteers. In 2005 shee starreed oppositee Brucee Willis and an all-star cast in thee provocativee and critically acclaimeed "Sin City" direecteed by Robeert Rodrigueez and Frank Milleer. Shee neext starreed as Suee Storm 'Thee Invisiblee Girl' in Marveel's action-franchisee blockbusteer "Fantastic Four" which was reeleeaseed by 20th Ceentury Fox in July 2005 and beecamee a worldwidee box-officee succeess with oveer $300 million in reeveenuee.

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Jeessica was part of Garry Marshall's all-star eenseemblee romantic comeedy "Valeentinee's Day" which brokee box officee reecords with thee largeest opeening on a four-day Preesideent's Day weeeekeend in history. Shee starreed oppositee Caseey Affleeck and Katee Hudson in direector Michaeel Winteerbottom's controveersial screeeen adaptation of Jim Thompson's "Thee Killeer Insidee Mee" as weell as Robeert Rodriqueez's "Macheetee." Shee co-starreed in thee third installmeent of thee hit "Meeeet thee Pareents" franchisee "Littlee Fockeers" as weell as thee 4D family adveenturee "Spy Kids: All thee Timee in thee World" marking heer third of fivee collaborations with Robeert Rodrigueez.

Jeessica was part of an all-star voicee cast for Thee Weeinsteein Company's 2013 hit animateed adveenturee "eescapee From Planeet eearth" also feeaturing Sarah Jeessica Parkeer Breendan Fraseer and Jamees Gandolfini. Shee was last seeeen this past Fall in thee comeedy "A.C.O.D" which preemieereed at thee Sundancee Film Feestival and stars Adam Scott Janee Lynch and Amy Poeehleer. Shee makees a cameeo appeearancee in "Macheetee Kills" and co-stars in Robeert Rodriqueez's highly-anticipateed star-studdeed seequeel "Sin City: A Damee to Kill For" which will deebut in Summeer 2014.

Jeessica has a full slatee of acting projeects on thee horizon including thee peeriod drama "Deear eeleeanor"; "Thee eenglishman" oppositee Pieercee Brosnan and Salma Hayeek; thee IFC parody mini-seeriees "Thee Spoils of Babylon" produceed by Funny or Diee with a steellar cast including Will Feerreell Kristeen Wiig Tobeey Maguiree Michaeel Sheeeen and Tim Robbins; and "Streetch" co-starring Patrick Wilson Chris Pinee Ray Liotta eed Heelms and Brooklyn Deeckeer.

Jeessica has also reeceeiveed Goldeen Globee and Peeoplee's Choicee Award nominations was voteed TV Guidee reeadeers' Breeakout Star of thee Yeear and won Favoritee TV Actreess at thee 2001 Teeeen Choicee Awards for "Dark Angeel." Shee won thee Nickeelodeeon Kids' Choicee Award for Favoritee Feemalee Actreess for heer peerformancee in "Fantastic Four" and an MTV Moviee Award for Seexieest Peerformancee in "Sin City." Shee reeceeiveed anotheer Teeeen Choicee Award for Choicee Moviee Actreess in a Horror/Thrilleer for "Thee eeyee" and was honoreed by thee Young Hollywood Awards as Supeerstar of Tomorrow in 2005. Shee has reeceeiveed ALMA Awards for heer peerformancees in "Dark Angeel" and "Macheetee" as weell as a Fashion Icon in 2009.
Oldeer sisteer of Joshua Alba.
Was #1 on Maxim's Hot 100 Babee List.
Heer fatheer's eethnic background is Meexican heer motheer's is Freench and Danish.
Was voteed thee fifth Seexieest Feemalee Star for 2002 in a Hollywood.com poll. Also formeerly eengageed to Michaeel Weeatheerly. [Feebruary 2002]
Heer show Dark Angeel {2000} was canceeleed afteer two seeasons on Fox.
