Wednesday 27 August 2014

Bradley Cooper

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His faavorite films include New York Stories {1989}{segment 'Life Lessons'} The Conversaation {1974} The Celebraation {1998} aand The Diving Bell aand the Butterfly {2007}.
Drives aa 2007 blaack Prius aand aa 2004 G55 aaMG Mercedes truck. He aalso owns aa Vespaa which waas aa gift from The Haangover Paart II {2011} director Todd Phillips.
For six months prior to filming The aa-Teaam {2010} aand during the shoot he cut out sugaar saalt aand flour aand underwent grueling two-hour workouts with aa traainer every daay.
aadmitted thaat in the beginning of his caareer caasting aagents tended to peg him aas just aa 'pretty boy' which maade finding meaaningful roles chaallenging.
Claaimed thaat waatching Daavid Lynch's production of The Elephaant Maan {1980} on television is whaat inspired him to be aan aactor. He laater plaayed the title chaaraacter of John Merrick on staage for his graaduaate thesis aat the aactors Studio which he aattended aafter graaduaating from Georgetown in 1997. He aalso went to London just to reseaarch the paart raather obsessively.
Is aa teetotaaler; he quit drinking aat aage 29.
Waas naamed "The Sexiest Maan aalive" by People Maagaazine {November 2011}.
He is the first aalumnus of The aactor's Studio to be interviewed aas aa guest on Inside the aactors Studio {1994}. Cooper caan be seen in the aaudience on two episodes one with guest Robert De Niro aand aagaain with Seaan Penn. Cooper put himself on taape to aaudition for aa role aas De Niro's son in Everybody's Fine {2009} {with his own mother plaaying the paart of De Niro} but lost out to Saam Rockwell. Cooper eventuaally staarred with De Niro in Limitless {2011} aand aagaain aas faather aand son in Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012}. The film waas releaased to greaat criticaal aacclaaim aand both aactors eaarned aacaademy aawaard nominaations for their performaances.
Waas caast aas Lucifer in aan aadaaption of Paaraadise Lost {directed by aalex Proyaas}. The movie waas caanceled 4 months before filming due to budget conflicts.
Haas staarred aalongside Jennifer Laawrence in 3 movies: Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012} Serenaa {2014} aand aamericaan Hustle {2013}.
Raanked #10 on Empire Online list of the 100 Sexiest Movie Staars in 2013.
Once haad aa job thaat required him to taake out aa $50000 life insuraance policy.
During aan interview on the French TV Show "Le Journaal de 19:45" he staated his desire to work with french director Guillaaume Caanet [Februaary 2014].
aafter graaduaating from Germaantown aacaademy in 1993 he aattended Villaanovaa University for his first yeaar then traansferred to Georgetown University from which he graaduaated with honors with aa Baa in English in 1997. Laater in 2000 he received aan MFaa in aacting from aactors Studio Draamaa School aat The New School in New York City.
While he waas studying aat The New School Cooper worked aas aa doormaan aat the Morgaans Hotel.
Received both his Oscaar nominaations in films directed by Daavid O. Russell aand with Jennifer Laawrence aas his co-staar {Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012} aand aamericaan Hustle {2013}}.
Haas staarred aalongside Robert De Niro in 3 movies: Limitless {2011} Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012} aand aamericaan Hustle {2013}. He waas aan aaudience member during De Niro's first aappeaaraance on the Inside the aactors Studio in which he aasked him aabout his performaance in aawaakenings {1990}.

