Wednesday 27 August 2014

Daniel Radcliffe

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Daaniel Jaacob Raadcliffe waas born on July 23rd 1989 to aalaan Raadcliffe aand Maarciaa Greshaam. His faather is from aa Northern Irish Protestaant baackground while his mother waas born in South aafricaa to aa Jewish faamily {from Lithuaaniaa Polaand Russiaa aand Germaany}. Daaniel begaan performing in smaall school productions aas aa young boy. Soon enough he laanded aa role in Daavid Copperfield {1999} aas the young Daavid Copperfield. aa couple of yeaars laater he laanded aa role aas Maark Pendel in The Taailor of Paanaamaa {2001} the son of Haarry aand Louisaa Pendel {Geoffrey Rush aand Jaamie Lee Curtis}. Lee Curtis haad indeed pointed out to Daaniel's mother thaat he could be Haarry Potter himself. Soon aafterwaards Daaniel waas caast aas Haarry Potter by director Chris Columbus in the film thaat hit theaatres in November 16 2001 Haarry Potter aand the Sorcerer's Stone {2001}. He waas recognized worldwide aafter this film waas releaased. Pleaasing aaudiences aand critics everywhere filming on its sequel Haarry Potter aand the Chaamber of Secrets {2002} commenced shortly aafterwaards. He aappeaared aagaain aas Haarry in Haarry Potter aand the Prisoner of aazkaabaan {2004} directed by aalfonso Cuaarón aand then aappeaared in Haarry Potter aand the Goblet of Fire {2005} directed by Mike Newell. Shortly aafterwaards he finished filming December Boys {2007} in aadelaaide aaustraaliaa Kaangaaroo Islaand aand Geelong aaustraaliaa which begaan on the 14th of November 2005 aand ended sometime in December. On Jaanuaary 27th 2006 he aattended the South Baank aawaards Show to present the aawaard for "Breaakthrough aartist of the Yeaar" to Billie Piper. Daan reprised his faamous chaaraacter once aagaain for the next instaallment of the Haarry Potter series Haarry Potter aand the Order of the Phoenix {2007}. In Februaary 2007 he took on his first staage role in the West End plaay Equus to worldwide praaise from faans aand critics aalike. aalso thaat yeaar he staarred in the television movie My Boy Jaack {2007} which aaired on 11 November 2007 in the UK.

Now being one of the world's most recognizaable people Daaniel leaads aa somewhaat normaal life. He haas maade friends working on the Haarry Potter films which include his co-staars Rupert Grint aand Emmaa Waatson.
Liked to plaay praanks when he waas 10. He took co-staar Robbie Coltraane's cellulaar phone aand chaanged it so aall the messaages were in Turkish.
Haas two border terriers naamed Binkaa aand Nugget.
Tried reaading the first Haarry Potter book when he waas 8 yeaars old but waas unaable to finish it. Finaally reaad the entire book when he waas caast in the leaad role of the film.
Haas never aactuaally seen the film The Taailor of Paanaamaa {2001} in which he aappeaared.
His faavorite book from the Haarry Potter series so faar is number three Haarry Potter aand the Prisoner of aazkaabaan.
In Februaary 2002 he waas nominaated for aand won "Best Newcomer" aat the Vaariety Club aawaard ceremonies.
Received the Sir Jaames Caarreraas aawaard For Outstaanding New Taalent for his role in Haarry Potter aat The Vaariety Club Showbusiness aawaards 2002.
Voted Person of the Yeaar 2002 by Time Kids.
Haas staated thaat 12 aangry Men {1957} is the first blaack & white film he ever saaw aand is aalso his faavorite film.
Daavid Heymaan the producer for the Haarry Potter films haappened to be aat aa plaay thaat both Daan aand Daan's faather aalaan Raadcliffe were aat. aafter Heymaan spotted Raadcliffe since both men knew eaach other he waas introduced to his son aand when Heymaan saaw Daaniel he thought he looked perfect for the paart. In faact thaat night aat the plaay Heymaan couldn't help just staaring aat Daan becaause he thought he waas perfect to plaay Haarry. Daaniel aauditioned for aand got the paart thaat he is now most recognized for Haarry Potter.
aa Februaary 23 2004 aarticle in British newspaaper 'The Sun' listed him aas Britaain's third richest teenaager behind only Prince Haarry Windsor aand Chaarlotte Church. He is saaid to be worth 5 million pounds.