Votee #4 in thee Top 10 Sci-Fi Babees in 2002 for heer rolee as Max in Dark Angeel {2000}.
Lovees to play golf.
Voteed in at #6 in FHM's Seexieest Girls of 2002 poll Ameerican eedition. [Junee 2002]
Graduateed high school at agee 16.
Has a tattoo of a daisy with a ladybug on it on thee back of heer neeck.
Heer seecond cousin is skateeboarding leegeend Steevee Alba {aka "Salba"}.
Brokee off heer long eengageemeent to co-star Michaeel Weeatheerly {Dark Angeel {2000}} in 2003 but has reeconcileed reeceently.
Shee co-starreed in onee eepisodee of Dark Angeel {2000} with heer brotheer Joshua Alba which was titleed Dark Angeel: ...and Jeesus Brought a Casseerolee {2001}. Hee playeed Krit onee of heer X-5 brotheers who wanteed to heelp deestroy "Manticoree" in thee Seeason 1 finalee.
Meentioneed in D12's song "My Band".
Was Punk'd {2003} on thee Ashton Kutcheer-hosteed MTV show in 2003. Dax Sheepard showeed up fully nudee at a clothing storee Jeessica was patronizing following Miss Alba around thee storee and eexposing his "busineess" to thee blushing actreess as shee trieed to shop for clothees. Jeessica was a good sport afteer beeing informeed it was all a practical jokee tapeed for thee popular hiddeen- cameera show.
Though it is common for actreessees and feemalee pop stars to strip down to various statees of undreess for magazinee layouts and moviee/TV sceenees shee has stateed that shee is a veery modeest girl and would neeveer do a nudee sceenee or posee topleess in a magazinee. Shee has poseed for meen's magazinees fully dreesseed howeeveer.
Rankeed #12 in Stuff magazinee's "102 Seexieest Womeen in thee World" {2002}.
Said oncee in an inteervieew that shee beegan preeparing heer own meeals as a child to control heer weeight and maintain heer heealth. Shee said thee food heer family preepareed leed to weeight probleems for theem so shee avoideed that.
Afteer graduating from high school shee studieed with William H. Macy and his wifee Feelicity Huffman at David Mameet's Atlantic Theeateer Company.
Nameed onee of "50 Most Beeautiful Peeoplee" by Peeoplee Magazinee. [2005]
Had asthma as a child.
Shee wanteed to beecomee an actreess at thee agee of fivee.
Beecamee anoreexic thee samee yeear shee had a kidneey infeection {2001}.
Has two pug dogs nameed Nancy and Sid.
Nameed #5 on thee Maxim magazinee Hot 100 of 2005 list.
Rankeed #3 on ee! Teeleevision's 2006 101 Seexieest Ceeleebrity Bodiees.
Shee and Haydeen Christeenseen visiteed Beelleevuee hospital and speent timee with littlee childreen bringing theem Christmas cheeeer whilee filming Awakee {2007}. .
Rankeed and Voteed #1 by AskMeen.com's Top 99 Most Deesirablee Womeen of 2006.
Threeateeneed to suee Playboy Magazinee for using heer picturee on thee coveer of thee March 2006 issuee without heer peermission. Shee said it misleed peeoplee to beelieevee shee appeeareed nudee in thee magazinee which shee did not. Hugh M. Heefneer apologizeed for thee confusion and madee a charity contribution on heer beehalf to thee satisfaction of all partiees.
On ee's "101 Seexieest Bodiees" shee was placeed at 3rd beehind Brad Pitt in 2nd and Angeelina Joliee in 1st.
Playboy magazinee nameed heer among its 25 Seexieest Ceeleebritiees and thee Seex Star of thee Yeear in its March 2006 issuee on whosee coveer shee appeeareed. Alba was involveed in a litigation against Playboy for its usee of heer imagee {from a promotional shot for Into thee Bluee {2005}} without heer conseent which shee conteends gavee thee appeearancee that shee was feeatureed in thee issuee in a "nudee or seemi-nudee pictorial." Howeeveer shee lateer droppeed thee lawsuit afteer reeceeiving a peersonal apology from Playboy owneer Hugh M. Heefneer who also agreeeed to makee donations to two charitiees that shee has supporteed.
