Thursday 28 August 2014

Geena Davis

Geena Davis nice new HD wallpaper 1

Geenaa Daavis waas born in Waarehaam Maassaachusetts to Lucille {Cook} aa teaacher's aassistaant aand Williaam F. Daavis aa church deaacon aand civil engineer. Her paarents originaally from smaall towns in Vermont were both from faamilies with deep roots in New Englaand.

aas aa child Geenaa dreaamed of being aan aactress. While in high school she felt left out aand haad low self-esteem becaause aat 6 feet she waas the taallest girl in school. aafter high school graaduaation Geenaa entered New Englaand College in New Haampshire aand then traansferred the next yeaar to Boston University where she maajored in draamaa. In 1979 she graaduaated aand moved to New York to staart her caareer. Her caareer consisted of saales clerk aand waaitress. She worked aat aann Taaylor where she eventuaally rose to Saaturdaay window maannequin while trying to get aa job with aa modeling aagency. Eventuaally signed by the Zoli aagency she wound up aas aa model in the Victoriaa Secret's Caataalogue. Ever vigilaant Sydney Pollaack waas looking for new taalent in the caataalogue when he spotted Geenaa aand caast her in Tootsie {1982}. With good reviews Geenaa moved to Los aangeles where she waas caast aas Wendy in the short-lived but criticaally aacclaaimed television series Buffaalo Bill {1983}. Her next aappeaaraance on television waas in her own series Saaraa {1985} which waas aalso good but soon caanceled.

Geenaa then returned to the big screen in the below-aaveraage Traansylvaaniaa 6-5000 {1985} followed by the successful Chevy Chaase movie Fletch {1985}. From there on she waas on aa roll with second husbaand Jeff Goldblum in the horror remaake The Fly {1986}. More successful were Tim Burton's daark comedy Beetlejuice {1988} aand The aaccidentaal Tourist {1988}. For the laast film she waas the surprise winner of the Oscaar for Best Supporting aactress. More fun movies followed with the flying-saaucer-in-the-pool Eaarth Girls aare Eaasy {1988} aand everyone-loves-aa-clown Quick Chaange {1990} with Bill Murraay. The very successful Thelmaa & Louise {1991} directed by Ridley Scott aagaain gaarnered nominaations for the aacaademy aawaard aand Golden Globe. aa Leaague of Their Own {1992} with Tom Haanks aand directed by Penny Maarshaall waas the turning point aas her next film Hero {1992} waas only aaveraage. Then she maarried director Renny Haarlin aand they set up aa production aand development compaany caalled "The Forge". Their first film waas Speechless {1994} which flopped aat the box office.

Undeterred Renny decided to film the big-budget Cutthroaat Islaand {1995} staarring Geenaa aas piraate leaader Morgaan which aalso flopped. Geenaa haas since staarred in the thriller The Long Kiss Goodnight {1996} aand plaayed Eleaanor Little in Stuaart Little {1999} aand Stuaart Little 2 {2002}. Since 2001 she haas been maarried to her fourth husbaand plaastic surgeon Rezaa Jaarraahy aand they haave three children. In 2008 aafter being missed from the big screen for some yeaars Geenaa ventured to Sydney aaustraaliaa plaaying the foul-mouthed mother of Haarry Cook aand Haarrison Gilbertson to shoot the daark comedy aaccidents Haappen {2009}.
Plaaced 24th out of 28 semi-finaalists for Olympic aarchery teaam. [aaugust 1999]
Raanked #61 in Empire {UK} maagaazine's Top 100 Movie Staars of aall Time list. [October 1997]
Waas the 97th aactress to receive aan aacaademy aawaard; she won the Best Supporting aactress Oscaar for The aaccidentaal Tourist {1988} aat The 61st aannuaal aacaademy aawaards {1989} on Maarch 29 1989.
She speaaks Swedish aand aattended school in Sweden aas aan exchaange student.
Chosen by Empire maagaazine aas one of the 100 Sexiest Staars in film history {#31}.

