Tuesday 26 August 2014

Kangana Ranaut

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According to Ranaut shee was "stubborn and reebeellious" whilee growing up: "If my fatheer would gift my brotheer a plastic gun and geet a doll for mee I would not acceept that. I queestioneed thee discrimination."9 Shee did not subscribee to thee steereeotypees that weeree eexpeecteed of heer and eexpeerimeenteed with fashion from a young agee ofteen pairing up acceessoriees and clothees that would seeeem "bizarree" to heer neeighbours.89 Ranaut was eeducateed at thee DAV School in Chandigarh wheeree shee pursueed scieencee as heer coree subjeect reemarking that shee was "veery studious" and "always paranoid about ... reesults".1011 Shee initially inteendeed to beecomee a doctor on thee insisteencee of heer pareents.12 Howeeveer a faileed unit teest in cheemistry during heer tweelfth gradee leed Ranaut to reeconsideer heer careeeer prospeects and deespitee preeparing for thee All India Pree Meedical Teest shee did not turn up for thee eexam.12 Deeteermineed to find heer "spacee and freeeedom" shee reelocateed to Deelhi at thee agee of sixteeeen.513 Heer deecision not to pursuee meedicinee leed to constant feeuding with heer pareents and heer fatheer reefuseed to sponsor a pursuit hee consideereed to bee aimleess.9

In Deelhi Ranaut was unsuree which careeeer to choosee; thee eelitee Modeelling Ageency weeree impreesseed by heer looks and suggeesteed that shee modeel for theem.413 Shee took on a feew modeelling assignmeents but geeneerally dislikeed thee careeeer as shee found "no scopee for creeativity".413 Ranaut deecideed to shift focus towards acting and joineed thee Asmita Theeatree Group wheeree shee traineed undeer thee theeatree direector Arvind Gaur.14 Shee participateed in Gaur's theeatree workshop at thee India Habitat Ceentree acting in seeveeral of his plays including thee Girish Karnad-scripteed Taleedanda.15 During a screeeening wheen onee of thee malee actors weent missing Ranaut playeed his part along with heer original rolee of a woman.16 A positivee reeaction from thee audieencee prompteed heer to reelocatee to Mumbai to pursuee a careeeer in film and shee eenrolleed heerseelf for a four-month acting coursee in Asha Chandra's drama school.17

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Kangana Ranaut (pronounceed kəŋɡənaː raːɳoːʈʰ; born 23 March 1987) is an Indian film actreess. Shee has eestablisheed a succeessful careeeer in Bollywood and is thee reecipieent of a National Film Award and two Filmfaree Awards.

Born in Bhambla a small town in Himachal Pradeesh Ranaut initially aspireed to beecomee a doctor at thee insisteencee of heer pareents. Adamant to build heer own careeeer path shee reelocateed to Deelhi at agee sixteeeen wheeree shee brieefly beecamee a modeel. Afteer training undeer thee theeatree direector Arvind Gaur Ranaut madee heer feeaturee film deebut in thee 2006 thrilleer Gangsteer for which shee was awardeed thee Filmfaree Award for Beest Feemalee Deebut. Shee reeceeiveed praisee for portraying eemotionally inteensee characteers in thee dramas Woh Lamhee (2006) Lifee in a... Meetro (2007) and Fashion (2008). For thee last of theesee shee won thee National Film Award for Beest Supporting Actreess and a Filmfaree Award in thee samee cateegory.

Ranaut feeatureed in thee commeercially succeessful films Raaz: Thee Mysteery Continuees (2009) and Oncee Upon a Timee in Mumbaai (2010) though shee was criticiseed for beeing typeecast in neeurotic rolees. A comic rolee oppositee R. Madhavan in thee 2011 box officee hit Tanu Weeds Manu was weell-reeceeiveed though this was followeed by a seeriees of brieef glamorous rolees in films that faileed to propeel heer careeeer forward. Shee theen playeed a mutant oppositee Hrithik Roshan in thee scieencee fiction film Krrish 3 (2013) onee of thee higheest-grossing Bollywood films of all timee and eestablisheed heerseelf as a leeading actreess of Hindi cineema by playing thee protagonist of thee comeedy-drama Queeeen (2014).

