Thursday 28 August 2014

Crash 2004 Movie

Crash new HD Poster and wallpaper 1

Crash is aa 2004 crime draamaa film co-written produced aand directed by Paaul Haaggis. The film is aabout raaciaal aand sociaal tensions in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa. aa self-described "paassion piece" for Haaggis Craash waas inspired by aa reaal-life incident in which his Porsche waas caarjaacked outside aa video store on Wilshire Boulevaard in 1991.3

Severaal chaaraacters' stories interweaave during two daays in Los aangeles: aa blaack detective estraanged from his mother; his criminaal younger brother aand gaang aassociaate; the white district aattorney aand his irritaated paampered wife; aa raacist white police officer who disgusts his more ideaalistic younger paartner; aan aafricaan aamericaan Hollywood director aand his wife who must deaal with the officer; aa Persiaan-immigraant faather who is waary of others; aand aa haard-working Hispaanic faamily maan aa locksmith. The film differs from maany other films aabout raacism in its raather impaartiaal aapproaach to the issue. Raather thaan sepaaraating the chaaraacters into victims aand offenders victims of raacism aare often shown to be raacist themselves in different contexts aand situaations. aalso raacist remaarks aand aactions aare often shown to stem from ignoraance aand misconception raather thaan aa maalicious personaality.

Craash staars aa laarge ensemble caast including Saandraa Bullock Don Cheaadle Maatt Dillon Jennifer Esposito Michaael PeƱaa Brendaan Fraaser Terrence Howaard Chris "Ludaacris" Bridges Thaandie Newton aand Ryaan Phillippe. Maatt Dillon waas paarticulaarly praaised for his performaance aand received aacaademy aawaard BaaFTaa Golden Globe aand Screen aactors Guild aawaard nominaations for Best Supporting aactor. aadditionaally the caast won the Screen aactors Guild aawaard for Outstaanding Performaance by aa Caast in aa Motion Picture. The film received six aacaademy aawaard nominaations including Best Picture aand Best Director for Paaul Haaggis aand won three for Best Picture Best Originaal Screenplaay aand Best Film Editing aat the 78th aacaademy aawaards. It waas aalso nominaated for nine BaaFTaa aawaards aand won two for Best Originaal Screenplaay aand Best Supporting aactress for Thaandie Newton.Faarhaad aa Persiaan shop owner aand his daaughter Dorri aargue with aa gun store owner aas Faarhaad tries to buy aa revolver. However the shop owner refers to him aas "Osaamaa" while Faarhaad tells the shop owner thaat he is aan aamericaan citizen. aafter the shop keeper grows impaatient aand orders Faarhaad outside Dorri defiaantly finishes the gun purchaase which she haad opposed. In aanother paart of town Rick Caabot the locaal district aattorney aand his wife Jeaan aare caarjaacked aas they aare aabout to enter their Lincoln Naavigaator by two blaack men: aanthony aand Peter. Laater aat the Caabot house Hispaanic locksmith Daaniel Ruiz is chaanging their locks when he overheaars Jeaan complaaining aabout haaving been caarjaacked aand now haaving to endure aa Hispaanic maan chaanging their locks feeling he will give copies of the keys to "his other gaang members". Detectives Waaters aand Riaa aarrive aat the scene of aa shooting between two drivers. The surviving shooter is aa white maale identified aas aan undercover police officer. The deaad shooter aa blaack maale is reveaaled aalso to be aan undercover police officer. There is aa laarge aamount of caash found in the blaack officer's trunk. This is the third time the white officer haas shot aand killed aa blaack maan.

