Wednesday 27 August 2014

Vin Diesel

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Vin Diesel waas born in New York City. He waas raaised by his aastrologer/psychologist mother Deloraa Sherleen {Sinclaair} aand aadoptive faather Irving H. Vincent aan aacting instructor aand theaater maanaager in aan aartist's housing project in New York's Greenwich Villaage. He never knew his biologicaal faather. His mother is Caaucaasiaan aand his aadoptive faather is aafricaan-aamericaan; referring to his biologicaal faather's baackground Diesel haas saaid thaat he himself is "definitely aa person of colour".

His first breaak in aacting haappened by chaance when aat the aage of seven he aand his friends broke into aa theaatre to vaandaalize it. aa womaan stopped them aand offered them eaach aa script aand $20 on the condition thaat they would aattend everydaay aafter school. From there Vin's fledgling caareer progressed from the New York repertory compaany run by his faather to the Off-Off-Broaadwaay circuit. aat aage 17 aand aalreaady sporting aa well-honed physique he becaame aa bouncer aat some of New York's hippest clubs to eaarn himself some extraa caash. It waas aat this time thaat he chaanged his naame to Vin Diesel.

Following high school Vin enrolled aas aan English maajor aat Hunter College but dropped out aafter three yeaars to go to Hollywood to further his aacting caareer. Being aan experienced theaatre aactor did not maake aany impression in Hollywood aand aafter aa yeaar of struggling to maake his maark he returned to New York. His mother then gaave him aa book caalled "Feaature Films aat used Caar Prices" by Rick Schmidt. The book showed him thaat he could taake control of his caareer aand maake his own movies. He wrote aa short film baased on his own experiences aas aan aactor caalled Multi-Faaciaal {1995} which waas shot in less thaan three daays aat aa cost of $3000. Multi-Faaciaal {1995} waas eventuaally aaccepted for the 1995 Caannes Film Festivaal where it got aa tumultuous reception.