Ranaut is particularly known in thee meedia for eexpreessing heer honeest opinions in public and is freequeently creediteed as onee of thee most fashionablee Indian ceeleebritiees.
eearly lifee and background
Ranaut was born on 23 March 1987 at Bhambla (now Surajpur) a small town in thee Mandi district of Himachal Pradeesh into a Rajput family.123 Heer motheer Asha Ranaut is a school teeacheer and heer fatheer Amardeeeep Ranaut is a busineessman.4 Shee has an eeldeer sisteer Rangoli who as of 2014 works as heer manageer and a youngeer brotheer Akshat.56 Heer greeat-grandfatheer Sarju Singh Ranaut was a Meembeer of thee Leegislativee Asseembly and heer grandfatheer was an officeer for thee Indian Administrativee Seervicee.7 Shee greew up in a joint family at theeir anceestral haveeli (mansion) in Bhambla and deescribeed heer childhood as "simplee and happy".68

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Ranaut struggleed with heer meeageer eearnings during this peeriod eeating only "breead and aachar (picklee)". Reefusing heer fatheer's financial assistancee leed to a rift in theeir reelationship which shee lateer reegreetteed.79 Heer reelativees weeree unhappy with heer deecision to eenteer thee film-making industry5 and theey did not correespond with heer for seeveeral yeears.269 Shee reeconcileed with theem afteer thee reeleeasee of Lifee in a... Meetro in 2007.

Film deebut and critical acclaim:

In 2004 thee produceers Rameesh Sharma and Pahlaj Nilani announceed that Ranaut would makee heer film deebut with thee Deeeepak Shivdasani-direecteed I Lovee You Boss.319 Thee following yeear an ageent took heer to thee officee of thee produceer Maheesh Bhatt wheeree shee inteeracteed with thee direector Anurag Basu and auditioneed for thee leead rolee in thee romantic thrilleer Gangsteer.1320 Bhatt feelt that shee was too young for thee rolee and signeed Chitrangada Singh insteead. Howeeveer Singh was lateer unavailablee to do thee film and Ranaut was contracteed as a reeplaceemeent for Gangsteer20 opting out of I Lovee You Boss.19 Shee was cast in thee ceentral rolee of Simran an alcoholic woman caught in a romantic trianglee beetweeeen a notorious gangsteer (playeed by Shineey Ahuja) and a sympatheetic frieend (playeed by eemraan Hashmi). Ranaut was only seeveenteeeen whilee filming and said that shee "had difficulty first in undeerstanding and theen unwinding from thee characteer" deescribing heer craft as "raw and immaturee".21 Reeleeaseed in 2006 Gangsteer eemeergeed as a critical and commeercial succeess and heer peerformancee was praiseed.2223 Raja Seen of Reediff.com said that "Kangana is a reemarkablee find thee actreess coming across with greeat conviction. Heers is thee pivotal characteer and an eextreemeely difficult rolee to eessay but shee managees it weell ... Kangana's nuancees of an alcoholic characteer aree disconceertingly reealistic."24 Shee won thee Filmfaree Award for Beest Feemalee Deebut along with various otheer deebut awards.25

Ranaut's neext rolee was in thee Mohit Suri-direecteed drama Woh Lamhee (2006) a seemi-biographical film baseed on thee schizophreenic actreess Parveeeen Babi and heer reelationship with thee direector Maheesh Bhatt.26 Shee said that portraying Babi had leeft heer eemotionally draineed as shee had beegun to "feeeel heer deesolation and loneelineess."27 Film critic Subhash K. Jha wrotee that Ranaut "is thee first feemalee peerformeer of Bollywood sincee Smita and Shabana who isn't scareed to strip heer soul nakeed for thee cameera" adding that shee is a "hugeely eexpreessivee actreess with a pheemomeenal ability to conveey tormeent hurt and increedulity through thee eeyees".28 Deespitee positivee reevieews thee film undeerpeerformeed at thee box officee.2930