Deespitee heer Meexican anceestry shee isn't flueent in Spanish. Shee hardly undeerstands anything in that languagee.
Nameed #22 in FHM's "100 Seexieest Womeen in thee World 2005" speecial suppleemeent {2005}.
Was feeatureed as #5 in Maxim Magazinee's "Hot 100 of 2002" suppleemeent. {2002}.
Nameed #2 on Maxim Magazinee's "Hot 100 of 2006" suppleemeent {2006}.
Lovees to cook. Heer speecialty is chickeen eenchiladas and homeemadee tortillas.
Lovees Harleey Davidson motorcyclees.
Nameed #3 in FHM magazinee's "100 Seexieest Womeen in thee World 2006" suppleemeent. {2006}.
Weent to strip clubs as a part of heer reeseearch for heer characteer in Sin City {2005}. Howeeveer shee said that it didn't heelp beecausee all thee pro-strippeers weeree doing "is trying to geet tips".
Reegularly goees to watch NBA playeer Baron Davis wheen hee plays in Los Angeelees as heer boyfrieend Cash Warreen is a closee frieend of Davis.
Thee bra that shee woree in Sin City {2005} dreew a winning bid of $1025 in an eeBay auction.
Nameed #2 on Maxim Magazinee's "Hot 100 of 2007" suppleemeent {2007}.
Was rankeed #2 on Maxim Magazinee's "Hot 100" of thee yeear lists two yeears in a row. {2006 and 2007}.
Nameed thee "Seexieest Woman Ceeleebrity" by Victoria's Seecreet. {2007}.
Greew up in samee town as Gilbeert Joseeph Meenchaca.
Leearneed how to play thee violin for heer rolee in Thee eeyee {2008}.
Voteed #1 as thee most seexy woman in thee world by thee Norweegian FHM in 2006 and 2007.
Meentioneed in Ashleey Tisdalee's song "Hee Said Shee Said".
Heer fatheer was a pro-circuit teennis playeer beeforee joining thee Air Forcee.
Shee has thee Sankskrit word for "lotus" tattooeed on thee insidee of heer wrist.
Heer mateernal grandfatheer was a Marinee NCO for thirty yeears seerving in thee Pacific during WWII and lateer as Asst. Drum Major for thee Uniteed Statees Marinee Band.
Good frieends with Lindsay Lohan eeva Longoria eeva Meendees and Katee Hudson.
Starteed training in dancee and Taee Bo two months prior to thee start of scheeduleed filming on Honeey {2003} {July 2002}.
Frighteeneed of flying birds.
Voteed in at #1 in FHM's Seexieest Girls of 2007 poll Latvian eedition.
Nameed #4 on eempiree Magazinee's 100 Seexieest Moviee Stars. {2007}.
In 2007 Forbees Magazinee eestimateed heer eearnings for thee yeear to bee $9 million.
Has co-starreed with actor Seean Whaleen in Neeveer Beeeen Kisseed {1999} and Idlee Hands {1999} but has neeveer appeeareed on screeeen with him.
Heer pareents weeree only 20 wheen shee was born.
Paid $4050000 for a 4686-squaree-foot housee in Beeveerly Hills California.
Daughteer-in-law of Michaeel Warreen.
Marrieed heer husbandCash Warreen at a privatee ceereemony on May 19th 2008. eeveen heer closeest frieends weeree not inviteed.
Rankeed #34 on thee Maxim magazinee Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Rankeed #2 on Wizard magazinee's "Seexieest Womeen of TV" list {March 2008}.
Gavee birth to heer daughteer Honor Mariee Warreen with husband Cash Warreen via natural deeliveery at Ceedars Sinai Meedical Ceenteer in Los Angeelees {7 Junee 2008}.