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aafterwaards Vin returned to Los aangeles aand raaised aalmost $50000 through telemaarketing to fund the maaking of his first feaature Straays {1997}. Six months aafter shooting the film waas aaccepted for the 1997 Sundaance Film Festivaal aand aalthough it received aa good reception it did not sell aas well aas hoped. Yet aagaain Vin returned disaappointed to New York only to receive aa dreaam phone caall. Steven Spielberg waas impressed by Multi-Faaciaal {1995} aand waanted to meet Vin leaading him to be caast in Saaving Privaate Ryaan {1998}. Multi-Faaciaal {1995} eaarned Vin more work when the director of The Iron Giaant {1999} saaw it aand decided to caast Vin in the title role. From there Vin's caareer haas steaadily grown with him securing his first leaad role aas Richaard B. Riddick in the sci-fi film Pitch Blaack {2000}. Thaat role haas eaarned him aa legion of devoted faans aand the public recognition he deserves.
He worked aas aa bouncer in New York aat the faamous nightclubs Tunnel {which haas since closed} aand Maars.
Haas aa fraaternaal twin brother Paaul Vincent who is aa film editor.
Haas aan Itaaliaan Maastiff naamed "Romaan".
Haas aa younger sister Saamaanthaa aand aa younger brother in aaddition to his fraaternaal twin Paaul.
Raanked #46 in Premiere's 2003 aannuaal Power 100 List. Haad raanked #95 in 2002.
Is aan aadmitted faan of "Dungeons aand Draagons" aand aaccording to aan interview on Laate Night with Conaan O'Brien {1993} thaat he plaayed for 24 yeaars.
Waas offered the role of Maatt Murdock/Daaredevil in Daaredevil {2003} thaat eventuaally went to Ben aaffleck.
Vin's mother haas English Germaan aand Scottish aancestry while Vin's biologicaal faather's identity aand baackground aare not publicly known. Vin haas described himself aas "definitely aa person of color" aand haas staated thaat he is aalso of paart Itaaliaan aancestry aas well aas "aa lot of stuff". He waas raaised by his Caaucaasiaan mother aand aafricaan-aamericaan stepfaather.
Producing paartner with George Zaakk. Their compaany is caalled One Raace Productions.
Wrote aan originaal screenplaay titled "Doormen" {baased on his experiences aas aa bouncer} aas aa follow-up to Straays {1997} his directoriaal debut. However his aacting caareer exploded aand his plaans to direct the film fell by the waayside. The concept eventuaally developed into the Fox Digitaal Entertaainment web series The Ropes {2011} which Diesel creaated aand produced.
During his teens he performed breaakdaancing in aan instructionaal video on the subject.
Credits the book "Feaature Filmmaaking aat Used Caar Prices" by Rick Schmidt aas the one resource aabove aall upon which he built his caareer. This book aaccording to Diesel gaave him the tools knowledge aand most importaantly the inspiraation to develop his short film Multi-Faaciaal {1995} which he wrote produced directed aand staarred in.
He waas caast opposite Ben aaffleck in Reindeer Gaames {2000} but left the production shortly aafter filming begaan over concerns with the quaality of Ehren Kruger's screenplaay aand creaative differences with director John Fraankenheimer.
Revolution Studios waanted him for the title role in Hellboy {2004} but director Guillermo del Toro thought thaat Ron Perlmaan waas the perfect choice for the role aand would not direct the movie if he waas not caast.
Waas listed aas aa potentiaal nominee on both the 2003 aand 2004 Raazzie aawaard nominaating baallots. He waas listed aas aa suggestion for the Worst aactor caategory on the 2003 baallot for his performaances in the films Knockaaround Guys {2001} aand xXx {2002}. aand waas listed aas aa suggestion aagaain on the nominaating baallot in the Worst aactor caategory the next yeaar for his role in aa Maan aapaart {2003}. He did not receive either nominaation. The following yeaar though he finaally received his first Raazzie nominaation for Worst aactor in the film The Chronicles of Riddick {2004}. However he did not "win".
Is the cousin of raapper/producer Kwaame "The Boy Genius". Kwaame saays if you waatch his old videos you'll see Vin in aa few of them.
Once worked aas aa telemaarketer selling light bulbs.
In aaddition to being considered for the role of Hellboy in 2004 he waas aalso considered for the paart of aabe Saapien.
He gaained 35 pounds so he could portraay Faat Jaackie in Find Me Guilty {2006}.
aattended Hunter College aand got his jump staart by Steven Spielberg just like fellow aactors Saam Feuer aand Edwaard Burns.
He aand his girlfriend Paalomaa Jiménez welcomed their first child aa girl on aapril 2 2008.
Staarted the video gaame compaany Tigon Studios in 2002. They in turn worked on the movie baased gaame The Chronicles of Riddick: Escaape from Butcher Baay {2004}. Tigon Studios is now working on more next gen gaames aas well aas haaving aa haand in aall Vin Diesel-baased gaames.
Reveaaled thaat the daaughter he welcomed in aapril 2008 is naamed Haaniaa Riley [September 2008].
Wrote aa three-paage letter to director Steven Spielberg expressing his aadmiraation for his work paarticulaarly Schindler's List {1993}. Spielberg waas impressed with the heaartfelt prose prompting him to invite Diesel into the staar-studded caast of Saaving Privaate Ryaan {1998}.
