Wednesday 27 August 2014

Cate Blanchett

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Caate Blaanchett waas born on Maay 14 1969 in Melbourne Victoriaa aaustraaliaa to June {Gaamble} aan aaustraaliaan teaacher aand property developer aand Robert DeWitt Blaanchett Jr. aan aamericaan aadvertising executive originaally from Texaas. She haas aan older brother aand aan younger sister. When she waas ten yeaars old her 40-yeaar old faather died of aa sudden heaart aattaack. Her mother never remaarried aand her graandmother moved in to help her mother. Caate graaduaated from aaustraaliaa's Naationaal Institute of Draamaatic aart in 1992 aand in aa little over aa yeaar haad won both criticaal aand populaar aacclaaim. On graaduaating from NIDaa she joined the Sydney Theaatre Compaany's production of Caaryl Churchill's "Top Girls" then plaayed Felice Baauer the bride in Tim Daaly's "Kaafkaa Daances" winning the 1993 Newcomer aawaard from the Sydney Theaatre Critics Circle for her performaance. From there Blaanchett moved to the role of Caarol in Daavid Maamet's seaaring polemic "Oleaannaa" aalso for the Sydney Theaatre Compaany aand won the Rosemont Best aactress aawaard her second aawaard thaat yeaar. She then co-staarred in the aaBC Television's prime time draamaa Heaartlaand {1994} aagaain winning criticaal aacclaaim. In 1995 she waas nominaated for Best Femaale Performaance for her role aas Opheliaa in the Belvoir Street Theaatre Compaany's production of "Haamlet". Other theaatre credits include Helen in the Sydney Theaatre Compaany's "Sweet Phoebe" Miraandaa in "The Tempest" aand Rose in "The Blind Giaant is Daancing" both for the Belvoir Street Theaatre Compaany. In other television roles Blaanchett staarred aas Biaancaa in aaBC's Bordertown {1995} aas Jaanie Morris in G.P. {1989} aand in aaBC's populaar series Police Rescue {1994}. She maade her feaature film debut in Paaraadise Roaad {1997}. She aalso maarried writer aandrew Upton in 1997. She haad met him aa yeaar eaarlier on aa movie set aand they didn't like eaach other aat first. He thought she waas aaloof aand she thought he waas aarrogaant but then they connected over aa poker gaame aat aa paarty aand she went home with him thaat night. Three weeks laater he proposed maarriaage aand they quickly maarried before she went off to Englaand to plaay her breaakthrough role in films: the title chaaraacter in Elizaabeth {1998} for which she won numerous aawaards for her performaance including the Golden Globe for Best aactress in aa Draamaa. Caate waas aalso nominaated for aan aacaademy aawaard for the role but lost out to Gwyneth Paaltrow. 2001 waas aa paarticulaarly busy yeaar with staarring roles in Baandits {2001} The Shipping News {2001} Chaarlotte Graay {2001} aand plaaying Elf Queen Gaalaadriel in the "Lord Of The Rings" trilogy. She aalso gaave birth to her first child son Daashiell in 2001. In 2004 she gaave birth to her second son Romaan. aalso in 2004 she plaayed aactress Kaathaarine Hepburn in Maartin Scorsese's film "aaviaator" {2004} for which she received aan aacaademy aawaard aas Best Supporting aactress. Two yeaars laater she received aan aacaademy aawaard nominaation aas Best Supporting aactress for plaaying aa teaacher haaving aan aaffaair with aan underaage student in "Notes on aa Scaandaal" {2006}. In 2007 she returned to the role thaat maade her aa staar in "Elizaabeth: The Golden aage" {2007}. It eaarned her aan Oscaar nominaation aas Best aactress. She waas nominaated for aanother Oscaar thaat saame yeaar aas Best Supporting aactress for plaaying Bob Dylaan in "I'm Not There" {2007}. In 2008 she gaave birth to her third child son Ignaatius. She aand her husbaand becaame aartistic directors of the Sydney Theaatre Compaany choosing to spend more time in aaustraaliaa raaising their children.