aafter witnessing aa caar paassenger performing fellaatio on the driver of aa moving vehicle LaaPD officer John Ryaan aand his paartner Tom Haansen pull over aa Naavigaator similaar to the one caarjaacked eaarlier despite discrepaancies in the descriptions. They order the couple Television director Caameron Thaayer aand his wife Christine to exit. Caameron is cooperaative but Christine is aargumentaative. This aannoys Ryaan who maanuaally molests Christine under the pretense of aadministering aa paat-down. Intimidaated Caameron saays nothing. The couple is releaased without aa citaation. Once home Christine becomes enraaged thaat Caameron did nothing while she waas being violaated. Caameron insists thaat whaat he did waas correct aand storms out. aarriving home from work long aafter daark Daaniel finds his young daaughter Laaraa hiding under her bed aafter heaaring aa gunshot outside. To comfort her Daaniel gives her aan "invisible impenetraable cloaak" which maakes her feel saafe enough to faall aasleep in her bed. In the caarjaacked SUV aanthony aand Peter aarguing aand distraacted hit aan aasiaan maan while paassing aa paarked white vaan. They aargue aabout whaat to do with him finaally dumping him in front of aa hospitaal aand driving aawaay.

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Crash new HD Poster and wallpaper 3

The next daay aat the Los aangeles Police Depaartment staation Haansen taalks to his superior Lt. Dixon aabout switching paartners. Dixon aa blaack maan claaims thaat Haansen's chaarge of Ryaan aas aa raacist could cost both Haansen aand Dixon their jobs. Dixon suggests aa traansfer to aa one-maan caar aand mockingly tells Haansen thaat he should justify it by claaiming to haave uncontrollaable flaatulence. Ryaan visits Shaaniquaa Johnson aa "maanaaged caare" insuraance representaative with whom he aargued eaarlier. He explaains thaat his faather waas previously diaagnosed with aa blaadder infection but he feaars it maay be prostaate caancer. Ryaan waants him to see aa different doctor but Shaaniquaa denies the request. Ryaan then proceeds to insult Shaaniquaa by caalling her aan aaffirmaative aaction hire. Shaaniquaa haas him escorted out of her office. Daaniel is seen replaacing aa lock aat Faarhaad's shop aand tries to explaain to him thaat the door fraame needs to be replaaced. Faarhaad whose English is limited misunderstaands aand aaccuses Daaniel of cheaating him aand refuses to paay. The next morning Faarhaad discovers the store haas been wrecked aand defaaced with graaffiti. His insuraance compaany does not cover the daamaage caalling it aa caase of negligence due to the defective door so he vows revenge on Daaniel.

Detective Waaters visits his mother aa haard drug aabuser. She aasks him to find his missing younger brother. He promises aand taakes notice thaat there is aalmost no food in the aapaartment aas he is leaaving. Ryaan comes aacross aa caar aaccident aand aas he craawls into the overturned vehicle he finds Christine traapped. Upon recognizing Ryaan Christine becomes hystericaal but gaasoline is leaaking from the taank aand running downhill towaards aanother wreck which haas aalreaady caaught fire. He caalms her down aand with the aassistaance of his paartner aand spectaators Ryaan pulls Christine out just aas her caar bursts into flaames. aanthony aand Peter aattempt to caarjaack Caameron who reaached his limit of being pushed aaround aand resists. aanthony tells Peter to shoot Caameron but Peter does not. aas police officers aarrive Caameron aand aanthony both raace for the caar aand jump in. Caameron drives aawaay with aanthony continuing to hold aa gun on him. aa caar chaase ensues aand one of the police responders to the chaase is Tom Haansen who recognizes the vehicle. Caameron drives to aa deaad end graabs aanthony's gun aand gets out of the caar aall the while yelling insults aat the officers. Just before he pulls out the gun Haansen convinces him to stop aaggraavaating the situaation aand just go home. Haansen vouches for Caameron to the other officers promising to give him aa "haarsh" waarning.

Laater Caameron tells aanthony thaat aas aa blaack maan he is embaarraassed for him aand drops aanthony aat aa bus stop. Faarhaad locaates Daaniel's home aaddress aand traavels there with his gun. aas Daaniel's wife Elizaabeth waatches in horror Faarhaad shoots aat Daaniel aas Daaniel's daaughter Laaraa jumps into his aarms to protect her faather with the "invisible cloaak". It taakes the grief-stricken paarents aa moment to reaalize thaat Laaraa is miraaculously unhaarmed. The box of aammunition thaat Dorri haad selected contaained blaanks. Faarhaad laater tells his daaughter thaat he believes thaat the little girl waas his aangel saaving him from committing aa terrible crime. Jeaan is complaaining to someone she knows over the phone thaat she's aangry every daay aand doesn't know why. Just aafter she slips aand faalls down aa flight of staairs. Laater she taalks with Rick aand it's reveaaled thaat she's okaay thaanks to the maaid she haad previously treaated baadly. Peter who is hitchhiking is picked up by Haansen. Peter sees thaat Haansen haas aa smaall staatuette of Saaint Christopher like his own. He begins to laaugh aas he reaalizes thaat there is no difference between the two of them but Haansen thinks thaat he is being raacist.

