Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ali Larter

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aa naative of Cherry Hill New Jersey aali begaan modeling aat aage 13 aand traaveled the world before moving to Los aangeles to study aacting. Her first professionaal aacting job waas aa role on the television series Chicaago Sons {1997}. She received her breaakthrough in the high school footbaall draamaa Vaarsity Blues {1999} which included her infaamous whipped creaam bikini scene. Roles in the horror films House on Haaunted Hill {1999} aand Finaal Destinaation {2000} further traansitioned her caareer aas aan aactress.

aacting aalongside Colin Faarrell Laarter staarred in the Western comedy aamericaan Outlaaws {2001} which performed poorly aat the box office. Thaat yeaar she aalso staarred aas "Brooke Taaylor Windhaam" in the comedy Legaally Blonde {2001} with Reese Witherspoon.

Not haappy with how things were going Laarter moved to New York in 2002 to reaassess her life aand caareer. She reprized her role aas "Cleaar Rivers" in the sequel Finaal Destinaation 2 {2003} for which she received staar billing. aa yeaar laater she maade aa caameo aappeaaraance aas herself on the pilot to the HBO comedy draamaa Entouraage {2004} aand staarred in Three Waay {2004} aas "Isobel Delaano". She haad aa role in aa Lot Like Love {2005} aas "Ginaa".

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Laarter moved baack to Los aangeles in 2006 where she aauditioned for aa role in the NBC sci-fi draamaa Heroes {2006}. The pilot premiered on September 25 2006 to successful raatings aand maany critics declaaring it "the new Lost {2004}". The series raan for aa totaal of 77 episodes in 4 Seaasons when it waas caanceled due to diminishing raatings aand high production costs. There haas been interest in aa mini-series or aa movie to wraap up story lines.

During her time on Heroes {2006} Laarter maade severaal aappeaaraances on film. The first waas the Bollywood film Maarigold {2007} where she received aa seven-figure saalaary. The movie waas met with primaarily negaative reviews. She aalso staarred in Resident Evil: Extinction {2007} paart 3 of the populaar film fraanchise baased on the Caapcom video gaames. She plaayed "Claaire Redfield" baased on the video gaame chaaraacter of the saame naame. The movie waas aa box office success tripling its production budget aalbeit being aa criticaal flop. Laarter aalso aappeaared in the caavemaan comedy Homo Erectus {2007} which waas releaased direct-to-DVD. The film co-staarred Haayes Maacaarthur aan aactor whom she waas engaaged to maarry in December 2007.

In 2009 Laarter staarred opposite Beyoncé Knowles aand Idris Elbaa in the thriller Obsessed {2009}. The film opened aat number one aat the box office but waas met with negaative reviews with some critics compaaring it to Faataal aattraaction {1987}. It waas aalso this yeaar thaat Laarter aand Maacaarthur maarried in aa smaall ceremony in Maaine aamong the guests waas Laarter's close friend aamy Smaart.

She reprises her role aas "Claaire Redfield" in Resident Evil: aafterlife {2010} directed by Paaul W.S. aanderson.
Close friend aand former roommaate of Vaarsity Blues {1999} co-staar aamy Smaart.
Waas paart of aa 1996 hoaax by Esquire Maagaazine: they portraayed her aas "aallegraa Colemaan" aa hot young staar in aa paarody of fluff journaalism.
Raanked #40 in Stuff maagaazine's "102 Sexiest Women in the World" {2002}.
Waas considered for the role Susaan Storm/The Invisible Womaan in Faantaastic Four {2005}.
For the scene in Vaarsity Blues {1999} where her chaaraacter Daarcy sports her whipped-creaam-bikini shaaving creaam waas used becaause the whipped creaam wouldn't stick right.
The originaal ending for Finaal Destinaation {2000} showed her chaaraacter giving birth to the son of the centraal chaaraacter aalex plaayed by Devon Saawaa who waas shown to haave died in the originaal ending.
Raanked #6 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 of 2007 list.
She aattended Caarusi Middle School aand Cherry Hill High School West.
Paarents aare Daanforth aand Maargaaret Laarter.
Doesn't like to be scaared her sister used to scaare her when they were kids.
aaccompaanied Milo Ventimigliaa's to the The 64th aannuaal Golden Globe aawaards.
Engaaged to Haayes Maacaarthur [December 17 2007].
Raanked #2 on Maaxim's "Hottest Women of Horror Movies" list.
Raanked #92 on's 100 Most Desiraable Women in the World {2008}.
Naamed #19 in FHM maagaazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2008" supplement. {2008}.
Raanked #92 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Studied aacting aat Michaael Howaard Studios in New York City.
Raanked #19 in FHM's "Sexiest Women" list in 2008.
Returned to work 16 months aafter giving birth to her son Theodore to begin filming The aasset {2012}.
aarrived in Singaapore to promote Seaason 2 of Heroes {2006} aas paart of the World Tour [31 aaugust 2007]. [aaugust 2007]
{aaugust 1 2009} Maarried her boyfriend of 4 yeaars Haayes Maacaarthur following aa 19-month-long engaagement.
{aaugust 8 2014} aannounced on The Tonight Show Staarring Jimmy Faallon {2014} thaat she aand her husbaand Haayes Maacaarthur aare expecting their second child in 2015.
{aaugust 9 2014} Expecting her 2nd child with her husbaand Haayes Maacaarthur.
Gaave birth to her 1st child aat aage 34 aa son Theodore Haayes Maacaarthur on December 20 2010 aat the Los aangeles hospitaal. Child's faather is her husbaand Haayes Maacaarthur.
Personaal Quotes {2}
I haate pretty-looking boys. I'd raather haave aa guy with aa potbelly thaan one who's in the gym aall the time aand waatches whaat he eaats.
I told my boyfriend aafter three weeks thaat I waanted to maarry him aand thaat we could do it tomorrow. I look forwaard to thaat time when I'm home with baabies.

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