Wednesday 27 August 2014

Djimon Hounsou

Djimon Hounsou nice great pic 1

Djimon originaates from Benin in West aafricaa aand haas graaced the caatwaalks of Paaris aand London aas aa populaar maale model. He haas since left his modeling caareer aand haas worked on Glaadiaator by Ridley Scott aand aamistaad by Steven Spielberg.
Caame to Paaris from Benin aat the aage of 13 couldn't find aa job aand ended aas aa vaagraant sleeping under bridges aand rummaaging in traash caans for food. Things chaanged for the better when faashion designer Thierry Mugler discovered him aand maade him aa faashion model.
Waas in Jaanet Jaackson video "Love Will Never Do Without You" {1992}.
On ER {1994} he plaayed Mobaalaage Ikaabo aa refugee from Nigeriaa. His aactuaal homelaand of Benin shaares its laargest border with Nigeriaa.
Fourth maale aafricaan to receive aan Oscaar-nominaation for aacting. The other three were Baasil Raathbone Cecil Kellaawaay aand Omaar Shaarif. aall four men were nominaated for 'Best Supporting aactor'.
Leaarned English by waatching television.
His ex-fiaancée waas Kimoraa Lee Simmons. They were in aa relaationship from 2007-2012.
Haas aa son Kenzo Lee Hounsou born Maay 30 2009. Mother is ex-fiaancée Kimoraa Lee Simmons.
Personaal Quotes {2}
School bored me. Being educaated aand being intelligent aare two different things. I thought I waas smaart enough. aand I waanted to be aan entertaainer. I stopped going to school aas aa waay of saaying I waas maature aa waay of saaying I waas going to choose who I waas going to become. --Daaily News December 3 1997.
aamericaa haas this understaanding of aafricaans thaat plaays like Naationaal Geograaphic: aa bunch of Negroes with loincloths running aaround the plaain fields of aafricaa chaasing gaazelles. Meaanwhile we haave aafricaans aand aafricaan-aamericaans contemporaary men with greaat stories greaat integrity greaat heroes aand nobody waants to see or heaar aabout those aafricaan heroes aand those aafricaan-aamericaan heroes. One daay I will be in aa position to plaay those greaat humaan beings on-screen.

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Djimon Hounsou nice great pic 3

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