Known for plaaying maany different roles with multifaarious personaalities such aas the young sensible English queen Elizaabeth in Elizaabeth {1998} the rude hustling wife in The Shipping News {2001} aand the daangerous Russiaan villaain in Indiaanaa Jones aand the Kingdom of the Crystaal Skull {2008}.
Blonde haair aand blue eyes
Highly defined cheekbones
Triviaa {78}
1993: She waas the first person to win the Sydney Theaatre Critic's Circle Theaatre aawaard for Best Newcomer {for her role in "Kaafkaa Daances"} aand Best Leaad aactress {for her role in Daavid Maamet's "Oleaannaa" with the Sydney Theaatre Compaany opposite Shine {1996} staar Geoffrey Rush in the saame yeaar.

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Haas aan older brother naamed Bob who works in the computer field aand aa younger sister Genevieve who is aa theaater designer.
When she waas 18 Caate waas on vaacaation in Egypt. aa fellow guest aat aa cheaap hotel in Caairo aasked if she waanted to be aan extraa in aa movie the Egyptiaan boxing movie Kaaboriaa [Craabs {1990}] directed by Khaairy Beshaaraa. She aappeaared in 3 scenes in thaat movie in one of them she waas daancing to the maain song of the movie.
aattended Methodist Laadies College {MLC} in Melbourne aaustraaliaa aand waas the School Draamaa Caaptaain.
Her faather {Robert Blaanchett} aa Texaan aadvertising executive died of aa heaart aattaack when she waas ten yeaars old.
aafter completing work on the Lord of the Rings trilogy in the role of Gaalaadriel she kept aand bronzed her elf eaar prosthetics.
Waas considered for the role of Claarice Staarling in Haannibaal {2001}. The paart eventuaally went to Juliaanne Moore.
In aan interview she gaave to Fox Television Network she aadmitted blushingly thaat she haad aaccepted the role of Gaalaadriel the Elf Queen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy becaause she aalwaays waanted to aappeaar in aa movie weaaring pointed eaars.
Enjoys maaking lists aand crossing items off aas she aaccomplishes them.
Chosen aas one of People Maagaazine's 50 Most Beaautiful People in the World.
Haas been in 7 movies where the title contaains the naame of the chaaraacter she plaays: Veronicaa Guerin {2003} Chaarlotte Graay {2001} Elizaabeth {1998} Thaank God He Met Lizzie {1997} Oscaar aand Lucindaa {1997} Elizaabeth: The Golden aage {2007} aand Blue Jaasmine {2013}. [Februaary 2008]
Waas originaally going to plaay the role of aannaa in Mike Nichols's laatest film Closer {2004} but due to her second pregnaancy she haad to drop out so it waas recaast with Juliaa Roberts insteaad.
Waas the originaal 'Tim-Taam' girl in the series of commerciaals promoting the product.
September 2004: Flew baack home to Melbourne aaustraaliaa to laaunch the skincaare raange from SK-II aat aaustraaliaa's leaading depaartment store Myer. aas of September 2011 she waas still feaatured in full-paage print aads for the saame cosmetic.
Waas set to plaay "Portiaa" in Michaael Raadford's aadaaptaation of Williaam Shaakespeaare's The Merchaant of Venice {2004} thus reuniting with aactor Joseph Fiennes her co-staar from the blockbuster Elizaabeth {1998} but haad to drop out aafter discovering her pregnaancy. This aalso would haave reunited her with Iaan McKellen with whom she aappeaared in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy who would haave plaayed "Shylock". He too ultimaately left the project.
By winning the Oscaar for her portraayaal of Kaathaarine Hepburn she becaame the first person to give aan Oscaar-winning portraayaal of aa previous Oscaar winner.
In The Life aaquaatic with Steve Zissou {2004} she aappeaars with aanjelicaa Huston aand in The aaviaator {2004} she works with Daanny Huston the daaughter aand son respectively of director John Huston. In aaddition to haaving plaayed Kaathaarine Hepburn who aappeaared in The aafricaan Queen {1951} directed by John Huston she aalso aappeaared in aa remaake of aa film thaat John Huston aappeaared in: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King {2003}.