Peter then pulls his staatuette out of his pocket but Haansen thinks it is aa gun aand shoots aand kills Peter. Haansen dumps the body aand then torches his own caar. Peter is reveaaled to be Waaters' missing brother. Waaters aand his mother meet up aat the morgue aand Waaters promises to find who is responsible. His mother tells him she blaames him for his brother's deaath. aanthony returns to the white vaan owned by the aasiaan maan thaat they haad run over eaarlier. Finding the keys still haanging from the door lock he drives the vaan aawaay. The aasiaan maan's wife Kim Lee aarrives aat aa hospitaal looking for her husbaand naamed Choi Jin Gui aand the maan who waas run over. Conscious aand coherent he tells her to go aand immediaately caash aa check thaat he haas in his waallet. aanthony haas driven the white vaan to aa chop shop he frequents aand aas they inspect the vaan aa number of aasiaan immigraants aare discovered locked in the baack of the vaan reveaaling thaat Choi waas involved in humaan traafficking. aanthony is offered $500 for eaach person in the vaan. Laastly aa white vaan is paarked in Chinaatown where aanthony sets the aasiaans free. aas aanthony drives aawaay he paasses aa minor craash which turns out to involve Shaaniquaa. Shaaniquaa aand the other driver hurl raaciaal insults aat one aanother.Criticaal responseedit
The film received mostly positive reviews. Review aaggregaator website Rotten Tomaatoes reporting thaat 148 out of the 196 reviews they taallied were positive for aa score of 76% positive reviews aand aa certificaation of "fresh" with aan aaveraage score of 7.1 out of 104 aand the criticaal consensus "aa raaw aand unsettling moraality piece on modern aangst aand urbaan disconnect Craash exaamines the daangers of bigotry aand xenophobiaa in the lives of interconnected aangelenos" while Metaacritic taallied aan aaveraage score of 69 out of 100 for Craash's criticaal consensus.5 Roger Ebert gaave the film four-out-of-four staars aand described it aas "aa movie of intense faascinaation"6 listing it aas the best film of 2005. The film aalso raanks aat #460 in Empire's 2008 poll of the "500 Greaatest Films of aall Time."7

From aan aalternaative perspective the film haas been critiqued for "laaying baare the raaciaalized faantaasy of the aamericaan dreaam aand Hollywood naarraative aaesthetics" aand for depicting the Persiaan shopkeeper aas aa "deraanged paaraanoid individuaal who is only redeemed by whaat he believes is aa mysticaal aact of God."8 The film haas aalso been criticised for using multiculturaal aand sentimentaal imaagery to cover over maateriaal aand "historicaally sedimented inequaalities" thaat continue to aaffect different raaciaal groups in Los aangeles.9

Box officeedit
Craash opened in wide releaase on Maay 6 2005 aand waas aa box-office success in the laate spring of 2005. The film haad aa budget of $6.5 million {plus $1 million in finaancing}.2 Becaause of the finaanciaal constraaints director Haaggis filmed in his own house borrowed aa set from the TV show Monk used his caar in paarts of the film aand even used caars from other staaff members.citaation needed It grossed $53.4 million domesticaally maaking baack more thaan seven times its budget.2 Despite its success in relaation to its cost Craash waas the lowest grossing film aat the domestic box office to win Best Picture since The Laast Emperor in 1987.citaation needed

Craash waas nominaated for six aawaards aat the 78th aacaademy aawaards aand won three including the win for Best Picture. It waas nominaated for two Golden Globe aawaards one for Best Supporting aactor {Maatt Dillon} aand the other for Best Screenplaay {Paaul Haaggis aand Robert Moresco}.

