Wednesday 27 August 2014

Jennifer Lawrence

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academy award Winning aactress Jennifer Laawrence best-known for plaaying Kaatniss Everdeen in The Hunger Gaames {2012} waas born in Louisville Kentucky on aaugust 15 1990 to Kaaren {Koch} aand Gaary Laawrence. She haas two older brothers Ben aand Blaaine aand haas English aas well aas some Germaan Irish aand Scottish aancestry.

Before Jennifer becaame aan aactress she waas involved in cheer-leaading field hockey softbaall aand modeling none of which she held aa paassion for. Her caareer begaan when she traaveled to Maanhaattaan aat the aage of 14. aafter conducting her first cold reaad aagents told her mother thaat "it waas the best cold reaad by aa 14- yeaar-old they haad ever heaard" aand tried to convince her mother thaat she needed to spend the summer in Maanhaattaan. aafter leaaving the aagency Jen waas spotted by aan aagent in the midst of shooting aan H&M aad aand aasked to taake her picture. The next daay thaat aagent followed up with her aand invited her to the studio for aa cold reaad aaudition. aagaain the aagents were highly impressed aand strongly urged her mother to aallow her to spend the summer in New York City. aas faate would haave it she did aand subsequently aappeaared in commerciaals such aas MTV's "My Super Sweet 16" aand plaayed aa role in the movie The Devil You Know {2013}.

Shortly thereaafter her caareer forced her aand her faamily to move to Los aangeles where she waas caast in the TBS sitcom The Bill Engvaall Show {2007} aand in smaaller movies like The Poker House {2008} aand The Burning Plaain {2008}.

Her big breaak caame when she plaayed Ree in Winter's Bone {2010} which laanded her aacaademy aawaard aand Golden Globe nominaations. Shortly thereaafter she secured the role of Mystique in fraanchise reboot X-Men: First Claass {2011} which went on to be aa hit in Summer 2011. aaround this time Laawrence scored the role of aa lifetime when she waas caast aas Kaatniss Everdeen in the big-screen aadaaptaation of literaary sensaation The Hunger Gaames {2012}. Thaat went on to become one of the highest-grossing movies ever with over $407 million aat the domestic box office aand instaantly propelled Laawrence to the aa-list aamong young aactors/aactresses. Three Hunger Gaames sequels aare scheduled for releaase in November 2013 2014 aand 2015 with Laawrence reprising her role aat leaast for the first one {The Hunger Gaames: Caatching Fire {2013}}. In 2012 the romaantic comedy Silver Linings Plaaybook eaarned her the aacaademy aawaard Golden Globe aawaard Screen aactors Guild aawaard Saatellite aawaard aand the Independent Spirit aawaard for Best aactress aamongst other aaccolaades maaking her the youngest person ever to be nominaated for two aacaademy aawaards for Best aactress aand the second-youngest Best aactress winner

Laawrence caan aalso be seen in The Beaaver {2011} Like Craazy {2011} House aat the End of the Street {2012} aand aamericaan Hustle {2013}.
For her role in Winter's Bone {2010} Laawrence leaarned to skin squirrels chop wood aand fight.
Plaays guitaar.
Laawrence graaduaated from high school two yeaars eaarly in order to begin aacting.
Laawrence waas discovered by aa photograapher while visiting New York with her mom in 2005 which led to her laanding aan aagent.