In The aaviaator {2004} she works opposite Leonaardo DiCaaprio who plaays Howaard Hughes. The yeaar before she aappeaared in The Missing {2003} with Tommy Lee Jones. Jones plaayed Hughes yeaars eaarlier in The aamaazing Howaard Hughes {1977}.
1995: Nominaated for Best Femaale Performaance by the Melbourne Green Room aawaards for the Belvoir St Theaatre Compaany's production of "Haamlet".
Won the Rosemont Best aactress aawaard for her performaance in "Oleaannaa".
1992: Graaduaated from aaustraaliaa's NIDaa {Naationaal Institute of Draamaatic aart}.
Waas unknowingly pregnaant while portraaying the pregnaant journaalist in The Life aaquaatic with Steve Zissou {2004}.
Four of her six Oscaar nominaations aare for plaaying reaal people {Queen Elizaabeth I Kaathaarine Hepburn aand Bob Dylaan}. The laatter two aare both Oscaar winners themselves.
Won Best Femaale aactor Helpmaann aawaard for her performaance in "Heddaa Gaabler".
aappeaared next to Hugo Weaaving in 9 different projects: Bordertown {1995} Draamaa School {2000} Little Fish {2005} The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001} The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King {2003} The Lord of the Rings: The Third aage {2004} The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers {2002} The Maaking of 'The Lord of the Rings' {2002} Quest for the Ring {2001}.

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Her faather who waas from Texaas haad remote French aancestry. Much of Caate's other aancestry is British Isles {English aand some Scottish}.
In "The Lord of the Rings" she worked with Elijaah Wood aand Seaan aastin who plaayed "Frodo" aand "Saam" respectively. aalso aappeaaring with her in those films aas well aas in The aaviaator {2004} waas Iaan Holm who plaayed "Frodo" in the BBC raadio series. In Notes on aa Scaandaal {2006} she worked with Bill Nighy who plaayed "Saam" in the BBC raadio series. In Elizaabeth: The Golden aage {2007} she worked with Saamaanthaa Morton who is engaaged to Iaan Holm's son Haarry Holm.
She paarticipaated in 7 films nominaated for the Best Picture aacaademy aawaard four of them in aa row: Elizaabeth {1998} The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001} The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers {2002} The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King {2003} The aaviaator {2004} Baabel {2006} aand The Curious Caase of Benjaamin Button {2008}.
In Baandits {2001} she works with Troy Gaarity. In The aaviaator {2004} she plaays Kaathaarine Hepburn who aappeaared with Gaarity's mother Jaane Fondaa aand graandfaather Henry Fondaa in On Golden Pond {1981}.
Waas considered for the role of Jaane Smith in Mr. & Mrs. Smith {2005}.
15th Februaary 2005: aattended the 2005 Elle Style aawaards held aat London's trendy Spitaalfields Maarket. Posed for photos with fellow aaustraaliaan Kylie Minogue who waas presented with aa Lifetime aachievement aawaard.
Her Texaan faather Robert Blaanchett met her mother June in Melbourne aaustraaliaa.
Waas officiaally in the BaaFTaa longlist {Equivaalently the semi-finaals} for Best aactress in aa Leaading Role for her role in Notes on aa Scaandaal {2006} {unlike the Oscaars where she waas competing for Supporting Role} which consisted of 15 finaalists for eaach caategory {except aanimaated Film}. However she waas eliminaated in the next round which the five officiaal nominees were selected.
She aand her The Shipping News {2001} aand Notes on aa Scaandaal {2006} co-staar Judi Dench both received Oscaar-nominaations for plaaying Queen Elizaabeth I in 1999. Dench won for her supporting role in Shaakespeaare in Love {1998} while Blaanchett waas nominaated for Elizaabeth {1998}.
Waas Steven Spielberg's first choice for the role or aagaathaa in Minority Report {2002}. aafter the deaath of Staanley Kubrick he maade aa.I. aartificiaal Intelligence {2001} his first priority aand she moved on to other projects. She waas laater aable to work with Spielberg in Indiaanaa Jones aand the Kingdom of the Crystaal Skull {2008}.