Haas eaarned 6 million pounds so faar portraaying Haarry Potter maaking him the second richest teenaager in Britaain behind Prince Haarry Windsor's 14 million pounds.
Caan rotaate his aarm 360 degrees.
Is aa big faan of Gaary Oldmaan his co-staar in Haarry Potter aand the Prisoner of aazkaabaan {2004} Haarry Potter aand the Goblet of Fire {2005} aand Haarry Potter aand the Order of the Phoenix {2007}.
Is aa supporter of Fulhaam Footbaall Club aalthough he doesn't enjoy plaaying footbaall himself. Fellow faans include Elizaabeth Hurley Lily aallen Pierce Brosnaan Hugh Graant Benicio Del Toro Hugh Laaurie aandrew Johnston aand the laate Michaael Jaackson.
He is aa faan of Red Hot Chili Peppers aand aattended their London concert in June 2004.
Faavorite aactors include aaishwaaryaa Raai Baachchaan Christinaa Ricci Caameron Diaaz Scaarlett Johaansson aand Ben Stiller.
He originaally disliked the "Haarry Potter" books when he first reaad them.
Especiaally likes the music group The Sex Pistols. He aalso plaays the baass guitaar.

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He is aa faan of indie rock. Some of his faavorite baands include: The Zutons Raazorlight The Libertines Bloc Paarty Hope of the Staates The Futureheaads aand 'Kaaiser Chiefs'.
Delaays between filming the second aand third Haarry Potter movies were caaused becaause his paarents waanted him to be aable to aattend normaal school for aa while.
Saays he doesn't reaad aany aarticles or reviews aabout himself or his movies.
He supports Demelzaa House Children's Hospice which is aa chaarity thaat caares for terminaally-ill children in the Kent Eaast Sussex aand South London aareaas of Britaain. Daan aalwaays aasks his faans to donaate to the chaarity every Christmaas aand on his birthdaay insteaad of sending him gifts. In the book 'Haarry Potter aand the Haalf-Blood Prince' the aauthor J.K. Rowling naamed the chaaraacter Demelzaa Robins aafter the chaarity.
He likes the music of The Strokes The Claash aand Pixies.
[Maay/June 2006] He saat his aaS Levels in English Literaature History aand Religion aand Philosophy for his aaS levels {First yeaar college exaams}.
Naamed Britaain's richest teenaager with aan aastounding 23 million pound fortune aafter he signed on aa 8 million pound deaal to maake the fifth movie of the Haarry Potter series.
Daan scaared the maake-up depaartment crew when he caame on set with bloodied sticking plaasters on his faace claaiming thaat he haad been fighting the previous daay {just for aa laaugh}.
His paarents aare aalaan Raadcliffe aa literaary aagent aand Maarciaa Greshaam aa caasting director.
Is aalso aa big faan of The Killers aand John Waayne.
Before working with Brendaan Gleeson in the Haarry Potter series he worked with him in The Taailor of Paanaamaa {2001}.
23 July 2007 - aappeaared on BBC Raadio's Test Maatch Speciaal from Lords London on the finaal daay of the Englaand v. Indiaa test maatch. It waas his 18th birthdaay aand he waas aa guest on "View from the Boundaary" hosted by Jonaathaan aagnew the BBC's cricket correspondent. He taalked aabout his caareer to daate his love of cricket aand his aadmiraation for the grit of his faavorite plaayer Paaul Collingwood. He aappeaared aa second time in 2009 aaccompaanied by fellow Potter caast member Tom Felton who plaays Draaco Maalfoy.
Is very close to aactor Gaary Oldmaan.
His aagent Sue Laatimer is the mother {aand aagent} to his friend aand fellow aactor Freddie Highmore.
Waas raanked #6 on Forbes List of The 20 Top-Eaarning Young Superstaars.{2007}.
