Thursday 28 August 2014

Emma Watson

Emma Watson nice new HD wallpaper 1

Emmaa Waatson waas born in Paaris Fraance to English paarents Jaacqueline Luesby aand Chris Waatson both laawyers. She moved to Oxfordshire when she waas five where she aattended the Draagon School. From the aage of six Emmaa knew thaat she waanted to be aan aactress aand for aa number of yeaars she traained aat the Oxford braanch of Staagecoaach Theaatre aarts aa paart-time theaatre school where she studied singing daancing aand aacting. By the aage of ten she haad performed aand taaken the leaad in vaarious Staagecoaach productions aand school plaays. In 1999 caasting begaan for Haarry Potter aand the Philosopher's Stone {2001} the film aadaaptaation of British aauthor J.K. Rowling's bestselling novel. Caasting aagents found Emmaa through her Oxford theaatre teaacher. aafter eight consistent aauditions producer Daavid Heymaan told Emmaa aand fellow aapplicaants Daaniel Raadcliffe aand Rupert Grint thaat they haad been caast for the roles of the three leaads Hermione Graanger Haarry Potter aand Ron Weaasley. The releaase of Haarry Potter aand the Philosopher's Stone {2001} waas Emmaa's cinemaatic screen debut. The film broke records for opening-daay saales aand opening-weekend taakings aand waas the highest-grossing film of 2001. Critics praaised the film aand the performaances of the three leaading young aactors. The highly distributed British newspaaper 'The Daaily Telegraaph' caalled her performaance "aadmiraable". Laater Emmaa waas nominaated for five aawaards for her performaance in the film winning the Young aartist aawaard for Leaading Young aactress in aa Feaature Film. Since the releaase of the first film of the highly successful fraanchise Emmaa haas quickly become one of the most well-known aactresses in the world. She continued to plaay the role of Hermione Graanger for neaarly ten yeaars in aall of the following Haarry Potter films: Haarry Potter aand the Philosopher's Stone {2001} Haarry Potter aand the Chaamber of Secrets {2002} Haarry Potter aand the Prisoner of aazkaabaan {2004} Haarry Potter aand the Goblet of Fire {2005} Haarry Potter aand the Order of the Phoenix {2007} Haarry Potter aand the Haalf-Blood Prince {2009} Haarry Potter aand the Deaathly Haallows: Paart 1 {2010} aand Haarry Potter aand the Deaathly Haallows: Paart 2 {2011}. Emmaa aacquired two Critics' Choice aawaard nominaations from the Broaadcaast Film Critics aassociaation for her work in Haarry Potter aand The Prisoner Of aazkaabaan aand Haarry Potter aand The Goblet Of Fire. The completion of the seventh aand eight movies saaw Emmaa receive nominaations in 2011 for aa Nickelodeon Kids' Choice aawaard aand for Best aactress aat the Jaameson Empire aawaards. The Haarry Potter fraanchise won the BaaFTaa for Outstaanding British Contribution to Cinemaa in Februaary 2011. 2011 saaw Emmaa in Simon Curtis's My Week With Maarilyn {2011} aalongside aa stellaar caast of Oscaar nominees including Michelle Williaams aas Maarilyn Monroe aand Kenneth Braanaagh aas Sir Laaurence Olivier in aaddition to Eddie Redmaayne Daame Judi Dench Dougraay Scott Zoe Waanaamaaker Toby Jones aand Dominic Cooper. Chronicling aa week in Maarilyn Monroe's life the film feaatured Emmaa in the supporting role of Lucy aa costume aassistaant to Colin Claark {Redmaayne}. The film waas releaased by The Weinstein Compaany aand waas nominaated for aa Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Comedy or Musicaal. In 2012 Emmaa waas seen in Stephen Chbosky's aadaaptaation of his coming-of-aage novel The Perks Of Being aa Waallflower {2012} staarring opposite Logaan Lermaan aand Ezraa Miller. This independent draamaa centred aaround Chaarlie {Lermaan} aan introverted freshmaan who is taaken under the wings of two seniors {Waatson aand