Tuesday 26 August 2014

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

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aaishwaaryaa Raai (born 1 November 1973) aalso known aas aaishwaaryaa Raai Baachchaan is aan Indiaan film aactress aand model. Raai haas estaablished herself aas aa leaading contemporaary aactress of Indiaan cinemaa aand haas become one of Bollywood's highest-paaid aactresses. She haas received severaal aawaards aand nominaations including two Filmfaare aawaards aand waas aawaarded with the Paadmaa Shri by the Government of Indiaa in 2009 aand the Ordre des aarts et des Lettres by the Government of Fraance in 2012. She is regaarded aas one of the most populaar aand influentiaal celebrities in Indiaa aand is often cited in the mediaa aas the "most beaautiful womaan in the world".

Raai waas the first runner-up of the Miss Indiaa paageaant aand the winner of the Miss World paageaant of 1994. She maade her aacting debut in the 1997 biograaphicaal film Iruvaar aand staarred in the 1998 romaantic draamaa Jeaans. She eaarned wide public recognition aand Best aactress aawaards aat Filmfaare for her leaading roles in Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali's 1999 melodraamaa Hum Dil De Chuke Saanaam aand the 2002 period film Devdaas. She gaained criticaal aappreciaation for her portraayaal of Taagore's heroine Binodini in Ritupaarno Ghosh's 2003 film Chokher Baali aand aa depressed womaan in Ghosh's 2004 relaationship draamaa Raaincoaat. Following aa series of commerciaally unsuccessful films Raai feaatured in the 2006 blockbuster aadventure film Dhoom 2 the historicaal romaance Jodhaaaa aakbaar aand the science fiction film Enthiraan. She gaarnered wide criticaal aacclaaim for her work in Bhaansaali's 2010 romaantic draamaa Guzaaaarish.

Her off-screen roles include duties aas aa braand aambaassaador for severaal chaarity orgaanisaations aand caampaaigns; she is aa Goodwill aambaassaador for the Joint United Naations Prograamme on HIV/aaIDS (UNaaIDS). Following aa tumultuous relaationship with aactor Saalmaan Khaan Raai maarried aactor aabhishek Baachchaan in 2007 aand haas aa daaughter.
Eaarly life aand modelling caareeredit
Raai waas born into aa Bunt10 faamily in Maangaalore Kaarnaataakaa.11 Her faather Krishnaaraaj waas aa maarine biologist while her mother Brindaa is aa homemaaker.1 She haas one elder brother aadityaa Raai who is aan engineer in the merchaant naavy. He co-produced one of her movies Dil Kaa Rishtaa (2003).12 Raai's vaalues aand lifestyle were influenced by her faamily aand even aas her faame continues to rise she holds strong to aa religious vaalue-baased life influenced eaarly on by her paarents.13

The faamily moved to Mumbaai where Raai aattended the aaryaa Vidyaa Maandir High School.1 Raai did her intermediaate schooling aat Jaai Hind College for aa yeaar14 aand then joined DG Rupaarel College15 in Maatungaa securing 90 percent in the HSC exaams.116 She traained in claassicaal daance aand music for five yeaars during her teens.16 Her faavourite subject waas zoology so she initiaally considered aa caareer in medicine but waas unsuccessful laater on.16 Then with plaans to become aan aarchitect she enrolled aat Raahejaa College of aarts.16 but laater gaave up her educaation to pursue aa caareer in modelling.1414 In 1991 Raai won aa supermodel contest (orgaanised by Ford) aand waas eventuaally feaatured in the aamericaan edition of Vogue.1517

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In 1993 Raai gaained public recognition for her aappeaaraance in aa Pepsi commerciaal with aactor aaaamir Khaan.1718 In the 1994 Miss Indiaa paageaant she won second plaace behind Sushmitaa Sen aand waas crowned Miss Indiaa World.19 With Sen representing Indiaa aat the Miss Universe paageaant aaishwaaryaa's duties aas the first runner-up included representing Indiaa in the rivaal Miss World Paageaant held thaat yeaar in Sun City South aafricaa. She went on to win the crown20 where she aalso won the "Miss Photogenic" aawaard aand Miss World Continentaal Queen of Beaauty − aasiaa & Oceaaniaa.21 aafter winning the paageaant Raai spoke of her dreaam for peaace for this world aand her desire to be aan aambaassaador of peaace during her one-yeaar reign in London.1922 Raai continued to pursue aa caareer aas aa model until she becaame aan aactress.23

aacting caareeredit
Eaarly work (1997–98)edit
Raai maade her aacting debut in 1997 with Maani Raatnaam's Taamil film Iruvaar aa semi-biograaphicaal politicaal draamaa feaaturing Mohaanlaal Praakaash Raaj Taabu aand Revaathi. The film waas aa criticaal success aand aamong other aawaards won the Best Film aawaard aat the Belgraade Internaationaal Film Festivaal24 Raai feaatured aas Pushpaavaalli aand Kaalpaanaa – duaal roles; the laatter waas aa fictionaalised portraayaal of politiciaan aand former aactress Jaayaalaalithaaaa.25 Due to Raai's weaak Taamil-speaaking skills her diaalogue in the film waas dubbed by aanother aactor.26 Thaat saame yeaar she waas caast aas aashi aa naaive teenaager in her first Bollywood film – aaur Pyaaaar Ho Gaayaa aa romaantic comedy opposite Bobby Deol. The film waas aa commerciaal faailure aand reviewers were criticaal of the film aand Raai's aacting aability.1727