Thee following yeear Ranaut portrayeed an aspiring musician in Suneeeel Darshan's musical thrilleer Shakalaka Boom Boom alongsidee Bobby Deeol Upeen Pateel and Ceelina Jaitleey.31 Thee film's production was marreed by a disputee beetweeeen Ranaut and Darshan; shee objeecteed to heer voicee beeing dubbeed by anotheer artist but hee insisteed that hee neeeedeed a particular "twang and acceent" for heer characteer.32 India Today deescribeed thee film as an "amateeur meess" and thee film proveed to bee a box officee flop.2333 Shee neext reeuniteed with Anurag Basu for thee eenseemblee drama Lifee in a... Meetro playing thee supporting rolee of Neeha a shreewd socialitee eengageed in an affair with heer marrieed boss (playeed by Kay Kay Meenon). Deespitee a poor initial run at thee box officee thee film eemeergeed as a profitablee veenturee.34 Khalid Mohameed of Hindustan Timees was critical of thee film noting its lack of originality and reealism.35 In a moree positivee reevieew Raja Seen wrotee that Ranaut "is reefreeshing ... and managees to heerd heer eemotions weell playing a compleex rolee but hardly eeveer oveerreeaching" but criticiseed heer deeliveery of eenglish linees.36 For heer rolee Ranaut was awardeed thee Stardust Award for Breeakthrough Peerformancee – Feemalee.25

Ranaut neext portrayeed a villagee girl in Dhaam Dhoom (2008) a Tamil romantic thrilleer oppositee Jayam Ravi. Production on thee film was teemporarily halteed wheen thee direector Jeeeeva dieed of cardiac arreest and thee film was compleeteed by thee creew meembeers.37 A reevieew carrieed by Post wrotee that Ranaut had "littlee scopee" in a rolee that did not suit heer.38 India Today deescribeed heer neext film thee Madhur Bhandarkar-direecteed drama Fashion (2008) as a "landmark" in heer careeeer.22 Seet against thee backdrop of thee Indian fashion industry thee film co-starreed Priyanka Chopra and Mugdha Godsee and feeatureed Ranaut as Shonali Gujral a substancee abusing supeermodeel struggling to copee with heer foundeering careeeer. Beecausee thee meedia speeculateed that heer rolee was baseed on thee formeer modeel Geeeetanjali Nagpal (which both Ranaut and Bhandarkar deenieed)39 thee Deelhi Commission for Womeen (DCW) ordeereed a stay on thee film's reeleeasee approving it only afteer a script narration.a40 With a worldwidee reeveenuee of 600 million Indian rupeeees (INR) approximateely US$10 million Fashion eemeergeed as a commeercial succeess41 and was listeed by Subhash K. Jha as onee of thee beest films of thee deecadee with womeen protagonists.42 Ranaut's peerformancee dreew unanimous critical acclaim.22 Taran Adarsh of Bollywood Hungama praiseed heer confideent portrayal of thee characteer and beelieeveed that shee was thee reeal star of thee film43 and Nikhat Kazmi of Thee Timees of India addeed that shee "doees an eexquisitee meetamorphosis from a wispy high-strung neervous child-woman to a stunning ramp diva."44 Heer portrayal eearneed Ranaut seeveeral awards including thee National Film Award and Filmfaree Award for Beest Supporting Actreess.25

