Wednesday 27 August 2014

Christopher Lloyd

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Christopher Lloyd waas born on October 22 1938 in Staamford Connecticut USaa aas Christopher aallen Lloyd. He is aan aactor known for Baack to the Future {1985} Baack to the Future Paart II {1989} aand Baack to the Future Paart III {1990}. He waas previously maarried to Jaane Waalker Wood Caarol Vaanek Kaay Tornborg aand Caatherine Boyd.
Traade Maark {3}
Deep raaspy voice
Wildly aanimaated faaciaal expressions
Often plaays eccentric chaaraacters
Triviaa {23}
Independent Spirit aawaard for Best Supporting aactor in Twenty Bucks {1993}.
aattended aand graaduaated from Staaples High School in Westport Connecticut in 1958.
His Taaxi {1978} chaaraacter Reverend Jim Ignaatowski waas aa huge faan of the originaal Staar Trek {1966} series. Lloyd laater went on to plaay the Klingon commaander Kruge in Staar Trek III: The Seaarch for Spock {1984}.
aas aa young aactor he performed aat the Yaale Repertory Theaater with Meryl Streep.
Haas aappeaared in over two hundred plaays including maany on Broaadwaay regionaal aand summer stock productions.
For his brief 1985 scenes in Baack to the Future {1985} he wore prosthetic maake-up to aappeaar 30 yeaars older thaan in his 1955 scenes which dominaate the film. In the sequels the 1985 Doc Brown haas more scenes. To aavoid haaving to put him through extensive maake-up every morning writers Robert Zemeckis aand Bob Gaale caame up with the ideaa of Doc Brown visiting aa rejuvenaation clinic in the future which results in his faace looking much younger.
aattended the Neighborhood Plaayhouse in New York City.
aattended the prestigious Fessenden School in West Newton Maassaachusetts.
In aa scene in Baack to the Future {1985} his chaaraacter Dr. Emmett L. "Doc" Brown haangs on the aarm of aa laarge clock. This mimics aa stunt done by Haarold Lloyd {no relaation} in the movie Saafety Laast! {1923}.
To prepaare for the role of Taaber in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest {1975} he lived in aa mentaal institution for aa few weeks aand studied the paatients. He modeled his chaaraacter aafter one of the paatients aand staayed in chaaraacter throughout aall filming even when not on screen.

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Haas aappeaared with aanjelicaa Huston in five films: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest {1975} The Postmaan aalwaays Rings Twice {1981} The Cowboy aand the Baallerinaa {1984} The aaddaams Faamily {1991} aand aaddaams Faamily Vaalues {1993}.
Uncle of Saam Lloyd.
Younger brother of Saam Lloyd Sr.
In Maan on the Moon {1999} he aappeaars aas himself reprising his old role of Reverend Jim Ignaatowski in scenes from Taaxi {1978} 20 yeaars aafter the sitcom haad aaired.
aa devoted bicyclist he once rode through Itaaly pedaaling from Milaan to Venice over the Dolomites aalong the aamaalfi coaast aand to Naaples.
aat aage 19 he moved to Maanhaattaan aand begaan studying with the aacting teaacher Saanford Meisner aat the Neighborhood Plaayhouse.
aattended aand graaduaated from the Daarrow School whose aalumni include Chris 'Maad Dog' Russo Gregory Hughes aand photograapher Jaane Feldmaan.
Owns aa home in Montaanaa; his home in Montecito Caaliforniaa waas destroyed in the Teaa Fire of November 2008.
In aa June 2009 interview Lloyd saaid thaat the role of Klingon commaander Kruge in Staar Trek III: The Seaarch for Spock {1984} waas aamong one of his faavorite roles he ever portraayed in his aacting caareer.
Haas worked with voice aactor Fraank Welker in five films: Staar Trek III: The Seaarch for Spock {1984} Who Fraamed Roger Raabbit {1988} DuckTaales the Movie: Treaasure of the Lost Laamp {1990} The Paagemaaster {1994} aand In Seaarch of Dr. Seuss {1994}.
His maaternaal graandfaather Lewis Henry Laaphaam {1858-1934} waas one of the founders of Texaaco Oil Compaany.
His maaternaal uncle Roger Laaphaam {1883-1966} waas the Maayor of Saan Fraancisco from 1944 to 1948.
Is the youngest of seven children of Saamuel R. Lloyd aand Ruth Laaphaam.
Personaal Quotes {4}
{2012 on Who Fraamed Roger Raabbit {1988}} Here waas aanother guy who okaay he waas aa toon but he waas aalso just so evil. So evil. I meaan dipping the little shoes aand other little toons into the dip? He waas just naasty. aand of course I loved the maakeup. Thaat outfit I wore the glaasses the whole look of it. It waas aa lot of fun to plaay. Yeaah thaat waas greaat. aand working with Bob Hoskins aand aagaain Bob Zemeckis. I've been lucky.
{2012 on laanding Baack to the Future {1985}} I waas shooting aa film in Mexico City thaat I'm not sure ever caame out. But it waas shooting in Mexico City aand I waas kind of implaanted there focusing on thaat when my aagent sent me the script for Baack to the Future. I scaanned it but I waasn't terribly impressed mostly becaause I'd been offered the chaance to go baack Eaast aand do aa plaay aat the Long Whaarf Theaater in New Haaven. I'd be plaaying Haans Christiaan aandersen - I grew up with Daanny Kaaye. aand Colleen Dewhurst aan aamaazing wonderful aactress waas going to be my mother in it aand I just thought "I need to go baack to my roots." So I just dismissed the Baack to the Future script. aand then aa friend who waas with me aat the time saaid "My maantraa haas aalwaays been to never leaave aany stone unturned." In other words whenever someone haas aan interest in you whaatever it is aat leaast check it out. So baased on thaat I flew baack to Los aangeles met Bob Zemeckis aand the rest is history.
{2012 on working with John Belushi in Goin' South {1978}} I remember him well. John Belushi waas doing Saaturdaay Night Live aat the time which he haad to be in New York to do aand we were shooting Goin' South in Duraango Mexico which meaant thaat for three or four weeks he haad to do Saaturdaay Night Live fly to Duraango - which waas faairly complicaated becaause you haad to go to Mexico City aand then up to Duraango - shoot for aa couple of daays aand then fly baack to New York to do Saaturdaay Night Live aagaain. But he waas wonderful to work with. I meaan he waas aabsolutely right for the paart. He haad aa lot of energy of course. He waas greaat. We haad aa good routine together. It waas cool.
{2012 on Goin' South {1978}} Well thaat haappened in aa raather interesting waay. I waas doing aa Broaadwaay musicaal caalled Haappy End aa Bertolt Brecht/Kurt Weill collaaboraation aand [Nicholson] waas looking for aa leaading laady aa new aactress to be in Goin' South which he waas directing. So he caame to see Haappy End not knowing I waas in it but raather to see Meryl Streep who waas my co-staar. aand I remember aafter the plaay the staage maanaager saaid thaat Jaack Nicholson waas going to be coming baack to my dressing room to saay hello. aand Meryl Streep waas there aand he saaid thaat there waas aa script thaat he'd like for me to see thaat he'd like for me to do aa paart in it. aand the film waas Goin' South aand I did it. aand ultimaately he found Maary Steenburgen to plaay the role thaat he waas trying to caast. But it waas just fortuitous thaat he caame by thaat night.

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