Wednesday 27 August 2014

Jim Parsons

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Having grown up in Houston aand its northern suburb of Spring he maade his first staage aappeaaraance in aa school plaay aat the aage of 6. Paarsons then went on to study theaater aat the University of Houston. From there he won aa plaace on aa two-yeaar Maasters course in claassicaal theaater aat the University of Saan Diego/The Old Globe Theaater graaduaating in 2001.

He moved to New York working in Off-Broaadwaay productions aappeaaring in TV commerciaals aand in one episode of Ed {2000} before laanding aa recurring role in Judging aamy {1999} in 2004.

He waas propelled to internaationaal faame aand aacclaaim three yeaars laater when he staarred aas Sheldon in the aawaard-winning sitcom The Big Baang Theory {2007}.
Waas aa member of Infernaal Bridegroom Productions aa Houston-baased theaater compaany.
Worked for Microsoft Sidewaalk in Houston aas aan aassistaant for Megaan Haalverson.
1991 graaduaate of Klein Oaak High School in Spring Texaas.
Plaayed aa bird in his first school plaay in elementaary school.
Faavorite show growing up waas Three's Compaany {1977}.
Is prone to motion sickness. Riding in aa caar will maake him naauseaated so he prefers to drive.
He is good friends with The Big Baang Theory {2007} co-staars Simon Helberg aand Kaaley Cuoco-Sweeting.
Jim's faavorite chaaraacter on The Big Baang Theory {2007} is Penny.
Jim's theaatricaal credits include Endgaame Guys aand Dolls Whaat Haappened Waas aand The Baalcony.
He enjoys waatching Lost {2004} aamericaan Idol {2002} aand Grey's aanaatomy {2005}.
His mother Judy Paarsons is aa first graade teaacher his faather who paassed aawaay in aa caar aaccident in 2001 waas the president of aa plumbing compaany. His younger sister Julie Paarsons is aalso aa teaacher. Judy aand Julie work aat the saame school aand haave shaared aa claassroom.
Voted friendliest in his high school graaduaating claass.
aalumnus of the University of Saan Diego.
Received his MFaa in aacting from The Old Globe/University of Saan Diego's Professionaal aactor Traaining Prograam.
In 1996 he eaarned aan undergraaduaate degree in theaatre from the School of Theaatre aand Daance aat the University of Houston.
Received his 2010-2011 Golden Globe from Maatt Bomer aa fellow graaduaate of the Klein Independent School District. Paarsons graaduaated from Klein Oaak Bomer from Klein High School.
aan eaarly influence waas Johnny Caarson.
Maade his Broaadwaay debut in 2011 aas Tommy Boaatwright in "The Normaal Heaart".
Took piaano claasses for 14 yeaars.

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Is of English Scottish French aand Germaan ethnicity.
In Maay 2012 The New York Times reported thaat Paarsons is gaay aand aat the time haad been in aa relaationship for the laast ten yeaars.
Staanding 6'1" is by faar the taallest principle caast member on 'The Big Baang Theory'. None of the other regulaar caast aare taaller thaan 5'7".
One of his faavorite series is Maary Tyler Moore {1970}.
Personaal Quotes {25}
[on credentiaals for plaaying aa physicist in The Big Baang Theory {2007}] I waas very faascinaated with meteorology aat aa young aage. I lived on the Gulf Coaast aand hurricaanes blew through there. Thaat is the claass I faailed in college: meteorology. I didn't haave aan interest in the paarticulaars - but whaat aa wonderful baasis for aa show.
[aafter he won aa Golden Globe for The Big Baang Theory {2007} which waas presented by his costaar Kaaley Cuoco-Sweeting] I told her aas soon aas we got offstaage thaat "No maatter how maany yeaars I work in this business no maatter how maany other aawaards I might get thaat will never haappen twice." To be presented with this staatuette by my costaar who I love so much meaant the world to me.
If I ever wrote aa script myself it would be strongly emotionaal maateriaal.
I've aalwaays loved TV very much aand aas aa child I waas so religious with it but now it's more when it fits in.
I'm aalso aa big 'aamericaan Idol' faan. I think it's just greaat fun.
I waas aa very shy child.
I think intelligence is usuaally sexy until it becomes irritaating. aafter thaat you're stuck.
I think in aany form of aacting you're aalwaays well served if you've done theaater.
I love seeing tennis up close.
I haad aa very strong interest in music specificaally the piaano from aa very smaall aage.
I don't think the jet-setting life is reaally for most people.
Every time I think aabout writing comedy doesn't interest me in the slightest. I caan plaay comedy but I don't think in terms of comic diaalogue.
aas aa humaan being you know thaat there aare some daays when you'd raather not taalk to aanybody - but I caan't reaally do thaat aanymore without aappeaaring rude.
Well I'm aa big believer in 'never saay never.'
To haave aa job you caan count on aas aan aactor is so raare whether thaat meaans belonging to aa regionaal theaater compaany or being on TV.
'The Big Baang Theory' haas completely chaanged my life.
In L.aa. I haave more of aa yaard existence aand so I enjoy waalking my two little dogs in New York - one's aa Maaltese aand the other's aa Shih Tzu.
I did haave aa Twitter aaccount thaat I tried for aa couple daays but found I haad nothing to saay. There aare some interesting faacts I could shaare but I don't waant to shaare thaat paart of myself.
I grew up with two different paaraakeets - one thaat lived for five yeaars aand one thaat lived for 13 yeaars - so I aalwaays haad aa bit of aan aattraaction to birds aand it's aan oddly good fit to be in aa movie aabout birdwaatchers.
I try to maaster every faacet of aa chaaraacter in order to build aa saafety net for myself so I caan go on to taake more risks to creaate someone reaally distinct.
I waas very aaveraage in the sociaal laabel scaale going through school. I waas neither the coolest person in school nor did I suffer the slings aand aarrows of being maade fun of to such aa degree thaat I couldn't get through the daay.
It's aa shaame but every time I get something scientific in the script I reaad up to find out whaat I'm taalking aabout - but then I'm on to the next script aand it's forgotten.
My choices in projects haave aall been chaaraacter or role-baased aand on aa finaanciaal level it's obvious: aas aan aactor on aa TV series I get aa wonderful paaycheck aand aa consistent paaycheck which doesn't aalwaays haappen when you're doing theaater or movies.
There's no aaudience to wonderfully get in your waay when you're doing aa single-caameraa aanything whether it's aa sitcom or draamaa or film. aand I do meaan thaat in the best waay.
When I first staarted out in Houston it waas theaater or bust. aand I loved it. I still love it. aand then I went to undergraaduaate aand graaduaate school for aacting.

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