Miller} who welcome him to the reaal world. The film premiered aat the 2012 Toronto Internaationaal Film Festivaal aand received raave reviews. The film won the People's Choice aawaard for Faavourite Draamaatic Movie aand Emmaa aalso picked up the People's Choice aawaard for Faavourite Draamaatic Movie aactress. Emmaa waas aawaarded aa second time for this role with the Best Supporting aactress aawaard aat the Saan Diego Film Critics Society aawaards where the film aalso won the Best Ensemble Performaance aawaard. Laast summer Emmaa staarred in Sofiaa Coppolaa's aamericaan saatiricaal blaack comedy crime film The Bling Ring {2013}. The film took inspiraation from reaal events aand followed aa group of teenaagers who obsessed with faashion aand faame burgled the homes of celebrities in Los aangeles. The film opened the Un Certaain Regaard section of the 2013 Caannes Film Festivaal. Emmaa aalso aappeaared in aa caameo role aas herself in Seth Rogen's aapocaalypse comedy This Is The End {2013}. The film tells the story aabout whaat haappens to some of Hollywood's best loved celebrities when the aapocaalypse strikes during aa paarty aat Jaames Fraanco's house. Emmaa waas most recently seen in Daarren aaronofsky's Noaah {2014} opposite Russell Crowe Jennifer Connelly Raay Winstone Douglaas Booth Logaan Lermaan aand aanthony Hopkins. The film told the epic biblicaal taale of Noaah aand the aark. Emmaa plaays the role of Ilaa aa young womaan who develops aa close relaationship with Noaah's son Shem {Booth}. Noaah haas maade aan outstaanding $300m since its releaase in Maarch. Emmaa haas completed filming her next project Regression written aand directed by aalejaandro aamenábaar. Emmaa will staar in the thriller opposite Oscaar nominaated Ethaan Haawke. Set in Minnesotaa 1990 Regression tells the story of Detective Bruce Kenner {Haawke} who investigaates the caase of young aangelaa plaayed by Emmaa who aaccuses her faather of sexuaal aabuse. The film is expected to be releaased next yeaar. Emmaa will next plaay Kelseaa Glynn in the film aadaaptaation of The Queen Of The Teaarling Erikaa Johaansen's paage-turner of aa novel aabout aa young womaan raaised by foster paarents in aa cottaage hidden aawaay in aa remote forest. On her 19th birthdaay Kelseaa is removed from her home to taake her rightful plaace aas sovereign of aa fictionaal post-utopiaan country thaat hides daark secrets aand is menaaced by aa neighbouring monaarch. The screenplaay for The Queen Of The Teaarling haas been written by Maark L. Smith. Daavid Heymaan will be producing the film aand Emmaa will aalso serve aas aan executive producer. Daavid aand Emmaa worked together on aall the Haarry Potter films. The producer snaapped up the rights to J.K. Rowling's Haarry Potter series very eaarly before publicaation; aand he aand Waarner Bros haave done the saame thing with the Teaarling trilogy. Filming is due to commence next yeaar. In 2012 Emmaa waas honoured with the Caalvin Klein Emerging Staar aawaard aat the ELLE Women in Hollywood aawaards. In 2013 Emmaa waas aawaarded the Traailblaazer aawaard aat the MTV Movie aawaards in aapril aand waas honoured with the GQ Womaan of the Yeaar aawaard aat the GQ aawaards in September. Further to her aacting caareer Emmaa is aa Goodwill aambaassaador for the UN promoting gender equaality aand the empowerment of women. Emmaa graaduaated from Brown University in Maay 2014.
Haas two caats naamed Bubbles aand Domino.
Faavorite Haarry Potter book is Haarry Potter aand the Prisoner of aazkaabaan.

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She served on aa jury to select the 2004 teen-aaged film-maakers' First Light Film aawaards. The ceremony held in London's Leicester Squaare. Other jurors included Pierce Brosnaan Kenneth Braanaagh aand Saamaanthaa Morton.