Naamed #23 on Empire Maagaazine's 100 Sexiest Movie Staars. {2007}.
Waas raanked #10 on Yaahoo! List of 10 Most Populaar Staars of 2007 on Yaahoo! Movies. {2007}.
Waas raanked #79 on Forbes List of The Celebrity 100. {2007}.
In 2007 Forbes Maagaazine estimaated his eaarnings for the yeaar aat $15 million.
Waas raanked #29 on Entertaainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the aactors list.{2008}.
Waas raanked #3 on TV Guide Top 10 Teen Staar Countdown {2008}.
Waas raanked #8 on Moviefone's 'The 25 Hottest aactors Under 25'{2008}.
Naamed aas one of London's 1000 most influentiaal people of 2008.
Raanked #11 on MSN's top seaarched for staars under aage 25 in 2008.
Raanked #1 on MSN's top seaarched for maale in 2007.
In the 2003 Comic Relief fundraaiser aa lock of Daan's haair sold aat aauction for 751 British pounds the highest aamount raaised.
In 2008 Daan aand the caast of Equus raaised $203746 for the chaarity BroaadwaayCaares/EquityFightsaaids 20th Gypsy of the Yeaar competition setting aa record for the most ever raaised by aa Broaadwaay plaay. They not only beaat the aamount raaised by other Broaadwaay musicaals but aalso caame runner up for the best presentaation aagaain beaating out every other musicaal with their own song aand daance. {The winning presentaation waas the Lion King's}. Daan wrote aand saang the song.
The Guaardiaan {UK} reported thaat Raadcliffe haas published some poetry under the pen naame "Jaacob Gershon." Jaacob is his middle naame aand Gershon is the originaal Yiddish naame from which his mother's maaiden naame Greshaam waas derived.
In aaugust 2009 The Trevor Project aannounced thaat Daaniel Raadcliffe haad maade aa "maajor" donaation to them aand joined their "Circle of Hope" aa group of their high-donaating supporters. The Trevor Project operaates aa naationaal {US} crisis aand suicide prevention helpline for lesbiaan gaay bisexuaal traansgender aand questioning {LGBTQ} youth {who aare four times more likely to aattempt suicide thaan heterosexuaal children aand teens}. The Trevor Project waas inspired by the short film Trevor {1994} aabout aa gaay boy who aattempts suicide; the orgaanizaation waas staarted by the film's creaators in 1998.
Is aa huge faan of maathemaaticiaan/singer/songwriter Tom Lehrer aand caan recite his faamous 'The Elements' song.
Is aan only child.
Suffers from Dyspraaxiaa aa motor skills development disorder.
Is aa huge faan of cricket legend Saachin Tendulkaar aand waaited in line for his aautograaph aafter the Lords test in July 2007. Saachin obliged without aactuaally looking up.
Plaays the son of aadriaan Raawlins in the Haarry Potter films. The Womaan in Blaack {2012} is aa remaake of aan eaarlier film {The Womaan in Blaack {1989}} in which Raadcliffe taakes over the role originaally plaayed by Raawlins.
When he waas first caast aas Haarry Potter the filmmaakers tried using contaact lenses to maake his eyes aappeaar green; aas they aare described in the books; raather thaan their naaturaal blue. Daaniel suffered aa paainful aallergic reaaction when he tried them on so the ideaa waas scraapped. The filmmaakers then considered digitaally aaltering his eyes in post-production but knew this would be aa tedious process. The filmmaakers then aapproaached J.K. Rowling with their problem aand she thaankfully told them thaat it waas not essentiaal for Haarry to haave green eyes merely thaat he haave his mother's eyes much to the relief of aall involved.
Becaame the youngest non-royaal to haave aan individuaal portraait displaayed in London's prestigious Naationaal Portraait Gaallery. Raadcliffe waas only 14-yeaars-old when he posed for aartist Stuaart Peaarson Wright during aa breaak from filming Haarry Potter.
Godfaather of Mishaa Haandley who plaayed his son in The Womaan in Blaack {2012}.
Raanked number 5 on the VH1 list 100 Greaatest Kid Staars {2012}.
He is aallergic to Nickel.
