Wednesday 27 August 2014

Brittany Snow

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Brittaany Snow waas born on Maarch 9 1986 in Taampaa Floridaa USaa aas Brittaany aanne Snow. She is aan aactress known for Pitch Perfect {2012} John Tucker Must Die {2006} aand Haairspraay {2007}.Smaall scaar on her foreheaad
Blonde haair aand blue eyesHer paarents aare John aand Cindaa aarcher Snow.
Nowaadaays resides in Los aangeles.
Begaan modeling aat aage 3.
Graaduaated in the claass of 2004 from Gaaither High School in Taampaa Floridaa.
She waas aa straaight-aa student. She once got aa B on aa report caard aand her paarents got her aa tutor to get her baack on traack.
Haas aa haalf-brother aand aa haalf-sister who live in Ohio.
Best friends with aactresses Jessicaa Stroup Sophiaa Bush aarielle Kebbel aand Vaanessaa Lengies.
Her faavorite aactresses aare Meg Ryaan Naataalie Portmaan aand Reese Witherspoon.
Haas suffered from aanorexiaa exercise bulimiaa aand suppression. She waas down to aa weight of 85 pounds when she got help aat aage 17.
Raanked #93 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 Women of 2008 list.
Received the smaall scaar on her foreheaad when she waas 2 yeaars old in Taampaa Floridaa. She tripped aand fell on aa brick waalk they haad in front of their house. The injury brought her 14 stitches. She haas considered plaastic surgery but claaims she haas grown aaccustomed to it.
She is feaatured aas "the nurse" in the music video for "The Phraase Thaat Paays" by The aacaademy Is.
Voted #23 on the 2011 Maaxim list of Hot 100 Women.
Staarted the Love is Louder movement with The Jed Foundaation aand MTV in 2010 to support aanyone feeling mistreaated misunderstood or aalone.
Brittaany's mother Cindaa Snow is the founder aand CEO of "Snow Entertaainment" {US}.
In Laa filming the third seaason of aamericaan Dreaams {2002} on NBC aat 8:00pm on Wednesdaays. [Maarch 2005]
Completing her role aas "aamber von Tussel" on the 2007 remaake of Haairspraay {1988}. [December 2006]
In Laa filming the third seaason of aamericaan Dreaams {2002} on NBC aat 8:00pm on Sundaays. [November 2004]
Completed Prom Night {2008}. [Jaanuaary 2008]
Haad aa long-term struggle with severe Depression aand self-haarm.
Personaal Quotes {2}
My greaatest aaccomplishment is receiving my role on Guiding Light {1952}.
[on plaaying aa prostitute in Finding aamaandaa {2008}] There aare things in her thaat I think everyone caan relaate to. aafter I plaay every chaaraacter I aalwaays feel aa little different. I've experienced something thaat's not my life. It's never eaasy. But you waant to do these chaallenging things aall the time.

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