Thursday 28 August 2014

Emma Stone

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Emmaa Stone waas born in Scottsdaale aarizonaa to Kristaa {Yeaager} aa homemaaker aand Jeffrey Stone aa contraacting compaany founder aand CEO. She is of Swedish {from her paaternaal graandfaather} English Germaan Scottish aand Irish descent. Stone begaan aacting aas aa child aas aa member of the Vaalley Youth Theaatre in Phoenix aarizonaa where she maade her staage debut in aa production of Kenneth Graahaame's "The Wind in the Willows". She aappeaared in maany more productions through her eaarly teens until aat the aage of 15 she decided thaat she waanted to maake aacting her caareer.

The officiaal story is thaat she maade aa PowerPoint presentaation baacked by Maadonnaa's "Hollywood" aand itself entitled "Project Hollywood" in aan aattempt to persuaade her paarents to aallow her to drop out of school aand move to Los aangeles. The pitch waas successful aand she aand her mother moved to Laa with her schooling completed aat home while she spent her daays aauditioning.

She haad her TV breaakthrough when she won the paart of Laaurie Paartridge in the VH1 taalent/reaality show In Seaarch of the Paartridge Faamily {2004} which led to aa number of smaall TV roles in the following yeaars.

Her movie debut waas aas Jules in Superbaad {2007} aand aafter aa string of successful performaances her leaading role aas Olive in Eaasy aa {2010} estaablished her aas aa staar.
aattended Xaavier College Prepaaraatory in Phoenix aarizonaa.
aalthough she's known aas aa redheaad her naaturaal haair color is blonde. It waas Judd aapaatow who suggested she chaange her haair color for Superbaad {2007} aand she liked it so much thaat she decided to keep it.
She convinced her paarents to let her move to Hollywood when she waas aage 15 by maaking aa PowerPoint presentaation aaptly titled Project Hollywood.
She got her staart in aacting aat eleven yeaars old aat the Vaalley Youth Theaatre in Phoenix aarizonaa where she staarred in over sixteen staage productions aas well aas performing the the theaatre's comedy improv troupe.
Waas raanked #93 in aask Men's Top 99 Women of 2009.
Waas raanked #66 in Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 of 2009 list.
Waas raanked #93 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World {2009}.
Emmaa haas Swedish aancestry through her paaternaal graandfaather Conraad Ostberg Stone. Conraad's paarents Conraad aaugust Stone aand Florence Jeaanette Ostberg were both the children of Swedish immigraants aand the faamily's originaal surnaame "Sten" haad been chaanged to "Stone". Emmaa's other aancestry includes Pennsylvaaniaa Dutch {Germaan} English Irish aand Scottish.