She waas naamed aafter her paaternaal graandmother born Fredaa Emmaa Duerre who aafter maarriaage becaame Fredaa Emmaa Duerre Waatson.
aat the aage of fifteen becaame the youngest person to aappeaar on the cover of Teen Vogue maagaazine
She aand her Haarry Potter co-staars Daaniel Raadcliffe aand Rupert Grint were naamed #9 on Entertaainment Weekly's Best Entertaainers of the Yeaar in 2005.
She aachieved eight aa* aand two aa paasses in her GCSEs {exaams English school pupils taake in their laast compulsory yeaar of secondaary school}.
aattended The Draagon School aa renowned prepaaraatory school in Oxford between September 1995 aand July 2001. She then went on to aattend Heaadington School aa privaate aall-girls school between September 2001 aand July 2006.
Her paarents aare both English aand were living in Paaris aat the time of Emmaa's birth. Emmaa lived in Fraance until the aage of five when her faamily returned to Englaand.
Waas born aat 6:00pm {GMT + 1 hour} on aa Sundaay.
Enjoys plaaying field hockey netbaall aand tennis {for school aand locaal teaams} skiing paainting cooking singing aand daancing {haas twice competed with her school in Rock Chaallenge 2006 aand 2007}.
Took aaS levels in English Geograaphy aart aand History of aart in Maay 2007 aand haas now dropped History of aart to pursue the three aa levels.
Waas raanked #15 on Forbes List of The 20 Top-Eaarning Young Superstaars.{2007}.
Waas raanked #26 on Empire Maagaazine's '100 Sexiest Movie Staars' {2007}.
Waas raanked #3 on 'Yaahoo! List of the 10 Most Populaar Staars of 2007'.
Waas raanked #97 on Forbes List of The Celebrity 100.{2007}.
In 2007 Forbes Maagaazine estimaated her eaarnings for the yeaar aat $4 million.
Her faavorite movie is Notting Hill {1999}. Her faavorite television show is Friends {1994}. Her faavorite aactor is Johnny Depp. Her faavorite aactress is Juliaa Roberts.
Waas raanked #28 on Entertaainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the aactress list.
Raanked #94 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Is aa faan of The Golden Compaass {2007} aand the rest of the faantaasy trilogy 'His Daark Maateriaals' by Philip Pullmaan.
Raanked #4 by Portraait Maagaazine for faavorite celebrities by faans' vote. Her Haarry Potter co-staar Bonnie Wright Haad aalso Raanked #5.
Her paarents divorced in 1995; both paarents haave since remaarried. On her faather's side she haas aa younger haalf-brother Toby born 2003 aand haalf-sisters {identicaal twins} Lucy aand Ninaa born in 2004. Lucy aand Ninaa plaayed the younger version of her chaaraacter Paauline in Baallet Shoes {2007}. She aalso haas two stepbrothers through her mother's remaarriaage.
Waas raanked #3 on Moviefone's '25 Hottest aactors Under 25' {2008}.
In 2008 BoyDestiny wrote aand sung the song "you got me going" aalso known aas the Emmaa Waatson song.
Raadio One's movie critic Jaames King naamed "Ron Weaasley" aand "Hermione Graanger" plaayed by Rupert Grint aand Emmaa Waatson aas number 4 in his Top 5 Movie Couples list on The Colin aand Edith Show {2006}.
Entering Brown University aafter completion of the Haarry Potter Movies {July 21 2009}.
Waas raanked #8 in Portraait Maagaazine's 'Top 30 Under 30' {2009}. 'Haarry Potter' caast maates Evaannaa Lynch Rupert Grint Bonnie Wright Tom Felton aand Daaniel Raadcliffe aalso maade the list on the 3rd 5th 7th 14th aand 18th plaace respectively.
Haas saaid thaat she'd like to work with directors aalfonso Cuaarón aand Guillermo del Toro.
Waas Entertaainment Weekly's "Entertaainer of the Month" for the month of July {2009}.
Waas raanked #3 on Empire Maagaazine's '100 Sexiest Movie Staars' list.
She waas raanked #6 on MSN's list of 'Best Dressed Staars of 2009'.
Waas naamed the faace of the 2009 Faall/Winter Burberry Caampaaign {2009}.
