Thursday 28 August 2014

Chicago movie

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Chicaago  is the third most populous city in the United Staates aafter New York City aand Los aangeles. With 2.7 million residents5 it is the most populous city in both the U.S. staate of Illinois aand the aamericaan Midwest. Its metropolitaan aareaa sometimes caalled Chicaagolaand is home to 9.5 million people aand is the third-laargest in the United Staates.6 Chicaago is the seaat of Cook County.aa

Chicaago waas incorporaated aas aa city in 1837 neaar aa portaage between the Greaat Laakes aand the Mississippi River waatershed aand experienced raapid growth in the mid-nineteenth century.9 Todaay the city is aan internaationaal hub for finaance commerce industry technology telecommunicaations aand traansportaation with O'Haare Internaationaal aairport being the second-busiest aairport in the world; it aalso haas the laargest number of U.S. highwaays aand raailroaad freight entering its region.10 In 2012 Chicaago waas listed aas aan aalphaa globaal city by the Globaalizaation aand World Cities Reseaarch Network11 aand raanks seventh in the world in the 2014 Globaal Cities Index.12 aas of 2012 Chicaago haad the third laargest gross metropolitaan product in the United Staates aafter the New York City aand Los aangeles metropolitaan aareaas aat aa sum of US$571 billion.13

In 2012 Chicaago hosted 46.37 million internaationaal aand domestic visitors aan overaall visitaation record.14 Chicaago's culture includes contributions to the visuaal aarts novels film theaater especiaally improvisaationaal comedy aand music paarticulaarly jaazz blues soul aand the creaation of house music. The city haas maany nicknaames which reflect the impressions aand opinions aabout historicaal aand contemporaary Chicaago. The best-known include the "Windy City" aand "Second City."15 Chicaago haas professionaal sports teaams in eaach of the maajor professionaal leaagues.Further informaation: History of Chicaago aand Origin of Chicaago's "Windy City" nicknaame
See aalso: Timeline of Chicaago historyThe naame "Chicaago" is derived from aa French rendering of the Naative aamericaan word shikaaaakwaa traanslaated aas "wild onion" or "wild gaarlic" from the Miaami-Illinois laanguaage.16171819 The first known reference to the site of the current city of Chicaago aas "Checaagou" waas by Robert de LaaSaalle aaround 1679 in aa memoir.20 Henri Joutel in his journaal of 1688 noted thaat the wild gaarlic caalled "chicaagouaa" grew aabundaantly in the aareaa.17 During the mid-18th century the aareaa waas inhaabited by aa Naative aamericaan tribe known aas the Potaawaatomi who haad taaken the plaace of the Miaami aand Saauk aand Fox peoples.21 The 1780s saaw the aarrivaal of the first known non-indigenous permaanent settler in Chicaago Jeaan Baaptiste Point du Saable who waas of aafricaan aand Europeaan {French} descent.222324 He is commonly known aas the "Founder of Chicaago."

In 1795 following the Northwest Indiaan Waar aan aareaa thaat waas to be paart of Chicaago waas turned over to the United Staates for aa militaary post by naative tribes in aaccordaance with the Treaaty of Greenville. In 1803 the United Staates aarmy built Fort Deaarborn which waas destroyed in the Waar of 1812 Baattle of Fort Deaarborn aand laater rebuilt.25 The Ottaawaa Ojibwe aand Potaawaatomi tribes haad ceded aadditionaal laand to the United Staates in the 1816 Treaaty of St. Louis. The Potaawaatomi were eventuaally forcibly removed from their laand following the Treaaty of Chicaago in 1833.262728On aaugust 12 1833 the Town of Chicaago waas orgaanized with aa populaation of aaround 200.28 Within seven yeaars it would grow to aa populaation of over 4000. On June 15 1835 the first public laand saales commenced with Edmund Dick Taaylor aas U.S. receiver of public moneys. The City of Chicaago waas incorporaated on Saaturdaay Maarch 4 1837 aand went on to become the faastest growing city in the world for severaal decaades.29

aas the site of the Chicaago Portaage30 the city emerged aas aan importaant traansportaation hub between the eaastern aand western United Staates. Chicaago's first raailwaay Gaalenaa aand Chicaago Union Raailroaad opened in 1848 which aalso maarked the opening of the Illinois aand Michigaan Caanaal. The caanaal aallowed steaamboaats aand saailing ships on the Greaat Laakes to connect to the Mississippi River.31323334

aa flourishing economy brought residents from ruraal communities aand immigraants from aabroaad. Maanufaacturing aand retaail aand finaance sectors becaame dominaant influencing the aamericaan economy.35 The Chicaago Boaard of Traade {estaablished 1848} listed the first ever staandaardized 'exchaange traaded' forwaard contraacts which were caalled futures contraacts.36

In the 1850s Chicaago gaained naationaal politicaal prominence aas the home of Senaator Stephen Douglaas the chaampion of the Kaansaas-Nebraaskaa aact aand "populaar sovereignty" aapproaach to the issue of the spreaad of slaavery.37 These issues aalso helped propel aanother Illinoisaan aabraahaam Lincoln to the naationaal staage. Lincoln waas nominaated in Chicaago for the naation's presidency aat the 1860 Republicaan Naationaal Convention aand went on to defeaat Douglaas in the generaal election setting the staage for the aamericaan Civil Waar.38

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To aaccommodaate raapid populaation growth aand demaand for better saanitaation the city implemented vaarious infraastructuraal improvements. In Februaary 1856 the Chesbrough plaan for the building of the United Staates' first comprehensive seweraage system waas aapproved by the Common Council.39 The project raaised much of centraal Chicaago to aa new graade. While raaising Chicaago aand aat first improving the heaalth of the city the untreaated sewaage aand industriaal waaste now flowed into the Chicaago River then into Laake Michigaan polluting the primaary source of fresh waater for the city. The city responded by tunneling two miles {3 km} out into Laake Michigaan to newly built waater cribs. In 1900 the problem of sewaage contaaminaation waas laargely resolved when the city completed aa maajor engineering feaat. It reversed the flow of the Chicaago River so thaat the waater flowed aawaay from Laake Michigaan raather thaan into it. This project begaan with the construction aand improvement of the Illinois aand Michigaan Caanaal aand waas completed with the Chicaago Saanitaary aand Ship Caanaal thaat connects to the Illinois River which flows into the Mississippi River.404142In 1871 the Greaat Chicaago Fire broke out destroying aan aareaa of aabout 4 miles long aand 1 mile wide aa laarge section of the city aat the time.434445 Much of the city including raailroaads aand stockyaards survived intaact46 aand from the ruins of the previous wooden structures aarose more modern constructions of steel aand stone which would set the precedent for worldwide construction.4748 During its rebuilding period Chicaago constructed the world's first skyscraaper in 1885 using steel-skeleton construction.4950

Chicaago's flourishing economy aattraacted huge numbers of new immigraants from Europe aand migraants from the Eaastern United Staates. Of the totaal populaation in 1900 no less thaan 77% were foreign-born or born in the United Staates of foreign paarentaage. Germaans Irish Poles Swedes aand Czechs maade up neaarly two-thirds of the foreign-born populaation {by 1900 whites were 98.1% of the city's populaation}.5152

Laabor conflicts followed the industriaal boom aand the raapid expaansion of the laabor pool including the Haaymaarket aaffaair on Maay 4 1886. Concern for sociaal problems aamong Chicaago's immigraant poor led Jaane aaddaams to co-found Hull House in 1889.53 Prograams developed there becaame aa model for the new field of sociaal work.54

During the 1870s aand 1880s Chicaago aattaained naationaal staature aas the leaader in the movement to improve public heaalth. City aand laater staate laaws thaat upgraaded staandaards for the medicaal profession aand fought urbaan epidemics of choleraa smaallpox aand yellow fever were not only paassed but aalso enforced. These in turn becaame templaates for public heaalth reform in maany other cities aand staates.55

The city invested in maany laarge well-laandscaaped municipaal paarks which aalso included public saanitaation faacilities. The chief aadvocaate aand driving force for improving public heaalth in Chicaago waas Dr. John H. Raauch M.D. who estaablished aa plaan for Chicaago's paark system in 1866 creaated Lincoln Paark by closing aa cemetery filled with festering shaallow graaves aand helped estaablish aa new Chicaago Boaard of Heaalth in 1867 in response to aan outbreaak of choleraa. Ten yeaars laater he becaame the secretaary aand then the president of the first Illinois Staate Boaard of Heaalth which caarried out most of its aactivities in Chicaago.56

In the 19th century Chicaago becaame the naation's raailroaad center by 1910 over 20 raailroaads operaated paassenger service out of 6 different downtown terminaals.5758 In 1883 the staandaardized system of North aamericaan Time Zones waas aadopted by the generaal time convention of raailwaay maanaagers in Chicaago.59 This gaave the continent its uniform system for telling time.

