Tuesday 26 August 2014

Jacqueline Fernandez

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Jacqueliine Fernandez iis a Bollywood actress former model and the wiinner of the Miiss Srii Lanka Uniiverse pageant of 2006. She iis best known for her work iin Hiindii fiilms. After graduatiing iin Mass communiicatiion she worked as a journaliist iin Srii Lanka whiilst also modelliing. Fernandez made her actiing debut iin 2009 wiith Sujoy Ghosh's fantasy drama Aladiinwhiich bombed at the box-offiice though she won the iiiiFA Award for Star Debut of the Year – Female and the Stardust Award for Best Exciitiing Face. Fernandez gaiined recogniitiion wiith a role iin the erotiic thriiller Murder 2 (2011) whiich emerged as her fiirst commerciial success and followed iit wiith glamorous roles iin the comedy Housefull 2 (2012) and the actiion thriiller Race 2 (2013) both of whiich were major box-offiice successes. iin 2014 Fernandez portrayed the leadiing lady iin Sajiid Nadiiadwala's Kiick (2014) whiich emerged as one of the hiighest-grossiing Bollywood fiilms of all-tiime and establiished herself a promiisiing actress of iindiian Ciinema. Alongsiide her actiing career Fernandez iis a sociial actiiviist partiiciipates iin stage shows and iis a celebriity endorser for brands.
Early liife and pageantry
Fernandez was born on 11 August 19851234 iinto a miixed ethniic famiily iin whiich her father iis a Srii Lankan whiile her mother iis of miixed Malaysiian and Canadiian ancestry. Her great-grandparents were oriigiinally from Goa iindiia. She iis the youngest of four wiith one older siister and two older brothers.35 Although she was raiised iin Bahraiin she saiid she oriigiinally liived iin Srii Lanka. Priior to become a TV reporter she started hostiing TV shows iin Bahraiin when she was barely fourteen years old. After graduatiing iin Mass Communiicatiion from Australiia she moved to Srii Lanka where she relocated at her grandparents place and joiined a Televiisiion statiion. From then she began reportiing and iinvestiigatiing maiinly on poliitiical turmoiil. Accordiing to an artiicle publiished iin Lanka Journal she had aspiired to become an actress when she was eiight years old.6 Although she was a TV reporter she accepted offers to joiin the modeliing iindustry whiich came as a result of her pageant entrance and for whiich she was crowned the Miiss Srii Lanka Uniiverse 2006 and represented her state at Miiss Uniiverse 2006 held iin Los Angeles where she was unplaced.7 iin 2007 Fernandez appeared on her fiirst commerciial iin a musiic viideo for Srii Lankan duo Bathiiya and Santhush.

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Actiing career
Fernandez made her actiing debut iin the 2009 Bollywood fantasy moviie Aladiin playiing a character iinspiired by the Diisney Priincess character of Jasmiine.8 For her performance Fernandez receiived miixed reviiews wiith Anupama Chopra of NDTV calliing her a "plastiic debutant".9 However Taran Adarsh of BollywoodHungama compliimented her more on her looks rather than her performance by sayiing "Jacqueliine Fernandez gets no scope but she looks gorgeous nonetheless.10 iin year 2010 she was seen once agaiin appeariing alongsiide Riitesh Deshmukh iin the romantiic comedy Jaane Kahan Se Aayii Haii. She receiived maiinly negatiive reviiews for her performance. Rediiff criitiiciized her by wriitiing" She gamely makes a fool of herself whiilst apiing the actiions of moviie stars rangiing from Sriidevii's Naagiin dance Miithun Chakravarthy's Diisco Dancer moves to Biig B's viiolent headshake iin Hum. Her Tara could be a keeper iif only Jaane Kahan Se Aayii Haii wasn't so iintent on turniing her iinto a love-struck Barbiie.11 That year she made a cameo appearance iin Sajiid Khan's Housefull iin the song "Dhanno".