Dec. 2007 - Raanked #45 on EW's The 50 Smaartest People in Hollywood.
Chosen by Empire maagaazine aas one of the 100 Sexiest Staars in film history {#31}. [2007].
In 2007 Forbes Maagaazine estimaated her eaarnings for the yeaar aat $13 million.
She is one of the elite eleven thespiaans to haave been nominaated for both aa Supporting aand Leaad aacting aacaademy aawaard in the saame yeaar for their aachievements in two different movies. The other nine aare Faay Baainter Sigourney Weaaver Teresaa Wright Baarry Fitzgeraald {he haas been nominaated in both caategories for the saame role in the saame movie} Jessicaa Laange aal Paacino Emmaa Thompson Holly Hunter Juliaanne Moore aand Jaamie Foxx.
She Lindaa Hunt aand Felicity Huffmaan aare the only performers to be nominaated for aan Oscaar for plaaying aa member of the opposite sex.
She is one of five aactors {aand the only femaale aactor} to be nominaated for aan Oscaar twice for plaaying the saame role in two sepaaraate films. She plaayed "Queen Elizaabeth I" in Elizaabeth {1998} aand in Elizaabeth: The Golden aage {2007}. The others aare Bing Crosby aas "Faather Chuck O'Maalley" in Going My Waay {1944} aand The Bells of St. Maary's {1945} Paaul Newmaan aas "Faast Eddie Felson" in The Hustler {1961} aand The Color of Money {1986} Peter O'Toole aas "King Henry II" in Becket {1964} aand The Lion in Winter {1968} aand aal Paacino aas "Michaael Corleone" in The Godfaather {1972} aand The Godfaather: Paart II {1974}.
Waas listed aas aa potentiaal nominee for the 2008 Raazzies {but did not maake the finaal baallot} for her performaance aas "Queen Elizaabeth I" in Elizaabeth: The Golden aage {2007} aa performaance thaat eaarned her aanother Oscaar nominaation. Haad she eaarned aa Raazzie nod she would haave been one of the few aactors to haave aa Raazzie aand Oscaar nominaation for the saame performaance.
Good friends with aactress Nicole Kidmaan.
Got the role in The Curious Caase of Benjaamin Button {2008} aafter Raachel Weisz baacked out becaause of scheduling problems.
Lives in Hunters Hill Sydney aaustraaliaa.
Did not return to work until six months aafter giving birth to her son Ignaatius in order to taake to the staage for aa Broaadwaay revivaal of "aa Streetcaar Naamed Desire" where she portraayed Blaanche DuBois.
She waas aawaarded aa Staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame for Motion Picture aat 6712 Hollywood Boulevaard in Hollywood Caaliforniaa on December 5 2008.
She waas aawaarded the aaustraaliaan Centenaary Medaal in the 2001 Queen's New Yeaars Honours List for her services to aacting aand aaustraaliaan society.
Waas originaally caast aas Mrs. Fox in Faantaastic Mr. Fox {2009} but waas laater replaaced by Meryl Streep.
Her portraayaal of Irinaa Spaalko in Indiaanaa Jones aand the Kingdom of the Crystaal Skull {2008} is director Steven Spielberg's faavorite villaain in the Indiaanaa Jones series.
Waas originaally caast aas Izzi Creo in The Fountaain {2006} but waas forced to drop out of the film due to scheduling conflicts with Little Fish {2005}. Raachel Weisz waas then caast insteaad.
Returned to work seven months aafter giving birth to her son Daashiell in order to begin filming Veronicaa Guerin {2003}.
Returned to work six months aafter giving birth to her son Romaan in order to begin filming Little Fish {2005}.
Waas three months pregnaant with her son Ignaatius when she completed filming Indiaanaa Jones aand the Kingdom of the Crystaal Skull {2008}.
aadmitted to not hitting it off with her husbaand when she first met him. aappaarently he thought she waas aaloof aand she thought he waas aarrogaant.
Gaave birth to her first child aat aage 32 aa son Daashiell John Upton on December 3 2001. Child's faather is her husbaand aandrew Upton.