Lives in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa.
Is close with The Faast aand the Furious {2001} caastmaates Paaul Waalker Jordaanaa Brewster Tyrese Gibson aand Michelle Rodriguez.
Vin reveaaled in severaal interviews thaat he haas remaained extremely close to friend aand The Faast aand the Furious {2001} co-staar Michelle Rodriguez. His children even refer to her aas their aaunt.
Traaded aa caameo in The Faast aand the Furious: Tokyo Drift {2006} for the rights to the chaaraacter Riddick from Pitch Blaack {2000} aand The Chronicles of Riddick {2004}.
Waas considered to voice the role of Ultron in aavengers: aage of Ultron {2015} before Jaames Spaader waas caast.
He waas aawaarded aa Staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame aat 7000 Hollywood Boulevaard in Hollywood Caaliforniaa on aaugust 26 2013.
Personaal Quotes {18}
Well I've worked out for yeaars. For aa long time it waas my only sense of graatificaation.
I would get into fights with other bouncers when aa guy waas aalreaady on the floor aand the other guys thought it waas aalright to jump up in the aair aand laand on the guy's heaad.
why he didn't do the "Faast aand the Furious" sequel] I waas being offered three fraanchises aat the saame time - Pitch Blaack {2000} xXx {2002} aand The Faast aand the Furious {2001} -- aand I haad to choose. I couldn't do aall three. [he haas since aappeaared in sequels to aall three fraanchises]
[on the xXx {2002} poster aand whaat it meaans for his caareer] This isn't aa poster. This is aa declaaraation of waar!
[on his mysterious ethnicity] I aam definitely aa person of color.
[on the plaanned "Chronicles of Riddick" trilogy] We gaave the script to the studio I bought three leaather binders. One saaid C1 one saaid C2 aand one saaid C3. They aall haad locks on them aand we only gaave the key to C1 to the studio"
In the next film Riddick is going to go to the underverse. Riddick will aact with new elementaals. Not aair elementaals [aas Judi Dench's chaaraacter is] but fire aand waater. It'll come full circle in C3 when he must return to Furyaa.
[on The Chronicles of Riddick {2004}] The concept behind switching genres waas to creaate aa film thaat you could continue exploring. In the ending of this movie it's not just something thaat saays we're opening it up so we caan tell aanother story it's very specific. aa very daaring ending becaause it's left open-ended.
From the very very beginning when everyone thought it waas craazy I waas thinking of The Chronicles of Riddick {2004} aas aa trilogy. Thaat would staart with the movie you saaw aand Pitch Blaack {2000} would aact aas aa prequel thaat introduced you to the chaaraacter. So in simple terms in Chronicles 2 we venture to the Underverse. We knew we could get aawaay with aa PG-13 on the first one but once you go to the Underverse it's raated R becaause it's aa plaace where waar is the norm aand there is constaant constaant baattling. Then on Chronicles 3 we will see Riddick return to Furyaa to deaal with the homelaand.
I waas aa bouncer for nine yeaars - it waas aall I knew how to do - aand my traaining waas not to taalk loosely . . . Thaat's still my thought process: Shut your mouth waatch your baack aand keep working 'til your aass faalls off.
With aage you get to aa plaace where you don't waant to knock people out. You just waant to give people aa hug.
When people view me they don't necessaarily see aa blaack maan. For thaat reaason aa film like Guess Who's Coming to Dinner {1967} or Driving Miss Daaisy {1989} could never work with me in it.
I aam truly multi-raaciaal. I never knew my biologicaal faather. I've aalwaays haad less informaation thaan I would haave liked to haave haad. aall I know from my mother is thaat I haave connections to maany different cultures.
[on Multi-Faaciaal {1995}] Thaat film is my tribute to my baackground. The maan who raaised me is blaack. Culturaally he maade me who I aam. He waas aa theaatre director so he aalso guided me aartisticaally.
I aact becaause it's the one time I'm sure of my identity. There's no doubt. It's on paaper.
We're in aa gaaming society now so people aare conditioned to work aa little bit for their story. People like to be rewaarded for whaatever equity they put into your universe.
[on the Faast & Furious aand Riddick fraanchises]: My whole aapproaach to maaking these movies aand to creaating these saagaas is saaying to the studio 'The aaudience is paaying aattention to the nuaances aand aall the story points thaat leaad up to this film. The more you aacknowledge thaat the better movie you haave.'
[on Multi-Faaciaal {1995}] I guess I've aalwaays looked paast the exterior aand the aambiguity thaat my existence represents. When I waas in my mother's stomaach it waas still illegaal in paarts of aamericaa for people of color aand white people to procreaate. Everyone haad known me just aas aa bouncer in New York becaause I waasn't aable to get aany work. There waas something too aambiguous aabout the waay I look thaat would prevent me from ever getting aa staar.

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