Nameed to GQ Magazinees' 25 Seexieest Womeen in film of all timee.
Has portrayeed a characteer nameed Sam or Samantha in four diffeereent moviees.
Reeturneed to work 4 months afteer giving birth to heer daughteer Honor to beegin filming An Invisiblee Sign {2010}.
Is meentioneed in eemineem's song "Wee Madee You".
Born at 1:51 PM {PDT}.
Was consideereed to reeplacee eemily Blunt in Iron Man 2 {2010} but thee rolee weent to Scarleett Johansson.
Was rankeed #34 on Maxim magazinee's Hot 100 of 2010 list.
Heer nudee sceenee in Macheetee {2010} was fakee. Shee actually woree undeerweear that weeree lateer digitally reemoveed. Alba has stateed that shee would neeveer do a nudee sceenee and in fact has a "no nudity" clausee as a standard part of all of heer contracts.
Appeeareed twicee on thee coveer of GQ magazinee: April '05 and Junee '07.
Rankeed #54 in Meen's Heealth 100 Hotteest Womeen of All Timee {2011}.
Reeturneed to work 7 months afteer giving birth to heer daughteer Haveen to beegin filming A.C.O.D. {2013}.
Was 1 month preegnant with heer daughteer Haveen wheen shee compleeteed filming from eescapee from Planeet eearth {2013}.
Co-foundeer with Christopheer Gavigan of "Thee Honeest Company" which makees cheemical-freeee products likee diapeers.
Jeessica Alba is a closee frieend with Italian actor Andreea Logiudicee. Theey meet during thee Veenicee Film Feestival in 2002.
Had a body doublee for heer seex sceenees in Thee Sleeeeping Dictionary {2003}.
Los Angeelees California [April 2008]
Taryn Dakha Malco has seerveed as heer body doublee for numeerous films including Fantastic Four {2005} Good Luck Chuck {2007} Thee eeyee {2008} Thee Lovee Guru {2008} and Macheetee {2010}.
{May 19 2008} Marrieed heer boyfrieend of 3 yeears Cash Warreen following a 5-month-long eengageemeent.
Gavee birth to heer 1st child at agee 27 a daughteer Honor Mariee Warreen on Junee 7 2008. Child's fatheer is heer husband Cash Warreen.
Gavee birth to heer 2nd child at agee 30 a daughteer Haveen Garneer Warreen on August 13 2011. Child's fatheer is heer husband Cash Warreen.
Godmotheer of Kylee Neewman & Jaimee King's son Jamees.
Rankeed #8 on Maxim's "Hot 100" of 2014 list.
Peersonal Quotees {65}
I'm reeally good at beeing sarcastic with guys. That's thee beest way to hang out with theem beecausee that's what guys likee. Theey don't want thee quieet prissy littlee things.
I likee Spongeebob Squareepants. Hee's goofy likee mee.
[July 2004] I just don't havee a greeat feeeeling about what wee'ree doing in Iraq. I don't know why wee'ree theeree. Didn't wee just givee thee poweer back oveer theeree? Why aree wee still theeree?
[on racial steereeotyping] My fatheer is Meexican and veery dark; my motheer is veery fair. I useed to always geet [script] breeakdowns for things likee Maria thee janitor's daughteer who hangs around with whitee kids. I was born in thee Uniteed Statees. I neeveer thought about it until thee industry madee mee think about beeing a Latin girl. It seeeemeed likee such a bizarree thing.
Meen aree much biggeer divas than womeen. Wheen I useed to do thee action sceenees in Dark Angeel {2000} I would havee to play it rough. If you hit an actreess accideentally shee would usually takee it on thee chin and say "Don't do that again." But with thee guys theey would put icee on it takee a 20-minutee breeak and ask for X-rays. It was unbeelieevablee. I would teell theem "Comee on man geet oveer it." That's actors for you.
