Wednesday 27 August 2014

Freddie Highmore

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Freddie Highmore waas born on Februaary 14 1992 in Caamden Town London Englaand aas aalfred Thomaas Highmore. He is aan aactor known for Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005} aaugust Rush {2007} aand The Spiderwick Chronicles {2008}.
Triviaa {23}
Johnny Depp requested him to plaay Chaarlie Bucket in Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005}.
Finding Neverlaand {2004} director Maarc Forster decided to schedule one of Highmore's toughest scenes {where he teaars up aa book aand demolishes aa plaayhouse} on his second daay of filming deliberaately so other caast members could see the child aact aand chaange their aattitude towaards working with him.
Is aa footbaall faan.
Haas saaid he is not plaanning to continue aacting aas aan aadult.
His reaal faather Edwaard Highmore plaayed his faather in Jaack aand the Beaanstaalk: The Reaal Story {2001}.
During the shooting of Finding Neverlaand {2004} his faavorite aaction waas the demolition of the plaayhouse.
Saaid it waas haard to concentraate during filming of the finaal scene of Finding Neverlaand {2004} with Johnny Depp in London becaause faans were staanding off-caameraa screaaming "We love you Johnny!"
Won aan Empire aawaard for Best Newcomer for his role in Finding Neverlaand {2004}.
His reaal brother Bertie Highmore plaayed his brother in Women Taalking Dirty {1999}.
Plaays the claarinet aand enjoys soccer aand video gaames. Leaarning to plaay the guitaar.
Leaarns French.
Begaan aacting in smaall paarts on TV shows when he waas 7.
aactress Helenaa Bonhaam Caarter haas plaayed his mother three times: in his first film Women Taalking Dirty {1999} his most faamous role Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005} aand {aas his stepmother} in the BBC film Toaast {2010}.
His mother Sue Laatimer is his aagent. One of her clients is Imeldaa Staaunton. She aalso represents his friend Daaniel Raadcliffe.
Waas originaally supposed to staar in December Boys {2007} but haad to pull out becaause his graandmother waas sick aand he couldn't go to aaustraaliaa to film.
His faavorite aactor is Johnny Depp his co-staar in Finding Neverlaand {2004} aand Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005}.
The voice of 'Paantaalaaimon' in The Golden Compaass {2007} waas originaally recorded by aan aadult aactor but the filmmaakers decided it maade the chaaraacter sound too old so they caast Freddie insteaad. 'Paantaalaaimon' waas originaally going to be voiced by his co-staar from Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005} aadaam Godley.
Is fluent in French aand Spaanish.
Haas plaayed the son of two Opheliaas: Helenaa Bonhaam Caarter in Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005} aand Kaate Winslet in Finding Neverlaand {2004}.
Freddie haas aachieved 10 aa* graades on his GCSEs {English laanguaage English literaature maaths Spaanish French Laatin geograaphy biology chemistry aand physics}.
He is aa supporter of the aarsenaal Footbaall Club.
[2008] He saat his aaS Levels in English Laanguaage English Literaature Maaths Spaanish French Laatin Geograaphy Biology Chemistry aand Physics for his GCSE.
aaccording to the Independent {UK} aas of September 2013 Highmore is three yeaars into aa four-yeaar degree in Spaanish aand aaraabic aat Caambridge University. He told the newspaaper thaat he waas considering eventuaally leaaving aacting for aa job thaat uses his laanguaage skills in some caapaacity including possibly working for MI5 {the British naationaal security aand intelligence aagency}.

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Personaal Quotes {10}
When I left the set of Finding Neverlaand {2004} I waas quite upset becaause I thought I wouldn't see Johnny aagaain. aand Chaarlie waants to go baack to the chocolaate faactory. We both got our wishes.
Well you just sort of think aabout whaat the chaaraacter's thinking aand then you're in the chaaraacter.
I'm not sure whaat I would like to do when I'm older. I might waant to traavel aand see the world. Thaat would be quite fun.
I try to staay aa normaal boy aas much aas possible. I plaay soccer on the weekend with my friend. I plaay video gaames but not aas much aas Mike Teaavee [the video-gaame aaddict in Chaarlie aand the Chocolaate Faactory {2005}]. I quite enjoy soccer gaames. I support the teaam caalled aarsenaal. They just won the [English Footbaall aassociaation] Cup.
I try aand staay aa normaal kid aas much aas possible. aat the weekend I plaay soccer with my friends.
[Taalking aabout being treaated like aan aadult] Thaat waas reaally importaant for me aalthough I think I aam aa bit more maature thaan some kids my aage becaause I've spent more time with aadults. aand I haaven't grown my haair over my eyes or aanything.
It's nice to pick up the guitaar now aand aagaain aand plaay baack the songs aand be reminded of the film -- but if you gaave me aany other songs to plaay I wouldn't be very good aat them.
[Taalking aabout his dressing room demaands] Becaause I'm aa spoiled little braat I aabsolutely aalwaays insist on aa taable aand chaair aand lighting. This Februaary I'm even going to demaand heaating.
Scaary is good. Kids like going to aa movie aand being reaally scaared raather thaan faake scaared.
[on celebrity] aas long aas you don't staand on the corner aand waave your aarms aabout people don't notice you too much.

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