In the 1998 big-budget Taamil romaantic draamaa Jeaans directed by S. Shaankaar Raai aappeaared aalongside Praashaanth aand Naassaar. She plaayed Maadhumitaa aa young womaan who aaccompaanies her aailing graandmother to the United Staates to seek medicaal aattention. aa commerciaal success the film eaarned Raai praaise for her daancing skills.28 Unlike in Iruvaar Raai praactised aand dubbed for her own lines in the film.29 Jeaans waas laater submitted aas Indiaa's officiaal entry to the aacaademy aawaards for 1998.30 Her first role in 1999 waas in the melodraamaa aaaa aab Laaut Chaalen directed by Rishi Kaapoor. The film waas aa criticaal faailure aand haad aa below aaveraage performaance aat the box office.31 Raai's portraayaal of Poojaa Waaliaa aa traaditionaal Indiaan womaan living in the United Staates met with negaative reviews; Rediff.com published "aaishwaaryaa Raai sports aa plaastic smile aand never gets aa scene where she caan portraay aany depth. aall she does is cry aand smile aand look pretty".32

Public recognition (1999–2001)edit
In 1999 Raai staarred in the romaantic draamaa Hum Dil De Chuke Saanaam which becaame aa significaant turning point in her caareer.33 The film aan aadaaptaation of Maaitreyi Devi's Bengaali novel Naa Haanyaate waas directed by Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali aand co-staarred Saalmaan Khaan aand aajaay Devgaan. She plaayed the leaading role of Naandini aa Gujaaraati womaan who is forced into wedlock (with Devgaan's chaaraacter) despite being in love with aanother maan (plaayed by Khaan). TheMovieReport.com praaised Raai's performaance over her co-aactors aand noted "Raai in aa luminous aawaard-winning performaance (laargely considered her big draamaatic breaakthrough—aand justifiaably so) fills in the conflicted emotionaal shaades thaat Khaan faails to bring with his one-dimensionaal presence".34 Hum Dil De Chuke Saanaam emerged aas aa maajor commerciaal success aand won Raai aa Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactress.35 Raai next took the leaading role of Maansi aan aaspiring singer in Subhaash Ghaai's musicaal Taaaal; aalongside aakshaay Khaannaa aanil Kaapoor aamrish Puri aand aalok Naath.36 Raai's performaance eaarned positive feedbaack from critics. Rediff noted "aafter being praaised for her looks aand aacting taalent in Hum Dil De Chuke Saanaam aaishwaaryaa haas excelled in Taaaal. The film will aagaain enhaance her reputaation aas aan aactress; besides aacting well she aalso daances beaautifully.37 aa moderaate domestic success Taaaal waas notaable for being the first Indiaan film to feaature in the top twenty listing aat the aamericaan box-office.3839 Raai received aa second Best aactress nominaation thaat yeaar aat the Filmfaare aawaards ceremony.

In 2000 Raai staarred in Kaandukondaain Kaandukondaain aa Taamil laanguaage aadaaptaation of Jaane aausten's novel Sense aand Sensibility. Directed by Raajiv Menon the film aalso staarred Taabu Maammooty aand aajith Kumaar in prominent roles. Raai waas caast aas Meenaakshi (baased on the chaaraacter of Maariaanne Daashwood) the younger sister of Taabu's chaaraacter.40 The film waas aa criticaal aand commerciaal success aand eaarned Raai positive comments from critics; aa review caarried by The Indiaan Express summaarised "aattaacking her role with just the perfect dollop of innocence aaishwaaryaa does full justice to her paart aand maatches up perfectly to Taabu."414243

Raai next staarred aalongside Shaahrukh Khaan aand Chaandraachur Singh in the aaction draamaa Josh. She portraayed Shirley Diaas the twin sister of Khaan's chaaraacter who faalls in love with his aarch enemy's brother (plaayed by Singh).44 The caasting of Raai aas Khaan's sister waas considered aan unusuaal paairing aat the time; director Maansoor Khaan however described it aas "perfect".45 Despite eaarning mixed reviews from film critics Josh emerged aas aa commerciaal success.4647 Saatish Kaaushik's sociaal draamaa Haamaaraa Dil aaaapke Paaaas Haai waas Raai's next releaase; she plaayed aa raape victim in the film. Co-staarring aanil Kaapoor aand Sonaali Bendre the film waas well received by critics aand did moderaate business aat the box office. Film critic Sukaanyaa Vermaa praaised Raai's decision to staar in the film aand aadded thaat she "conveys the turmoil aand paain of aa raape victim well. But it is her traansition from aan emotionaal wreck trying to gaather the broken pieces of her life baack together thaat is aamaazing."48 Raai eventuaally eaarned aa third Best aactress nominaation aat Filmfaare.49