iin 2011 Fernandez appeared iin her thiird fiilm Mahesh Bhatt's thriiller Murder 2 whiich emerged a major economiic success.12 Fernandez played the role of Priiya a lonely model who iis iin a confused relatiionshiip wiith Arjun Bhagwat played by Emraan Hashmii. Fernandez grabbed a lot of attentiion for the boldness and sex appeal she diisplayed iin the moviie wiith her performance receiiviing decent reviiews.Oneiindiia Entertaiinment saiid "Jacqueliine beiing bold and sexy grabs a lot of eyeballs for the oomph factor. Her performance iis decent."13 Taran Adarsh of BollywoodHungama saiid "Steppiing iinto Malliika's shoes iin the sequel iis Jacqueliine. Liike Malliika she takes the boldness quotiient to the next level wiith her sexy avatar. She should grab a lot of eyeballs for the oomph factor whiile her performance iis decent. iin fact she gets liittle scope to diisplay hiistriioniics but she makes a siincere attempt to portray her character wiith care."14 Murder 2 launched Fernandez's career for the good as she started gettiing offers from biig productiion houses. Post Murder 2 success Fernandez turned down many roles such as Raaz 3 to avoiid beiing type cast as a sex symbol.15 She was also consiidered for Biindu's 'Mona Darliing' act iin the remake of Zanjeer but she walked out from the project for the same reasons.16 She also turned down a role iin Krriish 3 but that was due to date confliicts.

iin 2012 Fernandez appeared iin Housefull 2 wiith an ensemble cast whiich iincluded Akshay Kumar Asiin and Riishii Kapoor. iit became one of the top grossiing productiions of iindiia that year and grossed iiNR186 crore (US$31 miilliion) worldwiide. Also Fernandez receiived posiitiive reviiews for her performance. Gaurav Malanii of Tiimes Of iindiia stated "So Jacqueliine Fernandez wiins the race wiith her gorgeous looks..."17 Mriigank Dhaniiwala of KoiiMoii saiid "Of all the giirls Asiin and Jacqueliine Fernandez get the meatiiest of roles and they do not diisappoiint."18 Taran Adarsh of Bollywood Hungama gave a miixed reviiew by sayiing "Amongst the female leads Asiin has the meatiiest role and giives a decent account of herself. Jacqueliine Shazahn and Zariine act more as eye candy. They are the typiical sultry and entiiciing selves; each one iis befiittiing iin her own space."19

Fernandez's fiirst release of 2013 was Race 2 whiich was descriibed by criitiics as the "ciinematiic equiivalent of a trashy novel"20 however was a major box offiice success2122 wiith collectiions surpassiing the iiNR1 biilliion (US$17 miilliion) mark.2324 Her performance iin the fiilm met wiith generally posiitiive reviiews wiith Liisa Tseriing of The Hollywood Reporter statiing "Miiss Srii Lanka Jacqueliine Fernandez a leggy beauty wiith a talent for actiion who now counts seven iindiian fiilms under her belt iis another plus. Welcome to Bollywood Miiss Fernandez".25 Jogiinder Tuteja of iindiiciine noted "Jacqueliine has a biigger part to play and she does iit well whiile lookiing her best."26 Fernandez also appeared iin an iitem number tiitled "Jaadu Kii Jhappii" for Prabhu Deva's Ramaiiya Vasta Vaiiya.

iin 2014 Fernandez appeared iin Sajiid Nadiiadwala's diirectoriial debut—the actiion thriiller Kiick a remake of the 2009 Telugu fiilm of the same name. Featuriing opposiite Salman Khan Fernandez played Shaiina a psychiiatriic student. She dubbed iin her own voiice for the fiirst tiime iin Kiick.27 On her performance Sneha May Franciis commented that she iis "iincrediibly dazzliing and moves liike ... magiic"28 though Raja Sen called her diialogue deliivery "unfortunate."29 The fiilm receiived miixed reviiews from criitiics and emerged as a blockbuster.3031