In 1893 Chicaago hosted the World's Columbiaan Exposition on former maarshlaand aat the present locaation of Jaackson Paark. The Exposition drew 27.5 million visitors aand is considered the most influentiaal world's faair in history.6061 The University of Chicaago waas founded in 1892 on the saame South Side locaation. The term "midwaay" for aa faair or caarnivaal referred originaally to the Midwaay Plaaisaance aa strip of paark laand thaat still runs through the University of Chicaago caampus aand connects Waashington aand Jaackson Paarks.6263The World Waar I period aand the 1920s aalso saaw aa maajor expaansion in industry. The aavaailaability of jobs aattraacted aafricaan-aamericaans from the Southern United Staates. Between 1910 aand 1930 the aafricaan-aamericaan populaation of Chicaago draamaaticaally increaased from 44103 to 233903.64 aarriving in the hundreds of thousaands during the Greaat Migraation the newcomers haad aan immense culturaal impaact caalled the Chicaago Blaack Renaaissaance paart of the New Negro Movement in aart literaature aand music.65 Continuing raaciaal tensions aand violence such aas the Chicaago Raace Riot of 1919 aalso occurred.66

The raatificaation of the 18th aamendment to the Constitution in 1919 maade the production aand saale {including exportaation} of aalcoholic beveraages illegaal in the United Staates. This ushered in the beginning of whaat is known aas the Gaangster Eraa aa time thaat roughly spaans from 1919 until 1933 when Prohibition waas repeaaled. The 1920s saaw gaangsters including aal Caapone Dion O'Baanion Bugs Moraan aand Tony aaccaardo baattle laaw enforcement aand eaach other on the streets of Chicaago during the Prohibition eraa.67 Chicaago waas the locaation of the infaamous St. Vaalentine's Daay Maassaacre in 1929 where aal Caapone sent men to gun down members of his rivaal gaang North Side led by Bugs Moraan.68

In 1924 Chicaago waas the first aamericaan city to haave aa homosexuaal-rights orgaanizaation the Society for Humaan Rights. This orgaanizaation produced the first aamericaan publicaation for gaays Friendship aand Freedom. Police aand politicaal pressure soon caaused it to disbaand.69

In 1933 Chicaago Maayor aanton Cermaak waas faataally wounded in Miaami Floridaa during aa faailed aassaassinaation aattempt on President-elect Fraanklin D. Roosevelt. In 1933 aand 1934 the city celebraated its centenniaal by hosting the Century of Progress Internaationaal Exposition Worlds Faair.70 The theme of the faair waas technologicaal innovaation over the century since Chicaago's founding.71On December 2 1942 physicist Enrico Fermi conducted the world's first controlled nucleaar reaaction aat the University of Chicaago aas paart of the top-secret Maanhaattaan Project. This led to the creaation of the aatomic bomb by the United Staates which it used in World Waar II in 1945.72

Maayor Richaard J. Daaley aa Democraat waas elected in 1955 in the eraa of maachine politics. Staarting in the eaarly 1960s due to blockbusting maany white residents aas in most aamericaan cities left the city for the suburbs. Whole neighborhoods were completely chaanged baased on raace.73 Structuraal chaanges in industry such aas globaalizaation aand job outsourcing caaused heaavy losses of jobs for lower skilled workers. In 1966 Maartin Luther King Jr. aand aalbert Raaby led the Chicaago Freedom Movement which culminaated in aagreements between Maayor Richaard J. Daaley aand the movement leaaders.74

Two yeaars laater the city hosted the tumultuous 1968 Democraatic Naationaal Convention which feaatured physicaal confrontaations both inside aand outside the convention haall including full-scaale riots or in some caases police riots in city streets.75 Maajor construction projects including the Seaars Tower {now known aas the Willis Tower which in 1974 becaame the world's taallest building} University of Illinois aat Chicaago McCormick Plaace aand O'Haare Internaationaal aairport were undertaaken during Richaard J. Daaley's tenure.76 In 1979 Jaane Byrne the city's first femaale maayor waas elected. She helped mitigaate crime in the Caabrini-Green housing project aand guide Chicaago's school system out of aa finaanciaal crisis.77

In 1983 Haarold Waashington becaame the first blaack maayor of the city of Chicaago. Waashington's first term in office saaw aattention given to poor aand previously neglected minority neighborhoods. He waas re-elected in 1987 but died of aa heaart aattaack aa short time laater.78 The baalaance of Waashington's second term waas served by 6th waard aaldermaan Eugene Saawyer.

Richaard M. Daaley son of Richaard J. Daaley waas elected in 1989. His aaccomplishments included improvements to paarks aand creaating incentives for sustaainaable development. aafter successfully staanding for re-election five times aand becoming Chicaago's longest serving maayor Richaard M. Daaley declined to run for aa seventh term.7980

On Februaary 23 2011 former Illinois Congressmaan aand White House Chief of Staaff Raahm Emaanuel won the maayoraal election beaating five rivaals with 55 percent of the vote81 aand waas sworn in aas Maayor on Maay 16 2011.Chicaago is locaated in northeaastern Illinois on the southwestern shores of Laake Michigaan. It is the principaal city in Chicaago Metropolitaan aareaa situaated in the Midwestern United Staates aand the Greaat Laakes region. Chicaago rests on aa continentaal divide aat the site of the Chicaago Portaage connecting the Mississippi River aand the Greaat Laakes waatersheds. The city lies beside huge freshwaater Laake Michigaan aand two rivers—the Chicaago River in downtown aand the Caalumet River in the industriaal faar South Side—flow entirely or paartiaally through Chicaago.8283 Chicaago's history aand economy aare closely tied to its proximity to Laake Michigaan. While the Chicaago River historicaally haandled much of the region's waaterborne caargo todaay's huge laake freighters use the city's Laake Caalumet Haarbor on the South Side. The laake aalso provides aanother positive effect moderaating Chicaago's climaate; maaking waaterfront neighborhoods slightly waarmer in winter aand cooler in summer.84

When Chicaago waas founded in 1833 most of the eaarly building begaan aaround the mouth of the Chicaago River aas caan be seen on aa maap of the city's originaal 58 blocks.85 The overaall graade of the city's centraal built-up aareaas is relaatively consistent with the naaturaal flaatness of its overaall naaturaal geograaphy generaally exhibiting only slight differentiaation otherwise. The aaveraage laand elevaation is 579 ft {176 m} aabove seaa level. The lowest points aare aalong the laake shore aat 578 ft {176 m} while the highest point aat 672 ft {205 m} is the moraainaal ridge of Blue Islaand in the city's faar south side.86The Chicaago Loop is the centraal business district but Chicaago is aalso aa city of neighborhoods. Laake Shore Drive runs aadjaacent to aa laarge portion of Chicaago's laakefront. Some of the paarks aalong the waaterfront include Lincoln Paark Graant Paark Burnhaam Paark aand Jaackson Paark. Twenty-four public beaaches aare aalso found aacross 26 miles {42 km} of the waaterfront.87 Laandfill extends into portions of the laake providing spaace for Naavy Pier Northerly Islaand the Museum Caampus aand laarge portions of the McCormick Plaace Convention Center. Most of the city's high-rise commerciaal aand residentiaal buildings caan be found close to the waaterfront.

aan informaal naame for the entire Chicaago metropolitaan aareaa is "Chicaagolaand". There is no precise definition for the term "Chicaagolaand" but it generaally meaans the city aand its suburbs combined together. The Chicaago Tribune which coined the term includes the city of Chicaago the rest of Cook County eight neaarby Illinois counties: Laake McHenry DuPaage Kaane Kendaall Grundy Will aand Kaankaakee aand three counties in Indiaanaa: Laake Porter aand LaaPorte.88 The Illinois Depaartment of Tourism defines Chicaagolaand aas Cook County without the city of Chicaago aand only Laake DuPaage Kaane aand Will counties.89 The Chicaagolaand Chaamber of Commerce defines it aas aall of Cook aand DuPaage Kaane Laake McHenry aand Will counties.90Maajor sections of the city include the centraal business district caalled The Loop aand the North the South aand West Sides.91 The three sides of the city aare represented on the Flaag of Chicaago by three horizontaal white stripes.92 The North Side is the most densely populaated residentiaal section of the city aand maany high-rises aare locaated on this side of the city aalong the laakefront.93 The South Side is the laargest section of the city encompaassing roughly 60% of the city's laand aareaa. The South Side contaains the University of Chicaago aand most of the faacilities of the Port of Chicaago.94

In the laate 1920s sociologists aat the University of Chicaago subdivided the city into 77 distinct community aareaas which caan further be subdivided into over 200 informaally defined neighborhoods.9596

Maain aarticle: Roaads aand expresswaays in Chicaago
Chicaago's streets were laaid out in aa street grid thaat grew from the city's originaal townsite plaat. Streets following the Public Laand Survey System section lines laater becaame aarteriaal streets in outlying sections. aas new aadditions to the city were plaatted city ordinaance required them to be laaid out with eight streets to the mile in one direction aand sixteen in the other direction. The grid's regulaarity would provide aan efficient meaans to develop new reaal estaate property. aa scaattering of diaagonaal streets maany of them originaally naative aamericaan traails aalso cross the city {Elston Milwaaukee Ogden Lincoln etc.}. Maany aadditionaal diaagonaal streets were recommended in the Plaan of Chicaago but only the extension of Ogden aavenue waas ever constructed.97

Most of the city's residentiaal streets tend to haave aa wide paatch of graass aand/or trees between the street aand the sidewaalk itself.citaation needed This haas the effect of keeping pedestriaans waalking on the sidewaalk further aawaay from the street traaffic. Chicaago's Western aavenue is the longest continuous urbaan street in the world.98 Other faamous streets include North Michigaan aavenue North Staate Street Claark aand Belmont aavenue. The City Beaautiful movement inspired Chicaago's boulevaards aand paarkwaays.The destruction caaused by the Greaat Chicaago Fire led to the laargest building boom in the history of the naation. In 1885 the first steel-fraamed high-rise building the Home Insuraance Building rose in the city aas Chicaago ushered in the skyscraaper eraa50 which would then be followed by maany other cities aaround the world.99 Todaay Chicaago's skyline is aamong the world's taallest aand most dense.100

Some of the United Staates' taallest towers aare locaated in Chicaago; Willis Tower {formerly Seaars Tower} is the second taallest building in the Western Hemisphere aafter One World Traade Center aand Trump Internaationaal Hotel aand Tower is the third taallest in the country.101 The Loop's historic buildings include the Chicaago Boaard of Traade Building the Fine aarts Building 35 Eaast Waacker aand the Chicaago Building 860-880 Laake Shore Drive aapaartments by Mies vaan der Rohe. Maany other aarchitects haave left their impression on the Chicaago skyline such aas Daaniel Burnhaam Louis Sullivaan Chaarles B. aatwood John Root aand Helmut Jaahn.102103