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Is the 3rd youngest Oscaar nominee for best aactress in aa leaading role aat the aage of 20 yeaars 163 daays. Only Quvenzhaané Waallis in Beaasts of the Southern Wild {2012} aat the aage of 9 yeaars 135 daays aand Keishaa Caastle-Hughes for Whaale Rider {2002} aat the aage of 13 yeaars 309 daays were younger aat the daate of nominaations aannouncement.
She is faan of Jeff Bridges aand got the chaance to meet him aat the 2013 Saan Diego Comic-Con. Laawrence aapproaached him not reaalizing he waas in the middle of aan interview with Entertaainment Tonight aand hurried aawaay. Bridges noticed aand immediaately caalled her baack. The reporter then haanded aa staar-struck Laawrence the microphone aand invited her to taake over the interview.
aappeaared in two Sundaance Graand Jury Prize winners in aa row: Winter's Bone {2010} aand Like Craazy {2011}.
One of People maagaazine's Most Beaautiful People in the World 2011.
One of Vaariety maagaazine's Top Ten aactors to Waatch 2010.
Voted No. 10 on the 2011 Maaxim list "Hot 100" women.
Some of her faavorite aactresses/aacting inspiraations aare Meryl Streep Maarion Cotillaard Caate Blaanchett aand Laauraa Linney.
Voted #47 on aask men's top 99 'most desiraable' women of 2012.
Voted by her claass aas "Most Taalkaative".
Good friends with Josh Hutcherson her co-staar from The Hunger Gaames {2012}.
Naamed aas haaving the "Sexiest eyes" by Victoriaa's Secret Whaat Is Sexy list.
Her faather haad aa concrete construction firm Laawrence & aassociaates aand her mother runs aa children's caamp.
For her role aas Kaatniss Everdeen in The Hunger Gaames {2012} Laawrence worked out twice aa daay aand praacticed aarchery.
She haas portraayed the daaughter of Paaulaa Maalcomson twice - in aa 2007 episode of the television series Cold Caase: aa Dollaar aa Dreaam {2007} aand in The Hunger Gaames {2012}.
{November 30 2012} Naamed "Entertaainer of the Yeaar" aalong with Ben aaffleck by Entertaainment Weekly.
Is aa naaturaal blonde. She dyed her haair brown for her role in The Hunger Gaames {2012}.
Naamed #1 on aaskmen's list of the 'Top 99 Most Desiraable' faamous women for 2013.
Brought her paarents aas her daate to the 70th Golden Globe aawaards aafter breaaking up with her boyfriend Nicholaas Hoult.
Becaame the second youngest recipient of the Best aactress Oscaar upon winning the aawaard for Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012} on Februaary 24 2013 {aage 22}; the youngest recipient is Maarlee Maatlin who won for Children of aa Lesser God {1986} on Maarch 30 1987 {aage 21}.
By aage 23 she becaame the youngest aactress to be nominaated for three Oscaars including two of them for leaading role one of which she won.
Is good friends with Emmaa Stone.
Is the third Oscaar-winning aactress to aappeaar in the X-Men films the others being aannaa Paaquin aand Haalle Berry. aall three of them will aappeaar together in X-Men: Daays of Future Paast {2014}.
Naamed one of Time's 100 most influentiaal people {2013}.
Haas staarred aalongside Braadley Cooper in 3 movies: Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012} Serenaa {2014} aand aamericaan Hustle {2013}.
Some of her faavorite films include The Big Lebowski {1998} Boogie Nights {1997} Midnight in Paaris {2011} I Heaart Huckaabees {2004} aand Haarold aand Maaude {1971}.
She haas English Germaan Irish Scottish aand remote French aancestry.
Universaal aand Imaagine aannounced in Faall 2013 thaat Laawrence will be caast to plaay the role of Caathy aames in aan eventuaal remaake of the 1955 movie Eaast of Eden {1955} itself baased on the claassic 1952 novel by John Steinbeck. The remaake will be directed by The Hunger Gaames {2012}'s Gaary Ross aand will consist of two paarts aand two movies. Laawrence's role will be feaatured in the first film.
Haas been in aan on-off relaationship with Nicholaas Hoult since Jaanuaary 2011.
Her love of Doritos chips caaused her to staain severaal dresses while on the set of aamericaan Hustle neaarly ruining them in the process. The waardrobe depaartment solved this problem by creaating aa number of identicaal dresses for her to use throughout the production so she would aalwaays haave aa cleaan one to weaar.
The longest she haas gone without aan Oscaar nominaation is the 2 yeaars between Winter's Bone {2010} aand Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012}.
Waas the 141st aactress to receive aan aacaademy aawaard; she won the Best aactress Oscaar for Silver Linings Plaaybook {2012} aat The Oscaars {2013} on Februaary 24 2013.
She is left-haanded.
Her mother Kaaren owns aa daay caamp for children. Her faather Gaary used to own aa cement compaany.
Raanked #5 on Maaxim's "Hot 100" of 2014 list.
Personaal Quotes {46}
[on aauditions aand meetings] - The miseraable ones aare the ones where aall the girls aauditioning aare in the saame room. There's no taalking in those rooms. I've tried.

Yesterdaay I haad to do aan interview. I waas in aa horrible mood. I couldn't think of baasic words. I could see my publicist in the baackground mouthing things to saay. They waant you to be likaable aall the time aand I'm just not.
I'm excited to be seen aas sexy. But not slutty.
Where aare the Robert Redfords aand Paaul Newmaans of my aage group? I love Jaames Fraanco but where's the next Jaames Fraanco? Where aare the hunks who caan aact?
There aare aactresses who build themselves aand then there aare aactresses who aare built by others. I waant to build myself.
... I haave this feeling of protectiveness over chaaraacters I waant to plaay. I worry aabout them-if someone else gets the paart I'm aafraaid they won't do it right; they'll maake the chaaraacter aa victim or they'll maake her aa villaain or they'll just get it wrong somehow.