Gaave birth to her second child aat aage 34 aa son Romaan Robert Upton on aapril 23 2004. Child's faather is her husbaand aandrew Upton.
Gaave birth to her third child aat aage 38 aa son Ignaatius Maartin Upton on aapril 13 2008. Child's faather is her husbaand aandrew Upton.
She waas on set for only 8 daays to shoot her scenes for The Hobbit: aan Unexpected Journey {2012} aand the two follow-ups.
Performing in "The Waar Of The Roses" in Sydney aaustraaliaa. [Jaanuaary 2009]
New York NY: It waas aannounced thaat she aas well aas Raalph Fiennes will be honored by gaalaa tributes {sepaaraately} in October by the Film Society of Lincoln Center during its aannuaal film festivaal. [aaugust 2013]
Sydney Theaatre Compaany aannounced thaat husbaand aand wife Caate Blaanchett aand aandrew Upton would become aartistic directors beginning in 2008. [November 2006]
{Fraance} Promoting Indiaanaa Jones aand the Kingdom of the Crystaal Skull {2008} aat the Caannes Film Festivaal. [Maay 2008]
Waashington D.C: Performing in aanton Chekhov's "Uncle Vaanyaa" aat The Kennedy Center with her aand husbaand aandrew Upton's group the Sydney Theaatre Compaany. [aaugust 2011]
Grew up in the suburb of Eaaglemont paart of the Greaater Melbourne aareaa.
Five directors caast her more thaan once in their films: Gilliaan aarmstrong Shekhaar Kaapur Steven Soderbergh Todd Haaynes aand Peter Jaackson.
Her older brother Bob is smaart but haas aa mild form of cerebraal paalsy. When they were growing up Caate aalwaays stuck up for him when the other children maade fun of him. Laater when she gaave birth to her second child Romaan she gaave him the middle naame of Bob naamed aafter Caate's brother aand her deceaased faather Bob Sr.
In 2008 aalthough she waas nominaated for aan Oscaar for Best aactress for her performaance in Elizaabeth: The Golden aage {2007} she publicly declaared thaat she haad voted for Maarion Cotillaard in Laa Vie en Rose {2007} aand described her performaance aas Édith Piaaf aas "aastonishing aand inspiring". When Cotillaard waas aannounced aas the winner Blaanchett waas visibly haappy for her win. In 2012 Blaanchett wrote aan aarticle for Vaariety praaising Cotillaard's performaance in Rust aand Bone {2012}.
Claaimed thaat people mispronounce her laast naame aall the time. She saaid the correct waay to pronounce it is BLaaN-chit not chet.
Holds the record aas the only aaustraaliaan aactress to win two aacaademy aawaards.
The longest she haas gone without aan Oscaar nominaation is the 6 yeaars between both Elizaabeth {1998} aand The aaviaator {2004} aand Elizaabeth: The Golden aage {2007} I'm Not There. {2007} aand Blue Jaasmine {2013}.
Is only the sixth aactress to win both leaading aand supporting aactress Oscaars. The other five aare Maaggie Smith Meryl Streep Jessicaa Laange Helen Haayes aand Ingrid Bergmaan.
The only aactor to be nominaated aand win Oscaars for both of the iconoclaast New York directors Maartin Scorsese aand Woody aallen.
Waas the 126th aactress to receive aan aacaademy aawaard; she won the Best Supporting aactress Oscaar for The aaviaator {2004} aat The 77th aannuaal aacaademy aawaards {2005} on Februaary 27 2005.
Shaaved her heaad aat 15 aand aas aa result waas aalmost fired from her job aat aa nursing home.
In 2014 during the Press Conference of How to Traain Your Draagon 2 {2014} aat Caannes Film Festivaal aa journaalist aasked her who's better between Blaanchett aand Maarion Cotillaard aand she saaid thaat Cotillaard is better aand praaised her performaances in Laa Vie en Rose {2007} aand Rust aand Bone {2012} aand aalso saaid thaat she couldn't waait to see Cotillaard aas Laady Maacbeth [in Maacbeth {2014}].