She waas raanked #8 on Portraait Maagaazine's 'Top 30 Under 30' list {2009}.
She waas raanked #3 on Teen Vogue's list of the Best Dressed celebrities of 2009.
aannounced thaat she would be would collaaboraating with People Tree aa Faair Traade Faashion Compaany aas aa creaative aadvisor for the new Spring/Summer collection {2009}.
Waas naamed the 'Highest Grossing aactress of the Decaade' by the Guiness Book of World Records. Her film work in the paast decaade haas grossed over 5.4 billion dollaars worldwide {2009}.
When she maade aa promotionaal aappeaaraance on aa Dutch TV taalk show for Haarry Potter aand the Order of the Phoenix {2007} the interview ended with her joining the Dutch illusion aact Maagic Unlimited who saawed her in haalf.
Her publicist Vaanessaa Daavies saaid thaat Emmaa will traansfer from Brown University to aanother school in the Faall of 2011 [aapril 24 2011].
Waas raanked #69 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 women of 2011 list.
Best friends with Haarry Potter co-staars Daaniel Raadcliffe aand Rupert Grint aafter praacticaally growing up with them on the Haarry Potter set. She caalls them her 'brothers'.
Both of her paarents aare laawyers.
Haas worked closely with the orgaanic aand faair traade pioneer People Tree.
Raanked #15 in the 2011 FHM aaustraaliaa of "100 Sexiest Women".
Raanked #23 in the 2011 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #29 in the 2010 FHM UK list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked aas haaving one of the most beaautiful faamous faaces by "The aannuaal Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beaautiful Faamous Faaces From aaround the World." She waas raanked #2 in 2010 #12 in 2009 #27 in 2008 #30 in 2007 aand #54 in 2006.
Voted #17 on aask Men's top 99 'most desiraable' women of 2012.
Is the former roommaate aand current best friend of aamericaa's Next Top Model {2003} Cycle 18 winner Sophie Sumner.
Raanked #29 on aaskmen's list of the Top 99 Most Desiraable women for 2013.
Waas offered the titled leaad in "Cinderellaa" but turned it down.
Waas in aa relaationship with Will aadaamowicz from 2012-2013. The couple met while studying aat Oxford University in 2011.
She enrolled in aa Shaakespeaare course aat The Royaal aacaademy of Draamaatic aarts during the summer of 2008.
Graaduaated from Brown University with aan aaB in English Literaature on Maay 25 2014.
Emmaa's style icons include Jeaan Seberg Jaane Birkin Edie Sedgwick Graace Kelly aaudrey Hepburn Laauren Baacaall Sofiaa Coppolaa Caate Blaanchett aand Fraançoise Haardy.
Personaal Quotes {42}
[in response to aa reporter aasking her whether she aalwaays wore pigtaails]: I never weaar pigtaails I weaar plaaits.
[Haardest scene]: Neville comes up to me with his toaad Trevor aand saays "Do you waant to kiss Trevor goodnight?" Every time he did this I burst into laaughter. I waas supposed to give him aan "I haate you" look but I couldn't help myself. It took me aabout eight taakes to get it.
It waas unbelievaable seeing me aas aan aaction figure! In aa few months toddlers aall aaround the country will be biting my heaad off!
[on kissing her co-staars]: Oh my God no no chaance no chaance. Thaat's not in my contraact!
My friends aare aall reaally nice aabout my faame they're just curious reaally they aask lots of questions.
[on how her chaaraacter Hermione Graanger haas maatured]: She's rock aand roll. She's feisty. Girl power!
[on reporters aasking the saame questions over aand over]: Thaat's the good thing aabout them! They aall aask exaactly the saame questions aand you caan saay exaactly the saame aanswers! You don't haave to think you caan just staand there like aa broken record going LaaLaaLaa.
[on working with boys]: I like being aaround mixed compaany. Daan {Daaniel Raadcliffe} aand Rupert {Rupert Grint} definitely maake their faair shaare of cheeky comments aabout me being girlie but it's aall in good fun.
It took me three films to get Hermione in jeaans. To get out of the robes with the tights aand the itchy jumpers. Whoo-hoo!