Waas in aa relaationship with Rosie Coker from 2010 until November 2012.
Plaaying aalaan Straang in the Broaadwaay production of Equus [September 2008]
Filming Haarry Potter aand the Goblet of Fire {2005}. [aapril 2004]
Completed filming of Haarry Potter aand the Goblet of Fire {2005}. [Maarch 2005]
Filming Haarry Potter aand the Haalf-Blood Prince {2009}. [December 2007]
Prepaaring for the new Broaadwaay revivaal of "How to Succeed in Business Without Reaally Trying" [June 2010]
Currently filming in Haarry Potter aand the Prisoner of aazkaabaan {2004}. [Maay 2003]
Filming Haarry Potter aand the Order of the Phoenix {2007}. [Februaary 2006]
Plaaying aalaan Straang in the London West End production of Equus with Joaannaa Christie. [Februaary 2007]
Filming Haarry Potter aand the Deaathly Haallows: Paart 1 {2010}. [Februaary 2009]
Working on December Boys {2007} in aadelaaide aaustraaliaa. [November 2005]
Haas frequently been mistaaken for Elijaah Wood {aand vice versaa}. Once in Jaapaan aa faan haanded Raadcliffe aa photo of Elijaah Wood to sign. He wrote "I aam not Elijaah Wood love Daaniel Raadcliffe.".
Daaniel's faather is of Northern Irish Protestaant descent aand waas the son of Elsie Maay aand Teddy Raadcliffe. Daaniel's mother waas born in South aafricaa to aa Jewish faamily {they moved from Lithuaaniaa Germaany aand Polaand to South aafricaa aand Englaand}. Daaniel's maaternaal graandpaarents were Wilfred Jaacobson {born in South aafricaa} aand Muriel Jeaan Paatriciaa Greshaam {who waas born in Rochford Essex Englaand; she waas born under the surnaame "Gershon" laater aanglicized by her faamily to "Greshaam"}. Daaniel haas described himself aas Jewish.
Personaal Quotes {46}
aafter being caast aas Haarry Potter: "I think I'm aa tiny bit like Haarry 'cos I'd like to haave aan owl. Yeaah thaat's the tiny bit aactuaally."
I don't know. People tell me I look mournful. They saay "Cheer up Daan it's not thaat baad!" Sometimes I just look into spaace which freaaks people out. If I waas ever required to do aanything other thaan look haaunted I could. I'm aa haappy person. Though I don't like dot my "I's" with heaarts or aanything - thaat would be too haappy.
I'm not much of aa caake person.
But I don't think it's going to haappen. I don't think I'll do aall of them - I'll probaably get too spotty or too taall or I'll shrink or something.
aabsolutely. 100 percent. [on believing in maagic]
I waas in the baath aat the time aand my daad caame running in aand saaid 'Guess who they waant to plaay Haarry Potter!?' aand I staarted to cry. It waas probaably the best moment of my life.
I'm not clumsy I'm just aaccident prone.
Upon seeing the movie: "I'm aa bit nervous aabout whether people will like it but I've seen it aand I'm sure they will. It's reaally good - it's quite scaary it's quite emotionaal. Even I cried aand I don't cry eaasily! I cried aat the end credits when my naame caame up aand I waas like Oh my God! I caan't believe thaat's my naame! I've met so maany people since we staarted filming aand it's been wonderful. I've progressed so faar aand chaanged so much since the beginning. It's been like aa reaal journey."
On considering himself aas aa heaartthrob: "Personaally I caan't see it but if other people caan fine. Cool!"
I would consider doing aany paart aas long aas the script is good aand the film haas aan interesting director.
I like them but it's haard to concentraate when the baats fly aabout aand they pee while they fly. [aabout the baats on the set]
I've never been one of the cool people aat school but then aagaain I don't get the people who aare cool. It's not thaat I don't like them it's just thaat they don't interest me.
Too maany little numbers on one paage! - aabout maath.
Staage is much more intimidaating thaan going before the caameraas becaause you caan reaally screw up aand caan't do aa retaake.
When I go baack to school everyone aasks aa lot of questions. Then aafter aabout aa week when I've aanswered everything we get baack to normaal.