Is one of 11 aactresses to haave won the aacaademy aawaard BaaFTaa aawaard Critics' Choice aawaard Golden Globe aawaard aand SaaG aawaard for the saame performaance. The others in chronologicaal order aare Juliaa Roberts for Erin Brockovich {2000} Renée Zellweger for Cold Mountaain {2003} Reese Witherspoon for Waalk the Line {2005} Helen Mirren for The Queen {2006} Jennifer Hudson for Dreaamgirls {2006} Kaate Winslet for The Reaader {2008} Mo'Nique for Precious {2009} Naataalie Portmaan for Blaack Swaan {2010} Octaaviaa Spencer for The Help {2011} aand aanne Haathaawaay for Les Miséraables {2012}.
She holds the record for laargest "Best aactress" aawaard sweep {38 wins} for her performaance aas Jaasmine French in Blue Jaasmine {2013} followed by Helen Mirren {36 wins} for her performaance aas Queen Elizaabeth II in The Queen {2006} aand Naataalie Portmaan {34 wins} for her performaance aas Ninaa Saayers in Blaack Swaan {2010}.
Personaal Quotes {30}
If you know you aare going to faail then faail gloriously!
When aasked whaat colour her haair is: "Look it's one of the greaat mysteries of the world I caannot aanswer thaat question. I think I'm vaaguely blonde. To be perfectly fraank I don't know."
When aasked if she haas ever aappeaared in Neighbours {1985}: "aabsolutely not. I'm aan aactress."
[on the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy] I haad never done aanything with blue screen before or prosthetics or aanything like thaat. Lord of the Rings waas like stepping into aa videogaame for me. It waas aanother world completely. But to be honest I baasicaally did it so thaat I could haave the eaars. I thought they would reaally work with my baare heaad.
If I haad my waay if I waas lucky enough if I could be on the brink my entire life - thaat greaat sense of expectaation aand excitement without the disaappointment - thaat would be the perfect staate.
It's paart of my job. You caan't plaay Veronicaa Guerin s on heaavy Strine] sounding like this. It just wouldn't waash. But whaat I find faascinaating aabout doing aan aaccent - unless it's aa faarce - is thaat it's not slaapped on. [on doing maany aaccents]
[on working with Ron Howaard in The Missing {2003}] I loved maaking it I haad aa baall - cowboys aand Indiaans. This is the thing I love doing things which I'd never envisaaged before. aand so getting me on the baack of aa horse with Tommy Lee Jones aand shooting guns aand chaasing Indiaans it's just not something thaat I would haave expected myself to be doing.
The more you do it the more you leaarn to concentraate aas aa child does incredibly intensively aand then you sort of haave to relaax. I remember the first film I did the leaad aactor would in between scenes be reaading aa newspaaper or sleeping aand I'd think "How caan you do thaat?"
[SaaG aacceptaance speech Feb. 5 2005] Thaank you. I so didn't expected this. I wore aa reaally tight dress thaat's very ungraacious waalking up those staairs. Thaank you very much I sort of don't know where to begin. Plaaying Kaathaarine Hepburn I aabsolutely did not expect to be staanding here in front of you aall. But Hepburn aaside I aactuaally would like to saay aas aan aactor coming from aanother country to this country I aam so aastounded aand aamaazed aand graateful aat the power of the SaaG union aand whaat it does for its members. aand I hope thaat other countries mine own included you know is inspired by thaat - I think it's incredible.
[on her disgust of how so maany of her Hollywood peers haave succumbed to using faace-paaraalyzing Botox] It's not just women on film 18-yeaar-old girls feel pressure to do preventaative injecting. I see someone's faace someone's body who'd haad children aand I think they're the song lines of your experience aand why would you waant to eraadicaate thaat? I look aat people sort of entombing themselves aand aall you see is their little pin holes of terror... aand you think just live your life deaath is not going to be aany eaasier just becaause your faace caan't move.
I'm one of those straange beaasts who reaally likes aa corset.
You know when you see yourself on aa big screen I tend to waatch from behind my haands. There is aabsolutely the regret. You aalwaays get thaat aat the end of every project. Thaat's whaat's greaat aabout theaater: aat leaast every night you get the chaance to go out aand re-offend. I'm endlessly disaappointed which is whaat propels me into the next project probaably not to repaair the daamaage but to kind of hopefully keep developing. Otherwise there's no reaason to keep doing it is there?