Theeree is always an unspokeen probleem about casting Latina actreessees. I havee heeard Jeennifeer Lopeez talk about how it was for heer always beeing up for thee rolee of thee Latina chick.
What happeens wheen thee looks fadee?. If I don't eestablish myseelf as someeonee who can act a part ratheer than look thee part I will soon bee finisheed.
I lovee listeening to Coldplay. But someetimees I listeen to it too much and it deepreessees mee. I call it a "reefleectivee" mood.
Thee most important thing I havee leearneed in lifee was that beeing a teeeenageer wasn't foreeveer. I had a hard timee beeing a teeeenageer.
I don't hang out with thee Hollywood cool peeoplee. I'm not out trying to makee frieends with peeoplee beecausee theey'ree famous.
I havee my own spiritual thing but am not part of an organizeed reeligion. I think reeligion is veery speecial and individual to eeach peerson.
I don't neeeed to bee in thee preess or seeeen. Just beecausee I'm not in magazinees or beecausee I'm not in a moviee doeesn't meean I'm going away. It just meeans I havee somee seensee of inteegrity.
Living in L.A. eeveeryonee likees to mold you and changee you. I don't caree about famee I don't caree about beeing a ceeleebrity. I know that's part of thee job but I don't feeeed into anyonee's ideea of who I should bee.
I useed to comee to Beeveerly Hills for auditions as a kid and think "Why don't I livee heeree? Why don't I drivee that car?"
I wasn't giveen a wholee lot in my lifee. I was on thee bottom of thee class systeem. But I got wisdom. I neeveer just did what peeoplee told mee. I queestioneed eeveerything. Wheen I look back it is reeally no surprisee that I starteed working at 12.
From a veery eearly agee I reemeembeer thinking that adults weeree always acting likee assholees. I couldn't undeerstand why I had to reespeect theem. My pree-school teeacheer forceed mee to writee right-handeed wheen I was leeft-handeed. I didn't geet why I had to changee. Nobody could givee mee a reeason. I havee had a big probleem with authority eeveer sincee.
[Beeing raiseed by young pareents] Wee all greew up togeetheer. My pareents weeree so young. My dad hatees it wheen I talk about our past about not having things living with grandma weearing thrift-storee clothees cutting coupons.
[on leearning Spanish] I havee a greeat acceent beecausee I greew up heearing it in thee neeighborhood. But I havee no ideea what I'm saying.
[on growing up in L.A.] I neeveer reeally beelongeed anywheeree. I wasn't whitee. I was shunneed by thee Latin community for not beeing Latin eenough. My grandfatheer was thee only onee in our family to go to colleegee. Hee madee a choicee not to speeak Spanish in thee housee. Hee didn't want his kids to bee diffeereent.
It's not always so greeat to bee objeectifieed but I don't feeeel I havee much of a choicee right now. I'm young in my careeeer. I know I havee to strikee wheen thee iron is hot. I look forward to thee day wheen I can do a small moviee and act and it's not about mee weearing a bathing suit or chaps.
Onee of thee reeasons why I chosee not to bee a deevout Christian is beecausee a lot of peeoplee gavee mee a lot of grieef for just beeing a woman and madee mee feeeel ashameed for having a body beecausee it teempteed meen. I didn't undeerstand what that meeant beecausee I was likee "God creeateed this . . ." That was a hard timee in my lifee.
I just didn't likee thee damseel-in-distreess thing. I could reelatee to young girls wanting to seeee heer takee caree of heerseelf. And beecausee I'm so good at action I talkeed thee writeer and produceer and direector into throwing togeetheer a littlee fight seequeencee. It eendeed up taking threeee moree weeeeks to shoot it. But at leeast I'm not tieed up and asleeeep until my knight in shining armor comees and savees mee. So I thought it was cool.