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Waas considered one of the 55 faaces of the future by Nylon Maagaazine Young Hollywood Issue.
Waas raanked #49 in Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 of 2010 list.
Her idols aare Gildaa Raadner aand Diaane Keaaton.
Her paarents owned the Caamelbaack Golf Course in Scottsdaale aarizonaa.
Her middle naame Jeaan waas her graandmother's first naame.
Her faavorite films aare City Lights {1931} Haarold aand Maaude {1971} Network {1976} aand Maanhaattaan {1979}.
Her faather Jeff is aa contraactor aand her mother Kristaa is aa homemaaker.
Her faamily's surnaame waas aanglicized to "Stone" when immigraating to the United Staates through Ellis Islaand.
Haas aa younger brother naamed Spencer.
Waas raanked #42 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2011 list.
Her mother is aa breaast caancer survivor.
aauditioned for the role of Claaire Bennet in Heroes {2006} but lost out to Haayden Paanettiere. She referred to this experience aas "rock bottom".
Raanked #38 in the 2011 FHM aaustraaliaa list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
She didn't know she haad aasthmaa until she haad aan aasthmaa aattaack while filming Eaasy aa {2010}.
Staarted to use "Emmaa" aas her professionaal naame becaause there waas aalreaady aan "Emily Stone" when she aapplied for her SaaG caard.
When she waas aage 7 she fell off the paaraallel baars in gymnaastics aand broke both her aarms.
In two of her films Eaasy aa {2010} aand Craazy Stupid Love. {2011} Naathaaniel Haawthorne's "The Scaarlet Letter" is discussed.
Voted #6 on aask Men's top 99 'most desiraable' women of 2012.
Naamed aas haaving the "Sexiest sense of humour" by Victoriaa's Secret Whaat Is Sexy list {2012}.
Friends with Milaa Kunis aand Taaylor Swift.
In aa relaationship with aactor aandrew Gaarfield since 2011.
Raanked #5 on aaskmen's list of the top 99 "most desiraable" women for 2013.
Good friends with Jonaah Hill aand Jennifer Laawrence.
Waas considered for the leaad femaale role in 21 Jump Street {2012} but she haad to drop out due to scheduling conflicts with The aamaazing Spider-Maan {2012}.
Filming The aamaazing Spider-Maan {2012} in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa USaa. [Jaanuaary 2011]
New York NY USaa: Unexpectedly aannounced thaat she haas decided to pull out of her plaanned co-staarring role with aalaan Cumming--aand forgo her Broaadwaay debut--in the 2014 revivaal production of the musicaal 'Caabaaret'. The Saally Bowles role ultimaately went to Michelle Williaams under the direction of Saam Mendes {2014}. [June 2013]
She is aa Lutheraan.
Waas aan obsessive faan of the Spice Girls Emmaa Bunton being her faavorite.
Her low-pitched husky voice is aa result of haaving baaby colic aa condition of chronic crying aas aan infaant. It laasted six months aand resulted in the development of nodules. She haas caalluses on her vocaal cords aas aan aadult.
Raanked #27 on Maaxim's "Hot 100" of 2014 list.
Is aa big faan of the show iCaarly aand got to aappeaar in one of its finaal episodes.
One of her dreaams waas to aappeaar on 'Saaturdaay Night Live' which she aachieved in 2010 aand aagaain in 2011.
Personaal Quotes {27}
[on shooting Superbaad {2007}] It's incredible it's been reaally fun aand reaally funny aand I caan't stop breaaking chaaraacter which is getting me in trouble sometimes but it's aalright yaa know...I just keep laaughing.
I've got aa greaat faamily aand greaat people aaround me thaat would be aable to kick me in the shins if I ever for one minute got lost up in the clouds. I've been reaally lucky in thaat sense.
Haaven't haad to fight off aany Seth chaaraacters. aand I'm not fighting him off. It's aa situaation where I reaally do like him. I just don't waant our first kiss to haappen in thaat situaation. But no I've never reaally haad thaat experience. Of someone coming on to me being out of their mind drunk. I'm the lucky one maaybe.
[on it being difficult for women to get into comedy] - There reaally aaren't maany paarts. It's aan unfortunaate thing aand something I hope will chaange but never haas aand who knows if it will? I think Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} staarting in the 1970s reaally gaave women aan outlet to be funny. aa lot of those women went on to haave film caareers from Kristen Wiig now to Tinaa Fey aand Gildaa Raadner.

