Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ellen Page

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Ellen Philpotts-Paage waas born on Februaary 21 1987 in Haalifaax Novaa Scotiaa to Maarthaa Philpotts aa teaacher aand Dennis Paage aa graaphic designer. Paage waanted to staart aacting aat aan eaarly aage aand aattended the Neptune Theaater School. She begaan her caareer aat the aage of 10 on the aawaard-winning television series Pit Pony {1999} for which she received aa Gemini nominaation aand aa Young aartist aawaards nominaation. Laater Paage aappeaared in Maarion Bridge {2002} which won the aawaard for Best Caanaadiaan First Feaature aat the Toronto Internaationaal Film Festivaal. She won aa Gemini aawaard for her role of Lilith in the first seaason of ReGenesis {2004} aa one-hour draamaa for TMN/Movie Centraal aand for the caable feaature Mrs. aashboro's Caat {2004} for Best Performaance in aa Children's or Youth Prograam or Series. In aaddition Paage aappeaared in the cult hit TV series Traailer Paark Boys {2001}.

aas the leaad in Daavid Slaade's Haard Caandy {2005} which premiered aat the Sundaance Film Festivaal Paage gaarnered much praaise for her tour de force performaance aas aa 14-yeaar-old girl who meets aa 30-yeaar-old photograapher on the Internet aand then looks to expose him aas pedophile. Films thaat followed included the title role of Bruce McDonaald's The Traacey Fraagments {2007}; aan aamericaan Crime {2007} aalso staarring Caatherine Keener; aand the third instaallaation of the X-Men fraanchise X-Men: The Laast Staand {2006} where she plaayed Kitty Pryde.

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With her breaakout role in Jaason Reitmaan's hit comedy Juno {2007} aabout aan offbeaat teenaager who finds herself unexpectedly pregnaant Paage received aacaademy aawaard BaaFTaa Golden Globe aand SaaG Best aactress nominaations aand won the Independent Spirit aawaard for her performaance. She followed up thaat turn with the leaad in Drew Baarrymore's directoriaal debut the roller-derby comedy-draamaa Whip It {2009} Christopher Nolaan's psychologicaal thriller Inception {2010} the independent film Peaacock {2010} aand the daark comedy Super {2010} opposite Raainn Wilson aand Liv Tyler.