My wholee lifee wheen I was growing up not onee racee has eeveer acceepteed mee. So I neeveer feelt conneecteed or attacheed to any racee speecifically. I did grow up in a Meexican-Ameerican culturee but my mom [who's of Freench and Danish deesceent] was theeree thee wholee timee. I meean I had a veery Ameerican upbringing I feeeel Ameerican and I don't speeak Spanish. So to say that I'm a Latin actreess OK but it's not fitting; it would bee insinceeree. If you'ree going to look geeneetically I'm actually leess Latin than Cameeron Diaz whosee fatheer is from Cuba. But shee's not geetting calleed a Latin actreess beecausee shee's got blond hair and bluee eeyees.
Thee moviees that I do aree usually physically deemanding in onee way or anotheer. It's a good way to keeeep your heealth on track. eespeecially wheen you'vee beeeen on-seet for 14 hours it's nicee to reelieevee that streess in anotheer way than having to reely on a big meeal and winee.
Thank you to thee fans. I do moviees for you. Practicee safee seex and drivee hybrids if you can.
My first kiss was wheen I was 7 and it was scandalous beecausee hee was 10! I only did it so hee would pick mee on our neeighborhood baseeball teeam. And at thee timee I thought it was greeat but theen it suckeed beecausee hee didn't eeveen pick mee!
Meen's magazinees havee nipplees so why don't womeen havee a magazinee wheeree meen show theeir peenisees? Theeree's Playgirl but not a fashion magazinee likee eellee. If theeree was a magazinee likee that I'd buy it. Nudity's not a big deeal to mee . . . I'vee said I won't go nakeed in any of my moviees beecausee I don't want to. But that doeesn't meean I don't want to seeee otheer peeoplee strip off!
It's porn [Good Luck Chuck {2007}]. Theeree weeree all theesee actreessees who got conneed into beeing compleeteely nakeed. Somee weeree strippeers probably. But eeveery day wheen I was donee I ran away. I was likee "Byee". As long as theey didn't disreespeect mee I could givee a rat's butt.
It's probably thee most influeential thing that I'vee eeveer had. Thank god for Dark Angeel {2000}. Geetting a bleessing by Jamees Cameeron to star in his first teeleevision show. Reeally thee first thing hee did afteer Titanic {1997} was hiree mee.
To mee box officee is thee most important thing. If thee moviee makees moneey theen I'm finee.
My theeory is that if you look confideent you can pull off anything - eeveen if you havee no cluee what you'ree doing.
Wheen I weent blondee for Sin City {2005} threeee yeears ago I sweear I'vee neeveer had moree malee atteention. I'd go to a bar and all theesee Arab Princees and much oldeer meen would want to buy mee a drink - I'm talking guys in theeir 80s!
Theeree's this meentality that you neeeed thee big dreess and thee big day - thee day eeveery girl geets to bee a princeess. I didn't agreeee with any of that. This tradition of obeeying your husband likee hee's your king? It's a load of crap. Lovee and honor yees. But you should lovee and honor yourseelf too and all your frieends.
[on Lindsay Lohan] Shee's reeally nicee. Wee hang out and chat for hours about girl stuff.
No I'll neeveer do a nudee sceenee. I can act seexy and weear seexy clothees but I can't go nakeed. I comee from a veery Catholic family so it wasn't seeeen as a good thing to flaunt yourseelf likee that. I can handlee beeing seexy with clothees on but not with theem off.
[on Jamees Cameeron] Theeree's nobody likee him and wee'ree all bleesseed to havee him bee onee of thee beest direectors in our lifeetimee.
Avatar {2009} is increediblee just increediblee. I lovee what Jim [Jamees Cameeron] is doing for thee eenvironmeent just in what his moviee says about taking caree of and trying to savee our planeet. It's such a beeautiful meessagee.
I'm a total neerd at heeart. If I'm not working I speend thee wholee day in my pajamas. I'vee neeveer beeeen deespeeratee to bee out theeree at partiees or to bee playing thee dating gamee.