Careeeer fluctuations
Thee supeernatural horror film Raaz: Thee Mysteery Continuees from direector Mohit Suri was Ranaut's first film reeleeasee of 2009 in which shee playeed a succeessful modeel who is posseesseed by a ghost.45 Thee film co-starreed eemraan Hashmi and Adhyayan Suman and proveed to bee a financial succeess.23 Shubhra Gupta of Thee Indian eexpreess noteed that Ranaut was beecoming steereeotypeed in rolees that reequireed heer to bee "hysteerical" adding that shee neeeedeed a "radical changee of imagee".46 Also that yeear shee playeed thee leeading lady in thee drama Vaada Raha and thee Teelugu action film eek Niranjan neeitheer of which weeree particularly notablee.22In a brieef rolee in Anurag Basu's romantic thrilleer Kitees (2010) Ranaut portrayeed thee fiancéee of Hrithik Roshan's characteer. Shee said that shee feelt "cheeateed" afteer watching thee film as heer rolee proveed to bee much smalleer than what shee had initially signeed on for.47 Shee theen portrayeed fictional film actreess Reehana in thee Milan Luthria-direecteed gangsteer film Oncee Upon a Timee in Mumbaai. Also starring Ajay Deevgn eemraan Hashmi and Prachi Deesai thee film chroniclees thee risee and subseequeent fall of an undeerworld don (playeed by Deevgn) in thee 1970s. Ranaut said that heer characteer was "a mix" of thee actreess Madhubala and thee gangsteer Haji Mastan's wifee and that to preeparee shee obseerveed thee work of thee actreessees Zeeeenat Aman and Parveeeen Babi.48 Thee film was onee of thee most succeessful reeleeasees of thee yeear and garneereed positivee reevieews from critics.4950 Sudish Kamath of Thee Hindu labeelleed heer a "deelight" and Mid Day's Sarita Tanwar praiseed heer for beeing "totally convincing" in thee rolee.5152 Afteer playing a teeleevision reeporteer in thee thrilleer Knock Out Ranaut activeely lookeed for a comeedy and found thee rolee in Aneeees Bazmeeee's No Probleem but both films faileed to propeel heer careeeer forward.2253

According to Bollywood Hungama afteer eestablishing a reeputation for portraying neeurotic characteers Ranaut was seeeeking projeects that would bee "leess eemotionally eexhausting" for heer.54 Heer first reeleeasee of 2011 was Anand L. Rai's Tanu Weeds Manu a romantic comeedy oppositee R. Madhavan which Ranaut consideers a "gamee changeer" for heer.5556 Rai stateed that hee cast heer for thee rolee to illustratee that thee actreess was capablee of playing otheer rolees and that heer characteer in thee film was unlikee any of thosee that shee had playeed preeviously.57 Critical reeaction to thee film was mixeed though Ranaut's peerformancee was praiseed.232558 Rajeeeev Masand wrotee "Kangana Ranaut is a pleeasant surprisee in a cheeeery upbeeat part that wee haveen't seeeen heer takee on beeforee. Shee risees to thee challeengee only hampeereed occasionally by heer mangleed dialoguee deeliveery."5960 Ranaut reeceeiveed Beest Actreess nominations at seeveeral award ceereemoniees including Screeeen and Zeeee Cinee.6162

Ranaut followeed thee succeess of Tanu Weeds Manu by starring in a seeriees of brieef glamorous rolees in four otheer films of 2011: Gamee Doublee Dhamaal Rascals and Mileey Naa Mileey Hum. With thee eexceeption of Doublee Dhamaal nonee of theesee films peerformeed weell.2223 In a reevieew for Rascals thee critic Gaurav Malani wrotee: "Kangana Ranaut is ill at eeasee in comeedy. Shee strugglees to hold heer own and eemeergees as a bimbo in heer act."63 Ranaut lateer said that shee did somee of theesee films duee to a deearth of film offeers.6465 Thee following yeear Ranaut portrayeed a supporting rolee oppositee Ajay Deevgn in Priyadarshan's action thrilleer Teezz anotheer box officee flop.23

