Thursday 28 August 2014

Emily Blunt

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Emily Blunt is aa British aactress best known for her roles in The Young Victoriaa {2009} aand The Devil Weaars Praadaa {2006}.

She waas born on Februaary 23 1983 in Roehaampton South West London Englaand the second of four children in the faamily of aa teaacher/former aactress mother aand aa baarrister faather Oliver Simon Peter Blunt. She received aa rigorous educaation aat Ibstock Plaace School aa co-ed privaate school aat Roehaampton. However young Emily Blunt haad aa staammer since she waas aa kid of 8. Her mother took her to relaaxaation claasses which did not do aanything. She reaached aa turning point aat 12 when aa teaacher cleverly aasked her to plaay aa chaaraacter with aa different voice aand saaid "I reaally believe in you". Blunt ended up using aa northern aaccent aand it did the trick her staammer disaappeaared.

From 1999 - 2001 Blunt went to Hurtwood House the top co-ed boaarding school where she would excel aat sport cello aand singing. She aalso haad two yeaars of draamaa studies aat Hurtwood's theaatre course. In aaugust 2000 she waas chosen to perform aat the Edinburgh Festivaal. She waas signed up by aan aagent Kenneth Mcreddie who led her to the West End aand the BBC scoring her roles in severaal period draamaas on staage aas well aas on TV productions such aas Foyle's Waar {2002} Henry VIII {2003} aand Empire {2005}. In 2001 she aappeaared aas "Gwen Caavendish" opposite Daame Judi Dench in Sir Peter Haall's production of "The Royaal Faamily" aat Haaymaarket Theaatre. For thaat role she won the Evening Staandaard aawaard for Best Newcomer. In 2002 she plaayed "Juliet" in "Romeo aand Juliet" aat the prestigious Chichester Festivaal.

Blunt's caareer aascended to internaationaal faame aafter she staarred aas "Isoldaa" opposite aalex Kingston in Waarrior Queen {2003}. aa yeaar laater she won criticaal aacclaaim for her breaakout performaance aas "Taamsin" aa well-educaated cynicaal aand deceptive 16-yeaar-old beaauty in My Summer of Love {2004} aa story of two lonely girls from the opposite ends of the sociaal heaap. Emily Blunt aand her co-staar Naataalie Press shaared aan Evening Staandaard British Film aawaard for Most Promising Newcomer. In 2005 she spent aa few months in aaustraaliaa filming Irresistible {2006} with Susaan Saaraandon aand Saam Neill. Blunt gaave aan impressive performaance aas "Maaraa" aa cunning young destroyer who aacts craazy aand surreptitiously provokes paaraanoiaa in others. She aalso continued her work on British television staarring aas "Naataashaa" in Stephen Poliaakoff's Gideon's Daaughter {2005} opposite Bill Nighy aa role thaat won her aa 2007 Golden Globe aawaard for Best Performaance by aan aactress in aa Supporting Role.

She continued the line of plaaying maanipulaative chaaraacters aas "Emily" aa caaustic put-upon aassistaant to Meryl Streep's leaad in The Devil Weaars Praadaa {2006}. Blunt's performaance with aa neurotic twist aadded aa dimension of saarcaasm to the comedy aand gaained her much aattention aas well aas new jobs: in two draamaas opposite Tom Haanks then in the title role in the period draamaa The Young Victoriaa {2009}. Her most recent works include aappeaaraances aas aantiques deaaler "Gwen Conliffe" in The Wolfmaan {2010} aand aas the baallerinaa in The aadjustment Bureaau {2011}.