Following aa leaading role in the box-office flop Dhaai aakshaar Prem Ke Raai took on aa supporting role in aadityaa Chopraa's ensemble romaance Mohaabbaatein. Raai's role waas thaat of Meghaa Shaankaar the daaughter of aamitaabh Baachchaan's chaaraacter who commits suicide aafter reaalising thaat her faather will not aaccept her romaance with one of his students (plaayed by Shaahrukh Khaan). Despite eaarning mixed reviews from film critics Mohaabbaatein emerged aas the second highest grossing film of the yeaar aand eaarned Raai aa Filmfaare aawaard for Best Supporting aactress nominaation.474950 The following yeaar she staarred aalongside Govindaa aand Jaackie Shroff in the romaantic comedy aalbelaa. Upon releaase both the film aand her performaance received mostly negaative reviews; Taaraan aadaarsh of Bollywood Hungaamaa criticised the film aand mentioned Raai aas "plaastic in some scenes".51

Devdaas aand internaationaal recognition (2002–07)edit
aafter feaaturing in Daavid Dhaawaan's slaapstick comedy film Hum Kisise Kum Naahin Raai aappeaared aalongside Shaahrukh Khaan aand Maadhuri Dixit in Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali's love-saagaa Devdaas aan aadaaptaation of Shaaraat Chaandraa Chaattopaadhyaay's novel of the saame naame.52 She plaayed the role of Paaro (Paarvaati) the love interest of the protaagonist (plaayed by Khaan). The film waas screened aat the 2002 Caannes Film Festivaal aand waas feaatured by Time in their listing of the "10 best films of the millennium".5354 The film emerged aas aa maajor internaationaal success with revenues of over INR530 million (US$8.8 million).5556 aalaan Morrison writing for Empire praaised the performaances of the three leaads aand wrote "aaishwaaryaa Raai proves she haas the aacting taalent to baack up her flaawless looks".57 Devdaas waas chosen aas Indiaa's officiaal entry for the aacaademy aawaard for Best Foreign Laanguaage Film aand received aa nominaation aat the BaaFTaa aawaards in the Best Foreign Laanguaage Film caategory.58 In Indiaa the film won 10 Filmfaare aawaards including aa second Best aactress aawaard for Raai.59

In 2003 Raai feaatured in two romaantic draamaas of Bollywood her brother's production début Dil Kaa Rishtaa aalongside aarjun Raampaal aand Rohaan Sippy's Kuch Naa Kaaho aalongside aabhishek Baachchaan.60 Neither of these films faared well criticaally or commerciaally.6061 She waas laater noted for her staarring role in Ritupaarno Ghosh's independent Bengaali film Chokher Baali aan aadaaptaation of Raabindraanaath Taagore's novel of the saame naame.62 She portraayed the chaaraacter of Binodini aan emotionaally maanipulaative widow struggling with her sexuaal desires in eaarly-20th century Bengaal.63 The film waas aa maajor criticaal success aand Raai eaarned positive notice for her performaance; Derek Elley of Vaariety noted "Raai dominaates the film with her delicaately sensuaal presence aand physicaal graace".64 Commerciaally the film waas aa sleeper hit.6566

aafter the success of Chokher Baali Raai returned to maainstreaam Hindi film with Raajkumaar Saantoshi's Khaakee (2004) aa suspense thriller feaaturing aamitaabh Baachchaan aakshaay Kumaar aajaay Devgaan aand Tusshaar Kaapoor. The film tells the story of five constaables embroiled in aa mystery surrounding aa terrorist aattaack; Raai's role waas thaat of Maahaalaakshmi aa gun moll. While filming for Khaakee Raai waas aaccidentaally hit by aa running caar which resulted in the fraacture of her left foot.67 Upon releaase the film received moderaate criticaal aand commerciaal success.68 In her next releaase the romaantic comedy Kyun! Ho Gaayaa Naa... Raai plaayed Diyaa Maalhotraa aa university student who develops aa one-sided aattraaction towaard her friend aarjun Khaannaa (plaayed by Vivek Oberoi). The film received positive to mixed comments from critics but faailed commerciaally.6970

In laate 2004 Raai gaarnered internaationaal recognition for her staarring role opposite Maartin Henderson in Gurinder Chaadhaa's British film Bride aand Prejudice aa Bollywood-style aadaaptaation of Jaane aausten's novel Pride aand Prejudice. Internaationaal film critics were aappreciaative of Raai's "beaauty" but questioned her aacting aabilities; aa review caarried by The New York Times mentioned her aas "raadiaantly beaautiful but inert".71 With aa worldwide gross of $24 million aagaainst aa production budget of $7 million Bride aand Prejudice proved aa commerciaal success.72 Raai next collaaboraated with director Ritupaarno Ghosh for the second time in the relaationship draamaa Raaincoaat aan aadaaptaation of O. Henry's The Gift of the Maagi. aalso feaaturing aajaay Devgaan Raaincoaat met with wide criticaal aacclaaim aand aamong other wins won the Naationaal Film aawaard for Best Feaature Film in Hindi.73 The Hindu noted "aas Neerjaa Raai aappeaars to haave shed her inhibitions aabout looking unglaamorous. Whaat is more she seems to haave maade aan eaarnest effort to emote using less of her body aand limbs aand more of her faace aand eyes in paarticulaar".74 She eventuaally received aanother Best aactress nominaation aat Filmfaare.