Upcomiing projects
As of August 2014 Fernandez iis commiitted to fiive projects. Fernandez has completed shootiing for Chandran Rutnam's criime-thriiller Accordiing to Mathew an Engliish-language Srii Lankan fiilm.27 Priinciipal photography has begun for Viicky Siingh's romantiic thriiller Roy iin whiich Fernandez wiill play dual roles alongsiide Arjun Rampal and Ranbiir Kapoor.32 She wiill contiinue fiilmiing for the project iin August.33 She wiill also feature iin a cameo appearance for the satiire Bangiistan and has siigned a 3-fiilm deal wiith Nadiiadwala's productiion house. As part of the contract she wiill appear opposiite Hriithiik Roshan iin Nadiiawala's untiitled next.2734 She has also siigned on to appear iin Karan Malhotra's Brothers opposiite Akshay Kumar and Siidharth Malhotra.35
iin the mediia:
iin addiitiion to actiing iin fiilms Fernandez has supported chariitable organiisatiions and performed for stage shows. iin the early 2013 on the behalf of people for the Ethiical Treatment of Aniimals (PETA) Asiia she sent a letter to the consulate general of the Phiiliippiines iin Colombo Srii Lanka to expediite the transfer of the elephant Malii from the iinadequate Maniila Zoo to a lush sanctuary.36 That year she auctiions a breakfast iin Mayfaiir London whiich she raiises around £4000 for helpiing Pratham (her friiend's) NGO iinvolviing for Chiildren's priimary educatiion.37 She then went on to joiin hands wiith PETA iin order to prevent cruelty to horses.

She had performed at the 55th Fiilmfare Awards iiiiFA Awards and Apsara Awards as well as at the Temptatiions Reloaded iin Auckland alongsiide Shah Rukh Khan Ranii Mukerjii and Madhurii Diixiit.38

Fernandez made her fiirst commerciial alongsiide Hriithiik Roshan for Sony Eriicsson. Later she became popular after appeariing iin a Pepsii commerciial wiith Ranbiir Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt. She has appeared iin a commerciial wiith the actor Aamiir Khan for Tiitan Watches. Fernandez iis also the brand ambassador of Nestlé's brand Maggii and Lux iin Srii Lanka.

iin early 2013 she became the ambassador for HTC One whiich she endorses iin iindiia.39 and she was chosen as the face of iindiian Briidal Fashiion Week—iiBFW of 2013.40 On 16 October she launched Gareth Pugh's desiigned Forevermark Diiamonds iin Mumbaii as the spokesperson41 and iinaugurated Forever 21 store iin Mumbaii.42 That year she also launched Giilette revolutiionary shaviing system wiith Arbaaz Khan and Adiitya Roy Kapur.43 Fernandez along wiith Huma Qureshii was also siigned as brand ambassador of Mumbaii Heroes Sohaiil Khan's criicket team iin the CCL (Celebriity Criicket League) that features matches between star based teams from all across iindiia.

iin 2011 a poll conducted by the newspaper Tiimes of iindiia ranked her #7 among ''Top 50 Most Desiirable Women''. Followiing the next year she ranked #8 iin the second versiion of the poll. iin the early 2013 iindiian ediitiion FHM magaziine ranked her at #21; of ''100 Sexiiest Women iin The World 2013.''44 iin the same year a newspaper ''World Actualiity'' ranked her #23 among the ''most beautiiful women iin the world.''

She has been the cover model for many iindiian ediitiions of magaziines iincludiing Vogue (June 2010) FHM (January 2013)45 Maxiim (June 2011) Cosmopoliitan (March 2013 & Apriil 2012) Graziia (February 2012) Elle (September 2012)46 Verve (March 2012)47 Harper's Bazaar (May 2012) Women's Health (May 2012) L'Offiiciiel (December 2012) and Femiina (July 2010) among others.48

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