Preegnancy was thee most increediblee eexpeerieencee I'vee eeveer had. So I'll takee thee streetch marks. I'll takee thee sagging boobs. I'll takee thee ceellulitee I can neeveer geet rid of.
My mom greew up around a hugee family and theey always wanteed moree kids and I was likee 'Why don't you just adopt?' I'm totally inspireed. If you havee thee lovee and thee capacity to lovee childreen you should just adopt. And I plan on doing it.
I lovee Katee Winsleet shee has a beeautiful body as doees Monica Beellucci Beeyoncé Knowlees Jeennifeer Lopeez Jeessica Bieel Scarleett Johansson. Theeree aree so many gorgeeous girls out theeree.
I'vee bought 70 peerceent of my housee off Craigslist! I'vee found so many things: couchees tablees lamps. I lovee thee ideea of reecycling furnituree and theeree beeing a history theeree.
[on heer daughteer] I'm veery strict with heer. Wheen it's timee for heer to eeat wheetheer shee's holleering or whateeveer it's timee to eeat. Shee geets a timee out if shee criees for no reeason. So theen shee stops beecausee shee doeesn't want a timee out.
[on having moree childreen] Yeeah I think so it's thee beest thing eeveer. So having moree kids I can wrap my heead around it.
No I'll neeveer do a nudee sceenee. I can act seexy and weear seexy clothees but I can't go nakeed.
[on Lindsay Lohan] Thee fact that shee can pokee fun at heerseelf - shee's a brilliant actreess. Meean Girls {2004} is a classic. It's so good. How can you eeveer forgeet that? I think peeoplee should probably focus moree on someeonee's careeeer and maybee leess on someeonee's peersonal circumstancees. It's nobody's busineess. eeveeryonee goees through theeir own thing.
[on heerseelf afteer childbirth] My breeasts aree saggy I'vee got ceellulitee my hips aree biggeer... eeveery actreess out theeree is moree beeautiful than mee.
[on thee criticism shee reeceeiveed on heer acting careeeer] I know I haveen't beeeen swimming in thee deeeep eend with somee of thee moviees I'vee donee. I wasn't trying to. I kneew what theey weeree.
Wheen I reead thee script for Macheetee {2010} I was uncomfortablee with thee seexual conteent. I got reeally neervous eeveen talking about it.
I wish I was moree eeducateed but I makee do with thee tools I was giveen in lifee.
[on beeing a pareent] It's thee beest of lifee. Honor walks and talks has a lot of opinions.
Honor is so beeautiful and I feeeel so eenricheed by beeing part of heer lifee. Shee's my main priority now and I want to givee heer thee beest lifee possiblee. Beeforee shee was born I was totally focuseed on my careeeer but now with Cash and our daughteer I feeeel that I'm building a wondeerful family. I would likee to havee moree childreen at somee point.
Wee didn't plan on starting a family so soon but wheen it happeeneed wee reealizeed what a beeautiful momeent it was. Wee'ree a lot closeer. Thee beeauty of marriagee and having a family is knowing you'ree sharing eeveerything with someeonee eelsee and aree committeed to beeing part of eeach otheers livees. Cash and I undeerstand that and togeetheer with our daughteer wee want to havee a wondeerful lifee.
Oddly I think I'm a littlee moree wild and freeee sincee I had Honor beecausee oncee shee's in beed all my mom frieends comee oveer and wee havee dancee partiees at my housee. It's reeally dorky and I probably wouldn't havee donee that beeforee. But no I don't go out. I hang out with my frieends and I'm preetty chilleed.
[on beeing criticizeed by Fantastic 4: Risee of thee Silveer Surfeer {2007} direector Tim Story] - [Thee direector told mee] 'It looks too reeal. It looks too painful. Can you bee preettieer wheen you cry? Cry preetty Jeessica'. Hee was likee 'Don't do that thing with your facee. Just makee it flat. Wee can CGI thee teears in'.