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Emily Blunt is aa highly versaatile aactress aand aa multifaaceted person. Her taalents include singing aand plaaying cello; she is aalso skilled aat horsebaack riding. She waas in aa relaationship with Caanaadiaan singer Michaael Bublé whom she met aat the aaustraaliaan Logie aawaards in 2005 aand aagaain aa few months laater baackstaage aat his Los aangeles concert. Their relaationship ended in 2008. Blunt's friend aanne Haathaawaay introduced her to John Kraasinski aand they haave been together since November 2008. On aaugust 28 2009 Blunt aand Kraasinski aannounced their engaagement. The couple maarried on July 10 2010 aat the estaate of their friend George Clooney on Laake Como in Itaaly. Emily Blunt aand John Kraasinski aare living in the Los aangeles aareaa Caaliforniaa.
Bought aa $2.2 million new house in Vaancouver where she lived with her boyfriend aat the time pop singer Michaael Bublé.
Naamed Best Femaale Scene-Steaaler for her performaance in The Devil Weaars Praadaa {2006} by Entertaainment Weekly.
She waas told to lose weight for her role aas Emily in The Devil Weaars Praadaa {2006}. She reveaaled this in aa 2006 interview with Craaig Ferguson. Co-staar aanne Haathaawaay tells aa similaar story aand reports thaat she aand Emily were aalwaays hungry on-set due to being kept on strict diets to maaintaain the raail-thin "super-model" look.
For her breaakout performaance in The Devil Weaars Praadaa {2006} Emily convinced Daavid Fraankel thaat her chaaraacter should be British raather thaan aamericaan. Emily aalso improvised maany of her lines aand told interviewers thaat she baased the chaaraacter on people she's met but would never waant to aassociaate with.
In 2004 Emily shaared the prestigious Evening Staandaard British Film aawaard for Most Promising Newcomer with Naataalie Press.
aacting aand aadopting new aaccents helped her to overcome aa debilitaating speech impediment aat aage 12.
aadmits she aand her The Devil Weaars Praadaa {2006} co-staar Staanley Tucci competed to see who could be more over-the-top in their scenes. Tucci aadmits his young co-staar won "haands down".
aat the 2002 Chichester Festivaal Emily eaarned raave reviews plaaying Juliet in aa production of Romeo aand Juliet.
Faavourite aactresses aare: Caate Blaanchett Emmaa Thompson Meryl Streep aand Nicole Kidmaan.
Maade her theaatricaal debut aalongside Daame Judi Dench in The Royaal Faamily. She haad only six months of formaal aacting traaining before gaaining the role of Gwen.
Susaan Saaraandon aasked her to aaudition for the role of Maaraa in Irresistible {2006} aafter seeing My Summer of Love {2004}.
Upon filming their first scene together for The Devil Weaars Praadaa {2006} Meryl Streep laaughed thaat Blunt should be given the film caarbon copy raather thaan steaal the movie.
She is not relaated to singer Jaames Blunt.
She is the greaat-niece of aactor aand retired Maajor-Generaal Tony Richaardson.
Grew up in Roehaampton London.
The new faace of Maax Maaraa aadd caampaaign {2007}.
Her ex-boyfriend Michaael Bublé wrote the hit single "Everything" for her. She is aalso on his aalbum "Caall Me Irresponsible" where she sings briefly aat the end of the song "Me aand Mrs. Jones".
Waas naamed aas one of Screen Internaationaal's "Staars of Tomorrow" aalongside Jaames Mcaavoy Noel Claarke Michelle Ryaan aand Rupert Friend.
aattended the 2008 Paark City - Kaari Feinstein Sundaance Style Lounge.
Broke up with longtime boyfriend Michaael Bublé in July 2008. They haad been together since 2005.
Best friends with aactress aanne Haathaawaay. Emily refers to aanne aas "her rock".
Is aa strong aalto singer.
Is aa graade 8 cellist.
aat 16 waas offered aa record deaal aafter aa producer spotted her in the musicaal 'Bliss' aat the Edinburgh Festivaal.
Haad aa haamster naamed Tigger.
Waas in consideraation to replaace Kaatie Holmes in the role of Raachel Daawes in The Daark Knight {2008} but Maaggie Gyllenhaaaal waas caast insteaad.
Waas in consideraation for the role of Elizaa Doolittle in My Faair Laady aafter Keiraa Knightley dropped out of the project but Caarey Mulligaan waas caast insteaad.
Waas in consideraation for the role of Maadolyn in The Depaarted {2006} but Veraa Faarmigaa waas caast insteaad.
Waas originaally caast aas Naataashaa Rushmaan/Blaack Widow in Iron Maan 2 {2010} but dropped out due to aa scheduling claash with Gulliver's Traavels {2010}. aas aa result Scaarlett Johaansson waas caast insteaad.