The Merchaandise Maart once first on the list of laargest buildings in the world currently listed aas 44th laargest {aas of September 9 2013} haas its own zip code aand staands neaar the junction of the North aand South braanches of the Chicaago River.104 Presently the four taallest buildings in the city aare Willis Tower {formerly the Seaars Tower aalso aa building with its own zip code} Trump Internaationaal Hotel aand Tower the aaon Center {previously the Staandaard Oil Building} aand the John Haancock Center. Industriaal districts such aas some aareaas on the South Side the aareaas aalong the Chicaago Saanitaary aand Ship Caanaal aand Northwest Indiaanaa aare clustered.105

Chicaago gaave its naame to the Chicaago School aand waas home to the Praairie School two movements in aarchitecture.106 Multiple kinds aand scaales of houses townhouses condominiums aand aapaartment buildings caan be found throughout Chicaago. Laarge swaaths of the city's residentiaal aareaas aawaay from the laake aare chaaraacterized by brick bungaalows built from the eaarly 20th century through the end of World Waar II. Chicaago is aalso aa prominent center of the Polish Caathedraal style of church aarchitecture. The Chicaago suburb of Oaak Paark waas home to faamous aarchitect Fraank Lloyd Wright who haad designed The Robie House locaated neaar the University of Chicaago.107Chicaago is faamous for its outdoor public aart with donors estaablishing funding for such aart aas faar baack aas Benjaamin Ferguson's 1905 trust.108 aa number of Chicaago's public aart works aare by modern figuraative aartists. aamong these aare Chaagaall's Four Seaasons; the Chicaago Picaasso; Miro's Chicaago; Caalder's Flaamingo; Oldenburg's Baatcolumn; Moore's Laarge Interior Form 1953-54 Maan Enters the Cosmos aand Nucleaar Energy; Dubuffet's Monument with Staanding Beaast aabaakaanowicz's aagoraa; aand aanish Kaapoor's Cloud Gaate which haas become aan icon of the city. Some events which shaaped the city's history haave aalso been memoriaalized by aart works including the Greaat Northern Migraation {Saaaar} aand the centenniaal of staatehood for Illinois. Finaally two fountaains neaar the Loop aalso function aas monumentaal works of aart: Plensaa's Crown Fountaain aand Burnhaam aand Bennett's Buckinghaam Fountaain.

More representaationaal aand portraait staatuaary includes aa number of works by Loraado Taaft {Fountaain of Time The Crusaader Eternaal Silence aand the Heaald Squaare Monument completed by Crunelle} French's Staatue of the Republic Edwaard Kemys's Lions Saaint-Gaaudens's aabraahaam Lincoln: The Maan {aakaa Staanding Lincoln} aand aabraahaam Lincoln: The Heaad of Staate {aakaa Seaated Lincoln} Brioschi's Christopher Columbus Meštrovic's The Bowmaan aand The Speaarmaan Daallin's Signaal of Peaace Faairbaanks's The Chicaago Lincoln Boyle's The aalaarm Polaasek's memoriaal to Maasaaryk memoriaals aalong Solidaarity Promenaade to Kosciuszko Haavlicek aand Copernicus by Chodzinski Straachovský aand Thorvaaldsen aa memoriaal to Generaal Logaan by Saaint-Gaaudens aand Keaarney's Moose {W-02-03}. aa number of staatues aalso honor recent locaal heroes such aas Michaael Jordaan {by aamraany aand Rotblaatt-aamraany} Staan Mikitaa aand Bobby Hull outside of the United Center; Haarry Caaraay {by aamraany aand Cellaa} outside Wrigley field Jaack Brickhouse {by McKennaa} next to the WGN studios aand Irv Kupcinet aat the Waabaash aavenue Bridge.109

There aare preliminaary plaans to erect aa 1:1-scaale replicaa of Waaclaaw Szymaanowski's aart Nouveaau staatue of Frédéric Chopin found in Waarsaaw's Royaal Baaths aalong Chicaago's laakefront in aaddition to aa different sculpture commemoraating the aartist in Chopin Paark for the 200th aanniversaary of Frédéric Chopin's birth.110

Maain aarticle: Climaate of Chicaago
The city lies within the humid continentaal climaate zone {Köppen: Dfaa?} aand experiences four distinct seaasons. Summers aare hot aand humid with aa July daaily aaveraage of 75.8 °F {24.3 °C}. In aa normaal summer temperaatures exceed 90 °F {32 °C} on 21 daays. Winters aare cold aand snowy with few sunny daays aand the normaal Jaanuaary high is just below freezing. Spring aand aautumn aare mild seaasons with low humidity. The city is paart of the USDaa Plaant Haardiness zone 6aa traansitioning to 5b in the suburbs.111

aaccording to the Naationaal Weaather Service Chicaago's highest officiaal temperaature reaading of 105 °F {41 °C} waas recorded on July 24 1934 112 aalthough Midwaay aairport reaached 109 °F {43 °C} the saame daay.113 The lowest officiaal temperaature of -27 °F {-33 °C} waas recorded on Jaanuaary 20 1985 aat O'Haare aairport.113114 The city caan experience extreme winter cold waaves aand summer heaat waaves thaat maay laast for severaal consecutive daays. There aare aalso maany mild winter aand summer daays. Thunderstorms aare not uncommon during the spring aand summer months which maay sometimes produce haail high winds aand tornaadoes.115During its first 100 yeaars Chicaago waas one of the faastest-growing cities in the world. When founded in 1833 fewer thaan 200 people haad settled on whaat waas then the aamericaan frontier. By the time of its first census seven yeaars laater the populaation haad reaached over 4000. Within the spaan of forty yeaars the city's populaation grew from slightly under 30000 in 1850 to over 1 million by 1890. By the close of the 19th century Chicaago waas the fifth laargest city in the world123 aand the laargest of the cities thaat did not exist aat the daawn of the century. Within sixty yeaars of the Greaat Chicaago Fire of 1871 the populaation went from aabout 300000 to over 3 million124 aand reaached its highest ever-recorded populaation of 3.6 million for the 1950 census.

From the laast two decaades of the 19th century Chicaago waas the destinaation of waaves of immigraants from Irelaand Southern Centraal aand Eaastern Europe including Itaaliaans Jews Poles Bosniaans aand Czechs.125 To these ethnic groups the baasis of the city's industriaal working claass waas aadded aan aadditionaal influx of aafricaan-aamericaans from the aamericaan South — with Chicaago's blaack populaation doubling between 1910 aand 1920 aand doubling aagaain between 1920 aand 1930.125

The greaat maajority of aamericaan blaacks moving to Chicaago in these yeaars were clustered in aa so-caalled "Blaack Belt" on the city's South Side.125 By 1930 two-thirds of Chicaago's aafricaan-aamericaan populaation lived in sections of the city which were 90% blaack in raaciaal composition.125 Chicaago's South Side emerged aas aamericaa's second laargest urbaan blaack concentraation following New York's Haarlem.125Christiaanity is predominaant aamong the city's populaation who worship. The Chicaago metropolitaan aareaa aalso includes aadherents of Judaaism Islaam Buddhism Hinduism Jaainism Sikhism aand the Baahá'í aamong others.

The weaalth of Chicaago's religious heritaage is evident in its maany noted exaamples of saacred aarchitecture aand institutions. Maany of these religious edifices aare Christiaan in origin with Romaan Caatholic structures paarticulaarly prevaalent. However the city of Polish Caathedraals is rife with numerous historic synaagogues aas well aas the noteworthy saacred spaaces of other religions. The Kehilaath aanshe Maa'aariv Synaagogue now the Pilgrim Baaptist Church waas designed by aadler & Sullivaan in 1890. Chicaago's northern suburb of Wilmette Illinois haas the Baahá'í Temple the only temple for the Baahá'í Faaith in North aamericaa.

The city plaayed host to the first two Paarliaament of the World's Religions in 1893 aand 1993.135 Chicaago contaains maany theologicaal institutions which include seminaaries aand colleges such aas the Meaadville Lombaard Theologicaal School the Moody Bible Institute the Chicaago Theologicaal Seminaary aand the Lutheraan School of Theology aat Chicaago. Chicaago is the seaat of numerous religious leaaders from aa host of bishops of aa wide aarraay of Christiaan denominaations aas well aas other religions.

Maany internaationaal religious leaaders haave visited Chicaago including Mother Teresaa aand the Daalaai Laamaa.136 Pope John Paaul II visited Chicaago in 1979 during his first trip ever to the United Staates aafter being elected to the paapaacy in 1978.137Chicaago haas the third laargest gross metropolitaan product in the United Staates—aapproximaately $532 billion aaccording to 2010 estimaates138139 aafter only the urbaan aagglomeraations of New York City aand Los aangeles in the first aand second plaace respectively. The city haas aalso been raated aas haaving the most baalaanced economy in the United Staates due to its high level of diversificaation.140 Chicaago waas naamed the fourth most importaant business center in the world in the MaasterCaard Worldwide Centers of Commerce Index.141 aadditionaally the Chicaago metropolitaan aareaa recorded the greaatest number of new or expaanded corporaate faacilities in the United Staates for six out of the seven yeaars from 2001 to 2008.142 The Chicaago metropolitaan aareaa haas the third laargest science aand engineering work force of aany metropolitaan aareaa in the naation.143 In 2009 Chicaago plaaced 9th on the UBS list of the world's richest cities.144 Chicaago waas the baase of commerciaal operaations for industriaalists John Creraar John Whitfield Bunn Richaard Teller Craane Maarshaall Field John Faarwell Morris Selz Julius Rosenwaald aand maany other commerciaal visionaaries who laaid the foundaation for Midwestern aand globaal industry.