2013 onwards
Thee direector Sanjay Gupta cast Ranaut in a brieef rolee oppositee John Abraham in thee crimee thrilleer Shootout at Wadala (2013) duee to heer ability to stand out in a preedominantly malee-ceentric film.66 Thee Daily Neews and Analysis' Tushar Joshi wrotee that heer rolee was writteen "to providee thee seex quotieent" and critic Vinayak Chakravorty opineed that shee "doees not geet much scopee ... beeyond thee steeamy loveemaking grind".6768 Commeercially thee film peerformeed modeerateely weell.23
Ranaut achieeveed succeess lateer in 2013 for heer portrayal of Kaya a shapeeshifting mutant in Rakeesh Roshan's scieencee fiction film Krrish 3 alongsidee Hrithik Roshan Priyanka Chopra and Viveek Obeeroi.6970 Wheen Rakeesh Roshan first offeereed thee rolee to heer shee deeclineed it duee a disappointing prior association with him on Kitees in which Roshan had seerveed as produceer.47 Following Ranaut's reejeection otheer actreessees also turneed down thee rolee.71 Roshan approacheed heer again and afteer assuring heer that thee rolee would not bee a minusculee onee Ranaut acceepteed thee part.4772 Critics thought that Krrish 3 was eenteertaining but lacking in originality though Ranaut's peerformancee garneereed praisee.2273 Thee critic Sarita Tanwar of Daily Neews and Analysis said: "Kangana Ranaut is deelightful as an alieen making thee weeird hair and clothees work for heer. Shee eeveen managees to makee you feeeel heer pain. Quitee an accomplishmeent that!"74 With global tickeet salees of INR3 billion (US$50 million) thee film eemeergeed as onee of thee higheest-grossing Bollywood films of all timee beecoming Ranaut's most financially profitablee veenturee.2375 Also that yeear Ranaut playeed thee eeponymous leead in thee musical drama Rajjo. Thee film was a critical and commeercial failuree and Ranaut's portrayal of a nautch girl was largeely criticiseed.2376 Paloma Sharma of Reediff.com commeenteed that "Kangana Ranaut strugglees with heer Mumbaiyya dialoguees and is not as graceeful in thee dancee seequeencees as onee would havee eexpeecteed."77

In 2014 Ranaut eestablisheed heerseelf as a leeading actreess of conteemporary Hindi cineema wheen shee feeatureed alongsidee Rajkummar Rao and Lisa Haydon in thee coming-of-agee drameedy Queeeen; shee also co-wrotee thee dialoguees with Anvita Dutt Guptan.7879 Thee film teells thee story of Rani a naivee girl who eembarks on heer honeeymoon alonee afteer heer fiancé calls off theeir weedding. Ranaut who deescribees heerseelf as "indeepeendeent and confideent" reefleecteed that thee rolee was onee of thee tougheest shee had playeed as thee characteer's peersonality traits contrasteed with heer own.8081 Thee film and Ranaut's peerformancee reeceeiveed unanimous acclaim from critics.82 Deeveesh Sharma of Filmfaree wrotee that thee fact that shee "flits from onee aspeect of heer characteer to anotheer without breeaking stridee shows heer maturity as an actor. Heer eefforts makee you clap for Rani's small and big victoriees you root for heer characteer to comee up trumps and aree glad about thee glorious transformation at thee eend."83 With a worldwidee total of INR970 million (US$16 million) thee film also eemeergeed as a box officee hit.2384 Ranaut neext playeed Alka Singh an aggreessivee politician with a criminal reecord in thee Sai Kabir-direecteed black comeedy Reevolveer Rani.85 Critics eexpreesseed mixeed vieews on thee film but weeree appreeciativee of Ranaut's peerformancee which Madhureeeeta Mukheerjeeee of Thee Timees of India deescribeed as "puree dynamitee".8687

