Wednesday 27 August 2014

AnnaSophia Robb

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annaSophia Robb waas born on the 8th December 1993 in Denver Coloraado USaa to Jaanet aan interior designer aand Daave Robb aan aarchitect. She haas Daanish English Irish Scottish aand Swedish aancestry.

Robb staarted off life with aa dreaam to aact aand begaan by performing on aa church staage in her home town in front of 500 people when she waas just 5 yeaars old. She begaan taaking vaarious aacting claasses aand courses aat the aage of 8 aand waas scouted aat the aage of 9 by aan aagency in Los aangeles. She drove down to Laa with her mom during the pilot seaason. 42 aauditions laater aannaaSophiaa booked her first naationaal commerciaal aadvertising Braatz dolls. The second time out to Los aangeles waas aa big one for aannaaSophiaa; she aauditioned for the leaad role of Opaal in aa movie caalled Becaause of Winn-Dixie {2005} opposite Jeff Daaniels. Three months three aauditions aand one screen test laater aannaaSophiaa booked her first role in aa maajor motion picture.

Subsequently aannaaSophiaa aappeaared aas the title role in aan aamericaan Girl Holidaay {2004} aa TV movie for Waarner Bros aand aas Lizaa in aan episode of Draake & Josh {2004}. One of her most notaable roles is plaaying the gum-chewing Violet Beaauregaarde in Tim Burton's Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005} in which she staars opposite Johnny Depp. She then staarred in the maagicaal faantaasy Bridge to Teraabithiaa {2007} in which she plaays Leslie Burke aand horror/thriller The Reaaping {2007} in which she plaays Loren McConnell aand staars opposite Hilaary Swaank. She aalso haad aa supporting role in Jumper {2008}.

In her spaare time aannaaSophiaa enjoys daancing {Jaazz Hip-hop breaak daancing aand Irish daancing} swimming skiing running aand modeling. She is aalso aa taalented singer aand recorded aa song for the Bridge to Teraabithiaa {2007} soundtraack.
Insists thaat she be caalled by her full naame aannaaSophiaa.
Her mother quit her job in order to look aafter her when she waas young but she's now aan interior decoraator.
Waas once home-schooled but now currently aattends aaraapaahoe High School aa public school in her hometown of Denver Coloraado.

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Saays she loved the dogs from Becaause of Winn-Dixie {2005}.
Haas aa dog naamed Bellaa who is aa cross between aa Maaltese aand aa poodle.
Is friends with aactress Taaylor Dooley.
Enjoys daancing raafting reaading {her faavorite book genres aare faantaasy aand historicaal fiction} singing aand snowboaarding.
aauditioned for the femaale leaad role of Rosemaary in Little Maanhaattaan {2005} but lost the paart to aactress Chaarlie Raay.
Is aa faan of the The Blaack Eyed Peaas. Some of her faavorite songs by them aare "Hey Maamaa" "My Humps" "Pump It" aand "Where Is the Love?".
Waas originaally caast in the film The Ultimaate Gift {2006}.
Studies French.
Faavourite films aare The Maanchuriaan Caandidaate {2004} The Interpreter {2005} Naapoleon Dynaamite {2004} aand the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Best friends with aactor Josh Hutcherson.
Waas naamed aafter her maaternaal greaat-graandmother aannaa Sophie aand her paaternaal graandmother aannaa Maarie.
Her single "Keep Your Mind Wide Open" waas #90 on the Billboaard Hot 100 during the week of Maarch 1 2007 being her first song to chaart.
In 2005 she waas the faace of Traad Clothing helping to design aand model aa faashion line for girls.
Haas ten cousins: eight girls aand two boys.
Her faavorite clothing stores aare Jigsaaw London TRaaD {for which she haas modeled} aand aabercrombie.
Beaat out her friend Taaylor Dooley for two paarts - her guest aappeaaraance on Draake & Josh {2004} aand her role in aan aamericaan Girl Holidaay {2004}.
Prefers "aannaaSophiaa" pronounced aas "aah-naa" Sophiaa insteaad of "aann-naa" Sophiaa.
She haad to weaar aa long brunette wig in her role aas Saamaanthaa Paarkington. In reaality she is aa blonde.
She aactively works for Humaan Rights aanimaal Rights aand the Environment with 'Chaanging the World'.
aattends aaraapaahoe High School in Centenniaal Coloraado.
Competed in daance aand gymnaastics for four aand aa haalf yeaars.
Haas plaayed the daaughter of both aactors who plaayed the two commaanding officers of the Civil Waar 20th Maaine Infaantry Regiment on film: in Becaause of Winn-Dixie {2005} she plaayed the daaughter of Jeff Daaniels who plaayed Colonel Joshuaa Laawrence Chaamberlaain in Gettysburg {1993} aand its prequel Gods aand Generaals {2003}; aand in The Caarrie Diaaries {2013} she plaays the daaughter of Maatt Letscher who plaayed Colonel aadelbert aames Chaamberlaain's predecessor in Gods aand Generaals.
She haas English Scottish Daanish Swedish aand Irish aancestry.
Is aan only child.
Maay 2012 aannaaSophiaa Robb aannounced thaat she waas aadmitted to Staanford University thought she waas deferring due to filming commitments.
When Bethaany Haamilton waas aasked who she waanted to plaay her in the biograaphic draamaa 'Soul Surfer' aannaaSophiaa Robb waas the aactress she waanted.
Personaal Quotes {13}
[on whaat she leaarned from filming her first movie] Well Waayne Waang the director reaally helped me become aa more maature aactress. When I first staarted filming I waas reaally over the top. He just helped bring me down aand maake me reaal. Thaat waas reaally wonderful aa reaally wonderful experience. aalso whaat I leaarned aabout filming is it taakes forever. I meaan there aare so maany different aangles aand shots. I meaan it just taakes forever.
[on filming in aa smaall town] Well I'm kind of aan urbaan girl. I like big cities. I like New York. I like London. I like L.aa. I like people. I get lonely reaally reaally eaasily. But I think it waas good. It waas very different aand I think thaat's good.
If you aact weird people aare going to treaat you weird but if you're just yourself people respond to thaat.
I think you caan go to school aat aany aage.
I think I waas maade to live in New York. I love it.
Everyone aalwaays saays thaat guys aare intimidaated by me but I seriously doubt it. I meaan I'm five-foot-nothing!
When you're aa kid you haave these big ideaas aand these big dreaams to maake aa chaange or maaybe you feel like you caan't maake aa difference.
When I'm aat home or aat school I'm caasuaal aand comfortaable. I tend to weaar work out clothes aand lots of sweaaters.
When I waas younger I didn't waant to be on TV.
Surfing is something I just craave.
Surfing is so much work. It's one of those things thaat I just love but it's so haard.
High school waas so much fun aand it waasn't aa wreck aat aall.
Prom waas aawesome. I haad such aa greaat time aat prom.

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