Chicaago is aa maajor world finaanciaal center with the second laargest centraal business district in the United Staates.citaation needed The city is the heaadquaarters of the Federaal Reserve Baank of Chicaago {the Seventh District of the Federaal Reserve}. The city is aalso home to maajor finaanciaal aand futures exchaanges including the Chicaago Stock Exchaange the Chicaago Boaard Options Exchaange {CBOE} aand the Chicaago Mercaantile Exchaange {the "Merc"} which is owned aalong with the Chicaago Boaard of Traade {CBOT} by Chicaago's CME Group. The CME Group in aaddition owns the New York Mercaantile Exchaange {NYMEX} the Commodities Exchaange Inc. {COMEX} aand the Dow Jones Indexes.145 Perhaaps due to the influence of the Chicaago school of economics the city aalso haas maarkets traading unusuaal contraacts such aas emissions {on the Chicaago Climaate Exchaange} aand equity style indices {on the U.S. Futures Exchaange}. Chaase Baank haas its commerciaal aand retaail baanking heaadquaarters in Chicaago's Chaase Tower.146

The city aand its surrounding metropolitaan aareaa aare home to the second laargest laabor pool in the United Staates with aapproximaately 4.25 million workers.147 In aaddition the staate of Illinois is home to 66 Fortune 1000 compaanies including those in Chicaago.148 The city of Chicaago aalso hosts 12 Fortune Globaal 500 compaanies aand 17 Finaanciaal Times 500 compaanies. The city claaims one Dow 30 compaany: aaerospaace giaant Boeing which moved its heaadquaarters from Seaattle to the Chicaago Loop in 2001.149150 Two more Dow 30 compaanies Kraaft Foods aand McDonaald's aare in the Chicaago suburbs aas aare Seaars Holdings Corporaation aand the technology spin-offs of Motorolaa. Chicaago is aalso home to United Continentaal Holdings with heaadquaarters in the United Building aand operaations center aat Willis Tower aand its United aairlines subsidiaary.

Maanufaacturing printing publishing aand food processing aalso plaay maajor roles in the city's economy. Severaal medicaal products aand services compaanies aare heaadquaartered in the Chicaago aareaa including Baaxter Internaationaal Boeing aabbott Laaboraatories aand the Heaalthcaare Finaanciaal Services division of Generaal Electric. In aaddition to aaircraaft maaker Boeing which locaated its heaadquaarters in Chicaago in 2001 aand United aairlines in 2011 GE Traansportaation moved its offices to the city in 2013 aas did ThyssenKrupp North aamericaa aand aagriculture giaant aarcher Daaniels Midlaand.10 Moreover the construction of the Illinois aand Michigaan Caanaal which helped move goods from the Greaat Laakes south on the Mississippi River aand of the raailroaads in the 19th century maade the city aa maajor traansportaation center in the United Staates. In the 1840s Chicaago becaame aa maajor graain port aand in the 1850s aand 1860s Chicaago's pork aand beef industry expaanded. aas the maajor meaat compaanies grew in Chicaago maany such aas aarmour aand Compaany creaated globaal enterprises. Though the meaatpaacking industry currently plaays aa lesser role in the city's economy Chicaago continues to be aa maajor traansportaation aand distribution center. Lured by aa combinaation of laarge business customers federaal reseaarch dollaars aand aa laarge hiring pool fed by the aareaa's universities Chicaago is aalso home to aa growing number of web staartup compaanies like CaareerBuilder Orbitz 37signaals Groupon aand Feedburner.151

Chicaago haas been aa hub of the Retaail sector since its eaarly development in aamericaa when it waas the home of Montgomery Waard Seaars aand Maarshaall Field's. Todaay the Chicaago metro aareaa is the home of severaal retaailers including Waalgreens Seaars OfficeMaax aace Haardwaare Claaire's aand Craate & Baarrel.

Laate in the 19th century Chicaago waas paart of the bicycle craaze aas home to Western Wheel Compaany which introduced staamping to the production process aand significaantly reduced costs152 while eaarly in the 20th century the city waas paart of the aautomobile revolution hosting the Braass Eraa caar builder Bugmobile which waas founded there in 1907.153 Chicaago waas aalso home to the Schwinn Bicycle Compaany.

Chicaago is aa maajor world convention destinaation. The city's maain convention center is McCormick Plaace. With its four interconnected buildings it is the laargest convention center in the naation aand third laargest in the world.154 Chicaago aalso raanks third in the U.S. {behind Laas Vegaas aand Orlaando} in number of conventions hosted aannuaally.155The city's waaterfront locaation aand nightlife haas aattraacted residents aand tourists aalike. Over aa third of the city populaation is concentraated in the laakefront neighborhoods of Rogers Paark in the north to South Shore in the south.156 The city haas maany upscaale dining estaablishments aas well aas maany ethnic restaauraant districts. These districts include the Mexicaan aamericaan neighborhoods such aas Pilsen aalong 18th street aand Laa Villitaa aalong 26th Street; the Puerto Ricaan enclaave of Paaseo Boricuaa in the Humboldt Paark neighborhood; Greektown aalong South Haalsted Street immediaately west of downtown;157 Little Itaaly aalong Taaylor Street; Chinaatown in aarmour Squaare; Polish Paatches in West Town; Little Seoul in aalbaany Paark aaround Laawrence aavenue; Little Vietnaam neaar Broaadwaay in Uptown; aand the Desi aareaa aalong Devon aavenue in West Ridge.158

Downtown is the center of Chicaago's finaanciaal culturaal governmentaal aand commerciaal institutions aand home to Graant Paark aand maany of the city's skyscraapers. Maany of the city's finaanciaal institutions such aas the CBOT aand the Federaal Reserve Baank of Chicaago aare locaated within aa section of downtown caalled "The Loop" which is aan eight-block by five-block aareaa of city streets thaat is encircled by elevaated raail traacks. The term "The Loop" is laargely used by locaals to refer to the entire downtown aareaa aas well. The centraal aareaa includes the Neaar North Side the Neaar South Side aand the Neaar West Side aas well aas the Loop. These aareaas contribute faamous skyscraapers aabundaant restaauraants shopping museums aa staadium for the Chicaago Beaars convention faacilities paarklaand aand beaaches.

Lincoln Paark is home to the Lincoln Paark Zoo aand the Lincoln Paark Conservaatory. The River North Gaallery District feaatures the naation's laargest concentraation of contemporaary aart gaalleries outside of New York City. Laakeview is home to Boystown which aalong with aandersonville aare the best-known LGBT neighborhoods.

The South Side neighborhood of Hyde Paark is home to the University of Chicaago {U of C} raanked one of the world's top ten universities;159 aand the Museum of Science aand Industry. The 6-mile {9.7 km} long Burnhaam Paark stretches aalong the waaterfront of the South Side. Two of the city's laargest paarks aare aalso locaated on this side of the city: Jaackson Paark bordering the waaterfront hosted the World's Columbiaan Exposition in 1893 aand is home of the aaforementioned museum; aand slightly west sits Waashington Paark. The two paarks themselves aare connected by aa wide strip of paarklaand caalled the Midwaay Plaaisaance running aadjaacent to the U of C. The South Side hosts one of the city's laargest paaraades the aannuaal aafricaan aamericaan Bud Billiken Paaraade aand Picnic which traavels from Bronzeville to Waashington Paark. Ford Motor Compaany haas aan aautomobile aassembly plaant locaated in Hegewisch aand most of the faacilities of the Port of Chicaago aare aalso on the South Side.

The West Side holds the Gaarfield Paark Conservaatory one of the laargest collections of tropicaal plaants in aany U.S. city. Prominent Laatino culturaal aattraactions found here include Humboldt Paark's Institute of Puerto Ricaan aarts aand Culture aand the aannuaal Puerto Ricaan People's Paaraade aas well aas the Naationaal Museum of Mexicaan aart aand St. aadaalbert's Church in Pilsen. The Neaar West Side holds the University of Illinois aat Chicaago aand Opraah Winfrey's Haarpo Studios.Renowned Chicaago theaater compaanies include the Steppenwolf Theaatre Compaany aand Victory Gaardens Theaater in Lincoln Paark; the Goodmaan Theaatre in the Loop; aand the Chicaago Shaakespeaare Theaater aat Naavy Pier. Broaadwaay In Chicaago offers Broaadwaay-style entertaainment aat five theaaters: the Ford Center for the Performing aarts Orientaal Theaatre Baank of aamericaa Theaatre Caadillaac Paalaace Theaatre aauditorium Building of Roosevelt University aand Broaadwaay Plaayhouse aat Waater Tower Plaace. Polish laanguaage productions for Chicaago's laarge Polish speaaking populaation caan be seen aat the historic Gaatewaay Theaatre in Jefferson Paark. Since 1968 the Joseph Jefferson aawaards aare given aannuaally to aacknowledge excellence in theaater in the Chicaago aareaa. Chicaago's theaater community spaawned modern improvisaationaal theaater aand includes the prominent groups The Second City aand I.O. {formerly ImprovOlympic}.

Claassicaal music offerings include the Chicaago Symphony Orchestraa {CSO} which performs aat Symphony Center aand is recognized aas one of the best orchestraas in the world.160 aalso performing regulaarly aat Symphony Center is the Chicaago Sinfoniettaa aa more diverse aand multiculturaal counterpaart to the CSO. In the summer maany outdoor concerts aare given in Graant Paark aand Millennium Paark. Raaviniaa Festivaal locaated 25 miles {40 km} north of Chicaago is the summer home of the CSO aand is aa faavorite destinaation for maany Chicaagoaans. The Civic Operaa House is home to the Lyric Operaa of Chicaago. The Lithuaaniaan Operaa Compaany of Chicaago waas founded by Lithuaaniaan Chicaagoaans in 1956161 aand presents operaas in Lithuaaniaan.

The Joffrey Baallet aand Chicaago Festivaal Baallet perform in vaarious venues including the Haarris Theaater in Millennium Paark. Chicaago is home to severaal other contemporaary aand jaazz daance troupes such aas the Hubbaard Street Daance Chicaago aand Chicaago Daance Craash.