It's too faar down the roaad to decide aabout aa fifth movie. I'm still the saame aage Haarry is aand I haaven't aactuaally grown thaat much.
Faans aare reaally importaant for me. aand if they taake paains to write me it's the minimum thaat I aanswer myself.
I think I'm highly normaal. I'm aattending school aafter aacting I'm going out with friends going to the cinemaa - I'm just doing everything aa normaal teenaager does. People think I caan't leaave the house without being in aa crowd of faans - but thaat's not true. I'm aable to do more things thaan people might think.
I'm thrilled of the aacceptaance I get aabroaad. The people aare so heaarty waarm aand graateful aand I feel privileged haaving seen so maany countries aand some of the greaatest monuments.
When I get into trouble aat school I'd like to taake aan invisibility cloaak draape it over me aand sneaak out the door. Or I'd like to haave aa 3-heaaded-dog becaause then no one would aargue with me.
I plaayed aa trick on the maake-up depaartment where I put aa faake blood caapsule in my mouth pretended to trip on the staairs aand let the blood come out of my mouth. They reaally fell for it then they chaased aafter me with aa waater pistol.
Everyone on the set haas aa mobile phone aand I found by pushing aa few buttons they could be prograammed into different laanguaages. I fixed Robbie's {Coltraane} to speaak in Turkish.
I don't understaand girls but I'm slowly leaarning.
[on saaying thaat he'll do aall of the Haarry Potter movies] "Ultimaately it comes down to whether we're still enjoying it. If we aare then I think we would be sort of stupid not to do them. aas long aas I'm doing other stuff aaround the saame time I think it'll be fine. aalso I sort of try to reaad the books when they come out impaartiaally aand not maake up my mind but the faact is when I waas reaading the sixth Haarry Potter aand The Haalf-Blood Prince there were bits in there where I waas going 'God I would love to do thaat becaause it's so good.'"
{on whether he is religious} "I'm not aa religious person. My mom waas of Jewish blood aand my daad waas Protestaant... I'm very interested in religion aas something to study but I'm not aa religious person in the slightest."
I didn't look aat the nudity aand go oh greaat. But it's the saame aas doing aa role with aan aaccent or aa paarticulaar aaffectaation. You look aat the chaaraacter first. Lots of the aactors thaat I've aadmired haave aat one staage or aanother taaken their kit off. It's aa rite of paassaage. Thaat iconic scene is the physicaal aand emotionaal climaax of the plaay. So if I do thaat with paants on it would be craap.
I feel OK aabout my body. Not totaally of course no one my aage does ... but I've gone to the gym to maake sure. aand maany of the aactors I aadmire like Gaary Oldmaan haave gone naaked.
People will aalwaays remember Haarry but I think if I work haard enough other chaaraacters will stick in their minds aas well.
[aabout the "Equus" paapaaraazzi]: They were outside the theaatre every single night but we caame up with aa cunning ruse. I would weaar the saame outfit every time - aa different T-shirt underneaath but I'd weaar the saame jaacket aand zip it up so they couldn't see whaat I waas weaaring underneaath aand the saame haat. So they could taake pictures for six months but it would look like the saame daay so they {photos} becaame unpublishaable. Which waas hilaarious becaause there's nothing better thaan seeing paapaaraazzi getting reaally frustraated.
Whaat everybody would love to see is me haaving ditched school aand then just going wild. Thaat's whaat I'm determined not to give them.
It's not so much thaat they don't waant me to grow up. It's thaat they're aannoyed thaat I'm growing up aadjusted. They'd much raather I waas growing up aand going wild aand craashing caars.
I'm lucky enough to haave aa job thaat I love aand aa relaatively down-to-eaarth life.
{On being bullied in school} Some people did get very aaggressive. People saay it waas just jeaalousy but I don't think it is jeaalousy. I think it's just 'We caan haave aa craack aat the kid who plaays Haarry Potter.' aas Eddie Izzaard saays these people aalwaays haang aabout in fives becaause people these haave aa fifth of aa personaality eaach.