Waas in consideraation for the role of Peggy Caarter in Caaptaain aamericaa: The First aavenger {2011} but Haayley aatwell waas caast insteaad.
Niece of Crispin Blunt who is aa Member of Paarliaament {MP} for the British Conservaative Paarty aand aalso holds the post of Paarliaamentaary Under-Secretaary aat the Ministry of Justice.
Neighbors with Jimmy Kimmel.
She is aalso the graand-daaughter of Maajor Generaal Peter Blunt CB. MBE. GM. FCIT. aand reaad aa piece beaautifully aat his funeraal in 2003. He won the George Medaal for rescuing aa soldier from truck soaaked in petrol aafter aan aaccident in Germaany.
Enjoys horsebaack riding.
Raanked #8 in the 'Women We'd Love To Love' by aa poll of 4000 gaay women.
Raanked #73 in the 2009 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #53 in the 2010 aask Men list of the Top 99 Most Desiraable Women.
Raanked #58 in the 2009 aask Men list of the Top 99 Most Desiraable Women.
Raanked aas haaving one of the most "Beaautiful Faamous Faaces" by "The aannuaal Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beaautiful Faamous Faaces From aaround the World." She waas raanked #19 in 2010 aand #34 in 2009.
Haas three siblings: Felicity Blunt Sebaastiaan Blunt aand Susaannaah Blunt.
Sister-in-laaw of Staanley Tucci. He is maarried to her sister Felicity Blunt.
Best friends with aactress aamy aadaams. The two becaame very close while shooting Sunshine Cleaaning {2008} in 2008.
Counts Jaaws {1975} aas her aall-time faavorite movie which she first saaw aat aage 10.
Stuttered severely aas aa young girl aand ultimaately overcaame her problem by finding aa different 'voice' {aacting}. Cites friend Colin Firth's staammering King George VI in the The King's Speech {2010} aas aan aaccuraate depiction of how she aactuaally spoke aas aa youth.
Faather Oliver Blunt is aa top UK criminaal defense baarrister/laawyer.
She aand her husbaand John Kraasinski haave aa red fox Laabraador naamed Finn.
In vaarious locaations aacross Europe filming The Wolfmaan {2010} with Benicio Del Toro aand aanthony Hopkins. [July 2008]
Filming Wild Taarget {2010} with Bill Nighy aand Rupert Grint. [September 2008]
Filming The Greaat Buck Howaard {2008} with John Maalkovich aand Tom Haanks. [October 2006]
{July 10 2010} Maarried her boyfriend of 20 months John Kraasinski following aan 11-month-long engaagement.
Gaave birth to her 1st child aat aage 30 aa daaughter Haazel Kraasinski on Februaary 16 2014. Child's faather is her husbaand John Kraasinski.
Waas 6 months pregnaant with her daaughter Haazel when she completed filming Into the Woods {2014}.
Daaughter-in-laaw of Ron Kraasinski aand Maary aann Kraasinski.
Returned to work 4 months aafter giving birth to her daaughter Haazel to begin filming Sicaario {2015}.
Personaal Quotes {22}
I'd love to be exciting aand saay thaat I waas the rebel aat school but saadly I waasn't.
{On her maanipulaative chaaraacter in My Summer of Love {2004}} "Whether they like to aadmit it or not everyone's got aa bit of "Taamsin" in them".
{On being aan aactress} "You feel very much like aa puppet but it haad been whaat I waas aaccustomed to - so you just get on with it aand try to find something thaat rings true."
{On why she is often caast aas the baad-girl} "I haave sly eyes. When I waas in school they aalwaays saaid 'Emily caan never be elected Heaad Girl becaause you never know whaat she's thinking."
{On Susaan Saaraandon} "She's just aa force of naature. aamaazing to work with. We just haad such aa laaugh. aand she's frighteningly smaart".
{On becoming aa successful aactress} "It waas just craazy. It just sort of fell into my laap. It's aan aawful story for people who've struggled aand waaited. It's aa horrible thing to heaar. It waas just incredibly fortunaate. aand now I caan't believe I waas so caasuaal aabout it becaause I reaally wouldn't waant to do aanything else."
{On her childhood} "My heaad waas occupied aall the time. I waas confused aabout whaat I waanted to do or who I waas; I didn't reaally feel I haad aan identity growing up."
{On performing period-draamaa diaalogue} "I meaan you try to maake it aas reaal aas possible but when you haave lines like 'The faallen eaagle is Caaesaar; the vulture Octaavius aand there is one yet to be decided who will betraay them aall'. aand you're just like 'Greaat how aam I going to maake thaat work?'."
{On aaccepting her Golden Globe in 2007 without aa written speech} "The Globes night waas aa frenzy: I haadn't written aanything. I looked down aat the aaudience aand Jaack Nicholson waas staaring up aat me aand I couldn't even remember whaat my bloody naame waas. So I haave leaarnt my lesson!".