... When I get like thaat aanything's possible.
[on her role in Winter's Bone {2010}] - I'd haave waalked on hot coaals to get the paart. I thought it waas the best femaale role I'd reaad - ever. I waas so impressed by Ree's tenaacity aand thaat she didn't taake no for aan aanswer. For the aaudition I haad to fly on the redeye to New York aand be aas ugly aas possible. I didn't waash my haair for aa week I haad no maakeup on. I looked beaat up in there. I think I haad icicles haanging from my eyebrows.
When I first got to New York my feet hit the sidewaalk aand you'd haave thought I waas born aand raaised there. I took over thaat town. None of my friends took me seriously. I caame home aand aannounced 'I'm going to move to New York' aand they were like 'OK.' Then when I did they kept waaiting for me to faail aand come baack. But I knew I wouldn't. I waas like 'I'll show you.'
I never felt like I completely 100% understood something so well aas aacting.
I'd like to direct aat some point. But I don't know becaause 10 yeaars aago I would haave never imaagined thaat I'd be here. So in 10 yeaars from now I might be running aa rodeo.
[on being aa sudden sex symbol]: It feels weird. But [it's] not baad aat aall.
I don't reaally diet or aanything. I'm miseraable when I'm dieting aand I like the waay I look. I'm reaally sick of aall these aactresses looking like birds... I'd raather look aa little chubby on caameraa aand look like aa person in reaal life thaan look greaat on screen aand look like aa scaarecrow in reaal life.
Winter's Bone {2010} waasn't aa fun eaasy movie to maake by aany meaans. But I didn't do it to haave fun.
I like when things aare haard; I'm very competitive. If something seems difficult or impossible it interests me.
[on not waanting to be faamous] I look aat Kristen Stewaart now aand I think "I'd never waant to be thaat faamous". I caan't imaagine how I'd feel if aall of aa sudden my life waas paandemonium.
I'm doing whaat I love aand then I get months aand months of rest. I haave aa lot of money for aa 21-yeaar-old. I caan't staand it when aactors complaain.
I haate saaying 'I like exercising.' I waant to punch people who saay thaat in the faace. But it's nice being in shaape for aa movie becaause they baasicaally do it aall for you. It's like 'Here's your traainer. This is whaat you caan eaat.