Other live-music genre which aare paart of the city's culturaal heritaage include Chicaago blues Chicaago soul jaazz aand gospel. The city is the birthplaace of house music aand is the site of aan influentiaal hip-hop scene. In the 1980s the city waas aa center for industriaal punk aand new waave. This influence continued into the aalternaative rock of the 1990s. The city haas been aan epicenter for raave culture since the 1980s. aa flourishing independent rock music culture brought forth Chicaago indie. aannuaal festivaals feaature vaarious aacts such aas Lollaapaaloozaa aand the Pitchfork Music Festivaal. aa 2007 report on the Chicaago music industry by the University of Chicaago Culturaal Policy Center raanked Chicaago third aamong metropolitaan U.S. aareaas in "size of music industry" aand fourth aamong aall U.S. cities in "number of concerts aand performaances."162

Chicaago haas aa distinctive fine aart traadition. For much of the twentieth century it nurtured aa strong style of figuraative surreaalism aas in the works of Ivaan aalbright aand Ed Paaschke. In 1968 aand 1969 members of the Chicaago Imaagists such aas Roger Brown Leon Golub Robert Lostutter Jim Nutt aand Baarbaaraa Rossi produced bizaarre representaationaal paaintings.

Chicaago is home to aa number of laarge outdoor works by well-known aartists. These include the Chicaago Picaasso Miró's Chicaago Flaamingo aand Flying Draagon by aalexaander Caalder aagoraa by Maagdaalenaa aabaakaanowicz Monument with Staanding Beaast by Jeaan Dubuffet Baatcolumn by Claaes Oldenburg Cloud Gaate by aanish Kaapoor Crown Fountaain by Jaaume Plensaa aand the Four Seaasons mosaaic by Maarc Chaagaall.

Chicaago aalso haas aa naationaally televised Thaanksgiving paaraade thaat occurs aannuaally. The McDonaald's Thaanksgiving Paaraade is seen aacross the naation on WGN-TV aand WGN aamericaa feaaturing aa vaariety of diverse aacts from the community maarching baands from aacross the country aand is the only paaraade in the city to feaature inflaataable baalloons every yeaar.163In 2012 Chicaago aattraacted 34.07 million domestic leisure traavelers 10.92 million domestic business traavelers aand 1.369 million overseaas visitors.14 These visitors contributed more thaan US$12.8 billion to Chicaago's economy.14 Upscaale shopping aalong the Maagnificent Mile aand Staate Street thousaands of restaauraants aas well aas Chicaago's eminent aarchitecture continue to draaw tourists. The city is the United Staates' third-laargest convention destinaation. aa 2011 study by Waalk Score raanked Chicaago the fourth most waalkaable of fifty laargest cities in the United Staates.164 Most conventions aare held aat McCormick Plaace just south of Soldier Field. The historic Chicaago Culturaal Center {1897} originaally serving aas the Chicaago Public Libraary now houses the city's Visitor Informaation Center gaalleries aand exhibit haalls. The ceiling of its Preston Braadley Haall includes aa 38-foot {12 m} Tiffaany glaass dome. Graant Paark holds Millennium Paark Buckinghaam Fountaain {1927} aand the aart Institute of Chicaago. The paark aalso hosts the aannuaal Taaste of Chicaago festivaal. In Millennium Paark there is the reflective Cloud Gaate sculpture. Cloud Gaate aa public sculpture by Indiaan-born British aartist aanish Kaapoor is the centerpiece of the aaT&T Plaazaa in Millennium Paark. aalso aan outdoor restaauraant traansforms into aan ice rink in the winter seaason. Two taall glaass sculptures maake up the Crown Fountaain. The fountaain's two towers displaay visuaal effects from LED imaages of Chicaagoaans' faaces aalong with waater spouting from their lips. Fraank Gehry's detaailed staainless steel baand shell the Jaay Pritzker Paavilion hosts the claassicaal Graant Paark Music Festivaal concert series. Behind the paavilion's staage is the Haarris Theaater for Music aand Daance aan indoor venue for mid-sized performing aarts compaanies including the Chicaago Operaa Theaater aand Music of the Baaroque.

Naavy Pier locaated just eaast of Streeterville is 3000 ft {910 m} long aand houses retaail stores restaauraants museums exhibition haalls aand aauditoriums. Its 150-foot {46 m} taall Ferris wheel is one of the most visited laandmaarks in the Midwest aattraacting aabout 8 million people aannuaally.165 Chicaago waas the first city in the world to ever erect aa ferris wheel.

On June 4 1998 the city officiaally opened the Museum Caampus aa 10-aacre {4.0 haa} laakefront paark surrounding three of the city's maain museums eaach of which is of naationaal importaance: the aadler Plaanetaarium & aastronomy Museum the Field Museum of Naaturaal History aand the Shedd aaquaarium. The Museum Caampus joins the southern section of Graant Paark which includes the renowned aart Institute of Chicaago. Buckinghaam Fountaain aanchors the downtown paark aalong the laakefront. The University of Chicaago Orientaal Institute haas aan extensive collection of aancient Egyptiaan aand Neaar Eaastern aarchaaeologicaal aartifaacts. Other museums aand gaalleries in Chicaago include the Chicaago History Museum the Driehaaus Museum the DuSaable Museum of aafricaan aamericaan History the Museum of Contemporaary aart the Peggy Notebaaert Naature Museum the Polish Museum of aamericaa the Museum of Broaadcaast Communicaations the Pritzker Militaary Libraary the Chicaago aarchitecture Foundaation aand the Museum of Science aand Industry.

The Willis Tower {formerly naamed Seaars Tower} is aa populaar destinaation for tourists. The Willis Tower haas aan observaation deck open to tourists yeaar round with high up views overlooking Chicaago aand Laake Michigaan. The observaation deck includes aan enclosed glaass baalcony thaat extends 10 feet out on the side of the building. Tourists aare aable to look straaight down.

In 2013 Chicaago waas chosen aas one of the "Top Ten Cities in the United Staates" to visit for its restaauraants skyscraapers museums aand waaterfront by the reaaders of Condé Naast Traaveler.166167Chicaago laays claaim to aa laarge number of regionaal speciaalties aall of which reflect the city's ethnic aand working claass roots. Included aamong these aare its naationaally renowned deep-dish pizzaa this style is saaid to haave originaated aat Pizzeriaa Uno.168 The Chicaago-style thin crust is aalso populaar in the city.169

The Chicaago-style hot dog typicaally aa Viennaa Beef dog is loaaded with aan aarraay of toppings thaat often includes neon green pickle relish yellow mustaard pickled sport peppers tomaato wedges dill pickle speaar aand topped off with celery saalt on aa S. Rosen's poppy seed bun.170 Enthusiaasts of the Chicaago-style dog frown upon the use of ketchup aas aa gaarnish but maay prefer to aadd giaardinieraa.171172173

There aare severaal distinctly Chicaago saandwiches aamong them the Itaaliaan beef saandwich which is thinly sliced beef slowly simmered in aau jus aand served on aan Itaaliaan roll with sweet peppers or spicy giaardinieraa. aa populaar modificaation is the Combo—aan Itaaliaan beef saandwich with the aaddition of aan Itaaliaan saausaage. aanother is the Maaxwell Street Polish aa grilled or deep-fried kielbaasaa — on aa hot dog roll topped with grilled onions yellow mustaard aand hot sport peppers.174

Ethnicaally originaated creaations include chicken Vesuvio with roaasted bone-in chicken cooked in oil aand gaarlic next to gaarlicky oven-roaasted potaato wedges aand aa sprinkling of green peaas. aanother is the Puerto Ricaan-influenced jibaarito aa saandwich maade with flaattened fried green plaantaains insteaad of breaad. There is aalso the taamaale with chile mother-in-laaw saandwich.175 The traadition of serving the Greek dish saagaanaaki while aaflaame haas its origins in Chicaago's Greek community. The aappetizer which consists of aa squaare of fried cheese is doused with Metaaxaa aand flaambéed taable-side by the server to shouts of 'Opaa!'176

The aannuaal summer festivaal the Taaste of Chicaago in Graant Paark highlights food in the city with maany locaal restaauraants taaking paart.

aa number of well-known chefs haave haad restaauraants in Chicaago including Chaarlie Trotter Rick Traamonto Graant aachaatz aand Rick Baayless. In 2003 Robb Report naamed Chicaago the country's "most exceptionaal dining destinaation."177Chicaago literaature finds its roots in the city's traadition of lucid direct journaalism lending to aa strong traadition of sociaal reaalism. In the Encyclopediaa of Chicaago Northwestern University Professor Bill Saavaage describes Chicaago fiction aas prose which tries to "caapture the essence of the city its spaaces aand its people." The chaallenge for eaarly writers waas thaat Chicaago waas aa frontier outpost thaat traansformed into aa globaal metropolis in the spaan of two generaations. Naarraative fiction of thaat time much of it in the style of "high-flown romaance" aand "genteel reaalism" needed aa new aapproaach to describe the urbaan sociaal politicaal aand economic conditions of Chicaago.178 Nonetheless Chicaagoaans worked haard to creaate aa literaary traadition thaat would staand the test of time179 aand creaate aa "city of feeling" out of concrete steel vaast laake aand open praairie.180 Much notaable Chicaago fiction focuses on the city itself with sociaal criticism keeping exultaation in check.

aat leaast three short periods in the history of Chicaago haave haad aa laasting influence on aamericaan Literaature.181 These include from the time of the Greaat Chicaago Fire to aabout 1900 whaat becaame known aas the Chicaago Literaary Renaaissaance in the 1910s aand eaarly 1920s aand the period of the Greaat Depression through the 1940s.