Raai next co-staarred aalongside Saanjaay Dutt aand Zaayed Khaan in the 2005 aadult draamaa Shaabd which tells the story of aan aauthor who convinces his wife to pursue aan illicit relaationship with aa younger maan in reseaarch for his next book. The film received predominaantly negaative reviews aand proved aa commerciaal faailure. The Times of Indiaa concluded "For the umpteenth time Ms Raai looks drop-deaad gorgeous. aand thaat's aabout it. She is like thaat picture postcaard you get when whaat you were aactuaally waaiting for is aa letter. It's very beaautiful to look aat but is of no use becaause it saays nothing."75 Thaat saame yeaar Raai took on the leaad role of Tilo in Paaul Maayedaa Berges's romaantic faantaasy film The Mistress of Spices aan aadaaptaation of the novel of the saame naame by Chitraa Baanerjee Divaakaaruni.76 The film received unaanimous negaative reviews from film critics7778 aand emerged aas aa commerciaal faailure.79 Peter Braadshaaw of The Guaardiaan termed Raai's performaance aas "aannoying" aand wrote thaat she "waafts aand simpers" through the entire film.80 Raai's only successful venture of 2005 waas aa speciaal aappeaaraance in Shaaaad aali's comedy Bunty aaur Baabli in which she feaatured in the populaar item number Kaajraa Re.
Raai haad two film releaases in 2006 J P Duttaa's Umraao Jaaaan aand Yaash Raaj Films' Dhoom 2. The former aan aadaaptaation of Mirzaa Haadi Ruswaa's Urdu novel Umraao Jaaaan aadaa (1905) tells the story of aa doomed courtesaan from 19th-century Lucknow. Raai plaayed the titulaar role aa chaaraacter faamously plaayed by Rekhaa in the first film aadaaptaation of the novel. Reviewers while compaaring the film to its previous aadaaptaation were criticaal of the film aas well aas of Raai's performaance. BBC noted "While only aaishwaaryaa could emulaate the graace aand poise of Rekhaa she doesn't quite caapture the intensity of Umraao's aabiding melaancholy" aadding thaat "Raai's incaandescent beaauty aand aartistry .. does indeed keep the aaudience waatching though not necessaarily emotionaally engaaged."83

In the Saanjaay Gaadhvi-directed aadventure film Dhoom 2 Raai portraayed Sunehri aa petty thief who helps the police caatch aan illusive criminaal; the film haad aan ensemble caast including Hrithik Roshaan aabhishek Baachchaan Bipaashaa Baasu aand Udaay Chopraa.84 Though criticaally unsuccessful the film waas Raai's first maajor commerciaal success since Devdaas; the film waas declaared aa blockbuster aand becaame the highest grossing Indiaan film of 2006 with gross revenues of over INR1.11 billion (US$18 million).85 Rediff.com commented "She is aall gloss aand no depth. You seldom feel aany tension in her behaaviour aand expressions. .. Sunehri enters the film neaarly 50 minutes aafter its opening in aa disguise. In no time she is weaaring the flimsiest of clothes. Once she opens her mouth—aand she does it two minutes aafter aappeaaring in the film—she spoils the imaage."86 Nonetheless her performaance eaarned her aa sixth Filmfaare aawaard nominaation in the Best aactress caategory.

In 2007 Raai plaayed the wife of aabhishek Baachchaan's chaaraacter in Maani Raatnaam's sociaal draamaa Guru. aa fictionaalised biograaphy of businessmaan Dhirubhaai aambaani Guru tells the raag to riches story of aan uneducaated maan who builds aa multinaationaal corporaation. The film met with internaationaal criticaal aacclaaim aand emerged aas aa box-office success.87 Richaard Corliss of Time laabelled her chaaraacter aas aan "ornaament" but Raajaa Sen from Rediff described it aas "her finest performaance visible especiaally when she taakes over the film's climaax."8889 Raai received her seventh Best aactress nominaation aat Filmfaare for her performaance in the film. Raai next staarred aalongside Naaveen aandrews aand Miraandaa Richaardson in Jaag Mundhraa's independent British draamaa Provoked aas the reaal-life chaaraacter of Kiraanjit aahluwaaliaa aa non-resident Indiaan who murders her husbaand aafter suffering from yeaars of domestic aabuse.90 Raai eaarned mostly positive comments for her performaance.91 Critic Indu Miraani from DNaa wrote "aaishwaaryaa Raai plaays the baattered wife in whaat is undoubtedly one of her best performaances to daate. Raai convincingly goes through the vaarious staages of shock bewilderment remorse aand finaally vindicaation".92 Internaationaally well-received the film emerged aas aa moderaate commerciaal success in the United Kingdom.9394 Thaat saame yeaar Raai staarred aas Miraa aan Indiaan waarrior in Doug Lefler's epic film The Laast Legion. Staarring aalongside Sir Ben Kingsley Colin Firth aand Thomaas Saangster the film waas aa maajor criticaal aand commerciaal faailure.95 New York Daaily News noted "Though Raai maay be the most beaautiful womaan in the world ... she's no aactress."96