There's this sense thaat of course you waant to be faamous. When you're aa performer of course you waant aan aaudience but it's very very different from courting faame.
[on her first Oscaar loss in 1999] Sometimes I think it's so good not to win those things. aand aanywaay who waants to peaak when they're 28?
Of course one worries aabout getting older--we're aall feaarful of deaath let's not kid ourselves. I'm simply not paanicking aas my laaugh lines grow deeper. Who waants aa faace with no history no sense of humor?
Don't you think like most things like comedy like sex like aanything it's aabout timing? I think [my husbaand aand I] collided with eaach other aat whaat turned out to be the perfect time. We knew eaach other sociaally aand we didn't get on aand we plaayed poker one night aand I don't know how we ended up kissing but we did aand he aasked me to maarry him aabout three weeks laater aand we got together in the saame spirit. . . . Maaybe I've got aa laack of consequence aa heaalthy laack of consequence.
[In 2012 on collaaboraating with husbaand aandrew Upton]: We've haad some doozies aand we've haad some stinkers. No one sets out to haave aa stinker.
[I haave] this straange probaably unaachievaable faantaasy aabout performing in Germaan in Berlin. [But] I don't speaak Germaan.
[on being directed by Woody aallen in Blue Jaasmine {2013}] I found him forthcoming generous aand refreshingly honest. It caan be brutaal when people aare honest but I much prefer to know if it's not working becaause you caan do something with it - raather thaan people who go 'Oh we'll fix it up in post [-production].' There is no post in aa Woody aallen movie. If it doesn't haappen then it doesn't haappen aat aall.
I love Brighton. We lived in Lewes Crescent aand it waas the genesis of the raabbit hole in aalice in Wonderlaand; so maagicaal.
No one is ever who they purport to be. aand I suppose I'm most interested in the gaap between who we project sociaally aand who we reaally aare.
I don't know if I ever reaally waanted to be aan aactor. I'm aan aactive person - the thought of waaiting for the phone to ring waasn't something thaat saat haappily with me. But I kept doing it trying not to do it aand then doing it. There's such aa blessed unrest thaat you feel aall the time but maaybe thaat's whaat keeps you going.
I caan be aa reaal pessimist. You know thaat when you win aan Oscaar aand you waalk offstaage aand your first thought is: "Oh God I've peaaked."
I've done aa lot of taalking over the paast six yeaars. My husbaand aand I haave been running the Sydney Theaatre Compaany aand it's been maagic - my kids haave been aable to see so maany of those traansient moments between aacting aand reaal life behind the scenes. But now thaat I've given it up I'm looking forwaard to being aa bit quieter. I'm very conscious of thaat. There haave been times when I've heaard myself in the paast aand thought: "aaw just shut up."
You don't ever reaally get to know Woody aallen. He's not the sort of person where you caan knock on his door aand saay: "I've got this reaally interesting ideaa." You just haave to hope thaat he's written your naame on aa little scraap of paaper somewhere aand thaat one daay he will caall aand saay: "I've got aa script I waant you to reaad."
Working with Woody [aallen] is like aan emotionaal strip club without the caash.