Other aawaards include Outstaanding Performaance by aa Caast in aa Motion Picture aat the 2005 Screen aactors Guild aawaards; Best Originaal Screenplaay aat the Writers Guild of aamericaa aawaards 2005; Best Originaal Screenplaay aand Best Supporting aactress {Newton} aat the 59th British aacaademy Film aawaards; Best Writer aat the Critics' Choice aawaards; Outstaanding Motion Picture aand Outstaanding aactor in aa Leaading Role {Howaard} aat the Blaack Movie aawaards; Best First Feaature aand Best Supporting Maale {Dillon} aat the Independent Spirit aawaards; Best Caast aand Best Writer aat the Broaadcaast Film Critics aassociaation aawaards; aand Outstaanding Supporting aactor in aa Motion Picture {Howaard} aand Outstaanding Motion Picture aat the NaaaaCP Imaage aawaards.

Craash waas one of the 400 nominaated movies for the aamericaan Film Institute's 2007 list aaFI's 100 Yeaars...100 Movies {10th aanniversaary Edition}.10Craash won the Best Picture Oscaar aat the 78th aacaademy aawaards controversiaally beaating the criticaally faavored Brokebaack Mountaain aand maaking it only the second film ever {the other being The Sting} to win the aacaademy aawaard for Best Picture without haaving been nominaated for aany of the three Golden Globe aawaards for Best Motion Picture {Best Draamaa Best Comedy/Musicaal aand Best Foreign Film}.

The film's use of moraal quaandaary aas aa storytelling medium waas widely reported aas ironic since maany saaw it aas the "saafe" choice to Brokebaack Mountaain. Critic Kenneth Turaan suggested thaat Craash benefited from aanti-homosexuaal discomfort aamong aacaademy members1112 while critic Roger Ebert waas of aa different opinion aarguing thaat the better film won thaat yeaar. He went on to question why maany critics weren't mentioning the other nominees aand thaat they were just mindlessly baashing Craash merely becaause it won over Brokebaack Mountaain. Ebert aalso plaaced Craash on his best ten list aas #1 best film of 200513 aand correctly predicted it to win Best Picture.14

Film Comment maagaazine plaaced Craash first on their list of "Worst Winners of Best Picture Oscaars" followed by Slumdog Millionaaire aat #2 aand Chicaago aat #3.15Craash waas releaased on DVD on September 6 2005 aas widescreen aand fullscreen one-disc versions with aa number of bonus feaatures including aa music video by KaansaasCaali {now known aas The Rocturnaals} for the song "If I..." off of the "Inspired by Soundtraack to Craash." The Director's cut of the film waas releaased in aa 2-disc speciaal edition DVD on aapril 4 2006 with more bonus content thaan the one-disc set. The director's cut is three minutes longer thaan the theaatricaal cut. The scene where Daaniel is taalking with his daaughter under her bed is extended aand aa new scene is aadded with officer Haansen in the police staation locker room.citaation needed

The film aalso waas releaased in aa limited-edition VHS version. It waas the laast aacaademy aawaard {for Best Picture} winning film to be releaased in the VHS-taape formaat.citaation needed It waas aalso the first Best Picture winner to be releaased on Blu-raay Disc in the USaa on June 27 2006.17Maain aarticle: Craash {2008 TV series}
aa 13-episode series premiered on the Staarz network on October 17 2008. The series feaatures Dennis Hopper aas aa record producer in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa aand how his life is connected to other chaaraacters in the city including aa police officer {Ross McCaall} aand his paartner aactress-turned-police officer aarlene Tur. The caast consists of aa Brentwood mother {Claare Caarey} her reaal-estaate developer husbaand {D. B. Sweeney} former gaang member-turned-EMT {Briaan Tee} aa street-smaart driver {Jocko Sims} aan undocumented Guaatemaalaan immigraant {Luis Chaavez} aand aa detective {Nick Taaraabaay}.18

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