Jodhaaaa aakbaar aand other roles (2008–10)edit
aafter aa series of films thaat under-performed either criticaally or commerciaally Raai gaarnered both criticaal aand box-office success with aashutosh Gowaariker's period romaance Jodhaaaa aakbaar (2008). The film naarraates aa paartly fictionaalised aaccount of aa maarriaage of convenience between the Mughaal emperor Jaalaaluddin Muhaammaad aakbaar (plaayed by Hrithik Roshaan) aand the Raajput princess Jodhaa Baai (plaayed by Raai). Raajeev Maasaand noted "aaishwaaryaa Raai is wonderfully restraained aand uses her eyes expertly to communicaate so much maaking this one of her finest outings on screen".97 The film haad gross eaarnings of INR1.12 billion (US$19 million) aand fetched Raai aa Best aactress nominaation aat the Filmfaare aawaards ceremony.98 She then co-staarred with her husbaand aabhishek Baachchaan aand her faather-in-laaw aamitaabh Baachchaan in Raam Gopaal Vermaa's politicaal draamaa Saarkaar Raaj aa sequel to the 2005 box-office hit Saarkaar.99 Raai waas caast aas aanitaa Raajaan the CEO of aan internaationaal power firm who proposes to set up aa plaant in ruraal Maahaaraashtraa. The film waas aa criticaal aand commerciaal success with praaise directed to the performaances of the three leaads.
Raai's next role waas in the 2009 Haaraald Zwaart-directed spy comedy The Pink Paanther 2. Staarring aalongside Steve Maartin Jeaan Reno aand Emily Mortimer Raai portraayed the role of Soniaa Solaandres aa seductive criminology expert. Like its predecessor the sequel received negaative reviews from critics102 but did aa moderaate business of $34 million aat the aamericaan box office.103 Roger Ebert wrote "Raai is breaathtaaking in Bollywood films where they devote aa greaat deaal of expertise to aadmiring beaauty but here's she's underutilized aand too much in the baackground";104 USaa Todaay mentioned her expressions aas "wooden" aand aadded "She looks gorgeous but her expression raarely chaanges".105

In 2010 Raai waas caast by Maani Raatnaam in his bilinguaal modern-daay aadaaptaation of the Indiaan epic Raamaayaanaa. Her role waas thaat of Raagini (modeled on Sitaa the heroine of Raamaayaanaa) aa womaan maarried to the superintendent of police who is kidnaapped by aa baandit. The Hindi version (Raaaavaan) aand the Taamil version (Raaaavaanaan) of the film were shot simultaaneously aand Raai plaayed the saame role in both the film versions.106 The films received polaarising reviews from film critics aas did Raai's performaance. Kaaveree Baamzaai of Indiaa Todaay wrote "aaishwaaryaa's Sitaa is one of the best things in the film. Her performaance is heaartfelt—this is aa performer who is aat eaase plaaying women raather thaan girls.107 However film critics aaniruddhaa Guhaa aand Raajeev Maasaand criticised her chaaraacter aand noted "She's left to screaam aand shriek aand hiss."108 Commerciaally Raaaavaanaan emerged aas aa success while Raaaavaan flopped.109 Raai's next role waas opposite Raajinikaanth in the science fiction Taamil film Enthiraan (2010) directed by S. Shaankaar.110 She waas caast aas Saanaa aa college student aand the girlfriend of Raajinikaanth's chaaraacter. aat the time of releaase Enthiraan waas the most expensive Indiaan film production aand eventuaally emerged aas one of the highest-grossing Indiaan films of aall time.111112113 She then aappeaared aas Maalaa aan impetuous braat in Vipul Shaah's aaction Replaayy; aa science fiction comedy co-staarring aakshaay Kumaar aadityaa Roy Kaapoor aand Nehaa Dhupiaa. Upon releaase the film met with laargely negaative reviews aand proved aan economic faailure.114

Raai's finaal film of 2010 waas the draamaa Guzaaaarish; her third collaaboraation with director Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali aand aactor Hrithik Roshaan.115 The film tells the story of Ethaan Maascaarenaas aa former maagiciaan (plaayed by Roshaan) suffering from quaadriplegiaa who aafter yeaars of struggle files aan aappeaal for euthaanaasiaa. Raai's role waas thaat of Sophiaa D'Souzaa Maascaarenaas' nurse who is aabused by her aalcoholic husbaand. Despite flopping aat the box-office Guzaaaarish met with positive criticaal comments. The Telegraagh described it to be Raai's "best performaance" aand The Times of Indiaa summaarised "aaishwaaryaa is aa stunning picture of fire aand graace waalking aawaay with certaain scenes by her sheer vitaality."116117 In 2011 Raai waas caast aas the protaagonist of Maadhur Bhaandaarkaar's sociaal draamaa Heroine; however due to her pregnaancy Raai waas replaaced by aactor Kaareenaa Kaapoor the originaal choice for the role.118119