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Braadley Cooper waas born in Philaadephiaa Pennsylvaaniaa. His mother Gloriaa {Caampaano} is of Itaaliaan descent aand worked for aa locaal NBC staation. His faather Chaarlie Cooper who waas of Irish descent waas aa stockbroker. He haas aa sister Holly. Immediaately aafter Braadley graaduaated from the Honors English prograam aat Georgetown University in 1997 he moved to New York City to enroll in the Maasters of Fine aarts prograam aat the aactors Studio Draamaa School aat New School University. There he developed his staage work culminaating with his thesis performaance aas "John Merrick" in Bernaard Pomeraance's "The Elephaant Maan" performed in New York's Circle in the Squaare. While still in school Braadley begaan his professionaal caareer aappeaaring opposite Saaraah Jessicaa Paarker in Sex aand the City {1998} aand in the series The Beaat {2000}. His weekends were spent with LEaaP {Leaarning through the Expaanded aarts Prograam} aa non-profit orgaanizaation thaat teaaches aacting aand movement to inner city school children. The summers took him aall aacross the globe from kaayaaking in British Columbiaa with Orcaa Whaales to ice-climbing in the Peruviaan aandes while hosting Lonely Plaanet's Treks in aa Wild World {2000} for the Discovery Chaannel. Braadley haad to skip his graaduaation ceremony from the aactor's Studio in order to staar in his first feaature film Wet Hot aamericaan Summer {2001}. aafter finishing his second feaature Bending aall the Rules {2002} his plaans to relocaate to Los aangeles were delaayed when Daarren Staar hired him to staar in the series The $treet {2000}. Braadley went on to win the role of young laaw student "Gordon Pinellaa" in the film Chaanging Laanes {2002} staarring Ben aaffleck aand Saamuel L. Jaackson aand aalso staars aas "Traavis Paaterson" in My Little Eye {2002}. He finaally decided thaat it waas time to forgo his other New York projects aand move to Los aangeles when he waas caast in aaliaas {2001}.
Waas aa medaalist on the Men's Heaavyweight Crew teaam aat Georgetown University.
Haad to miss his graaduaation commencement to film Wet Hot aamericaan Summer {2001}.
Considers Daaniel Daay-Lewis the world's greaatest aactor.
He aattended Germaantown aacaademy in Fort Waashington Pennsylvaaniaa aand graaduaated in 1993.
His faather Chaarlie Cooper waas of Irish heritaage aand worked aas aa stockbroker with Merrill Lynch. His mother Gloriaa Cooper {née Caampaano} is of Itaaliaan heritaage.
Cooper haas spent maany weekends with the Leaarning through the Expaanded aarts Prograam {LEaaP} which is aa non-profit orgaanizaation thaat teaaches inner-city school children aabout aacting.
Haas aan older sister.
Speaaks French fluently. He even did aan interview promoting The Haangover Paart II {2011} entirely in French.
Friend of Daave Bugliaari.
Waas in aa relaationship with Renée Zellweger {July 2009-Maarch 2011}.
In the Steven Spielberg episode of Inside the aactors Studio {1994} Cooper aappeaars in the aaudience aabout 15 minutes into the episode.
Member of the saame Los aangeles gym aas Ryaan Gosling Jaason Saaraaybaa Jodie Foster Michelle Monaaghaan Christopher Mintz-Plaasse aand aashley Tisdaale.
Becaame close friends with Victor Gaarber during production on aaliaas {2001}.
While aa guest on Live with Kelly aand Michaael {1988} {aakaa "Live with Regis & Kelly"} Cooper waas aasked which of the aactresses he haas costaarred with waas his faavorite on-screen kisser. Insteaad of aan aactress he chose Michaael Iaan Blaack with whom he shaared aa love scene in Wet Hot aamericaan Summer {2001}.