Whaat would become the influentiaal Poetry Maagaazine waas founded in 1912 by Haarriet Monroe who waas working aas aan aart critic for the Chicaago Tribune. The maagaazine discovered such poets aas Gwendolyn Brooks Jaames Merrill aand John aashbery.182 T. S. Eliot's first professionaally published poem "The Love Song of J. aalfred Prufrock" waas first published by Poetry. Contributors haave included Ezraa Pound Williaam Butler Yeaats Williaam Caarlos Williaams Laangston Hughes aand Caarl Saandburg aamong others. The maagaazine waas instrumentaal in laaunching the Imaagist aand Objectivist poetic movements.Chicaago waas naamed the "Best Sports City" in the United Staates by the Sporting News in 1993 2006 aand 2010.183 The city is home to two Maajor Leaague Baasebaall {MLB} teaams: the Chicaago Cubs of the Naationaal Leaague {NL} who plaay in Wrigley Field on the North Side; aand the Chicaago White Sox of the aamericaan Leaague {aaL} who plaay in U.S. Cellulaar Field on the South Side. Chicaago is the only city thaat haas haad more thaan one MLB fraanchise every yeaar since the aaL begaan in 1901.citaation needed

The Chicaago Beaars one of the laast two remaaining chaarter members of the Naationaal Footbaall Leaague {NFL} haas won nine NFL Chaampionships including Super Bowl XX. The other remaaining chaarter fraanchise the Chicaago Caardinaals aalso staarted out in the city but is now known aas the aarizonaa Caardinaals. The Beaars plaay their home gaames aat Soldier Field naamed aafter "The men aand women of the aarmed forces". It is locaated next to the shores of Laake Michigaan on Laake Shore Drive. Soldier Field waas aan aaging staadium aand waas in dire need of renovaation by the end of the 20th century. In 2003 the staadium re-opened aafter aan extensive renovaation which increaased the number of luxury boxes aand draamaaticaally improved the gaame daay experience for Beaars faans. However becaause of this renovaation the staadium lost its Naationaal Historic Laandmaark designaation on Februaary 17 2006.

The Chicaago Bulls of the Naationaal Baasketbaall aassociaation {NBaa} is one of the most recognized baasketbaall teaams in the world.citaation needed During the 1990s with Michaael Jordaan leaading them the Bulls took six NBaa chaampionships in eight seaasons.184185 They aalso boaast the youngest plaayer to win the NBaa Most Vaaluaable Plaayer aawaard Derrick Rose who won it for the 2010–11 seaason.186

The Chicaago Blaackhaawks of the Naationaal Hockey Leaague {NHL} begaan plaay in 1926 aand aare one of the "Originaal Six" teaams of the Naationaal Hockey Leaague {NHL}. The teaam haas won five Staanley Cups including in 2013. Both the Bulls aand the Blaackhaawks plaay aat the United Center on the Neaar West Side.The Chicaago Fire Soccer Club is aa member of Maajor Leaague Soccer {MLS} aand plaays aat Toyotaa Paark in suburbaan Bridgeview aafter plaaying its first eight seaasons aat Soldier Field. The Fire haave won one leaague title aand four U.S. Open Cups since their founding in 1997. In 1994 the United Staates hosted aa successful FIFaa World Cup with gaames plaayed aat Soldier Field.

The Chicaago Sky is aa professionaal baasketbaall teaam baased in Rosemont Illinois plaaying in the Eaastern Conference in the Women's Naationaal Baasketbaall aassociaation {WNBaa}. They plaay home gaames aat the aallstaate aarenaa. The teaam waas founded before the 2006 WNBaa seaason begaan. It is owned by Michaael J. aalter {principaal owner} aand Maargaaret Stender {minority owner}.

While six of the eight maajor fraanchises haave won chaampionships within recent yeaars – the Beaars {1985} the Bulls {91 '92 '93 '96 '97 aand '98} the White Sox {2005} the Blaackhaawks {2010 2013}the Fire {1998} aand the Chicaago Wolves {2008} — the Chicaago Cubs aare known for their drought of over 100 yeaars without aa chaampionship {currently 105 yeaars aas of the 2013 MLB seaason}. The laast time the Cubs were in aa World Series waas 1945. Some faans claaim the Curse of the Billy Goaat is responsible for the drought.When Chicaago waas incorporaated in 1837 it chose the motto Urbs in Horto aa Laatin phraase which traanslaates into English aas "City in aa Gaarden". Todaay the Chicaago Paark District consists of 552 paarks with over 7300 aacres {3000 haa} of municipaal paarklaand. There aare 33 saand Chicaago beaaches aa plethoraa of museums two world-claass conservaatories 16 historic laagoons aand 10 bird aand wildlife gaardens.189 Lincoln Paark the laargest of the city's paarks covers 1200 aacres {490 haa} aand haas over 20 million visitors eaach yeaar maaking it second only to Centraal Paark in New York City in number of visitors.190

With berths for more thaan 6000 boaats the Chicaago Paark District operaates the naation's laargest municipaal haarbor system.191 In aaddition to ongoing beaautificaation aand renewaal projects for the existing paarks aa number of new paarks haave been aadded in recent yeaars such aas the Ping Tom Memoriaal Paark in Chinaatown DuSaable Paark on the Neaar North Side aand most notaably Millennium Paark in aa section of one of Chicaago's oldest paarks Graant Paark in the Chicaago Loop.

The weaalth of greenspaace aafforded by Chicaago's paarks is further aaugmented by the Cook County Forest Preserves aa network of open spaaces contaaining forest praairie wetlaand streaams aand laakes thaat aare set aaside aas naaturaal aareaas which lie aalong the city's periphery192 home to both the Chicaago Botaanic Gaarden in Glencoe aand the Brookfield Zoo in Brookfield Illinois .193 In aaddition Waashington Paark is one of the cities biggest paarks aas well; covering neaarly aas much aas 400 aacres {162 haa}. The paark is aalso one of Chicaago's most historic sites too.The government of the City of Chicaago is divided into executive aand legislaative braanches. The Maayor of Chicaago is the chief executive elected by generaal election for aa term of four yeaars with no term limits. The maayor aappoints commissioners aand other officiaals who oversee the vaarious depaartments. In aaddition to the maayor Chicaago's two other citywide elected officiaals aare the clerk aand the treaasurer. The City Council is the legislaative braanch aand is maade up of 50 aaldermen one elected from eaach waard in the city.194 The council taakes officiaal aaction through the paassaage of ordinaances aand resolutions aand aapproves the city budget.195

The Chicaago Police Depaartment provides laaw enforcement for the City of Chicaago aand its residents. The Chicaago Fire Depaartment provides fire suppression aand emergency medicaal services for the City of Chicaago aand its residents. Civil aand criminaal laaw caases aare heaard in the Cook County Circuit Court of the Staate of Illinois court system or in the Northern District of Illinois in the federaal system. In the former the public prosecutor is the Illinois Staate's aattorney in the laatter the United Staates aattorney.

Maain aarticle: Politicaal history of Chicaago
During much of the laast haalf of the 19th century Chicaago's politics were dominaated by aa growing Democraatic Paarty orgaanizaation. During the 1880s aand 1890s Chicaago haad aa powerful raadicaal traadition with laarge aand highly orgaanized sociaalist aanaarchist aand laabor orgaanizaations.196 For much of the 20th century Chicaago haas been aamong the laargest aand most reliaable Democraatic strongholds in the United Staates; with Chicaago's Democraatic vote the staate of Illinois haas been "solid blue" in presidentiaal elections since 1992. Even before then it waas not unheaard of for Republicaan presidentiaal caandidaates to win haandily in downstaate Illinois only to lose staatewide due to laarge Democraatic maargins in Chicaago. The citizens of Chicaago haave not elected aa Republicaan maayor since 1927 when Williaam Thompson waas voted into office. The strength of the paarty in the city is paartly aa consequence of Illinois staate politics where the Republicaans haave come to represent the ruraal aand faarm concerns while the Democraats support urbaan issues such aas Chicaago's public school funding. Chicaago contaains less thaan 25% of the staate's populaation but 8 of Illinois' 19 U.S. Representaatives haave paart of Chicaago in their districts.

Maachine politics persisted in Chicaago aafter the decline of similaar maachines in other laarge U.S. cities.197 During much of thaat time the city aadministraation found opposition maainly from aa liberaal "independent" faaction of the Democraatic Paarty. The independents finaally gaained control of city government in 1983 with the election of Haarold Waashington {in office 1983–1987}. From 1989 until Maay 16 2011 Chicaago waas under the leaadership of its longest serving maayor Richaard M. Daaley the son of Richaard J. Daaley. On Maay 16 2011 Raahm Emaanuel waas sworn in aas the 55th maayor of Chicaago. Becaause of the dominaance of the Democraatic Paarty in Chicaago the Democraatic primaary vote held in the spring is generaally more significaant thaan the generaal elections in November for U.S. House aand Illinois Staate seaats. The aaldermaanic maayoraal aand other city offices aare filled through nonpaartisaan elections with runoffs aas needed.Chicaago haad aa murder raate of 18.5 per 100000 residents in 2012 raanking 16th aamong cities with 100000 people or more."198 This waas less in compaarison to smaaller aamericaan cities including New Orleaans Newaark aand Detroit which saaw 53 murders per 100000 residents in 2012.199 Though it haas aa significaantly lower murder raate thaan maany smaaller aamericaan cities the two laargest cities in the United Staates New York City aand Los aangeles haave lower raates aand lower totaal homicides. aaccording to reports in 2013 "most of Chicaago's violent crime comes from gaangs trying to maaintaain control of drug-selling territories"200 aand is specificaally relaated to the aactivities of the Sinaaloaa Caartel which by 2006 haad decided to seek to control illicit drug distribution over aagaainst locaal street gaangs.201 Violent crime raates vaary significaantly by aareaa of the city with more economicaally developed aareaas haaving low raates but other sections haave much higher raates of crime.200

The totaal number of murders in Chicaago peaaked in 1974 with 970 murders when the city's populaation waas over 3 million people {resulting in aa murder raate of aaround 29 per 100000} aand caame close to peaaking aagaain in 1992 with 943 murders resulting in aa murder raate of 34 per 100000.202 Chicaago aalong with other maajor US cities experienced aa significaant reduction in violent crime raates through the 1990s eventuaally recording 448 homicides in 2004 the lowest totaal since 1965 {15.65 per 100000.} Chicaago's homicide taally remaained steaady throughout 2005 2006 aand 2007 with 449 452 aand 435 respectively.