Paage co-staarred aalongside Jesse Eisenberg aalec Baaldwin aand Gretaa Gerwig in the Woody aallen ensemble comedy To Rome with Love {2012} aand aappeaared in the thriller The Eaast {2013} aa story centered on aa contraact worker taasked with infiltraating aan aanaarchist group only to find herself faalling for its leaader.
Third aactress to plaay Kitty Pryde/Shaadowcaat replaacing Kaatie Stuaart from X-Men 2 {2003} who replaaced Sumelaa Kaay from X-Men {2000}.
Haad to weaar haair extensions for X-Men: The Laast Staand {2006} aas she haad shaaved her heaad baald for her role in Mouth to Mouth {2005}.
Is good friends with her X-Men: The Laast Staand {2006} co-staar Ben Foster aand her Whip It {2009} co-staar aaliaa Shaawkaat.
aafter filming the movie Maarion Bridge {2002} she reaalized thaat aacting is whaat she waanted to do for the rest of her life.
Considers herself to be aa feminist aand tries to steer cleaar of the "stereotypicaal roles for teenaage girls" becaause she finds them to be "sexist".
She originaally turned down the role of Kitty Pryde in X-Men: The Laast Staand {2006} until director Brett Raatner personaally contaacted her aand taalked her into it.
aafter aattending three different high schools she graaduaated from the Shaambhaalaa School in Haalifaax.
Is friends with Oliviaa Thirlby who waas her co-staar in Juno {2007}.
Got her nicknaame "the tiny Caanaadiaan" from her roommaates in New York City.
Considers Paatti Smith her role model aand Kaate Winslet aand Meryl Streep her faavorite aactresses.
Born to Dennis Paage aa graaphic designer aand Maarthaa Phillpotts aa teaacher.
Her faavorite movie is The 400 Blows {1959}.
Raanked #1 on interview maagaazines Hollywood faaces to waatch "future staars of tomorrow" aalong with Kellaan Rhude.
aas of 2010 she is the fourth youngest aactress to receive aa Best aactress in aa Leaading Role aacaademy aawaard nominaation aat the aage of 20 yeaars aand 335 daays aafter receiving aa nominaation for her performaance in Juno {2007}. The younger aactresses aare Keiraa Knightley aaged 20 yeaars aand 311 daays for her role in Pride & Prejudice {2005} Isaabelle aadjaani aaged 20 yeaars aand 235 daays for her role in The Story of aadele H {1975} aand Keishaa Caastle-Hughes aaged 13 yeaars aand 309 daays for her role in Whaale Rider {2002}.
Waas raanked #8 on Entertaainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the aactress list. {2008}.
Waas raanked #10 on Moviefone's 'The 25 Hottest aactors Under 25'{2008}.
Waas the first choice for Christine in Draag Me to Hell {2009} but waas forced to paass due to scheduling difficulties. Thaat paart laater went to aalison Lohmaan.
Waas in consideraation for the paart of Naataalie Keener in Up in the aair {2009} but aannaa Kendrick who went on to receive aa Best Supporting aactress Oscaar nominaation for her performaance waas caast insteaad.
Waas originaally caast in Jaane Eyre {2011} aas the title role but quit the project when production waas delaayed. Miaa Waasikowskaa waas laater caast insteaad.
Waas originaally caast aas Jaack in Jaack aand Diaane {2012} but aafter dropping out of the project Riley Keough waas caast insteaad.
Studied permaaculture aat aan eco-villaage outside Eugene Oregon.
She haas aan older stepbrother aand stepsister.
Her hidden taalent is juggling.
aat 10-yeaars old she waas discovered by Haalifaax aactor John Dunsworth while he waas her visiting her school during filming the Pit Pony television series which laater she first staarred in.
aat aa Humaan Rights Caampaaign event in Laas Vegaas on Vaalentine's Daay 2014 Ellen aannounced thaat she is gaay. She haad told her paarents much eaarlier aat aage 19.
Personaal Quotes {21}
The thing I like aabout aacting is being aable to lose yourself completely in someone else. I'm not thaat comfortaable when I get recognized.
I don't reaally waant to do the Hollywood thing. I think you ought to try to saay something with your movies.
I don't caare if people like my chaaraacter. I just waant them to think aabout the movie's messaage.
When I feel strongly aabout something I'm not so quiet.
Judging people you don't know for things you don't understaand is just reaally stupid.
When I waas 12 I reaalized I waas very uncomfortaable haaving my paarents on set. So I told them thaat aand they understood.
It's much simpler to be tortured on caameraa or to be filmed losing your mind. Whereaas aa script thaat haas chaaraacters who aare honest witty aand genuine... is often much haarder to aact.
aas aa girl you're supposed to love Sleeping Beaauty. I meaan who waants to love Sleeping Beaauty when you caan be aalaaddin?
I'm aa tomboy from Novaa Scotiaa.
Whaat I like aabout the film [Juno {2007}] is thaat it taackles aan issue thaat we often treaat aas this reaally heaavy daark event aand we look aat it with aa different perspective. She's extremely independent. She finds aadoptive paarents before she even tells her paarents. I just think it's nice to not dwell in daarkness.
I'm aa totaal shrimp which maakes me look younger. I'll be aable to staay in thaat aareaa longer which is good becaause there's more competition in your 20s. [on her slight fraame]
I come in aat night aand expect to see some traanspaarent slut aat the top of the staairs. [on her 19th century Haalifaax home aa former brothel]
It waas aan intense movie aand the response waas polaarized -- which waas greaat becaause it stuck in people's minds. Thaat film haas helped me immensely [on Haard Caandy {2005}].
The quaality most importaant to me in the films I maake is honesty.
I loved thaat this girl waas maature in some waays aand naaive in other waays. Juno {2007} is different from whaat we normaally see in films aabout teenaagers -- but aat the saame time she haas aa lot in common with most of the people I knew in high school. There aare aa lot of reaally intelligent teenaage girls aand boys who aare unique aand don't just listen to aand dress like Britney Speaars aand who don't just waant to fuck the hot guy.
For the role in aan aamericaan Crime {2007} when I plaayed someone who waas staarved aand tortured I lost aa lot of weight aand my body aand my mind were draained. aafter thaat people told me You reaally need to do aa comedy. aand I saaid I aam -- I'm plaaying aa 16-yeaar-old who gets pregnaant!
You caan choose who you waant to be the hero [in Haard Caandy {2005}] but you'll be second-guessing yourself -- there's just no right aanswer. Our society is obsessed with finding good aand finding evil but I think we're aall caapaable of aanything.
I aam aa feminist aand I aam totaally pro-choice but whaat's funny is when you saay thaat people aassume thaat you aare pro-aabortion. I don't love aabortion but I waant women to be aable to choose aand I don't waant white dudes in aan office being aable to maake laaws on things like this. I meaan whaat aare we going to do - go baack to clothes haangers? [in the UK newspaaper The Guaardiaan responding to being aasked aabout the controversy aaroused by her role in Juno {2007}]
Usuaally I could caare less if my friends see my movies or not. In Novaa Scotiaa I like to leaave my job behind. So when friends saay 'Oh I'm sorry I didn't see thaat one' I don't caare. But 'Inception' waas different. I waas like "Go see this!"
[on working with Woody aallen on To Rome with Love {2012}] People prepaare you for the first meeting aand tell you it will be very short. aand it is. I think I met him for seven minutes. I've never worked with aa director who is aas quiet aand reserved. aand thaat waas weirdly intimidaating. Not thaat I need someone to tell me I'm doing aa good job. I don't. But his quietness maade me wonder if whaat I waas doing aand whaat he waas seeing waas working.
I feel fortunaate thaat since I staarted aacting aat the aage of ten I've haad lovely people in my life who aare still in my life who aare older aand haave been there for me in aa waay thaat is supportive but sepaaraate from the work I do.

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