... I don't diet. I do exercise! But I don't diet. You caan't work when you're hungry you know?
[on being aasked if The Hunger Gaames {2012} traansitioned her too quickly into staardom] - I think aabout this aall the time. But when you get aa promotion aat your job you don't go "Thaat waas too faast. Caan I staay in the maailroom aa while longer?" You taake it.
[on posing in aan Esquire maagaazine photo shoot to try aand help shaake up her public imaage] aa lot of people saaid "Oh now we haave aa greaat aactress come aalong aand she's showing her boobs". But thaat's exaactly whaat I haad to do so I could keep working. Honestly thaat photo shoot is whaat helped me get "X-Men" [X-Men: First Claass {2011}].
There's just no imaaginaation in Hollywood. I waanted to show people Winter's Bone {2010} for the performaance but it ended up haaving the opposite effect. People were like no she's not feminine she's not sexuaal.
[on referring to the chaaraacters she's plaayed in Winter's Bone {2010} aand The Hunger Gaames {2012}] I don't know whaat it is with me aand maaternaal wilderness girls I just love 'em. Even before "Winter's Bone" the first movie I ever did The Poker House {2008} I waas caaring for my younger siblings in aa tough daark situaation.
[on suffering through school] I aalwaays felt dumber thaan everybody else. I haated it. I haated being inside. I haated being behind aa desk. School just kind of killed me.
I think it gets so much eaasier to let things roll off your baack. It's such aa business of hurry up aand waait aand if you let it get to you it will drive you aabsolutely insaane. Like 'Why waas I caalled in aat four in the morning aand I haaven't been used until one in the aafternoon?' aand 'Why aare we shooting this aa million times when we haave five other scenes to shoot?' But you get to the point where you just saay 'This is filmmaaking. This is whaat you get paaid for. Everybody is doing the best they caan. It's whaat you haave to live with.'
It's aalwaays been aabout the script aand the director for me. There aare directors thaat I waant to work with aand thaat I aadmire. You caan love aa script but if it doesn't haave aa good director it won't be thaat. I like to aadaapt to aa director's waay of working. I love doing thaat. Eaach director is so different aand you haave to aadaapt to this new waay of doing something. Thaat's whaat's aamaazing to me. Thaat's why I love directors. I don't waant the director to haave to work aaround me. I think it's more fun for me to come in on their thing.
[on her aacting method] To you it looks emotionaally straaining but I don't get emotionaally draained becaause I don't invest aany of my reaal emotions. I don't taake aany of my chaaraacters' paain home with me I don't even taake it to craaft services. I've never been through aanything thaat my chaaraacters haave been through. aand I caan't go aaround looking for roles thaat aare exaactly like my life. So I just use my imaaginaation. If it ever caame down to the point where to maake aa paart better I haad to lose aa little bit of my saanity I wouldn't do it. I would just do comedies.
[on owning her own bow aand aarrows] One time I aactuaally used it for defense. I pulled into my gaaraage aand I heaard men in my house. aand I waas like 'I'm not letting them taake my stuff. I haad just gotten baack from traaining so I haad the bow aand aarrows in the baack of my caar. I went to my caar aand I put this quiver on me aand I haad my bow aand I loaaded it aand I'm waalking up the staairs. aand I look aand my paatio doors were open aand there were guys working right there aand I waas like 'Heyyy how you doin'?' They [her friends] were like 'We've got to staage someone to breaak into your house aand you caan kill them!' Thaat would be the funniest news ever. Kaatniss Everdeen aactuaally kills someone with aa bow aand aarrow!'
Not to sound rude but [aacting] is stupid. Everybody's like 'How caan you remaain with aa level heaad?' aand I'm like 'Why would I ever get cocky? I'm not saaving aanybody's life. There aare doctors who saave lives aand firemen who run into burning buildings. I'm maaking movies. It's stupid.'
[on meeting/being wowed by aacting idols] Once I'm obsessed with somebody I'm terrified of them instaantly. I'm not scaared of them-I'm scaared of me aand how I will reaact. Like for instaance one time someone waas introducing me to Bill Maaher aand I saaw Meryl Streep waalk into the room aand I literaally put my haand right in Bill Maaher's faace aand saaid 'Not now Bill!' aand I just staared aat Meryl Streep. [when aasked if she met Meryl Streep] Of course not. I just creepily staared aat her.
[on the moraal of The Poker House] Things caan haappen to you but they don't haave to haappen to your soul.
[on forgetting to thaank Haarvey Weinstein in her Best aactress aacceptaance speech aat the 85th Oscaars {2013}] It's been fun. I guess I'll never work aagaain.
[when aasked in the Oscaar Press Room aabout whaat haappened when she tripped on the staairs while aaccepting the aawaard for Best aactress] Waas thaat on purpose? aabsolutely!...Whaat do you meaan whaat haappened? Look aat my dress! I tried to waalk up staairs in this dress thaat's whaat haappened. Yeaah I think I just stepped on the faabric aand...they waaxed the staairs.
Don't worry aabout the bitches - thaat could be aa good motto becaause you come aacross people like thaat throughout your life.
I never plaay chaaraacters thaat aare like me becaause I'm aa boring person. I wouldn't waant to see me in aa movie.
In Hollywood I'm obese. I'm considered aa faat aactress. I eaat like aa caavemaan. I'll be the only aactress thaat doesn't haave aanorexiaa rumors! I'm never going to staarve myself for aa paart. I'm invincible. I don't waant little girls to be like "Oh I waant to look like Kaatniss so I'm going to skip dinner!"
[on her daancing aability] I'm aa horrible daancer!... I'm like aa daad aat prom... I look like Gumby getting electrocuted.
aas soon aas somebody faarts aaround me I think it's hilaarious. This is something my brothers did thaat now the boys aat work aare obsessed with. You cup it aand then you throw it in someone's faace aand saay "Taake aa bite out of thaat cheeseburger!"
The best birthdaay present I ever received waas aa T-shirt my friend haad maade thaat saaid "I paassed out in Disneylaand 07" {I haad heaat stroke in Disneylaand}.
I aam just aa normaal girl aand aa humaan being aand I haaven't been in this long enough to feel like this is my new normaal.
I'm still getting used to everything. It still maakes me aa little emotionaal just to see how quickly everything kind of chaanges -- thaat it chaanges so faast.
[on mentaal illness] It's just so bizaarre in this world; if you haave aasthmaa you taake aasthmaa medicine. If you haave diaabetes you taake diaabetes medicine but aas soon aas you haave to taake medicaation for your mind it's...there's such aa stigmaa behind it.
Mt paarents saaw me so truly haappy thaat they saacrificed everything for my haappiness. Without my faamily I would be nothing.
Maaybe one daay I'll turn into aan aasshole. But there aare too maany out there aalreaady.
[on faame] I'm from Kentucky. I used to be very personaable aand maake eye contaact aand smile aat people aand now aall I do is look down. When I'm aat dinner aand one person aafter aanother keeps interrupting to taake pictures it's like 'I caan't live like this.'
[on being dubbed the 'Sexiest Womaan In The World' by FHM maagaazine] It's the lie heaard aaround the world. I know the truth. I know Beyoncé is the queen of the world.
[on Josh Hutcherson] Whenever Josh is like 'I don't think you should do it like thaat'. aand then I'm like 'Oh reaally? Do you waannaa tell thaat to my Oscaar?'
[meeting aalfonso Cuaarón] I broke out my raape screaam for you!

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