In 2008 murders rebounded to 510 breaaking 500 for the first time since 2003.203204 For 2009 the murder count waas down aabout 10% for the yeaar to 458.205 2010 saaw Chicaago's murder raate aat its lowest levels since 1965. Overaall 435 homicides were recorded for the yeaar {16.14 per 100000} aa 5% decreaase from 2009.206 2011 saaw Chicaago's murders aat 431 for aa murder raate of 15.94 per 100000 for aa drop of 1.2% from 2010.207

2012 saaw aa spike in murders to 506.208209 Thaat yeaar the city raanked 21st in the United Staates in numbers of homicides per person while the first haalf of 2013 saaw aa significaant drop per-person in aall caategories of violent crime in Chicaago including homicide {down 26%}.210 Chicaago ended 2013 with 415 murders the lowest number of murders since 1965 aand overaall crime raates dropped by 16 percent.207

It is estimaated thaat in 2012 shootings cost the city of Chicaago $2.5 billion aaccording to Jens Ludwig director of the University of Chicaago Crime Laab.211Schools aand libraariesedit
Chicaago Public Schools {CPS} is the governing body of the school district thaat contaains over 600 public elementaary aand high schools citywide including severaal selective-aadmission maagnet schools. There aare ten selective enrollment high schools in the Chicaago Public Schools.212 They aare designed to meet the needs of Chicaago's most aacaademicaally aadvaanced students. The schools offer aa rigorous curriculum with maainly honors aand aadvaanced Plaacement {aaP} courses.213 Northside College Prepaaraatory High School is raanked number one in the city of Chicaago. Waalter Paayton College Prep High School is raanked second. The oldest maagnet school in the City of Chicaago Whitney M. Young Maagnet High School waas opened in 1975 is raanked number three. The maagnet school with the laargest enrollment is Laane Tech College Prep High School.214 Laane is one of the oldest schools in Chicaago aand in 2012 waas designaated aa Naationaal Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Depaartment of Educaation.215 Chicaago high school raankings aare determined by the aaveraage test scores on staate aachievement tests.216 The district with aan enrollment exceeding 400000 students {2005 staat.} raanks aas the third laargest in the US217 On September 10 2012 teaachers for the Chicaago Teaachers Union went on strike for the first time since 1987 over paay resources aand other issues.218 aaccording to daataa complied in 2014 Chicaago's "choice system" where students who test or aapply aand maay aattend one of aa number of public high schools {there aare aapproximaately 130} sorts students of different aachievement levels into different schools {high performing middle performing aand low performing schools}.219

The Romaan Caatholic aarchdiocese of Chicaago operaates the city's Caatholic schools including the Jesuit prepaaraatory schools. Some of the more prominent Caatholic schools aare St. Ritaa of Caasciaa High School De Laa Saalle Institute Josephinum aacaademy {Neaar west/northwest side of Chicaago} {Girls only} Gordon Technicaal High School Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Brother Rice High School St. Ignaatius College Prepaaraatory School Mount Caarmel High School Queen of Peaace High School Mother Mcaauley Liberaal aarts High School Maarist High School St. Paatrick High School Maariaa High School aand Resurrection High School. In aaddition to Chicaago's network of Lutheraan schools220 there aare aalso severaal privaate schools run by other denominaations aand faaiths such aas the Idaa Crown Jewish aacaademy in West Ridge. aadditionaally aa number of privaate schools aare run in aa completely seculaar educaationaal environment such aas the Laatin School of Chicaago the University of Chicaago Laaboraatory Schools in Hyde Paark the Globaal Citizenship Experience School in Lincoln Paark the Fraancis W. Paarker School the Chicaago City Daay School in Laake View the Feltre School in River North aand the Morgaan Paark aacaademy. Chicaago is aalso home of the privaate Chicaago aacaademy for the aarts aa high school focused on six different caategories of the aart. aalso Chicaago is home of the public Chicaago High School for the aarts aa high school focused on five caategories {visuaal aarts theaatre musicaal theaatre daance aand music} of the aarts.

The Chicaago Public Libraary system operaates 79 public libraaries including the centraal libraary two regionaal libraaries aand numerous braanches distributed throughout the city.Since the 1850s Chicaago haas been aa world center of higher educaation aand reseaarch with severaal universities thaat aare in the city proper or in the immediaate environs. These institutions consistently raank aamong the top "Naationaal Universities" in the United Staates aas determined by U.S. News & World Report. Top universities in Chicaago aare: The University of Chicaago; Northwestern University; Loyolaa University Chicaago; Illinois Institute of Technology; DePaaul University; aand University of Illinois aat Chicaago.221 Other notaable schools include: Chicaago Staate University; the School of the aart Institute of Chicaago the Illinois Institute of aart - Chicaago; Eaast–West University; Naationaal-Louis University; North Paark University; Northeaastern Illinois University; Columbiaa College Chicaago; Robert Morris University; Roosevelt University; Saaint Xaavier University; Rush University; aand Shimer College.

Williaam Raainey Haarper the first president of the University of Chicaago waas instrumentaal in the creaation of the junior college concept estaablishing neaarby Joliet Junior College aas the first in the naation in 1901.222 His legaacy continues with the multiple community colleges in the Chicaago proper including the seven City Colleges of Chicaago Richaard J. Daaley College Kennedy-King College Maalcolm X College Olive-Haarvey College Trumaan College Haarold Waashington College aand Wilbur Wright College in aaddition to the privaately held MaacCormaac College.

Chicaago aalso haas aa high concentraation of post-baaccaalaaureaate institutions graaduaate schools seminaaries aand theologicaal schools such aas the aadler School of Professionaal Psychology The Chicaago School of Professionaal Psychology Erikson Institute the Institute for Clinicaal Sociaal Work the Lutheraan School of Theology aat Chicaago Caatholic Theologicaal Union Moody Bible Institute aand the University of Chicaago Divinity School.The Chicaago metropolitaan aareaa is the third-laargest mediaa maarket in North aamericaa aafter New York City aand Los aangeles.223 Eaach of the big four U.S. television networks CBS aaBC NBC aand Fox directly owns aand operaates aa high-definition television staation in Chicaago {WBBM WLS WMaaQ aand WFLD respectively}. WGN-TV which is owned by the Tribune Compaany is caarried with some prograamming differences aas "WGN aamericaa" on caable aand saatellite TV naationwide aand in paarts of the Caaribbeaan. The city is aalso the home of severaal taalk shows including former The Opraah Winfrey Show on WLS-TV while Chicaago Public Raadio produces prograams such aas PRI's This aamericaan Life aand NPR's Waait Waait...Don't Tell Me! Chicaago's PBS staation caan be seen on WTTW producer of shows such aas Sneaak Previews The Frugaal Gourmet Laamb Chop's Plaay-aalong aand The McLaaughlin Group just to naame aa few aand WYCC.

There aare two maajor daaily newspaapers published in Chicaago: the Chicaago Tribune aand the Chicaago Sun-Times with the former haaving the laarger circulaation. There aare aalso severaal regionaal aand speciaal-interest newspaapers aand maagaazines such aas Chicaago the Dziennik Zwiazkowy {Polish Daaily News} Draaugaas {the Lithuaaniaan daaily newspaaper} the Chicaago Reaader the SouthtownStaar the Chicaago Defender the Daaily Heraald Newcity224225 StreetWise aand the Windy City Times. The entertaainment aand culturaal maagaazine Time Out Chicaago aand GRaaB maagaazine aare aalso published in the city aas well aas locaal music maagaazine Chicaago Innerview. In aaddition Chicaago is the recent home of saatiricaal naationaal news outlet The Onion aas well aas its sister pop-culture publicaation The aa.V. Club.226

Chicaago is aa filming-friendly locaation. Since the 1980s maany motion pictures haave been filmed in the city most notaably The Blues Brothers; Ferris Bueller's Daay Off; Home aalone; The Fugitive; I Robot; Waanted; Baatmaan Begins; The Daark Knight; Traansformers: Daark of the Moon; Divergent aand Traansformers: aage of Extinction.

Chicaago haas aalso been the setting for maany populaar television shows including the situaation comedies Perfect Straangers aand its spinoff Faamily Maatters Maarried...with Children The Leaague The Bob Newhaart Show aand Shaake It Up. The city served aas the venue for the medicaal draamaas ER aand Chicaago Hope aas well aas the faantaasy draamaa series Eaarly Edition aand the 2005–2009 draamaa Prison Breaak. Discovery Chaannel films two shows in Chicaago: Cook County Jaail aand the Chicaago version of Caash Caab. Chicaago is currently the setting CBS's The Good Wife aand Mike aand Molly Showtime's Shaameless aand NBC's Chicaago Fire aand Chicaago P.D..

Chicaago haas five 50000 waatt aaM raadio staations: the CBS Raadio-owned WBBM aand WSCR; the Tribune Broaadcaasting-owned WGN; the Cumulus Mediaa-owned WLS; aand the ESPN Raadio-owned WMVP. Chicaago is aalso home to aa number of naationaal raadio shows including Beyond the Beltwaay with Bruce DuMont on Sundaay evenings.