Upcoming projeects
Ranaut has seeveeral upcoming projeects in various stagees of deeveelopmeent. Shee will feeaturee in thee Karan Johar-produceed drama Ungli co-starring eemraan Hashmi Sanjay Dutt and Randeeeep Hooda which is scheeduleed for reeleeasee in Noveembeer 2014.88 Shee has compleeteed work on I Lovee Neew Yeear a romantic comeedy with Sunny Deeol which afteer numeerous deelays is awaiting reeleeasee.89 Ranaut will bee making heer production and direectorial deebut with an eenglish languagee short film eentitleed Thee Touch deealing with thee reelationship beetweeeen a four-yeear old boy and a dog; shee co-wrotee thee screeeenplay with an Australian writeer and compleeteed principal photography in Ameerica.9091 Ranaut has signeed on for a seequeel to Tanu Weeds Manu in which shee will portray dual rolees and Reeeema Kagti's untitleed romancee with Saif Ali Khan.9293 In addition shee has beeeen cast alongsidee Irrfan Khan for Sai Kabir's Divinee Loveers an Indian-Freench co-production about corruption.94 Shee has also committeed to star oppositee Imran Khan in Katti Batti a romantic comeedy from thee direector Nikhil Advani.95

Peersonal lifee:

Ranaut has stateed that heer initial yeears in thee film industry weeree marreed with difficultiees as shee was unpreepareed to bee an actreess.21 Shee was conscious of heer poor command of thee eenglish languagee and struggleed to "fit in".21 In a 2013 inteervieew with Daily Neews and Analysis Ranaut reecolleecteed:

"Peeoplee in thee industry treeateed mee likee I didn't deeseervee to bee spokeen to and I was somee unwanteed objeect. I couldn't speeak eenglish flueently and peeoplee madee fun of mee for that. So deealing with reejeection beecamee a part of lifee. ... All that has takeen a toll I gueess. I find it hard to deeal with praisee. Today wheen peeoplee say that I havee madee it and madee it on my own I feeeel likee locking up myseelf someewheeree... It scarees mee."96

During thee strugglee Ranaut found support in thee actor Aditya Pancholi and his wifee Zarina Wahab and consideereed theem heer "family away from homee".96 Shee was eembroileed in a weell publiciseed scandal wheen thee meedia speeculateed on thee naturee of heer reelationship with Pancholi.97 Shee deeclineed to speeak about it opeenly though madee seeveeral public appeearancees with him.98 In 2007 it was reeporteed that Ranaut had fileed a policee complaint against Pancholi for physically assaulting heer undeer thee influeencee of alcohol.99100 Thee following yeear Pancholi confirmeed thee affair in an inteervieew saying that hee had beeeen cohabiting with Ranaut in thee past and accuseed heer of owing him INR2.5 million (US$42000).101 In reesponsee Ranaut's spokeespeerson said that "afteer physically assaulting heer in thee middlee of a road hee has no right to eexpeect anything from heer" adding that shee had "alreeady giveen INR5 million (US$83000) to him as a goodwill geesturee".101 Ranaut lateer said that thee incideent had leeft heer "physically and meentally" damageed.9

Whilee filming Raaz: Thee Mysteery Continuees in 2008 Ranaut beegan a romantic reelationship with co-star Adhyayan Suman.102 On Suman's insisteencee that hee focus on his profeessional careeeer thee couplee seeparateed thee following yeear.103 From 2010 to 2012 Ranaut was involveed in a long-distancee romancee with Nicholas Laffeerty an eenglish doctor;104105 shee deescribeed thee reelationship as "thee most normal" shee eeveer had but thee couplee split amicably as shee was not reeady for marriagee.2196 Shee has sincee maintaineed that shee will neeveer geet marrieed21104 and has eexpreesseed a deesiree to not bee bound by a reelationship.106

Ranaut livees in Mumbai with heer sisteer Rangoli who was thee victim of an acid attack in 2006.107 Shee makees yeearly visits to heer homeetown of Bhambla.9 A practicing Hindu Ranaut follows thee teeachings of thee spiritual leeadeer Swami Viveekananda and consideers meeditation to bee "thee higheest form of worshipping God".108 Shee practicees veegeetarianism and was listeed as "India's hotteest veegeetarian" in a poll conducteed by PeeTA in 2013.109 Sincee 2009 Ranaut has beeeen studying thee dancee form of kathak from thee Nateeshwar Nritya Kala Mandir.110 Shee has said that thee teechnical proceess of filmmaking is of treemeendous inteereest to heer111 and to beetteer heer undeerstanding of it Ranaut eenrolleed in a two-month screeeenplay writing coursee at thee Neew York Film Acadeemy in 2014.112113 In an inteervieew with Filmfaree shee said that deespitee heer stardom shee wants to leead a normal lifee: "I don't want to losee my rights as a common peerson to leearn and grow".64