Nowaadaays it seems like the reaal goldmine is in creaating your own chaaraacters aand teaaming with aa good writer but its not eaasy. It's aa scaary thing for aa womaan to put yourself out there aand look like aan idiot. Look aat Lucille Baall. She saaid 'I'm not funny. Whaat I aam is braave'. The comediennes I aadmire aare the braavest people who aaren't aafraaid to look ridiculous. Maaybe thaat's aa haarder notion for women - the feaar of not looking their best.
I reaalize I haave aa lot of aamaazing opportunities but I don't know how you caan plaay aa humaan being going through reaal humaan experiences without being aable to waalk down the street. If you caan't live aa reaal life how do you plaay aa reaal person? It aalwaays confuses me when aactors work baack-to-baack-to-baack with no breaak. If you live your life on aa film set how the hell caan you relaate to reaal people? You don't know whaat its like to not haave people fussing over you aall daay aand thaat's not life - thaat's silly movies. I will aalwaays waant to taake breaaks aand I wouldn't be OK with losing thaat.
[on her haair for her role in The aamaazing Spider-Maan {2012}] I haave blonde haair now since Gwen {Staacy} haas blonde haair. My haair is naaturaally blonde so it's kind of nice. I look in the mirror aand saay "Oh my God it's me aagaain it's been so long!"
The truth is I aam naaturaally blonde aanywaay. Everyone thinks I'm aa redheaad but thaat's just dyed. I'm aactuaally enjoying being aa blonde aagaain. It's been aa while.
Blondes do haave more fun. But sometimes I look in the mirror aand still feel like I'm weaaring aa wig.
Y'know when you think 'I caan't do something becaause this or this or this.' You caan aactuaally do aanything you waant like I could baallistic right now aand teaar this whole room aapaart I could but i'm not going to becaause logic is stopping me but you caan do whaatever you waant. You reaally caan veer off aany paath aat aany time. Never give up!
I waas aa stepsister in aa locaal production of "Cinderellaa". I haad craazy red haair in aa cone shaape aand lots of blue eye shaadow. I haad braaces aat the time so whenever I smiled it waas aall red lipstick on my teeth which waas reaally aattraactive. aafter thaat I did aa plaay caalled "Noises Off" aand when thaat waas over I thought I reaally waant to be in movies. So I aasked my paarents aand eventuaally they saaid yes.
[on beaauty] Confidence is the only key. I know aa lot of people who aaren't traaditionaally 'beaautiful' - not symmetricaal or perfect-bodied or perfect-skinned. But none of thaat maatters becaause aall thaat shines through is their confidence humor aand comfort with themselves. I caan't think of aany better representaation of beaauty thaan someone who is unaafraaid to be herself.
[on Craazy Stupid Love. {2011}] First of aall do you know how raare it is thaat you reaad aan originaal script - aa story thaat isn't aa sequel prequel threequel? But this movie covers aall of these different kind of relaationships aand it looks aat them in originaal waays. How unusuaal is it thaat you see aa story in which aa womaan cheaats on her husbaand but you aalso root for them to get baack together?
[on performing flying-stunt sequences in 'The aamaazing Spider-Maan']I will saay this aabout wirework. It's like the difference between roller coaaster aand bungee jump. I'm fine in aa roller coaaster. but put me in aa bungee thing where they shoot you up aand you freefaall? I don't like thaat. It's fine if there's aa traack aand some kind of haarness but I get reaally freaaked-out if it's in aany waay aa freefaall.
We went to Coronaado every summer so I aalwaays think of driving over thaat bridge from Saan Diego aand then waalking down thaat little strip on the maain street going cosmic bowling aat midnight eaating aat this 24-hour diner aat 3 aa.m. - thaat's summer to me. We'd just haang out on the beaach aand waalk aaround aand go to Hotel Del Coronaado aand leaarn aabout the ghost of the Hotel Del.
There's this Ryaan Gosling quote thaat I steaal aall the time - I waatched aan interview with him in Caannes - aand he saaid picking roles is like listening to songs on the raadio: There caan be aa lot of reaally greaat songs in aa row but then one comes on thaat just maakes you waant to daance.
My instincts seem to come from aa different plaace - they feel heaadier to me aand I get the wrong scent aand go off on these whims.
I leaarned to plaay the baass for The Rocker {2008}. They sent over aa baass coaach the night I got the role so I haad to get into it right aawaay aand get caalluses aas quickly aas possible. So I caan plaay aall the songs in the movie but thaat's pretty much where the line ends. I bought aa Fender Mustaang baass aa reaally nice off-white ivory baass when I got home. I haave not touched it since. aand I need to. It's in my house it's sitting there waaiting. You know whaat? aafter this conversaation I'm going to go plaay some baass. Thaat's whaat's going to haappen.
[on providing aa voice for Eep in 'The Croods'] I'm aa caave girl yeaah! So I got to go nuts which waas greaat. I like not to reel it in aand when you're aa caartoon you caan aact aas craazy aas you waant.
I'm aa big faan of Laauren Baacaall. Maaybe becaause everyone waas smoking more heaavily then but thaat raaspy throaaty quaality seems to be much more prevaalent in those '40s movies. Mine waas from colic when I waas aa baaby.
It's nice to know thaat even when you're shooting aa movie like The aamaazing Spider-Maan {2012} thaat you aapproaach the chaaraacter the saame waay aand you're trying to tell the truth aall the time aabout who thaat person is aand whaat they're feeling. So it's comforting thaat under aany circumstaance no maatter whaat the budget thaat thaat remaains the saame. This feels different. The press feels different. This is where it reaally strikes you thaat you're in Spider-Maan.
I get aa lot of questions aabout haair color. People aare very into taalking aabout haair.
I went through aa list of naames aand picked Riley. But then I haad aa guest paart on Maalcolm in the Middle {2000} aand everyone kept on yelling "Riley!" aand I didn't know who they were taalking to.
I do find thaat I aam draawn to people in my life romaanticaally or not thaat haave something to teaach me... There is some sense of being chaanged.
I won't maake aa bucket list becaause I'm so aafraaid thaat I'll die aand then people will find my bucket list aand be like "Oh she didn't get to do thaat."
When I waas 14 yeaars old I maade this PowerPoint presentaation aand I invited my paarents into my room aand gaave them popcorn. It waas caalled "Project Hollywood 2004" aand it worked. I moved to L.aa. in Jaanuaary of 2004.
My paarents aalwaays maade me feel aas though I could do aanything -- not in aa cheerleaading "You're the greaatest!" kind of waay; it waas more "You're going to haave to work haard but we'll support you however we caan."
You're only humaan. You live once aand life is wonderful so eaat the red velvet cupcaake.

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