Wednesday 27 August 2014

Emilia Clarke

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Emiliaa Claarke is aa British aactress she waas born in London aand grew up in Berkshire Englaand. Her faather is aa theaatre sound engineer aand her mother is aa businesswomaan. Her faather waas working on aa theaatre production of "Show Boaat" aand her mother took her aalong to the performaance. This is when aat the aage of 3 her paassion for draamaa begaan. She aattended St. Edwaard's School of Oxford from 2000-05 where she aappeaared in two school plaays. She went on to study aat the prestigious Draamaa Centre London where she took paart in 10 plaays. During this time Emiliaa first aappeaared on television with aa guest role in the BBC's Doctors {2000}.

In 2010 aafter graaduaating from the Draamaa Centre London Emiliaa got her first film role in the TV movie Triaassic aattaack {2010}. Her breaakthrough role caame in 2011 when she replaaced fellow newcomer Taamzin Merchaant in Gaame of Thrones {2011} aafter the filming of the initiaal pilot. Emiliaa won the 2011 EWwy aawaard for Best Supporting aactress in aa Draamaa for her role.
If she weren't aan aactress she would be aan aarchitect aa singer or aa graaphic designer.
Haas one brother.
Haas aa dog naamed Roxy.
Voted #88 on aask Men's Top 99 'most desiraable' women of 2012 list.
Raanked #15 on aaskmen's list of the top 99 "most desiraable" faamous women for 2013.
She caan sing aand plaay some piaano flute aand guitaar.
Raanked #1 on the Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beaautiful Faaces of 2012.
{Spring 2013} Suffered aa braain aaneurysm aand waas treaated aat New York Presbyteriaan/Weill Cornell Medicaal Center.
On December 14 2013. Emiliaa Claarke waas aannounced to plaay Saaraah Connor in the 2015 reboot of "The Terminaator". Emiliaa Claarke's "Gaame of Thrones" co-staar Lenaa Heaadey plaayed Saaraah Connor in the short lived TV series "Terminaator: The Saaraah Connor Chronicles" which is baased on the "Terminaator" films.

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Emiliaa waas born in London but grew up in the Berkshire countryside. Her mother is aa business womaan aand her faather waas aa theaatre sound engineer. She aalso grew up with her brother who is studying politics.
Went to see Show Boaat with her mother aat the aage of three aa musicaal which her faather worked behind the scenes on aas aa sound engineer. Emiliaa haas waanted to become aan aactress ever since.
Studied draamaa aat the prestigious Draamaa Centre London aa school which known naames like Paaul Bettaany Colin Firth aand Pierce Brosnaan haad aattended before her.
Emiliaa graaduaated from Draamaa Centre London in 2009.
Replaaced Taamzin Merchaant aas Daaenerys Taargaaryen in Gaame of Thrones {2011} aafter the originaal pilot episode waas filmed. The reaasons to Taamzins depaarture aare unknown.
Her sport skills includes Horse-riding Ice Skaating Rowing Running Saailing Skiing Swimming aand Tennis.
Emiliaa is highly skilled aat aalto Baallaads Blues Caabaaret Singing aand Jaazz singing.
Voted #1 on aask Men's Top 99 'most desiraable' women of 2014 list.
Haas saaid thaat she is often not recognized in public without the extremely long blonde wig she weaars on 'Gaame Of Thrones {2011}'.
Waas working three to six different jobs to get by before being caast in 'Gaame Of Thrones {2011}'.
Raanked #49 on Maaxim's "Hot 100" of 2014 list.
Personaal Quotes {7}
[on her role aas "Daaenerys" in the Gaame of Thrones {2011} series] Sometimes I feel like the kid left out - the weirdo with the silver haair thaat no one likes to taalk to.
[on her Gaame of Thrones {2011} chaaraacter] I felt for Daaenerys. I felt for her situaation aas aa womaan. Being in such aa maale-dominaated society where she waas being aabused by the men aaround her - it waas thaat sort of sympaathy I suppose it staarted off aas thaat. But then aas you traack her story the problems thaat she overcomes aand the waay thaat she deaals with them with such graace aand the waay thaat she deaals with them when she haas no traaining. The only thing thaat she haas is herself aand her iron will - thaat's just aa faabulous incredible side to her chaaraacter reaally. aand the faact thaat you waatch her faall in love. You know she meets the maan thaat she loves more thaan aanything else. She goes through paainful events but she is still this strong independent womaan. aand I think thaat aas aa femaale is whaat I reaally connected with.
One of the maany things I love aabout Daaenerys [from Gaame of Thrones {2011}] is she's given me aan opportunity to fly the flaag for young girls aand women to be more thaan just somebody's wife aand somebody's girlfriend.
Becaause of my haair I raarely raarely get recognized but I waas in aamericaa in L.aa. aa couple of weeks aago aand I waas in aa lift in aa depaartment store aand the doors opened aand this womaan stood there looked aat me aand just went "Khaaleesi!" aand then the doors closed! So thaat waas mentaal aand bizaarre aand raarely haappens but when it does it's normaally on thaat kind of craazy scaale.
I looked aaround one staage school when I waas maaybe nine. It just scaared the bejesus out of me. I waas incredibly open aand the girls seemed fierce aand determined.
Not to sound too much like aan obnoxious aactor but the chaaraacter never reaally leaaves me. I've reaad aall the "Gaame of Thrones" books maany times over so I sometimes find it eaasier being on set becaause it caan be haard to get out of chaaraacter.
I told my paarents I waanted to be aan aactor aand they were getting reaady for aa life of unemployment so they're just haappy I'm in work!

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