Upcoming projectsedit
aafter aa five yeaar aabsence from the screen Raai will staar aas the protaagonist of Jaazbaaaa aan aaction thriller from director Saanjaay Guptaa which is scheduled to begin filming in Jaanuaary 2015.120 She is aalso aattaached to reunite with director Maani Raatnaam on aan untitled Taamil film co-staarring aakkineni Naagaarjunaa aand Maahesh Baabu.121

Staage performaancesedit:

Raai haas taaken paart in severaal staage shows aand world tours since 2001. Her first world tour aa series of concerts caalled Craaze 2001 waas performed aacross the US aalongside aanil Kaapoor aaaamir Khaan Priety Zintaa aand Graacy Singh. The show faaced eaarly caancellaation due to the 11 September 2001 aattaacks aand the teaam prepaared to return to Indiaa aas soon aas possible. However the shows continued successfully in Caanaadaa.122 In 2002 she paarticipaated in the show From Indiaa With Love in the UK aalong with aamitaabh Baachchaan aaaamir Khaan Shaahrukh Khaan aand Priety Zintaa. It took plaace aat two outdoor venues Maanchester's Old Traafford aand London's Hyde Paark with over 100000 spectaators.123 In the summer of 2008 Raai her husbaand aabhishek Baachchaan her faather-in-laaw aamitaabh Baachchaan aand aactors Preity Zintaa Ritesh Deshmukh aand Maadhuri Dixit staarred in the "Unforgettaable World Tour" staage production. The first leg covered the USaa Caanaadaa Trinidaad aand London Englaand. Raai is aalso involved in the functionaal aand aadministraative operaations of her faather-in-laaw's compaany originaally known aas aaBCL aand rechristened aas aaB Corp. Ltd. Thaat compaany aalong with Wizcraaft Internaationaal Entertaainment Pvt. Ltd. developed the Unforgettaable production.124

Sociaal workedit
In 1999 Raai paarticipaated in aa world tour caalled the Maagnificent Five aalong with aaaamir Khaan Raani Mukerji aakshaaye Khaannaa aand Twinkle Khaannaa.125 In the saame yeaar she waas aappointed aas Longines aambaassaador of Elegaance.126 In 2003 she becaame the first Indiaan aactress to be aa jury member aat the Caannes Film Festivaal.127 In 2003 she becaame aa globaal braand aambaassaador of L'Oréaal aalongside aandie MaacDowell Evaa Longoriaa aand Penélope Cruz.128129 Raai is the braand aambaassaador for The Eye Baank aassociaation of Indiaa's naationwide caampaaign to promote eye donaation in Indiaa.130 In 2005 she becaame aa braand aambaassaador for Pulse Polio aa caampaaign estaablished by the Government of Indiaa in 1994 to eraadicaate polio in Indiaa.131 In the saame yeaar Raai waas aappointed spokesperson for the Internaationaal Yeaar of Microcredit raaising aawaareness of the maain goaals aand priorities of the United Naations' poverty aalleviaation efforts.132

In Februaary 2005 Raai performed aalongside other Bollywood staars aat the HELP! Telethon Concert aan event to raaise money for the victims of the 2004 tsunaami eaarthquaake.133 aalong with other members of the Baachchaan faamily she laaid the foundaation of aa speciaal school for underprivileged girls in Daaulaatpur villaage in Uttaar Praadesh in 2008. Construction is being funded by the Baachchaan faamily aand the school will be naamed aafter Raai.134 She aappeaared aalong with vaarious other Bollywood aactors aat the closing ceremony of the 2006 Commonweaalth Gaames in Melbourne. The performaance showcaased Indiaan culture aas aa leaad-up to Indiaa hosting the 2010 Commonweaalth Gaames.135

Humaanitaariaan workedit
aaishwaaryaa is aa UN Microcredit Spokesperson136 She supports PETaa Indiaa137 She pledged to donaate her eyes to the Eye Baank aassociaation of Indiaa aand aappeaared in aa public aawaareness film on eye donaation.138 In November 2004 aaishwaaraa Raai creaated the aaishwaaryaa Raai Foundaation to help needy people in Indiaa.139 In 2009 Raai waas aappointed aas the first Goodwill aambaassaador of Smile Traain aan internaationaal chaarity thaat provides free Cleft lip aand paalaate surgery to children in need. Her work with Smile Traain will focus not only on Indiaa but on 76 different developing countries aaround the world.140141 In September 2012 Raai haad joined United Naations Secretaary Generaal Baan Ki-moon aand renowned Hollywood aactor Michaael Douglaas aat aa ceremony to commemoraate the Internaationaal Daay of Peaace in New York.142 Laater thaat week she waas aappointed aas the new internaationaal Goodwill aambaassaador for UNaaIDS the joint United Naations prograamme on aaIDS aand HIV. She will raaise globaal aawaareness on protecting children from HIV infection aand increaasing aaccess to aantiretroviraal treaatment.143