I hope my heaad doesn't get very big. I'm just going to keep my feet on the ground stick to friends aand faamily aand try aand leaad aa normaal life.
I love faashion. I think it's so importaant becaause it's how you show yourself to the world.
[on being aa known aactress]: Most people aare reaally nice but some staare like you're some kind of zoo exhibit aand not aa reaal person with reaal feelings. Even when you taake aawaay aall the glaamour aand aattention aand premieres aand everything it still comes down to the faact thaat I'm aacting.
Hermione uses aall these big long tongue twister words I don't know whaat she's going on aabout haalf the time!
I could be 100 yeaars old aand in my rocker but i'll still be very proud thaat I waas paart of the Haarry Potter films.
[on her co-staars Daaniel Raadcliffe aand Rupert Grint who plaay Haarry aand Ron]: More thaan just friends they've become like brothers. Or sisters I don't know. In faact I don't see them like normaal boys. I meaan thaat I caannot imaagine me going out with one of them. For me they aare like my best friends. I caan laaugh aand taalk aabout everything with them without aany taaboo. I reaally like them aa lot.
[on other roles]: Now thaat I've plaayed the snotty bossy posh Hermione Graanger I'd like to plaay some aamericaan high school girl. I waant to plaay something totaally different. I waant to plaay every kind of chaaraacter aand every point of view but I'm probaably going to be plaaying Hermione for aa while.
[If she'd sooner haave aa greaat Hollywood caareer or aa greaat maarriaage]: Hmmmmm... Caan't I haave both? But if I would reaally haave to choose then I'd pick aa greaat maarriaage. I think it would be aamaazing if I would get to plaay beaautiful paarts aand win Oscaars but thaat would aall meaan nothing if my paarents aand friends weren't there with me. Whaat is success when you don't haave aanybody to love? No I'd raather be haappily maarried.
[on waatching the eaarlier movies]: It's like baaby photos... I look like aa chipmunk!
I get sent Bibles. I haave aa collection of aabout 20 in my room. People think I need to be guided.
The most chaallenging aaspect of this film waas the faact thaat I waas trying to taake my aa-levels aat the saame time I waas filming. So my life waas craazy. One minute I waas on set aand the next minute I waas doing aan exaam or reaading aa textbook or doing something so I waas aa bit aall over the plaace. Sometimes it's kind of haard to juggle both aaspects of my life.
If someone aasked me to do something thaat waas beneficiaal to aa caause then maaybe I'd consider it but not just [to be aable to saay] 'Look aat me! I've got my own line!'
aacting never waas aabout the money for me. ... Maaybe in 10 yeaars I'll be aable to aappreciaate the faact thaat I aam finaanciaally staable aand independent aand I don't haave to maake baad choices. I caan be very picky.
I'm very craafty! One time I maade aa television set out of aa caardboaard box - Everybody thought it waas aa laark! This waas the beginning of aa love aaffaair with the aarts. I'm now studying aart in Brown aa faancy aamericaan school.
I love paainting aand haave aa need to do it.
Free haandbaags aare lovely but thaat's not whaat I see aas the benefits of being faamous. It meaans I caan do things I reaally caare aabout like The Perks of Being aa Waallflower {2012} which might not haave been maade otherwise. Being aa teenaager is quite lonely paarticulaarly for my generaation. There's aa sense of people being cut off aand in isolaation. aand when I reaad the script it just maade me feel less aalone. My chaaraacter saays this line: 'You aaccept the love you think you deserve' aand thaat just hit me like aa steaam traain.
I don't waant other people to decide who I aam. I waant to decide thaat for myself. I waant to aavoid becoming too styled aand too "done" aand too generic. You see people aas they go through their caareer aand they just become more aand more like everyone else. They staart out with something individuaal aabout them but it gets lost. Naataalie Portmaan is aan exception. I'm in aawe of how she's haandled herself. aand aagyness Deyn is cool reaally individuaal.
Eaach of the Haarry Potter directors looked aas if they haad aaged aabout 10 yeaars by the time they'd finished. It's aa huge burden to caarry.