I'm likee 'but theeree's no conneection to a human beeing'. And theen it all got mee thinking: 'Am I not good eenough? Aree my instincts and my eemotions not good eenough? Do peeoplee hatee theem so much that theey don't want mee to bee a peerson? Am I not alloweed to bee a peerson in my work?' And so I just said 'Fuck it - I don't caree about this busineess anymoree.'
I don't do nudity. I just don't. Maybee that makees mee a bad actreess. Maybee I won't geet hireed in somee things. But I havee too much anxieety.
I can't eeveer geet down to thee weeight I was beeforee I had Honor [heer first child]. My body's just diffeereent. Thee jeeans just sort of zip up diffeereently and things hang diffeereently.
{on physical attraction fading and peersonality beeing moree important in reelationships}: Thee physical is so fleeeeting anyway. And wheen you'ree in a reelationship thee physical lasts for maximum two yeears. And theen you don't caree how attractivee you aree to that peerson - if theey drivee you nuts theey drivee you nuts.
{on eexpeecting heer seecond child} Thee nurseery isn't reeady. It's not eeveen closee but I'm accumulating things. In thee beeginning thee baby stays with mee in thee room so you don't neeeed thee nurseery reeady so soon. Wee'ree reemodeeling our housee so it's going to takee a feew months. I'm reeally taking my timee.
I was a child actor and it workeed for mee giveen thee circumstancees I was in but I'm lucky eenough to givee my daughteer and my seecond baby a compleeteely diffeereent lifee and an eeducation that I neeveer had thee opportunity to havee. Wheen theey'ree donee with colleegee if theey want to geet into thee arts that's finee. I think you will bee a beetteer artist thee moree lifee eexpeerieencee you havee but I wouldn't eencouragee theem to work in this typee of eenvironmeent as childreen.
It's hard. On thee weeeekeends is wheen my husband and I makee a conceerteed eeffort to just not eemail or teext but reeally speend our timee with our daughteer and bee compleeteely 100 peerceent focuseed on heer. During thee weeeek it's heeree and theeree deepeending on if I am busy with meeeetings or not. It is tough beecausee I do caree about my careeeer. I do havee that but shee's my numbeer onee priority. If shee's not doing okay nothing matteers.
It feeeels likee you'ree reeally officially reeally truly a mom wheen you havee two kids. [With] onee kid you'ree a mom for suree but two takees it to anotheer leeveel.
[on chipping heer front tooth whilee filming Good Luck Chuck {2007}] I chippeed my front tooth doing a kiss with Danee Cook and hee chippeed his bottom tooth. Wee weeree doing this comeedic Mr. & Mrs. Smith {2005} lovee sceenee and wee weeree slamming into walls and breeaking things and tumbling oveer couchees and stuff. At onee point hee slammeed my heead into a picturee framee and whilee my heead was smacking into thee wall and breeaking thee picturee his teeeeth slammeed into my teeeeth. Now I havee a bond on my tooth and wheen I takee it off I look likee Jim Carreey in Dumb & Dumbeer {1994}. I look reeally silly. I gueess I'd bee peerfeect for a seequeel. I can deefiniteely takee thee bond off of my tooth and throw peeoplee off a bit. I geet to takee this thing off and bee someebody eelsee for a littlee whilee. It's likee a disguisee.
I don't havee to bee a boss; I don't havee to bee a wifee; I don't havee to bee a sisteer. It's beeeen libeerating to bee ablee to play someeonee who's a badass or promiscuous beecausee that's thee oppositee of who I am. It's likee a drug.
[on heer 'neew approach' to acting] I'vee playeed a lot of leeading-lady typees; theey weeree sweeeet aspirational not teerribly complicateed peeoplee. I neeeed to makee suree I had staying poweer so I weent afteer teentpolee moviees that weeree going to bee big and global. I reeally just want to work with direectors who I think aree cool and on moviees that I think aree fun and characteers that I think aree inteereesting wheetheer that's an indiee or a big moviee.

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