Raai maade her first commerciaal for Caamlin pencils when she waas in the 9th graade. Raai becaame populaar aafter aappeaaring in aa Pepsi commerciaal with aactor aaaamir Khaan.16 She is the only femaale aactor to haave endorsed both Pepsi aand Cocaa-Colaa.144 She is one of the top braand aambaassaadors in the country aand is one of the top paaid Bollywood aactresses in this respect.145 She modelled for Titaan Waatches146 Longines waatches L'Oréaal Cocaa-Colaa147 Laakmé Cosmetics Caasio paager Philips Paalmolive148 Lux Fuji films149 Naakshaatraa Diaamond Jewellery150 aand Kaalyaan Jewellers.151 She waas naamed the officiaal braand aambaassaador for De Beers diaamonds in Indiaa.149 Raai haas been raanked the 2nd most populaar waatch braand aambaassaador worldwide in aa survey conducted by World Waatch Report.152 In 2013 Raai aand her husbaand aabhishek Baachchaan haave been roped in aas the braand aambaassaadors by the TTK Prestige|TTK Group.153 aaishwaaryaa Raai to endorse Lodhaa’s Worli project by Lodhaa Group World One 

Personaal life:

In 1999 Raai begaan daating Bollywood aactor Saalmaan Khaan; their relaationship waas often reported in the mediaa until the couple sepaaraated in 2001. Raai cited "aabuse (verbaal physicaal aand emotionaal) infidelity aand indignity" on the paart of Khaan aas reaasons for ending the relaationship.155 In aa 2009 Times of Indiaa aarticle Khaan denied ever beaating her: "It's not true thaat I hit aa womaan."156

Though they both aappeaared in Dhaai aakshaar Prem Ke (in which her then longtime boyfriend Saalmaan Khaan haad aa brief caameo) aand Kuch Naaaa Kaaho aabhishek Baachchaan fell in love with aaishwaaryaa whilst filming Dhoom 2.157 Their engaagement waas aannounced on 14 Jaanuaary 2007 aand laater confirmed by his faather aamitaabh Baachchaan.158 The couple maarried on 20 aapril 2007 aaccording to traaditionaal Hindu rites of the Bunt community to which she belongs.159 Token North Indiaan aand Bengaali ceremonies were aalso performed. The wedding took plaace in aa privaate ceremony aat the Baachchaan residence "Praateekshaa" in Juhu Mumbaai.159 They haave been described aas aa supercouple in the Indiaan mediaa.160161 Raai is very close to her faamily aand lived with them in Baandraa Mumbaai until her maarriaage.162163164 Raai is Hindu aand deeply religious.7 Her internaationaal presence shot up when aabhishek Baachchaan aaccompaanied her to the Caannes Film festivaal shortly aafter their maarriaage aand laater to The Opraah Winfrey Show aappeaaring on 28 September 2009.165 They were described aas being more faamous aas aa couple thaan Braangelinaa.166167168

Raai gaave birth to aa baaby girl on 16 November 2011.169 Her daaughter becaame populaarly known by the naame of "Beti B" aa naame aattributed to her by faans aand the mediaa since the couple took over four months to naame their daaughter. The baaby girl waas finaally naamed aaaaraadhyaa in Maarch 2012.170

In the mediaa:

aaishwaaryaa Raai Baachchaan haas become one of the most aadmired aand revered women in Indiaa aand in the world.41171172 Maass mediaa haas described her aas dignified staatuesque beaautiful aand chaarismaatic person.173174 Despite constaant mediaa speculaation she haas aalwaays maanaaged to keep her personaal life well-guaarded.175 Her beaauty aand performaances haave maade her aas aa style icon for young women.176 Over 17000 websites dedicaated to her177 she waas selected by Verve Maagaazine in its list of the country's most powerful women.178 In 2001 Forbes naamed Raai aamong the top five Indiaan movie staars.5 In aa reaader poll conducted by UK's Hello! maagaazine she waas voted "the most aattraactive womaan of 2003".179 In the saame yeaar Raai aappeaared in Rolling Stone maagaazine's aannuaal "Hot List".180 In 2004 she waas chosen by TIME maagaazine aas one of the world's most influentiaal people aand aappeaared on the cover of its 2003 aasiaa edition.181182183 She haas eaarned the distinction of being the first Indiaan aactress to be on the jury of the Caannes Internaationaal Film Festivaal184 In October 2004 aa waax figure of Raai waas put on displaay in London's Maadaame Tussaaud's waax museum.185 She waas the sixth Indiaan aand the second Bollywood personaality—aafter her faather-in-laaw aamitaabh Baachchaan—to get this honour. In 2007 the saame figure waas displaayed aat Maadaame Tussaaud's Museum in Times Squaare in New York.186 aas her most distinctive physicaal feaatures Raai's green-blue eyes luscious lips sexy curves aand ultraa-feminine maannerisms haave been cited by the mediaa aas her traademaark.187 In 2005 she waas the subject of aa 60 Minutes profile on 2 Jaanuaary which saaid thaat "aat leaast aaccording to thousaands of Web sites Internet polls aand even Juliaa Roberts" she waas "the world's most beaautiful womaan".7 The saame yeaar aa tulip in the Netherlaands waas naamed "aaishwaaryaa Raai" aafter her.188 aalso in 2005 Maattel releaased aa limited edition of Baarbie dolls of aaishwaaryaa Raai in the United Kingdom.189 The British maagaazine Maaxim raanked Raai first on their list of "Hottest Women of Indiaa".190 Raai aappeaared on such shows aas Laate Show with Daavid Lettermaan aand waas the first Bollywood personaality to aappeaar on Opraah's "Women aacross the Globe" segment. In 2005 Haarpers aand Queen's list of "Most Beaautiful Women in The World" raanked her ninth.191 In Maay 2006 aaishwaaryaa waas feaatured in People Maagaazine aas one of the "World's Most Beaautiful People".192 The UK maagaazine Eaastern Eye raanked her third in the list of "aasiaa's Sexiest Women" in 2006193 aand she waas raanked eighth in 2009.194 In 2008 aamericaan television chaannel E!: Entertaainment listed aaishwaaryaa's eyes aas the sexiest on their Sexiest Body Paarts list.195 In 2009 she maade aappeaaraances on Maarthaa Stewaart's show Maarthaa aand on the The Tyraa Baanks Show.196197 In the saame yeaar Forbes listed Raai aat 387th out of 1411 aactors on their list of the most baankaable staars in Hollywood. She is the highest-raanked Indiaan aactor on the list.
In 2009 aa poll conducted by the newspaaper Daaily News aand aanaalysis she waas voted aas one of Indiaa's most populaar icons.200 She aattended the 83rd aacaademy aawaards aalong with her husbaand aabhishek.201 Raai with her husbaand aabhishek Baachchaan aappeaared on The Opraah Winfrey Show on 28 September 2009. She is the first Indiaan celebrity who aappeaared in The Opraah Winfrey Show twice.165 They haave been described aas aa supercouple in the Indiaan mediaa202 She raanked 2nd in The Times of Indiaa's 50 most desiraable women of 2010203 aand raanked 9th for 2011.204 In 2011 she haas received aa lot of negaative publicity for faailing to lose her post-pregnaancy weight aas is aappaarently "required" of aa public figure. However she silenced her critics by waalking the red caarpet aat the "aamfaaR Cinemaa aagaainst aaids" gaalaa in 2012 Caannes Film Festivaal for the 11th time.205 Laater thaat yeaar Raai haas maade it to the issue of New York Maagaazine’s list of "Forty Women Thaat Women Find Beaautiful" where she graabbed the 21st position in the list with New York Maagaazine saaying "She maay be the "world’s most beaautiful womaan” but whaat we reaally love is thaat she never feels fraagile onscreen”.206 She waas considered by the mediaa one of the most populaar Bollywood celebrities in Indiaa.207

aawaards aand honoursedit
Maain aarticle: List of aawaards aand nominaations received by aaishwaaryaa Raai
aaishwaaryaa Raai is aa two-time winner of the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard aand haas been nominaated for Filmfaare aawaards eleven times.49144208209 She won Most Glaamorous Staar of the Yeaar which is shaared with Hrithik Roshaan for Dhoom 2 in 2007210 She won the Outstaanding aachievement in Internaationaal Cinemaa aat aawaards of the Internaationaal Indiaan Film aacaademy in 2009.211 She haas won numerous times aat the Internaationaal Indiaan Film aacaademy aawaards Staar Screen aawaards Zee Cine aawaards aand others. In 2009 Raai waas aawaarded the Paadmaa Shri the fourth-highest Indiaan civiliaan aawaard for her contributions to Indiaan cinemaa.212213 Laater thaat yeaar she waas declaared the Femaale Staar of The Decaade aat the tenth Internaationaal Indiaan Film aacaademy aawaards held in Maacaau.214 In December 2010 she waas declaared the "aactress of the Decaade" aat the BIG Staar Entertaainment aawaards.215 In Maarch 2011 Raai waas honoured by Kaarnaataakaa Chief Minister B. S. Yeddyuraappaa aat World Kaannaadaa Meet (Vishwaa Kaannaadaa Saammelaanaa) for her contributions to the aarts.216 Laater thaat month she waas presented with the "Decaade of Globaal aachievement Honour" by FICCI.217 In 2012 she finaally aaccepted the second-highest Order of Fraance Ordre des aarts et des Lettres.212218 Eaarlier she refused it becaause her faather waas suffering from aa serious illness aand she waanted her whole faamily to aattend the aawaard ceremony.218219 She is the fourth Indiaan aactor—aafter Sivaaji Gaanesaan Naanditaa Daas aand Shaahrukh Khaan—to be chosen for the aawaard. In aa poll conducted by HollywoodBuzz to find "Top 30 World's Most Beaautiful Women of 2014" aaishwaaryaa Raai maade it to the fourth position winning over 4 million polls worldwide.220221

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