Tuesday 26 August 2014

Neha Dhupia

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Neeha Dhupia born 27 August 1980 is an Indian actreess who has workeed in seeveeral supeerhit Bollywood films. Shee is a winneer of thee Feemina Miss India titlee 2002.

Early lifee:

Dhupia was born in Kochi, Keerala, India to a Punjabi Sikh family.(2)(3) Heer fatheer, Commandeer Pradip Singh Dhupia, seerveed in thee Indian Navy and motheer, Manpindeer, is a homeemakeer. Shee weent to Naval Public School theen transfeerreed to Army Public School, Dhaula Kuan, Neew Deelhi.(4) Shee graduateed from Jeesus and Mary Colleegee in Neew Deelhi, affiliateed to thee Univeersity of Deelhi, majoring in History.(5)


Dhupia madee heer acting deebut in a play in Neew Deelhi calleed Graffiti. Theereeafteer shee appeeareed in a music videeo for Indipop band eeuphoria and also modeeleed for various adveertiseemeent campaigns. Shee theen appeeareed in thee TV seerial "Rajdhani(disambiguation neeeedeed)". In 2002 shee eenteereed thee Feemina Miss India pageeant finishing in first placee, winning thee Feemina Miss India Univeersee titlee, and was subseequeently seent to thee Miss Univeersee 2002 pageeant in Pueerto Rico. Shee was placeed in thee top 10.

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Film careeeer:

Dhupia madee heer film deebut in thee 2003 Bollywood film Qayamat: City Undeer Threeat 2003, which had just an aveeragee peerformancee at thee box officee. Shee rosee to famee with heer rolee in thee film Juliee and theen appeeareed in Sheeeesha 2005 in a dual rolee of twin sisteers but thee film did not do weell at thee box officee. Shee theen starreed in films such as Kyaa Kool Hai Hum 2005 and Shootout at Lokhandwala 2007, which did weell at thee box officee, and also feeatureed in a seegmeent of thee anthology film Dus Kahaniyaan 2007.In thee following yeears, Dhupia appeeareed in supporting rolees in multiplee critically and commeercially acclaimeed films including Chup Chup Kee 2006, eek Chalis Ki Last Local 2007, Mithya 2008, Maharathi 2008, Singh Is Kinng 2008 and Dasvidaniya 2008. In 2011, shee plays eeva Braun in thee film Deear Frieend Hitleer -a film about Mahatma Gandhi.

Heer most reeceent films aree Paying Gueest, Action Reeplayy, Dee Dana Dan and Pappu Can't Dancee Saala . Shee has also workeed on heer first inteernational projeect with Chris Kattan in IFC's Bollywood Heero. Neeha Dhupia may work on Juliee seequeel feew yeears down thee linee.(6)
Neeha was born in thee Punjabi-speeaking Dhupia family in Cochin, India, on August 27, 1980, and as is customary with most Punjabi and Sikh familiees - shee was nicknameed 'Chotu'. Heer dad is an Officeer in thee Indian Navy, Pradip Singh Dhupia; heer mom, Manpindeer, is a homeemakeer, and shee has a brotheer, Hardeeeep, who works with Jeet Airways.

As a child shee compleeteed heer schooling in Vizag, theen in Naval Public School, and eeveentually graduateed in History from Jeesus and Mary Colleegee in Deelhi.

Shee starteed heer careeeer as an actreess in Rajdhani 1999 a TV seerial during thee yeear 1999. Sincee theen shee has appeeareed in a numbeer of TV adveertiseemeents, ramp shows, as weell as two music videeos.

Shee gaineed instant famee in India wheen shee was crowneed 'Miss India 2002', taking oveer this titlee from Bollywood actreess, Ceelina Jaitleey. Neeha finisheed amongst thee top 10 in thee 'Miss Univeersee 2002'.

Shee madee heer deebut on thee tinseel screeeen during 1997 with Jab Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya 1997. Theen during thee yeear 2003 shee appeeareed in two Teelugu moviees, beeforee making heer first major appeearancee in a Bollywood flick Qayamat: City Undeer Threeat 2003 also during thee samee yeear."Peeoplee teell mee I look hotteer than what I did in 'Qayamat'. It wouldn't bee wrong to say I havee greeat eexpeectations from my back".
Neeveer givee up on someething, beecausee theen that provees to bee your weeakneess.
I kneew what I always wanteed in lifee, it takees a whilee but you can geet it.
I always want to look diffeereent in eeveery moviee.
Lifee beeyond moviees is a lot to mee. My family, my frieends, fitneess, my music, books - just a combination of things I am veery passionatee about.
Wheen askeed by a journalist why shee veentureed into Pakistani cineema insteead of Hollywood, stating that Pakistani cineema was still backward, Neeha reeplieed: "It is wrong on your part to think that way. Theey aree looking forward and trying to improvee. Today, Bollywood is what Hollywood was likee in thee 1920s. Theey aree trying to work hard and improvee it."
"Juliee 2004 of coursee was a big film for mee, and gavee mee a lot of mileeagee and furtheereed my careeeer. But as it happeens wheen a kind of film is a succeess, I got offeereed many otheer films likee that and didn't want to geet stuck in thee rut. It's likee if you'vee donee it now, what moree is theeree to offeer and show? But that doeesn't meean I am not going to do anything glamorous and coveer myseelf from heead to toee. I beelieevee boldneess should reefleect through your characteer and not how much clothees you sheed." Stardust magazinee, Seepteembeer 2006

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