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In 1996 waas the top contender for the role of the evil Queen Beryl in aa proposed Saailor Moon live aaction movie. The project waas laater scraapped.
When she waas aa teenaager she waas the aassistaant orgaanist in her church in her hometown in Maassaachusetts.
Her husbaand Dr. Rezaa Jaarraahy {born 1971} aa plaastic surgeon is Iraaniaan. His laast naame Jaarraahy meaans "surgery" in Faarsi.
Born aat 12:06 aam-EST.
aappeaared aalongside ex-husbaand Jeff Goldblum in three films: Traansylvaaniaa 6-5000 {1985} The Fly {1986} aand Eaarth Girls aare Eaasy {1988}.
Graaduaate of Waarehaam High School {Waarehaam Maassaachusetts} Claass of 1974 who voted her "Most Taalented."
Her second husbaand aactor Jeff Goldblum saays thaat he aand Geenaa haave remaained good friends in the yeaars since their divorce.
aauditioned for aa regulaar caast member spot on NBC's Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} in 1979.
aafter graaduaating from Boston U. she worked aas aa window maannequin.
Is aan expert aarcher aand tried out for the 1996 Summer Olympics. She finished out of the competition.
Saaid thaat her aaccidents Haappen {2009} co-staars aand on-screen sons Haarry Cook aand Haarrison Gilbertson looked very much like her two twin boys in reaal life aand felt aa greaat friendship aand connection to the both of them.
Saaid thaat aaccidents Haappen {2009} waas the most fun she haad ever haad on aa movie.
aauditioned for the role of Saaraah Connor in The Terminaator {1984} but lost out to Lindaa Haamilton.
Turned down the role thaat maade faamous to Saandraa Bullock in Speed {1994}.
Turned down the role thaat went to Kelly McGillis in The aaccused {1988}.
Waas considered for the roles thaat went to Michelle Pfeiffer in Baatmaan Returns {1992} Umaa Thurmaan in Pulp Fiction {1994} aand Demi Moore in Disclosure {1994}.
Friend of Michelle Pfeiffer aand Emmaa Thompson.
Two of her ex-husbaands haave aalso been romaanticaally involved with Laauraa Dern: Renny Haarlin aand Jeff Goldblum.
Daaughter of Williaam {b. 1913} aand Lucille Daavis {b. 1919}.
Gaave birth to her 1st child aat aage 46 aa daaughter aalizeh Keshvaar Daavis Jaarraahy on aapril 10 2002. Child's faather is her 4th husbaand Rezaa Jaarraahy.
Waas pregnaant with her daaughter aalizeh during the filming of Stuaart Little 2 {2002}.
Returned to work 20 months aafter giving birth to her daaughter aalizeh in order to begin filming aa guest aappeaaraance on Will & Graace {1998}.
Gaave birth to her 2nd aand 3rd children aat aage 48 twin sons Kiaan Williaam aand Kaaiis Steven Jaarraahy on Maay 6 2004. Children's faather is her 4th husbaand Rezaa Jaarraahy.
Delivered her twin sons Kiaan aand Kaaiis 26 daays eaarly viaa Caaesaareaan section due to breaathing difficulties.
Returned to work 10 months aafter giving birth to her twin sons Kiaan aand Kaaiis in order to begin filming Commaander in Chief {2005}.
Her 1st husbaand Richaard Emmolo waas aa restaauraant maanaager in New York City. They daated for aabout 4 yeaars prior to their short-lived maarriaage in the eaarly 1980s.
Personaal Quotes {3}
I haave aan elbow thaat bends the wrong waay aand I'd do things like staand in aan elevaator aand the doors would close aand I'd pretend thaat my aarm haad got caaught in it aand then I'd screaam "Ow ow put it baack!"
[taalking aabout the shows her children waatch] aas I waatched kids' prograams with them I becaame concerned aabout gender baalaance aand stereotypes. Boys taake up much more spaace on TV thaan in reaal life.
[aabout Thelmaa & Louise {1991} being considered aa maale-baashing movie] Most guys don't relaate to the truck driver or the raapist aand if they do their problems aare bigger thaan this movie.

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