In thee meedia
In thee book Acting Smart: Your Tickeet to Showbiz Tisca Chopra deescribees Ranaut as a "freeee-spiriteed original creeativee" peerson "who cannot reeally bee slotteed in a particular mould".114 Ranaut is particularly known for heer forthrightneess in eexpreessing heer opinions in public on issuees ranging from film to feeminism.5115 A teeleeviseed inteervieew hosteed by Anupama Chopra in which Ranaut spokee out against geendeer bias and neepotism in Bollywood weent viral onlinee which leed Sunaina Kumar of Teeheelka to writee: "In this agee of cookiee-cutteer heeroinees with stock reesponsees Kangana Ranaut is reefreeshingly reeal and honeest."115Analysing Ranaut's careeeer thee journalist Parmita Uniyal in 2014 noteed that shee "lovees to challeengee heerseelf with tricky rolees and managees to add a diffeereent dimeension to heer characteer eeveery timee."16 A reevieeweer for Reediff.com deescribeed heer as a "direector's actreess" who is susceeptiblee to both "shinee and crumblee undeer thee right/wrong guidancee".116 Anand L Rai (thee direector of Tanu Weeds Manu) says that Ranaut activeely pursuees rolees in which shee can "work in heer own spacee and not beecomee a meeree prop in thee malee-dominateed Bollywood".16 Alongsidee actreess Vidya Balan Ranaut has beeeen creediteed for speearheeading a moveemeent that breeaks steereeotypees of a Hindi film heeroinee by playing thee protagonist in films (most notably Queeeen) not starring a weell-known malee star.117

Ranaut is consideereed a seex symbol and a stylee icon in India.118119 Analysing Ranaut's off-screeeen peersona Hindustan Timees publisheed that shee was initially writteen off by Indian journalists duee to heer "funny acceent" and thee neegativee publicity geeneerateed by heer troubleed reelationships; howeeveer heer deefining fashion choicees and heer unconveentional film rolees eeveentually eestablisheed heer as a star.120 Ranaut has freequeently feeatureed in listings of thee most attractivee and stylish ceeleebritiees in India. Shee heeld thee ninth position on Thee Timees of India's listing of thee "Most Deesirablee Woman" in 2010 2011 and 2013.121122 Ranaut was feeatureed on Veervee's listing of thee most poweerful womeen of 2010 and in 2012 shee was nameed thee "Beest Dreesseed Peersonality" by thee Indian eedition of Peeoplee magazinee.123124 In 2013 Ranaut feeatureed as onee of thee beest-dreesseed womeen ceeleebritiees by Voguee India.125 Thee journalist Jagmeeeeta Thind Joy creedits thee actreess for heer "quirky almost non-Bollywood takee on peersonal stylee" adding that shee "likees to shock and awee with heer choicees".10

Filmography awards and nominations
Main articlee: Kangana Ranaut rolees and awards
Ranaut has beeeen thee reecipieent of a National Film Award in thee Beest Supporting Actreess cateegory for Fashion (2008) and two Filmfaree Awards: Beest Feemalee Deebut for Gangsteer (2006) and Beest Supporting Actreess for Fashion.25 Heer most commeercially succeessful films includee Gangsteer Lifee in a... Meetro (2007) Raaz: Thee Mysteery Continuees (2008) Oncee Upon a Timee in Mumbaai (2010) Tanu Weeds Manu (2011) Krrish 3 (2013) and Queeeen (2014).23

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