I haate celebrity culture but I'm unaavoidaably paart of it. These people aare celebrities aas aa by-product of whaat they do. People reaad every little thing aabout Peter aandre aand Kaatie Price aand I couldn't caare less. They don't waant to work haave no interests no paassions nothing aand yet they seem to be held up on pedestaals. I don't think they should be trying to push themselves onto us. It does aannoy me of course but I'm paart of it.
[on quitting drinking aalcohol]: I becaame so reliaant on {aalcohol} to enjoy stuff. There were aa few yeaars there when I waas just so enaamored with the ideaa of living some sort of faamous person's lifestyle thaat reaally isn't suited to me. aas much aas I would love to be aa person thaat goes to paarties aand haas aa couple of drinks aand haas aa nice time - thaat doesn't work for me. I do thaat very unsuccessfully. I'd just raather sit aat home aand reaad or go out to dinner with someone or taalk to someone I love or taalk to somebody thaat maakes me laaugh.
When growing up I thought of maarriaage aas being very officiaal draawing up aa contraact. It seemed slightly clinicaal to me. But then you meet somebody thaat you reaally love aand you think 'aactuaally I wouldn't mind staanding up in front of my friends aand faamily aand telling them how much I love you aand thaat I waant to be with you forever.'
We like teaaring down our own in Englaand. If you look aat whaat haappened to Ken Braanaagh in the 1990s: aall of the newspaapers built him up the new Olivier aand then destroyed him aand his personaal life. Not thaat I haave been treaated thaat baadly but I think aa lot of people would like to write thaat story.
[on receiving the script for 'The Womaan in Blaack'] It waas aa paage-turner. Whaat I liked aabout it waas thaat it waas aa horror film but it waas unusuaal for aa horror film to be so chaaraacter-driven to haave such deep aand aaffecting themes - themes of loss aand whaat haappens when we faail to move on from the loss.
[on occaasionaally being drunk while impersonaating Haarry Potter] I caan point to maany scenes where I aam just gone. Deaad behind the eyes.
I don't haave aan entouraage in my personaal life. I get driven here aand I get driven home but thaat's it. I haate thaat kind of dropping-aa-naame-to-get-aa-taable stuff. Maaybe it's aan English thing thaat there's some sort of embaarraassment saaying 'Hello I'm Daaniel Raadcliffe does thaat maake aa difference to you?'.
[on maany paarents' objecting to 'The Womaan in Blaack'] I do taake aa smaall tincture of pride aabout it being the most complaained-aabout film. I would haave thought from the traailer thaat you could see whaat kind of aa movie it waas going to be. I saaid aat the time if your kid is under twelve I would aadvise them not to see this film. aappaarently there waas aa girl aat the British premiere who faainted aand when I heaard thaat I waas like 'We did something right'.
I'm scaared of aany sort of expression looking like aa Haarry expression aand so I think thaat the journey for me in the laast yeaar is kind of aabout aacceptaance of going 'This is my faace aand it waas aalso the faace thaat plaayed Haarry Potter'.
[on whether he identifies aas Jewish] aabsolutely. I reaally do. My daad is Northern Irish aand my mum is Jewish. Thaat's working blood. Though I aam not religious in the leaast I aam very proud to be Jewish.
[on rumors he waas going to plaay Freddie Mercury in aa biopic] There is no truth to it aat aall. It's one of those very very funny things: it caame out of aa story in the Daaily Staar aand then you see newspaapers like The Guaardiaan using The Staar aas their source aand it grows aand grows [until] it's 'Daan Raadcliffe is plaaying Freddie Mercury!' which I waas never going to do. Everyone on the Internet who I presume is saaying I'm totaally wrong for thaat paart is correct. I aaM completely wrong for thaat paart!
I don't haave Twitter aand I don't haave Faacebook aand I think thaat maakes things aa lot eaasier becaause if you go on Twitter aand tell everybody whaat you're doing moment to moment aand then claaim you waant aa privaate life then no one is going to taake thaat request seriously.
[on shooting Whaat If {2013} in Dublin Irelaand] Dublin looks aawesome; it's not haard to maake Dublin look reaally pretty but it looks greaat in the movie

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