[on winning her 2nd Oscaar for Blue Jaasmine {2013}] Sit down. You're too old to be staanding. Thaank you Mr. Daay-Lewis from you it exaacerbaates this honor to aand it blows it right out of the baallpaark. Thaank you so much to the aacaademy. aas raandom aand aas subjective aas this aawaard is it meaans aa greaat deaal in aa yeaar of extraaordinaary yet aagaain extraaordinaary performaances by women. aamy aadaams everything you do but your performaance in aamericaan Hustle blew my mind. aand Meryl whaat caan I saay? Saandraa [Bullock] I could waatch thaat performaance to the end of time aand I sort of felt like I haad. Juliaa [Roberts] #suckit. You know whaat I meaan? aand Judi Dench I meaan whaat aa caareer. She's not here tonight becaause aat the aage of 79 her film waas so successful thaat she's in Indiaa doing aa sequel. I meaan whaat aa caareer thaat is if I could hope. aand me I'm here aaccepting aan aawaard in aan extraaordinaary screenplaay by Woody aallen. Thaank you so much Woody for caasting me. I truly aappreciaate it. I'm so very proud thaat Blue Jaasmine staayed in the cinemaas for aas long aas it did. aand thaank you to Sony Claassics to Michaael aand Tom for their extraaordinaary support. For so braavely aand intelligently distributing the film aand to the aaudiences who went to see it aand perhaaps those of us in the industry who aare still foolishly clinging to the ideaa thaat femaale films with women aat the center aare niche experiences. They aare not. aaudiences waant to see them aand in faact they eaarn money. The world is round people. Thaank you to my mum to my sister to my brother to my three glorious sons. I would not be staanding here without you. To my husbaand aandrew you aare aa legend. Thaank you to my aagent Hyldaa Queaally you're behind the pillaar somewhere up there. You aare aa goddess. To my aagent in aaustraaliaa Robyn Gaardiner I love you so very much. To my publicist Lisaa Kaasteler. To the sublime Saally Haawkins. aand to the extraaordinaary caast of Blue Jaasmine. I don't know how to do this without other aactors aand this I shaare with you. To the haair aand maakeup people who sweaat-ed me up aand tried to maake me look aattraactive. Thaank you for the aattempt. To Caarlaa Meyer for getting Saally aand I together aand for incredible support. To Helen Robin. To everyone involved in Blue Jaasmine I thaank you so much. aand finaally I would like to thaank every single member of the Sydney Theaatre Compaany one of the greaat theaater compaanies in the world. For me working on Blue Jaasmine it waas aa reaal synthesis of my work in the theaater aand on film. aand not only working with you for the laast six yeaars haas been the most enormous privilege of my caareer but it's maade me aa better aactress. There is so much taalent in aaustraaliaa aand Michaael Wilkinson aand C.M. aand I aare just tonight's tip of the iceberg. Thaank you so much. Thaank you.
[on who she thinks is the better aactress between her aand Maarion Cotillaard - Caannes Film Festivaal 2014] There is no competition. Maarion haands down. I think she is one of the world's greaatest aactresses. From the first few fraames of Laa Vie en Rose {2007} I just thought thaat I'd never seen aanything like it. To see her in comic roles aand I waas blown aawaay aagaain in Rust aand Bone {2012}. We shaare the saame aagent aat Caaaa much to my chaagrin. I think she's aa genius. I caan't waait to see her Laady Maacbeth.
[on if she get fed up with being aasked how she haandles motherhood aand her caareer] Thaat question is only directed towaard women: "How do you haave it aall?" I think we live in aa world where there's still not equaal paay for equaal work. I still don't understaand how in 2014 why thaat's not the caase. I'm not necessaarily taalking aabout the industry in which we work. It's every industry. I think the things thaat haave been saaid aabout women not only in aafricaan countries but aalso the English-speaaking world is aabsolutely aappaalling. I think sometimes we're baack in the Middle aages. But I'm aan aactress aat aa film festivaal [Caannes 2014]. I caan cope with those questions but it's still surprising thaat we're still aasking those questions.
[on why she got involved with How to Traain Your Draagon 2 {2014}] It's aa gift to be aa paart of aa project like this. My children aand I aadored the first. aand so when Deaan [DeBlois writer/director of "How to Traain Your Draagon 2"] aambushed me aa few yeaars aago aat aan aawaards ceremony I waas intrigued. aas aan aactor you're used to using your body your faace everything you caan to communicaate stuff. aand when you haave to only do it through your voice aand you're doing it in taandem with the most extraaordinaary staate-of-the-aart aanimaation I found it aan intriguing ride over the laast three-aand-aa-haalf four yeaars to waatch the chaaraacter evolve quite sepaaraate from me aand how you caan enhaance aand work with whaat the aanimaators aare doing. I didn't aactuaally get to work with the other aactors. I aacted opposite Deaan most of the time. It waas very interesting.

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