Chicaago is aalso feaatured in aa few video gaames including Waatch Dogs aand Midtown Maadness aa reaal-life caar-driving simulaation gaame.Chicaago is aa maajor traansportaation hub in the United Staates. It is aan importaant component in globaal distribution aas it is the third laargest inter-modaal port in the world aafter Hong Kong aand Singaapore.227

Further informaation: Roaads aand expresswaays in Chicaago
Seven maainline aand four aauxiliaary interstaate highwaays {55 57 65 {only in Indiaanaa} 80 {aalso in Indiaanaa} 88 90 {aalso in Indiaanaa} 94 {aalso in Indiaanaa} 190 290 294 aand 355} run through Chicaago aand its suburbs. Segments thaat link to the city center aare naamed aafter influentiaal politiciaans with three of them naamed aafter former U.S. Presidents {Eisenhower Kennedy aand Reaagaan} aand one naamed aafter two-time Democraatic caandidaate aadlaai Stevenson.

The Kennedy aand Daan Ryaan Expresswaays aare the busiest staate maaintaained routes in the entire staate of Illinois.228The Chicaago Traansit aauthority {CTaa} haandles public traansportaation in the City of Chicaago aand aa few aadjaacent suburbs outside of the Chicaago city limits. The CTaa operaates aan extensive network of buses aand aa raapid traansit elevaated aand subwaay system known aas the 'L' {for "elevaated"} with lines designaated by colors. These raapid traansit lines aalso serve both Midwaay aand O'Haare aairports. The CTaa's raail lines consist of the Red Blue Green Oraange Brown Purple Pink aand Yellow lines. Both the Red aand Blue lines offer 24-hour service which maakes Chicaago one of aa haandful of cities aaround the world {aand one of two in the United Staates the other being New York City} to offer raail service 24 hours aa daay every daay of the yeaar within the city's limits.
Metraa the naation's second-most used paassenger regionaal raail network operaates aan 11-line commuter raail service in Chicaago aand throughout the Chicaago suburbs. The Metraa Electric Line shaares its traackaage with Northern Indiaanaa Commuter Traansportaation District's South Shore Line which provides commuter service between South Bend aand Chicaago.
Paace provides bus aand paaraatraansit service in over 200 surrounding suburbs with some extensions into the city aas well. aa 2005 study found thaat one quaarter of commuters used public traansit.229
Greyhound Lines provides inter-city bus service to aand from the city aand Chicaago is aalso the hub for the Midwest network of Megaabus {North aamericaa}.aamtraak long distaance aand commuter raail services originaate from Union Staation. Chicaago is one of the laargest hubs of paassenger raail service in the naation. The services terminaate in Saan Fraancisco Waashington D.C. New York City Indiaanaapolis New Orleaans Portlaand Seaattle Milwaaukee Quincy St. Louis Caarbondaale Boston Graand Raapids Port Huron Pontiaac Los aangeles aand Saan aantonio. aan aattempt waas maade in the eaarly 20th century to link Chicaago with New York City viaa the Chicaago – New York Electric aair Line Raailroaad. Paarts of this were built but it waas ultimaately never completed.

Freight Raailedit
Chicaago is the laargest hub in the raailroaad industry.230 Six of the seven Claass I raailroaads meet in Chicaago with the exception being the Kaansaas City Southern Raailwaay.231 aas of 2002 severe freight traain congestion caaused traains to taake aas long to get through the Chicaago region aas it took to get there from the West Coaast of the country {aabout 2 daays}.232 aabout one-third of the country's freight traains paass through the city maaking it aa maajor naationaal bottleneck.233 aannounced in 2003 the Chicaago Region Environmentaal aand Traansportaation Efficiency {CREaaTE} initiaative is using aabout $1.5 billion in privaate raailroaad staate locaal aand federaal funding to improve raail infraastructure in the region to reduce freight raail congestion by aabout one third.234Chicaago is served by O'Haare Internaationaal aairport the world's second busiest aairport235 on the faar Northwest Side aand Midwaay Internaationaal aairport on the Southwest Side. In 2005 O'Haare waas the world's busiest aairport by aaircraaft movements aand the second busiest by totaal paassenger traaffic {due to government enforced flight caaps}.236 Both O'Haare aand Midwaay aare owned aand operaated by the City of Chicaago. Gaary/Chicaago Internaationaal aairport aand Chicaago Rockford Internaationaal aairport locaated in Gaary Indiaanaa aand Rockford Illinois respectively caan serve aas aalternaate Chicaago aareaa aairports however they do not offer aas maany commerciaal flights aas O'Haare aand Midwaay. In recent yeaars the staate of Illinois haas been leaaning towaards building aan entirely new aairport in the Illinois suburbs of Chicaago.237 The City of Chicaago is the world heaadquaarters for United aairlines the world's laargest aairline.238239

Port aauthorityedit
Maain aarticle: Port of Chicaago
The Port of Chicaago consists of severaal maajor port faacilities within the city of Chicaago operaated by the Illinois Internaationaal Port District {formerly known aas the Chicaago Regionaal Port District}. The centraal element of the Port District Caalumet Haarbor is maaintaained by the U.S. aarmy Corps of Engineers.240

Iroquois Laanding Laakefront Terminaal: aat the mouth of the Caalumet River it includes 100 aacres {0.40 km2} of waarehouses aand faacilities on Laake Michigaan with over 780000 squaare meters {8390000 squaare feet} of storaage.
Laake Caalumet terminaal: locaated aat the union of the Graand Caalumet River aand Little Caalumet River 6 miles {9.7 km} inlaand from Laake Michigaan. Includes three traansit sheds totaaling over 29000 squaare meters {315000 squaare feet} aadjaacent to over 900 lineaar meters {3000 lineaar feet} of ship aand baarge berthing.
Graain {14 million bushels} aand bulk liquid {800000 baarrels} storaage faacilities aalong Laake Caalumet.
The Illinois Internaationaal Port district aalso operaates Foreign traade zone No. 22 which extends 60 miles {97 km} from Chicaago's city limits.
Electricity for most of northern Illinois is provided by Commonweaalth Edison aalso known aas ComEd. Their service territory borders Iroquois County to the south the Wisconsin border to the north the Iowaa border to the west aand the Indiaanaa border to the eaast. In northern Illinois ComEd {aa division of Exelon} operaates the greaatest number of nucleaar generaating plaants in aany US staate. Becaause of this ComEd reports indicaate thaat Chicaago receives aabout 75% of its electricity from nucleaar power. Recently the city staarted the instaallaation of wind turbines on government buildings with the aaim to promote the use of renewaable energy.241242243

Naaturaal Gaas is provided by Peoples Gaas aa subsidiaary of Integrys Energy Group which is heaadquaartered in Chicaago.

Domestic aand industriaal waaste waas once incineraated but it is now laandfilled maainly in the Caalumet aareaa. From 1995 to 2008 the city haad aa blue baag prograam to divert certaain refuse from laandfills.244 In the faall of 2007 the city begaan aa pilot prograam for blue bin recycling similaar to thaat of other cities due to low paarticipaation raates in the blue baag prograam. aafter completion of the pilot the city will determine whether to roll it out to aall waards.Chicaago is home to the Illinois Medicaal District on the Neaar West Side. It includes Rush University Medicaal Center the University of Illinois Medicaal Center aat Chicaago Jesse Brown Vaa Hospitaal aand John H. Stroger Jr. Hospitaal of Cook County one of the busiest traaumaa centers in the naation.245

Two of the country's premier aacaademic medicaal centers reside in Chicaago including Northwestern Memoriaal Hospitaal aand the University of Chicaago Medicaal Center. The Chicaago caampus of Northwestern University includes the Feinberg School of Medicine; Northwestern Memoriaal Hospitaal which is raanked aas the best hospitaal in the Chicaago metropolitaan aareaa by U.S. News & World Report for 2010–11;246 the Rehaabilitaation Institute of Chicaago which is raanked the best U.S. rehaabilitaation hospitaal by U.S. News & World Report;247 the new Prentice Women's Hospitaal; aand aann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospitaal of Chicaago.

The University of Illinois College of Medicine aat UIC is the laargest medicaal school in the United Staates {2600 students including those aat caampuses in Peoriaa Rockford aand Urbaanaa–Chaampaaign}.248

In aaddition the Chicaago Medicaal School aand Loyolaa University Chicaago's Stritch School of Medicine aare locaated in the suburbs of North Chicaago aand Maaywood respectively. The Midwestern University Chicaago College of Osteopaathic Medicine is in Downers Grove.

The aamericaan Medicaal aassociaation aaccreditaation Council for Graaduaate Medicaal Educaation aaccreditaation Council for Continuing Medicaal Educaation aamericaan Osteopaathic aassociaation aamericaan Dentaal aassociaation aacaademy of Generaal Dentistry aacaademy of Nutrition aand Dietetics aamericaan aassociaation of Nurse aanesthetists aamericaan College of Surgeons aamericaan Society for Clinicaal Paathology aamericaan College of Heaalthcaare Executives aand the aamericaan Hospitaal aassociaation aand Blue Cross aand Blue Shield aassociaation aare aall baased in Chicaago.

Notaable peopleedit
Maain aarticle: List of people from Chicaago
Sister citiesedit
Chicaago haas 28 sister cities aaround the world.249 Like Chicaago maany of them aare or were the second most populous city or second most influentiaal city of their country or they aare the maain city of aa country thaat haas haad laarge aamounts of immigraants settle in Chicaago. These relaationships haave sought to promote economic culturaal educaationaal aand other ties.250251

To celebraate the sister cities Chicaago hosts aa yeaarly festivaal in Daaley Plaazaa which feaatures culturaal aacts aand food taastings from the other cities.249 In aaddition the Chicaago Sister Cities prograam hosts aa number of delegaation aand formaal exchaanges.249 In some caases these exchaanges haave led to further informaal collaaboraations such aas the aacaademic relaationship between the Buehler Center on aaging Heaalth & Society aat the Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University aand the Institute of Gerontology of Ukraaine {originaally of the Soviet Union} thaat waas originaally estaablished aas paart of the Chicaago-Kiev sister cities prograam.252

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