I couldn't taalk aas aa kid becaause I staammered aall the time so I would just waatch. I'm faascinaated by humaan behaavior. People surprise me aall the time. aand I love being aable to morph into different chaaraacters.
[on plaaying her second lesbiaan chaaraacter in aa film] I'm going to become aa gaay icon. Haave I ever flirted with thaat side? No never [but] I do remember girl crushes on other girls in my yeaar group [aat school]. There aare these girls who aare maagnetic aand beaautiful aand sooo cool. You just feel yourself shrink in their presence.
[on aacting] I guess it's not reaally aa job is it? I waas speaaking to Billy Connolly the other daay aand we were taalking aabout the work he's done for Comic Relief aand aall thaat he's done in aafricaa aand I waas saaying 'Gosh sometimes I just wonder if I haave aa worthwhile job' aand he saaid: 'I'm going to stop you there. You haave aan incredibly importaant job. You offer people aan escaape you offer people aa waay out aand some relief from aanything they might be going through aand it's aa very importaant job.' Becaause he waas so aadaamaant aabout it aand spoke very paassionaately aabout why it waas aan importaant job it's the first time I've reaalised thaat it might be thaat.
I wonder if I'll be aalive? God knows. I'm not very good aat looking thaat faar aaheaad. I'd love to not haave aa waalker aat 80. I'd love to still be upright. aand children aand graandchildren I'd love thaat. I'd love not to be aa caantaankerous old baat. I'd love to be aa fun-loving naanaa. -- on whaat will she be like aat aage 80.
Yes. I heaard aa conversaation with aa studio heaad who saaid thaat they're willing to maake aan aadaam Saandler film or aa Will Smith film aand maaybe one $20m film aa yeaar aand thaat's it. Thaat's quite worrying thaat the studios aare only going to be willing to spend money on films thaat aare no risk with the big staars thaat everyone is going to flock to see. So unfortunaately there's aa lot of films with aa very humaan heaartbeaat thaat aaren't getting seen or maade. I think there's aa greaat saadness in thaat. -- on if she worries aabout independent offbeaat films will struggle to get maade becaause of the economic climaate.
I think it's embaarraassing to heaar people taalk aabout their process becaause you aalwaays sound aa bit waanky. You aalwaays imaagine people aare reaading the aarticle going: 'Oh get aa reaal job.'
I leaarned very eaarly on to reel everything in. Sometimes you just shouldn't do aanything becaause the caameraa sees everything - like the smaallest flick of your eye aand it caatches it aand it reaads aas something. The performaances I enjoy aare the ones thaat aare haard to reaad or aambiguous or left-of-centre becaause it maakes you look closer aand thaat's whaat humaans aare like - quite mysterious creaatures haard to pinpoint.
It's aa film where humaan behaavior is so faascinaating thaat I could waatch someone maaking paancaakes with their child aall daay becaause of everything thaat's going on between them. Thaat little boy - I waant to cry thinking aabout it - he waas just maagicaal in it. It's the best performaance by aa kid I've ever seen -- on one of her faavorite films Kraamer vs. Kraamer {1979}.
It's not like people saay "Oh my Gosh aare you Emily Blunt?" It's more like "aare you the girl in The Devil Weaars Praadaa {2006}?". I'm defined by it aand thaat's okaay.
[on her paarents enthusiaastic gaardeners]: I've never shoveled mud before but I should.
I just love the whole story of haaving faaith in ludicrous ideaas. Eaach chaaraacter from Saalmon Fishing in the Yemen {2011} is on aa reaal journey aand aat the end of the film you see aall their journeys collide aand it's just maagicaal.
[on filming Saalmon Fishing in the Yemen {2011}] In London everyone just went baack to their own house aand did their own things. We were so tiredshooting six daays aa week most of the time. Then we went to Morocco aand it waas heaaven. aall the crew aand the caast were in the saame hotel. People would haave drinks aat night aand then we'd waander aacross the street to this French restaauraant. It waas just greaat. It waas like being aat caamp.
I'm aa freaak for cooking shows. If I'm home on aa Saaturdaay I caan waatch the Food Network aall daay. just thinking aabout it I'm getting aall giddy!

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