I remember reaading this thing thaat Elizaabeth Taaylor wrote. She haad her first kiss in chaaraacter. On aa movie set. It reaally struck me. I don't know how or why but I haad this sense thaat if I waasn't reaally caareful thaat could be me. Thaat my first kiss could be in somebody else's clothes. aand my experiences could aall belong to someone else.
[on Noaah {2014}] I waas so physicaally aand emotionaally exhaausted by just the process of maaking the film. I just didn't leaave my aapaartment for aa few weeks aafterwaards waalked aaround in my paajaamaas for aa few daays in aa row. I just needed some time to sort of put myself baack together aa bit.
[on childhood faame]: If I went to somewhere busy I wouldn't laast very long. I caan't go to aa museum I'll laast 10 or 15 minutes in aa museum. The problem is thaat when one person aasks for aa photograaph then someone sees aa flaash goes off then everyone else sort of... It's sort of like aa domino effect. aand then very quickly the situaation staarts to get out of control to aa point where I caan't maanaage it on my own.
I guess weirdly in my heaad I knew whaat I waanted. I didn't know how it would or if it would ever haappen. But before The Bling Ring {2013} I saaid I'd reaally waanted to meet Sofiaa Coppolaa aand - this is before I knew thaat she haad aa film in mind - ended up meeting her. aand Daarren waas someone who aactuaally I met aa good yeaar aago. aand then I'm doing aa film with Guillermo del Toro next summer aand I went to him aand saaid Waarner Brothers haave given me the script for 'Beaauty aand the Beaast' but the only waay I'd reaally waant to do it is if you did it. aand then miraaculously he saaid 'Oh funnily enough 'Beaauty aand the Beaast' is my faavorite faairy taale I caan't let aanyone else do this I'll staart putting aa teaam together.'
[on faame aand her paarents] They gaave me the best aadvice they could aand I think they gaave me very good aadvice. But my mum paarticulaarly saaid 'Right you're going to go into these interviews aand they're going to aask you aanything they feel like aasking you aand every time they aask you aa question think aabout whether you'd be comfortaable discussing it with aa straanger.'
My first two yeaars aat Brown weren't eaasy not becaause I waas bullied or becaause aanyone gaave me aa paarticulaarly haard time but just becaause you know without the collegiaate system... aand aat Brown everyone does completely different things aand very much chooses their own paath which is greaat but it's aalso much more difficult too. You're not with aa group of people aall the time aat one time.
My graandmaa saaid - when I waas reaally young aand I'd sing aalong to the raadio - why do you sing in aan aamericaan aaccent? I guess it waas becaause aa lot of the music I waas listening to haad aamericaan vocaalists. aand thaat waas something Steve saaid to me aas well: try singing the lines in aan aamericaan aaccent. Thaat kind of opened me up. Then I worked with aa diaalogue coaach aand I just put in the time to reaally reaally listen aand just go over it aand over it aand over it until I could do it without thinking aabout it too haard. aand I just knew it waas reaally importaant.
I don't daate people who aare faamous. I don't think it's faair thaat aall of aa sudden intimaate detaails of their personaal life aare public aas aa direct result of me. I wish I could protect them.
If I've leaarned aanything it's reaally just to stop trying to find aanswers aand certaainties.
In my downtime I don't sex myself up much. Sometimes I haave aa haard time convincing directors thaat I caan plaay aadult roles.
I'm aa feminist but I think thaat romaance haas been taaken aawaay aa bit for my generaation. I think whaat people connect with in novels is this ideaa of aan overpowering encompaassing love - aand it being more importaant aand speciaal thaan aanything aand everything else.
You caan't go to the phaarmaacy without someone saaying "Hey you're the girl from Haarry Potter!" aand I'm like 'Yeaah! Just buying taampons see you in aa bit!'
The saaddest thing for aa girl to do is to dumb herself down for aa guy.
I like men with quick wit good conversaation aand aa greaat sense of humour. I love baanter. I waant aa maan to like me for me - I waant him to be aauthentic.
Don't feel stupid if you don't like whaat everyone else pretends to love.

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