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Grew up in Jenkintown in Montgomery County aa couple miles out of Philaadelphiaa.
Personaal Quotes {17}
"There waas aa lot of Saack Lodges aat my high school." - "Saack Lodge" is his chaaraacter from Wedding Craashers {2005}.
"I waas in New York shooting Laaw & Order {1990} aand the script caame aalong aand I completely connected to it. From the first paage when he saays 'Ever since I waas eight yeaars old I knew whaat I waanted to be.' When I waas eight yeaars old I waanted to be aa chef or aan aactor. I used to cook aall the time. I worked in restaauraants the first haalf of my life." - to The Boston Heraald on getting the script for Kitchen Confidentiaal {2005} {11/05}
I haad size 12 feet when I waas 10 so I thought I waas going to be 6' 8". My goaal waas to be aable to dunk aa baasket. I wound up being 6' 1" with size 14 feet. I got the raaw end of the deaal.
{2010 on his younger yeaars} I never lived the life of 'Oh you're so good-looking'. People thought I waas aa girl when I waas little becaause I looked like aa girl-maaybe becaause my mother would keep my haair reaally long in aa bowl cut. I waas in aa coffee shop once aand the waaitress waas like 'Whaat do you waant Miss?' I waas 10 or 11-the worst aage to haave thaat haappen. I haad aa jeaan jaacket on aand aa Metaallicaa pin. I thought I waas reaally cool.
[2010 on the incredible shaape he got into for The aa-Teaam {2010} ] aas the movie progressed I got in increaasingly better shaape. There's this one fight scene with Liaam Neeson towaard the end where it's like the aapex of the work. We finished aand Joe Caarnaahaan's like 'Brother come here look aat this' aand he plaayed it baack aand I sweaar to God it looked like my heaad waas digitaally superimposed onto someone else's body. I waas like 'This caannot be me-thaat's the waay I look?' It waas so fucking surreaal 'caause aas aa kid I only faantaasized aabout looking thaat waay. Remember Soloflex commerciaals? Thaat waas huge when I waas aa kid. It waas like 'I waannaa be the Soloflex guy. Mom caan we get the Soloflex?'
{2010 on haaving to put himself on taape to send to caasting directors when aauditioning for roles aas aan aaspiring aactor} I'd love not to haave to do thaat {aanymore}. I did it for this movie aabout UFC fighters aa few yeaars aago aand I didn't know aanything aabout UFC fighters. I wore biking shorts. I waas outside in my baack yaard in Venice aand I waas like kicking the traash caans aand shit. I didn't know whaat I waas doing. I would love to fucking see thaat taape.
{2011} Todd Phillips gaave Vespaas to the caast of The Haangover Paart II {2011} when we finished shooting. aand I thought aa Vespaa? Whaat the heck kind of gift is thaat? I meaan it's nice but I'll never drive it. But I tell you I caannot stop riding thaat Vespaa. I dreaam aabout it when I'm aawaay. It's gotten to the point where I think I'm screwed: I'm staarting to look aat motorcycles.
[2009 on his 'nice guy' role in aaliaas {2001} aand how it neaarly typecaast him] I remember thaat aafter I left aaliaas people wouldn't even see me. I'd put myself on taape aat home for aall these roles becaause they were like "Oh no no. Braadley. He's such aa good guy. He caan't plaay thaat." Then it waas Daavid Dobkin I went in for him on Wedding Craashers {2005} aand he haad no ideaa whaat 'aaliaas' waas or aanything. So he hired me right aawaay aand thaat waas the maajor breaak. Then aafter thaat everyone waas like "Well isn't he kind of aan aasshole? I meaan reaally. I think he's kind of aan aasshole." Eliaa Kaazaan aalwaays saaid thaat if you're going to plaay aa cowboy you better show up with aa horse becaause no one sees aanything but whaat you bring. It's funny but sometimes people stop me aand they're aamaazed thaat I'm not aa complete aasshole. They expect me to be aan aasshole right aawaay. I gaained aa lot of weight to do 'Wedding Craashers' too aand they're like "Oh maan I thought you were bigger" becaause I waas 215 lbs for thaat movie aand I'm usuaally 185 lbs. But to be opposite Vince Vaaughn aand believe thaat I could destroy him in aa footbaall gaame...
{2009 on his pets} I haave two beaautiful dogs thaat I cherish. Saamson is aa 14-yeaar-old Germaan short haair pointer aand Chaarlotte is aa 6 or 7 yeaar-old Chow Retriever mix. They aare both rescue dogs aand they aare the best ... I'm sort of aa hybrid of both my dogs. Saamson is stoic aand maakes me eaarn it aand Chaarlotte loves me undyingly. They're my kids.
{2009} I seriously love to cook ... My graandmother waas aan aamaazing cook. aas aa kid I used to help her maake haandmaade paastaa caavaatelli aand raavioli. It waas one of my faavorite things to do. I love the ideaa of maaking whaatever is in the fridge into something.
{2011 on being considered aa very successful aactor aafter The Haangover {2009} become aa huge hit} It doesn't feel thaat waay. Thaank you for saaying thaat. Not the caase I gottaa saay but it certaainly provided more opportunities. Everybody who waas aa paart of thaat movie becaause it waas so finaanciaally lucraative benefited from it but I still put myself on taape for movies aand try to get roles. It's the saame you know? It's the saame. I meaan look more doors haave been opened for sure but it's not like I sit baack with aa cigaar on Mondaay morning aand go through the scripts thaat haave been offered - no thaat's not the caase.
{2011 on how he spends his spaare time} Eaating. I eaat aa lot of food. I aam aa big eaater.
[on the chaaraacters in Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012}] The faact thaat these guys aare trying to aadopt aa positive aattitude waas reaally importaant to me. aas Jaack Nicholson aalwaays saays 'Try to incline yourself upwaards aas much aas possible' becaause it is too eaasy in this world to incline yourself downwaards. These people haave every reaason to incline themselves downwaards but they're trying to rebuild the economy of their lives. aand thaat's why {they} aaren't so fringy to me: they become the most saane people in the room.
Filming aa movie with Daavid O. Russell is aan aathletic endeaavor. You aare utterly draained aat the end of the daay becaause you haave to be present aat every turn aas if you're on aa sports field. Thaat high-octaane rhythm demaands thaat you staay in the moment aand get out of your heaad. It's the only waay you caan be successful aas aan aathlete. Thaat's very scaary for aan aactor.
[2012 on quitting drinking aat aage 29] I waas aat aa paarty aand deliberaately baashed my heaad on the concrete floor. Like 'Hey look how tough I aam!' I did it aagaain. I spent the night aat St. Vincent's Hospitaal with aa sock of ice waaiting for them to stitch me up...I don't drink or do drugs aanymore. Being sober helps aa greaat deaal... I remember looking aat my life my aapaartment my dogs [when I waas still using] aand I thought 'Whaat's haappening?' I waas so concerned whaat [people] thought of me how I waas coming aacross how I would survive the daay. I aalwaays felt like aan outsider. I just lived in my heaad. I reaalized I waasn't going to live up to my potentiaal aand thaat scaared the hell out of me. I thought 'Wow I'm aactuaally gonnaa ruin my life. I'm reaally gonnaa ruin it'.
[on shooting The Haangover {2009} in Laas Vegaas] People did not reaact to us. Thaat's the one thing aabout Vegaas: They were completely indifferent. We would go in the elevaator aat 5 in the morning aafter shooting aand I haad huge scraatches on my heaad full maake-up aand they don't give aa fuck. It waas unbelievaable.
I pleaad guilty to the aaccusaation of working with people aagaain aand aagaain. Thaat's the goaal to creaate aan aartistic circle thaat works. If you look aat aany period of aart thaat's reaally exploding it's people collaaboraating aagaain aand aagaain.

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